#' @describeIn FRASER This function calculates z-scores based on the
#' observed and expected logit
#' psi.
#' @param logit Indicates if z scores are computed on the logit scale (default)
#' or in the natural (psi) scale.
#' @export
calculateZscore <- function(fds, type=currentType(fds), logit=TRUE){
currentType(fds) <- type
mu <- predictedMeans(fds)
psi <- (K(fds) + pseudocount()) / (N(fds) + 2*pseudocount())
mu <- qlogis(mu)
psi <- qlogis(psi)
if(is.matrix(psi) && !is.matrix(mu)){
mu <- as.matrix(mu)
residual <- psi - mu
# z = ( x - mean ) / sd
zscores <- (residual - rowMeans(residual)) / rowSds(residual)
zScores(fds, withDimnames=FALSE) <- zscores
#' @describeIn FRASER This function calculates two-sided p-values based on
#' the beta-binomial distribution (or binomial or normal if desired). The
#' returned p values are not yet adjusted with Holm's method per donor or
#' acceptor site, respectively.
#' @param distributions The distribution based on which the p-values are
#' calculated. Possible are beta-binomial, binomial and normal.
#' @param capN Counts are capped at this value to speed up the p-value
#' calculation
#' @export
calculatePvalues <- function(fds, type=currentType(fds),
implementation="PCA", BPPARAM=bpparam(),
distributions=c("betabinomial"), capN=5*1e5){
distributions <- match.arg(distributions, several.ok=TRUE,
choices=c("betabinomial", "binomial", "normal"))
# make sure its only in-memory data for k and n
currentType(fds) <- type
fds <- putCounts2Memory(fds, type)
# if method BB is used take the old FRASER code
if(implementation %in% c("BB")){
index <- getSiteIndex(fds, type)
pvals <- getAssayMatrix(fds, "pvalues_BB", type)
fwer_pval <- bplapply(seq_col(pvals), adjust_FWER_PValues,
pvals=pvals, index, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
fwer_pvals <- do.call(cbind, fwer_pval)
pVals(fds, type=type, dist="BetaBinomial",
withDimnames=FALSE) <- fwer_pvals
index <- getSiteIndex(fds, type=type)
mu <- as.matrix(predictedMeans(fds))
rho <- rho(fds)
alpha <- mu * (1 - rho)/rho
beta <- (1 - mu) * (1 - rho)/rho
k <- K(fds)
n <- N(fds)
# betaBinomial functions get slowed down drastically if
# N is big (2 mio and bigger). Hence downsample if requested to 1mio max
capN <- 1e6
bigN <- which(n > capN)
if(length(bigN) >= 1){
facN <- capN/n[bigN]
k[bigN] <- pmin(round(k[bigN] * facN), capN)
n[bigN] <- capN
# # above code would be nicer but fails for assignment to
# # delayedMatrix, for which the following is needed:
# bigN <- which(n > capN, arr.ind=TRUE)
# if(nrow(bigN) >= 1){
# for(ind in seq_len(nrow(bigN))){
# i <- bigN[ind, 1]
# j <- bigN[ind, 2]
# facN <- capN/n[i,j]
# k[i,j] <- pmin(round(k[i,j] * facN), capN)
# n[i,j] <- capN
# }
# }
if("betabinomial" %in% distributions){
# beta binomial p-values
pval_list <- bplapply(seq_row(mu), singlePvalueBetaBinomial,
k=k, n=n, mu=mu, rho=rho, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
pval <- do.call(rbind, pval_list)
dval <- matrix(nrow=nrow(k), ncol=ncol(k),
dbbinom(as.matrix(k), as.matrix(n),
as.matrix(alpha), as.matrix(beta)))
