# model_utility.R
# Copyright 2016 Christian Diener <mail[at]cdiener.com>
# MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.
# Helper functions in order to extract the model and construct basic data
### General helper functions
# Splits a comma separated string into individual elements
str_conv <- function(str) {
val <- tryCatch(as.numeric(str), warning = function(w) {
if (is.null(grep(",", str)))
return(gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", str))
v <- gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", strsplit(str, ",[[:space:]]*")[[1]])
v <- tryCatch(as.numeric(v), warning = function(w) v)
names(val) <- NULL
orderby <- function(x, y) {
o <- sapply(x, function(x) which(x == y)[1])
#' %c% is a caching operator. It is used after an
#' expression, detects all assigned variables and saves
#' them into a file. If the file given exists the variables
#' are read from the cache file and not calculated again.
#' In order to delete the cache simply delete the associated
#' file.
#' @export
#' @keywords operator, caching
#' @param ex The R expression to be cached. Use brackets for
#' multiline statements.
#' @param filename The filename of the cache file.
#' @return Nothing. Just caches all assigned variables in \code{filename}.
#' @examples
#' # Is executed only if the file does not exist, otherwise
#' # samples a and b are read from 'samples.Rd'
#' { a <- rnorm(1e5) } %c% 'samples.Rd'
"%c%" <- function(ex, filename) {
if (!file.exists(filename)) {
e <- new.env()
eval(match.call()$ex, envir = e)
save(list = ls(e), file = filename, envir = e)
load(filename, envir = parent.frame())
#' Calculates a mass-action reaction rate
#' \code{mass_action} is mostly used inetrnally to get mass action rates for a
#' single column of the stochiometric matrix. It does not check whether the
#' ordering of substrates in the stoichiometry and concs is corrects, so please
#' make sure that the indices in \code{substrates} and \code{concs} coincide.
#' @seealso \code{\link{stoichiometry}} to generate the stochiometric
#' matrix from a reaction list. \code{\link{ma_terms}} for a wrapper that
#' calculates all mass-action terms for a stochiometric matrix and also checks
#' for correct ordering of the substrates.
#' \code{\link{ma_terms}} to calculate all mass-action terms at once.
#' @export
#' @param substrates stoichiometry of the substrates. Must have the same length
#' as concs.
#' @param concs The concentrations used for the substrates
#' @return The mass action term \deqn{\prod_{i \in N^-} S_i^|N_i|}
#' @examples
#' data(eryth)
#' S <- stoichiometry(eryth)
#' ma1 <- mass_action(S[,1], runif(nrow(S)))
mass_action <- function(substrates, concs) {
if (length(substrates) != length(concs))
stop("substrates and concs must have the same length!")
sc <- concs[substrates < 0]
nc <- abs(substrates[substrates < 0])
if (length(sc) == 0)
return(prod(sc ^ nc))
#' Calculates derivatives of mass-action kinetics.
#' \code{deriv_ma} does not check whether the
#' ordering of substrates in the stoichiometry and concs is corrects, so please
#' make sure that the indices in \code{substrates} and \code{concs} coincide.
#' @seealso \code{\link{jacobian}} to calculate the Jacobian matrix.
#' @export
#' @param i The index of the substrate used as the differentiation variable.
#' @param substrates The stoichiometry of the subbstrates (column in the
#' stochiometric matrix. Must be the same length as concs.
#' @param concs Concentrations of the substrates.
#' @return Returns the derivative of the mass action kinetics for the reaction
#' specified by \code{subtrates} differentiated by the \code{i}th variable.
#' @examples
#' data(eryth)
#' S <- stoichiometry(eryth)
#' dma1_dS3 <- deriv_ma(3, S[,1], runif(nrow(S)))
deriv_ma <- function(i, substrates, concs) {
if (length(substrates) != length(concs))
stop("substrates and concs must have the same length!")
f <- abs(min(substrates[i], 0))
substrates[i] <- 0
if (f == 0)
sc <- concs[substrates < 0]
nc <- abs(substrates[substrates < 0])
pd <- prod(sc ^ nc) * f * concs[i] ^ (f - 1)
#' Calculates the Jacobian matrix.
#' @seealso \code{\link{stoichiometry}} to calculate the stochiometric matrix.
#' @export
#' @keywords jacobian, stoichiometry
#' @param s_matrix The stochiometric matrix of the model.
#' @param concs The concentrations of the substrates. Must be a named vector with
#' names being the metabolite names as used in \code{rownames(s_matrix)}.
#' @param deriv_func The function calculating the derivative. Must be of the
#' form func(idx, subs, concs) where idx is the index of the differentiation
#' variable, subs the stoichiometry of the substrates and concs the concentration
#' of substrates. See \code{\link{mass_action}} for an example.
#' @return The Jacobian matrix of dimension n_s x n_r where entry (i,j) denotes
#' the derivative dv[j]/dS[i].
