#' @include AllGenerics.R
## accessors [ should any be moved to svclasses? ]
setMethod("chromosome", "GAlignments", function(object) as.character(seqnames(object)))
setMethod("first", "GAlignmentsList", function(x) x[[1]])
setMethod("last", "GAlignmentsList", function(x) x[[2]])
setReplaceMethod("first", "GAlignmentPairs", function(x, value){
x@first <- value
setReplaceMethod("last", "GAlignmentPairs", function(x, value){
x@last <- value
## Rearrangment functions
bothTagsMapToCluster <- function(gpairs, tag_cluster){
is_true <- overlapsAny(first(gpairs), tag_cluster) &
overlapsAny(last(gpairs), tag_cluster)
annotateRPsWithLinkId <- function(gpairs, tag_cluster){
F <- first(gpairs)
L <- last(gpairs)
## Remove all read pairs for which the first tag and the last tag
## map to the same cluster
hitsF <- findOverlaps(F, tag_cluster)
hitsL <- findOverlaps(L, tag_cluster)
nms <- seq_len(length(tag_cluster))
} else nms <- names(tag_cluster)
mcols(F)$rpid <- nms[subjectHits(hitsF)]
mcols(L)$rpid <- nms[subjectHits(hitsL)]
first(gpairs) <- F
last(gpairs) <- L
rpclustNamesMatrix <- function(nms){
nms2 <- do.call(rbind, strsplit(nms[!duplicated(nms)], "-"))
colnames(nms2) <- c("rpidF", "rpidL")
linkClustersByReadPairs <- function(clustered_tags, gpairs){
linked_cluster_ids <- rpclustNamesMatrix(names(gpairs))
linked_clusters <- clustered_tags[linked_cluster_ids[, 1]]
linked_clusters$linked.to <- clustered_tags[linked_cluster_ids[, 2]]
names(linked_clusters) <- paste(linked_cluster_ids[, 1], linked_cluster_ids[, 2], sep="-")
atLeastOneTagMapsToCluster <- function(gpairs, tag_cluster){
is_true <- overlapsAny(first(gpairs), tag_cluster) |
overlapsAny(last(gpairs), tag_cluster)
gapToGRanges <- function(gpairs, linked.granges){
atleast.one <- atLeastOneTagMapsToCluster(gpairs, linked.granges)
##checkIdentical(sum(atleast.one), 2949L)
irp.nonlinking <- gpairs[ atleast.one ] ## why called "nonlinking"
## convert the GAlignmentPairs for these tags to a GRanges object
mcF <- mcols(first(irp.nonlinking))
F <- granges(first(irp.nonlinking))
mcL <- mcols(last(irp.nonlinking))
L <- granges(last(irp.nonlinking))
tags <- c(F, L)
linked.to <- c(L, F)
tags$linked.to <- linked.to
## because we've concatentated F and L as a long vector, we can
## remove tags that do not map (we will have it in the other
## orientation)
tags <- subsetByOverlaps(tags, linked.granges)
mapTagsToCluster <- function(tags, linked.clusters){
hits1 <- findOverlaps(tags, linked.clusters, select="first")
hits2 <- findOverlaps(tags, linked.clusters$linked.to, select="first")
linked.ids <- strsplit(names(linked.clusters), "-")
linked1id <- sapply(linked.ids, "[", 1)
linked2id <- sapply(linked.ids, "[", 2)
i1 <- linked1id[hits1]
i2 <- linked2id[hits2]
mat <- cbind(i1, i2)
rs <- rowSums(is.na(mat))
## for all the rows with no NAs, verify, the id is the same
mat2 <- mat[rs==0, ]
if(!identical(mat2[, 1], mat2[, 2])) stop(" the linked bin id to which the tags map are not the same ")
if(any(rs==2)) stop("some of the tags did not map to any cluster")
mapping <- rep(NA, length(tags))
mapping[!is.na(i1)] <- i1[!is.na(i1)]
mapping[is.na(i1)] <- i2[is.na(i1)]
rpclustNames <- function(gpairs){
rpidF <- rpid1 <- mcols(first(gpairs))$rpid
rpidL <- rpid2 <- mcols(last(gpairs))$rpid
rpindex1 <- as.integer(gsub("rpclust", "", rpid1))
rpindex2 <- as.integer(gsub("rpclust", "", rpid2))
rpidF[rpindex2 < rpindex1] <- rpid2[rpindex2 < rpindex1]
rpidL[rpindex2 < rpindex1] <- rpid1[rpindex2 < rpindex1]
paste0(rpidF, "-", rpidL)
Rearrangement <- function(linkedBins=GRanges(linked.to=GRanges(),
if(length(unlinked_clusters) > 0 && length(improper) > 0 ){
names(unlinked_clusters) <- seq_along(unlinked_clusters)
is_linking <- bothTagsMapToCluster(improper, unlinked_clusters)
irp <- improper[ is_linking ]
irp <- annotateRPsWithLinkId(irp, unlinked_clusters)
names(irp) <- rpclustNames(irp)
irp.nonlinking <- improper
rpnames <- names(irp)
linkedBins <- linkClustersByReadPairs(unlinked_clusters, irp)
## Many of the clusers are not linked to any other cluster.
## Because the unlinked_clusters are non-overlapping, these can be
## safely removed.
is_true <- unlinked_clusters %in% linkedBins |
unlinked_clusters %in% linkedBins$linked.to
unfiltered_clusters <- unlinked_clusters[ is_true ]
## the first partitioning of the improper read pairs is by those
## that provide the link between the 'linked bins'
partition <- setNames(seq_len(length(linkedBins)), names(linkedBins))
partitioning <- partition[rpnames]
##improper <- irp
linked.ids <- strsplit(names(linkedBins), "-")
linked1id <- sapply(linked.ids, "[", 1)
linked2id <- sapply(linked.ids, "[", 2)
## Tags that do not link clusters that were selected according to
## above filters, but that might be important for deciding whether
## rearrangement is an artifact
## convert galignmentpairs to granges
## Require at least one tag to map to a cluster
tags <- gapToGRanges(irp.nonlinking, unfiltered_clusters)
## While the unlinked_clusters are non-overlapping, the linkedBins
## can have duplicates. This means that a single tag will map to
## multiple linkedBins. Subsetting a linkedBins that is
## duplicated should pull out the same set of single tags
mapping <- mapTagsToCluster(tags, linkedBins)
improper <- irp
} else{
mapping <- character()
lt <- linkedBins$linked.to
seqlevels(lt, pruning.mode="coarse") <- seqlevels(lt)
seqinfo(lt) <- seqinfo(linkedBins)
linkedBins$linked.to <- lt
if(length(linkedBins) == 0){
names(linkedBins) <- character()
new("Rearrangement", linkedBins=linkedBins,
link1id=linked1id, link2id=linked2id,
improper=improper, tags=tags,
## Tools to find rearrangements
unpairThenReduce <- function(gpairs, params){
g <- as(c(first(gpairs), last(gpairs)), "GRanges")
strand(g) <- factor("*", levels=c("+","-","*"))
rg <- reduce(g, min.gapwidth=minGapWidth(params))
filterTagClusters <- function(clustered_tags, gpairs, params){
## Remove clusters with low tag counts
counts <- (countOverlaps(clustered_tags, first(gpairs)) +
countOverlaps(clustered_tags, last(gpairs)))
clustered_tags[ counts >= minNumberTagsPerCluster(params) ]
clusterTags <- function(gpairs, params){
unpaired <- unpairThenReduce(gpairs, params)
unpaired <- unpaired[ width(unpaired) >= minClusterSize(params) &
width(unpaired) <= maxClusterSize(params) ]
unpaired <- unpaired[ !duplicated(unpaired) ]
names(unpaired) <- seq_len(length(unpaired))
unpaired <- filterTagClusters(unpaired, gpairs, params)
.trimInvalidReads <- function(x){
chromosome <- function(x) as.character(seqnames(x))
ends <- setNames(end(first(x)), chromosome(first(x)))
ends.info <- seqlengths(x)[names(ends)]
is_valid1 <- ends <= ends.info
ends2 <- setNames(end(last(x)), chromosome(last(x)))
ends.info2 <- seqlengths(x)[names(ends2)]
is_valid2 <- ends2 <= ends.info2
is_valid <- is_valid1 & is_valid2
setMethod("numberLinkingRP", "Rearrangement", function(object){
nsupportingReads <- table(names(improper(object)))
nsupportingReads <- nsupportingReads[names(object)]
seqJunctionsInferredByPairedTags <- function(aln.file, bins, param){
gp <- readRDS(aln.file)
##gp <- updateObject(gp)
seqlevelsStyle(gp) <- "UCSC"
gp <- keepSeqlevels(gp, seqlevels(bins), pruning.mode="coarse")
gp <- .trimInvalidReads(gp)
gp2 <- filterPairedReads(gp, bins, param)
ctags <- clusterTags(gp2, param)
## Note, the Rearrangement constructor does additional work
L <- Rearrangement(improper=gp2, unlinked_clusters=ctags)
L2 <- L[ numberLinkingRP(L) >= minNumberTagsPerCluster(param) ]
mapq <- function(galp){
f <- first(galp)
l <- last(galp)
cbind(mcols(f)$mapq, mcols(l)$mapq)
#' Constructs a Rearrangement object of unlinked tag-clusters
#' Identifies genomic intervals containing clusters of improper reads
#' and constructs a Rearrangement object containing the unlinked
#' clusters and the improper read pairs.
