
Defines functions ggRearrange ggRearrangeLegend .ggRearrange_sequences .ggRearrange axis_labels3p axis_labels5p axis_limits axis_limit3p axis_limit5p peelLegend ggRearrange2 readColors readPairColors .rear_DataFrame rearDataFrameList make_levels_unique label_orientation list_region_levels rearDataFrame typeRead cstrand check_splitreads overlappingTranscripts type_each type_rearrangement findCandidates2 rearrangementType typeGAPairs R2neg R1pos R1lessR2 R2strand R1strand isTranslocation adjustBinSizeByLinkedTagPairs adjustRightBinSize adjustLeftBinSize computeFractionLinkingTags seqJunctionsInferredByPairedTags2 mapq seqJunctionsInferredByPairedTags .trimInvalidReads clusterTags filterTagClusters unpairThenReduce Rearrangement rpclustNames mapTagsToCluster gapToGRanges atLeastOneTagMapsToCluster linkClustersByReadPairs rpclustNamesMatrix annotateRPsWithLinkId bothTagsMapToCluster

Documented in findCandidates2 ggRearrange rearDataFrame rearDataFrameList Rearrangement rearrangementType seqJunctionsInferredByPairedTags2 type_rearrangement

#' @include AllGenerics.R

## accessors  [ should any be moved to svclasses? ]
setMethod("chromosome", "GAlignments", function(object) as.character(seqnames(object)))
setMethod("first", "GAlignmentsList", function(x) x[[1]])
setMethod("last", "GAlignmentsList", function(x) x[[2]])

setReplaceMethod("first", "GAlignmentPairs", function(x, value){
  x@first <- value
setReplaceMethod("last", "GAlignmentPairs", function(x, value){
  x@last <- value

## Rearrangment functions

bothTagsMapToCluster <- function(gpairs, tag_cluster){
  is_true <- overlapsAny(first(gpairs), tag_cluster) &
    overlapsAny(last(gpairs), tag_cluster)

annotateRPsWithLinkId <- function(gpairs, tag_cluster){
  F <- first(gpairs)
  L <- last(gpairs)
  ## Remove all read pairs for which the first tag and the last tag
  ## map to the same cluster
  hitsF <- findOverlaps(F, tag_cluster)
  hitsL <- findOverlaps(L, tag_cluster)
    nms <- seq_len(length(tag_cluster))
  } else nms <-  names(tag_cluster)
  mcols(F)$rpid <- nms[subjectHits(hitsF)]
  mcols(L)$rpid <- nms[subjectHits(hitsL)]
  first(gpairs) <- F
  last(gpairs) <- L

rpclustNamesMatrix <- function(nms){
  nms2 <- do.call(rbind, strsplit(nms[!duplicated(nms)], "-"))
  colnames(nms2) <- c("rpidF", "rpidL")

linkClustersByReadPairs <- function(clustered_tags, gpairs){
  linked_cluster_ids <- rpclustNamesMatrix(names(gpairs))
  linked_clusters <- clustered_tags[linked_cluster_ids[, 1]]
  linked_clusters$linked.to <- clustered_tags[linked_cluster_ids[, 2]]
  names(linked_clusters) <- paste(linked_cluster_ids[, 1], linked_cluster_ids[, 2], sep="-")

atLeastOneTagMapsToCluster <- function(gpairs, tag_cluster){
  is_true <- overlapsAny(first(gpairs), tag_cluster) |
    overlapsAny(last(gpairs), tag_cluster)

gapToGRanges <- function(gpairs, linked.granges){
  atleast.one <- atLeastOneTagMapsToCluster(gpairs, linked.granges)
  ##checkIdentical(sum(atleast.one), 2949L)
  irp.nonlinking <- gpairs[ atleast.one ] ## why called "nonlinking"
  ## convert the GAlignmentPairs for these tags to a GRanges object
  mcF <- mcols(first(irp.nonlinking))
  F <- granges(first(irp.nonlinking))
  mcL <- mcols(last(irp.nonlinking))
  L <- granges(last(irp.nonlinking))
  tags <- c(F, L)
  linked.to <- c(L, F)
  tags$linked.to <- linked.to
  ## because we've concatentated F and L as a long vector, we can
  ## remove tags that do not map (we will have it in the other
  ## orientation)
  tags <- subsetByOverlaps(tags, linked.granges)

mapTagsToCluster <- function(tags, linked.clusters){
  hits1 <- findOverlaps(tags, linked.clusters, select="first")
  hits2 <- findOverlaps(tags, linked.clusters$linked.to, select="first")
  linked.ids <- strsplit(names(linked.clusters), "-")
  linked1id <- sapply(linked.ids, "[", 1)
  linked2id <- sapply(linked.ids, "[", 2)
  i1 <- linked1id[hits1]
  i2 <- linked2id[hits2]
  mat <- cbind(i1, i2)
  rs <- rowSums(is.na(mat))
  ## for all the rows with no NAs, verify, the id is the same
  mat2 <- mat[rs==0, ]
  if(!identical(mat2[, 1], mat2[, 2])) stop(" the linked bin id to which the tags map are not the same ")
  if(any(rs==2)) stop("some of the tags did not map to any cluster")
  mapping <- rep(NA, length(tags))
  mapping[!is.na(i1)] <- i1[!is.na(i1)]
  mapping[is.na(i1)] <- i2[is.na(i1)]

rpclustNames <- function(gpairs){
  rpidF <- rpid1 <- mcols(first(gpairs))$rpid
  rpidL <- rpid2 <- mcols(last(gpairs))$rpid
  rpindex1 <- as.integer(gsub("rpclust", "", rpid1))
  rpindex2 <- as.integer(gsub("rpclust", "", rpid2))
  rpidF[rpindex2 < rpindex1] <- rpid2[rpindex2 < rpindex1]
  rpidL[rpindex2 < rpindex1] <- rpid1[rpindex2 < rpindex1]
  paste0(rpidF, "-", rpidL)

Rearrangement <- function(linkedBins=GRanges(linked.to=GRanges(),
  if(length(unlinked_clusters) > 0 && length(improper) > 0 ){
      names(unlinked_clusters) <- seq_along(unlinked_clusters)
    is_linking <- bothTagsMapToCluster(improper, unlinked_clusters)
    irp <- improper[ is_linking ]
    irp <- annotateRPsWithLinkId(irp, unlinked_clusters)
    names(irp) <- rpclustNames(irp)
    irp.nonlinking <- improper
    rpnames <- names(irp)
    linkedBins <- linkClustersByReadPairs(unlinked_clusters, irp)
    ## Many of the clusers are not linked to any other cluster.
    ## Because the unlinked_clusters are non-overlapping, these can be
    ## safely removed.
    is_true <- unlinked_clusters %in% linkedBins |
      unlinked_clusters %in% linkedBins$linked.to
    unfiltered_clusters <- unlinked_clusters[ is_true ]
    ## the first partitioning of the improper read pairs is by those
    ## that provide the link between the 'linked bins'
    partition <- setNames(seq_len(length(linkedBins)), names(linkedBins))
    partitioning <- partition[rpnames]
    ##improper <- irp
    linked.ids <- strsplit(names(linkedBins), "-")
    linked1id <- sapply(linked.ids, "[", 1)
    linked2id <- sapply(linked.ids, "[", 2)
    ## Tags that do not link clusters that were selected according to
    ## above filters, but that might be important for deciding whether
    ## rearrangement is an artifact
    ## convert galignmentpairs to granges
    ## Require at least one tag to map to a cluster
    tags <- gapToGRanges(irp.nonlinking, unfiltered_clusters)
    ## While the unlinked_clusters are non-overlapping, the linkedBins
    ## can have duplicates.  This means that a single tag will map to
    ## multiple linkedBins.  Subsetting a linkedBins that is
    ## duplicated should pull out the same set of single tags
    mapping <- mapTagsToCluster(tags, linkedBins)
    improper <- irp
  } else{
    mapping <- character()
  lt <- linkedBins$linked.to
  seqlevels(lt, pruning.mode="coarse") <- seqlevels(lt)
  seqinfo(lt) <- seqinfo(linkedBins)
  linkedBins$linked.to <- lt
  if(length(linkedBins) == 0){
    names(linkedBins) <- character()
  new("Rearrangement", linkedBins=linkedBins,
      link1id=linked1id, link2id=linked2id,
      improper=improper, tags=tags,