pvals <- 2 * pmin(pval, 1 - pval + dval, 0.5)
pVals(fds, dist="BetaBinomial", level="junction",
withDimnames=FALSE) <- pvals
if("binomial" %in% distributions){
# binomial p-values
pval_list <- bplapply(seq_row(mu), singlePvalueBinomial, k=k, n=n,
pval <- do.call(rbind, pval_list)
dval <- dbinom(as.matrix(k), as.matrix(n), as.matrix(mu))
pvals <- 2 * pmin(pval, 1 - pval + dval, 0.5)
pVals(fds, dist="Binomial", level="junction",
withDimnames=FALSE) <- pvals
if("normal" %in% distributions){
fds <- putCounts2Memory(fds, type)
yin <- t(x(fds, all=TRUE, noiseAlpha=NULL, center=FALSE))
yout <- predictY(fds, type, noiseAlpha=NULL)
epsilon <- yin - yout
rsd <- rowSds(epsilon)
pval <- pnorm(epsilon, sd=rsd)
pvals <- 2 * pmin(pval, 1 - pval, 0.5)
pVals(fds, dist="Normal", level="junction",
withDimnames=FALSE) <- pvals
adjust_FWER_PValues <- function(i, pvals, index, rho, rhoCutoff,
dt <- data.table(p=pvals[,i], idx=index, rho=rho)
dt[rho > rhoCutoff, p:=NA]
suppressWarnings(dt2 <- dt[,.(pa=min(p.adjust(p, method=method),
dt2[is.infinite(pa), pa:=NA]
setkey(dt2, "idx")[J(index)][,pa]
adjust_FWER_PValues_per_idx <- function(i, pvals, index, rho, rhoCutoff,
pvals[rho > rhoCutoff,] <- NA
dttmp <- data.table(idx=index, rho=rho,
apply(pvals, 2, as.numeric))[idx == i,]
pa <- apply(as.matrix(dttmp[,-c("idx", "rho")]), 2,
function(x) min(p.adjust(x, method=method),
na.rm = TRUE) )
pa[is.infinite(pa)] <- NA
getFWERpvals_bySample <- function(pvals, index, rho, method="holm",
rhoCutoff, BPPARAM=bpparam()){
fwer_pval <- bplapply(seq_col(pvals), adjust_FWER_PValues,
pvals=pvals, index, BPPARAM=BPPARAM,
method=method, rho=rho, rhoCutoff=rhoCutoff)
fwer_pvals <- do.call(cbind, fwer_pval)
getFWERpvals_byIdx <- function(pvals, index, rho, method="holm",
rhoCutoff, BPPARAM=bpparam()){
unique_idx <- unique(index)
fwer_pval <- bplapply(unique_idx, adjust_FWER_PValues_per_idx,
pvals=pvals, index, BPPARAM=BPPARAM,
method=method, rho=rho, rhoCutoff=rhoCutoff)
fwer_pvals <- do.call(rbind, fwer_pval)
fwer_pvals <- as.matrix(
setkey(data.table(idx=unique_idx, fwer_pvals),
singlePvalueBetaBinomial <- function(idx, k, n, mu, rho){
ki <- k[idx,]
ni <- n[idx,]
mui <- mu[idx,]
rhoi <- rho[idx]
alphai <- mui * (1 - rhoi)/rhoi
betai <- (1 - mui) * (1 - rhoi)/rhoi
# try catch block to overcome long running times
pvals <- pmin(1, pbbinom(ki, ni, alphai, betai))
message(date(), ": obtained NA pvalues for junction ", idx)
return (pvals)
singlePvalueBinomial <- function(idx, k, n, mu){
ki <- k[idx,]
ni <- n[idx,]
mui <- mu[idx,]
pvals <- pmin(1, pbinom(ki, ni, mui))
return (pvals)
#' @describeIn FRASER This function adjusts the previously calculated
#' p-values per sample for multiple testing. First, the previoulsy calculated
#' junction-level p values are adjusted with Holm's method per donor or
#' acceptor site, respectively. Then, if gene symbols have been annotated to
#' junctions (and not otherwise requested), gene-level p values are computed.
#' @param method The p.adjust method that should be used for genome-wide
#' multiple testing correction.