#' @details
#' Read pairs are selected with parameters set in the
#' \code{RearrangementParams} object (denoted \code{params}) as follows:
#' 1. the distance between the first and last read for a given pair
#' must be at least \code{rp_separation(params)}
#' 2. Duplicate read pairs are dropped
#' 3. For reads passing (1) and (2), the total number of reads aligned
#' to each bin in \code{bins} is counted. We exclude bins for which
#' the number of aligned reads is less than
#' \code{minNumberTagsPerCluster(params)}. We use the remaining bins
#' to subset the read pairs object -- keeping only read pairs for
#' which the first or the last read overlaps a bin. Steps 1-3 are
#' performed by the function \code{filterPairedReads}.
#' 4. Clusters of improper reads that pass (1), (2), and (3) are
#' identified. In particular, we apply the function
#' \code{unpairThenReduce} that first uncouples the read pairs and
#' creates a single \code{GRanges} object. The \code{GRanges}
#' object is then reduced with argument \code{min.gapwidth} set to
#' \code{minGapWidth(params)} (default is 1kb). The interval for
#' each cluster is given by the reduced ranges. We keep only those
#' intervals that have a width of at least
#' \code{minClusterSize(params)} (default 115bp) and no larger than
#' \code{maxClusterSize(params)} (default 5000bp). In addition, we
#' keep only those intervals for which the number of reads belonging
#' to the interval is at least
#' \code{minNumberTagsPerCluster(params)} (default 5). Step 4 is
#' performed by the function \code{clusterTags}.
#' 5. Given a set of unlinked clusters and improper read pairs
#' (filtered by steps 1-4), the Rearrangement constructor does the
#' following:
#' i. annotates the red pairs with a unique id for cluster membership
#' ii. links the clusters (called linkedBins) (\code{linkClustersByReadPairs})
#' iii. partitions the improper read pairs according to whether
#' they link two clusters (a read pair can belong to multiple paired
#' clusters)
#' iv. maps each tag to a cluster
#' REFACTORING: Rearrangement should do nothing and should be able to
#' construct an empty Rearrangement object if no data is provided.
#' Move the functions that do step 5 out of the constructor.
#' @examples
#' data(pdata, package="trellis")
#' rp <- RearrangementParams()
#' ##
#' ## The file of improper read pairs is large, so this is slow
#' ##
#' r <- seqJunctionsInferredByPairedTags2(pdata,
#' param=rp)
#' r
#' ## improper read pairs that link the clusters
#' head(improper(r))
#' ## The linked tag cluster intervals
#' linkedBins(r)
#' @export
#' @param preprocess a list as created by \code{preprocessData}
#' @param param A \code{RearrangementParams} object
seqJunctionsInferredByPairedTags2 <- function(preprocess, param){
bins <- preprocess$bins
gp <- preprocess$read_pairs[["improper"]]
m <- mapq(gp)
gp <- gp[rowSums(m < 30) == 0]
gp <- keepSeqlevels(gp, seqlevels(bins), pruning.mode="coarse")
gp2 <- filterPairedReads(gp, bins, param)
ctags <- clusterTags(gp2, param)
## Note, the Rearrangement constructor does additional work
L <- Rearrangement(improper=gp2, unlinked_clusters=ctags)
L2 <- L[ numberLinkingRP(L) >= minNumberTagsPerCluster(param) ]
computeFractionLinkingTags <- function(object){
adjustLeftBinSize <- function(F, L){
chrom.F <- as.integer(factor(chromosome(F), levels=seqlevels(F)))
chrom.L <- as.integer(factor(chromosome(L), levels=seqlevels(L)))
if(all(chrom.F != chrom.L)){
is_less <- chrom.F < chrom.L
} else {
is_less <- start(F) < start(L)
ends <- starts <- rep(NA, length(F))
starts[ is_less ] <- start(F)[ is_less ]
ends[ is_less ] <- end(F)[ is_less ]
chrom.left <- (chromosome(F)[is_less])[1]
starts[ !is_less ] <- start(L)[ !is_less ]
ends[ !is_less ] <- end(L)[ !is_less ]
chrom.left <- (chromosome(L)[ !is_less ])[1]
left.bin <- GRanges(chrom.left, IRanges(min(starts), max(ends)))
adjustRightBinSize <- function(F, L){
chrom.F <- as.integer(factor(chromosome(F), levels=seqlevels(F)))
chrom.L <- as.integer(factor(chromosome(L), levels=seqlevels(L)))
if(all(chrom.F != chrom.L)){
is_greater <- chrom.F < chrom.L
} else {
is_greater <- start(F) < start(L)
ends <- starts <- rep(NA, length(F))
starts[ is_greater ] <- start(L)[ is_greater ]
ends[ is_greater ] <- end(L)[ is_greater ]
chrom.right <- (chromosome(L)[is_greater])[1]
starts[ !is_greater ] <- start(F)[ !is_greater ]
ends[ !is_greater ] <- end(F)[ !is_greater ]
chrom.right <- (chromosome(F)[ !is_greater ])[1]
right.bin <- GRanges(chrom.right, IRanges(min(starts), max(ends)))
adjustBinSizeByLinkedTagPairs <- function(object){
linked_tags <- improper(object)
si <- seqinfo(linked_tags)
if(length(object) > 1) stop("object must be of length one (only one rearrangement)")
F <- first(linked_tags)
L <- last(linked_tags)
left.bin <- adjustLeftBinSize(F, L)
right.bin <- adjustRightBinSize(F, L)
left.bin$linked.to <- right.bin
linked.bin <- left.bin
names(linked.bin) <- names(linkedBins(object))
seqlevels(linked.bin, pruning.mode="coarse") <- seqlevels(si)
seqinfo(linked.bin) <- si
isTranslocation <- function(aln){
chr1 <- seqnames(first(aln))
chr2 <- seqnames(last(aln))
R1strand <- function(gpairs) strand(first(gpairs))
R2strand <- function(gpairs) strand(last(gpairs))
R1lessR2 <- function(gpairs){
is.trans <- isTranslocation(gpairs)
is.r1less <- as.logical(start(first(gpairs)) < start(last(gpairs)))
is.r1less[is.trans] <- NA
R1pos <- function(gpairs) as.logical(R1strand(gpairs)=="+")
R2neg <- function(gpairs) as.logical(R2strand(gpairs)=="-")
typeGAPairs <- function(gpairs){
extdir <- system.file("extdata", package="trellis")
rear_type <- read.csv(file.path(extdir, "rearrangement_types.csv"), nrows=20,
##rear_type <- rear_type2
rtypes <- matrix(NA, length(gpairs), nrow(rear_type))
is.r1pos <- R1pos(gpairs)
is.r1neg <- !is.r1pos
is.r2neg <- R2neg(gpairs)
is.r2pos <- !is.r2neg
is.r1less <- R1lessR2(gpairs)
is.r2less <- !is.r1less
is.trans <- isTranslocation(gpairs)
not.trans <- !is.trans
is.aberrant.sep <- aberrantSep(gpairs)
not.aberrant.sep <- !is.aberrant.sep
##colnames(rtypes) <- rear_type$type
colnames(rtypes) <- rear_type$name
rtypes[, 1] <- is.r1pos & is.r2neg & is.r1less & not.trans & not.aberrant.sep
rtypes[, 2] <- is.r1neg & is.r2pos & is.r2less & not.trans & not.aberrant.sep
rtypes[, 3] <- is.r1pos & is.r2neg & is.r1less & not.trans & is.aberrant.sep
