#' @include Deletion-class.R
setClass("LeftAlignmentPairs", contains="GAlignmentPairs")
setValidity("LeftAlignmentPairs", function(object){
msg <- TRUE
if(!all(firstIsLeft(object))) return("first read in pair must be the left-most read")
## index <- order(start(first(object)))
## if(!identical(index, seq_along(object))) return("left reads must be ordered by physical position")
setMethod("clusterReadPairs", "LeftAlignmentPairs", function(object){
boundary_starts <- start(first(object))
boundary_ends <- start(last(object))
cumsum(c(0, diff(boundary_starts) > 200 | diff(boundary_ends) > 200))
#' Assess whether a region can be attributable to a germline CNV or
#' artifact seen in germline samples
#' In our application, \code{all_filters} is a \code{GRanges} object
#' comprised of germline CNVs and sequence filters. The latter is a
#' collection of 1kb bins (reduced) that have low mappability (< 0.75)
#' and/or low GC content (< 0.1). For each interval in the candidate
#' somatic \code{GRanges} object (\code{g}), we compute the fraction
#' of the interval spanned by the germline filters. If the fraction
#' of the candidate somatic variant spanned by the germline filter is
#' less than \code{max_proportion_in_filter} AND the width not spanned
#' by the germline filters is less than \code{min_width}, this
#' function evaluates to \code{TRUE}.
#' @return a locical vector having the same length as \code{g}
#' @seealso See \code{DeletionParam} for default values of
#' \code{max_proportion_in_filter} and \code{min_width}.
#' @param g a \code{GRanges} object (e.g., candidate deletions)
#' @param all_filters a \code{GRanges} object (e.g., deletions,
#' amplifications, and outliers identified in the germline)
#' @param param an instance of \code{DeletionParam}
#' @export
isNotGermline <- function(g, all_filters, param=DeletionParam()){
p <- intOverWidth(g, all_filters)
w_not_spanned <- width(g) - p*width(g)
(p < param@max_proportion_in_filter) &
(w_not_spanned > param@min_width)
isLargeHemizygous <- function(g, param=DeletionParam()){
(g$seg.mean > homozygousThr(param)) &
(width(g) > maximumWidth(param))
granges_copynumber2 <- function(gr, bins){
if(!"log_ratio" %in% colnames(mcols(bins))){
stop("GRanges object must have 'log_ratio' column in the DataFrame returned by mcols")
hits <- findOverlaps(gr, bins)
j <- subjectHits(hits)
i <- queryHits(hits)
tmp <- split(bins$log_ratio[j], i)
fc_context <- tapply(bins$log_ratio[j], i, median)
SVFilters <- function(sv, all_filters, bins, zoom.out=1, param){
evaluate_context <- evaluateContext(variant(sv), bins)
svcontext <- expandGRanges(variant(sv),
10*zoom.out*width(variant(sv))) ## 5percent window
fc_context <- granges_copynumber2(svcontext, bins)
##fc <- 2^(fc_context-copynumber(sv))
fc <- 2^(copynumber(sv) - fc_context)
broad_hemizygous <- copynumber(sv) > homozygousThr(param) &
width(variant(sv)) > maximumWidth(param)
frac <- intOverWidth(variant(sv), all_filters)
w <- widthNotSpannedByFilter(variant(sv), all_filters)
is_dup <- duplicated(variant(sv))
sv <- sv[frac < 0.75 & w > 2e3 & fc < 0.7 & !is_dup & !broad_hemizygous]
} else{
sv <- sv[frac < 0.75 & w > 2e3 & !is_dup & !broad_hemizygous]
#' Identify focal, somatic hemizygous deletions and somatic homozygous
#' deletions
#' Segmentation of bin-level normalized log2 ratios yields a set of genomic
#' intervals each having an associated mean. We define candidate somatic
#' deletions as those having a segment mean less than a specified cutoff (e.g.,
#' the theoretical segment mean of a hemizygous deletion on log2 scale). For
#' each candidate CNV, we assess whether the variant can be explained by events
#' identified in germline samples processed in the same batch, or by sequence
#' artifacts (low mappability and/or GC). To help ensure that the deletion is
#' focal (not a small deletion embedded in a larger deletion), we (i) verify
#' that the candidate CNV (\code{cnv}) has a mean log ratio less than the mean
#' log ratio of the neighboring segments by an amount of approx. -0.5
#' [log2(0.7)] by default and (ii) assess whether the interval could plausibly be a large
#' hemizygous deletion. Candidate somatic deletions identified by this function
#' have the following properties: (i) not germline, (ii) unlikely to be large
#' hemizygous deletions, (iii) the difference in mean of the segment and
#' neighboring segments is less than -0.5 (by default), and (iv) have a width of at least
#' 2kb (by default).
#' @return a named \code{GRanges} object. The names are given by
#' \code{paste0("sv", seq_along(g))} where g is the \code{GRanges}
#' object.
#' @param preprocess a list of preprocessed data. See \code{preprocessData}
#' @param germline_filters A \code{GRanges} object (e.g., germline
#' CNVs and regions of low sequence quality)
#' @param param A \code{DeletionParam} object
#' @seealso \code{\link{preprocessData}}
#' @export
germlineFilters <- function(preprocess, germline_filters, param=DeletionParam()){
cnv <- preprocess$segments
bins <- preprocess$bins
germline_filters <- genomeFilters(preprocess$genome)
# Creates a vector of TRUE/FALSE the same length as cnv.
# The value is TRUE if the cnv is not in a filtered region
# as specified by param$max_proportion_in_filter and param@min_width
# and FALSE otherwise
not_germline <- isNotGermline(cnv, germline_filters, param)
} else {
## assume for now that none of the cnvs are germline
not_germline <- rep(TRUE, length(cnv))
# isLargeHemizygous returns a vector of TRUE/FALSE the same length as cnv.
# The value is TRUE if the width of the segment is > maximumWidth(param)
# and the call is hemizygous and not homozygous
is_big <- isLargeHemizygous(cnv, param)
