#' Loading/Saving FraserDataSets
#' This is a convenient function to load and save a FraserDataSet object.
#' It looks and saves the FraserDataSet objects and HDF5 files on disk under
#' the given working dir. Internally it uses HDF5 files for all assays.
#' @param fds A FraserDataSet object ot be saved
#' @param dir A path where to save the objects (replaces the working directory)
#' @param name The analysis name of the project (saved within the `dir`)
#' @param file The file path to the fds-object.RDS file that should be loaded.
#' @param rewrite logical if the object should be rewritten. This makes sense if
#' you have filtered or subsetted the object and want to save only
#' the subsetted version
#' @param upgrade Should the version of the loaded object be updated?
#' @examples
#' fds <- createTestFraserSettings()
#' name(fds) <- "saveing_test"
#' # make sure the object is saved to disc
#' dontWriteHDF5(fds) <- FALSE
#' fdsSaved <- saveFraserDataSet(fds)
#' fdsSaved
#' # load object from disc
#' fdsLoaded <- loadFraserDataSet(dir=workingDir(fds), name=name(fds))
#' fdsLoaded
#' all.equal(fdsSaved, fdsLoaded)
#' @return FraserDataSet
#' @aliases loadFraserDataSet saveFraserDataSet
#' @rdname loadFraserDataSet
#' @export
loadFraserDataSet <- function(dir, name=NULL, file=NULL, upgrade=FALSE){
# check if file is provided
if(!missing(dir) | !is.null(name)){
stop("You can only provide 'file' or 'dir' + 'name', ",
"but not all together.")
if(!file.exists(file) | !grepl("\\.(RDS|h5)$", file, perl=TRUE)){
stop("Please provide the `fds-object.RDS` file.")
name <- basename(dirname(file))
dir <- dirname(dirname(dirname(file)))
# check dir
if(is.null(dir)) stop("dir: can not be NULL")
if(!isScalarCharacter(dir)) stop("dir: needs to be a character path name.")
if(!dir.exists(dir)) stop("The given dir does not exists: ", dir)
# check name
if(is.null(name)) name <- "Data Analysis"
if(!isScalarCharacter(name)) stop("name: needs to be a character dir name.")
outDir <-file.path(dir, "savedObjects", nameNoSpace(name))
if(!dir.exists(outDir)) stop("The analysis name does not exists: ", name)
fdsFile <- gsub("//+", "/", file.path(outDir, "fds-object.RDS"))
if(!file.exists(fdsFile)) {
stop(paste("The main RDS file", fdsFile,
"does not exists. Did you saved it correctly before?"
fds <- readRDS(fdsFile)
# needs to be here due to our FraseR -> FRASER package change.
# can be removed later if the full pipeline is rerun
attributes(fds)$class <- structure("FraserDataSet", package="FRASER")
# ensure strandSpecific slot is up-to-date with new vector format
if("strandSpecific" %in% slotNames(fds)){
strandSpecific(fds) <- slot(fds, "strandSpecific")
e <- try(assays(fds), silent=TRUE)
if(grepl("DelayedMatrix .* representation .* Please update it ",
for(i in assayNames(a)){
obj <- updateObject(a[[i]], verbose=TRUE)
a$data[[i]] <- obj
} else {
stop(paste('Please upgrade the DelayedMatrix',
'objects or set the update option to TRUE\n\n'), e)
# set working dir and name correct
workingDir(fds) <- dir
name(fds) <- name
# set the correct path of the assay seed file (if folder changed)
for(aname in assayNames(fds)){
if(is(assay(fds, aname, withDimnames=FALSE), "matrix")){
message("Loading assay: ", aname)
afile <- getFraserHDF5File(fds, aname)
warning(paste("Can not find assay file: ", aname, ".",
"The assay will be removed from the object."))
assay(fds, aname, withDimnames=FALSE) <- NULL
if(afile == path(assay(fds, aname, withDimnames=FALSE))){
if(R.Version()$major == "3"){
path(assay(fds, aname, withDimnames=FALSE)) <- afile
} else if("DelayedMatrix" ==
class(assay(fds, aname, withDimnames=FALSE))){
slot(slot(slot(assay(fds, aname, withDimnames=FALSE),
"seed"), "seed"), "filepath") <- afile
# if its a HDF5 matrix we have one seed less
} else {
slot(slot(assay(fds, aname, withDimnames=FALSE),
"seed"), "filepath") <- afile
#' @rdname loadFraserDataSet
#' @export
saveFraserDataSet <- function(fds, dir=NULL, name=NULL, rewrite=FALSE) {
# check input
stopifnot(is(fds, "FraserDataSet"))
if(is.null(dir)) dir <- workingDir(fds)
if(is.null(name)) name <- name(fds)
outDir <- file.path(dir, "savedObjects", nameNoSpace(name))
checkForAndCreateDir(fds, outDir)
# over each assay object
name(fds) <- name
workingDir(fds) <- dir
for(aname in assayNames(fds)){
assay <- assay(fds, aname)
assay(fds, aname, withDimnames=FALSE) <- saveAsHDF5(
fds, aname, assay, rewrite=rewrite)
rdsFile <- file.path(outDir, "fds-object.RDS")
message(date(), ": Writing final FRASER object ('", rdsFile, "').")
saveRDS(fds, rdsFile)
#' saves the given assay as HDF5 array on disk
#' @noRd
saveAsHDF5 <- function(fds, name, object=NULL, rewrite=FALSE){
if(is.null(object)) object <- assay(fds, name)
if(isTRUE(dontWriteHDF5(fds)) |
ncol(fds) <= options()[["FRASER.maxSamplesNoHDF5"]] |
nrow(fds) <= options()[["FRASER.maxJunctionsNoHDF5"]] ){
# get defind chunk sizes
chunkDims <- c(
min(nrow(object), options()[['FRASER-hdf5-chunk-nrow']]),
min(ncol(object), options()[['FRASER-hdf5-chunk-ncol']]))
if(verbose(fds) > 3){
message(date(), ": Dont save HDF5 for assay: ", name)
h5File <- getFraserHDF5File(fds, name)
h5FileTmp <- paste0(h5File, ".", as.integer(abs(rnorm(1))*100), ".save.tmp")
if(file.exists(h5FileTmp)) unlink(h5FileTmp)
# dont rewrite it if already there
if(!rewrite && "DelayedMatrix" %in% is(object) &&
tryCatch(path(object) == h5File, error=function(e){FALSE})){
# write new HDF5 data
if(verbose(fds) > 2) {
message(date(), ": Preparing data for HDF5 conversion: ", name)
# aMat <- ifelse(!is(object, "DelayedMatrix"), as.matrix(object), object)
if(is(object, "DelayedMatrix")){
aMat <- object
} else{
aMat <- as.matrix(object)
if(verbose(fds) > 1) {
message(date(), ": Writing data: ", name, " to file: ", h5File)
h5 <- writeHDF5Array(aMat, h5FileTmp, name, verbose=FALSE,
# override old h5 file if present and move tmp to correct place
if(file.exists(h5File)) unlink(h5File)
renameFile(h5FileTmp, h5File)
# path(h5) <- h5File
h5 <- HDF5Array(h5File, name)
#' creates the correct and needed HDF5 file
#' @noRd
getFraserHDF5File <- function(fds, aname){
dir <- workingDir(fds)
outDir <- file.path(dir, "savedObjects", nameNoSpace(fds))
checkForAndCreateDir(fds, outDir)
h5File <- file.path(file_path_as_absolute(outDir), paste0(aname, ".h5"))
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