#' @param rhoCutoff The cutoff value on the fitted rho value
#' (overdispersion parameter of the betabinomial) above which junctions are
#' masked with NA during p value adjustment (default: NA, no masking).
#' @param geneLevel Logical value indiciating whether gene-level p values
#' should be calculated. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param geneColumn The column name of the column that has the gene annotation
#' that will be used for gene-level pvalue computation.
#' @param subsets A named list of named lists specifying any number of gene
#' subsets (can differ per sample). For each subset, FDR correction
#' will be limited to genes in the subset, and the FDR corrected
#' pvalues stored as an assay in the fds object in addition to the
#' transcriptome-wide FDR corrected pvalues. See the examples for
#' how to use this argument.
#' @export
calculatePadjValues <- function(fds, type=currentType(fds), method="BY",
rhoCutoff=NA, geneLevel=TRUE,
geneColumn="hgnc_symbol", subsets=NULL,
currentType(fds) <- type
index <- getSiteIndex(fds, type=type)
idx <- !duplicated(index)
for(i in c("BetaBinomial", "Binomial", "Normal")){
# only do it if it exists
if(!paste0("pvalues", i, "_junction_", type) %in% assayNames(fds)){
pvals <- pVals(fds, dist=i, level="junction")
rho <- rho(fds, type=type)
# splice site-level pval correction
message(date(), ": adjusting junction-level pvalues ...")
fwer_pvals <- getFWERpvals_bySample(pvals, index, rho, method="holm",
rhoCutoff=ifelse(is.na(rhoCutoff), 1, rhoCutoff),
filters <- list(rho=rhoCutoff)
} else{
filters <- list()
pVals(fds, dist=i, level="site", filters=filters,
withDimnames=FALSE) <- fwer_pvals
# junction-level FDR correction
message(date(), ": genome-wide FDR for junction-level pvalues ...")
padj <- apply(fwer_pvals[idx,], 2, p.adjust, method=method)
padjDT <- data.table(cbind(i=unique(index), padj), key="i")[J(index)]
padjVals(fds, dist=i, level="site", filters=filters,
withDimnames=FALSE) <- as.matrix(padjDT)
# gene-level pval correction and FDR
if(isTRUE(geneLevel) &&
geneColumn %in% colnames(mcols(fds, type=type))){
message(date(), ": calculating gene-level pvalues ...")
gene_pvals <- getPvalsPerGene(fds=fds, type=type, pvals=fwer_pvals,
method="holm", FDRmethod=method,
pVals(fds, dist=i, level="gene", filters=filters,
withDimnames=FALSE) <- gene_pvals[["pvals"]]
padjVals(fds, dist=i, level="gene", filters=filters,
withDimnames=FALSE) <- gene_pvals[["padj"]]
} else if(isTRUE(geneLevel)){
warning("Gene-level pvalues could not be calculated as column ",
geneColumn, "\nwas not found for the given fds object. ",
"Please annotate gene symbols \nfirst using the ",
"annotateRanges function.")