# Computing the median log ratio in an interval surrounding each deletion
# that encompasses 15 times its width. To ensure that the deletion
# is focal, the difference between the segment mean and the context
# is computed and stored in diff_from_context. Deletions in which
# the difference from the context is not less than minSegmeanDiff(param)
# are later dropped.
egr <- expandGRanges(cnv, 15*width(cnv))
lrr_context <- granges_copynumber2(egr, bins)
diff_from_context <- cnv$seg.mean - lrr_context
is_diff <- diff_from_context < minSegmeanDiff(param)
# Creating a TRUE/FALSE vector where TRUE means that the
# deletion is longer than the minimum deletion width as
# provided by minimumWidth(param)
not_short <- width(cnv) > minimumWidth(param)
# Selecting deletions that pass the above 4 filters
select <- !is_big & not_germline & is_diff & not_short
cnv <- cnv[select]
if(length(cnv) == 0) {
names(cnv) <- paste0("sv", seq_along(cnv))
evaluateContext <- function(g, bins){
width.cnv <- sum(as.numeric(width(g)))
width.bins <- sum(as.numeric(width(bins)))
width.bins/width.cnv > 15
initializeImproperIndex <- function(sv, param){
irp <- sv@improper
hits <- findOverlaps(variant(sv), irp, minimumGapWidth(param))
subj_hits <- subjectHits(hits)
index_improper <- split(subj_hits, names(variant(sv))[queryHits(hits)])
initializeImproperIndex2 <- function(gr, improper_rp, param=DeletionParam()){
hits <- findOverlaps(gr, improper_rp, minimumGapWidth(param))
subj_hits <- subjectHits(hits)
index_improper <- split(subj_hits, names(gr)[queryHits(hits)])
result <- setNames(vector("list", length(gr)), names(gr))
result[names(index_improper)] <- index_improper
initializeImproperIndex3 <- function(sv, param){
initializeImproperIndex2(variant(sv), sv@improper, param)
updateImproperIndex <- function(sv, maxgap=2e3){
left_boundary <- resize(variant(sv), width=2)
right_boundary <- resize(variant(sv), width=2, fix="end")
irp <- sv@improper
hitsLeft <- findOverlaps(left_boundary, irp, maxgap=maxgap)
hitsRight <- findOverlaps(right_boundary, irp, maxgap=maxgap)
index_left <- split(subjectHits(hitsLeft),
index_right <- split(subjectHits(hitsRight),
## concatenate indices for each element of the index list
index_all <- setNames(vector("list", length(sv)),
index_right2 <- index_left2 <- index_all
i <- match(names(index_left), names(index_all))
index_left2[i] <- index_left
i <- match(names(index_right), names(index_all))
index_right2[i] <- index_right
updated_index_list <- mapply(function(x,y) unique(intersect(x,y)),
index_left2, index_right2)
## some of the elements in this list may be NULL
## Assess whether there are any rearranged read pair clusters
## 1. order read pairs by left most alignment
irp_id <- lapply(updated_index_list, function(i, irp){
}, irp=irp)
names(irp) <- NULL
lrp <- leftAlwaysFirst(irp)##, names(irp)
#elementMetadata(lrp)$names <- elementMetadata(irp)$names
lrplist <- lapply(irp_id, function(id, lrp){
lrp[elementMetadata(lrp)$names %in% id]
}, lrp=lrp)
## 2. cluster the read pairs for each element
cl_list <- lapply(lrplist, clusterReadPairs)
## 3. identify id of cluster with most read pairs
clid <- lapply(cl_list, function(cl) names(which.max(table(cl))))
## 4. extract the names of the improper read pairs that correspond
## to the above cluster
irp_id2 <- mapply(function(lrp, clid, cl) elementMetadata(lrp)$names[cl==clid],
lrp=lrplist, clid=clid, cl=cl_list)
## Update the index a second time to include only those improper
## read pairs belonging to the cluster
index_irp <- lapply(irp_id2, function(id, irp) {
match(id, elementMetadata(irp)$names)
}, irp=irp)
## the NULLs are now converted to NAs.
## Subsetting a vector by NULL returns an empty vector. Convert NAs back to nulls
na_index <- which(sapply(index_irp, function(x) any(is.na(x))))
for(j in na_index){
index_irp[j] <- list(NULL)
# index_irp <- index_irp[order(unlist(index_irp))] # commenting this to avoid error
.hits <- function(query, subject, ...){
hits <- findOverlaps(query, subject, ...)
setNames(subjectHits(hits), names(query)[queryHits(hits)])
.hits_union <- function(i1, i2){
nms <- unique(c(names(i1), names(i2)))
x <- lapply(nms, function(id, i1, i2){
c(i1[names(i1)==id], i2[names(i2)==id])
}, i1=i1, i2=i2)
names(x) <- nms
.hits_intersection <- function(i1, i2){
nms <- unique(c(names(i1), names(i2)))
x <- lapply(nms, function(id, i1, i2){
intersect(i1[names(i1)==id], i2[names(i2)==id])
}, i1=i1, i2=i2)
names(x) <- nms
## Returns a list of indices
## - list is of the same length as the number of variants (length of gr)
## - each element contains a vector of indices into the improper read pairs
## (irp) object
updateImproperIndex2 <- function(gr, irp, maxgap=2e3){
left_boundary <- resize(gr, width=2)
right_boundary <- resize(gr, width=2, fix="end")
index_all <- setNames(vector("list", length(gr)), names(gr))
## simpler??
for(i in seq_along(gr)){
tmp <- (overlapsAny(first(irp), left_boundary[i], maxgap=maxgap) &
overlapsAny(last(irp), right_boundary[i], maxgap=maxgap)) |
(overlapsAny(first(irp), right_boundary[i], maxgap=maxgap) &
overlapsAny(last(irp), left_boundary[i], maxgap=maxgap))
index_all[[i]] <- which(tmp)
index_irp <- index_all
hitsLeft <- findOverlaps(left_boundary, irp, maxgap=maxgap)
hitsRight <- findOverlaps(right_boundary, irp, maxgap=maxgap)
index_left <- split(subjectHits(hitsLeft),
index_right <- split(subjectHits(hitsRight),
## concatenate indices for each element of the index list
index_all <- setNames(vector("list", length(gr)), names(gr))
index_right2 <- index_left2 <- index_all
i <- match(names(index_left), names(index_all))
index_left2[i] <- index_left
i <- match(names(index_right), names(index_all))
index_right2[i] <- index_right
updated_index_list <- mapply(function(x,y) unique(intersect(x,y)),
index_left2, index_right2)
## some of the elements in this list may be NULL
## Assess whether there are any rearranged read pair clusters
## 1. order read pairs by left most alignment
irp_id <- lapply(updated_index_list, function(i, irp) elementMetadata(irp)$names[i], irp=irp)
lrp <- leftAlwaysFirst(irp) ##, names(irp)
#names(lrp) <- names(irp)
lrplist <- lapply(irp_id, function(id, lrp) lrp[elementMetadata(lrp)$names %in% id], lrp=lrp)
## 2. cluster the read pairs for each element
cl_list <- lapply(lrplist, clusterReadPairs)
## 3. identify id of cluster with most read pairs
clid <- lapply(cl_list, function(cl) names(which.max(table(cl))))
## 4. extract the names of the improper read pairs that correspond
## to the above cluster
irp_id2 <- mapply(function(lrp, clid, cl) elementMetadata(lrp)$names[cl==clid],
lrp=lrplist, clid=clid, cl=cl_list)
## Update the index a second time to include only those improper
## read pairs belonging to the cluster
index_irp <- lapply(irp_id2, function(id, irp) match(id, elementMetadata(irp)$names), irp=irp)
## the NULLs are now converted to NAs.
## Subsetting a vector by NULL returns an empty vector. Convert NAs back to nulls
na_index <- which(sapply(index_irp, function(x) any(is.na(x))))
for(j in na_index){
index_irp[j] <- list(NULL)
## initializeProperIndex <- function(sv, zoom.out=1){
## proper_rp <- sv@proper
## g <- expandGRanges(variant(sv), zoom.out*width(variant(sv)))
## hits <- findOverlaps(g, proper_rp)
## index_proper <- split(subjectHits(hits), names(variant(sv))[queryHits(hits)])
## index_proper
## }
initializeProperIndex2 <- function(gr, proper_rp, zoom.out=1){
g <- expandGRanges(gr, zoom.out*width(gr))
hits <- findOverlaps(g, proper_rp)
index_proper <- split(subjectHits(hits), names(gr)[queryHits(hits)])
result <- setNames(vector("list", length(gr)), names(gr))
result[names(index_proper)] <- index_proper
initializeProperIndex3 <- function(sv, zoom.out=1){
initializeProperIndex2(variant(sv), sv@proper, zoom.out=zoom.out)
improperRP <- function(gr, irp, param=DeletionParam()){
irp <- updateObject(irp)
si <- seqinfo(gr)
sl <- seqlevels(si)
seqlevels(irp, pruning.mode="coarse") <- sl
d <- abs(start(first(irp)) - start(last(irp)))
irp <- irp[d < maximumWidth(param)]
seqlevelsStyle(irp) <- seqlevelsStyle(si)
irp <- irp[chromosome(first(irp)) == chromosome(last(irp))]
hits <- findOverlaps(gr, irp, maxgap=minimumGapWidth(param))
irp <- irp[unique(subjectHits(hits))]
if(length(irp) > 0){
elementMetadata(irp)$names <- paste0("i", seq_along(irp))
names(irp) <- NULL
##addImproperReadPairs2 <- function(gr, aview, param=DeletionParam()){
## irp <- readRDS(improperPaths(aview))
## irp <- updateObject(irp)
## si <- seqinfo(aview)
## sl <- seqlevels(si)
## irp <- keepSeqlevels(irp, sl, pruning.mode="coarse")
## d <- abs(start(first(irp)) - start(last(irp)))
## irp <- irp[d < maximumWidth(param)]
## seqlevelsStyle(irp) <- seqlevelsStyle(si)
## irp <- irp[chromosome(first(irp)) == chromosome(last(irp))]
## hits <- findOverlaps(gr, irp, minimumGapWidth(param))
## irp <- irp[unique(subjectHits(hits))]
## if(length(irp) > 0){
## names(irp) <- paste0("i", seq_along(irp))
## }
## irp
.match_index_variant <- function(index_improper, gr, value){
i <- match(names(value), names(gr))
index_improper[i] <- value
#' Creates a StructuralVariant object, linking genomic intervals
#' (deletions) to read pairs supporting the rearrangement
#' Identifies somatic, focal hemizygous and homozygous deletions, then
#' links these deletions with properly and improperly paired reads.
