#' @noRd
llfree <- function(D, phi, theta) {
Dnorm <- D
Dnorm[D > 0] <- 1
Dnorm[D <= 0] <- -1
phi <- mytc(phi)
phi <- phi[colnames(D), ]
Fmat <- phi%*%theta
Fmat[Fmat == 0] <- -1
notlh <- 1 - sum(abs(D - t(Fmat)))/sum(abs(D + Dnorm))
#' Originally imported from the package 'nem'.
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom e1071 bincombinations
#' @author Florian Markowetz
enumerate.models <- function (x, name = NULL, trans.close = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE) {
if (length(x) == 1) {
n <- as.numeric(x)
if (is.null(name))
name <- letters[seq_len(n)]
else {
n <- length(x)
name <- x
if (n == 1)
stop("nem> choose n>1!")
if (n > 5)
stop(paste0("nem> exhaustive enumeration not ",
"feasible with more than 5 perturbed genes"))
if (n == 5)
cat("nem> this will take a while ... \n")
bc <- e1071::bincombinations(n * (n - 1))
fkt1 <- function(x, n, name) {
M <- diag(n)
M[which(M == 0)] <- x
dimnames(M) <- list(name, name)
if (trans.close)
M <- transitive.closure(M)
models <- apply(bc, 1, fkt1, n, name)
models <- unique(matrix(unlist(models), ncol = n * n, byrow = TRUE))
fkt2 <- function(x, n, name) {
M <- matrix(x, n)
dimnames(M) <- list(name, name)
models <- unlist(apply(models, 1, fkt2, n, name), recursive = FALSE)
if (verbose)
cat("Generated", length(models), "unique models ( out of",
2^(n * (n - 1)), ")\n")
#' Originally imported from the package 'nem'.
#' @noRd
#' @author Holger Froehlich, Cordula Zeller
sampleRndNetwork <- function (Sgenes, scaleFree = TRUE, gamma = 2.5,
maxOutDegree = length(Sgenes),
maxInDegree = length(Sgenes), trans.close = TRUE, DAG = FALSE) {
n = length(Sgenes)
S = diag(n)
maxOutDegree = min(n, maxOutDegree)
degprob = (0:maxOutDegree)^(-gamma)
degprob[1] = 1
degprob = degprob/sum(degprob)
for (i in seq_len(n)) {
if (scaleFree)
outdeg = sample(0:maxOutDegree, 1, prob = degprob)
else outdeg = sample(0:maxOutDegree, 1)
if (outdeg > 0) {
if (!DAG)
idx0 = which(S[i, ] == 0)
else idx0 = which(S[i, ] == 0 & seq_len(n) < i)
if (length(idx0) > 0) {
idx = which(colSums(S[, idx0, drop = FALSE]) <=
if (length(idx) > 0) {
idx = sample(idx0[idx], min(outdeg, length(idx0[idx])),
replace = TRUE)
S[i, idx] = 1
if (trans.close)
S = transitive.closure(S)
diag(S) = 0
colnames(S) = Sgenes
rownames(S) = Sgenes
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom methods is
bigphi <- function(x) {
if (is(x, "mnemsim")) {
resfull <- NULL
for (l in seq_len(length(x$Nem))) {
tmp <- transitive.closure(x$Nem[[l]])
resfull <- cbind(resfull, t(tmp))
} else {
resfull <- NULL
for (l in seq_len(length(x$comp))) {
tmp <- transitive.closure(x$comp[[l]]$phi)
colnames(tmp) <- rownames(tmp) <- seq_len(nrow(tmp))
resfull <- cbind(resfull, t(tmp))
#' @noRd
Kratio <- function(x, y) {
xn <- length(unlist(x$comp, recursive = FALSE))/2
yn <- length(y$Nem)
z <- xn/yn
#' @noRd
uniques <- function(x) {
for (i in seq_len(length(x$comp))) {
x$comp[[i]]$theta <- NULL
y <- length(unique(x$comp))
#' @noRd
mnemh.rec <- function(data, k = 2, logtype = 2, ...) {
tmp <- mnemk(data, ks=seq_len(k), logtype = logtype, ...)
cluster <- apply(getAffinity(tmp$best$probs,
logtype = logtype,
mw = tmp$best$mw), 2, which.max)
if (length(tmp$best$comp) == 1) {
} else {
tmp1 <- NULL
for (i in seq_len(length(tmp$best$comp))) {
if (length(unique(colnames(data[, which(cluster == i)]))) > 1) {
tmp2 <- mnemh.rec(data[, which(cluster == i)],
k=k, logtype=logtype, ...)
} else {
tmp2 <- NULL
tmp1 <- c(tmp1, tmp2)
#' @noRd
random_probs <- function(k, data, full = FALSE, logtype = 2) {
samplefun <- function(n,p) {
x <- sample(c(0.5,1.5), n,
replace = TRUE,
prob = p)
probs <- matrix(log(samplefun(k*ncol(data),
c(0.9, 0.1)))/log(logtype), k,
if (full) {
for (i in seq_len(k)) {
if (i == 1) { next() }
infcells <- which(apply(probs, 2, function(x) {
bad <- FALSE
if (all(is.infinite(x))) {
bad <- TRUE
if (i == k) {
probs[i, infcells] <- log(1)/log(logtype)
} else {
probs[i, infcells] <-
c(1-1/k, 1/k)))/log(logtype)
while(any(apply(probs, 1, function(x) {
bad <- FALSE
if (all(is.infinite(x)) | all(x == 0)) {
bad <- TRUE
}))) {
probs <- matrix(log(samplefun(k*ncol(data),
c(0.9, 0.1)))/log(logtype), k,
if (full) {
for (i in seq_len(k)) {
if (i == 1) { next() }
infcells <- which(apply(probs, 2, function(x) {
bad <- FALSE
if (all(is.infinite(x))) {
bad <- TRUE
if (i == k) {
probs[i, infcells] <- log(1)/log(logtype)
} else {
probs[i, infcells] <-
c(1-1/k, 1/k)))/log(logtype)
#' @noRd
random_probs2 <- function(k, data, full = FALSE, logtype = 2) {
samplefun <- function(n,p) {
x <- sample(c(0.5,1.5), n,
replace = TRUE,
prob = p)
probs <- matrix(0, k, ncol(data))
for (i in seq_len(k)) {
if (i == 1) {
probs[i, ] <- samplefun(ncol(data), c(1-1/k,1/k))
} else {
probs[i, which(probs[i-1, ] == 0)] <-
samplefun(sum(probs[i-1, ] == 0), c(1-1/(k+1-i),1/(k+1-i)))
#' @noRd
sortAdj <- function(res, list = FALSE) {
resmat <- NULL
for (i in seq_len(length(res))) {
if (list) {
resmat <-
} else {
resmat <-
d <- as.matrix(dist(resmat))
dsum <- apply(d, 1, sum)
resorder <- which.max(dsum)
d[resorder, resorder] <- Inf
for (i in 2:length(dsum)) {
resorder <- c(resorder, which.min(d[, resorder[length(resorder)]]))
d[resorder, resorder] <- Inf
res2 <- list()
for (i in seq_len(length(res))) {
res2[[i]] <- res[[resorder[i]]]
return(list(res = res2, order = resorder))
#' @noRd
calcEvopen <- function(res, list = TRUE) {
evopen <- 0
for (i in seq_len(length(res)-1)) {
if (list) {
evopen <- evopen + sum(abs(res[[i]] -
} else {
evopen <- evopen + sum(abs(res[[i]]$adj -
evopen <- -evopen#/(k-1)
#' @noRd
transProb <- function(x, y, lambda = 0.5) {
n <- nrow(x)
exp <- sum(abs(x-y))
enum <- lambda*(1-lambda)^(exp-1)
denom <- 0
ne <- (n*(n-1))
for (i in 0:ne) {
denom <- denom + choose(ne, i)*lambda*(1-lambda)^(i-1)
p <- enum/denom
#' @noRd
fullTransProb <- function(x, ...) {
p <- 1
for (i in seq_len(length(x)-1)) {
p <- p*transProb(x[[i]], x[[i+1]], ...)