##  Tools to find rearrangements

unpairThenReduce <- function(gpairs, params){
  g <- as(c(first(gpairs), last(gpairs)), "GRanges")
  strand(g) <- factor("*", levels=c("+","-","*"))
  rg <- reduce(g, min.gapwidth=minGapWidth(params))

filterTagClusters <- function(clustered_tags, gpairs, params){
  ## Remove clusters with low tag counts
  counts <- (countOverlaps(clustered_tags, first(gpairs)) +
             countOverlaps(clustered_tags, last(gpairs)))
  clustered_tags[ counts >= minNumberTagsPerCluster(params) ]

clusterTags <- function(gpairs, params){
  unpaired <- unpairThenReduce(gpairs, params)
  unpaired <- unpaired[ width(unpaired) >= minClusterSize(params) &
                        width(unpaired) <= maxClusterSize(params) ]
  unpaired <- unpaired[ !duplicated(unpaired) ]
  names(unpaired) <- seq_len(length(unpaired))
  unpaired <- filterTagClusters(unpaired, gpairs, params)

.trimInvalidReads <- function(x){
  chromosome <- function(x) as.character(seqnames(x))
  ends <- setNames(end(first(x)), chromosome(first(x)))
  ends.info <- seqlengths(x)[names(ends)]
  is_valid1 <- ends <= ends.info
  ends2 <- setNames(end(last(x)), chromosome(last(x)))
  ends.info2 <- seqlengths(x)[names(ends2)]
  is_valid2 <- ends2 <= ends.info2
  is_valid <- is_valid1 & is_valid2

setMethod("numberLinkingRP", "Rearrangement", function(object){
  nsupportingReads <- table(names(improper(object)))
  nsupportingReads <- nsupportingReads[names(object)]

seqJunctionsInferredByPairedTags <- function(aln.file, bins, param){
  gp <- readRDS(aln.file)
  ##gp <- updateObject(gp)
  seqlevelsStyle(gp) <- "UCSC"
  gp <- keepSeqlevels(gp, seqlevels(bins), pruning.mode="coarse")
  gp <- .trimInvalidReads(gp)
  gp2 <- filterPairedReads(gp, bins, param)
  ctags <- clusterTags(gp2, param)
  ## Note, the Rearrangement constructor does additional work
  L <- Rearrangement(improper=gp2, unlinked_clusters=ctags)
  L2 <- L[ numberLinkingRP(L) >= minNumberTagsPerCluster(param) ]

mapq <- function(galp){
  f <- first(galp)
  l <- last(galp)
  cbind(mcols(f)$mapq, mcols(l)$mapq)

#' Constructs a Rearrangement object of unlinked tag-clusters
#' Identifies genomic intervals containing clusters of improper reads
#'  and constructs a Rearrangement object containing the unlinked
#'  clusters and the improper read pairs.
#' @details
#' Read pairs are selected with parameters set in the
#' \code{RearrangementParams} object (denoted \code{params}) as follows:
#' 1. the distance between the first and last read for a given pair
#' must be at least \code{rp_separation(params)}
#' 2. Duplicate read pairs are dropped
#' 3. For reads passing (1) and (2), the total number of reads aligned
#' to each bin in \code{bins} is counted. We exclude bins for which
#' the number of aligned reads is less than
#' \code{minNumberTagsPerCluster(params)}.  We use the remaining bins
#' to subset the read pairs object -- keeping only read pairs for
#' which the first or the last read overlaps a bin. Steps 1-3 are
#' performed by the function \code{filterPairedReads}.
#' 4. Clusters of improper reads that pass (1), (2), and (3) are
#'   identified. In particular, we apply the function
#'   \code{unpairThenReduce} that first uncouples the read pairs and
#'   creates a single \code{GRanges} object.  The \code{GRanges}
#'   object is then reduced with argument \code{min.gapwidth} set to
#'   \code{minGapWidth(params)} (default is 1kb).  The interval for
#'   each cluster is given by the reduced ranges.  We keep only those
#'   intervals that have a width of at least
#'   \code{minClusterSize(params)} (default 115bp) and no larger than
#'   \code{maxClusterSize(params)} (default 5000bp).  In addition, we
#'   keep only those intervals for which the number of reads belonging
#'   to the interval is at least
#'   \code{minNumberTagsPerCluster(params)} (default 5). Step 4 is
#'   performed by the function \code{clusterTags}.
#' 5.  Given a set of unlinked clusters and improper read pairs
#'   (filtered by steps 1-4), the Rearrangement constructor does the
#'   following:
#'   i. annotates the red pairs with a unique id for cluster membership
#'   ii. links the clusters (called linkedBins) (\code{linkClustersByReadPairs})
#'   iii.  partitions the improper read pairs according to whether
#'   they link two clusters (a read pair can belong to multiple paired
#'   clusters)
#'   iv.  maps each tag to a cluster
#' REFACTORING: Rearrangement should do nothing and should be able to
#'   construct an empty Rearrangement object if no data is provided.
#'   Move the functions that do step 5 out of the constructor.
#' @examples
#'   data(pdata, package="trellis")
#'   rp <- RearrangementParams()
#'   ##
#'   ## The file of improper read pairs is large, so this is slow
#'   ##
#'   r <- seqJunctionsInferredByPairedTags2(pdata,
#'                                          param=rp)
#'   r
#'   ## improper read pairs that link the clusters
#'   head(improper(r))
#'   ## The linked tag cluster intervals
#'   linkedBins(r)
#' @export
#' @param preprocess a list as created by \code{preprocessData}
#' @param param A \code{RearrangementParams} object
seqJunctionsInferredByPairedTags2 <- function(preprocess, param){
  bins <- preprocess$bins
  gp <- preprocess$read_pairs[["improper"]]
  m <- mapq(gp)
  gp <- gp[rowSums(m < 30) == 0]
  gp <- keepSeqlevels(gp, seqlevels(bins), pruning.mode="coarse")
  gp2 <- filterPairedReads(gp, bins, param)
  ctags <- clusterTags(gp2, param)
  ## Note, the Rearrangement constructor does additional work
  L <- Rearrangement(improper=gp2, unlinked_clusters=ctags)
  L2 <- L[ numberLinkingRP(L) >= minNumberTagsPerCluster(param) ]

computeFractionLinkingTags <- function(object){

adjustLeftBinSize <- function(F, L){
  chrom.F <- as.integer(factor(chromosome(F), levels=seqlevels(F)))
  chrom.L <- as.integer(factor(chromosome(L), levels=seqlevels(L)))
  if(all(chrom.F != chrom.L)){
    is_less <- chrom.F < chrom.L
  } else {
    is_less <- start(F) < start(L)
  ends <- starts <- rep(NA, length(F))
    starts[ is_less ] <- start(F)[ is_less ]
    ends[ is_less ] <- end(F)[ is_less ]
    chrom.left <- (chromosome(F)[is_less])[1]
    starts[ !is_less ] <- start(L)[ !is_less ]
    ends[ !is_less ] <- end(L)[ !is_less ]
    chrom.left <- (chromosome(L)[ !is_less ])[1]
  left.bin <- GRanges(chrom.left, IRanges(min(starts), max(ends)))

adjustRightBinSize <- function(F, L){
  chrom.F <- as.integer(factor(chromosome(F), levels=seqlevels(F)))
  chrom.L <- as.integer(factor(chromosome(L), levels=seqlevels(L)))
  if(all(chrom.F != chrom.L)){
    is_greater <- chrom.F < chrom.L
  } else {
    is_greater <- start(F) < start(L)
  ends <- starts <- rep(NA, length(F))
    starts[ is_greater ] <- start(L)[ is_greater ]
    ends[ is_greater ] <- end(L)[ is_greater ]
    chrom.right <- (chromosome(L)[is_greater])[1]
    starts[ !is_greater ] <- start(F)[ !is_greater ]
    ends[ !is_greater ] <- end(F)[ !is_greater ]
    chrom.right <- (chromosome(F)[ !is_greater ])[1]
  right.bin <- GRanges(chrom.right, IRanges(min(starts), max(ends)))

adjustBinSizeByLinkedTagPairs <- function(object){
  linked_tags <- improper(object)
  si <- seqinfo(linked_tags)
  if(length(object) > 1) stop("object must be of length one (only one rearrangement)")
  F <- first(linked_tags)
  L <- last(linked_tags)
  left.bin <- adjustLeftBinSize(F, L)
  right.bin <- adjustRightBinSize(F, L)
  left.bin$linked.to <- right.bin
  linked.bin <- left.bin
  names(linked.bin) <- names(linkedBins(object))
  seqlevels(linked.bin, pruning.mode="coarse") <- seqlevels(si)
  seqinfo(linked.bin) <- si

isTranslocation <- function(aln){
  chr1 <- seqnames(first(aln))
  chr2 <- seqnames(last(aln))

