context("Deletion regressions")
expect_identical2 <- function(sv1, sv2){
variant(sv1) <- granges(variant(sv1))
variant(sv2) <- granges(variant(sv2))
expect_equivalent(sv1, sv2)
cgov44t_preprocess <- function(){
data(bins1kb, package="svfilters.hg19", envir=environment())
extdata <- system.file("extdata", package="svbams")
id <- "cgov44t_revised.bam"
bamfile <- file.path(extdata, id)
path <- system.file("extdata", package="svbams")
segs <- readRDS(file.path(path, "segs.4adcc78.rds"))
##gr <- readRDS("~/Dropbox/OvarianCellLines/structuralvar/data/segment/0cbs/CGOV44T.bam.rds")
cnvpath <- system.file("extdata", package="svbams")
gr <- readRDS(file.path(cnvpath, "cgov44t_segments.rds"))
segs <- keepSeqlevels(gr, "chr15", pruning.mode="coarse")
irp.file <- file.path(extdata, "cgov44t_improper.rds")
irp <- readRDS(irp.file)
ddir <- system.file("extdata", package="svbams",
lr <- readRDS(file.path(ddir, "preprocessed_coverage.rds"))/1000
seqlevels(bins1kb, pruning.mode="coarse") <- paste0("chr", c(1:22, "X"))
bins1kb$log_ratio <- lr <- segs[segs$seg.mean < hemizygousThr(DeletionParam())]
proper.del <- properReadPairs(bamfile,
gr=reduce(, min.gapwidth=2000))
rps <- list(improper=irp, proper_del=proper.del)
pdat <- preprocessData(bam.file=bamfile,
test_that("sv_deletions", {
pdat <- cgov44t_preprocess()
dp <- DeletionParam(remove_hemizygous=FALSE)
dels <- sv_deletions(pdat)
saveRDS(dels, file="sv_deletions.ba3c739.rds")
path <- system.file("extdata", package="svbams")
dels.ba3c739 <- readRDS(file.path(path, "sv_deletions.ba3c739.rds"))
dels.ba3c739 <- rename(sort(dels.ba3c739))
expect_equivalent(dels.ba3c739, dels)
test_that("deletion_call", {
pdat <- cgov44t_preprocess()
result <- deletion_call(pdat)
saveRDS(result, file="deletion_call.4adcc78.rds")
path <- system.file("extdata", package="svbams")
expected <- readRDS(file.path(path, "deletion_call.4adcc78.rds"))
expect_equivalent(result, expected)
test_that("addImproperReadPairs2", {
pdat <- cgov44t_preprocess()
improper_rp <- pdat$read_pairs[["improper"]]
mapq <- mcols(first(improper_rp))$mapq > 30 & mcols(last(improper_rp))$mapq > 30
improper_rp <- improper_rp[mapq]
## TODO: this cutoff will be much too conservative in samples where tumor
## purity is less than 90%. Add tumor_purity to param object and take into
## account tumor_purity for determining cutoff
cnv <- germlineFilters(pdat)
irp <- improperRP(cnv, improper_rp)
## The current version return a GAlignmentPairs object with 2 fewer RPs. These
## additional RPs are more than 10kb from the candidate deletions -- they are
## excluded in "deletion_call.4adcc78.rds", so this irp object is correct even
## though it differs from irp.4adcc78
saveRDS(irp, file="addImproperReadPairs2.4adcc78.rds")
path <- system.file("extdata", package="svbams")
irp.4adcc78 <- readRDS(file.path(path, "addImproperReadPairs2.4adcc78.rds"))
expect_equivalent(irp, irp.4adcc78[1:72])
test_that("rpSupportedDeletions", {
pdat <- cgov44t_preprocess()
path <- system.file("extdata", package="svbams")
sv <- readRDS(file.path(path, "deletion_call.4adcc78.rds"))
calls <- rpSupportedDeletions(sv,
expect_identical(calls, "homozygous+")
test_that("rpSupportedDeletions_fails", {
## if the rpSupportedDeletion function filters variants that overlap with bins, then
## the calls returned
pdat <- cgov44t_preprocess()
path <- system.file("extdata", package="svbams")
sv <- readRDS(file.path(path, "deletion_call.4adcc78.rds"))
## rpSupportedDeletions requires that each variant overlaps a bin. If one of
## the variants does not overlap a bin, the calls vector returned will be
## less than then legnth of the sv object
## -- below, reproduce the problem by removing all bins that overlap with the sv
pdat$bins <- pdat$bins[!overlapsAny(pdat$bins, variant(sv))]
calls <- rpSupportedDeletions(sv,
