#' Apply a highly scaleable linear model normalization on Mass Spectrometry data
#' Normalize MS data quickly and validly
#' @docType package
#' @name NOMAD
#' @import dplR
#' @import stringr
#' @import stats
#' @import graphics
#' Check whether logging the data is necessary. y and x are the same inputs
#' as nomadNormalization
#' Check whether logging the data is necessary
#' @param y \code{vector} dependant variable (vector of real numbers)
#' @param x \code{matrix} independent or explanatory variables (matrix). x must include columns
#' for Peptide, Protein, iTRAQ, and Run
#' @param meth \code{string} manner of calculating center of peptide abundances per protein
#' - choices: TukeyBW, Median, or Mean
#' @param rawTrim \code{real} Quantile used to reduce scale for plotting raw data. Will plot
#' raw means up to the specified quantile (default=1)
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' data(BalfPeptides)
#' nomadCheckLogTransform(y=BalfPeptides$Abundance, x=BalfPeptides)
#' @export
nomadCheckLogTransform <- function(y, x, meth="TukeyBW", rawTrim=1) {
## remove itraqCorrectionIndex if it exists
x$iTRAQCorrectionIndex <- NULL
## peptide level
pMeans <- tapply(y, x$Peptide, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
pSD <- tapply(y, x$Peptide, sd, na.rm=TRUE)
pMeanslog <- tapply(log2(y), x$Peptide, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
pSDlog <- tapply(log2(y), x$Peptide, sd, na.rm=TRUE)
## protein level
rawProt <- nomadAssembleProteins(y,x, method=meth)$scores
logProt <- nomadAssembleProteins(log2(y),x, method=meth)$scores
protmeans <- apply(rawProt, 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
protsds <- apply(rawProt, 1, sd, na.rm=TRUE)
protmeanslog <- apply(logProt, 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
protsdslog <- apply(logProt, 1, sd, na.rm=TRUE)
## retain only finite values - stops warning message about removing
## non-finfite values. sd may produce NA if there is only one value
## in protsdslog
notInfInd <- is.finite(pMeanslog)
notInfIndProt <- is.finite(protmeanslog) & !is.na(protsdslog)
ind1 <- pMeans <= quantile(pMeans, rawTrim, na.rm=TRUE)
ind2 <- protmeans <= quantile(protmeans, rawTrim, na.rm=TRUE)
## plot results
smoothScatter(pMeans[ind1], pSD[ind1], xlab="peptide mean", ylab="peptide sd", main="Peptide mean vs sd: Raw")
lines(supsmu(pMeans[ind1], pSD[ind1], bass=5), col=8)
smoothScatter(pMeanslog[notInfInd], pSDlog[notInfInd], xlab="peptide mean", ylab="peptide sd", main="Peptide mean vs sd: Log")
lines(supsmu(pMeanslog[notInfInd], pSDlog[notInfInd], bass=5), col=8)
smoothScatter(protmeans[ind2], protsds[ind2], xlab="protein mean", ylab="protein sd", main="Protein mean vs sd: Raw")
lines(supsmu(protmeans[ind2], protsds[ind2], bass=5), col=8)
smoothScatter(protmeanslog[notInfIndProt], protsdslog[notInfIndProt], xlab="protein mean", ylab="protein sd", main="Protein mean vs sd: Log")
lines(supsmu(protmeanslog[notInfIndProt], protsdslog[notInfIndProt], bass=5), col=8)
} # nomadCheckLog
#' Check level of bias based on batch effect.
#' @param dat \code{matrix} Rows are protein, columns are samples (each iTRAQ sample
#' per day. The same format as the "scores" element of the output of
#' assembleProteins with format=bySample. Missing data must be shown
#' as NA.
#' @param fact \code{vector} numeric or character vector of labels identifying batches.
#' Generally a batch is a single MS run of 4 or 8 iTRAQ channels.
#' @param numNAs \code{integer} Number of missing data points allowed. Defaults to number of
#' samples in data
#' @param label \code{string} Text for title of graph
#' @param yMax \code{real} Upper count range for plotting histograms.
#' @param showSampleSize \code{boolean} If TRUE add text box showing number of samples.