R1strand <- function(gpairs) strand(first(gpairs))
R2strand <- function(gpairs) strand(last(gpairs))
R1lessR2 <- function(gpairs){
  is.trans <- isTranslocation(gpairs)
  is.r1less <- as.logical(start(first(gpairs)) < start(last(gpairs)))
  is.r1less[is.trans] <- NA
R1pos <- function(gpairs) as.logical(R1strand(gpairs)=="+")
R2neg <- function(gpairs) as.logical(R2strand(gpairs)=="-")

typeGAPairs <- function(gpairs){
  extdir <- system.file("extdata", package="trellis")
  rear_type <- read.csv(file.path(extdir, "rearrangement_types.csv"), nrows=20,
  ##rear_type <- rear_type2
  rtypes <- matrix(NA, length(gpairs), nrow(rear_type))
  is.r1pos <- R1pos(gpairs)
  is.r1neg <- !is.r1pos
  is.r2neg <- R2neg(gpairs)
  is.r2pos <- !is.r2neg
  is.r1less <- R1lessR2(gpairs)
  is.r2less <- !is.r1less
  is.trans <- isTranslocation(gpairs)
  not.trans <- !is.trans
  is.aberrant.sep <- aberrantSep(gpairs)
  not.aberrant.sep <- !is.aberrant.sep
  ##colnames(rtypes) <- rear_type$type
  colnames(rtypes) <- rear_type$name
  rtypes[, 1] <- is.r1pos & is.r2neg & is.r1less & not.trans & not.aberrant.sep
  rtypes[, 2] <- is.r1neg & is.r2pos & is.r2less & not.trans & not.aberrant.sep
  rtypes[, 3] <- is.r1pos & is.r2neg & is.r1less & not.trans & is.aberrant.sep
  rtypes[, 4] <- is.r1neg & is.r2pos & is.r2less & not.trans & is.aberrant.sep
  rtypes[, 5] <- is.r1pos & is.r2neg & is.r1less & not.trans & not.aberrant.sep
  rtypes[, 6] <- is.r1pos & is.r2neg & is.r2less & not.trans
  rtypes[, 7] <- is.r1neg & is.r2pos & is.r2less & not.trans & not.aberrant.sep
  rtypes[, 8] <- is.r1neg & is.r2pos & is.r1less & not.trans
  rtypes[, 9] <-  is.r1pos & is.r2neg & is.trans
  rtypes[, 10] <- is.r1neg & is.r2pos & is.trans
  rtypes[, 11] <- is.r1pos & is.r2neg & is.trans
  rtypes[, 12] <- is.r1neg & is.r2pos & is.trans
  ## inversions
  rtypes[, 13] <- is.r1pos & is.r2pos & is.r1less & not.trans
  rtypes[, 14] <- is.r1pos & is.r2pos & is.r2less & not.trans
  rtypes[, 15] <- is.r1neg & is.r2neg & is.r1less & not.trans
  rtypes[, 16] <- is.r1neg & is.r2neg & is.r2less & not.trans
  rtypes[, 17] <- is.r1pos & is.r2pos &  is.trans
  rtypes[, 18] <- is.r1pos & is.r2pos &  is.trans
  rtypes[, 19] <- is.r1neg & is.r2neg &  is.trans
  rtypes[, 20] <- is.r1neg & is.r2neg &  is.trans
  col.indices <- split(seq_len(ncol(rtypes)), rear_type$compatible)
  y <- vector("list", length(col.indices))
  ##y <- foreach(j = col.indices, .combine="cbind") %do% {
  for(i in seq_along(col.indices)){
    j <- col.indices[[i]]
    y[[i]] <- rowSums(rtypes[, j, drop=FALSE])
  y <- do.call(cbind, y)
  nms <- sapply(split(rear_type$name, rear_type$compatible), function(x) paste(x, collapse=","))
  colnames(y) <- nms

#' Determine the type of rearrangement supported by each improper read pair
#' @details
#' Rearrangements are typed by the following criteria for read 1 (R1)
#'   and read 2 (R2):
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item strand of R1 and R2
#'   \item orientation of R1 and R2 (e.g., R1 < R2)
#'   \item whether R1 and R2 are on different chromosomes
#'   \item whether R1 and R2 have an aberrant separation
#' }
#' \strong{Deletions:} A deletion results in a single new sequence
#'   junction.  There are two orientations of a R1 and R2 that support
#'   this junction: R1+ < R2- and R1- > R2+.  The former R1+ < R2- is
#'   the sequenced + strand DNA fragment, while the latter R1- > R2+
#'   is the sequenced - strand.  These orientations are the expected
#'   orientations in unrearranged genomes, except that the distance
#'   between R1 and its mate is larger than expected (> 10kb).
#' \strong{Amplicons:}
#' For purpose of downstream analyses, we only type intra-chromosomal
#'   amplicons that are replicated at the same site in the genome and
#'   without any changes to the strand orientation.  Illustration:
#' \preformatted{
#'  Reference:
#'         1  2  3     4 5 6    7 8 9
#'   +5' ------------|--------|-------------
#'   -3' ------------|--------|-------------
#'  Tumor
#'         1  2  3     4 5 6    4 5 6   7 8 9
#'   +5' ------------|--------X-------|---------
#'   -3' ------------|--------X-------|---------
#'  }
#' Note that only 'X' is a new sequence junction not seen in the
#'   reference.  Characteristics of 'X' are R1+ > R2- (+ fragment) and
#'   R1- < R2+ (- fragment).  The amplicon could also insert further
#'   downstream:
#' \preformatted{
#'  Tumor 
#'         1  2  3     4 5 6    7 8 9   4 5 6
#'   +5' ------------|--------|-------X---------
#'   -3' ------------|--------|-------X---------
#'  or further upstream:
#'  Tumor 
#'         4  5  6     1 2 3    4 5 6   7 8 9
#'   +5' ------------X--------|-------|---------
#'   -3' ------------X--------|-------|---------
#' }
#'   In each case, the rearrangement junctions given by 'X' would be
#'   identified by R1+ > R2 - and R1- < R2+.  
#' \strong{Inter-chromosomal translocations:} For translocations,
#'   positional orientation is determined by chromosome number and not
#'   genomic position.  WLOG, we consider chr1 to be less than chr2
#'   and chr22 to be less that chrX.  In the case of an unbalanced
#'   translocation, a single rearrangement junction will be identified
#'   by the improper read pairs.
#' \preformatted{
#' Reference   (-- chr1, == chr2)
#'      chr1  1 2 3   4 5 6   chr2  20 21 22   23  24  25
#' 5' + ------------|------   ===============|==============
#' 3' - ------------|------   ===============|==============
#' Tumor
#'       chr1  1 2 3   23 24 25 
#' 5' + ------------|========== 
#' 3' - ------------|==========
#' }
#' Read orientations R1+ < R2- and R1- > R2+ are consistent with the
#'   fusion of the two positive strands and the two negative strands,
#'   respectively.  If the translocation is balanced, we would also
#'   observe
#' \preformatted{
#' Tumor
#'      chr2  20 21 22   4 5 6
#' 5' + ==============|--------
#' 3' - ==============|--------
#' }
#' with R1+ > R2- and R1- < R2+.  Hence, there are four distinct read
#'   pair orientations for a balanced tranlocation. For the purpose of
#'   assessing gene fusions, we treat all translocations as if they
#'   are balanced even if we do not observe all 4 possible
#'   orientations.  An inversion translocation is typed and analyzed
#'   as an inversion.
#' \strong{Inversions:}
#' An intrachromosomal inversion: 
#' \preformatted{
#' Reference:  (-- positive strand,  == negative strand)
#'       1 2 3   4 5 6     7 8 9
#' 5'+  ------>|-------->|------->
#' 3'-  <======|<========|<=======
#' Tumor (inversion)
#'       1 2 3   6 5 4    7 8 9
#' 5'+  ------>X=======>X------->
#' 3'-  <======X<-------X<=======
#' }
#' Again, X's denote the new sequence junctions formed as a result of
#'   the inversion.  The left-most X's are supported by R1+ < R2+ (the
#'   top strand in the diagram) and R1+ > R1+ (bottom strand).  The
#'   right-most X's are supported by R1- < R2- (top strand) and R1- >
#'   R2- (bottom strand).
#' An inversion can also involve a translocation.
#' @note Type \code{amp1,amp3} would never be identified because the
#'   junction does not involve an aberrant separation between read
#'   pairs.
#' @return a \code{data.frame} with colnames 'type' and 'percent'
#' @export
#' @param object a \code{Rearrangement} 
rearrangementType <- function(object){
  imp <- improper(object)
  rtypes <- typeGAPairs(imp)
  mns <- pmin(colMeans(rtypes), 1)
  ##nms <- .rearrangement_types()
  nms <- colnames(rtypes)
             percent=max(mns), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