rtypes[, 4] <- is.r1neg & is.r2pos & is.r2less & not.trans & is.aberrant.sep
rtypes[, 5] <- is.r1pos & is.r2neg & is.r1less & not.trans & not.aberrant.sep
rtypes[, 6] <- is.r1pos & is.r2neg & is.r2less & not.trans
rtypes[, 7] <- is.r1neg & is.r2pos & is.r2less & not.trans & not.aberrant.sep
rtypes[, 8] <- is.r1neg & is.r2pos & is.r1less & not.trans
rtypes[, 9] <- is.r1pos & is.r2neg & is.trans
rtypes[, 10] <- is.r1neg & is.r2pos & is.trans
rtypes[, 11] <- is.r1pos & is.r2neg & is.trans
rtypes[, 12] <- is.r1neg & is.r2pos & is.trans
## inversions
rtypes[, 13] <- is.r1pos & is.r2pos & is.r1less & not.trans
rtypes[, 14] <- is.r1pos & is.r2pos & is.r2less & not.trans
rtypes[, 15] <- is.r1neg & is.r2neg & is.r1less & not.trans
rtypes[, 16] <- is.r1neg & is.r2neg & is.r2less & not.trans
rtypes[, 17] <- is.r1pos & is.r2pos & is.trans
rtypes[, 18] <- is.r1pos & is.r2pos & is.trans
rtypes[, 19] <- is.r1neg & is.r2neg & is.trans
rtypes[, 20] <- is.r1neg & is.r2neg & is.trans
col.indices <- split(seq_len(ncol(rtypes)), rear_type$compatible)
y <- vector("list", length(col.indices))
##y <- foreach(j = col.indices, .combine="cbind") %do% {
for(i in seq_along(col.indices)){
j <- col.indices[[i]]
y[[i]] <- rowSums(rtypes[, j, drop=FALSE])
y <- do.call(cbind, y)
nms <- sapply(split(rear_type$name, rear_type$compatible), function(x) paste(x, collapse=","))
colnames(y) <- nms
#' Determine the type of rearrangement supported by each improper read pair
#' @details
#' Rearrangements are typed by the following criteria for read 1 (R1)
#' and read 2 (R2):
#' \enumerate{
#' \item strand of R1 and R2
#' \item orientation of R1 and R2 (e.g., R1 < R2)
#' \item whether R1 and R2 are on different chromosomes
#' \item whether R1 and R2 have an aberrant separation
#' }
#' \strong{Deletions:} A deletion results in a single new sequence
#' junction. There are two orientations of a R1 and R2 that support
#' this junction: R1+ < R2- and R1- > R2+. The former R1+ < R2- is
#' the sequenced + strand DNA fragment, while the latter R1- > R2+
#' is the sequenced - strand. These orientations are the expected
#' orientations in unrearranged genomes, except that the distance
#' between R1 and its mate is larger than expected (> 10kb).
#' \strong{Amplicons:}
#' For purpose of downstream analyses, we only type intra-chromosomal
#' amplicons that are replicated at the same site in the genome and
#' without any changes to the strand orientation. Illustration:
#' \preformatted{
#' Reference:
#' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
#' +5' ------------|--------|-------------
#' -3' ------------|--------|-------------
#' Tumor
#' 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 5 6 7 8 9
#' +5' ------------|--------X-------|---------
#' -3' ------------|--------X-------|---------
#' }
#' Note that only 'X' is a new sequence junction not seen in the
#' reference. Characteristics of 'X' are R1+ > R2- (+ fragment) and
#' R1- < R2+ (- fragment). The amplicon could also insert further
#' downstream:
#' \preformatted{
#' Tumor
#' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 5 6
#' +5' ------------|--------|-------X---------
#' -3' ------------|--------|-------X---------
#' or further upstream:
#' Tumor
#' 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
#' +5' ------------X--------|-------|---------
#' -3' ------------X--------|-------|---------
#' }
#' In each case, the rearrangement junctions given by 'X' would be
#' identified by R1+ > R2 - and R1- < R2+.
#' \strong{Inter-chromosomal translocations:} For translocations,
#' positional orientation is determined by chromosome number and not
#' genomic position. WLOG, we consider chr1 to be less than chr2
#' and chr22 to be less that chrX. In the case of an unbalanced
#' translocation, a single rearrangement junction will be identified
#' by the improper read pairs.
#' \preformatted{
#' Reference (-- chr1, == chr2)
#' chr1 1 2 3 4 5 6 chr2 20 21 22 23 24 25
#' 5' + ------------|------ ===============|==============
#' 3' - ------------|------ ===============|==============
#' Tumor
#' chr1 1 2 3 23 24 25
#' 5' + ------------|==========
#' 3' - ------------|==========
#' }
#' Read orientations R1+ < R2- and R1- > R2+ are consistent with the
#' fusion of the two positive strands and the two negative strands,
#' respectively. If the translocation is balanced, we would also
#' observe
#' \preformatted{
#' Tumor
#' chr2 20 21 22 4 5 6
#' 5' + ==============|--------
#' 3' - ==============|--------
#' }
#' with R1+ > R2- and R1- < R2+. Hence, there are four distinct read
#' pair orientations for a balanced tranlocation. For the purpose of
#' assessing gene fusions, we treat all translocations as if they
#' are balanced even if we do not observe all 4 possible
#' orientations. An inversion translocation is typed and analyzed
#' as an inversion.
#' \strong{Inversions:}
#' An intrachromosomal inversion:
#' \preformatted{
#' Reference: (-- positive strand, == negative strand)
#' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
#' 5'+ ------>|-------->|------->
#' 3'- <======|<========|<=======
#' Tumor (inversion)
#' 1 2 3 6 5 4 7 8 9
#' 5'+ ------>X=======>X------->
#' 3'- <======X<-------X<=======
#' }
#' Again, X's denote the new sequence junctions formed as a result of
#' the inversion. The left-most X's are supported by R1+ < R2+ (the
#' top strand in the diagram) and R1+ > R1+ (bottom strand). The
#' right-most X's are supported by R1- < R2- (top strand) and R1- >
#' R2- (bottom strand).
#' An inversion can also involve a translocation.
#' @note Type \code{amp1,amp3} would never be identified because the
#' junction does not involve an aberrant separation between read
#' pairs.
#' @return a \code{data.frame} with colnames 'type' and 'percent'
#' @export
#' @param object a \code{Rearrangement}
rearrangementType <- function(object){
imp <- improper(object)
rtypes <- typeGAPairs(imp)
mns <- pmin(colMeans(rtypes), 1)
##nms <- .rearrangement_types()
nms <- colnames(rtypes)
percent=max(mns), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#' Finds candidate somatic rearrangements
#' This function identifies clusters of improper reads that are linked
#' by the mate information in paired read sequencing platforms such as
#' Illumina HiSeq.