#' @return None
#' @examples
#' data(BalfPeptides)
#' ## assemble the protein scores without normalization
#' scores <- nomadAssembleProteins(BalfPeptides$Abundance, BalfPeptides)
#' runInd <- rep(1:3, each=8) ## each integer is a single batch (3 batches total)
#' nomadCheckBias(scores$scores, fact=runInd)
#' @export
nomadCheckBias <- function(dat, fact, numNAs=dim(dat)[[2]], label=NULL, yMax=NULL, showSampleSize=TRUE) {
## Apply one-way anova to data.
theTest <- function(x, indy, nas=numNAs) {
tmp <- data.frame(y=x, exp=indy)
## if too much missing data then return NA
if(sum(is.na(x)) > nas) {
res <- lm(y~indy, data=tmp)
} ## end theTest
allRes <- apply(dat, 1, theTest, indy=fact)
maxCount <- max(hist(allRes, nclass=20, plot=FALSE)$counts)
if(!is.null(yMax)) {
maxCount <- yMax
hist(allRes, nclass=20, main=paste(label, "bias"), xlab="p-value",
ylab="count", ylim=c(0,maxCount))
if(showSampleSize) {
n <- length(allRes)
legend("topright", legend=c(paste("n=", n)), bty="n")
} ## end nomadCheckBias
#' Apply anova model to mass spec data. Use residuals of anova model as
#' final scores.
#' @param y \code{real} Dependant variable (vector of positive real numbers)
#' @param x \code{matrix} Independent or explanatory variables (matrix). In this context they
#' will be "Peptide","Protein", "Run", and "iTRAQ" identifiers. An
#' optional "iTRAQCorrectionIndex" column is necessary if iTRAQ isotope
#' correction is desired.
#' @param factors \code{vector} Default is to use the 4 main factors (Peptide, Protein,
#' Run, and iTRAQ) and the three interactions between
#' Run and the other three main effects. The user can
#' define their own factors. The "factors" list must match the
#' data.frame labels of x.
#' @param doRobust \code{logical} If TRUE use medians of levels instead of the default means.
#' Default is to use median.
#' @param doLog \code{logical} If TRUE then y will be logged (log 2). Default is to log.
#' @param doiTRAQCorrection \code{logical} If true then orrect peptide abundance scores based on
#' their iTRAQ labelling. Default is TRUE. iTRAQ
#' correction values are hardcoded for 8 iTRAQs. The
#' iTRAQCorrectionTable must be provided for iTRAQs that
#' do not number 8.
#' @param iTRAQCorrectionTable \code{matrix} Matrix of iTRAQ corrections. If iTRAQ equals 8
#' then an internal correction table is used. If a
#' table is provided when iTRAQ equals 8 then the
#' user supplied table will be used. If the number
#' of iTRAQs is not eight than a table must be
#' supplied by the user.
#' @return \code{List} elements are \code{y}: normalized scores after anova normalization,
#' \code{x}: design matrix, \code{removedData}: index of rows removed from input data,
#' \code{call}: function call.
#' @examples
#' data(BalfPeptides)
#' ret <- nomadNormalization(y=BalfPeptides$Abundance, x=BalfPeptides)
#' @export
nomadNormalization <- function(y, x, factors=NULL, doRobust=TRUE,
doLog=TRUE, doiTRAQCorrection=FALSE,
iTRAQCorrectionTable=NULL) {
## error check parameters
if (missing(y))
stop("Need to specify dependent variable: y.")
if (missing(x))
stop("Need to specify independent variable: x.")