#' Finds candidate somatic rearrangements
#' This function identifies clusters of improper reads that are linked
#' by the mate information in paired read sequencing platforms such as
#' Illumina HiSeq.
#' @details
#' All reads from improper read pairs  where mates are separated by
#' at least 10kb and both reads in pair are mapped are read from the
#' \code{AlignmentViews} object.  A cluster of reads (all involved in
#' improper pairs) is defined as follows:
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item genomic intervals demarcating improper read clusters are
#'   gotten by applying reduce to a GRanges representation of all
#'   improper reads
#'   \item genomic intervals must be at least 115bp and no larger than
#'   5000bp (default settings)
#'   \item each cluster must contain at least 5 reads
#' }
#' Non-overlapping clusters that are linked by multiple improper read
#' pairs are suggestive of a rearrangement.  Linked tag clusters are
#' identified by the function \code{seqJunctionsInferredByPairedTags}.
#' The genomic intervals defined by the linked tag clusters (also
#' referred to as linked bins) are represented as a \code{GRanges}
#' object with a variable called \code{linked.to} in \code{mcols}.
#' The \code{linked.to} column is also a \code{GRanges} object. The
#' \code{GRanges} object of the linked clusters, the improper read
#' pairs supporting the link, and the set of all tags that map to
#' either linked genomic interval are encapsulated in a
#' \code{Rearrangement} object.  Statistics calculated on each
#' \code{Rearrangement} object include the fraction of all reads link
#' the two clusters (\code{fractionLinkingTags}), the types of
#' rearrangements supported (\code{rearrangementType}), the modal
#' rearrangement, and the percent of read pairs supporting the modal
#' rearrangement.  The collection of all linked clusters for a given
#' sample is represented as a \code{RearrangementList}.
#' @seealso See \code{\link{seqJunctionsInferredByPairedTags2}} for
#'   additional details regarding the clustering of tags from improper
#'   pairs and the identification of linked tag clusters. See
#'   \code{\link{rearrangementType}} for the type of rearrangement
#'   supported by each read pair.  See \code{\link{preprocessData}} for constructing a list of elemented obtained from preprocessing.
#' @examples
#' ## Load list of preprocessed data (see preprocessData)
#' data(pdata, package="trellis")
#' ## Parameters for finding candidate rearrangements
#' rparam <- RearrangementParams(min_number_tags_per_cluster=5,
#'                               rp_separation=10e3)
#' ## List of candidate rearrangements
#' rlist <- findCandidates2(pdata, rparam)
#' rlist
#' @export
#' @param preprocess A list of preprocessing data as constructed by \code{preprocessData}
#' @param rp A \code{RearrangementParams} object
findCandidates2 <- function(preprocess, rp=RearrangementParams()){
  ##file <- improperPaths(align_view)
  candidates <- suppressWarnings(
    seqJunctionsInferredByPairedTags2(preprocess, rp)
  candidateList <- RearrangementList(candidates)
  candidateList <- type_each(candidateList)
  colData(candidateList)$modal_rearrangement <- modalRearrangement(candidateList)
  colData(candidateList)$percent_rearrangement <- percentRearrangement(candidateList)

#' Summary stats for rearrangement object
#' @param r a \code{Rearrangement} object
type_rearrangement <- function(r){
  linkedBins(r) <- adjustBinSizeByLinkedTagPairs(r)
  fractionLinkingTags(r) <- computeFractionLinkingTags(r)
  rtypes <- rearrangementType(r)
  modalRearrangement(r) <- rtypes[["type"]]
  percentRearrangement(r) <- rtypes[["percent"]]

type_each <- function(rlist){
  for(i in seq_along(rlist)){
    rlist[[i]] <- type_rearrangement(rlist[[i]])

overlappingTranscripts <- function(r, build, maxgap=5000){
    build <- genome(improper(r))[[1]]
      stop("As the genome build is not specified in the seqinfo, the build argument can not be missing.")
  pkgname <- paste0("svfilters.", build)
  data(transcripts, package=pkgname, envir=environment())
  g <- uncouple(linkedBins(r))
  tx <- subsetByOverlaps(transcripts, g, maxgap=maxgap)
  if(!all(overlapsAny(g, transcripts, maxgap=maxgap))){
    ## one or both regions do not overlap a transcript
    no.overlap <- !overlapsAny(g, transcripts, maxgap=maxgap)
    noncoding <- g[no.overlap]
    noncoding$tx_id <- ""
    noncoding$tx_name <- ""
    noncoding$gene_name <- paste0("noncoding", seq_len(sum(no.overlap)))
    noncoding$cancer_connection <- FALSE
    noncoding$biol_sign <- FALSE
    tx <- c(tx, noncoding)
  hits <- findOverlaps(g, tx, maxgap=maxgap)
  tx <- tx[subjectHits(hits)]
  txlist <- split(tx, queryHits(hits))
  txlist <- lapply(txlist, function(g){
    if(length(g) == 1) {
      rgr <- granges(g)
      rgr$gene_name <- g$gene_name
    rgr <- reduce(g, ignore.strand=TRUE, min.gapwidth=maxgap)
    rgr$gene_name <- paste(unique(g$gene_name), collapse=",")
  tx <- unlist(GRangesList(txlist))
  hits <- findOverlaps(g, tx, maxgap=maxgap, select="first")
  g$gene_name <- tx$gene_name[hits]

check_splitreads <- function(r){
  sr <- splitReads(r)
  names(sr) <- paste0("sr", seq_along(sr))
  sr.list <- split(sr, sr$qname)
  lb <- uncouple(linkedBins(r))
  is.overlap <- lapply(sr.list, function(g, bins){
    is.overlap <- overlapsAny(bins, g, maxgap=50)
      result <- rep(TRUE, length(g))
    rep(FALSE, length(g))
  }, bins=lb)
  is.overlap <- unlist(is.overlap)

cstrand <- function(g) as.character(strand(g))

typeRead <- function(gap){
  strands <- paste0(cstrand(first(gap)), cstrand(last(gap)))

#' Create a data.frame of rearranged read pairs and split reads supporting a rearrangement
#' This function is useful for converting a Rearrangement object to a data.frame for subsequent visualization by ggplot.
#' @param r a \code{Rearrangement} object
#' @param build character string indicating genome build (only hg19 and hg18 currently supported)
#' @param maxgap the allowable distance between a split or paired end read and a transcript for assessing whether coding regions
#' @examples
#'   extdata <- system.file("extdata", package="svbams")
#'   rfile <- file.path(extdata, "CGOV11T_1.bam.rds")
#'   rlist <- readRDS(rfile)
#'   r <- rlist[[1]]
#'   r2 <- fiveTo3Prime(r, "hg19")
#'   rearDataFrame(r2[[1]], "hg19") 
#' @export
rearDataFrame <- function(r, build, maxgap=5000){
  lb <- linkedBins(r)
  if(!"gene_name" %in% colnames(mcols(lb))){
    bins <- overlappingTranscripts(r, build, maxgap=maxgap)
    bins$gene_name <- make.unique(bins$gene_name)
    names(bins) <- c(r@link1id, r@link2id)
    bins$reverse <- FALSE ## by default
    bins2 <- bins[1]
    bins2$linked.to <- bins[2]
    linkedBins(r) <- bins2

list_region_levels <- function(x){
  levels1 <- levels(x)
  levels2 <- paste0(c("5'-", "3'-"), levels1)
  list(levels1, levels2)

label_orientation <- function(x){
  levels.list <- list_region_levels(x)
  levels1 <- levels.list[[1]]
  levels2 <- levels.list[[2]]
  index <- which(x %in% levels1[1])
  regions <- rep(NA, length(x))
  regions[index] <- gsub(levels1[1], levels2[1], x[index])
  index <- which(x %in% levels1[2])
  regions[index] <- gsub(levels1[2], levels2[2], x[index])
  factor(regions, levels2)

make_levels_unique <- function(x, z){
  if(!identical(levels(x), levels(z))){
  ## x 5-'label1 3'-label2
  ## z 5-'label1 3'-label2
  ## remap z levels
  ##   5-'label2 3'-label1
  x.levels <- levels(x)
  z <- as.character(z)
  z2 <- z
  z.levels <- c(gsub("3'", "5'", x.levels[2]),
                gsub("5'", "3'", x.levels[1]))
  z[z2==x.levels[1]] <- z.levels[1]
  z[z2==x.levels[2]] <- z.levels[2]
  z <- factor(z, levels=z.levels)

