
Defines functions colinScore mbecValidateModel mbecMixedVariance mbecVarianceStatsLMM mbecVarianceStatsLM mbecVarianceStats mbecModelVarianceSCOEF mbecModelVariancePVCA mbecModelVarianceRDA mbecModelVarianceLMM mbecModelVarianceLM mbecModelVariance mbecMosaic mbecHeat mbecBox .mbecPCA mbecRLE

Documented in colinScore mbecBox mbecHeat mbecMixedVariance mbecModelVariance mbecModelVarianceLM mbecModelVarianceLMM mbecModelVariancePVCA mbecModelVarianceRDA mbecModelVarianceSCOEF mbecMosaic mbecRLE mbecValidateModel mbecVarianceStats mbecVarianceStatsLM mbecVarianceStatsLMM

# ANALYSIS FUNCTIONS ------------------------------------------------------

#' Relative Log Expression Plot
#' Takes two covariates, i.e., group and batch, and computes the RLE-plot over
#' the grouping of the first covariate, colored by the second covariate.
#' Effectively illustrating the relative expression between samples from
#' different batches within the respective study groups. Other covariates can be
#' chosen as input and the function will check for factors and convert if
#' necessary. Categorical factors, e.g., group membership, sex and batch,
#' produce the best result.
#' The function returns either a plot-frame or the finished ggplot object. Input
#' is an MbecData-object. If cumulative log-ratio (clr) and total sum-scaled
#' (tss) abundance matrices are part of the input, i.e., 'mbecTransform()' was
#' used, they can be selected as input by using the 'type' argument with either
#' "otu", "clr" or "tss". If batch effect corrected matrices are available, they
#' can be used by specifying the 'type' argument as "cor" and using the 'label'
#' argument to select the appropriate matrix by its denominator, e.g., for batch
#' correction method ComBat this would be "bat", for RemoveBatchEffects from the
#' limma package this is "rbe". Default correction method-labels are "ruv3",
#' "bmc","bat","rbe","pn","svd".
#' The combination of 'type' and 'label' argument basically accesses the
#' attribute 'cor', a list that stores all matrices of corrected counts.
#' This list can also be accessed via getter and setter methods. Hence, the user
#' can supply their own matrices with own names.
#' @keywords RLE relative log expression
#' @param input.obj MbecData-object
#' @param model.vars two covariates of interest to select by. First relates to
#' 'batch' and the second to relevant grouping.
#' @param type Which abundance matrix to use for the calculation.
#' @param label Which corrected abundance matrix to use for analysis.
#' @param return.data logical if TRUE returns the data.frame required for
#' plotting. Default (FALSE) will return plot object.
#' @return Either a ggplot2 object or a formatted data-frame to plot from.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # This will return the data.frame for plotting.
#' data.RLE <- mbecRLE(input.obj=dummy.mbec, type="clr",
#' model.vars=c('group','batch'), return.data=TRUE)
#' # This will return the ggplot2 object for display, saving and modification.
#' plot.RLE <- mbecRLE(input.obj=dummy.mbec, model.vars=c('group','batch'),
#' type="clr", return.data=FALSE)
mbecRLE <- function(input.obj, model.vars = c("batch","group"), type="clr",
                    label=character(), return.data = FALSE) {

  tmp <- mbecGetData(input.obj=input.obj, orientation="fxs",
                     required.col=eval(model.vars), type=eval(type),
  tmp.cnts <- tmp[[1]]
  tmp.meta <- tmp[[2]] %>% tibble::rownames_to_column(., var="specimen")

  tmp.long <- NULL
  for(g.idx in unique(tmp.meta[, eval(model.vars[2])])) {
    message("Calculating RLE for group: ", g.idx)

    tmp.cnts.group <-
        tmp.cnts,tmp.meta$specimen[tmp.meta[,eval(model.vars[2])] %in% g.idx])

    feature.med = apply(tmp.cnts.group, 1, stats::median)

    tmp.group.long <- apply(tmp.cnts.group, 2,
                            function(sample.col) sample.col - feature.med) %>%
      as.data.frame() %>%
      tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = everything(),
                          names_to = "specimen", values_to = "values")
    tmp.long <- rbind.data.frame(tmp.long, tmp.group.long)

  tmp.long <- dplyr::left_join(tmp.long, tmp.meta,
                               by = "specimen") %>%
    dplyr::mutate(plot.order = paste(get(model.vars[2]),
                                     get(model.vars[1]), sep = "_")) %>%
    dplyr::arrange(plot.order) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(specimen = factor(specimen, levels = unique(specimen)))

  if (return.data) {
  return(mbecRLEPlot(tmp.long, model.vars))