#' @seealso See \link{germlineFilters} for identifiying somatic deletions.
#' @param preprocess A \code{list} object generated by \code{preprocessData}
#' @param gr_filters A \code{GRanges} object of germline CNVs and
#' sequence-based filters identified by low mappability and/or GC
#' content
#' @param param A \code{DeletionParam} object
deletion_call <- function(preprocess,
gr_filters <- genomeFilters(preprocess$genome)
cnv <- germlineFilters(preprocess, gr_filters, param)
if(length(cnv) == 0) {
thr <- homozygousThr(param)
cncalls <- ifelse(cnv$seg.mean < thr, "homozygous", "hemizygous")
##prp <- properReadPairs(bam_path=preprocess$bam.file,
## gr=cnv, param=param)
rps <- preprocess$read_pairs
prp <- rps[["proper_del"]]
prp_index <- initializeProperIndex2(cnv, prp, zoom.out=1)
## change name to filterImproperReadPairs
##irp <- addImproperReadPairs2(cnv, aview, param=param)
improper_rp <- rps[["improper"]]
irp <- improperRP(cnv, improper_rp, param=param)
irp_index1 <- initializeImproperIndex2(cnv, irp, param)
irp_index2 <- updateImproperIndex2(cnv, irp, maxgap=2e3)
irp_index3 <- .match_index_variant(irp_index1, cnv, irp_index2)
##irp <- irp[validPairForDeletion(irp)]
##irp_index <- initializeImproperIndex2(cnv, irp, param)
sv <- StructuralVariant(variant=cnv,
checkHemizygousSpanningHomozygous <- function(object, hits, param, bins){
spanning_variant <- variant(object)[subjectHits(hits)]
cncall <- setNames(calls(object), names(variant(object)))
## check the part of the interval not containing the homozygous deletion
portion_notspanning <- setdiff(spanning_variant, variant(object)[queryHits(hits)])
means <- granges_copynumber2(portion_notspanning, bins)
means <- sum(means*width(portion_notspanning))/sum(width(portion_notspanning))
if(means > homozygousThr(param)){
lirp <- elementNROWS(indexImproper(object))
L <- lirp[subjectHits(hits)]
tmp <- ifelse(L <= 4, "hemizygous", "hemizygous+")
cncall[names(spanning_variant)] <- tmp
} else cncall[names(spanning_variant)] <- "homozygous"
isHemizygousDeletion <- function(object, param, bins){
is_hemizygous <- copynumber(object) >= homozygousThr(param) |
names(is_hemizygous) <- names(variant(object))
## If a hemizygous region contains a homozygous region, the fold
## change will be very small but it cwould still be hemizygous...
## called "homozygous |----- ---| fold change small because of gap.
## homozygous | |
not_hemizygous <- !is_hemizygous
checkhom <- object[not_hemizygous]
hits <- findOverlaps(variant(checkhom), type="within")
hits <- hits[subjectHits(hits) != queryHits(hits)]
## check whether spanning segment is really hemizygous
if(length(hits) > 0){
for(j in seq_len(length(hits))){
hitsj <- hits[j]
cncall <- checkHemizygousSpanningHomozygous(checkhom, hitsj, param, bins)
is_hemizygous[names(cncall)] <- length(grep("hemizygous", cncall)) > 0
#' Counts the number of improper read pairs supporting a deletion
#' If the number of improper read pairs supporting a deletion exceeds
#' \code{minFlankingHemizgyous(param)}, a deletion is designated as
#' "hemizygous+" if hemizygous and "homozygous+" if homozygous.
#' @return a character-vector of deletion calls
#' @export
#' @param sv a \code{StructuralVariant} object
#' @param param a \code{DeletionParam} object
#' @param bins a \code{GRanges} object containing the bins used in preprocessing
#' with mcols value 'log_ratio'
rpSupportedDeletions <- function(sv, param, bins){
## NA means that there were no queryRanges in the view -- i.e., all bins were masked
L <- length(sv)
## if we subset the sv object here but return only the calls, the length of
## calls will not be the same as the length of the number of variants
sv <- sv[overlapsAny(variant(sv), bins)]
is_hemizygous <- isHemizygousDeletion(sv, param, bins)
cncalls <- ifelse(is_hemizygous, "hemizygous", "homozygous")
number_improper <- elementNROWS(sapply(sv, improper))
MIN <- param@nflanking_hemizygous
cncalls[number_improper >= MIN] <- paste0(cncalls[number_improper >= MIN], "+")
.safelyChangeStart <- function(gr1, gr2){
if(start(gr2) < end(gr1)){
.safelyChangeEnd <- function(gr1, gr2){
if(end(gr2) > start(gr1)){
reviseDeletionBorders <- function(object){
gr <- variant(object)
for(i in seq_along(gr)){
X <- object[i]
g <- reviseJunction(X)
start(gr)[i] <- .safelyChangeStart(gr[i], g)
end(gr)[i] <- .safelyChangeEnd(gr[i], g)
.homozygousBorders <- function(object, svs){
v <- variant(object)
lrp <- leftAlwaysFirst(proper(object))
d <- c(0, cumsum(diff(start(first(lrp))) > 500))
## if there are only two clusters, revise the boundaries if close
## (if the current boundary is slightly too big, the
## findOverlaps(, within) below will not have any hits)
if(length(table(d)) == 2) {
st <- max(end(last(lrp))[d==0])+1
en <- min(start(first(lrp))[d==1])-1
## revise boundaries if 'close' to original
delta1 <- abs(st-start(v)) < 1000
delta2 <- abs(en-end(v)) < 1000
if(delta1) start(v) <- st
if(delta2) end(v) <- en
## now, check whether the variant is within the gap
segs <- readPairsAsSegments(proper(object))
g <- gaps(segs)
hits <- findOverlaps(v, g, type="within")
if(length(hits) > 0){
d <- g[subjectHits(hits)]
start(svs) <- .safelyChangeStart(svs, d)
end(svs) <- .safelyChangeEnd(svs, d)
} else svs <- v
## resolving homozygous boundaries
## truth : -----| |---------
## segmentation: -------| |----------
homozygousBorders <- function(object, svs){
index <- which(calls(object)=="homozygous")
for(i in index){
svs[i] <- .homozygousBorders(object[i], svs[i])
addVariant <- function(v, object, cn, cncall, param){
svtmp <- StructuralVariant(variant=v,
indexImproper(svtmp) <- initializeImproperIndex3(svtmp, param)
indexProper(svtmp) <- initializeProperIndex3(svtmp, zoom.out=1)
indexImproper(svtmp) <- updateImproperIndex(svtmp, maxgap=1e3)
cnvs <- c(v, granges(variant(object)))
ids <- paste0("sv", seq_along(cnvs))
cnvs <- setNames(cnvs, ids)
cncalls <- as.character(c(cncall, calls(object)))
cns <- as.numeric(c(cn, copynumber(object)))
index_proper <- setNames(c(indexProper(svtmp), indexProper(object)), ids)
index_improper <- setNames(c(indexImproper(svtmp), indexImproper(object)), ids)
sv2 <- StructuralVariant(cnvs,
sv2 <- sv2[!duplicated(cnvs)]
allGapsInReadPairs <- function(proper.readpairs){
segs <- readPairsAsSegments(proper.readpairs)
g <- gaps(segs)
g <- g[width(g) > 2e3]