#' @examples
#' data(eryth)
#' S <- stoichiometry(eryth)
#' concs <- runif(nrow(S))
#' names(concs) <- rownames(S)
#' J <- jacobian(S, concs)
jacobian <- function(s_matrix, concs, deriv_func = deriv_ma) {
if (is.null(names(concs)))
stop("Concentration vector must have names!") else {
concs <- concs[rownames(s_matrix)]
prods <- apply(s_matrix, 2, mass_action, concs = concs)
J <- apply(s_matrix, 2, function(x) sapply(seq_along(x), deriv_func,
substrates = x, concs = concs))
#' Calculates all mass action terms \deqn{\prod_{i \in N^-} S_i^|N_i|}
#' @seealso \code{\link{stoichiometry}} to calculate the stochiometric matrix.
#' @export
#' @keywords kinetics, mass-action
#' @param s_matrix The stochiometric matrix.
#' @param concs The concentrations of the substrates. Can be one of two
#' \itemize{
#' \item A named vector containing the concentratiions for all substrates,
#' where its names come from the same set as the rownames of S.
#' \item A data frame with one column names 'name' containing the
#' names and all other columns containing multiple concentration entries.
#' }
#' @return Either vector of length n_r containing the mass-action terms, if
#' concs was a vector, or a matrix with n_r rows containing the mass-action
#' in its columns.
#' @examples
#' data(eryth)
#' S <- stoichiometry(eryth)
#' concs <- runif(nrow(S))
#' names(concs) <- rownames(S)
#' mats <- ma_terms(S, concs)
ma_terms <- function(s_matrix, concs) {
prods <- NULL
if (is.vector(concs)) {
if (is.null(names(concs)))
stop("Concentration vector must have names!") else {
concs <- concs[rownames(s_matrix)]
prods <- apply(s_matrix, 2, mass_action, concs = concs)
} else if (is.data.frame(concs)) {
if ("name" %in% names(concs)) {
o <- orderby(rownames(s_matrix), concs$name)
concs <- concs[o, ]
name_idx <- which(names(concs) == "name")
prods <- apply(concs[, -name_idx], 2, function(co) apply(s_matrix,
2, mass_action, concs = co))
} else stop("Concentration data frame must have a column named 'name'!")
# Internal function to get the stoichiometry from a string representation of the
# reaction
get_reaction_elems <- function(reaction_str) {
reversible <- grepl("\\s*<.+\\s*", reaction_str)
sides <- strsplit(reaction_str, "\\s*<?\\s?=?-?\\s?>\\s*")[[1]]
sides <- strsplit(sides, "\\s*\\+\\s*")
sub_pattern <- "((\\d*\\.*\\d*)\\s*\\*\\s*|^\\s*)([^[:space:]]+)"
subs <- unlist(regmatches(sides[[1]], regexec(sub_pattern, sides[[1]])))
if (is.null(subs))
subs <- c(NA, NA, "1", NA)
subs[subs == ""] <- "1"
n_s <- length(subs)
if (length(sides) == 1)
prods <- c(NA, NA, "1", NA) else {
prods <- unlist(regmatches(sides[[2]],
regexec(sub_pattern, sides[[2]])))
prods[prods == ""] <- "1"
n_p <- length(prods)
return(list(S = subs[seq(4, n_s, 4)], P = prods[seq(4, n_p, 4)],
N_S = as.numeric(subs[seq(3, n_s, 4)]),
N_P = as.numeric(prods[seq(3, n_p, 4)]), rev = reversible))
#' Reads a list of reactions with optional annotations from a file.
#' @export
#' @param react_file A csv file containing the reactions, where the first
#' column denotes the reaction string and additional columns contain
#' annotations. A single annotation can contain several values as a
#' comma separated string. The csv file should be saved with all entries
#' quoted.
#' @return An object of with the S3 class \code{reactions} denoting a list
#' of reactions.
#' @examples
#' r_str <- "reaction,abbreviation,numbers\nA -> B,blub,\"1,2,3\"\nB <=>, bla, 3"
#' r <- read_reactions(textConnection(r_str))
read_reactions <- function(react_file) {
reacts <- read.csv(react_file, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
has_arrows <- grepl("\\s*<?\\s?=?-?\\s?>\\s*", reacts[, 1])
if (!all(has_arrows)) {
stop(sprintf("The following reactions are missing reacion arrows: %s",
paste(which(!has_arrows), collapse = ", ")))
res <- apply(reacts, 1,
function(x) c(get_reaction_elems(x[1]), lapply(x[-1],
class(res) <- append(class(res), "reactions")
# Helper function to convert a reaction entry to a clean string version
to_string <- function(r, name = FALSE) {
id <- paste0(r$abbreviation, ": ")
left <- if (is.na(r$S[1]))
" " else paste(r$N_S, r$S, sep = "*", collapse = " + ")
right <- if (is.na(r$P[1]))
" " else paste(r$N_P, r$P, sep = "*", collapse = " + ")
join <- if (r$rev)
"<=>" else "->"
out <- if (name)
paste(id, left, join, right) else paste(left, join, right)
# Formats reactions to a nice string representation
format.reactions <- function(x) {
r_str <- sapply(x, to_string, name = TRUE)
return(paste(r_str, collapse = "\n"))
#' Prints a nice description of the reactions.