#' @noRd
modAdj <- function(adj, D) {
Sgenes <- getSgenes(D)
SgeneN <- getSgeneN(D)
for (i in seq_len(SgeneN)) {
colnames(adj) <- rownames(adj) <- gsub(i, Sgenes[i], colnames(adj))
#' @noRd
getRho <- function(data) {
Sgenes <- getSgenes(data)
Rho <- matrix(0, length(Sgenes), ncol(data))
for (i in seq_len(length(Sgenes))) {
Rho[i, grep(paste0("^", Sgenes[i], "_|_", Sgenes[i],
"$|_", Sgenes[i], "_|^", Sgenes[i], "$"),
colnames(data))] <- 1
rownames(Rho) <- Sgenes
colnames(Rho) <- colnames(data)
Rho <- Rho[naturalsort(rownames(Rho)), ]
#' @noRd
initComps <- function(data, k=2, starts=1, verbose = FALSE, meanet = NULL,
linets = TRUE) {
n <- getSgeneN(data)
init <- list()
for (i in seq_len(starts)) {
init[[i]] <- list()
for (j in seq_len(k)) {
if (linets) {
tmp <- matrix(0, n, n)
tmp[upper.tri(tmp)] <- 1
diag(tmp) <- 1
rownames(tmp) <- colnames(tmp) <- sample(seq_len(n), n)
tmp <- tmp[naturalorder(rownames(tmp)),
} else {
tmp <- sampleRndNetwork(seq_len(n), DAG = TRUE)
init[[i]][[j]] <- tmp
#' @noRd
initps <- function(data, ks, k,
starts = 3,
ksel = c("kmeans", "silhouette", "manhattan")) {
clusters <- list()
multi <- grep("_", colnames(data))
if (length(multi) > 0) {
data2 <- data[, -multi]
} else {
data2 <- data
for (i in seq_len(length(unique(colnames(data2))))) {
if ("cor" %in% ksel) {
d <- (1 - cor(data[, which(colnames(data) %in% i)]))/2
d <- as.dist(d)
} else {
d <- dist(t(data[, which(colnames(data) %in% i)]),
method = ksel[3])
if (length(d) > 1) {
hc <- hclust(d)
clusters[[i]] <- cutree(hc, min(ks[i], length(hc$labels)))
} else {
clusters[[i]] <- 1
probscl <- list()
n <- getSgeneN(data)
count <- 0
llstr <- NULL
resstr <- NULL
counter <- 0
takes <- NULL
takesdone <- NULL
while(count < starts & counter < prod(ks)) {
counter <- counter + 1
tmp <- matrix(0.5, k, ncol(data))
if (ks[1] < k) {
takes <- as.matrix(sample(seq_len(ks[1]), k, replace = TRUE), k, 1)
} else {
takes <- as.matrix(sample(seq_len(ks[1]), k), k, 1)
for (i in 2:length(unique(colnames(data)))) {
if (ks[i] < k) {
takes <- cbind(takes, sample(seq_len(ks[i]), k, replace = TRUE))
} else {
takes <- cbind(takes, sample(seq_len(ks[i]), k))
for (i in seq_len(k)) {
for (j in seq_len(n)) {
tmp[i, which(colnames(data) == j)[
which(clusters[[j]] == takes[i, j])]] <- 1.5
takestmp <- paste(takes, collapse = "")
if (!(takestmp %in% takesdone)) {
count <- count + 1
takesdone <- c(takesdone, takestmp)
probscl[[count]] <- log2(tmp)
#' @noRd
modData <- function(D) {
SgeneN <- getSgeneN(D)
Sgenes <- getSgenes(D)
if (!all(is.numeric(Sgenes))) {
colnamesD <- colnames(D)
for (i in seq_len(SgeneN)) {
colnamesD <- gsub(paste0("^", Sgenes[i], "$"), i, colnamesD)
colnamesD <- gsub(paste0("_", Sgenes[i], "$"),
paste0("_", i), colnamesD)
colnamesD <- gsub(paste0("^", Sgenes[i], "_"),
paste0(i, "_"), colnamesD)
colnamesD <- gsub(paste0("_", Sgenes[i], "_"),
paste0("_", i, "_"), colnamesD)
colnames(D) <- colnamesD
rownames(D) <- as.numeric(seq_len(nrow(D)))
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom cluster silhouette
#' @importFrom stats kmeans
learnk <- function(data, kmax = 10, ksel = c("hc", "silhouette", "cor"),
starts = 10, mono = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) {
ks <- numeric(length(unique(colnames(data))))
lab <- list()
index <- numeric(ncol(data))
for (i in naturalsort(as.numeric(unique(colnames(data))))) {
if (verbose) {
if (sum(colnames(data) %in% i) <= 1) { k <- 1; next() }
if ("cor" %in% ksel) {
d <- (1 - cor(data[, which(colnames(data) %in% i)]))/2
d <- as.dist(d)
} else {
d <- dist(t(data[, which(colnames(data) %in% i)]),
if ("hc" %in% ksel) {
hc <- hclust(d)
ks[i] <- 2
lab[[i]] <- rep(1, sum(colnames(data) %in% i))
if (length(d) > 1) {
silavg <- 0
silavgs <- numeric(length(hc$order)-1)
clusters <- list()
for (j in 2:(length(hc$order)-1)) {
cluster <- cutree(hc, j)
clusters[[j]] <- cluster
if ("BIC" %in% ksel | "AIC" %in% ksel) {
m <- nrow(data)
n <- length(cluster)
k <- length(table(cluster))
D <- log(mean(silhouette(cluster, d)[, 3]))
if ("AIC" %in% ksel) {
silavgs[j] <- 2*m*k - 2*D
} else {
silavgs[j] <- log(n)*m*k - 2*D
if ("silhouette" %in% ksel) {
silavgs[j] <- mean(silhouette(cluster, d)[, 3])
if (verbose) {
if (silavgs[j] < silavgs[(j-1)]) {
if (silavg < silavgs[j]) {
silavg <- silavgs[j]
ks[i] <- j
lab[[i]] <- cluster
index[which(colnames(data) %in% i)] <- lab[[i]]
if ("kmeans" %in% ksel) {
silavg <- 0
silavgs <- numeric(kmax)
clusters <- list()
for (j in seq_len(kmax)) {
if (j == 1) { next() }
if (ncol(as.matrix(d)) <= j) { next() }
kc <- kmeans(d, centers = j, nstart = starts)
if ("BIC" %in% ksel | "AIC" %in% ksel) {
m <- ncol(kc$centers)
n <- length(kc$cluster)
k <- nrow(kc$centers)
D <- kc$tot.withinss
if ("AIC" %in% ksel) {
silavgs[j] <- 2*m*k + D
} else {
silavgs[j] <- log(n)*m*k + D
if ("silhouette" %in% ksel) {
silavgs[j] <- mean(silhouette(kc$cluster, d)[, 3])
if (verbose) {