gapsInHemiDel <- function(proper.readpairs, deletion.gr){
all.gaps <- allGapsInReadPairs(proper.readpairs)
expanded.deletion <- expandGRanges(deletion.gr, 1e3)
gaps.in.hemi.del <- subsetByOverlaps(all.gaps, expanded.deletion, type="within")
if(length(gaps.in.hemi.del) > 0){
si <- seqinfo(deletion.gr)
seqlevels(gaps.in.hemi.del, pruning.mode="coarse") <- seqlevels(si)
seqinfo(gaps.in.hemi.del) <- si
##spansHomozygousDel <- function(sv){
## hits <- homozygousHits(sv)
## length(hits > 0)
addVariant2 <- function(v, object, cn, cncall, param){
v$seg.mean <- cn
v$sample <- variant(object)$sample[1]
svtmp <- StructuralVariant(variant=v,
indexImproper(svtmp) <- initializeImproperIndex3(svtmp, param)
indexProper(svtmp) <- initializeProperIndex3(svtmp, zoom.out=1)
indexImproper(svtmp) <- updateImproperIndex(svtmp, maxgap=1e3)
##cnvs <- c(v, granges(variant(object)))
cnvs <- c(v, variant(object))
ids <- paste0("sv", seq_along(cnvs))
cnvs <- setNames(cnvs, ids)
cncalls <- as.character(c(cncall, calls(object)))
####get here
cns <- as.numeric(c(cn, copynumber(object)))
index_proper <- setNames(c(indexProper(svtmp), indexProper(object)), ids)
index_improper <- setNames(c(indexImproper(svtmp), indexImproper(object)), ids)
sv2 <- StructuralVariant(cnvs,
sv2 <- sv2[!duplicated(cnvs)]
## Check for overlapping hemizygous deletions that create a homozygous deletion
## truth1 : -----| |--------------
## truth2 :|---------| |---------
## homozyg gap : -> <-
.hemizygousBorders <- function(del.gr, sv, param){
gaps.in.hemi.del <- gapsInHemiDel(proper(sv), del.gr)
if(length(gaps.in.hemi.del) == 0) return(sv)
## the gap is potentially a homozygous deletion formed by overlapping
## hemizygous deletions
epsilon <- rep(log2(1/50), length(gaps.in.hemi.del))
sv2 <- addVariant2(gaps.in.hemi.del,
cncall=rep("homozygous", length(gaps.in.hemi.del)),
hemizygousBorders <- function(object, param){
index <- grep("hemizygous", calls(object))
sv <- object
hemizygous.gr <- variant(object)[index]
for(i in seq_along(hemizygous.gr)){
sv <- .hemizygousBorders(del.gr=hemizygous.gr[i],
sv=sv, param=param)
##improperReadPairs <- function(aview, gr, param=DeletionParam()){
## irp <- readRDS(improperPaths(aview))
## irp <- updateObject(irp)
## si <- seqinfo(aview)
## sl <- seqlevels(si)
## irp <- keepSeqlevels(irp, sl, pruning.mode="coarse")
## d <- abs(start(first(irp)) - start(last(irp)))
## irp <- irp[d < maximumWidth(param)]
## seqlevelsStyle(irp) <- seqlevelsStyle(si)
## irp <- irp[chromosome(first(irp)) == chromosome(last(irp))]
## hits <- findOverlaps(gr, irp, minimumGapWidth(param))
## irp <- irp[unique(subjectHits(hits))]
## if(length(irp) > 0){
## names(irp) <- paste0("i", seq_along(irp))
## }
## irp
.reviseEachJunction <- function(sv, bins, improper_rp, param=DeletionParam()){
## Refines deletion borders based on improper read pairs
svs <- reviseDeletionBorders(sv)
## for the duplicated ranges, revert back to the original
svs[duplicated(svs)] <- variant(sv)[duplicated(svs)]
variant(sv) <- svs
copynumber(sv) <- granges_copynumber2(svs, bins)
# Revise homozygous deletion borders using
# the absence of proper read pairs (this likely only works)
# with 100% pure samples (e.g. cell lines)
variant(sv) <- homozygousBorders(sv, svs)
is.dup <- duplicated(variant(sv))
sv <- sv[!is.dup]
# In hemizygous deletions, look for gaps in proper read pairs. If there
# is a gap, create a homozygous deletion in the gap and add to the StructuralVariant object.
sv <- hemizygousBorders(sv, param)
# Update the improper read pairs supporting deletions
# since deletion boundaries have been updated
irp <- improperRP(variant(sv), improper_rp, param=param)
improper(sv) <- irp
indexImproper(sv) <- updateImproperIndex2(variant(sv), irp, maxgap=500)
sv <- sv[ overlapsAny(variant(sv), bins) ]
# Update deletion calls based on the number of supporting read pairs
calls(sv) <- rpSupportedDeletions(sv, param, bins)
removeDuplicateIntervals <- function(g, object){
is.duplicated <- duplicated(g)
dups <- g[is.duplicated]
k <- match(names(dups), names(variant(object)))
object <- object[-k]
adjudicateHemizygousOverlap2 <- function(object){
cncalls <- gsub("\\+", "", calls(object))
hemi1_or_hemi2 <- cncalls=="hemizygous" | cncalls=="OverlappingHemizygous"
if(!any(hemi1_or_hemi2)) return(object)
g <- variant(object)
if(length(g) < 2) return(object)
####issue returning the seg.mean that's higher when calling duplicated
is.duplicated <- duplicated(g)
object <- removeDuplicateIntervals(g, object)
g <- g[names(g) %in% names(variant(object))]
if(length(g) < 2) return(object)
## If one interval is contained in another, drop the interval with the least
## support.
self_hits <- selfHits(g, type="within")
if(length(self_hits) == 0){
## one interval is not contained within another. Keep both
## ----------- -----------
## ------ ---------------
## Keep the interval with most support
## ------------- --------------
## --------------- ---------------
k <- match(names(g), names(variant(object)))
indices <- indexImproper(object[k])
drop <- which.min(elementNROWS(indices))
if(length(drop) > 0){
dropid <- names(g)[drop]
dropindex <- match(dropid, names(variant(object)))
object <- object[-dropindex]
adjudicateHemizygousOverlap <- function(g, object){
if(length(g) < 2) return(object)
is.duplicated <- duplicated(g)
object <- removeDuplicateIntervals(g, object)
g <- g[names(g) %in% names(variant(object))]
if(length(g) < 2) return(object)
## If one interval is contained in another, drop the interval with the least
## support.
hits <- findOverlaps(g, type="within")
hits <- hits[subjectHits(hits) != queryHits(hits)]
if(length(hits) == 0){
## one interval is not contained within another. Keep both
## ----------- -----------
## ------ ---------------
## Keep the interval with most support
## ------------- --------------
## --------------- ---------------
k <- match(names(g), names(variant(object)))
indices <- indexImproper(object[k])
drop <- which.min(elementNROWS(indices))
if(length(drop) > 0){
dropid <- names(g)[drop]
dropindex <- match(dropid, names(variant(object)))
object <- object[-dropindex]
removeDuplicateSv <- function(object){
g <- variant(object)
is.duplicated <- duplicated(g)
object <- removeDuplicateIntervals(g, object)
selfHits <- function(g, ...){
hits <- findOverlaps(g, ...)