#' Principal Component Analysis Plot
#' Takes two covariates, i.e., group and batch, and computes the ordination-plot
#' for user-selected principal components. Covariates determine sample-shape and
#' color and can be switched to shift the emphasis on either group. In addition
#' to the ordination-plot, the function will show the distribution of
#' eigenvalues (colored by the second covariate) on their respective principal
#' components.
#' The function returns either a plot-frame or the finished ggplot object. Input
#' is an MbecData-object. If cumulative log-ratio (clr) and total sum-scaled
#' (tss) abundance matrices are part of the input, i.e., 'mbecTransform()' was
#' used, they can be selected as input by using the 'type' argument with either
#' "otu", "clr" or "tss". If batch effect corrected matrices are available, they
#' can be used by specifying the 'type' argument as "cor" and using the 'label'
#' argument to select the appropriate matrix by its denominator, e.g., for batch
#' correction method ComBat this would be "bat", for RemoveBatchEffects from the
#' limma package this is "rbe". Default correction method-labels are "ruv3",
#' "bmc","bat","rbe","pn","svd".
#' The combination of 'type' and 'label' argument basically accesses the
#' attribute 'cor', a list that stores all matrices of corrected counts.
#' This list can also be accessed via getter and setter methods. Hence, the user
#' can supply their own matrices with own names.
#' @keywords PCA principal component analysis
#' @param input.obj list(cnts, meta), phyloseq, MbecData object (correct
#' orientation is handled internally)
#' @param model.vars two covariates of interest to select by first variable
#' selects color (batch) and second one determines shape (group)
#' @param pca.axes numeric vector which axes to plot, first is X and second is Y
#' @param type Which abundance matrix to use for the calculation.
#' @param label Which corrected abundance matrix to use for analysis.
#' @param return.data logical if TRUE returns the data.frame required for
#' plotting. Default (FALSE) will return plot object.
#' @return either a ggplot2 object or a formatted data-frame to plot from
#' @export
#' @include mbecs_classes.R
#' @examples
#' # This will return the data.frame for plotting.
#' data.PCA <- mbecPCA(input.obj=dummy.mbec,
#' model.vars=c('group','batch'), pca.axes=c(1,2), return.data=TRUE)
#' # This will return the ggplot2 object for display, saving and modification.
#' # Selected PCs are PC3 on x-axis and PC2 on y-axis.
#' plot.PCA <- mbecPCA(input.obj=dummy.mbec,
#' model.vars=c('group','batch'), pca.axes=c(3,2), return.data=FALSE)
setGeneric("mbecPCA", signature = "input.obj",
           function(input.obj, model.vars = c("batch", "group"),
                    pca.axes = c(1, 2), type="clr", label=character(),
                    return.data = FALSE) standardGeneric("mbecPCA"))

## In this form it works for 'phyloseq' and 'mbecData' objects
.mbecPCA <- function(input.obj, model.vars=c("batch", "group"),
                     pca.axes=c(1,2), type="clr", label=character(),
                     return.data=FALSE) {

  tmp <- mbecGetData(input.obj=input.obj, orientation = "sxf",
                     required.col=eval(model.vars), type=eval(type),

  tmp.cnts <- tmp[[1]]; tmp.meta <- tmp[[2]]

  # calculate IQR and sort counts in decreasing order
  iqr <- apply(tmp.cnts, 2, stats::IQR)
  tmp.cnts <- tmp.cnts[, order(iqr, decreasing = TRUE)]

  PCA <- stats::prcomp(tmp.cnts, scale = FALSE)

  axes.number <- dim(PCA$x)[2]
  axes.names <- paste("PC", seq_len(axes.number), sep = "")

  plot.df <- PCA$x %>%
    data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
    dplyr::rename_at(seq_len(axes.number), ~axes.names) %>%
    tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "sID") %>%
    dplyr::left_join(tmp.meta, by = "sID")

  metric.df <- data.frame(var.explained=round((100 * PCA$sdev^2)/
                                      (sum(PCA$x^2/max(1,nrow(PCA$x) - 1))), 2),
                                      row.names = axes.names) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(axis.min = floor(apply(PCA$x, 2, function(col) min(col)))) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(axis.max = ceiling(apply(PCA$x, 2, function(col) max(col))))

  for (idx in seq_along(model.vars) ) {
    if (!is.factor(plot.df[, eval(model.vars[idx])])) {
      warning("Grouping variables need to be factors.
              Coercing to factor now, adjust beforehand to get best results.")
      plot.df[,eval(model.vars[idx])] <- factor(plot.df[,eval(model.vars[idx])])