if (j == 1) {
j2 <- j
} else {
j2 <- j - 1
if (silavgs[j] < silavgs[j] & mono) {
if (silavg < silavgs[j]) {
silavg <- silavgs[j]
ks[i] <- j
lab[[i]] <- kc$cluster
index[which(colnames(data) %in% i)] <- lab[[i]]
k <- min(kmax, max(ks))
return(list(ks = ks, k = k, lab = lab, cluster = index))
#' @noRd
getLL <- function(x, logtype = 2, mw = NULL, data = NULL, complete = FALSE) {
if (is.null(mw)) { mw = rep(1, nrow(x))/nrow(x) }
if (complete) {
Z <- getAffinity(x, logtype = logtype, mw = mw, data = data,
complete = complete)
l <- sum(apply(Z*(x + log(mw)/log(logtype)), 2, sum))
} else {
x <- logtype^x
x <- x*mw
l <- sum(log(rep(1,nrow(x))%*%x)/log(logtype))
#' @noRd
estimateSubtopo <- function(data, fun = which.max) {
if (length(grep("_", colnames(data))) > 0) {
data <- data[, -grep("_", colnames(data))]
effectsums <- effectsds <- matrix(0, nrow(data),
n <- getSgeneN(data)
for (i in seq_len(n)) {
ilen <- length(grep(i, colnames(data)))
if (ilen > 1) {
effectsds[, i] <- apply(data[, grep(i, colnames(data))], 1, sd)
effectsums[, i] <- apply(data[, grep(i, colnames(data))], 1, sum)
} else if (ilen == 1) {
effectsds[, i] <- 1
effectsums[, i] <- data[, grep(i, colnames(data))]
subtopoX <- as.numeric(apply(effectsums/effectsds, 1, fun))
subtopoX[which(is.na(subtopoX) == TRUE)] <- 1
#' @noRd
getProbs <- function(probs, k, data, res, method = "llr", affinity = 0,
converged = 10^-2, subtopoX = NULL, ratio = TRUE,
logtype = 2, mw = NULL, fpfn = fpfn, Rho = NULL,
complete = FALSE, nullcomp = FALSE, marginal = FALSE) {
n <- ncol(res[[1]]$adj)
bestprobs <- probsold <- probs
time0 <- TRUE
count <- 0
if (ncol(data) <= 100) {
max_count <- 100
} else {
max_count <- 10
ll0 <- llold <- -Inf
stop <- FALSE
mw <- apply(getAffinity(probsold, affinity = affinity, norm = TRUE,
mw = mw, logtype = logtype, data = data,
complete = complete), 1, sum)
mw <- mw/sum(mw)
if (any(is.na(mw))) { mw <- rep(1, k)/k }
while((!stop | time0) & count < max_count) {
time0 <- FALSE
probsold <- probs
subtopo0 <- matrix(0, k, nrow(data))
subweights0 <- matrix(0, nrow(data), n+1)
postprobsold <- getAffinity(probsold, affinity = affinity, norm = TRUE,
logtype = logtype, mw = mw, data = data,
complete = complete)
probs0 <- probsold*0
eprobs <- matrix(0, k, nrow(data))
for (i in seq_len(k)) {
if (i == k & nullcomp) {
tmp <- tmp2 <- 0
} else {
adj1 <- mytc(res[[i]]$adj)
if (is.null(Rho)) {
adj1 <- adj1[colnames(data), ]
} else {
adj1 <- t(Rho)%*%adj1
adj1[which(adj1 > 1)] <- 1
adj1 <- cbind(adj1, "0" = 0)
if (is.null(res[[i]]$subtopo)) {
subtopo <- maxCol_row(t(t(data)*postprobsold[i, ])%*%adj1)
} else {
subtopo <- res[[i]]$subtopo
subtopo[which(subtopo == 0)] <- ncol(adj1)
adj2 <- adj1[, subtopo]
if (marginal) {
tmp2 <- llrScore(data, adj1, ratio = ratio)
tmp2 <- logtype^tmp2
tmp2 <- log(rowSums(tmp2))/log(logtype)
if (method %in% "llr") {
tmp <- colSums(data*t(adj2))
probs0[i, ] <- tmp
if (marginal) {
eprobs[i, ] <- tmp2
if (marginal) {
ll0 <- getLL(eprobs, logtype = logtype, mw = mw,
data = data, complete = complete)
} else {
ll0 <- getLL(probs0, logtype = logtype, mw = mw,
data = data, complete = complete)
if (max(ll0) - llold > 0) {
bestprobs <- probs0
probs <- probs0
if (max(ll0) - llold <= converged) {
stop <- TRUE
mw <- apply(getAffinity(probs, affinity = affinity, norm = TRUE,
logtype = logtype, mw = mw, data = data,
complete = complete), 1,
mw <- mw/sum(mw)
llold <- max(ll0)
count <- count + 1
return(list(probs = bestprobs, subtopoX = subtopoX,
mw = mw, ll = llold))
#' @noRd
annotAdj <- function(adj, data) {
Sgenes <- getSgenes(data)
colnames(adj) <- rownames(adj) <- naturalsort(Sgenes)
#' @noRd
nemEst2 <- function(data, maxiter = 100, start = "null",
cut = 0, monoton = TRUE, logtype = 2,
method = "llr",
weights = NULL, fpfn = c(0.1, 0.1), Rho = NULL,
close = TRUE, domean = TRUE, modified = FALSE,
hierarchy = "totaleffect", tree = TRUE, cutlen = 100,
...) {
if (method %in% "disc") {
D <- data
D[which(D == 1)] <- log((1-fpfn[2])/fpfn[1])/log(logtype)
D[which(D == 0)] <- log(fpfn[2]/(1-fpfn[1]))/log(logtype)
method <- "llr"
data <- D
if (!modified) {
data <- modData(data)
if (sum(duplicated(colnames(data)) == TRUE) > 0 &
method %in% "llr" & domean) {
if (!is.null(weights)) {
D <- data
data <- data*rep(weights, rep(nrow(data), ncol(data)))
data2 <- doMean(data, weights = weights, Rho = Rho, logtype = logtype)
data <- D
} else {
data2 <- data
if (is.null(weights)) { weights <- rep(1, ncol(data2)) }
R <- data2[, naturalsort(colnames(data2))]
Rho <- diag(ncol(R))
Sgenes <- getSgenes(R)
phi <- matrix(0, n, n)
rownames(phi) <- colnames(phi) <- Sgenes
R2 <- t(R)%*%R
R2 <- R2 + diag(R2)
E <- apply(R, 2, sum)
E <- phi[order(E, decreasing=TRUE), order(E, decreasing=TRUE)]
E[upper.tri(E)] <- 1
E <- E[naturalsort(rownames(E)), naturalsort(colnames(E))]
llmax <- -Inf
lls <- NULL
for (cut in c(0,seq(min(R2),max(R2),length.out=cutlen))) {