hits <- hits[subjectHits(hits) != queryHits(hits)]
.merge_partial_overlap <- function(sv){
gr <- variant(sv)
cn <- copynumber(sv)
cn2 <- sum(cn*width(variant(sv)))/sum(width(variant(sv)))
## nms <- names(g)[m]
## names(rr) <- nms[1]
## dropid <- nms[-1]
## dropindex <- match(dropid, names(variant(object)))
## object <- object[-dropindex]
sv2 <- sv[1] ## only keep the first
rgr <- setNames(reduce(gr), names(gr)[1])
rgr$seg.mean <- cn2
rgr$sample <- gr$sample[1]
variant(sv2) <- rgr
copynumber(sv2) <- cn2
indexImproper(sv2) <- updateImproperIndex(sv2, maxgap=1e3)
indexProper(sv2) <- initializeProperIndex3(sv2, zoom.out=1)
## ## update the improperPair index
## v <- variant(object)
## i <- match(names(rr), names(v))
## v[i] <- rr
## variant(object) <- v
## obj <- object[i]
## indexImproper(obj) <- updateImproperIndex(obj, maxgap=1e3)
## indexProper(obj) <- initializeProperIndex3(obj, zoom.out=1)
## copynumber(obj) <- cn2
calls(sv2) <- "homozygous"
##indices <- indexImproper(sv2)
##K <- match(names(rr), names(indices))
##indices[[K]] <- indexImproper(obj)[[1]]
##object@index_improper <- indices
##indices <- indexProper(object)
##indices[[K]] <- indexProper(obj)[[1]]
##object@index_proper <- indices
## Check whether any homozygous deletions overlap. If overlap, keep the reduced
## interval
adjudicateHomozygousOverlap2 <- function(object){
gr <- variant(object)
gr <- gr[calls(object)=="homozygous"]
if(length(gr) < 2) return(object)
sv2 <- removeDuplicateSv(object)
gr <- variant(sv2)
if(length(gr) < 2) return(object)
self_hits <- selfHits(variant(sv2))
if(length(self_hits) == 0) return(sv2)
## (1)--------- ----------
## (2)------- -------
## Remove (1)
self_hits <- selfHits(variant(sv2), type="within")
if(length(self_hits) > 0){
sv2 <- sv2[-queryHits(self_hits)]
## Overlapping
## ------------- --------------
## --------------- ---------------
## Take the union.
hits <- findOverlaps(variant(sv2), reduce(variant(sv2)))
indices <- split(queryHits(hits), subjectHits(hits))
indices <- indices[elementNROWS(indices) > 1]
svnew <- sv2
for(k in seq_along(indices)){
m <- indices[[k]]
sv3 <- .merge_partial_overlap(sv2[m])
svnew <- combine(svnew[-m], sv3)
is.dup <- duplicated(variant(svnew))
svnew <- svnew[!is.dup]
adjudicateHomozygousOverlap <- function(g, object){
if(length(g) < 2) return(object)
is.duplicated <- duplicated(g)
object <- removeDuplicateIntervals(g, object)
g <- g[names(g) %in% names(variant(object))]
if(length(g) < 2) return(object)
## Can not have overlapping homozygous deletions.
hits <- findOverlaps(g)
hits <- hits[subjectHits(hits) != queryHits(hits)]
if(length(hits) == 0){
## Intervals not overlapping. Keep both
## ----------- -----------
## ------ ---------------
## (1)--------- ----------
## (2)------- -------
## Remove (1)
hits <- findOverlaps(g, type="within")
hits <- hits[subjectHits(hits) != queryHits(hits)]
if(length(hits) > 0){
dropid <- names(g)[queryHits(hits)]
object <- object[-match(dropid, names(variant(object)))]
g <- g[-match(dropid, names(g))]
## Overlapping
## ------------- --------------
## --------------- ---------------
## Take the union.
r <- reduce(g)
if(identical(length(r), length(g))) return(object)
hits <- findOverlaps(g, r)
indices <- split(queryHits(hits), subjectHits(hits))
indices <- indices[elementNROWS(indices) > 1]
for(k in seq_along(indices)){
m <- indices[[k]]
rr <- r[k]
J <- match(names(g)[m], names(variant(object)))
cn <- copynumber(object)[J]
cn2 <- sum(cn*width(variant(object))[J])/sum(width(variant(object))[J])
nms <- names(g)[m]
names(rr) <- nms[1]
dropid <- nms[-1]
dropindex <- match(dropid, names(variant(object)))
object <- object[-dropindex]
## update the improperPair index
v <- variant(object)
i <- match(names(rr), names(v))
v[i] <- rr
variant(object) <- v
obj <- object[i]
indexImproper(obj) <- updateImproperIndex(obj, maxgap=1e3)
indexProper(obj) <- initializeProperIndex3(obj, zoom.out=1)
copynumber(obj) <- cn2
calls(obj) <- "homozygous"
indices <- indexImproper(object)
K <- match(names(rr), names(indices))
indices[[K]] <- indexImproper(obj)[[1]]
object@index_improper <- indices
indices <- indexProper(object)
indices[[K]] <- indexProper(obj)[[1]]
object@index_proper <- indices
is.dup <- duplicated(variant(object))
object <- object[!is.dup]
removeSameStateOverlapping2 <- function(sv){
cncalls <- gsub("\\+", "", calls(sv))
is.homdel <- cncalls == "homozygous"
sv.homdel <- sv[is.homdel]
sv.hemdel <- sv[!is.homdel]
####prioritize one sv over other
sv.hemdel <- adjudicateHemizygousOverlap2(sv.hemdel)
sv.homdel <- adjudicateHomozygousOverlap2(sv.homdel)
sv <- combine(sv.hemdel, sv.homdel)
sv <- sort(sv)
removeSameStateOverlapping <- function(sv){
v <- variant(sv)
r <- reduce(v)
if(length(r) == length(v)) return(sv)
hits <- findOverlaps(v, r)
hitlist <- split(queryHits(hits), subjectHits(hits))
hitlist <- hitlist[elementNROWS(hitlist) > 1]
if(length(hitlist) == 0) return(sv)
sv2 <- sv
for(j in seq_along(hitlist)){
k <- hitlist[[j]]
gr <- v[k]
cncalls <- gsub("\\+", "", calls(sv)[k])
hemi1_or_hemi2 <- cncalls=="hemizygous" | cncalls=="OverlappingHemizygous"
sv2 <- adjudicateHemizygousOverlap(gr[hemi1_or_hemi2], sv2)
gr <- gr[cncalls=="homozygous"]
if(length(gr) < 2) next()
sv2 <- removeDuplicateSv(gr, sv2)
gr <- gr[names(gr) %in% names(variant(sv2))]
if(length(gr) < 2) next()
if(!anyOverlaps(gr, variant(sv2))) next()
sv2 <- adjudicateHomozygousOverlap2(tmp, sv2)
reviseEachJunction <- function(sv, bins, improper_rp, param=DeletionParam()){
message("Revising junctions...")