if(!is.vector(y) | !is.numeric(y)) {
stop("y must be a numeric vector")
if(sum(y < 0, na.rm=TRUE) > 0) {
stop("y contains negative numbers")
if(!is.data.frame(x)) {
stop("x must be a data.frame")
if(length(y) != dim(x)[[1]]) {
outChar <- paste("Length of y (", length(y),") does not equal length of x (", dim(x)[[1]], ")", sep="")
## if factors is not inputted check that default columns exist.
if(is.null(factors)) {
if(is.null(x$Protein)) {
stop(paste("x is missing Protein column"))
if(is.null(x$Peptide)) {
stop(paste("x is missing Peptide column"))
if(is.null(x$Run)) {
stop(paste("x is missing Run column"))
if(is.null(x$iTRAQ)) {
stop(paste("x is missing iTRAQ column"))
} ## end if is.null factors
if(doiTRAQCorrection==TRUE) {
if(is.null(x$iTRAQCorrectionIndex)) {
stop("x is missing iTRAQCorrectionIndex column")
## assemble factors for normalization including interactions
if(is.null(factors)) {
factorList <- list("Peptide", "Run", "iTRAQ",
c("Run", "Peptide"),
c("Run", "iTRAQ"))
} else {
factorList <- factors
## check that factors exist in data
for(i in 1:length(factorList)) {
aFac <- factorList[[i]]
for(j in 1:length(aFac)) {
thisFac <- aFac[j]
if(is.null(x[[thisFac]])) {
stop(paste("x is missing", thisFac, "column"))
# get number of iTRAQs used in assay
numiTRAQs <- length(unique(x$iTRAQ))
## find missing data - full row will be removed for any missing data
naInd <- is.na(y) | is.na(as.character(x$Peptide)) |
is.na(as.character(x$Protein)) | is.na(as.character(x$Run)) |
## remove rows with missing data
#x <- x[!naInd,]
iterResids <- y[!naInd] ## initial set of data points
newx <- x[!naInd,]
len <- length(iterResids) ## number of data points
## correct peptide abundances based on iTRAQ label
if(doiTRAQCorrection) {
#ordy <- order(as.factor(paste(newx$iTRAQCorrectionIndex, newx$iTRAQ, sep="_")))
fac <- newx$iTRAQCorrectionIndex
#newx <- newx[ordy,]
#newy <- tmpy <- iterResids[ordy]
newy <- tmpy <- iterResids
itraqy <- data.frame(newy, newx$iTRAQ)
if(is.null(iTRAQCorrectionTable)) {
} else {
iTRAQTab <- iTRAQCorrectionTable
cat("doing iTRAQCorrection with", numiTRAQs, "iTRAQs\n")
if(numiTRAQs == 8) {
split(tmpy, fac) <- lapply(split(itraqy, fac),
} else if(numiTRAQs == 4) {
split(tmpy, fac) <- lapply(split(itraqy, fac),
} else {
if(is.null(iTRAQTab)) {
stop("User needs to input iTRAQCorrectionTable to apply iTRAQCorrection")
if(numiTRAQs != dim(iTRAQTab)[[1]] &
numiTRAQs != dim(iTRAQTab)[[1]]) {
stop("dimension of iTRAQCorrectionTable must be equal to number of iTRAQs")
split(tmpy, fac) <- lapply(split(itraqy, fac),
## replace negative scores with NA
tmpy[ tmpy < 0 ] <- NA
iterResids <- tmpy
} ## end doiTRAQCorrection
## log data if requested. Zero scores may produce a negative infinity
## so set them to minimum observed non-infinity score.
if(doLog) {
iterResids <- log2(iterResids)
iterResids[iterResids==-Inf] <- min(iterResids[iterResids!=-Inf])
} ## end doLog
cat("Running normalization with ", len, " number of data points\n")
## iterate through single and interaction factors: subtract
## interaction level means
for(i in 1:length(factorList)) {
thisFactor <- factorList[[i]]
cat("Normalizing for factor: ", thisFactor, "\n")
## get labels of levels for this factor(s)
newInd <- as.character(newx[, thisFactor[1]])
if(length(thisFactor) > 1) {
newInd <- paste(newInd, newx[,thisFactor[2]], sep="-")
## calculate mean of each level. simplify ensures that tapply returns
## a list so we can track level IDs
temp <- iterResids
if(doRobust) {
split(temp, newInd) <- lapply(split(iterResids, newInd),
median, na.rm=TRUE)
} else {
split(temp, newInd) <- lapply(split(iterResids, newInd),
mean, na.rm=TRUE)
iterResids <- iterResids - temp
} # end for i
## remove iTRAQCorrectionIndex column, we don't need it anymore
newx$iTRAQCorrectionIndex <- NULL
## generate function call parameters
newFac <- paste(factorList[[1]], collapse="_")
for(i in 2:length(factorList)) {
newFac <- paste(newFac, paste(factorList[[i]], collapse="_"), sep=", ")
itraqTable <- NULL
if(doiTRAQCorrection & numiTRAQs==8) {
itraqTable <- "hardcoded"
model <- c(paste("factors =", newFac), paste("doRobust =", doRobust),
paste("doLog = ", doLog),
paste("doiTRAQCorrection =", doiTRAQCorrection),
paste("iTRAQCorrectionTable =", itraqTable)
return(list(y=as.vector(iterResids, mode="numeric"), x=newx, removedData=which(naInd), call=model))
} ## end nomadNormalization
#' Assemble Protein abundance measurements from Peptide abundance
#' measurements
#' @param y \code{vector} Dependant variable (vector of real numbers)
#' @param x \code{vector} Independent or explanatory variables (matrix). In this context they
#' will be Peptide, Protein, Run, and iTRAQ identifiers.