#' @details
#' All reads from improper read pairs where mates are separated by
#' at least 10kb and both reads in pair are mapped are read from the
#' \code{AlignmentViews} object. A cluster of reads (all involved in
#' improper pairs) is defined as follows:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item genomic intervals demarcating improper read clusters are
#' gotten by applying reduce to a GRanges representation of all
#' improper reads
#' \item genomic intervals must be at least 115bp and no larger than
#' 5000bp (default settings)
#' \item each cluster must contain at least 5 reads
#' }
#' Non-overlapping clusters that are linked by multiple improper read
#' pairs are suggestive of a rearrangement. Linked tag clusters are
#' identified by the function \code{seqJunctionsInferredByPairedTags}.
#' The genomic intervals defined by the linked tag clusters (also
#' referred to as linked bins) are represented as a \code{GRanges}
#' object with a variable called \code{linked.to} in \code{mcols}.
#' The \code{linked.to} column is also a \code{GRanges} object. The
#' \code{GRanges} object of the linked clusters, the improper read
#' pairs supporting the link, and the set of all tags that map to
#' either linked genomic interval are encapsulated in a
#' \code{Rearrangement} object. Statistics calculated on each
#' \code{Rearrangement} object include the fraction of all reads link
#' the two clusters (\code{fractionLinkingTags}), the types of
#' rearrangements supported (\code{rearrangementType}), the modal
#' rearrangement, and the percent of read pairs supporting the modal
#' rearrangement. The collection of all linked clusters for a given
#' sample is represented as a \code{RearrangementList}.
#' @seealso See \code{\link{seqJunctionsInferredByPairedTags2}} for
#' additional details regarding the clustering of tags from improper
#' pairs and the identification of linked tag clusters. See
#' \code{\link{rearrangementType}} for the type of rearrangement
#' supported by each read pair. See \code{\link{preprocessData}} for constructing a list of elemented obtained from preprocessing.
#' @examples
#' ## Load list of preprocessed data (see preprocessData)
#' data(pdata, package="trellis")
#' ## Parameters for finding candidate rearrangements
#' rparam <- RearrangementParams(min_number_tags_per_cluster=5,
#' rp_separation=10e3)
#' ## List of candidate rearrangements
#' rlist <- findCandidates2(pdata, rparam)
#' rlist
#' @export
#' @param preprocess A list of preprocessing data as constructed by \code{preprocessData}
#' @param rp A \code{RearrangementParams} object
findCandidates2 <- function(preprocess, rp=RearrangementParams()){
##file <- improperPaths(align_view)
candidates <- suppressWarnings(
seqJunctionsInferredByPairedTags2(preprocess, rp)
candidateList <- RearrangementList(candidates)
candidateList <- type_each(candidateList)
colData(candidateList)$modal_rearrangement <- modalRearrangement(candidateList)
colData(candidateList)$percent_rearrangement <- percentRearrangement(candidateList)
#' Summary stats for rearrangement object
#' @param r a \code{Rearrangement} object
type_rearrangement <- function(r){
linkedBins(r) <- adjustBinSizeByLinkedTagPairs(r)
fractionLinkingTags(r) <- computeFractionLinkingTags(r)
rtypes <- rearrangementType(r)
modalRearrangement(r) <- rtypes[["type"]]
percentRearrangement(r) <- rtypes[["percent"]]
type_each <- function(rlist){
for(i in seq_along(rlist)){
rlist[[i]] <- type_rearrangement(rlist[[i]])
overlappingTranscripts <- function(r, build, maxgap=5000){
build <- genome(improper(r))[[1]]
stop("As the genome build is not specified in the seqinfo, the build argument can not be missing.")
pkgname <- paste0("svfilters.", build)
data(transcripts, package=pkgname, envir=environment())
g <- uncouple(linkedBins(r))
tx <- subsetByOverlaps(transcripts, g, maxgap=maxgap)
if(!all(overlapsAny(g, transcripts, maxgap=maxgap))){
## one or both regions do not overlap a transcript
no.overlap <- !overlapsAny(g, transcripts, maxgap=maxgap)
noncoding <- g[no.overlap]
noncoding$tx_id <- ""
noncoding$tx_name <- ""
noncoding$gene_name <- paste0("noncoding", seq_len(sum(no.overlap)))
noncoding$cancer_connection <- FALSE
noncoding$biol_sign <- FALSE
tx <- c(tx, noncoding)
hits <- findOverlaps(g, tx, maxgap=maxgap)
tx <- tx[subjectHits(hits)]
txlist <- split(tx, queryHits(hits))
txlist <- lapply(txlist, function(g){
if(length(g) == 1) {
rgr <- granges(g)
rgr$gene_name <- g$gene_name
rgr <- reduce(g, ignore.strand=TRUE, min.gapwidth=maxgap)
rgr$gene_name <- paste(unique(g$gene_name), collapse=",")
tx <- unlist(GRangesList(txlist))
hits <- findOverlaps(g, tx, maxgap=maxgap, select="first")
g$gene_name <- tx$gene_name[hits]
check_splitreads <- function(r){
sr <- splitReads(r)
names(sr) <- paste0("sr", seq_along(sr))
sr.list <- split(sr, sr$qname)
lb <- uncouple(linkedBins(r))
is.overlap <- lapply(sr.list, function(g, bins){
is.overlap <- overlapsAny(bins, g, maxgap=50)
result <- rep(TRUE, length(g))
rep(FALSE, length(g))
}, bins=lb)
is.overlap <- unlist(is.overlap)
cstrand <- function(g) as.character(strand(g))
typeRead <- function(gap){
strands <- paste0(cstrand(first(gap)), cstrand(last(gap)))
#' Create a data.frame of rearranged read pairs and split reads supporting a rearrangement
#' This function is useful for converting a Rearrangement object to a data.frame for subsequent visualization by ggplot.