sv <- .reviseEachJunction(sv, bins, improper_rp, param)
indexProper(sv) <- initializeProperIndex3(sv, zoom.out=1)
copynumber(sv) <- granges_copynumber2(variant(sv), bins)
sv <- sv[ overlapsAny(variant(sv), bins) ]
calls(sv) <- rpSupportedDeletions(sv, param, bins)
findSpanningHemizygousDeletion <- function(hits, homdel, irp, object, bins, param){
K <- queryHits(hits)[1]
##homdel <- variant(object)[K]
if(length(hits) < 5) return(object) ##nothing to do
j <- subjectHits(hits)
irpj <- irp[j]
rpsegs <- readPairsAsSegments(irpj)
## do these segments span the putative homozygous deletion?
hitw <- findOverlaps(homdel, rpsegs, type="within")
if(length(hitw) < 5) return(object)
lrp <- leftAlwaysFirst(irpj[subjectHits(hitw)])
cl <- clusterReadPairs(lrp)
clid <- names(which.max(table(cl)))
lrp <- lrp[cl==clid]
if(length(lrp) < 5) return(object)
## Add hemizygous deletion
st <- max(end(first(lrp)))
en <- min(start(last(lrp)))
hemdel <- GRanges(seqnames(homdel)[1], IRanges(start=st, end=en))
hiteq <- findOverlaps(hemdel, homdel, type="equal")
if(length(hiteq) > 0){
##1. called homdel: ------------------ ----------------------
##2. true homdel: ----------------------- ----------------------
## see if there are gaps in the proper pairs to identify (2)
rps <- object@proper
rps2 <- readPairsAsSegments(rps)
rps3 <- rps2[overlapsAny(rps2, homdel)]
g <- gaps(rps3)
if(length(g)== 0) {
## there are no gaps
stop("there are no gaps")
g <- g[overlapsAny(g, homdel)]
g <- g[width(g) >= 2e3]
g <- GRanges(seqnames(g)[1], IRanges(min(start(g)), max(end(g))))
seqlevels(g, pruning.mode="coarse") <- seqlevels(homdel)
seqinfo(g) <- seqinfo(homdel)
object2 <- addVariant2(v=g,
## The homdel is really hemizygous
hemdel <- homdel
## Remove the gaps and recompute the foldchange
portion_notspanning <- setdiff(hemdel, g)
means <- granges_copynumber2(portion_notspanning, bins)
means <- sum(means*width(portion_notspanning))/sum(width(portion_notspanning))
## Update the call and the fold change
calls(object2)[K] <- "hemizygous+"
copynumber(object2)[K] <- means
seqlevels(hemdel, pruning.mode="coarse") <- seqlevels(homdel)
seqinfo(hemdel) <- seqinfo(homdel)
portion_notspanning <- setdiff(hemdel, homdel)
means <- granges_copynumber2(portion_notspanning, bins)
means <- sum(means*width(portion_notspanning))/sum(width(portion_notspanning))
object2 <- addVariant2(v=hemdel,
indexImproper(object2) <- updateImproperIndex(object2)
leftHemizygousHomolog <- function(object, bins, param){
## #########################################################################
## Identifying overlapping hemizygous deletions
## #########################################################################
## homolog1 ---------| |-------------
## homolog2 -----| |----------------
## RRP 1: |--------|
## RRP 2: |------|
## 1. Find RRP 1 by getting all improper read pairs near the right
## end of the homozygous deletion
## order improper RPs by left-most position
sv_bak <- object
homindex <- which(calls(object)=="homozygous")
irp <- leftAlwaysFirst(object@improper)
## define rightedge of homozygous deletion
gr <- variant(object)
##homsv <- sv[homindex]
rightedge <- restrict(gr, start=end(gr)-2e3)
end(rightedge) <- end(rightedge)+2e3
hits <- findOverlaps(rightedge, last(irp))
## group hits by the homozygous deletion interval
id <- names(rightedge)[queryHits(hits)]
hitlist <- split(hits, factor(id,levels=unique(id)))
hitlist <- hitlist[names(hitlist) %in% names(gr)[homindex]]
object2 <- object
if(length(hitlist) > 0){
## Function for single hit object
for(k in seq_along(hitlist)){
## object is stable. object2 is not!
homdel <- variant(object)[names(hitlist)[k]]
object2 <- findSpanningHemizygousDeletion(hits=hitlist[[k]],
firstIsLeft <- function(galp) {
names(galp) <- NULL
start(first(galp)) <= start(last(galp))
leftAlwaysFirst <- function(rp){
##is_r1_left <- start(first(rp)) < start(last(rp))
is_r1_left <- firstIsLeft(rp)
rp2 <- GAlignmentPairs(first=c(first(rp)[is_r1_left],
isProperPair=rep(FALSE, length(rp)))
nms1 <- elementMetadata(rp)$names[is_r1_left]
nms2 <- elementMetadata(rp)$names[!is_r1_left]
##ids <- c(names(first(rp)[is_r1_left]), names(last(rp)[!is_r1_left]))
ids <- c(nms1, nms2)
elementMetadata(rp2)$names <- ids
rp2 <- rp2[order(start(first(rp2)))]
as(rp2, "LeftAlignmentPairs")
rightHemizygousHomolog <- function(object, bins, param){
## 2. Find RRP 2 by getting all improper read pairs near the left
## end of the homozygous deletion
homindex <- which(calls(object)=="homozygous")
gr <- variant(object)
leftedge <- restrict(gr, end=start(gr)+2e3)
start(leftedge) <- start(leftedge)-2e3
irp <- leftAlwaysFirst(object@improper)
hits <- findOverlaps(leftedge, first(irp))
## group hits by the homozygous deletion interval
id <- names(leftedge)[queryHits(hits)]
hitlist <- split(hits, factor(id, levels=unique(id)))
hitlist <- hitlist[names(hitlist) %in% names(gr)[homindex]]