#' Creates a data.frame with both possible 5 to 3 prime orientations
#' @param maxgap integer. See \code{findOverlaps}
#' @param build character string -- only 'hg19' or 'hg18' supported
#' @param rlist a length-two list of orientations. Each element is an object of class \code{Rearrangement}
#' @export
rearDataFrameList <- function(rlist, build, maxgap=5000){
  n_split_reads <- lengths(lapply(rlist, splitReads))
  if(!all(n_split_reads > 0)) stop("Each rearrangement must have at least one split read")
  df1 <- rearDataFrame(rlist[[1]], build, maxgap)
  df1$region <- label_orientation(df1$region)
  df2 <- rearDataFrame(rlist[[2]], build, maxgap)
  region2 <- label_orientation(df2$region)
  df2$region <- make_levels_unique(df1$region, region2)
  df <- rbind(df1, df2)
  levels <- c(levels(df1$region),
  df$region <- factor(df$region, levels=levels)

.rear_DataFrame <- function(r){
  bin1 <- linkedBins(r)
  bin2 <- linkedBins(r)$linked.to
  mcols(bin1) <- mcols(bin1)[, 1:2]
  bins <- setNames(c(bin1, bin2),
                   c(r@link1id, r@link2id))
  gap <- improper(r)
  names(gap) <- seq_len(length(gap))
  s <- strands(r)
  igr <- ga2gr(gap, is.improper=TRUE, use.mcols=TRUE)
  sr <- splitReads(r)
  regions <- bins$gene_name[match(igr$rpid, names(bins))]
  hits <- findOverlaps(sr, bins, ignore.strand=TRUE, maxgap=100)
  sr.regions <- bins$gene_name[subjectHits(hits)]
  if(length(regions) != length(igr)){
    stop("Unexpected inequality in GRanges lengths")
  igr$region <- regions
  df <- as(igr, "data.frame") %>%
  df2 <- df[, 1:5]
  tagid <- df$tagid
  read <- paste0(df$read, df$strand)
  sr$qname <- sapply(strsplit(sr$qname, "\\."), "[", 1)
  ##is.reverse.strand <- any(sr$reverse)
  red.sr <- reduce(sr)
  if(length(red.sr) == 4){
    ## Likely double stranded break
  ##  ix <- findOverlaps(red.sr, c(granges(bin1), granges(bin2))) %>%
  ##    subjectHits
  hits <- findOverlaps(red.sr, c(granges(bin1), granges(bin2)), maxgap=50)
  ix <- queryHits(hits)
  red.sr <- red.sr[ix]
  names(red.sr) <- c("5p", "3p")[subjectHits(hits)]
  hits <- findOverlaps(sr, red.sr)
  red.srlist <- split(red.sr, names(red.sr))
  ## what if reverse is not defined yet?
  is.rev <- split(sr$reverse[queryHits(hits)],
                  subjectHits(hits)) %>%
    map_lgl(any) %>%
    junction_5p <- end(red.srlist[["5p"]])[1]
  } else{
    junction_5p <- start(red.srlist[["5p"]])[1]
    junction_3p <- start(red.srlist[["3p"]])[1]  
  } else {
    junction_3p <- end(red.srlist[["3p"]])[1]
  df2$junction_5p <- sr$junction_5p <- junction_5p
  df2$junction_3p <- sr$junction_3p <- junction_3p
  if(!"qname" %in% colnames(df2))
    df2$qname <- NA
  sr.df <- as(sr, "data.frame")
  ##sr.df2 <- sr.df[, c(1:5, 13, 14)]
  sr.df2 <- sr.df[, colnames(df2)]
  df2$read_type <- df2$read <- read
  ##df2$read_type <- paste0(substr(read, 1, 2), rep(s, 2))
  df2$reverse <- igr$reverse
  sr.df2$read <- "splitread"
  sr.df2$read_type <- "splitread"
  sr.df2$reverse <- sr$reverse
  df2$tagid <- tagid
  df2$junction_5p <- junction_5p
  df2$junction_3p <- junction_3p
  sr.df2$tagid <- as.numeric(factor(sr.df$qname)) +
  df3 <- rbind(df2, sr.df2)
  regions2 <- c(df$region, sr.regions)
  df3$region <- factor(regions2, levels=bins$gene_name)
  df3$tagid <- as.numeric(df3$tagid)
  ## if transcript is on reverse strand, we need to multiply the coordinates by a negative number 
    df3$start[df3$reverse] <- -1*df3$start[df3$reverse]
    df3$end[df3$reverse] <- -1*df3$end[df3$reverse]

readPairColors <- function(){
  cols <- brewer.pal(12, "Paired")
  cols <- cols[-c(7,8)]
  cols <- cols[1:8]
  cols <- c(cols, "black")
  names(cols) <- c("R1-+", "R2-+",
                   "R1+-", "R2+-",
                   "R1--", "R2--",
                   "R1++", "R2++",

readColors <- function(){
  cols <- brewer.pal(12, "Paired")
  cols <- cols[-c(7,8)]
  cols <- cols[1:5]
  ##cols <- c(cols, "black")
  names(cols) <- c("R1-", "R2+",
                   "R1+", "R2-",
                   ##"R1-", "R2-",
                   ##"R1+", "R2+",

## this is the old version
ggRearrange2 <- function(df){
  colors <- readPairColors()[unique(df$read_type)]
  nms <- names(readPairColors())
  df$read_type <- factor(df$read_type, levels=nms)
  n.levels <- length(levels(df$region))
  nc <- 2
    nr <- 2;
  } else nr <- 1;
  absoluteNum <- function(x, ...) abs(x)
  read_type <- tagid <- NULL
  ggplot(df, aes(ymin=tagid-0.2, ymax=tagid+0.2,
                 xmin=start/1e6, xmax=end/1e6,
                 fill=read_type, group=tagid)) +
    geom_rect() +
    ylab("read pair index") +
    scale_fill_manual(values=colors) +
    scale_color_manual(values=colors) +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks=pretty_breaks(5), labels=absoluteNum) +
    xlab("Mb") +
    theme(axis.text.x=element_text(size=7, angle=45, hjust=1),
          axis.text.y=element_blank()) +
    facet_wrap(~region, scales="free_x", nrow=nr, ncol=nc)

peelLegend <- function(gg){
  if(!is(gg, "gg")) stop("object must be instance of class 'gg'")
  gtab <- ggplotGrob(gg)
  i <- which(sapply(gtab$grobs, function(x) x$name) == "guide-box")
  legend <- gtab$grobs[[i]]
  fig <- gg + theme(legend.position="none")
  gtab <- ggplotGrob(fig)
  list(gtab=gtab, legend=legend)

axis_limit5p <- function(df, basepairs){
  if(nrow(df) == 0) return()
     xlim1 <- c(min(df$start),
     padding <- basepairs - abs(diff(xlim1))
     xlim1[1] <- xlim1[1] - padding
  } else {
    xlim1 <- c(max(df$start),
    padding <- basepairs - abs(diff(xlim1))
    xlim1[1] <- xlim1[1] + padding

axis_limit3p <- function(df, basepairs){
    xlim2 <- c(min(df$junction_3p),
    padding <- basepairs - abs(diff(xlim2))
    xlim2[2] <- xlim2[2] + padding
  } else {
    xlim2 <- c(df$junction_3p[1],
    padding <- basepairs - abs(diff(xlim2))
    xlim2[2] <- xlim2[2] - padding