#' @param r a \code{Rearrangement} object
#' @param build character string indicating genome build (only hg19 and hg18 currently supported)
#' @param maxgap the allowable distance between a split or paired end read and a transcript for assessing whether coding regions
#' @examples
#' extdata <- system.file("extdata", package="svbams")
#' rfile <- file.path(extdata, "CGOV11T_1.bam.rds")
#' rlist <- readRDS(rfile)
#' r <- rlist[[1]]
#' r2 <- fiveTo3Prime(r, "hg19")
#' rearDataFrame(r2[[1]], "hg19")
#' @export
rearDataFrame <- function(r, build, maxgap=5000){
lb <- linkedBins(r)
if(!"gene_name" %in% colnames(mcols(lb))){
bins <- overlappingTranscripts(r, build, maxgap=maxgap)
bins$gene_name <- make.unique(bins$gene_name)
names(bins) <- c(r@link1id, r@link2id)
bins$reverse <- FALSE ## by default
bins2 <- bins[1]
bins2$linked.to <- bins[2]
linkedBins(r) <- bins2
list_region_levels <- function(x){
levels1 <- levels(x)
levels2 <- paste0(c("5'-", "3'-"), levels1)
list(levels1, levels2)
label_orientation <- function(x){
levels.list <- list_region_levels(x)
levels1 <- levels.list[[1]]
levels2 <- levels.list[[2]]
index <- which(x %in% levels1[1])
regions <- rep(NA, length(x))
regions[index] <- gsub(levels1[1], levels2[1], x[index])
index <- which(x %in% levels1[2])
regions[index] <- gsub(levels1[2], levels2[2], x[index])
factor(regions, levels2)
make_levels_unique <- function(x, z){
if(!identical(levels(x), levels(z))){
## x 5-'label1 3'-label2
## z 5-'label1 3'-label2
## remap z levels
## 5-'label2 3'-label1
x.levels <- levels(x)
z <- as.character(z)
z2 <- z
z.levels <- c(gsub("3'", "5'", x.levels[2]),
gsub("5'", "3'", x.levels[1]))
z[z2==x.levels[1]] <- z.levels[1]
z[z2==x.levels[2]] <- z.levels[2]
z <- factor(z, levels=z.levels)
#' Creates a data.frame with both possible 5 to 3 prime orientations
#' @param maxgap integer. See \code{findOverlaps}
#' @param build character string -- only 'hg19' or 'hg18' supported
#' @param rlist a length-two list of orientations. Each element is an object of class \code{Rearrangement}
#' @export
rearDataFrameList <- function(rlist, build, maxgap=5000){
n_split_reads <- lengths(lapply(rlist, splitReads))
if(!all(n_split_reads > 0)) stop("Each rearrangement must have at least one split read")
df1 <- rearDataFrame(rlist[[1]], build, maxgap)
df1$region <- label_orientation(df1$region)
df2 <- rearDataFrame(rlist[[2]], build, maxgap)
region2 <- label_orientation(df2$region)
df2$region <- make_levels_unique(df1$region, region2)
df <- rbind(df1, df2)
levels <- c(levels(df1$region),
df$region <- factor(df$region, levels=levels)
.rear_DataFrame <- function(r){
bin1 <- linkedBins(r)
bin2 <- linkedBins(r)$linked.to
mcols(bin1) <- mcols(bin1)[, 1:2]
bins <- setNames(c(bin1, bin2),
c(r@link1id, r@link2id))
gap <- improper(r)
names(gap) <- seq_len(length(gap))
s <- strands(r)
igr <- ga2gr(gap, is.improper=TRUE, use.mcols=TRUE)
sr <- splitReads(r)
regions <- bins$gene_name[match(igr$rpid, names(bins))]
hits <- findOverlaps(sr, bins, ignore.strand=TRUE, maxgap=100)
sr.regions <- bins$gene_name[subjectHits(hits)]
if(length(regions) != length(igr)){
stop("Unexpected inequality in GRanges lengths")
igr$region <- regions
df <- as(igr, "data.frame") %>%
df2 <- df[, 1:5]
tagid <- df$tagid
read <- paste0(df$read, df$strand)
sr$qname <- sapply(strsplit(sr$qname, "\\."), "[", 1)
##is.reverse.strand <- any(sr$reverse)
red.sr <- reduce(sr)
if(length(red.sr) == 4){
## Likely double stranded break
## ix <- findOverlaps(red.sr, c(granges(bin1), granges(bin2))) %>%
## subjectHits
hits <- findOverlaps(red.sr, c(granges(bin1), granges(bin2)), maxgap=50)
ix <- queryHits(hits)
red.sr <- red.sr[ix]
names(red.sr) <- c("5p", "3p")[subjectHits(hits)]
hits <- findOverlaps(sr, red.sr)
red.srlist <- split(red.sr, names(red.sr))
## what if reverse is not defined yet?
is.rev <- split(sr$reverse[queryHits(hits)],
subjectHits(hits)) %>%
map_lgl(any) %>%
junction_5p <- end(red.srlist[["5p"]])[1]
} else{
junction_5p <- start(red.srlist[["5p"]])[1]
junction_3p <- start(red.srlist[["3p"]])[1]
} else {
junction_3p <- end(red.srlist[["3p"]])[1]
df2$junction_5p <- sr$junction_5p <- junction_5p
df2$junction_3p <- sr$junction_3p <- junction_3p
if(!"qname" %in% colnames(df2))
df2$qname <- NA
sr.df <- as(sr, "data.frame")
##sr.df2 <- sr.df[, c(1:5, 13, 14)]
sr.df2 <- sr.df[, colnames(df2)]
df2$read_type <- df2$read <- read
##df2$read_type <- paste0(substr(read, 1, 2), rep(s, 2))
df2$reverse <- igr$reverse
sr.df2$read <- "splitread"
sr.df2$read_type <- "splitread"
sr.df2$reverse <- sr$reverse
df2$tagid <- tagid
df2$junction_5p <- junction_5p
df2$junction_3p <- junction_3p
sr.df2$tagid <- as.numeric(factor(sr.df$qname)) +
df3 <- rbind(df2, sr.df2)
regions2 <- c(df$region, sr.regions)
df3$region <- factor(regions2, levels=bins$gene_name)
df3$tagid <- as.numeric(df3$tagid)
## if transcript is on reverse strand, we need to multiply the coordinates by a negative number
df3$start[df3$reverse] <- -1*df3$start[df3$reverse]
df3$end[df3$reverse] <- -1*df3$end[df3$reverse]
readPairColors <- function(){
cols <- brewer.pal(12, "Paired")
cols <- cols[-c(7,8)]
cols <- cols[1:8]
cols <- c(cols, "black")
names(cols) <- c("R1-+", "R2-+",
"R1+-", "R2+-",
"R1--", "R2--",
"R1++", "R2++",
readColors <- function(){
cols <- brewer.pal(12, "Paired")
cols <- cols[-c(7,8)]
cols <- cols[1:5]
##cols <- c(cols, "black")
names(cols) <- c("R1-", "R2+",
"R1+", "R2-",
##"R1-", "R2-",
##"R1+", "R2+",
## this is the old version
ggRearrange2 <- function(df){
colors <- readPairColors()[unique(df$read_type)]
nms <- names(readPairColors())
df$read_type <- factor(df$read_type, levels=nms)
n.levels <- length(levels(df$region))
nc <- 2
nr <- 2;
} else nr <- 1;
absoluteNum <- function(x, ...) abs(x)
read_type <- tagid <- NULL
ggplot(df, aes(ymin=tagid-0.2, ymax=tagid+0.2,
xmin=start/1e6, xmax=end/1e6,
fill=read_type, group=tagid)) +
geom_rect() +
ylab("read pair index") +
scale_fill_manual(values=colors) +
scale_color_manual(values=colors) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks=pretty_breaks(5), labels=absoluteNum) +
xlab("Mb") +
theme(axis.text.x=element_text(size=7, angle=45, hjust=1),
axis.text.y=element_blank()) +
facet_wrap(~region, scales="free_x", nrow=nr, ncol=nc)
peelLegend <- function(gg){
if(!is(gg, "gg")) stop("object must be instance of class 'gg'")
gtab <- ggplotGrob(gg)
i <- which(sapply(gtab$grobs, function(x) x$name) == "guide-box")