object2 <- object
if(length(hitlist) > 0){
## Function for single hit object
for(k in seq_along(hitlist)){
## object is stable. object2 is not!
homdel <- variant(object)[names(hitlist)[k]]
object2 <- findSpanningHemizygousDeletion(hits=hitlist[[k]],
object2 <- sort(object2)
refineHomozygousBoundaryByHemizygousPlus <- function(sv){
hemizygousplus <- variant(sv)[calls(sv)=="hemizygous+"]
##homozygous <- variant(sv)[calls(sv)=="homozygous"]
homozygous <- variant(sv)[grep("homozygous", calls(sv))]
hits <- findOverlaps(homozygous, hemizygousplus)
delta1 <- abs(start(homozygous)[queryHits(hits)] - start(hemizygousplus)[subjectHits(hits)]) < 1000
delta2 <- abs(end(homozygous)[queryHits(hits)] - end(hemizygousplus)[subjectHits(hits)]) < 1000
jj <- subjectHits(hits)[delta1]
ii <- queryHits(hits)[delta1]
start(homozygous)[ii] <- start(hemizygousplus)[jj]
jj <- subjectHits(hits)[delta2]
ii <- queryHits(hits)[delta2]
end(homozygous)[ii] <- end(hemizygousplus)[jj]
variant(sv)[grep("homozygous", calls(sv))] <- homozygous
callOverlappingHemizygous <- function(object){
hits <- findOverlaps(variant(object), type="within")
hits <- hits[subjectHits(hits) != queryHits(hits)]
if(length(hits) > 0){
j <- subjectHits(hits)
calls(object)[j] <- "OverlappingHemizygous+"
removeSameStateOverlapping <- function(sv){
v <- variant(sv)
r <- reduce(v)
if(length(r) == length(v)) return(sv)
hits <- findOverlaps(variant(sv), r)
hitlist <- split(queryHits(hits), subjectHits(hits))
hitlist <- hitlist[elementNROWS(hitlist) > 1]
if(length(hitlist) == 0) return(sv)
sv2 <- sv
for(j in seq_along(hitlist)){
k <- hitlist[[j]]
tmp <- v[k]
cncalls <- gsub("\\+", "", calls(sv)[k])
hemi1_or_hemi2 <- cncalls=="hemizygous" | cncalls=="OverlappingHemizygous"
sv2 <- adjudicateHemizygousOverlap(tmp[hemi1_or_hemi2], sv2)
sv2 <- adjudicateHomozygousOverlap(tmp[cncalls=="homozygous"], sv2)
widthNotSpannedByFilter <- function(cnv, filters){
if(length(filters) != length(reduce(filters))) stop("filter GRanges not reduced")
w <- width(cnv)
int <- intersect(cnv, filters)
if(length(int)== 0) return(w)
int_width <- width(int)
cnvhits <- findOverlaps(int, cnv)
width_of_cnv <- width(cnv)[unique(subjectHits(cnvhits))]
width_of_cnv_intersecting_filters <- sapply(split(int_width[queryHits(cnvhits)],
subjectHits(cnvhits)), sum)
width_not_in_filter <- width_of_cnv - width_of_cnv_intersecting_filters
w[unique(subjectHits(cnvhits))] <- as.numeric(width_not_in_filter)
groupSVs <- function(object){
g <- variant(object)
g2 <- expandGRanges(g, width(g)*1)
gr <- reduce(g2)
hits <- findOverlaps(variant(object), gr)
j <- subjectHits(hits)
groupedVariant(object) <- factor(j)
allProperReadPairs <- function(sv, param, bfile, zoom.out=1){
cnv <- variant(sv)
g <- expandGRanges(cnv, width(cnv)*zoom.out)
query <- reduce(disjoin(g))
proper_rp <- readPairsNearVariant(query, bfile)
sv@proper <- proper_rp
indexProper(sv) <- initializeProperIndex3(sv, zoom.out=zoom.out)
removeHemizygous <- function(sv){
is_hemizygous <- calls(sv)=="hemizygous"
sv <- sv[!is_hemizygous]
revise <- function(sv, bins, param){
copynumber(sv) <- granges_copynumber2(variant(sv), bins)
sv <- sv[ overlapsAny(variant(sv), bins) ]
calls(sv) <- rpSupportedDeletions(sv, param=param, bins)
indexImproper(sv) <- updateImproperIndex(sv, maxgap=500)
calls(sv) <- rpSupportedDeletions(sv, param, bins)
####Here we add a granges object that wasn't present before
sv2 <- rightHemizygousHomolog(sv, bins, param)
sv3 <- leftHemizygousHomolog(sv2, bins, param)
##sv3 <- rightHemizygousHomolog(sv2, bins, param)
calls(sv3) <- rpSupportedDeletions(sv3, param, bins)
message("Refining homozygous boundaries by spanning hemizygous+")
sv5 <- refineHomozygousBoundaryByHemizygousPlus(sv3)
sv6 <- callOverlappingHemizygous(sv5)
####where we lose the -8 chr15 segment
sv7 <- removeSameStateOverlapping2(sv6)
#' Creates a StructuralVariant object
#' Creates a \code{StructuralVariant} object encapsulating information
#' on deletions, including the genomic intervals, proper and improper
#' read pairs in the vicinity, and a classification for the type of
#' deletion based on the preprocessed estimates of read depth and the
#' improper read pair alignments.
#' Note: proper read pairs near a candidate deletion are randomly sampled to
#' reduce the size of the object. For reproducibility, set a seed prior to
#' running this function.
#' @param preprocess a list of preprocessing summaries (see \code{preprocessData})
#' @param gr_filters a \code{GRanges} object of germline filters. If the function is
#' called without specifying this argument then a default set of germline filters
#' will be applied from \code{svfilters.hg19} if the \code{genome} slot in \code{preprocess}
#' is set to "hg19" or \code{svfilters.hg18} if \code{genome} is set to "hg18".
#' @param param a \code{DeletionParam} object
#' @return a \code{StructuralVariant} object
#' @seealso \code{\link{preprocessData}}
#' @examples
#' data(pdata)
#' pdata$bam.file <- system.file("extdata", "cgov44t_revised.bam", package="svbams")
#' sv_deletions(pdata)
#' @export
sv_deletions <- function(preprocess,
# Returns a GRanges object containing default filtered regions
# from the genome build in preprocess$genome
gr_filters <- genomeFilters(preprocess$genome)
# Subsetting the segments in preprocess to only include those
# with seg.mean less than the hemizygous threshold in param
segs <- preprocess$segments
preprocess$segments <- segs[segs$seg.mean < hemizygousThr(param)]
# Creating an initial StructuralVariant object. Segments in preprocess$segments
# with the following criteria are kept:
# 1) Less than 0.75 (or the value specified by param@max_proportion_in_filter) of a segment
# overlaps a filtered region
# 2) More than 2000bp (or the value specified by param@min_width) of a segment does not
# overlap a filtered region
# 3) The segment is less than 2Mb in length (or the value specified by param@max_width)
# 4) The segment is greater than 2kb in length (or the value specified by param@min_width)
# 5) The segment mean is less than the median log ratios of surrounding bins by at
# least -0.5 (or the value specified by param@min_segmean_diff). This ensures that it is focal.
# In addition, proper and improper read pairs that are near each deletion
# and stored in the StructuralVariant object
sv <- deletion_call(preprocess, gr_filters, param)
# Counting the number of improper read pairs supporting deletions. If this
# number is greater than param@nflanking_hemizygous then homizygous is
# replaced with hemizygous+ and homozygous with homozygous+
calls(sv) <- rpSupportedDeletions(sv, param=param, bins=preprocess$bins)
sv <- removeHemizygous(sv)
# Extracting improper read pairs with a high MAPQ
improper_rp <- preprocess$read_pairs[["improper"]]
## avoid namespace issues with dplyr
first <- GenomicAlignments::first
last <- GenomicAlignments::last
mapq <- mcols(first(improper_rp))$mapq > 30 &
mcols(last(improper_rp))$mapq > 30
improper_rp <- improper_rp[mapq]
if(length(variant(sv)) > 0){
# Revise deletion boundaries using improper read pairs
# and proper read pairs
sv <- reviseEachJunction(sv=sv, bins=preprocess$bins,
if(param@remove_hemizygous) {
sv <- removeHemizygous(sv)
if(length(variant(sv)) > 0){
####Here we change the numeric seg.mean of Granges sv4 from -8.6549 to 0.925531
sv <- revise(sv, bins=preprocess$bins, param=param)
sv <- finalize_deletions(sv=sv, preprocess,
finalize_deletions <- function(sv, preprocess, gr_filters,
if(length(sv) == 0) return(sv)
gr_filters <- genomeFilters(preprocess$genome)
bins <- preprocess$bins
bam.file <- preprocess$bam.file
sv <- SVFilters(sv, gr_filters, bins, param=param)
if (length(sv) == 0) return(sv)
sv <- groupSVs(sv)
## requires bam file
sv <- allProperReadPairs(sv, param,
bfile=bam.file, zoom.out=1)
if(length(sv@proper) > 25e3){
proper(sv) <- sv@proper[sample(seq_along(sv@proper), 25e3)]
indexProper(sv) <- initializeProperIndex3(sv, zoom.out=1)
sv <- rename(sort(sv))
#' Extract a GRangesList of all identified deletions in a project
#' Deletions are assumed by be saved in a deletion directory by the name of
#' the BAM file.