phi[R2 > cut] <- 1
phi[R2 <= cut] <- 0
ll <- scoreAdj(R, phi, weights = weights, dotopo = TRUE,
trans.close = close, Rho = Rho)
theta <- theta2theta(ll$subtopo, phi)
lls <- c(lls,ll)
if (ll > llmax) {
phibest <- phi
thetabest <- theta
llmax <- ll
nem <- list(phi = phibest, theta = thetabest, iter = cutlen,
ll = llbest, lls = lls, num = which.max(lls),
O = E, E = E, phintc = phi)
class(nem) <- "nemEst"
#' @noRd
nemEst <- function(data, maxiter = 100, start = "null",
cut = 0, monoton = TRUE, logtype = 2,
method = "llr",
weights = NULL, fpfn = c(0.1, 0.1), Rho = NULL,
close = TRUE, domean = TRUE, modified = FALSE,
hierarchy = "totaleffect", tree = TRUE, ...) {
if (method %in% "disc") {
D <- data
D[which(D == 1)] <- log((1-fpfn[2])/fpfn[1])/log(logtype)
D[which(D == 0)] <- log(fpfn[2]/(1-fpfn[1]))/log(logtype)
method <- "llr"
data <- D
if (!modified) {
data <- modData(data)
if (sum(duplicated(colnames(data)) == TRUE) > 0 &
method %in% "llr" & domean) {
if (!is.null(weights)) {
D <- data
data <- data*rep(weights, rep(nrow(data), ncol(data)))
data2 <- doMean(data, weights = weights, Rho = Rho, logtype = logtype)
data <- D
} else {
data2 <- data
if (is.null(weights)) { weights <- rep(1, ncol(data2)) }
R <- data2[, naturalsort(colnames(data2))]
Rho <- diag(ncol(R))
N <- rowSums(Rho)
n <- getSgeneN(R)
phibest <- phi <- matrix(0, n, n)
Sgenes <- getSgenes(R)
rownames(phi) <- colnames(phi) <- Sgenes
if (hierarchy == "totaleffect") {
E0 <- apply(t(t(R%*%t(Rho))/N), 2, sum)
phi <- phi[order(E0, decreasing = TRUE), order(E0, decreasing = TRUE)]
phi[upper.tri(phi)] <- 1
phi <- phi[naturalsort(rownames(phi)), naturalsort(colnames(phi))]
E <- phi
} else if (hierarchy == "pairwise.greedy") {
for (i in seq_len(n-1)) {
for (j in (i+1):n) {
pwg <- nem(R[, c(i,j)], logtype = logtype,
weights = weights[c(i,j)], trans.close = close,
domean = FALSE)
phi[i, j] <- pwg$adj[1, 2]
phi[j, i] <- pwg$adj[2, 1]
E0 <- E <- phi
} else {
Rpos <- t(t(R%*%t(Rho))/N)
Rpos[which(Rpos < 0)] <- 0
E0 <- t(Rpos)%*%(R%*%t(Rho))
E <- E0 - t(E0)
parents <- which(E <= 0)
children <- which(E > 0)
E[parents] <- 1
E[children] <- 0
E <- E[naturalorder(rownames(E)), naturalorder(colnames(E))]
phi <- phi[naturalsort(rownames(phi)), naturalsort(colnames(phi))]
if ("full" %in% start) {
phi <- phi
diag(phi) <- 1
} else if ("rand" %in% start) {
phi <- phi*0
diag(phi) <- 1
phi[seq_len(length(phi))] <- sample(c(0,1), length(phi), replace = TRUE)
phi[lower.tri(phi)] <- 0
phi <- phi[sample(seq_len(nrow(phi)), nrow(phi)),
sample(seq_len(nrow(phi)), nrow(phi))]
phi <- phi[naturalsort(rownames(phi)), naturalsort(colnames(phi))]
} else if ("null" %in% start) {
phi <- phi*0
diag(phi) <- 1
} else {
phi <- start
O <- phi*0
iter <- Oold <- 0
lls <- NULL
llbest <- -Inf
stop <- FALSE
while(!stop & iter < maxiter) {
iter <- iter + 1
ll <- scoreAdj(R, phi,
weights = weights, dotopo = TRUE,
trans.close = close, Rho = Rho)
P <- ll$subweights
theta <- theta2theta(ll$subtopo, phi)
ll <- ll$score
Oold <- O
if (ll %in% lls | all(phi == phibest)) {
stop <- TRUE
if (monoton & iter > 1) {
if (ll < lls[length(lls)]) { stop <- TRUE }
if (llbest < ll) {
phibest <- phi
thetabest <- theta
llbest <- ll
numbest <- iter
Obest <- O
lls <- c(lls, ll)
nogenes <- which(apply(theta, 1, sum) == 0)
nozeros <- which(t(P) > 0, arr.ind = TRUE)
nozeros <- nozeros[which(nozeros[, 1] %in% nogenes), ]
theta[nozeros] <- 1
O <- (t(R%*%t(Rho))*weights)%*%t(theta)
cutoff <- cut*max(abs(O))
phi[which(O > cutoff & E == 1)] <- 1
phi[which(O <= cutoff | E == 0)] <- 0
if (close) {
phi <- mytc(phi)
phintc <- phibest
if (close) {
phibest <- mytc(phibest)
ll <- scoreAdj(R, phibest,
weights = weights, dotopo = TRUE,
trans.close = close, Rho = Rho)
P <- ll$subweights
theta <- theta2theta(ll$subtopo, phibest)
llbest <- ll$score
nem <- list(phi = phibest, theta = thetabest, iter = iter,
ll = llbest, lls = lls, num = numbest,
O = Obest, E = E0, phintc = phintc)
class(nem) <- "nemEst"
#' @noRd
doMean <- function(D, weights = NULL, Rho = NULL, logtype = 2) {
man <- FALSE
if (man) {
mD <- matrix(0, nrow(D), length(unique(colnames(D))))
if (!is.null(weights)) {
doodds <- FALSE
if (doodds) {
A <- exp(D)/(1+exp(D))
D <- log(t(t(A)*weights +
(1-weights)*0.5)/t(t(1 - A)*weights +
} else {
D <- D*rep(weights, rep(nrow(D), ncol(D)))
for (i in seq_len(length(unique(colnames(D))))) {
mD[, i] <-
apply(D[, which(colnames(D) %in% unique(colnames(D))[i]),
drop = FALSE], 1, mean)
colnames(mD) <- unique(colnames(D))
} else {
if (!is.null(weights)) {
D <- D*rep(weights, rep(nrow(D), ncol(D)))
if (!is.null(Rho)) {
Rho <- apply(Rho, 2, function(x) {
if (sum(x) > 1) {
x <- x/sum(x)
Rho[is.na(Rho)] <- 0
mD <- D%*%t(Rho)
mD <- mD[, naturalorder(colnames(mD))]
colnames(mD) <- seq_len(ncol(mD))
} else {
global <- TRUE
if (global) {
mD <- t(rowsum(t(D), colnames(D)))/
} else {
mD <- t(rowsum(t(D), colnames(D))/
