## Create a unit test that will fail
test_that("vignette deletion", {
tmp <- readRDS("temp.rds")
pdata <- tmp$pdata
extdata <- system.file("extdata", package="svbams")
bamfile <- file.path(extdata, "cgov44t_revised.bam")
pdata$bam.file <- bamfile
dp <- tmp$dp
deletions <- sv_deletions(preprocess=pdata, param=dp)
L <- length(variant(deletions))
expect_identical(L, 4L)
test_that("step sv_deletion", {
tmp <- readRDS("temp.rds")
preprocess <- tmp$pdata
param <- tmp$dp
gr_filters <- genomeFilters(preprocess$genome)
segs <- preprocess$segments
preprocess$segments <- segs[segs$seg.mean < hemizygousThr(param)]
sv <- deletion_call(preprocess, gr_filters, param)
expect_identical(length(sv), 4L)
expect_equal(variant(sv)$seg.mean[4], -8.6, tolerance=0.05)
calls(sv) <- rpSupportedDeletions(sv, param=param, bins=preprocess$bins)
expect_identical(calls(sv)[4], "homozygous+")
## Define region of interest (ROI)
ROI <- GRanges("chr15", IRanges(63201001, 63209262),
seg.mean=-8.6549, sample="CGOV44T")
seqlevels(ROI) <- seqlevels(variant(sv))
seqinfo(ROI) <- seqinfo(variant(sv))
names(ROI) <- "sv4"
sv <- removeHemizygous(sv)
## Extracting improper read pairs with a high MAPQ
improper_rp <- preprocess$read_pairs[["improper"]]
## avoid namespace issues with dplyr
first <- GenomicAlignments::first
last <- GenomicAlignments::last
F <- first(improper_rp); L <- last(improper_rp)
mapq <- mcols(F)$mapq > 30 & mcols(L)$mapq > 30
improper_rp <- improper_rp[mapq]
## Check that there are improper read pairs within 1kb of the ROI
irp_near_deletion <- subsetByOverlaps(improper_rp, ROI, maxgap=1e3)
expect_identical(length(irp_near_deletion), 55L)
## Revise deletion boundaries using improper read pairs
## and proper read pairs
rej_args <- list(sv=sv, improper_rp=improper_rp)
saveRDS(rej_args, file="temp_reviseEachJunction_args.rds")
sv <- reviseEachJunction(sv=sv,
##Why are improper read-pairs not added to the SV object here?
expect_true(length(improper(sv)) > 0)
## Next, step through .reviseEachJunction
test_that("step .reviseEachJunction", {
tmp <- readRDS("temp.rds")
preprocess <- tmp$pdata
bins <- preprocess$bins
param <- tmp$dp
rej_args <- readRDS("temp_reviseEachJunction_args.rds")
sv <- rej_args$sv
improper_rp <- rej_args$improper_rp
svs <- .reviseEachJunction(sv, bins, improper_rp, param)
expect_true(length(improper(svs)) > 0)
## fails even when improper read pairs are manually added
sv2 <- sv
improper(sv2) <- improper_rp
## note, the improper<- assignment method only adds improper read pairs near the candidate deletions
## -- this is reasonable
length(improper(sv2)) < length(improper_rp)
ROI <- GRanges("chr15", IRanges(63201001, 63209262),
seg.mean=-8.6549, sample="CGOV44T")
seqlevels(ROI) <- seqlevels(variant(sv))
seqinfo(ROI) <- seqinfo(variant(sv))
names(ROI) <- "sv4"
irp_near_deletion <- subsetByOverlaps(improper(sv2), ROI, maxgap=1e3)
expect_identical(length(irp_near_deletion), 55L)
## Below, we dig into .reviseEachJunction to understand
## why the improper read pairs are dropped
svs <- reviseDeletionBorders(sv)
## for the duplicated ranges, revert back to the original
svs[duplicated(svs)] <- variant(sv)[duplicated(svs)]
variant(sv) <- svs
copynumber(sv) <- granges_copynumber2(svs, bins)
## Revise homozygous deletion borders using
## the absence of proper read pairs (this likely only works)
## with 100% pure samples (e.g. cell lines)
variant(sv) <- homozygousBorders(sv, svs)
is.dup <- duplicated(variant(sv))
sv <- sv[!is.dup]