expect_error(stopifnot(length(calls) == length(sv)))
test_that("reviseEachJunction", {
pdat <- cgov44t_preprocess()
path <- system.file("extdata", package="svbams")
sv <- readRDS(file.path(path, "deletion_call.4adcc78.rds"))
calls(sv) <- "homozygous+"
## note, we can not use the improper read pairs stored in the sv object
rps <- pdat$read_pairs
irp <- rps$improper
sv <- reviseEachJunction(sv,
sv <- removeSameStateOverlapping2(sv)
g <- variant(sv)
saveRDS(g, file="reviseEachJunction.4adcc78.rds")
path <- system.file("extdata", package="svbams")
g.4adcc78 <- readRDS(file.path(path, "reviseEachJunction.4adcc78.rds"))
expect_equivalent(g.4adcc78, g)
test_that("granges_copynumber", {
pdat <- cgov44t_preprocess()
path <- system.file("extdata", package="svbams")
sv <- readRDS(file.path(path, "deletion_call.4adcc78.rds"))
calls(sv) <- "homozygous+"
path <- system.file("extdata", package="svbams")
g <- readRDS(file.path(path, "reviseEachJunction.4adcc78.rds"))
variant(sv) <- g
cn <- granges_copynumber2(variant(sv), pdat$bins)
expect_equal(-8.785, cn[[1]])
copynumber(sv) <- cn
expect_equal(copynumber(sv), cn)
## TODO maxgap should be part of the parameters
elementMetadata(sv@improper)$names <- names(sv@improper)
##skip("Need help debugging GAlignments object")
## S4vectors no longer allows named GAlignments
names(sv@improper) <- NULL
##trace(updateImproperIndex, browser)
index <- updateImproperIndex(sv, maxgap=500)
saveRDS(index, file="updateImproperIndex.4adcc78.rds")
indexImproper(sv) <- index
saveRDS(sv, file="sv_granges_copynumber.4adcc78.rds")
path <- system.file("extdata", package="svbams")
index.4adcc78 <- readRDS(file.path(path, "updateImproperIndex.4adcc78.rds"))
expect_equivalent(index, index.4adcc78)
## tests after granges_copynumber for a homozygous+ deletion
test_that("sv_deletions2", {
pdat <- cgov44t_preprocess()
## the only variant is homozygous+, so these functions are not doing anything
path <- system.file("extdata", package="svbams")
sv <- readRDS(file.path(path, "sv_granges_copynumber.4adcc78.rds"))
sv3 <- finalize_deletions(sv, pdat)
saveRDS(sv3, file="allProperReadPairs.4adcc78.rds")
path <- system.file("extdata", package="svbams")
sv.4adcc78 <- readRDS(file.path(path, "allProperReadPairs.4adcc78.rds"))
expect_equivalent(sv.4adcc78, sv3)
test_that("germlineFilters", {
pdat <- cgov44t_preprocess()
cnv <- germlineFilters(pdat)
seqlevels(cnv, pruning.mode="coarse") <- "chr15"
saveRDS(cnvs, file="germlineFilters.9492f3f.rds")
path <- system.file("extdata", package="svbams")
cnvs.9492f3f <- readRDS(file.path(path, "germlineFilters.9492f3f.rds"))
expect_equivalent(cnv, cnvs.9492f3f)
.test_that <- function(name, expr) NULL
test_that("removeSameStateOverlapping2", {
path <- system.file("extdata", package = "svbams")
sv <- readRDS(file.path(path, "sv.rds"))
sv2 <- removeSameStateOverlapping2(sv)
expect_identical(length(sv2), 80L)
## Steps for confirming improper read pair alignment
## 1. extract the sequence of all improper read pairs in region near the borders
## - for deletions with improperly paired reads (+ calls), borders can be narrowly defined
## - for deletions without + calls, look in large region near segment boundary
## 2. write to fasta
## 3. blat alignment
## 4. check scores
## 5. update improper read pairs assigned to deletions object
## 6. update boundaries if needed
.test_that("blat_deletions", {
full_bam <- file.path("dcl01", "scharpf",
"data", "rscharpf",
path <- system.file("extdata", package = "svbams")
sv <- readRDS(file.path(path, "sv.rds"))
## Steps for evaluated split reads
## 1. look for mapped-unmapped near boundary
## 2. write sequences to fasta
## 3. blat alignment
## 4. check for split reads
## 5. revise boundaries if needed (++ call if split reads present?)
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