mD <- mD[, naturalorder(colnames(mD))]
#' @noRd
modules <- function(D, method = "llr", weights = NULL, reduce = FALSE,
start = NULL,
verbose = FALSE, trans.close = TRUE, redSpace = NULL,
subtopo = NULL, ratio = TRUE, parallel = NULL,
prior = NULL, fpfn = c(0.1, 0.1),
modulesize = 4, search = "exhaustive", domean = TRUE,
Rho = NULL, logtype = 2) {
D <- data <- modData(D)
n <- getSgeneN(D)
Sgenes <- getSgenes(D)
if (domean) {
D <- doMean(D, weights = weights, Rho = Rho, logtype = logtype)
weights <- rep(1, ncol(D))
sumdata <- data <- D
} else {
sumdata <- matrix(0, nrow(data), n)
if (!is.null(weights)) {
D <- D*rep(weights, rep(nrow(D), ncol(D)))
weights <- rep(1, ncol(sumdata))
for (i in seq_len(n)) {
sumdata[, i] <-
apply(D[, which(colnames(D) %in% i), drop = FALSE], 1, sum)
colnames(sumdata) <- seq_len(n)
rownames(sumdata) <- rownames(D)
n <- getSgeneN(data)
cordata <- cor(sumdata)
cordata[is.na(cordata)] <- -1
d <- as.dist((1 - cordata)/2)
for (i in 2:n) {
hc <- hclust(d)
hcut <- cutree(hc, i)
if (max(table(hcut)) <= modulesize) {
groups <- table(hcut)
fullnet <- NULL
for (i in seq_len(length(groups))) {
subset <- which(hcut == i)
if (verbose) {
print(paste(c("calculating module", subset), collapse = " "))
if (length(subset) > 1) {
subdata <- data[, which(colnames(data) %in% subset)]
if (is.null(start)) {
start2 <- start
} else {
start2 <- start[which(rownames(start) %in% subset),
which(colnames(start) %in% subset)]
if (!is.null(Rho)) { Rho <- getRho(subdata) }
tmp <- nem(subdata, search = search, method = method,
start = start2,
parallel = parallel, reduce = reduce,
weights = weights[which(colnames(data) %in% subset)],
verbose = verbose,
redSpace = redSpace, trans.close = trans.close,
subtopo = subtopo, prior = prior, ratio = ratio,
domean = FALSE, fpfn = fpfn, Rho = Rho,
logtype = logtype)
if (is.null(fullnet)) {
fullnet <- tmp$adj
} else {
tmpnames <- c(colnames(fullnet), colnames(tmp$adj))
fullnet <-
matrix(0, nrow(fullnet), ncol(tmp$adj))),
cbind(matrix(0, nrow(tmp$adj), ncol(fullnet)),
colnames(fullnet) <- rownames(fullnet) <- as.numeric(tmpnames)
} else {
if (is.null(dim(fullnet))) {
fullnet <- matrix(1, 1, 1)
colnames(fullnet) <- rownames(fullnet) <- subset
} else {
fullnet <- rbind(cbind(fullnet, 0), 0)
colnames(fullnet)[ncol(fullnet)] <-
rownames(fullnet)[nrow(fullnet)] <-
fullnet <- transitive.reduction(fullnet)
fullnet <- fullnet[order(as.numeric(rownames(fullnet))),
#' @noRd
getSgeneN <- function(data) {
Sgenes <- length(unique(unlist(strsplit(colnames(data), "_"))))
#' @noRd
getSgenes <- function(data) {
Sgenes <- naturalsort(unique(unlist(strsplit(colnames(data), "_"))))
#' @noRd
get.rev.tc <-function (Phi) {
Phitr <- transitive.reduction(Phi)
idx = which(Phitr + t(Phitr) == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)
models = list()
nn <- dim(Phi)
if (NROW(idx) > 0) {
for (i in seq_len(NROW(idx))) {
Phinew = Phi
Phinew[idx[i, 1], idx[i, 2]] = 1 - Phinew[idx[i, 1], idx[i, 2]]
Phinew[idx[i, 2], idx[i, 1]] = 1 - Phinew[idx[i, 2], idx[i, 1]]
diag(Phinew) = 1
if (Phinew[idx[i, 1], idx[i, 2]] == 1) {
uv <- idx[i, ]
} else {
uv <- rev(idx[i, ])
Phinew <- mytc(Phinew, uv[1], uv[2])
models[[i]] <- Phinew
#' @noRd
get.ins.fast <- function (Phi, trans.close = TRUE, tree = FALSE) {
idx = which(Phi == 0)
models = list()
nn <- dim(Phi)
if (length(idx) > 0) {
for (i in seq_len(length(idx))) {
uv <- arrayInd(idx[i], nn)
Phinew = Phi
Phinew[idx[i]] = 1
if (trans.close) {
Phinew = mytc(Phinew, uv[1], uv[2])
if (!tree | all(colSums(transitive.reduction(Phinew))<=1)) {
models[[i]] <- Phinew
} else {
models[[i]] <- Phi
#' @noRd
get.del.tc <- function (Phi) {
Phi = Phi - diag(ncol(Phi))
Phi2 <- transitive.reduction(Phi)
idx = which(Phi2 == 1)
models = list()
if (length(idx) > 0) {
for (i in seq_len(length(idx))) {
Phinew = Phi
Phinew[idx[i]] = 0
diag(Phinew) = 1
models[[i]] <- Phinew
#' @noRd
theta2theta <- function(x, y) {
if (is.matrix(x)) {
z <- apply(x, 2, function(x) {
if (max(x) == 0) {
y <- 0
} else {
y <- which.max(x)
} else {
z <- matrix(0, nrow(y), length(x))
z[cbind(x, seq_len(ncol(z)))] <- 1
rownames(z) <- seq_len(nrow(z))
colnames(z) <- seq_len(ncol(z))
#' @noRd
adj2dnf <- function(A) {
dnf <- NULL
for (i in seq_len(ncol(A))) {
for (j in seq_len(nrow(A))) {
if (A[i, j] > 0) {
dnf <- c(dnf, paste(colnames(A)[i], rownames(A)[j], sep = "="))
if (A[i, j] < 0) {
dnf <- c(dnf, paste("!", colnames(A)[i], "=",
rownames(A)[j], sep = ""))
dnf <- unique(dnf)
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom methods new
plot.adj <- function(x, ...) {
adj2graph <- function(adj.matrix) {
V <- rownames(adj.matrix)
edL <- vector("list", length=nrow(adj.matrix))
names(edL) <- V
for (i in seq_len(nrow(adj.matrix))) {
edL[[i]] <- list(edges=which(!adj.matrix[i,]==0),
gR <- new("graphNEL",nodes=V,edgeL=edL,edgemode="directed")
g <- adj2graph(x)
#' @noRd
graph2adj <- function(gR) {