## For hemizygous deletions, look for gaps in proper read pairs. If there
## is a gap, create a homozygous deletion in the gap and add to the StructuralVariant object.
sv <- hemizygousBorders(sv, param)
## Update the improper read pairs supporting deletions
## since deletion boundaries have been updated
irp <- improperRP(variant(sv), improper_rp, param=param)
improper(sv) <- irp
expect_equal(length(improper(sv)), 74L)
tmp <- list(gr=variant(sv), irp=irp)
saveRDS(tmp, file="temp_updateImproperIndex2_args.rds")
indexImproper(sv) <- updateImproperIndex2(variant(sv), irp, maxgap=500)
## Indexing the improper read pairs ends up dropping the reads
## spanning the homozygous deletion.
expect_equal(length(improper(sv)), 51L)
## Next, step through updateImproperIndex2 function
test_that("step updateImproperIndex2", {
tmp <- readRDS("temp_updateImproperIndex2_args.rds")
gr <- tmp$gr
irp <- tmp$irp
maxgap <- 2e3
left_boundary <- resize(gr, width=2)
right_boundary <- resize(gr, width=2, fix="end")
index_all <- setNames(vector("list", length(gr)), names(gr))
## simpler??
for(i in seq_along(gr)){
tmp <- (overlapsAny(first(irp), left_boundary[i], maxgap=maxgap) &
overlapsAny(last(irp), right_boundary[i], maxgap=maxgap)) |
(overlapsAny(first(irp), right_boundary[i], maxgap=maxgap) &
overlapsAny(last(irp), left_boundary[i], maxgap=maxgap))
index_all[[i]] <- which(tmp)
index_irp <- index_all
hitsLeft <- findOverlaps(left_boundary, irp, maxgap=maxgap)
hitsRight <- findOverlaps(right_boundary, irp, maxgap=maxgap)
index_left <- split(subjectHits(hitsLeft),
index_right <- split(subjectHits(hitsRight),
## concatenate indices for each element of the index list
index_all <- setNames(vector("list", length(gr)), names(gr))
index_right2 <- index_left2 <- index_all
i <- match(names(index_left), names(index_all))
index_left2[i] <- index_left
i <- match(names(index_right), names(index_all))
index_right2[i] <- index_right
updated_index_list <- mapply(function(x,y) unique(intersect(x,y)),
index_left2, index_right2)
## some of the elements in this list may be NULL
## Assess whether there are any rearranged read pair clusters
## 1. order read pairs by left most alignment
irp_id <- lapply(updated_index_list, function(i, irp) names(irp)[i], irp=irp)
lrp <- leftAlwaysFirst(irp) ##, names(irp)
names(lrp) <- names(irp)
## lrp is no longer named because of recent change to firstIsLeft
expect_identical(names(irp), names(lrp))
lrplist <- lapply(irp_id, function(id, lrp) lrp[names(lrp) %in% id], lrp=lrp)
expect_true(length(lrplist[[2]]) > 0)
## 2. cluster the read pairs for each element
cl_list <- lapply(lrplist, clusterReadPairs)
## all read pairs belong to one cluster
expect_true(all(cl_list[[1]] == 0))
## 3. identify id of cluster with most read pairs
clid <- lapply(cl_list, function(cl) names(which.max(table(cl))))
## 4. extract the names of the improper read pairs that correspond
## to the above cluster
irp_id2 <- mapply(function(lrp, clid, cl) names(lrp)[cl==clid],
lrp=lrplist, clid=clid, cl=cl_list)
## Update the index a second time to include only those improper
## read pairs belonging to the cluster
index_irp <- lapply(irp_id2, function(id, irp) match(id, names(irp)), irp=irp)
## the NULLs are now converted to NAs.
## Subsetting a vector by NULL returns an empty vector. Convert NAs back to nulls
na_index <- which(sapply(index_irp, function(x) any(
for(j in na_index){
index_irp[j] <- list(NULL)
expect_identical(length(index_irp[[2]]), 51L)
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