legend <- gtab$grobs[[i]]
fig <- gg + theme(legend.position="none")
gtab <- ggplotGrob(fig)
list(gtab=gtab, legend=legend)
axis_limit5p <- function(df, basepairs){
if(nrow(df) == 0) return()
xlim1 <- c(min(df$start),
padding <- basepairs - abs(diff(xlim1))
xlim1[1] <- xlim1[1] - padding
} else {
xlim1 <- c(max(df$start),
padding <- basepairs - abs(diff(xlim1))
xlim1[1] <- xlim1[1] + padding
axis_limit3p <- function(df, basepairs){
xlim2 <- c(min(df$junction_3p),
padding <- basepairs - abs(diff(xlim2))
xlim2[2] <- xlim2[2] + padding
} else {
xlim2 <- c(df$junction_3p[1],
padding <- basepairs - abs(diff(xlim2))
xlim2[2] <- xlim2[2] - padding
#' @export
axis_limits <- function(df, basepairs){
region <- NULL
df1 <- filter(df, region==levels(region)[1])
df2 <- filter(df, region==levels(region)[2])
xlim1 <- axis_limit5p(df1, basepairs)
xlim2 <- axis_limit3p(df2, basepairs)
limits <- list(xlim1=xlim1, xlim2=xlim2)
names(limits) <- levels(df$region)
axis_labels5p <- function(df, xlim1, num.ticks){
absoluteNum <- function(x, ...) prettyNum(abs(x), big.mark=",")
brks1 <- pretty(xlim1, n=num.ticks)
brks1[length(brks1)] <- df$junction_5p[1]
## avoid overcrowding of labels
delta <- brks1[length(brks1)] - brks1[(length(brks1)-1)]
if(delta < 20){
brks1 <- brks1[ (length(brks1)-1) ]
} else {
brks1[1] <- df$junction_5p[1]
delta <- abs(brks1[2] - brks1[1])
if(delta < 20){
brks1 <- brks1[-2]
labs1 <- paste(absoluteNum(brks1), "bp")
list(breaks=brks1, labels=labs1)
axis_labels3p <- function(df, xlim2, num.ticks){
absoluteNum <- function(x, ...) prettyNum(abs(x), big.mark=",")
brks2 <- pretty(xlim2, n=num.ticks)
brks2[1] <- df$junction_3p[1]
## avoid crowded labels
delta <- brks2[2] - brks2[1]
if(delta < 20){
brks2 <- brks2[-2]
} else {
brks2[length(brks2)] <- df$junction_3p[1]
## avoid crowded labels
delta <- abs(brks2[length(brks2)] - brks2[length(brks2)-1])
if(delta < 20){
brks2 <- brks2[-(length(brks2)-1)]
labs2 <- paste(absoluteNum(brks2), "bp")
list(breaks=brks2, labels=labs2)
.ggRearrange <- function(df, ylabel="Read pair index",
basepairs=400, num.ticks=5){
colors <- readColors()[unique(df$read_type)]
colors["splitread"] <- "black"
nms <- names(readColors())
df$read_type <- factor(df$read_type, levels=nms)
region <- read_type <- tagid <- NULL
df1 <- filter(df, region==levels(region)[1])
df2 <- filter(df, region==levels(region)[2])
limits <- axis_limits(df, basepairs)
gene1 <- levels(df$region)[1]
gene2 <- levels(df$region)[2]
xlim1 <- limits[[gene1]]
xlim2 <- limits[[gene2]]
labs1 <- axis_labels5p(df1, xlim1, num.ticks)
labs2 <- axis_labels3p(df2, xlim2, num.ticks)
a <- ggplot(df1, aes(ymin=tagid-0.2,
fill=read_type, group=tagid)) +
geom_rect() +
ylab(ylabel) +
scale_fill_manual(values=colors) +
scale_color_manual(values=colors) +
labels=labs1[["labels"]]) +
coord_cartesian(xlim=xlim1) +
xlab("") +
theme(axis.text.x=element_text(size=7, angle=45, hjust=1),
plot.title=element_text(size=5)) +
guides(color=FALSE, fill=FALSE) +
geom_vline(xintercept=df$junction_5p[1], linetype="dashed") +
ggtitle(paste0(df1$region[1], " (", df1$seqnames[1], ")"))
a <- a + scale_x_reverse(breaks=labs1[["breaks"]],
b <- ggplot(df2, aes(ymin=tagid-0.2,
fill=read_type, group=tagid)) +
geom_rect() +
ylab("read pair index") +
scale_fill_manual(values=colors) +
scale_color_manual(values=colors) +
labels=labs2[["labels"]]) +
coord_cartesian(xlim=xlim2) +
xlab("") +
theme(axis.text.x=element_text(size=7, angle=45, hjust=1),
plot.title=element_text(size=5)) +
guides(color=FALSE, fill=FALSE) +
geom_vline(xintercept=df$junction_3p[1], linetype="dashed") +
ylab("") +
ggtitle(paste0(df2$region[1], " (", df2$seqnames[1], ")"))
b <- b + scale_x_reverse(breaks=labs2[["breaks"]],
## plot both panels just to get the legend
d <- ggplot(df, aes(ymin=tagid-0.2,
fill=read_type, group=tagid)) +
geom_rect() +
scale_fill_manual(values=colors) +
scale_color_manual(values=colors) +
theme(legend.position="bottom", legend.direction="horizontal") +
guides(color=guide_legend(title=""), fill=guide_legend(title=""))
legend.grob <- peelLegend(d)[[2]]
agrob <- ggplotGrob(a)
bgrob <- ggplotGrob(b)
##legend.grob <- gg.objs[[2]]
bgrob$widths <- agrob$widths
## plot sequences of split reads
.ggRearrange_sequences <- function(df, ylabel="Read pair index",
basepairs=400, num.ticks=5){
colors <- readColors()[unique(df$read_type)]
colors["splitread"] <- "black"
nms <- names(readColors())
df$read_type <- factor(df$read_type, levels=nms)
region <- read_type <- tagid <- NULL
df1 <- filter(df, region==levels(region)[1])
df2 <- filter(df, region==levels(region)[2])
limits <- axis_limits(df, basepairs/2)
gene1 <- levels(df$region)[1]
gene2 <- levels(df$region)[2]
xlim1 <- limits[[gene1]]
xlim2 <- limits[[gene2]]
labs1 <- axis_labels5p(df1, xlim1, num.ticks)
labs2 <- axis_labels3p(df2, xlim2, num.ticks)
seq2 <- seq1 <- NULL
df1.seq <- filter(df1, !is.na(seq1))
df2.seq <- filter(df2, !is.na(seq2))
## sequences are of variable lengths and have different starts and ends
## - need a data.frame of the form
## position qname dna_base
position.list1 <- list()
position.list2 <- list()
base.list2 <- base.list1 <- list()
for(i in seq_len(nrow(df1.seq))){
position.list1[[i]] <- (df1.seq$start[i]+1):(df1.seq$end[i])
position.list2[[i]] <- (df2.seq$start[i]+1):(df2.seq$end[i])
tmp1 <- DNAString(df1.seq$seq1[[i]])
tmp2 <- DNAString(df2.seq$seq2[[i]])
base.list1[[i]] <- sapply(as.list(tmp1), as.character)
base.list2[[i]] <- sapply(as.list(tmp2), as.character)
## match sequences to the dna coordinates based on the lenths
sizes1 <- lengths(position.list1)
sizes2 <- lengths(base.list1)
sizes3 <- lengths(base.list2)
if(all(sizes1 == sizes2)){
tab1 <- tibble(position=unlist(position.list1),
tab1$qname <- rep(df1.seq$qname, lengths(position.list1))
tab1$tagid <- rep(df1.seq$tagid, lengths(position.list1))
tab2 <- tibble(position=unlist(position.list2),
tab2$qname <- rep(df2.seq$qname, lengths(position.list2))
tab2$tagid <- rep(df2.seq$tagid, lengths(position.list2))
tab <- bind_rows(tab1, tab2)
if(all(sizes1 == sizes3)){
tab1 <- tibble(position=unlist(position.list1),
tab1$qname <- rep(df1.seq$qname, lengths(position.list1))
tab1$tagid <- rep(df1.seq$tagid, lengths(position.list1))
tab2 <- tibble(position=unlist(position.list2),
tab2$qname <- rep(df2.seq$qname, lengths(position.list2))
tab2$tagid <- rep(df2.seq$tagid, lengths(position.list2))
tab <- bind_rows(tab1, tab2)