#' Run and iTRAQ identifiers must be numeric
#' @param method \code{string} Method of calculating center of peptide abundances per protein
#' - choices: TukeyBW, Median, or Mean. Default is TukeyBW
#' @param format \code{string} BySample - each column is an individual sample
#' ByProtein - rows are proteins-columns are abundance,day and itraq
#' @param combineDupPeptides \code{string} If TRUE then average (based on method) duplicated
#' peptides for the same protein before calculating protein
#' abundance
#' @param standardizeAbundance \code{logical} If TRUE then transform each sample (experiment and
#' iTRAQ) with a robust Z adjustment. The default is
#' @param mySep \code{logical} Character string that must not exist in any factor in "x".
#' @return \code{List} with elements \code{scores} matrix of normalized protein scores.
#' each row is a protein and each column is a single sample (run and iTRAQ)
#' @examples
#' data(BalfPeptides)
#' ret <- nomadNormalization(y=BalfPeptides$Abundance, x=BalfPeptides)
#' scores <- nomadAssembleProteins(ret$y, ret$x)
#' @export
nomadAssembleProteins <- function(y, x, method="TukeyBW", format="BySample", combineDupPeptides=FALSE, standardizeAbundance=FALSE, mySep="&_MYSEP_&") {
############### error check parameters ###########################
if (missing(y))
stop("Need to specify dependent variable: y.")
if (missing(x))
stop("Need to specify independent variable: x.")
if(!is.vector(y) | !is.numeric(y)) {
stop("y must be a numeric vector")
if(!is.data.frame(x)) {
stop("x must be a data.frame")
if(is.null(x$Peptide)) {
stop("x is missing Peptide column")
if(is.null(x$Protein)) {
stop("x is missing Protein column")
if(is.null(x$Run)) {
stop("x is missing Run column")
if(is.null(x$iTRAQ)) {
stop("x is missing iTRAQcolumn")
if(length(method) != 1) {
stop("method must be one of TukeyBW, Median, or Mean")
methy <- intersect(method, c("TukeyBW", "Median", "Mean"))
if(length(methy) != 1) {
stop("method must be one of TukeyBW, Median, or Mean")
methy <- intersect(format, c("BySample", "ByProtein"))
if(length(methy) != 1) {
stop("format variable must be one of BySample or ByProtein" )