adj.matrix <- matrix(0,
rownames(adj.matrix) <- nodes(gR)
colnames(adj.matrix) <- nodes(gR)
for (i in seq_len(length(nodes(gR)))) {
adj.matrix[nodes(gR)[i],adj(gR,nodes(gR)[i])[[1]]] <- 1
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom flexclust dist2
#' @import Rcpp
#' @import RcppEigen
llrScore <- function(data, adj, weights = NULL, ratio = TRUE) {
if (is.null(weights)) {
weights <- rep(1, ncol(data))
if (ratio) {
score <- eigenMapMatMult(data, adj*weights)
} else {
if (max(data) == 1) {
score <- -dist2(data, t(adj)*weights)
} else {
score <- -dist2(data, t((adj*mean(data))*weights))
#' @noRd
adj2dnf <- function(A) {
dnf <- NULL
for (i in seq_len(ncol(A))) {
dnf <- c(dnf, rownames(A))
for (j in seq_len(nrow(A))) {
if (A[i, j] == 1) {
dnf <- c(dnf, paste(colnames(A)[i], rownames(A)[j], sep = "="))
if (A[i, j] == -1) {
dnf <- c(dnf, paste("!", colnames(A)[i], "=", rownames(A)[j],
sep = ""))
dnf <- unique(dnf)
#' @noRd
#' @useDynLib mnem
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
mytc <- function(x, u = NULL, v = NULL) {
diag(x) <- 1
if (is.null(u) | is.null(v)) {
y <- matrix(transClose_W(x), nrow(x), ncol(x))
} else {
if (x[u,v] == 1) {
y <- matrix(transClose_Ins(x, u, v), nrow(x), ncol(x))
if (x[u,v] == 0) {
y <- matrix(transClose_Del(x, u, v), nrow(x), ncol(x))
y[which(y != 0)] <- 1
rownames(y) <- rownames(x)
colnames(y) <- colnames(x)
#' @noRd
simulateDnf <- function(dnf, stimuli = NULL, inhibitors = NULL) {
getStateDnf <- function(node, signalStates, graph, children = NULL) {
graphCut <- graph[grep(paste("=", node, "$", sep = ""), graph)]
if (length(graphCut) == 0) {
signalStates[, node] <- 0
} else {
sop <- numeric(nrow(signalStates))
children2 <- gsub("!", "", children)
for (i in graphCut) {
parents <- gsub("=.*$", "", unlist(strsplit(i, "\\+")))
pob <- rep(1, nrow(signalStates))
for (j in parents) {
j2 <- gsub("!", "", j)
if (sum(is.na(signalStates[, j2]) == TRUE) ==
length(signalStates[, j2])) {
if (j %in% j2) {
node2 <- node
add1 <- 0
} else {
node2 <- paste("!", node, sep = "")
add1 <- 1
if (j2 %in% children2) {
subGraph <- graph[
-grep(paste(".*=", node, "|.*",
j2, ".*=.*", sep = ""), graph)]
signalStatesTmp <- getStateDnf(
node = j2,
signalStates = signalStates,
graph = subGraph,
children = NULL)
ifa <- children[
which(children2 %in% j2):length(children2)]
ifb <- (length(grep("!", ifa)) + add1)/2
ifc <- children[
which(children2 %in% j2):length(children2)]
if (ifb != ceiling((length(grep("!", ifc)) +
add1)/2)) {
} else {
if (add1 == 0) {
pobMult <- signalStatesTmp[, j2]
} else {
pobMult <- add1 - signalStatesTmp[, j2]
} else {
signalStates <-
getStateDnf(node = j2,
signalStates = signalStates,
graph = graph,
children = unique(c(children,
if (add1 == 0) {
pobMult <- signalStates[, j2]
} else {
pobMult <- add1 - signalStates[, j2]
pob <- pob*pobMult
} else {
if (j %in% j2) {
add1 <- 0
} else {
add1 <- 1
if (add1 == 0) {
pobMult <- signalStates[, j2]
} else {
pobMult <- add1 - signalStates[, j2]
pob <- pob*pobMult
if (max(pob, na.rm = TRUE) == 0) { break() }
sop <- sop + pob
if (min(sop, na.rm = TRUE) > 0) { break() }
sop[sop > 0] <- 1
if (node %in% inhibitors) {
sop <- sop*0
if (node %in% stimuli) {
sop <- max(sop, 1)
signalStates[, node] <- sop
signals <-
unique(gsub("!", "",
unlist(strsplit(dnf, "=")), "\\+"))))
graph <- dnf
signalStates <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = length(signals))
rownames(signalStates) <- paste(c("stimuli:", stimuli, "inhibitors:",
inhibitors), collapse = " ")
colnames(signalStates) <- signals
signalStates[which(signals %in% stimuli)] <- 1
for (k in signals) {
if (is.na(signalStates[, k]) == TRUE) {
signalStates <- getStateDnf(node = k, signalStates = signalStates,
graph = graph, children = NULL)
namestmp <- colnames(signalStates)
signalStates <- as.vector(signalStates)
names(signalStates) <- namestmp
return(signalStates = signalStates)
#' @noRd
dnf2adj <- function(dnf) {
nodes <- unique(sort(unlist(strsplit(dnf,"="))))
adj <- matrix(0,length(nodes),length(nodes))
rownames(adj) <- colnames(adj) <- nodes
for (i in dnf) {
nodes <- unlist(strsplit(i,"="))
adj[nodes[1],nodes[2]] <- adj[nodes[1],nodes[2]] + 1
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom graphics abline
addgrid <- function(x = c(0,1,0.1), y = c(0,1,0.1), lty = 2,
col = rgb(0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5)) {
abline(h=seq(x[1], x[2], x[3]), col = col, lty = lty)
abline(v=seq(y[1], y[2], y[3]), col = col, lty = lty)
#' MCMC function
#' @param Nems number of components for the mixture to be inferred
#' @param Sgenes number of Sgenes in the data set
#' @param data data matrix with non-unique column names (corresponding to
#' the Sgenes) for the cells indexing the columns and the Egenes indexing
#' the rows. The modData function is not applied within the MCMC function,
#' but in the mnem function that wraps around it.
