## @author Christian Mertes \email{mertes@@in.tum.de}
## This file contains all functions for calculating the PSI values
## It calculates the PSI value for the junctions and
## the sitePSI value for intron retention
#' PSI value calculation
#' This function calculates the PSI values for each junction and splice site
#' based on the FraserDataSet object
#' @inheritParams countRNA
#' @param types A vector with the psi types which should be calculated. Default
#' is all of jaccard, psi5, psi3 and theta.
#' @param overwriteCts FALSE or TRUE (the default) the total counts (aka N) will
#' be recalculated based on the existing junction counts (aka K)
#' @return FraserDataSet
#' @export
#' @examples
#' fds <- createTestFraserDataSet()
#' fds <- calculatePSIValues(fds, types="jaccard")
#' ### usually one would run this function for all psi types by using:
#' # fds <- calculatePSIValues(fds)
calculatePSIValues <- function(fds, types=psiTypes, overwriteCts=FALSE,
# check input
stopifnot(is(fds, "FraserDataSet"))
# calculate PSI value for each sample
for(psiType in unique(vapply(types, whichReadType, fds=fds, ""))){
fds <- calculatePSIValuePrimeSite(fds, psiType=psiType,
overwriteCts=overwriteCts, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
# calculate intron jaccard index
fds <- calculateIntronNonsplitSum(fds, overwriteCts=overwriteCts)
fds <- calculateJaccardIntronIndex(fds, overwriteCts=overwriteCts)
# calculate the delta psi value
for(psiType in types){
assayName <- paste0("delta_", psiType)
fds <- calculateDeltaPsiValue(fds, psiType, assayName)
# return it
#' calculates the PSI value for the given prime site of the junction
#' @noRd
calculatePSIValuePrimeSite <- function(fds, psiType, overwriteCts, BPPARAM){
stopifnot(is(fds, "FraserDataSet"))
stopifnot(psiType %in% c("j", "ss"))
return(calculateSitePSIValue(fds, overwriteCts, BPPARAM=BPPARAM))
message(date(), ": Calculate the PSI 5 and 3 values ...")
# generate a data.table from granges
countData <- as.data.table(granges(rowRanges(fds, type=psiType)))
# check if we have to compute N
if(!all(paste0("rawOtherCounts_psi", c(5, 3)) %in% assayNames(fds))){
overwriteCts <- TRUE
h5DatasetName <- "o5_o3_psi5_psi3"
# calculate psi value
psiValues <- bplapply(samples(fds), countData=countData,
overwriteCts=overwriteCts, BPPARAM=BPPARAM,
FUN=function(sample, countData, overwriteCts){
# get sample
sample <- as.character(sample)
# check if other counts and psi values chache file exists already
cacheFile <- getOtherCountsCacheFile(sample, fds)
ans <- checkPsiCacheFile(cFile=cacheFile, dName=h5DatasetName,
overwrite=overwriteCts, ptype=c("psi5", "psi3"), fds=fds)
# add sample specific counts to the data.table (K)
countData[,k:=list(K(fds, type="psi5")[,sample])]
# get other counts (aka N) from cache or compute it
countData[,o5:=counts(fds, type="psi5", side="oth")[,sample]]
countData[,o3:=counts(fds, type="psi3", side="oth")[,sample]]
} else {
# compute other counts in strand specific way (+ and *) | (-)
countData[,c("o5", "o3"):=list(0L, 0L)]
plus <- countData[,strand %in% c("+", "*")]
# compute psi5/3 on strand + and *
countData[plus, o5:=sum(k)-k, by="seqnames,start"]
countData[plus, o3:=sum(k)-k, by="seqnames,end"]
# compute psi5/3 on strand -
countData[!plus, o5:=sum(k)-k, by="seqnames,end"]
countData[!plus, o3:=sum(k)-k, by="seqnames,start"]
# calculate psi value
countData[,c("psi5", "psi3"):=list(k/(k+o5), k/(k+o3))]
# if psi is NA this means there were no reads at all so set it to 1
# if no HDF5 is requested return it as matrix
# write other counts and psi values to h5 file
# get defined chunk sizes
chunkDims <- c(
min(nrow(countData), options()[['FRASER-hdf5-chunk-nrow']]),
