#' @include generics.R
#' @include Classes.R
#' Find marker based on DEsingle method
#' Find marker based on DEsingle method
#' @param object input IRISFGM object
#' @param SimpleResult marker gene only output log fold change (LFC), p-value, and adjusted p-value.
#' @param FDR a number to specify the threshold of FDR, default by 0.05
#' @name FindMarker
#' @importFrom DEsingle DEsingle DEtype
.findMarker <- function(object, SimpleResult = TRUE, FDR = 0.05) {
# two group number as factor.
message("select condition to compare")
message(paste0(c(seq_len(ncol(object@MetaInfo))), " : ", c(colnames(object@MetaInfo)), "\n"))
ident.index <- readline(prompt = "select index of cell condition: ")
ident.index <- as.numeric(ident.index)
tmp.ident <- object@MetaInfo[, ident.index]
names(tmp.ident) <- rownames(object@MetaInfo)
label.used <- colnames(object@MetaInfo)[ident.index]
# create index table
tmp.group.table <- data.frame(index = seq_len(length(unique(tmp.ident))), condition = as.character(sort(unique(tmp.ident))), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
tmp.group.table <- rbind(tmp.group.table, c(nrow(tmp.group.table) + 1, "rest of all"))
# select groups to compare
message("select index (left) of first group to compare : ")
message(paste0(tmp.group.table$index[seq_len(nrow(tmp.group.table)) - 1], " : ", tmp.group.table$condition[seq_len(nrow(tmp.group.table)) - 1], "\n"))
group.1.idx <- readline("input first group index : ")
message("select index (left) of second group to compare : ")
message(paste0(tmp.group.table$index[tmp.group.table$index != group.1.idx], " : ", tmp.group.table$condition[tmp.group.table$index != group.1.idx], "\n"))
group.2.idx <- readline(prompt = "select index of group 2: ")
group.1 <- tmp.group.table[tmp.group.table$index == group.1.idx, 2]
group.2 <- tmp.group.table[tmp.group.table$index == group.2.idx, 2]
tmp.expression.table <- object@LTMG@LTMG_discrete
if (group.2 == "rest of all") {
new.condition <- as.character(tmp.ident)
# set group in new condition
new.condition[tmp.ident == group.1] <- group.1
new.condition[tmp.ident != group.1] <- "all"
results <- DEsingle(counts = tmp.expression.table, group = as.factor(new.condition))
} else {
new.condition <- vector(mode = "logical", length = length(tmp.ident))
new.condition[tmp.ident == group.1] <- "TRUE"
new.condition[tmp.ident == group.2] <- "TRUE"
tmp.new.condition <- as.factor(as.character(tmp.ident)[new.condition == "TRUE"])
tmp.expression.table <- tmp.expression.table[, new.condition == "TRUE"]
results <- DEsingle(counts = tmp.expression.table, group = as.factor(tmp.new.condition))
results.classified <- DEtype(results = results, threshold = FDR)
if (SimpleResult == TRUE) {
gene.name <- rownames(results.classified)
results.classified <- cbind(log(results.classified$foldChange), results.classified$pvalue, results.classified$pvalue.adj.FDR)
colnames(results.classified) <- c("LFC", "pval", "pvalue.adj.FDR")
rownames(results.classified) <- gene.name
results.classified <- as.data.frame(results.classified)
results.classified <- results.classified[results.classified$pvalue.adj.FDR < FDR, ]
if (grepl("MC", label.used, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
object@BiCluster@MarkerGene <- results.classified
} else {
object@LTMG@MarkerGene <- results.classified
#' @rdname FindMarker
#' @export
setMethod("FindMarker", "IRISFGM", .findMarker)
#' This function is for finding global marker
#' FindGlobalMarkers is based on Seurat FindAllMarkers and the data from Tmp.seurat slots.
#' @param object input IRIS-FGM object
#' @param idents choose an idents for labelling cells
#' @param logfc.threshold Limit testing to genes which show, on average, at least X-fold difference (log-scale) between the two groups of cells. Default is 0.25 Increasing logfc.threshold speeds up the function, but can miss weaker signals.