#' @param stop_counter number of iterations for algorithm runtime
#' @param burn_in number of iterations to be discarded prior to analyzing
#' the posterior distribution
#' @param probs matrix with initial cell probabilities if available
#' @param starts how many times the MCMC is restarted for the same data
#' set
#' @param Hastings if set to TRUE, the Hastings ratio is calculated
#' @param Initialize if set to "random", the initial Phi has edges added
#' by sampling from a uniform distribution. If set to "empty", the initial
#' Phi is empty
#' @param NodeSwitching if set to TRUE, node switching is allowed as a move,
#' additional to the edge moves
#' @param EM_NEM if set to TRUE, the EM and NEM are each run 10 times to
#' infer the network mixture and the resulting lilelihoods saved to compare
#' them to the MCMC
#' @param post_gaps can be set to 1, 10 or 100. Determines after how many
#' iterations the next Phi mixture is added to the Phi edge Frequency tracker
#' @param penalized if set to TRUE, the penalized likelihood will be used.
#' Per default this is FALSE, since no component learning is involved and
#' sparcity is hence not enforced
#' @param logtype log base of the data
#' @param marginal logical to compute the marginal likelihood (TRUE)
#' @param complete if TRUE, complete data log likelihood is considered (for
#' very large data sets, e.g. 1000 cells and 1000 E-genes)
#' @param accept_range the random probability the acceptance probability
#' is compared to (default: 1)
#' @author Viktoria Brunner
#' @noRd
#' @return object of class mcmc
MCMC <- function(Nems=2, Sgenes=5, data, stop_counter=30000, burn_in=10000,
probs=NULL, starts=3, Hastings=TRUE, Initialize="random",
phi = NULL, NodeSwitching=TRUE, EM_NEM=TRUE, post_gaps=10,
penalized=FALSE, logtype = 2, marginal = FALSE,
complete = FALSE, accept_range = 1){
if (burn_in >= stop_counter) {
burn_in <- floor(0.1*stop_counter)
if (!is.null(phi)) {
Initialize <- 'prior'
starts <- length(phi)
k <- Nems
n <- Sgenes
#initialize saving entities (outside loop)
ll_track <- list()
mw_track <- list()
ll_best_timer_saved <- list()
ll_best_vector_saved <- list()
switch_counter_saved <- list()
Phi_track_saved <- list()
Phi_best_saved <- list()
for (i in 1:starts){
Phi_track_saved[[i]] <- list()
Phi_best_saved[[i]] <- list()
run <- 0
max.len <- 0
for (s in 1:starts){
if (!is.null(phi[[s]])) {
k <- length(phi[[s]])
# set convergence criteria
counter <- 0
counter_accept <- 0
stop <- FALSE
ll_tracker <- mw_tracker <- rep(0,stop_counter)
ll_time <- mw_time <- c(1:(length(ll_tracker)))
ll_best_vector <- vector()
ll_best_timer <- vector()
accept <- FALSE
run <- run+1
accept_min <- seq(1,k,1)
switch_counter <- vector()
#Initialize mw as uniform and probs as empty if not given otherwise
if (is.null(probs)){
probs <- matrix(0, k, ncol(data))
mw_old <- rep(1/k, k)
#Initialize Phi
Topology <- list()
for (i in 1:k){
Topology[[i]] <- list()
if (Initialize == 'networks'){
tmp <- matrix(sample(0:1, n*n, replace=TRUE), n, n)
rownames(tmp) <- colnames(tmp) <- sample(seq_len(n), n)
tmp[lower.tri(tmp)] <- 0
tmp <- tmp[naturalorder(rownames(tmp)),
Topology[[i]]$adj <- tmp
} else if (Initialize == 'empty') {
Topology[[i]]$adj <- matrix(0, n , n, dimnames=dimnames)
} else if (Initialize == 'prior') {
Topology[[i]]$adj <- phi[[s]][[i]]
data1 <- t(t(data)*getAffinity(probs, mw = mw_old,
complete = FALSE)[i,])
P <- cbind(0,data1%*%t(getRho(data1))%*%transitive.closure(
Topology[[i]]$subtopo <- max.col(P)-1
thetarand <- TRUE
probs <- getProbs(probs, k=k, data=data, mw=mw_old, res=Topology,
complete = complete, marginal = marginal)
ll_old <- ll_best <- probs$ll
probs <- probs_best <- probs$probs
#penalized ll
if (penalized==TRUE){
s <- 0
for (i in 1:k){
theta <- theta2theta(Topology[[i]]$subtopo,Topology[[i]]$adj)
s <- s+sum(Topology[[i]]$adj)+sum(theta)+k-1
ll_old <- ll_best <- (log(n)*s)-2*(getLL(probs, mw=mw_old,
complete = complete))
#initialize Phi
Phi_best <- list()
old_Phi <- list()
norm_post <- list()
for (i in 1:k){
Phi_best[[i]] <- matrix(0, n , n, dimnames=dimnames)
#initialize Phi edge frequency trackers
Phi_track <- Phi_track_N <- Phi_best
#start MCMC
while (!stop){
accept <- FALSE
#sample component to change
which_k <- sample(1:k,1) # different distribution?