dna_base <- position <- NULL
a <- ggplot(df1, aes(ymin=tagid-0.2,
fill=read_type, group=tagid)) +
geom_rect() +
aes(x=position, y=tagid, label=dna_base),
size=1) +
ylab(ylabel) +
scale_fill_manual(values=colors) +
scale_color_manual(values=colors) +
labels=labs1[["labels"]]) +
coord_cartesian(xlim=xlim1) +
xlab("") +
theme(axis.text.x=element_text(size=7, angle=45, hjust=1),
plot.title=element_text(size=5)) +
guides(color=FALSE, fill=FALSE) +
geom_vline(xintercept=df$junction_5p[1], linetype="dashed") +
ggtitle(paste0(df1$region[1], " (", df1$seqnames[1], ")"))
a <- a + scale_x_reverse(breaks=labs1[["breaks"]],
b <- ggplot(df2, aes(ymin=tagid-0.2,
fill=read_type, group=tagid)) +
geom_rect() +
ylab("read pair index") +
scale_fill_manual(values=colors) +
scale_color_manual(values=colors) +
labels=labs2[["labels"]]) +
coord_cartesian(xlim=xlim2) +
xlab("") +
theme(axis.text.x=element_text(size=7, angle=45, hjust=1),
plot.title=element_text(size=5)) +
guides(color=FALSE, fill=FALSE) +
geom_vline(xintercept=df$junction_3p[1], linetype="dashed") +
ylab("") +
ggtitle(paste0(df2$region[1], " (", df2$seqnames[1], ")"))
b <- b + scale_x_reverse(breaks=labs2[["breaks"]],
## plot both panels just to get the legend
d <- ggplot(df, aes(ymin=tagid-0.2,
fill=read_type, group=tagid)) +
geom_rect() +
scale_fill_manual(values=colors) +
scale_color_manual(values=colors) +
theme(legend.position="bottom", legend.direction="horizontal") +
guides(color=guide_legend(title=""), fill=guide_legend(title=""))
legend.grob <- peelLegend(d)[[2]]
agrob <- ggplotGrob(a)
bgrob <- ggplotGrob(b)
##legend.grob <- gg.objs[[2]]
bgrob$widths <- agrob$widths
ggRearrangeLegend <- function(){
read_type <- NULL
cols <- readColors()
cols[["splitread"]] <- "black"
df <- data.frame(start=seq_along(cols),
end=seq_along(cols) + 1,
fig <- ggplot(df, aes(xmin=start, xmax=end,
ymin=start, ymax=end,
fill=read_type)) +
geom_rect() +
scale_fill_manual(values=cols) +
scale_color_manual(values=cols) +
fill=guide_legend(title="")) +
gobj <- peelLegend(fig)
#' ggplot wrapper for plotting reads supporting a rearrangement
#' @param df a \code{data.frame} as created by \code{rearDataFrame}
#' @param ylab y-axis label
#' @param basepairs integer specifying size of window in basepairs
#' @param num.ticks integer specifying number of x-axis ticks
#' @seealso \code{\link{rearDataFrame}}
#' @examples
#' data(rlist)
#' extdata <- system.file("extdata", package="svbams")
#' unmap.file <- file.path(extdata, "blat_unmapped.txt")
#' blat_unmap <- readBlat(unmap.file)
#' split_reads <- rearrangedReads(linkedBins(rlist),
#' blat_unmap, 500)
#' splitReads(rlist) <- split_reads
#' rlist2 <- fiveTo3List(rlist, build="hg19")
#' r <- rlist2[[1]]
#' df <- rearDataFrame(r, "hg19")
#' \dontrun{
#' ggRearrange(df)
#' }
#' @export
ggRearrange <- function(df, ylab="Read pair index",
basepairs=400, num.ticks=5){
. <- NULL
grobs <- .ggRearrange(df, ylabel=ylab, basepairs, num.ticks)
widths <- c(0.5, 0.5) %>%
"/"(sum(.)) %>%
unit(., "npc")
heights <- c(0.95, 0.05) %>%
"/"(sum(.)) %>%
unit(., "npc")
mat <- matrix(c(1, 2,
3, 3), byrow=TRUE, ncol=2, nrow=2)
agrob <- grobs[["5p"]]
bgrob <- grobs[["3p"]]
legend.grob <- grobs[["legend"]]
gobj <- grid.arrange(agrob, bgrob,
ggRearrangeSequences <- function(df, ylab="Read pair index",
basepairs=400, num.ticks=5){
. <- NULL
grobs <- .ggRearrange_sequences(df, ylabel=ylab, basepairs, num.ticks)
widths <- c(0.5, 0.5) %>%
"/"(sum(.)) %>%
unit(., "npc")
heights <- c(0.95, 0.05) %>%
"/"(sum(.)) %>%
unit(., "npc")
mat <- matrix(c(1, 2,
3, 3), byrow=TRUE, ncol=2, nrow=2)
agrob <- grobs[["5p"]]
bgrob <- grobs[["3p"]]
legend.grob <- grobs[["legend"]]
gobj <- grid.arrange(agrob, bgrob,
strands <- function(r){
gap <- improper(r)
paste0(cstrand(first(gap)), cstrand(last(gap)))
isInversion <- function(r){
s <- strands(r)
any(s %in% c("++", "--"))
split_reads_order <- function(r, build, maxgap){
bins <- overlappingTranscripts(r, build, maxgap=maxgap)
bins$gene_name <- make.unique(bins$gene_name)
names(bins) <- c(r@link1id, r@link2id)
##bins <- uncouple(linkedBins(r))
names(bins) <- c(r@link1id, r@link2id)
## easiest might be to organize by split read
sr <- splitReads(r)
names(sr) <- paste0("sr", seq_along(sr))
bins2 <- bins[subjectHits(findOverlaps(sr, bins, maxgap=50))]
s <- strands(r)
d1 <- abs(end(bins2) - end(sr))
d2 <- abs(start(sr) - start(bins2))
ratio <- d1/d2
if(length(ratio) > 2){
km <- kmeans(ratio, centers=2)$cluster
means <- sapply(split(ratio, km), mean)
ix <- which.min(means)
is.fiveprime <- km[seq_along(sr)] == ix
} else {
ix <- which.min(ratio)
is.fiveprime <- seq_along(sr) == ix
sr.fiveprime <- sr[is.fiveprime]
no.regions <- length(reduce(sr.fiveprime))
if(no.regions > 1){
stop("Didn't expect to reach here 1")
five.prime.region <- overlapsAny(bins, sr[is.fiveprime])
if(identical(five.prime.region, c(TRUE, FALSE))){
## linked bins already ordered 5' to 3'
bins$reverse <- FALSE
bins2 <- bins[1]
bins2$linked.to <- bins[2]
linkedBins(r) <- bins2
if(!identical(five.prime.region, c(FALSE, TRUE))){
stop("Didn't expect to reach here 2")
r2 <- r
bins$reverse <- FALSE
bins2 <- bins[2]
bins2$linked.to <- bins[1]
##lb <- linkedTo(r)
##lb$linked.to <- granges(linkedBins(r))
link1id <- r@link2id
link2id <- r@link1id
names(bins2) <- paste(link1id, link2id, sep="-")
linkedBins(r2) <- bins2
r2@link1id <- link1id
r2@link2id <- link2id
splitReads(r2)$reverse <- FALSE
ga <- improper(r2)
mcols(first(ga))$reverse <- FALSE
mcols(last(ga))$reverse <- FALSE
r2@improper <- ga
list_orientations <- function(r1, r2){
orientations <- list(r1, r2)
names(orientations) <- c(names(linkedBins(r1)),
.type_rear <- function(object){
ss <- strands(object)
ss[ ss=="-+" ] <- "+-"
ss <- unique(ss)
ss <- paste(ss, collapse=",")
#' @aliases type,Rearrangement-method
#' @rdname Rearrangement-class
setMethod("type", "Rearrangement", function(x){
#' @rdname Rearrangement-class
#' @aliases type,RearrangementList-method
setMethod("type", "RearrangementList", function(x){
x2 <- sapply(x, type)
#' Ad-hoc assessment of the complexity of a rearrangement using the strand of the supporting read pairs
#' For most rearrangements, the strand of the 5-prime and 3-prime reads belonging to a rearranged read pair will be consistent. For example, all rearranged read pairs are +/-, indicating a fusion on the positive strand (R1+, R2-) or negative strand (R1-, R2+).