## find missing data - full row will be removed for any missing data
naInd <- is.na(y) | is.na(as.character(x$Peptide)) |
is.na(as.character(x$Protein)) | is.na(as.character(x$Run)) |
## check whether crazy biologist has managed to use my separator in
## their annotations.
if(length(grep(mySep, as.character(x$Protein))) != 0 |
length(grep(mySep, as.character(x$Run))) |
length(grep(mySep, as.character(x$iTRAQ)))) {
stop("mySep variable " , mySep, " is contained in design matrix x. Please redefine variable mySep to a character string not contained in design matrix x")
## calculate estimate of center of peptide abundance (x)
centre <- function(x, type) {
outie <- switch(type,
Mean = mean(x, na.rm=TRUE),
Median = median(x, na.rm=TRUE),
TukeyBW = tbrm(x))
if(is.null(outie)) {outie <- NA}
############## now assemble proteins #############################
allPepsTmp <- as.matrix(cbind(as.character(y), as.character(x$Peptide), as.character(x$Protein), as.character(x$Run), as.character(x$iTRAQ)))
## calculate centre of duplicated peptides for same protein before
## calculating protein abundance
if(combineDupPeptides) {
## get unique label for each peptide by protein, experiment and itraq
pepIDs <- paste(x$Peptide, x$Protein, x$Run, x$iTRAQ, sep=mySep)
## calculate center of scores for each potential duplicate peptide
## (by protein, experiment and itraq)
pepScores <- tapply(y, pepIDs, centre, type=method, simplify=FALSE)
## unpack protein, experiment, and itraq labels - attach to protein
## scores
nameys <- names(pepScores)
allPepsTmp <- cbind(unlist(pepScores), matrix(unlist(str_split(nameys, mySep)), ncol=4, byrow=TRUE))
} ## end sumDupPeptides
dimnames(allPepsTmp) <- list(NULL, c("Abundance", "Peptide", "Protein", "Run", "iTRAQ"))
## get unique label for each protein by experiment and itraq
protIDs <- paste(allPepsTmp[,"Protein"], allPepsTmp[,"Run"],
allPepsTmp[,"iTRAQ"], sep=mySep)
## calculate center of scores for each protein (by experiment and itraq)
protScores <- tapply(as.numeric(allPepsTmp[,"Abundance"]), protIDs, centre, type=method, simplify=FALSE)
## unpack protein, experiment, and itraq labels - attach to protein
## scores
nameys <- names(protScores)
allProtsTmp <- cbind(unlist(protScores), matrix(unlist(str_split(nameys, mySep)), ncol=3, byrow=TRUE))
dimnames(allProtsTmp) <- list(NULL, c("Abundance", "Protein", "Run", "iTRAQ"))
## order by protein, experiment, itraq
ordInd <- order(allProtsTmp[,2], as.numeric(allProtsTmp[,3]), as.numeric(allProtsTmp[,4]))
allProts <- allProtsTmp[ordInd,]
if(standardizeAbundance) {
myRobZ <- function(x) { return( (x - median(x, na.rm=TRUE))/mad(x, na.rm=TRUE) ) }
standInd <- paste(allProts[,3], allProts[,4], sep="_")
scores <- tmpy <- as.numeric(allProts[,1])
split(tmpy, standInd) <- lapply(split(scores, standInd), myRobZ)
allProts[,1] <- tmpy
## testing
if(FALSE) {
scores2 <- scores3 <- raw <- NULL
for(i in unique(allProts[,3])) {
for(j in unique(allProts[,4])) {
indy <- allProts[,3] == i & allProts[,4] == j
stag <- paste(i, j, sep="_")
sind <- standInd == stag
stmp <- as.numeric(allProts[sind,1])
scores3 <- c(scores3, myRobZ(stmp))
raw <- c(raw, stmp)
cat(i, " ", j, " ", sum(indy), "\n")
tmp <- myRobZ(as.numeric(allProts[indy,1]))
scores2 <- c(scores2, tmp)
cor(scores2, raw, use="complete.obs")
cor(tmpy, scores, use="complete.obs")
} ## emd if FALSE
} ## end if standardizeAbundance
## construct function call
model <- c(paste("method =", method), paste("format =", format),
paste("combineDupPeptides =", combineDupPeptides),
paste("standardizeAbundance =", standardizeAbundance))
## choose which type of format to return
## reformat data so gene IDs are rows and samples are columns
if(identical(format, "BySample")) {
genies <- sort(unique(allProts[,2]))
days <- sort(unique(as.numeric(allProts[,3])))
traqs <- sort(unique(allProts[,4]))
numSamps <- length(unique(days))*length(unique(traqs))
newDat <- matrix(NA, ncol=numSamps, nrow=length(genies))
row.names(newDat) <- genies
count <- 0
colNames <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(days)) {
for(j in 1:length(traqs)) {
colNames <- c(colNames, paste("Run", i, "_iTRAQ", j, sep=""))
count <- count + 1
indy <- allProts[,3] == days[i] & allProts[,4] == traqs[j]
gNames <- allProts[indy,2]
gInd <- match(gNames, genies)
tmp <- allProts[indy,1]
newDat[gInd,count] <- as.numeric(tmp)
} # end for j
} # end for i
colnames(newDat) <- colNames
outie <- newDat
} ## end if bySample
if(identical(format, "ByProtein")) {
outie <- allProts
return(list(scores=outie, call=model))
} ## end nomadAssembleProteins
#' Correct peptide abundances based on iTRAQ specification. The iTRAQTable
#' below characterizes the components of the abundance scores.