#' @param path character string providing directory where deletions are saved
#' @param ids a character vector of sample identifiers
#' @return a \code{GRangesList} of deletions
#' @export
listDeletions <- function(path="data/segment/1deletions", ids){
files <- file.path(path, paste0(ids, ".rds"))
dels <- lapply(files, readRDS)
names(dels) <- gsub("\\.bam", "", ids)
g <- lapply(dels, function(x) granges(variant(x)))
num.rearranged <- lapply(dels, numberImproper)
g <- unlist(GRangesList(g))
g$number_rearranged <- unlist(num.rearranged)
g$id <- sapply(strsplit(names(g), "\\."), "[", 1)
names(g) <- NULL
g$log_ratio <- unlist(lapply(dels, copynumber))
g$call <- unlist(lapply(dels, calls))
grl <- split(g, g$id)
reduceTranscripts <- function(tx, grl, maxgap=5e3){
## tx is big. Make this smaller as a first step
tx <- subsetByOverlaps(tx, reduce(unlist(grl), min.gapwidth=maxgap))
gene_list <- split(tx, tx$gene_name)
## remove any element that has multiple chromosomes
nchroms <- sapply(gene_list, function(g) length(unique(chromosome(g))))
gene_list <- gene_list[nchroms == 1]
## A gene can have multiple entries. Try reduce
gene_list <- GRangesList(lapply(gene_list, reduce, min.gapwidth=maxgap))
## Add back the gene name
el <- elementNROWS(gene_list)
tx <- unlist(gene_list)
tx$gene_name <- rep(names(gene_list), el)
#' Tabulate the frequency a gene has a deletion
#' Multiple hit genes. Deletions do not necessarily have to overlap so long as
#' the two deletions both hit the same gene.
#' 1. list transcripts by gene
#' 2. reduce the deletion granges for each subject to avoid over-counting
#' overlapping hemizygous deletions as 2 hits
#' 3. count overlaps
#' @return a \code{data.frame} of gene names with frequencies
#' @param tx a \code{transcript} object as provided by the \code{svfilters} package
#' @param grl a \code{GRangesList} of deletions
#' @param maxgap a length-one numeric vector indicating the amount of space
#' between a deletion and a transcript allowed to consider overlapping. This
#' argument is passed to \code{overlapsAny}.
#' @seealso \code{\link[IRanges]{overlapsAny}}
#' @return a \code{GRanges} object. **The coordinates are of the reduced transcript and not the observed deletion.**
#' @export
numberOverlappingDeletions <- function(tx, grl, maxgap=5e3){
## ensure that 2 deletions for a subject hitting a gene are only counted once
is_overlap_list <- lapply(grl, function(gr, tx, maxgap) {
overlapsAny(tx, gr, maxgap=maxgap)
}, maxgap=maxgap, tx=tx)
is_overlap <- do.call(cbind, is_overlap_list)
frequency <- rowSums(is_overlap)
numberSpanningAmplicons <- function(tx, grl, maxgap=5e3){
## ensure that 2 deletions for a subject hitting a gene are only counted once
is_overlap_list <- lapply(grl, function(gr, tx, maxgap) {
overlapsAny(tx, gr, type="within")
}, maxgap=maxgap, tx=tx)
is_overlap <- do.call(cbind, is_overlap_list)
frequency <- rowSums(is_overlap)
#' Extract read pairs from a \code{StructuralVariant} object
#' This function extracts all read pairs from a StructuralVariant object and
#' then performs a filtering step. The filtering step thins the number of read
#' pairs with insert size less than 3kb.
#' @param object a \code{StructuralVariant} object
#' @param max.out length-one integer vector: the maximum number of read pairs to return
#' @export
thinReadPairs <- function(object, max.out=25e3){
rp <- readPairs(object)
L <- length(rp)
if(L > max.out){
d <- start(last(rp)) - end(first(rp))
j <- which(d < 0)
d[j] <- end(first(rp))[j]-start(last(rp))[j]
big <- d > 3e3
thin <- seq(1, length(rp), length.out=max.out)
thin <- sort(unique(c(thin, which(big))))
rp <- rp[thin]
meltReadPairs <- function(rps){
is.improper <- names(rps) != ""
names(rps) <- NULL
df <- data.frame(seqnames=as.character(seqnames(rps)),
start.first=start(first(rps)), end.first=end(first(rps)),
##df <- as(rps, "data.frame")
df$readpair <- seq_len(nrow(df))
df1 <- df[, c("start.first", "end.first", "readpair")]
df2 <- df[, c("start.last", "end.last", "readpair")]
colnames(df1) <- colnames(df2) <- c("start", "end", "readpair")
df <- rbind(df1, df2)
df$read <- rep(c("first", "last"), c(nrow(df1), nrow(df2)))
df$read <- factor(df$read, levels=c("first", "last"))
df$is.improper <- rep(is.improper, 2)
#' Create a list of relevant information for calling deletions/amplifications
#' Collects preprocessed bin-level log2 ratios, segmentation, proper read
#' pairs surrounding deletions, improper read pairs supporting deletions,
#' a path to the bam file, and the reference genome build of the bam file into
#' a comprehensive \code{list} that can be used as input to the
#' \code{sv_deletions} and \code{sv_amplicons2} functions.
#' @param bam.file length-one character vector providing path to BAM file
#' @param genome length-one character vector providing genome build (hg18 or hg19)
#' @param bins a \code{GRanges} object with \code{log_ratio} in the \code{mcols}
#' @param segments a \code{GRanges} object with \code{seg.mean} in the \code{mcols}
#' @param read_pairs a length 2 \code{list} of \code{GAlignmentPairs} objects.
#' One \code{GAlignmentPairs} object should have the name \code{proper_del}
#' and contain proper read pairs that surround putative deletions obtained
#' from the \code{properReadPairs} function. The
#' second \code{GAlignmentPairs} object should have the name \code{improper}
#' and contain improper reads supporting putative deletions obtained from
#' the \code{getImproperAlignmentPairs} function.
#' @return a \code{list} object
#' @examples
#' library(svbams)
#' library(svfilters.hg19)
#' data(bins1kb)
#' extdata <- system.file("extdata", package="svbams")
#' bamfile <- file.path(extdata, "cgov44t_revised.bam")
#' ## Extract all improper readpairs
#' what <- c("flag", "mrnm", "mpos", "mapq")
#' iparams <- improperAlignmentParams(what=what)
#' improper_rp <- getImproperAlignmentPairs(bamfile,
#' param=iparams,
#' build="hg19")
#' ddir <- system.file("extdata", package="svbams",
#' mustWork=TRUE)
#' ## load normalized read depth (see trellis vignette)
#' lr <- readRDS(file.path(ddir, "preprocessed_coverage.rds"))/1000
#' seqlevels(bins1kb, pruning.mode="coarse") <- paste0("chr", c(1:22, "X"))
#' bins1kb$log_ratio <- lr
#' bins <- keepSeqlevels(bins1kb, c("chr5", "chr8", "chr15"),
#' pruning.mode="coarse")
#' ## Load segmentation data
#' path <- system.file("extdata", package="svbams")
#' segs <- readRDS(file.path(path, "cgov44t_segments.rds"))
#' seqlevels(segs, pruning.mode="coarse") <- seqlevels(bins)
#' ## candidate deletions
#' dp <- DeletionParam(remove_hemizygous=FALSE)
#' dp
#' del.gr <- IRanges::reduce(segs[segs$seg.mean < hemizygousThr(dp)],
#' min.gapwidth=2000)
#' ## sample properly and improperly paired read pairs near candidate deletions
#' proper_rp <- properReadPairs(bamfile, gr=del.gr, dp)
#' improper_rp <- keepSeqlevels(improper_rp, seqlevels(segs),
#' pruning.mode="coarse")
#' read_pairs <- list(proper_del=proper_rp, improper=improper_rp)
#' ## Collect data from preprocessing in a single list object
#' pdata <- preprocessData(bam.file=bamfile,
#' genome="hg19",
#' bins=bins1kb,
#' segments=segs,
#' read_pairs=read_pairs)
#' @export
preprocessData <- function(bam.file=NULL,
if(!"log_ratio" %in% colnames(mcols(bins))){
stop("'log_ratio' must be a column in the 'bins' object")
if(!"seg.mean" %in% colnames(mcols(segments))){
stop("'seg.mean' must be a column in the 'segments' object")
pdata <- list(bam.file=bam.file,
preprocessData2 <- function(bam.file=NULL,
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