#' @export
axis_limits <- function(df, basepairs){

    region <- NULL
  df1 <- filter(df, region==levels(region)[1])
  df2 <- filter(df, region==levels(region)[2])
  xlim1 <- axis_limit5p(df1, basepairs)
  xlim2 <- axis_limit3p(df2, basepairs)
  limits <- list(xlim1=xlim1, xlim2=xlim2)
  names(limits) <- levels(df$region)

axis_labels5p <- function(df, xlim1, num.ticks){
  absoluteNum <- function(x, ...) prettyNum(abs(x), big.mark=",")
  brks1 <- pretty(xlim1, n=num.ticks)
    brks1[length(brks1)] <- df$junction_5p[1]
    ## avoid overcrowding of labels
    delta <- brks1[length(brks1)] - brks1[(length(brks1)-1)]
    if(delta < 20){
      brks1 <- brks1[ (length(brks1)-1) ]
  } else {
    brks1[1] <- df$junction_5p[1]
    delta <- abs(brks1[2] - brks1[1])
    if(delta < 20){
      brks1 <- brks1[-2]
  labs1 <- paste(absoluteNum(brks1), "bp")
  list(breaks=brks1, labels=labs1)

axis_labels3p <- function(df, xlim2, num.ticks){
  absoluteNum <- function(x, ...) prettyNum(abs(x), big.mark=",")
  brks2 <- pretty(xlim2, n=num.ticks)
    brks2[1] <- df$junction_3p[1]
    ## avoid crowded labels
    delta <- brks2[2] - brks2[1]
    if(delta < 20){
      brks2 <- brks2[-2]
  } else {
    brks2[length(brks2)] <- df$junction_3p[1]
    ## avoid crowded labels
    delta <- abs(brks2[length(brks2)] - brks2[length(brks2)-1])
    if(delta < 20){
      brks2 <- brks2[-(length(brks2)-1)]
  labs2 <- paste(absoluteNum(brks2), "bp")
  list(breaks=brks2, labels=labs2)

.ggRearrange <- function(df, ylabel="Read pair index",
                         basepairs=400, num.ticks=5){
  colors <- readColors()[unique(df$read_type)]
  colors["splitread"] <- "black"
  nms <- names(readColors())
  df$read_type <- factor(df$read_type, levels=nms)
  region <- read_type <- tagid <- NULL
  df1 <- filter(df, region==levels(region)[1])
  df2 <- filter(df, region==levels(region)[2])
  limits <- axis_limits(df, basepairs)
  gene1 <- levels(df$region)[1]
  gene2 <- levels(df$region)[2]
  xlim1 <- limits[[gene1]]
  xlim2 <- limits[[gene2]]
  labs1 <- axis_labels5p(df1, xlim1, num.ticks)
  labs2 <- axis_labels3p(df2, xlim2, num.ticks)
  a <- ggplot(df1, aes(ymin=tagid-0.2,
                       fill=read_type, group=tagid)) +
    geom_rect() +
    ylab(ylabel) +
    scale_fill_manual(values=colors) +
    scale_color_manual(values=colors) +
                       labels=labs1[["labels"]]) +
    coord_cartesian(xlim=xlim1) +
    xlab("") +
    theme(axis.text.x=element_text(size=7, angle=45, hjust=1),
          plot.title=element_text(size=5)) +
    guides(color=FALSE, fill=FALSE) +
    geom_vline(xintercept=df$junction_5p[1], linetype="dashed") +
    ggtitle(paste0(df1$region[1], " (", df1$seqnames[1], ")"))
    a <- a + scale_x_reverse(breaks=labs1[["breaks"]],
  b <- ggplot(df2, aes(ymin=tagid-0.2,
                       fill=read_type, group=tagid)) +
    geom_rect() +
    ylab("read pair index") +
    scale_fill_manual(values=colors) +
    scale_color_manual(values=colors) +
                       labels=labs2[["labels"]]) +
    coord_cartesian(xlim=xlim2) +
    xlab("") +
    theme(axis.text.x=element_text(size=7, angle=45, hjust=1),
          plot.title=element_text(size=5)) +
    guides(color=FALSE, fill=FALSE) +
    geom_vline(xintercept=df$junction_3p[1], linetype="dashed") +
    ylab("") +
    ggtitle(paste0(df2$region[1], " (", df2$seqnames[1], ")"))
    b <- b + scale_x_reverse(breaks=labs2[["breaks"]],
  ## plot both panels just to get the legend
  d <- ggplot(df, aes(ymin=tagid-0.2,
                      fill=read_type, group=tagid)) +
    geom_rect() +
    scale_fill_manual(values=colors) +
    scale_color_manual(values=colors) +
    theme(legend.position="bottom", legend.direction="horizontal") +
    guides(color=guide_legend(title=""), fill=guide_legend(title=""))
  legend.grob <- peelLegend(d)[[2]]
  agrob <- ggplotGrob(a)
  bgrob <- ggplotGrob(b)
  ##legend.grob <- gg.objs[[2]]
  bgrob$widths <- agrob$widths

## plot sequences of split reads
.ggRearrange_sequences <- function(df, ylabel="Read pair index",
                                   basepairs=400, num.ticks=5){
  colors <- readColors()[unique(df$read_type)]
  colors["splitread"] <- "black"
  nms <- names(readColors())
  df$read_type <- factor(df$read_type, levels=nms)
  region <- read_type <- tagid <- NULL
  df1 <- filter(df, region==levels(region)[1])
  df2 <- filter(df, region==levels(region)[2])
  limits <- axis_limits(df, basepairs/2)
  gene1 <- levels(df$region)[1]
  gene2 <- levels(df$region)[2]
  xlim1 <- limits[[gene1]]
  xlim2 <- limits[[gene2]]
  labs1 <- axis_labels5p(df1, xlim1, num.ticks)
  labs2 <- axis_labels3p(df2, xlim2, num.ticks)
  seq2 <- seq1 <- NULL

  df1.seq <- filter(df1, !is.na(seq1))
  df2.seq <- filter(df2, !is.na(seq2))
  ## sequences are of variable lengths and have different starts and ends
  ## - need a data.frame of the form
  ## position qname dna_base
  position.list1 <- list()
  position.list2 <- list()
  base.list2 <- base.list1 <- list()
  for(i in seq_len(nrow(df1.seq))){
    position.list1[[i]] <- (df1.seq$start[i]+1):(df1.seq$end[i])
    position.list2[[i]] <- (df2.seq$start[i]+1):(df2.seq$end[i])
    tmp1 <- DNAString(df1.seq$seq1[[i]])
    tmp2 <- DNAString(df2.seq$seq2[[i]])
    base.list1[[i]] <- sapply(as.list(tmp1), as.character)
    base.list2[[i]] <- sapply(as.list(tmp2), as.character)
  ##  match sequences to the dna coordinates based on the lenths
  sizes1 <- lengths(position.list1) 
  sizes2 <- lengths(base.list1)
  sizes3 <- lengths(base.list2)
  if(all(sizes1 == sizes2)){
    tab1 <- tibble(position=unlist(position.list1),
    tab1$qname <- rep(df1.seq$qname, lengths(position.list1))
    tab1$tagid <- rep(df1.seq$tagid, lengths(position.list1))
    tab2 <- tibble(position=unlist(position.list2),
    tab2$qname <- rep(df2.seq$qname, lengths(position.list2))
    tab2$tagid <- rep(df2.seq$tagid, lengths(position.list2))
    tab <- bind_rows(tab1, tab2)
  if(all(sizes1 == sizes3)){
    tab1 <- tibble(position=unlist(position.list1),
    tab1$qname <- rep(df1.seq$qname, lengths(position.list1))
     tab1$tagid <- rep(df1.seq$tagid, lengths(position.list1))
    tab2 <- tibble(position=unlist(position.list2),
    tab2$qname <- rep(df2.seq$qname, lengths(position.list2))
    tab2$tagid <- rep(df2.seq$tagid, lengths(position.list2))
    tab <- bind_rows(tab1, tab2)
  dna_base <- position <- NULL
  a <- ggplot(df1, aes(ymin=tagid-0.2,
                       fill=read_type, group=tagid)) +
    geom_rect() +
              aes(x=position, y=tagid, label=dna_base),
              size=1) +
    ylab(ylabel) +
    scale_fill_manual(values=colors) +
    scale_color_manual(values=colors) +
                       labels=labs1[["labels"]]) +
    coord_cartesian(xlim=xlim1) +
    xlab("") +
    theme(axis.text.x=element_text(size=7, angle=45, hjust=1),
          plot.title=element_text(size=5)) +
    guides(color=FALSE, fill=FALSE) +
    geom_vline(xintercept=df$junction_5p[1], linetype="dashed") +
    ggtitle(paste0(df1$region[1], " (", df1$seqnames[1], ")"))
    a <- a + scale_x_reverse(breaks=labs1[["breaks"]],
  b <- ggplot(df2, aes(ymin=tagid-0.2,
                       fill=read_type, group=tagid)) +
    geom_rect() +
    ylab("read pair index") +
    scale_fill_manual(values=colors) +
    scale_color_manual(values=colors) +
                       labels=labs2[["labels"]]) +
    coord_cartesian(xlim=xlim2) +
    xlab("") +
    theme(axis.text.x=element_text(size=7, angle=45, hjust=1),
          plot.title=element_text(size=5)) +
    guides(color=FALSE, fill=FALSE) +
    geom_vline(xintercept=df$junction_3p[1], linetype="dashed") +
    ylab("") +
    ggtitle(paste0(df2$region[1], " (", df2$seqnames[1], ")"))
    b <- b + scale_x_reverse(breaks=labs2[["breaks"]],
  ## plot both panels just to get the legend
  d <- ggplot(df, aes(ymin=tagid-0.2,
                      fill=read_type, group=tagid)) +
    geom_rect() +
    scale_fill_manual(values=colors) +
    scale_color_manual(values=colors) +
    theme(legend.position="bottom", legend.direction="horizontal") +
    guides(color=guide_legend(title=""), fill=guide_legend(title=""))
  legend.grob <- peelLegend(d)[[2]]
  agrob <- ggplotGrob(a)
  bgrob <- ggplotGrob(b)
  ##legend.grob <- gg.objs[[2]]
  bgrob$widths <- agrob$widths