#change Phi in component by edge reversal/ adding/ removing or node
Phi_new <- Topology[[which_k]]$adj
#prevent cycle by calculating transitively closed of old matrix and
#its inverse and omit them from edge sampling
closed_Phi <- transitive.closure(Phi_new)
closed_trans_Phi <- closed_Phi + t(closed_Phi)
closed_trans_Phi[which(closed_trans_Phi != 0)] <- 1
omit_edge <- which(closed_trans_Phi != Phi_new)
omit_length <- length(Phi_new)-length(omit_edge)
prob_vector <- rep(1/omit_length, length(Phi_new))
prob_vector[omit_edge] <- 0
#calulate move probabilities
node_switch <- choose(n, 2)
prob_switch <- node_switch/(node_switch + omit_length)
action <- c("node","edge")
do <- sample(action, size=1, prob=c(prob_switch, 1-prob_switch))
#node switching
if (do=="node" && NodeSwitching==TRUE){
prob <- rep(1/node_switch, n)
nodes <- seq(1, n, 1)
do <- sample(nodes, size=2, prob=prob)
Phi_new[c(do[1],do[2]),] <- Phi_new[c(do[2],do[1]),]
Phi_new[,c(do[1],do[2])] <- Phi_new[,c(do[2],do[1])]
#edge sampling: sample edge w/o the omitted ones
Phi_sample <- Phi_new
names(Phi_sample) <- seq_along(Phi_sample)
edge <- as.numeric(names(sample(x=Phi_sample, size=1,
##check for existing edge
curr_edge <- Topology[[which_k]]$adj[edge]
##change respective edge in Phi
if (curr_edge==0){
} else{
if (action==1){
} else{
#calculate Hastings ratio if desired
if (Hastings){
if (NodeSwitching==FALSE) { node_switch <- 0 }
hastings_X_Y <- 1/(omit_length+node_switch)
closed_Phi <- transitive.closure(Phi_new)
closed_trans_Phi <- closed_Phi + t(closed_Phi)
closed_trans_Phi[which(closed_trans_Phi != 0)] <- 1
omit_edge <- which(closed_trans_Phi != Phi_new)
omit_length <- length(Phi_new)-length(omit_edge)
hastings_Y_X <- 1/(omit_length+node_switch)
#insert Phi into new test list
Topology_test <- Topology
Topology_test[[which_k]]$adj <- Phi_new
#Calculate MAP for Theta
for (i in 1:k){
data1 <- t(t(data)*getAffinity(probs, mw = mw_old,
complete = complete)[i,]) # daten R_k
P <- cbind(0,data1%*%t(getRho(data1))%*%transitive.closure(
Theta[[i]] <- max.col(P)-1
Topology_test[[i]]$subtopo <- Theta[[i]]
#Calculate new probabilities based on new Phi and Theta in test list
probs_new <- getProbs(probs, k=k, data=data, res=Topology_test,
mw = mw_old, complete = complete, marginal = marginal)
#extract new mixture likelihood
if (penalized==TRUE){
s <- 0
for (i in 1:k){
theta <- theta2theta(
ll_new <- (log(n)*s)-2*(getLL(probs_new$probs, mw=mw_old,
complete = complete))
} else {
ll_new <- probs_new$ll
#calculate metropolis ratio of mixture likelihood's
Metr_ratio <- logtype^(ll_new - ll_old)
if (Hastings){
Hastings_ratio <- hastings_X_Y/hastings_Y_X
} else{
Hastings_ratio <- 1
#Set acceptance probability of new mixture
Acceptance_prob <- min(Metr_ratio*Hastings_ratio, 1)
#for penalized likelihood: (what is going on here?)
if (penalized==TRUE){
if (ll_new>0){
Acceptance_prob <- 0
if (Acceptance_prob > (runif(1, 0, accept_range))){
accept <- TRUE
counter_accept <- counter_accept +1
Topology <- Topology_test
#test if new likelihood better than old
if ((ll_new>ll_best&penalized==FALSE) |
(ll_new<ll_best&penalized==TRUE)) {
ll_best <- ll_new
ll_best_vector <- append(ll_best_vector, ll_new)
ll_best_timer <- append(ll_best_timer, counter)
#remember best Phi
for (i in 1:k){
Phi_best[[i]] <- Topology[[i]]$adj
old_Phi[[i]] <- Topology[[i]]$adj
probs_best <- probs_new
} else {
#for Phi counter: remember old Phi for hd calculation
for (i in 1:k){
old_Phi[[i]] <- Topology[[i]]$adj
ll_old <- ll_new
mw_old <- probs_new$mw
probs <- probs_new$probs
#tracking of Phi's
if (counter>burn_in){
# if new Phi accepted, calculate NORM of topology and topology_test
# matrices and add new matrix to most similar old matrix
dimnames <- dimnames<-list(1:k,1:k)
hd <- matrix(0, k , k, dimnames=dimnames)
for (i in 1:k){
for (j in 1:k){
if (i == j) { next() }
if (Phi_track[[i]][1,1]!=0){
hd[i,j] <- norm((Phi_track[[i]]/Phi_track[[i]][1,1])-
type = "2")
} else{
hd[i,j] <- norm(Phi_track[[i]]-transitive.closure(
Topology[[j]]$adj), type = "2")
#choose which new phi is added to which old phi -> only accept
#if unambigous
hd <- as.data.frame(hd)
minHd <- apply( hd, 1, which.min)
if (sum(duplicated(minHd)) == FALSE){
#keep track of component switches
if (sum(accept_min != minHd)!=FALSE) {
switch_counter <- append(switch_counter, counter)
accept_min <- minHd
#add up matrices
for (i in 1:k){
Phi_track[[i]] <- Phi_track[[i]] + transitive.closure(
if (counter_accept%%post_gaps == 0){
Phi_track_N[[i]] <- Phi_track_N[[i]] + transitive.closure(
counter <- counter+1
#stop MCMC
if (counter==stop_counter) {
stop <- TRUE
ll_tracker[[counter]] <- ll_old
mw_tracker[[counter]] <- mw_old[[1]]
#save likelihood evolution for trace plot
ll_track[[run]] <- ll_tracker
#save data for mw_tracking
mw_track[[run]] <- mw_tracker
#save component switching
switch_counter_saved[[run]] <- switch_counter
#save ll_best from current run
ll_best_timer_saved[[run]]<- ll_best_timer
ll_best_vector_saved[[run]] <- ll_best_vector
max.len <- max(max.len, ll_best_timer_saved[[run]])
#save Phi_freq/ posterior and best_Phi
for (i in 1:k){
Phi_track_saved[[run]][[i]]$all <- Phi_track[[i]]
Phi_track_saved[[run]][[i]]$N <- Phi_track_N[[i]]
Phi_best_saved[[run]][[i]] <- Phi_best[[i]]
#choose Phi frequency matrix (1, 10, 100)
#choose which posterior to use (gap size of saved Phi's)
norm_post[[i]] <- Phi_track_N[[i]]/(Phi_track_N[[1]][1,1])
bin_post <- norm_post
bin_post[[i]][bin_post[[i]] <= 0.5] <- 0
bin_post[[i]][bin_post[[i]] > 0.5] <- 1
#create object to return from mcmc
mcmc <- list()
mcmc$trace_time <- seq(1:stop_counter)
mcmc$trace <- list()
mcmc$trace_mw <- list()
mcmc$comp_switches <- list()
mcmc$best_ll <- list()
mcmc$best_ll_time <- list()
mcmc$posterior <- list()
mcmc$best_phi <- list()
for (i in 1:starts){
mcmc$trace[[i]] <- ll_track[[i]]
mcmc$trace_mw[[i]] <- mw_track[[i]]
mcmc$comp_switches[[i]] <- switch_counter_saved[[i]]
mcmc$best_ll[[i]] <- ll_best_vector_saved[[i]]
mcmc$best_ll_time[[i]] <- ll_best_timer_saved[[i]]
mcmc$best_ll_length <- max.len
mcmc$posterior[[i]] <- Phi_track_saved[[i]]
mcmc$best_phi[[i]] <- Phi_best_saved[[i]]
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