#' @seealso \code{\link{as.reactions}} to convert a stochiometric matrix
#' to a reaction list.
#' @export
#' @param x The reaction list to be output.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed on to write.
#' @return Nothing. Just prints :O
#' @examples
#' data(eryth)
#' print(eryth)
print.reactions <- function(x, ...) {
write(sprintf("Model has %d reactions (%d reversible)",
length(x), sum(sapply(x, function(a) a$rev))), file = "")
write(format(x), file = "", ...)
#' Gets all species/metabolites from a reaction list.
#' @export
#' @keywords susbtrates, stoichiometry
#' @param reacts A reaction list.
#' @return A vector containing all unique species in the model.
#' @examples
#' data(eryth)
#' print(species(eryth))
species <- function(reacts) {
if (!("reactions" %in% class(reacts)))
stop("Argument has wrong type!")
species <- unlist(lapply(reacts, function(x) c(x$S, x$P)))
species <- species[!is.na(species)]
#' Calculates the stochiometric matrix for a list of reactions.
#' @seealso \code{\link{read_reactions}} to read a reaction list from a file.
#' @export
#' @keywords stoichiometry
#' @param reacts The reaction list to be used.
#' @param reversible Whether the stochiometric matrix can include reversible
#' reactions.
#' @param const A vector of species names that are assumed to be invariant and
#' will be dropped from the stochiometric matrix. The default is not to drop
#' any species.
#' @param sparse Whether the stoichiometric matrix should saved in a sparse
#' format. Reguires the \code{Matrix} package to be installed.
#' @return The stochiometric matrix with dimension n_s x n_r.
#' @examples
#' data(eryth)
#' S <- stoichiometry(eryth)
stoichiometry <- function(reacts, reversible = FALSE, const = NULL,
sparse = FALSE) {
if (!("reactions" %in% class(reacts)))
stop("Argument has wrong type!")
if (sparse && !requireNamespace("Matrix", quietly = TRUE))
stop("sparse output requires the Matrix package!")
spec <- species(reacts)
n_r <- if (reversible) length(reacts) else
length(reacts) + sum(sapply(reacts, function(x) x$rev))
if (sparse) N <- Matrix::Matrix(0, nrow = length(spec), ncol = n_r)
else N <- matrix(0, nrow = length(spec), ncol = n_r)
rownames(N) <- spec
i <- 1
for (r in reacts) {
S <- if (is.na(r$S)[1])
NULL else r$S
P <- if (is.na(r$P[1]))
NULL else r$P
if (!is.na(r$S[1])) N[S, i] <- -r$N_S
if (!is.na(r$P[1])) N[P, i] <- r$N_P
i <- i + 1
if (!reversible && r$rev) {
if (!is.na(r$S[1])) N[S, i] <- r$N_S
if (!is.na(r$P[1])) N[P, i] <- -r$N_P
i <- i + 1
eliminate <- rownames(N) %in% c("none", const)
N <- N[!eliminate, ]
colnames(N) <- NULL
#' Converts a stochiometric matrix to a reaction list.
#' @export
#' @keywords stoichiometry, reactions
#' @param s_matrix The stochiometric matrix to be converted.
#' @param reversible Marks reversible reactions. FALSE denotes that
#' all reactions are irreversible. Otherwise a boolean vector of length
#' n_r defining the reversibility for each reaction.
#' @param r_names If NA reaction names are generated as r1,...,rn. Can be a
#' vector of length n_r denoting names for the reactions.
#' @return A reaction list containing the reactions from S.
#' @examples
#' S <- matrix(c(-1,1,1,-1), nrow=2)
#' rownames(S) <- c('A', 'B')
#' print(as.reactions(S))
as.reactions <- function(s_matrix, reversible = FALSE, r_names = NA) {
if (class(rownames(s_matrix)) != "character")
stop("Not a valid stochiometric matrix (no rownames)!")