filepath=cacheFile, name=h5DatasetName,
chunkdim=chunkDims, level=7, verbose=FALSE)
# get counts as DelayedMatrix
HDF5Array(filepath=cacheFile, name=h5DatasetName)
names(psiValues) <- samples(fds)
# merge it and assign it to our object
assay(fds, type="j", "psi5", withDimnames=FALSE) <- do.call(cbind,
mapply('[', psiValues, TRUE, 3, drop=FALSE, SIMPLIFY=FALSE))
assay(fds, type="j", "psi3", withDimnames=FALSE) <- do.call(cbind,
mapply('[', psiValues, TRUE, 4, drop=FALSE, SIMPLIFY=FALSE))
assay(fds, type="j", "rawOtherCounts_psi5", withDimnames=FALSE) <-
do.call(cbind, mapply('[', psiValues, TRUE, 1,
assay(fds, type="j", "rawOtherCounts_psi3", withDimnames=FALSE) <-
do.call(cbind, mapply('[', psiValues, TRUE, 2,
#' Helper function to check for PSI value cached data
#' @noRd
checkPsiCacheFile <- function(cFile, dName, overwrite, ptype, fds){
if(file.exists(cFile) && dName %in% h5ls(cFile)$name){
h5 <- HDF5Array(filepath=cFile, name=dName)
aNames <- paste0("rawOtherCounts_", ptype)
if(isFALSE(overwrite) && all( aNames %in% assayNames(fds)) &&
nrow(h5) == nrow(K(fds, type=ptype[1]))){
h5delete(cFile, name=dName)
#' This function calculates the site PSI values for each splice site
#' based on the FraserDataSet object
#' @noRd
calculateSitePSIValue <- function(fds, overwriteCts, BPPARAM){
# check input
stopifnot(is(fds, "FraserDataSet"))
message(date(), ": Calculate the theta values ...")
psiName <- "theta"
psiROCName <- "rawOtherCounts_theta"
if(!psiROCName %in% assayNames(fds)){
overwriteCts <- TRUE
psiH5datasetName <- "oSite_theta"
# prepare data table for calculating the psi value
countData <- data.table(
rowData(fds, type="j")[["startID"]],
rowData(fds, type="j")[["endID"]],
rowData(fds, type="ss")[["spliceSiteID"]]
c("junction", "spliceSite"),
c(length(fds)*2, length(nonSplicedReads(fds)))
thetaValues <- bplapply(samples(fds), countData=countData, fds=fds,
BPPARAM=BPPARAM, FUN=function(sample, countData, fds){
if(verbose(fds) > 3){
message("sample: ", sample)
# get sample
sample <- as.character(sample)
# get counts and theta values from cache file if it exists
cacheFile <- getOtherCountsCacheFile(sample, fds)
ans <- checkPsiCacheFile(cFile=cacheFile, dName=psiH5datasetName,
overwrite=overwriteCts, ptype="theta", fds=fds)
# add sample specific counts to the data.table
sdata <- data.table(k=c(
rep(K(fds, type="psi3")[,sample], 2),
K(fds, type="theta")[,sample]))
sdata <- cbind(countData, sdata)
sdata[,os:=sum(k)-k, by="spliceSiteID"]
# remove the junction part since we only want to calculate the
# psi values for the splice sites themselves
sdata <- sdata[type=="spliceSite"]
# calculate psi value
sdata[,psiValue:=k/(os + k)]
# if psi is NA this means there were no reads at all so set it to 1
# if no HDF5 is requested return it as matrix
return(DelayedArray(as.matrix(sdata[,.(os, psiValue)])))
# write other counts and psi values to h5 file
# get defined chunk sizes
chunkDims <- c(
min(nrow(sdata), options()[['FRASER-hdf5-chunk-nrow']]),
writeHDF5Array(as.matrix(sdata[,.(os, psiValue)]),
filepath=cacheFile, name=psiH5datasetName,
chunkdim=chunkDims, level=7, verbose=FALSE)
# get counts as DelayedMatrix
HDF5Array(filepath=cacheFile, name=psiH5datasetName)
names(thetaValues) <- samples(fds)
# merge it and assign it to our object
assay(fds, type="ss", psiName, withDimnames=FALSE) <- do.call(cbind,
mapply('[', thetaValues, TRUE, 2, drop=FALSE,
assay(fds, type="ss", psiROCName, withDimnames=FALSE) <- do.call(cbind,
mapply('[', thetaValues, TRUE, 1, drop=FALSE,
#' calculates the delta psi value and stores it as an assay
#' @noRd
calculateDeltaPsiValue <- function(fds, psiType, assayName){
message(date(), ": Calculate the delta for ", psiType, " values ...")