ggRearrangeLegend <- function(){
  read_type <- NULL
  cols <- readColors()
  cols[["splitread"]] <- "black"
  df <- data.frame(start=seq_along(cols),
                   end=seq_along(cols) + 1,
  fig <- ggplot(df, aes(xmin=start, xmax=end,
                        ymin=start, ymax=end,
                        fill=read_type)) +
    geom_rect() +
    scale_fill_manual(values=cols) +
    scale_color_manual(values=cols) +
           fill=guide_legend(title="")) +
  gobj <- peelLegend(fig)

#' ggplot wrapper for plotting reads supporting a rearrangement
#' @param df a \code{data.frame} as created by \code{rearDataFrame}
#' @param ylab y-axis label
#' @param basepairs integer specifying size of window in basepairs
#' @param num.ticks integer specifying number of x-axis ticks
#' @seealso \code{\link{rearDataFrame}}
#' @examples
#'   data(rlist)
#'   extdata <- system.file("extdata", package="svbams")
#'   unmap.file <- file.path(extdata, "blat_unmapped.txt")
#'   blat_unmap <- readBlat(unmap.file)
#'   split_reads <- rearrangedReads(linkedBins(rlist),
#'                                  blat_unmap, 500)
#'   splitReads(rlist) <- split_reads
#'   rlist2 <- fiveTo3List(rlist, build="hg19")
#'   r <- rlist2[[1]]
#'   df <- rearDataFrame(r, "hg19")
#'   \dontrun{
#'     ggRearrange(df)
#'   }
#' @export
ggRearrange <- function(df, ylab="Read pair index",
                        basepairs=400, num.ticks=5){
    . <- NULL
    grobs <- .ggRearrange(df, ylabel=ylab,  basepairs, num.ticks)
    widths <- c(0.5, 0.5) %>%
        "/"(sum(.)) %>%
        unit(., "npc")
    heights <- c(0.95, 0.05) %>%
        "/"(sum(.)) %>%
        unit(., "npc")
    mat <- matrix(c(1, 2,
                    3, 3), byrow=TRUE, ncol=2, nrow=2)
    agrob <- grobs[["5p"]]
    bgrob <- grobs[["3p"]]
    legend.grob <- grobs[["legend"]]
    gobj <- grid.arrange(agrob, bgrob,

ggRearrangeSequences <- function(df, ylab="Read pair index",
                                 basepairs=400, num.ticks=5){
  . <- NULL
  grobs <- .ggRearrange_sequences(df, ylabel=ylab,  basepairs, num.ticks)
  widths <- c(0.5, 0.5) %>%
    "/"(sum(.)) %>%
    unit(., "npc")
  heights <- c(0.95, 0.05) %>%
    "/"(sum(.)) %>%
    unit(., "npc")
  mat <- matrix(c(1, 2,
                  3, 3), byrow=TRUE, ncol=2, nrow=2)
  agrob <- grobs[["5p"]]
  bgrob <- grobs[["3p"]]
  legend.grob <- grobs[["legend"]]
  gobj <- grid.arrange(agrob, bgrob,

strands <- function(r){
  gap <- improper(r)
  paste0(cstrand(first(gap)), cstrand(last(gap)))

isInversion <- function(r){
  s <- strands(r)
  any(s %in% c("++", "--"))

split_reads_order <- function(r, build, maxgap){
  bins <- overlappingTranscripts(r, build, maxgap=maxgap)
  bins$gene_name <- make.unique(bins$gene_name)
  names(bins) <- c(r@link1id, r@link2id)
  ##bins <- uncouple(linkedBins(r))
  names(bins) <- c(r@link1id, r@link2id)
  ## easiest might be to organize by split read
  sr <- splitReads(r)
  names(sr) <- paste0("sr", seq_along(sr))
  bins2 <- bins[subjectHits(findOverlaps(sr, bins, maxgap=50))]
  s <- strands(r)
  d1 <- abs(end(bins2) - end(sr))
  d2 <- abs(start(sr) - start(bins2))
  ratio <- d1/d2
  if(length(ratio) > 2){
    km <- kmeans(ratio, centers=2)$cluster
    means <- sapply(split(ratio, km), mean)
    ix <- which.min(means)
    is.fiveprime <- km[seq_along(sr)] == ix
  } else {
    ix <- which.min(ratio)
    is.fiveprime <- seq_along(sr) == ix
  sr.fiveprime <- sr[is.fiveprime]
  no.regions <- length(reduce(sr.fiveprime))
  if(no.regions > 1){
    stop("Didn't expect to reach here 1")
  five.prime.region <- overlapsAny(bins, sr[is.fiveprime])
  if(identical(five.prime.region, c(TRUE, FALSE))){
    ## linked bins already ordered 5' to 3'
    bins$reverse <- FALSE
    bins2 <- bins[1]
    bins2$linked.to <- bins[2]
    linkedBins(r) <- bins2
  if(!identical(five.prime.region, c(FALSE, TRUE))){
    stop("Didn't expect to reach here 2")
  r2 <- r
  bins$reverse <- FALSE
  bins2 <- bins[2]
  bins2$linked.to <- bins[1]
  ##lb <- linkedTo(r)
  ##lb$linked.to <- granges(linkedBins(r))
  link1id <- r@link2id
  link2id <- r@link1id
  names(bins2) <- paste(link1id, link2id, sep="-")
  linkedBins(r2) <- bins2
  r2@link1id <- link1id
  r2@link2id <- link2id
  splitReads(r2)$reverse <- FALSE
  ga <- improper(r2)
  mcols(first(ga))$reverse <- FALSE
  mcols(last(ga))$reverse <- FALSE
  r2@improper <- ga

list_orientations <- function(r1, r2){
  orientations <- list(r1, r2)
  names(orientations) <- c(names(linkedBins(r1)),

.type_rear <- function(object){
  ss <- strands(object)
  ss[ ss=="-+" ] <- "+-"
  ss <- unique(ss)
  ss <- paste(ss, collapse=",")

#' @aliases type,Rearrangement-method
#' @rdname Rearrangement-class
setMethod("type", "Rearrangement", function(x){

#' @rdname Rearrangement-class
#' @aliases type,RearrangementList-method
setMethod("type", "RearrangementList", function(x){
  x2 <- sapply(x, type)

#' Ad-hoc assessment of the complexity of a rearrangement using the strand of the supporting read pairs
#' For most rearrangements, the strand of the 5-prime and 3-prime reads belonging to a rearranged read pair will be consistent. For example, all rearranged read pairs are +/-, indicating a fusion on the positive strand (R1+, R2-) or negative strand (R1-, R2+).
#' @param x a \code{Rearrangement} or \code{RearrangementList}
## @examples
##   extdata <- system.file("extdata", package="svbams")
##   r <- readRDS(file.path(extdata, "cgov1t_complex_rearrangement.rds"))
##   s <- type(r)
##   print(s)
##   isComplex(r)
isComplex <- function(x){
  ss <- type(x)
  xx <- strsplit(ss, ",")
  elementNROWS(xx) > 1