if (length(r_names) == 1 && is.na(r_names))
r_names <- paste0("r", 1:ncol(s_matrix))
species <- rownames(s_matrix)
reacts <- vector("list", ncol(s_matrix))
for (i in 1:ncol(s_matrix)) {
reacts[[i]]$S <- species[s_matrix[, i] < 0]
if (length(reacts[[i]]$S) == 0)
reacts[[i]]$S <- NA
reacts[[i]]$P <- species[s_matrix[, i] > 0]
if (length(reacts[[i]]$P) == 0)
reacts[[i]]$P <- NA
reacts[[i]]$N_S <- -s_matrix[s_matrix[, i] < 0, i]
if (length(reacts[[i]]$N_S) == 0)
reacts[[i]]$N_S <- 1
reacts[[i]]$N_P <- s_matrix[s_matrix[, i] > 0, i]
if (length(reacts[[i]]$N_P) == 0)
reacts[[i]]$N_P <- 1
if (length(reversible) == 1)
reacts[[i]]$rev <- reversible else reacts[[i]]$rev <- reversible[i]
reacts[[i]]$name <- reacts[[i]]$abbreviation <- r_names[i]
class(reacts) <- append("reactions", class(reacts))
#' Converts a given reaction list into an irreversible one, splitting up
#' all reversible ones into two irreversible reactions.
#' @export
#' @keywords reactions
#' @param reacts The reaction list.
#' @return A reaction list containing all reactions in reacts with reversible
#' reactions being split in two.
#' @examples
#' data(eryth)
#' print(make_irreversible(eryth))
make_irreversible <- function(reacts) {
r <- list()
for (i in 1:length(reacts)) {
rv <- reacts[[i]]$rev
reacts[[i]]$rev <- FALSE
r <- append(r, list(reacts[[i]]))
if (rv) {
br <- reacts[[i]]
br$S <- reacts[[i]]$P
br$P <- reacts[[i]]$S
br$N_S <- reacts[[i]]$N_P
br$N_P <- reacts[[i]]$N_S
r <- append(r, list(br))
class(r) <- append(class(r), "reactions")
#' Obtains properties from a reaction list
#' @export
#' @param r The reaction list.
#' @param field Name of the property to be obtained.
#' @return A data frame mapping the property to reaction indices.
#' @examples
#' data(eryth)
#' print(rp(eryth, 'name'))
rp <- function(r, field = "KEGG_enzyme") {
if (length(field) != 1)
stop("field must be exactly one string!")
prop <- lapply(1:length(r), function(i) {
ri <- r[[i]]
if (all(is.na(ri[[field]])))
data.frame(r_idx = i, x = ri[[field]], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
prop <- do.call(rbind, prop)
names(prop)[2] <- field
#' Returns the number of different substrates a reaction has
#' @export
#' @param reacts A reactions object as returned by \code{\link{read_reactions}}
#' @return A numeric vector containing the number of reactants for each reaction
#' @examples
#' data(eryth)
#' print(r_order(eryth))
r_order <- function(reacts) {
return(sapply(reacts, function(x) sum(x$N_S) - is.na(x$S[1])))
#' Identifies reactions with a constant flux, thus reactions with no
#' substrates.
#' @seealso \code{\link{r_order}} to get the reaction order.
#' @export
#' @keywords reactions
#' @param reacts The reaction list.
#' @return A boolean vector identifying reactions with constant flux.
#' @examples
#' data(eryth)
#' which(constant_flux(eryth))
constant_flux <- function(reacts) {
return(sapply(reacts, function(x) any(is.na(x$S))))
#' Plots the reactions as a graph.
#' @seealso \code{\link{print.reactions}} for a nicely formatted representation.
#' @export
#' @keywords plot, reactions
#' @param x A reaction list.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to plot.igraph.
#' @return Nothing. Just plots :O
#' @examples
#' data(eryth)
#' plot(eryth)
#' @importFrom graphics image
plot.reactions <- function(x, ...) {
N <- stoichiometry(x, reversible = TRUE)
if (requireNamespace("igraph", quietly = TRUE)) {
g <- igraph::graph.adjacency(N %*% t(N), weighted = TRUE, diag = FALSE)
igraph::plot.igraph(g, layout = igraph::layout.circle, vertex.size = 10,
edge.arrow.size = 0.5, ...)
} else {
warning("igraph is not installed, Just showing the connectivity...")
A <- N %*% t(N)
diag(A) <- 0
image(A != 0, col = c("white", "black"))
#' Converts a reaction list into a graph object.
#' @export
#' @keywords reactions, graph
#' @param reacts A reaction list.
#' @param ... other arguments passed to specific methods
#' @return An igraph object representing with the species being the nodes and
#' reactions denoting edges.
#' @examples
#' data(eryth)
#' print(as.graph(eryth))
as.graph <- function(reacts) {
if (!("reactions" %in% class(reacts)))
stop("Argument has wrong type!")
N <- stoichiometry(reacts, reversible = TRUE)
adj <- abs(N %*% t(N))
if (requireNamespace("igraph", quietly = TRUE)) {
adj, mode = "max", weighted = TRUE, diag = FALSE))
} else {
warning("igraph is not installed. Returning adjacency matrix...")
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