# calculate FDR for each provided subset and assign to fds
for(setName in names(subsets)){
geneListSubset <- subsets[[setName]]
fds <- calculatePadjValuesOnSubset(fds=fds,
type=type, method=method,
getPvalsPerGene <- function(fds, type=currentType(fds),
pvals=pVals(fds, type=type, level="site"),
sampleID=NULL, method="holm", FDRmethod="BY",
geneColumn="hgnc_symbol", BPPARAM=bpparam()){
# extract data and take only the first index of per site
message(date(), ": starting gene-level pval computation for type ", type)
samples <- samples(fds)
colnames(pvals) <- samples
dt <- data.table(
idx=getSiteIndex(fds, type=type),
geneID=getGeneIDs(fds, type=type, unique=FALSE,
dt <- dt[!is.na(geneID)]
geneIDs <- getGeneIDs(fds, type=type, unique=TRUE,
# separate geneIDs into rows
dt[, dt_idx:=seq_len(.N)]
dt_tmp <- dt[, splitGenes(geneID), by="dt_idx"]
dt <- dt[dt_tmp$dt_idx,]
dt[,`:=`(geneID=dt_tmp$V1, dt_idx=NULL)]
setkey(dt, geneID)
# extract samples
samples <- sampleID
# aggregate pvalues to gene level per sample
message(date(), ": gene-level pval computation per gene (n=",
length(geneIDs), ")")
pvalsPerGene <- genePvalsByGeneID(dt, samples=samples, geneIDs=geneIDs,
method=method, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
# compute FDR
message(date(), ": genome-wide FDR for gene-level pvals for type ", type)
padjPerGene <- apply(pvalsPerGene, 2, p.adjust, method=FDRmethod)
message(date(), ": finished gene-level pval computation for type ", type)
return(list(pvals=pvalsPerGene, padj=padjPerGene))
getSiteIndex <- function(fds, type=currentType(fds)){
if(type == "theta"){
return(mcols(fds, type=type)[['spliceSiteID']])
if(type == "jaccard"){
startId <- mcols(fds, type=type)[,"startID"]
endId <- mcols(fds, type=type)[,"endID"]
strand <- strand(rowRanges(fds, type=type))
strand[strand == "*"] <- "+"
selectionMat <- as.matrix(data.frame(row=seq_along(startId),
col=1 + as.vector(
type == "psi5" & strand == "-" |
type == "psi3" & strand == "+")))
ans <- as.matrix(cbind(startId, endId))
getGeneIDs <- function(fds, type=currentType(fds), unique=TRUE,
if(!geneColumn %in% colnames(mcols(fds, type=type))){
stop("Did not find column '", geneColumn, "' in mcols(fds, type='",
type, "'). Please assign introns\nto genes first using the ",
"annotateRanges(fds, ...) or annotateRangesWithTxDb(fds, ...) ",
geneIDs <- mcols(fds, type=type)[[geneColumn]]
geneIDs <- unique(unlist(lapply(geneIDs, FUN=function(g){
unlist(strsplit(g, ";"))}) ))
geneIDs <- geneIDs[!is.na(geneIDs)]
genePvalsByGeneID <- function(dt, samples, geneIDs, method, BPPARAM){
pvalsPerGene <- bplapply(geneIDs, BPPARAM=BPPARAM,
FUN=function(g) {
dttmp <- dt[geneID == g][!duplicated(idx)]
pval_g <- apply(as.matrix(dttmp[,-c("idx", "geneID")]), 2,
function(x) min(p.adjust(x, method=method), na.rm = TRUE) )
pval_g[is.infinite(pval_g)] <- NA
pvalsPerGene <- do.call(rbind, pvalsPerGene)
rownames(pvalsPerGene) <- geneIDs
#' @describeIn FRASER This function does FDR correction only for all junctions
#' in a certain subset of genes which can differ per sample. Requires gene
#' symbols to have been annotated to junctions. As with the full FDR
#' correction across all junctions, first the previously calculated
#' junction-level p values are adjusted with Holm's method per donor or
#' acceptor site, respectively. Then, gene-level p values are computed.
#' @param genesToTest A named list with the subset of genes to test per sample.
#' The names must correspond to the sampleIDs in the given fds object.
#' @param subsetName The name under which the resulting FDR corrected pvalues
#' will be stored in metadata(fds).
#' @export
calculatePadjValuesOnSubset <- function(fds, genesToTest, subsetName,
type=currentType(fds), method='BY',
geneColumn="hgnc_symbol", BPPARAM=bpparam()){
# check input
stopifnot(is.list(genesToTest) || is.vector(genesToTest))
# replicate subset genes for each sample if given as vector
genesToTest <- rep(list(genesToTest), ncol(fds))
names(genesToTest) <- colnames(fds)
# check that names are present and correspond to samples in ods
if(!all(names(genesToTest) %in% colnames(fds))){
stop("names(genesToTest) need to be sampleIDs in the given fds object.")