#' @param test.use same as \code{\link{FindAllMarkers}}
#' @param only.pos keep postive result
#' @param random.seed set seed for reproducibility
#' @param min.pct only test genes that are detected in a minimum fraction of min.pct cells in either of the two populations. Meant to speed up the function by not testing genes that are very infrequently expressed. Default is 0.1
#' @name FindGlobalMarkers
#' @return Output is a differentially expressed gene list
#' @importFrom Seurat Idents FindAllMarkers AddMetaData Idents<-
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' Global_marker <- FindGlobalMarkers(object,
#' idents = "Seurat0.6",
#' logfc.threshold = 0.25,
#' test.use = "wilcox"
#' )}
.findglobalMarkers <- function(object = NULL, idents = NULL, logfc.threshold = 0.25, test.use = "wilcox", only.pos = TRUE, random.seed = 1, min.pct = 0.1) {
tmp.seurat <- object@LTMG@Tmp.seurat
tmp.seurat <- AddMetaData(tmp.seurat, metadata = object@MetaInfo)
if (is.null(idents)){
unwanted_lab <- which(colnames(object@MetaInfo) %in% c("Original","ncount_RNA","nFeature"))
wanted_lab <- colnames(object@MetaInfo)[c(-unwanted_lab)]
stop(paste0("\nDo not provide idents! ","\nPlease choose from here:\n", paste0(wanted_lab, collapse = ",")))
if (!idents %in% colnames(object@MetaInfo)) {
unwanted_lab <- which(colnames(object@MetaInfo) %in% c("Original","ncount_RNA","nFeature"))
wanted_lab <- colnames(object@MetaInfo)[c(-unwanted_lab)]
stop(paste0("\nCannot find idents: ", idents, ".", "\nPlease choose from here:\n", paste0(wanted_lab, collapse = ",")))
Idents(tmp.seurat) <- idents
tmp.all.marker <- FindAllMarkers(tmp.seurat, logfc.threshold = logfc.threshold, test.use = test.use, only.pos = only.pos, random.seed = random.seed, min.pct = min.pct)
#' @rdname FindGlobalMarkers
#' @export
setMethod("FindGlobalMarkers", "IRISFGM", .findglobalMarkers)
#' PlotMarkerHeatmap will visualize global marker
#' This function will generate global marker gene heatmap
#' @param Globalmarkers output from FindGlobalMarkers
#' @param object input IRISFGM object
#' @param top.gene this number of genes will be used for generating heatmap
#' @param p.adj adjusted pvalue cutoff for gene selection threshold
#' @param idents set current idents
#' @param scale character indicating if the values should be centered and scaled in either the row direction or the column direction, or none. The default is "row" if symm false, and "none" otherwise.
#' @param label.size Number to decide label size
#' @return heatmap
#' @name PlotMarkerHeatmap
#' @export
#' @import colorspace Polychrome
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' markers <- FindGlobalMarkers(Global_marker,
#' object = object,
#' idents = "Seurat0.6",
#' top.gene = 50,
#' scale = "row")
#' }
PlotMarkerHeatmap <- function(Globalmarkers = NULL, object = NULL,idents = NULL, top.gene = 50, p.adj = 0.05, scale = "row",label.size = 1) {
marker.list <- Globalmarkers
marker.list <- marker.list[marker.list$p_val_adj < p.adj, ]
marker.cluster.index <- as.data.frame(cbind(index = seq_len(length(unique(marker.list$cluster))), cluster = unique(as.character(marker.list$cluster))), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
sub.marker.list <- c()
for (i in seq_len(length(unique(marker.list$cluster)))) {
tmp.cluster <- marker.cluster.index$cluster[marker.cluster.index$index == i]
tmp.marker.list <- marker.list[marker.list$cluster == tmp.cluster, ]
tmp.marker.list <- tmp.marker.list[seq_len(top.gene), ]
sub.marker.list <- rbind(sub.marker.list, tmp.marker.list)
if (is.null(idents)){
unwanted_lab <- which(colnames(object@MetaInfo) %in% c("Original","ncount_RNA","nFeature"))
wanted_lab <- colnames(object@MetaInfo)[c(-unwanted_lab)]
stop(paste0("\nDo not provide idents! ","\nPlease choose from here:\n", paste0(wanted_lab, collapse = ",")))
if (!idents %in% colnames(object@MetaInfo)) {
unwanted_lab <- which(colnames(object@MetaInfo) %in% c("Original","ncount_RNA","nFeature"))
wanted_lab <- colnames(object@MetaInfo)[c(-unwanted_lab)]
stop(paste0("\nCannot find idents: ", idents, ".", "\nPlease choose from here:\n", paste0(wanted_lab, collapse = ",")))
my.cluster <- data.frame(cell = rownames(object@MetaInfo), cluster = object@MetaInfo[, idents])
my.cluster <- my.cluster[order(my.cluster$cluster), ]
if (!is.factor(my.cluster$cluster)) {
col.data <- as.factor(my.cluster$cluster)
} else {
col.data <- my.cluster$cluster
sub.marker.list <- as.data.frame(na.omit(sub.marker.list))
heatmap.matrix <- object@Processed_count[sub.marker.list$gene, as.character(my.cluster$cell)]
heatmap.matrix <- na.omit(heatmap.matrix)
if (length(unique(col.data)) <= 8){
colSide <- qualitative_hcl(length(unique(col.data)), palette = "Dynamic")[col.data]
} else{
colSide <- Polychrome::palette36.colors(length(unique(col.data)))[col.data]
colMain <- colorRampPalette(c("#2D80BD", "#DCEAF5", "#B0390C"))(100)
if(max(heatmap.matrix) > 100){
heatmap.matrix <- log1p(heatmap.matrix)
heatmap(as.matrix(heatmap.matrix), Colv = NA, Rowv = NA, scale = scale, ColSideColors = colSide, col = colMain, labCol = "0",)
if (length(unique(col.data)) <= 8){
col_lab <- qualitative_hcl(length(unique(col.data)), palette = "Dynamic")
} else{
col_lab <- Polychrome::palette36.colors(length(unique(col.data)))
legend = c(unique(as.character(my.cluster$cluster))),
bg = "transparent",
pch = rep(19, length(unique(col.data))),
col = col_lab,
cex = label.size,
box.lty = 0)
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