#' Put the linked genomic intervals in 5-prime to 3-prime order with respect to the rearranged genome
#' @param r a \code{Rearrangement} object
#' @param build string providing build of reference genome ('hg18', 'hg19', or 'hg38')
#' @param maxgap maximum distance between read and transcript for transcript to be considered overlapping
#' @seealso \code{\link{rearDataFrame}} \code{\link{ggRearrange}}
#' @examples
#'   extdata <- system.file("extdata", package="svbams")
#'   rfile <- file.path(extdata, "CGOV11T_1.bam.rds")
#'   rlist <- readRDS(rfile)
#'   r <- rlist[[1]]
#'   r2 <- fiveTo3Prime(r, "hg19")
#'   df <- rearDataFrame(r2[[1]], "hg19")
#'   ggRearrange(df)
#' @export
fiveTo3Prime <- function(r, build, maxgap=5000){
  s <- strands(r)
  tab <- sort(table(s), decreasing=TRUE)
  ## if both ++ and -- strands are observed
  ##  only the most frequent strands will be evaluated
  s <- names(tab)[1]
  orientations <- NULL
  if(all(s=="+-" | s=="-+")){
    ##r1 <- split_reads_order(r, build, maxgap)
    r1 <- posNeg(r, build, maxgap)
    r2 <- negPos(r, build, maxgap)
    orientations <- list_orientations(r1, r2)
    r1 <- negativeInversion1(r, build, maxgap)
    r2 <- negativeInversion2(r, build, maxgap)
    orientations <- list_orientations(r1, r2)
    r1 <- positiveInversion1(r, build, maxgap)
    r2 <- positiveInversion2(r, build, maxgap)
    orientations <- list_orientations(r1, r2)

## This function is used when R1 and its mate align to the opposite strand
## posNeg refers to R1 on positive strand and R1's mate on the negative strand, or R1 on negative strand and R2 on positive strand
## - assumes R1 on positive is in bin 1.
posNeg <- function(r, build, maxgap=5000){
  bins <- overlappingTranscripts(r, build, maxgap=maxgap)
  bins$gene_name <- make.unique(bins$gene_name)
  names(bins) <- c(r@link1id, r@link2id)
  ## the improper pairs have an rpid column that indicates to which bin the read is linked
  ga <- improper(r)
  s <- strands(r)
  r1 <- first(ga)
  r2 <- last(ga)
  r1.rpid <- mcols(r1)$rpid
  r2.rpid <- mcols(r2)$rpid
  sr <- splitReads(r)
  if(length(sr) == 0) {
    message("no split reads")
    bins$reverse <- as.logical(NA)
    bins2 <- bins[1]
    bins2$linked.to <- bins[2]
    names(bins2) <- paste(r@link1id, r@link2id, sep="-")
    linkedBins(r) <- bins2
  sr <- subsetByOverlaps(sr, bins, maxgap=50)
  if (length(sr) == 0) {
    message(paste0("No split reads are within ",  maxgap, "bp of improper read pairs for rearrangement: ", names(linkedBins(r))))
    bins$reverse <- as.logical(NA)
    bins2 <- bins[1]
    bins2$linked.to <- bins[2]
    names(bins2) <- paste(r@link1id, r@link2id, sep="-")
    linkedBins(r) <- bins2
  hits <- findOverlaps(sr, bins, maxgap=50)
  hits <- hits[!duplicated(queryHits(hits))]
  j <- subjectHits(hits)
  i <- queryHits(hits)
  sr$rpid <- NA
  sr$rpid[i] <- names(bins)[j]
  ##r1pos.is.bin1 <- r1.rpid == names(bins)[1] & cstrand(r1) == "+"
  ## if r1 is positive and in second bin, reverse orientation for both r1 and r2
  is.rev <- any(cstrand(r1)=="+" & r1.rpid == names(bins)[2])
  mcols(r2)$reverse <- mcols(r1)$reverse <- is.rev
  ## reverse all or reverse none
  sr$reverse <- is.rev[1]
  first(ga) <- r1
  last(ga) <- r2
  r@improper <- ga
  bins$reverse <- is.rev[1]
  bins$reverse[1] <- is.rev[1]
  bins2 <- bins[1]
  bins2$linked.to <- bins[2]
  names(bins2) <- paste(r@link1id, r@link2id, sep="-")
  linkedBins(r) <- bins2
  splitReads(r) <- sr

negPos <- function(r, build, maxgap=5000){
  r <- swap_bin_order(r)
  r <- posNeg(r, build, maxgap)

negativeInversion1 <- function(r, build, maxgap=5000){
  ##     multiple orientations
  ## *  i.  r1-- -> r5' and r2-- -> 3'  *
  ##   ii.  r1-- -> 3'  and r2-- -> r5'
  bins <- overlappingTranscripts(r, build, maxgap=maxgap)
  bins$gene_name <- make.unique(bins$gene_name)
  names(bins) <- c(r@link1id, r@link2id)
  ## the improper pairs have an rpid column that indicates to which bin the read is linked
  ga <- improper(r)
  s <- strands(r)
  r1 <- first(ga)
  r2 <- last(ga)
  r1.rpid <- mcols(r1)$rpid
  r2.rpid <- mcols(r2)$rpid
  sr <- splitReads(r)
  sr <- subsetByOverlaps(sr, bins, maxgap=50)
  if(length(sr) == 0){
    sr$rpid <- character()
    sr$reverse <- logical()
    splitReads(r) <- sr
  sr$rpid <- names(bins)[subjectHits(findOverlaps(sr, bins, maxgap=50))]
  ## approx. half of the r1-- will be bin[1], the other have bin[2]
  ## here, we do i.
  r1.is.bin1 <- r1.rpid == names(bins)[1]
  mcols(r2)$reverse <- mcols(r1)$reverse <- FALSE
  mcols(r1)$reverse[r1.is.bin1] <- TRUE
  mcols(r2)$reverse[!r1.is.bin1] <- TRUE
  sr$reverse <- FALSE
  sr$reverse[sr$rpid==names(bins)[1]] <- TRUE
  first(ga) <- r1
  last(ga) <- r2
  r@improper <- ga
  bins$reverse <- FALSE
  bins$reverse[1] <- TRUE
  bins2 <- bins[1]
  bins2$linked.to <- bins[2]
  names(bins2) <- paste(r@link1id, r@link2id, sep="-")
  linkedBins(r) <- bins2
  splitReads(r) <- sr

negativeInversion2 <- function(r, build, maxgap=5000){
  ##     multiple orientations
  ##   ii.  r1-- -> 3'  and r2-- -> r5'
  r <- swap_bin_order(r)
  r <- negativeInversion1(r, build, maxgap)

positiveInversion1 <- function(r, build, maxgap=5000){
  ##     multiple orientations
  ## r1 -> 5', r2 -> reverse3'
  bins <- overlappingTranscripts(r, build, maxgap=maxgap)
  bins$gene_name <- make.unique(bins$gene_name)
  names(bins) <- c(r@link1id, r@link2id)
  ## the improper pairs have an rpid column that indicates to which bin the read is linked
  ga <- improper(r)
  s <- strands(r)
  r1 <- first(ga)
  r2 <- last(ga)
  r1.rpid <- mcols(r1)$rpid
  r2.rpid <- mcols(r2)$rpid
  sr <- splitReads(r)
  sr <- subsetByOverlaps(sr, bins, maxgap=50)
  sr$rpid <- names(bins)[subjectHits(findOverlaps(sr, bins, maxgap=50))]
  ## approx. half of the r1-- will be bin[1], the other have bin[2]
  ## here, we do i.
  r2.is.bin2 <- r2.rpid == names(bins)[2]
  mcols(r2)$reverse <- mcols(r1)$reverse <- FALSE
  mcols(r1)$reverse[!r2.is.bin2] <- TRUE
  mcols(r2)$reverse[r2.is.bin2] <- TRUE
  sr$reverse <- FALSE
  sr$reverse[sr$rpid==names(bins)[2]] <- TRUE
  first(ga) <- r1
  last(ga) <- r2
  r@improper <- ga
  bins$reverse <- FALSE
  bins$reverse[1] <- TRUE
  bins2 <- bins[1]
  bins2$linked.to <- bins[2]
  names(bins2) <- paste(r@link1id, r@link2id, sep="-")
  linkedBins(r) <- bins2
  splitReads(r) <- sr

swap_bin_order <- function(r){
  bins <- linkedTo(r)
  bins2 <- linkedBins(r)
  drop <- colnames(mcols(bins2)) == "linked.to"
  mcols(bins2) <- mcols(bins2)[, !drop, drop=FALSE]
  bins$linked.to <- bins2
  l1id <- r@link2id
  l2id <- r@link1id
  r@link1id <- l1id
  r@link2id <- l2id
  names(bins) <- paste(l1id, l2id, sep="-")
  linkedBins(r) <- bins

positiveInversion2 <- function(r, build, maxgap=5000){
  r <- swap_bin_order(r)
  r <- positiveInversion1(r, build, maxgap)

geneNames <- function(r){
  c(linkedBins(r)$gene_name, linkedTo(r)$gene_name)
cancer-genomics/trellis documentation built on Aug. 20, 2024, 5:48 p.m.