# get genes from fds object
fds_genes <- getGeneIDs(fds, unique=TRUE, type=type, geneColumn=geneColumn)
ngenes <- length(fds_genes)
# site index (for psi3/5)
site_idx <- getSiteIndex(fds, type=type)
# compute FDR on the given subsets of genes
message(date(), ": starting FDR calculation on subset of genes...")
# compute FDR on the given subsets of genes
fdrSubset <- bplapply(colnames(fds), FUN=function(sampleId){
# get genes to test for this sample
genesToTestSample <- genesToTest[[sampleId]]
padj <- rep(NA, nrow(mcols(fds, type=type)))
padj_gene <- rep(NA, ngenes)
# if no genes present in the subset for this sample, return NAs
return(list(padj=padj, padj_gene=padj_gene))
# get idx of junctions corresponding to genes to test
rowIdx <- sort(which(fds_genes %in% genesToTestSample))
rowIdx <- unlist(lapply(genesToTestSample, function(gene){
idx <- which(grepl(paste0("(^|;)", gene, "(;|$)"),
mcols(fds, type=type)[, geneColumn]))
names(idx) <- rep(gene, length(idx))
if(length(idx) == 0 && verbose(fds) > 0){
warning("No introns found in fds object for gene: ", gene,
" and sample: ", sampleId, ". Skipping this gene.")
rowIdx <- sort(rowIdx[!duplicated(rowIdx)])
} else{
stop("Genes in the list to test must be a character vector ",
"of geneIDs.")
# check that rowIdx is not empty vector
if(length(rowIdx) == 0){
warning("No genes from the given subset found in the fds ",
"object for sample: ", sampleId)
return(list(padj=padj, padj_gene=padj_gene))
# retrieve pvalues of introns to test
p <- as.matrix(pVals(fds, type=type))
if(ncol(p) == 1){
colnames(p) <- colnames(fds)
p <- p[rowIdx, sampleId]
# FDR correction on subset
non_dup_site_idx <- !duplicated(site_idx[rowIdx])
padjSub <- p.adjust(p[non_dup_site_idx], method=method)
# set intron FDR on subset (filled with NA for all other genes)
padj[rowIdx] <- padjSub
# gene level pvals
dt <- data.table(sampleID=sampleId, type=type, pval=p,
gene=names(rowIdx), jidx=rowIdx, site_idx=site_idx[rowIdx])
dt <- merge(dt,
pval_gene:=min(p.adjust(pval, method="holm")), by="gene"]
dt[, pval_gene := .SD[!is.na(pval_gene), unique(pval_gene)], by="gene"]
# gene level FDR
dt2 <- dt[, unique(pval_gene), by="gene"]
dt2[, FDR_subset_gene := p.adjust(V1, method=method)]
dt2[, gene_rowIdx := sapply(gene, function(g) which(fds_genes == g))]
# set intron FDR on subset (filled with NA for all other genes)
padj_gene[dt2[,gene_rowIdx]] <- dt2[, FDR_subset_gene]
# return new FDR
return(list(padj=padj, padj_gene=padj_gene))
padjSub <- vapply(fdrSubset, '[[',
double(nrow(mcols(fds, type=type))), 'padj')
padjSub_gene <- vapply(fdrSubset, '[[', double(ngenes), 'padj_gene')
colnames(padjSub) <- colnames(fds)
rownames(padjSub_gene) <- fds_genes
colnames(padjSub_gene) <- colnames(fds)
# add FDR subset info to ods object and return
padjVals(fds, type=type, level="site", subsetName=subsetName,
withDimnames=FALSE) <- padjSub
padjVals(fds, type=type, level="gene", subsetName=subsetName,
withDimnames=FALSE) <- padjSub_gene
addToAvailableFDRsubsets(fds) <- subsetName
message(date(), ": finished FDR calculation on subset of genes.")
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