#' @param y \code{logical} A vector of 8 peptide abundances ordered by iTRAQ (1 to 8)
#' for a single protein
#' @param iTRAQTable \code{logical} A 8x8 matrix of isotope corrections. Probably shouldn't modify
#' unless you have a very good reason.
#' @return vector of peptide abundances after correcting for isotope bleed over.
solveiTRAQCorrection8 <- function(y, iTRAQTable=NULL) {
itraqs <- 1:8
nas <- setdiff(itraqs, y[,2])
thisy <- rep(0, 8)
thisy[ y[,2]] <- y[,1]
if(length(thisy) != 8) {
stop("solveiTRAQCorrection failed: length of y does not equal 8")
if(is.null(iTRAQTable)) {
iTRAQTable <- rbind(
c(.9287, 0.0689, .0024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
c(.0094, 0.93, .059, .0016, 0, 0, 0, 0),
c(0, .0188, .9312, .049, .001, 0, 0, 0),
c(0, 0, .0282, .9321, .039, 0.0007, 0, 0),
c(0, 0, .0006, .0377, .9329, .0288, 0, 0),
c(0, 0, 0, .0009, .0471, .9329, .0191, 0),
c(0, 0, 0, 0, .0014, .0566, .9333, .0087),
c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .0027, .0744, .9211)
res <- solve(iTRAQTable, as.numeric(thisy))
res[nas] <- NA
} # end solveiTRAQCorrection8
#' Correct peptide abundances based on iTRAQ specification. The iTRAQTable
#' below characterizes the components of the abundance scores.
#' @param y \code{vector} A vector of 4 peptide abundances ordered by iTRAQ (1 to 4)
#' @param iTRAQTable \code{matrix} An iTRAQTable - 4x4 matrix of isotope corrections. Probably shouldn't modify
#' unless you have a very good reason.
#' @return vector of peptide abundances after correcting for isotope bleed over.
solveiTRAQCorrection4 <- function(y, iTRAQTable=NULL) {
itraqs <- 1:4
nas <- setdiff(itraqs, y[,2])
thisy <- rep(0, 4)
thisy[ y[,2]] <- y[,1]
if(length(thisy) != 4) {
stop("solveiTRAQCorrection failed: length of y does not equal 4")
if(is.null(iTRAQTable)) {
iTRAQTable <- rbind(
c(.9290, .0590, .0020, 0),
c(.0200, .9230, .0560, .0010),
c(0.00, .0300, .9240, .0450),
c(0, .0010, .0400, .923))
res <- solve(iTRAQTable, as.numeric(thisy))
res[nas] <- NA
} ## end solveiTRAQCorrection4
#' Correct peptide abundances based on iTRAQ specification. The iTRAQTable,
#' below characterizes the components of the abundance scores.
#' @param y \code{vector} A vector of n peptide abundances ordered by iTRAQ (n iTRAQ labels)
#' @param iTRAQTable \code{matrix} n by n matrix of isotope corrections
#' @return vector of peptide abundances after correcting for isotope bleed over.
solveiTRAQCorrection <- function(y, iTRAQTable=NULL) {
len <- dim(iTRAQTable)[[1]]
itraqs <- 1:len
nas <- setdiff(itraqs, y[,2])
thisy <- rep(0, len)
thisy[ y[,2]] <- y[,1]
if(length(thisy) != len) {
stop("solveiTRAQCorrection failed: length of y does not equal dimension of iTRAQTable")
res <- solve(iTRAQTable, as.numeric(thisy))
res[nas] <- NA
} # end solveiTRAQCorrection
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