#' @param x a \code{Rearrangement} or \code{RearrangementList}
## @examples
## extdata <- system.file("extdata", package="svbams")
## r <- readRDS(file.path(extdata, "cgov1t_complex_rearrangement.rds"))
## s <- type(r)
## print(s)
## isComplex(r)
isComplex <- function(x){
ss <- type(x)
xx <- strsplit(ss, ",")
elementNROWS(xx) > 1
#' Put the linked genomic intervals in 5-prime to 3-prime order with respect to the rearranged genome
#' @param r a \code{Rearrangement} object
#' @param build string providing build of reference genome ('hg18', 'hg19', or 'hg38')
#' @param maxgap maximum distance between read and transcript for transcript to be considered overlapping
#' @seealso \code{\link{rearDataFrame}} \code{\link{ggRearrange}}
#' @examples
#' extdata <- system.file("extdata", package="svbams")
#' rfile <- file.path(extdata, "CGOV11T_1.bam.rds")
#' rlist <- readRDS(rfile)
#' r <- rlist[[1]]
#' r2 <- fiveTo3Prime(r, "hg19")
#' df <- rearDataFrame(r2[[1]], "hg19")
#' ggRearrange(df)
#' @export
fiveTo3Prime <- function(r, build, maxgap=5000){
s <- strands(r)
tab <- sort(table(s), decreasing=TRUE)
## if both ++ and -- strands are observed
## only the most frequent strands will be evaluated
s <- names(tab)[1]
orientations <- NULL
if(all(s=="+-" | s=="-+")){
##r1 <- split_reads_order(r, build, maxgap)
r1 <- posNeg(r, build, maxgap)
r2 <- negPos(r, build, maxgap)
orientations <- list_orientations(r1, r2)
r1 <- negativeInversion1(r, build, maxgap)
r2 <- negativeInversion2(r, build, maxgap)
orientations <- list_orientations(r1, r2)
r1 <- positiveInversion1(r, build, maxgap)
r2 <- positiveInversion2(r, build, maxgap)
orientations <- list_orientations(r1, r2)
## This function is used when R1 and its mate align to the opposite strand
## posNeg refers to R1 on positive strand and R1's mate on the negative strand, or R1 on negative strand and R2 on positive strand
## - assumes R1 on positive is in bin 1.
posNeg <- function(r, build, maxgap=5000){
bins <- overlappingTranscripts(r, build, maxgap=maxgap)
bins$gene_name <- make.unique(bins$gene_name)
names(bins) <- c(r@link1id, r@link2id)
## the improper pairs have an rpid column that indicates to which bin the read is linked
ga <- improper(r)
s <- strands(r)
r1 <- first(ga)
r2 <- last(ga)
r1.rpid <- mcols(r1)$rpid
r2.rpid <- mcols(r2)$rpid
sr <- splitReads(r)
if(length(sr) == 0) {
message("no split reads")
bins$reverse <- as.logical(NA)
bins2 <- bins[1]
bins2$linked.to <- bins[2]
names(bins2) <- paste(r@link1id, r@link2id, sep="-")
linkedBins(r) <- bins2
sr <- subsetByOverlaps(sr, bins, maxgap=50)
if (length(sr) == 0) {
message(paste0("No split reads are within ", maxgap, "bp of improper read pairs for rearrangement: ", names(linkedBins(r))))
bins$reverse <- as.logical(NA)
bins2 <- bins[1]
bins2$linked.to <- bins[2]
names(bins2) <- paste(r@link1id, r@link2id, sep="-")
linkedBins(r) <- bins2
hits <- findOverlaps(sr, bins, maxgap=50)
hits <- hits[!duplicated(queryHits(hits))]
j <- subjectHits(hits)
i <- queryHits(hits)
sr$rpid <- NA
sr$rpid[i] <- names(bins)[j]
##r1pos.is.bin1 <- r1.rpid == names(bins)[1] & cstrand(r1) == "+"
## if r1 is positive and in second bin, reverse orientation for both r1 and r2
is.rev <- any(cstrand(r1)=="+" & r1.rpid == names(bins)[2])
mcols(r2)$reverse <- mcols(r1)$reverse <- is.rev
## reverse all or reverse none
sr$reverse <- is.rev[1]
first(ga) <- r1
last(ga) <- r2
r@improper <- ga
bins$reverse <- is.rev[1]
bins$reverse[1] <- is.rev[1]
bins2 <- bins[1]
bins2$linked.to <- bins[2]
names(bins2) <- paste(r@link1id, r@link2id, sep="-")
linkedBins(r) <- bins2
splitReads(r) <- sr
negPos <- function(r, build, maxgap=5000){
r <- swap_bin_order(r)
r <- posNeg(r, build, maxgap)
negativeInversion1 <- function(r, build, maxgap=5000){
## multiple orientations
## * i. r1-- -> r5' and r2-- -> 3' *
## ii. r1-- -> 3' and r2-- -> r5'
bins <- overlappingTranscripts(r, build, maxgap=maxgap)
bins$gene_name <- make.unique(bins$gene_name)
names(bins) <- c(r@link1id, r@link2id)
## the improper pairs have an rpid column that indicates to which bin the read is linked
ga <- improper(r)
s <- strands(r)
r1 <- first(ga)
r2 <- last(ga)
r1.rpid <- mcols(r1)$rpid
r2.rpid <- mcols(r2)$rpid
sr <- splitReads(r)
sr <- subsetByOverlaps(sr, bins, maxgap=50)
if(length(sr) == 0){
sr$rpid <- character()
sr$reverse <- logical()
splitReads(r) <- sr
sr$rpid <- names(bins)[subjectHits(findOverlaps(sr, bins, maxgap=50))]
## approx. half of the r1-- will be bin[1], the other have bin[2]
## here, we do i.
r1.is.bin1 <- r1.rpid == names(bins)[1]
mcols(r2)$reverse <- mcols(r1)$reverse <- FALSE
mcols(r1)$reverse[r1.is.bin1] <- TRUE
mcols(r2)$reverse[!r1.is.bin1] <- TRUE
sr$reverse <- FALSE
sr$reverse[sr$rpid==names(bins)[1]] <- TRUE
first(ga) <- r1
last(ga) <- r2
r@improper <- ga
bins$reverse <- FALSE
bins$reverse[1] <- TRUE
bins2 <- bins[1]
bins2$linked.to <- bins[2]
names(bins2) <- paste(r@link1id, r@link2id, sep="-")
linkedBins(r) <- bins2
splitReads(r) <- sr
negativeInversion2 <- function(r, build, maxgap=5000){
## multiple orientations
## ii. r1-- -> 3' and r2-- -> r5'
r <- swap_bin_order(r)
r <- negativeInversion1(r, build, maxgap)
positiveInversion1 <- function(r, build, maxgap=5000){
## multiple orientations
## r1 -> 5', r2 -> reverse3'
bins <- overlappingTranscripts(r, build, maxgap=maxgap)
bins$gene_name <- make.unique(bins$gene_name)
names(bins) <- c(r@link1id, r@link2id)
## the improper pairs have an rpid column that indicates to which bin the read is linked
ga <- improper(r)
s <- strands(r)
r1 <- first(ga)
r2 <- last(ga)
r1.rpid <- mcols(r1)$rpid
r2.rpid <- mcols(r2)$rpid
sr <- splitReads(r)
sr <- subsetByOverlaps(sr, bins, maxgap=50)
sr$rpid <- names(bins)[subjectHits(findOverlaps(sr, bins, maxgap=50))]
## approx. half of the r1-- will be bin[1], the other have bin[2]
## here, we do i.
r2.is.bin2 <- r2.rpid == names(bins)[2]
mcols(r2)$reverse <- mcols(r1)$reverse <- FALSE
mcols(r1)$reverse[!r2.is.bin2] <- TRUE
mcols(r2)$reverse[r2.is.bin2] <- TRUE
sr$reverse <- FALSE
sr$reverse[sr$rpid==names(bins)[2]] <- TRUE
first(ga) <- r1
last(ga) <- r2
r@improper <- ga
bins$reverse <- FALSE
bins$reverse[1] <- TRUE
bins2 <- bins[1]
bins2$linked.to <- bins[2]
names(bins2) <- paste(r@link1id, r@link2id, sep="-")
linkedBins(r) <- bins2
splitReads(r) <- sr
swap_bin_order <- function(r){
bins <- linkedTo(r)
bins2 <- linkedBins(r)
drop <- colnames(mcols(bins2)) == "linked.to"
mcols(bins2) <- mcols(bins2)[, !drop, drop=FALSE]
bins$linked.to <- bins2
l1id <- r@link2id
l2id <- r@link1id
r@link1id <- l1id
r@link2id <- l2id
names(bins) <- paste(l1id, l2id, sep="-")
linkedBins(r) <- bins
positiveInversion2 <- function(r, build, maxgap=5000){
r <- swap_bin_order(r)
r <- positiveInversion1(r, build, maxgap)
geneNames <- function(r){
c(linkedBins(r)$gene_name, linkedTo(r)$gene_name)
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