# get psi values
psiVal <- assays(fds)[[psiType]]
# psi - median(psi)
rowmedian <- rowMedians(psiVal, na.rm = TRUE)
deltaPsi <- psiVal - rowmedian
# rewrite it as a new hdf5 array
assay(fds, assayName, type=psiType, withDimnames=FALSE) <- deltaPsi
#' returns the name of the cache file for the given sample
#' @noRd
getOtherCountsCacheFile <- function(sampleID, fds){
# cache folder
cachedir <- getOtherCountsCacheFolder(fds)
# file name
filename <- paste0("otherCounts-", sampleID, ".h5")
# return it
return(file.path(cachedir, filename))
#' returns the name of the cache folder if caching is enabled
#' @noRd
getOtherCountsCacheFolder <- function(fds){
# cache folder
cachedir <- file.path(workingDir(fds), "cache", "otherCounts",
checkForAndCreateDir(NA, cachedir)
# return it
#' calculates the jaccard intron value for the given junctions
#' @noRd
calculateJaccardIntronIndex <- function(fds, overwriteCts){
stopifnot(is(fds, "FraserDataSet"))
message(date(), ": Calculate the Jaccard Intron values ...")
# check if we have computed N_psi3, N_psi5 and K_nonsplit already
if(!all(c(paste0("rawOtherCounts_psi", c(5, 3)), "rawCountsJnonsplit") %in%
stop("Please calculate N_psi3, N_psi5 and K_nonsplit first before ",
"calling this function.")
# calculate intron jaccard value
jaccard_denom <- N(fds, "psi3") + N(fds, "psi5") +
assay(fds, "rawCountsJnonsplit") - K(fds, type="j")
jaccardValues <- K(fds, type="j") / jaccard_denom
otherCounts_jaccard <- jaccard_denom - K(fds, type="j")
# assign it to our object
assay(fds, type="j", "jaccard", withDimnames=FALSE) <- jaccardValues
if(isTRUE(overwriteCts) ||
!("rawOtherCounts_jaccard" %in% assayNames(fds))){
assay(fds, type="j", "rawOtherCounts_jaccard",
withDimnames=FALSE) <- otherCounts_jaccard
#' Calculates the sum of nonsplit reads overlapping either the donor or
#' acceptor splice site and stores it as a new assay (one value for each
#' junction and sample).
#' @noRd
calculateIntronNonsplitSum <- function(fds, overwriteCts){
stopifnot(is(fds, "FraserDataSet"))
message(date(), ": Calculate the total nonsplit counts for each intron ",
# get splice site nonsplit counts
nsr_ss <- K(fds, "theta")
# retrieve junction and splice site annotation
junction_dt <- as.data.table(rowRanges(fds, type="j"))[,
.(seqnames, start, end,
strand, startID, endID)]
junction_dt[, j_idx:=seq_len(.N)]
ss_map <- data.table(spliceSiteID=rowRanges(fds, type="ss")$spliceSiteID,
junction_dt <- merge(junction_dt, ss_map,
by.x="startID", by.y="spliceSiteID",
setnames(junction_dt, "nsr_idx", "start_idx")
junction_dt <- merge(junction_dt, ss_map,
by.x="endID", by.y="spliceSiteID",
setnames(junction_dt, "nsr_idx", "end_idx")
# for each junction, find the two rows in K_theta corresponding to its
# donor and acceptor splice site
donor_sites <- junction_dt[!is.na(start_idx),]
acc_sites <- junction_dt[!is.na(end_idx),]
# set nsr counts to 0 for junctions for which no mapping by spliceSiteID
# could be found
nsr_donor <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(fds), ncol=ncol(fds))
nsr_acc <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(fds), ncol=ncol(fds))
nsr_donor[donor_sites[,j_idx],] <-
nsr_acc[acc_sites[,j_idx],] <-
# sum them
nsr_j <- nsr_donor + nsr_acc
if(nrow(nsr_j) != nrow(fds)){
warning("Unequal number of junctions in fds and junctions with ",
"computed nonsplit count sum!")
# assign it to our object
if(isTRUE(overwriteCts) ||
!("rawCountsJnonsplit" %in% assayNames(fds))){
assay(fds, type="j", "rawCountsJnonsplit", withDimnames=FALSE) <- nsr_j
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