  # No plotting, just return data.
  if (return.data) {
    return(list(plot.df, metric.df, pca.axes))

  return(mbecPCAPlot(plot.df, metric.df, model.vars, pca.axes))

#' Principal Component Analysis Plot for MbecData
#' Takes two covariates, i.e., group and batch, and computes the ordination-plot
#' for user-selected principal components. Covariates determine sample-shape and
#' color and can be switched to shift the emphasis on either group. In addition
#' to the ordination-plot, the function will show the distribution of
#' eigenvalues (colored by the second covariate) on their respective principal
#' components.
#' The function returns either a plot-frame or the finished ggplot object. Input
#' is an MbecData-object. If cumulative log-ratio (clr) and total sum-scaled
#' (tss) abundance matrices are part of the input, i.e., 'mbecTransform()' was
#' used, they can be selected as input by using the 'type' argument with either
#' "otu", "clr" or "tss". If batch effect corrected matrices are available, they
#' can be used by specifying the 'type' argument as "cor" and using the 'label'
#' argument to select the appropriate matrix by its denominator, e.g., for batch
#' correction method ComBat this would be "bat", for RemoveBatchEffects from the
#' limma package this is "rbe". Default correction method-labels are "ruv3",
#' "bmc","bat","rbe","pn","svd".
#' The combination of 'type' and 'label' argument basically accesses the
#' attribute 'cor', a list that stores all matrices of corrected counts.
#' This list can also be accessed via getter and setter methods. Hence, the user
#' can supply their own matrices with own names.
#' @keywords PCA principal component analysis
#' @param input.obj MbecData object
#' @param model.vars two covariates of interest to select by first variable
#' selects color (batch) and second one determines shape (group).
#' @param pca.axes numeric vector which axes to plot, first is X and second is Y
#' @param type Which abundance matrix to use for the calculation.
#' @param label Which corrected abundance matrix to use for analysis.
#' @param return.data logical if TRUE returns the data.frame required for
#' plotting. Default (FALSE) will return plot object.
#' @return either a ggplot2 object or a formatted data-frame to plot from
#' @export
#' @include mbecs_classes.R
#' @examples
#' # This will return the data.frame for plotting.
#' data.PCA <- mbecPCA(input.obj=dummy.mbec,
#' model.vars=c('group','batch'), pca.axes=c(1,2), return.data=TRUE)
#' # This will return the ggplot2 object for display, saving and modification.
#' # Selected PCs are PC3 on x-axis and PC2 on y-axis.
#' plot.PCA <- mbecPCA(input.obj=dummy.mbec,
#' model.vars=c('group','batch'), pca.axes=c(3,2), return.data=FALSE)
setMethod("mbecPCA", "MbecData", function(input.obj,
                                          model.vars = c("batch", "group"),
                                          pca.axes = c(1, 2), type="clr",
                                          return.data=FALSE) {
  .mbecPCA(input.obj, model.vars=model.vars, pca.axes=pca.axes, type=type,
           label=label, return.data=return.data)

#' Feature Differential Abundance Box-Plot
#' Displays the abundance of a selected feature, grouped/colored by a covariate,
#' i.e., batch, in a box-plot. Includes the density-plot, i.e., the distribution
#' of counts for each sub-group. Selection methods for features are "TOP" and
#' "ALL" which select the top-n or all features respectively. The default value
#' for the argument 'n' is 10. If 'n' is supplied with a vector of feature
#' names, e.g., c("OTU1","OTU5", "OTU10"), of arbitrary length, the argument
#' 'method' will be ignored and only the given features selected for plotting.
#' The function returns either a plot-frame or the finished ggplot object. Input
#' is an MbecData-object. If cumulative log-ratio (clr) and total sum-scaled
#' (tss) abundance matrices are part of the input, i.e., 'mbecTransform()' was
#' used, they can be selected as input by using the 'type' argument with either
#' "otu", "clr" or "tss". If batch effect corrected matrices are available, they
#' can be used by specifying the 'type' argument as "cor" and using the 'label'
#' argument to select the appropriate matrix by its denominator, e.g., for batch
#' correction method ComBat this would be "bat", for RemoveBatchEffects from the
#' limma package this is "rbe". Default correction method-labels are "ruv3",
#' "bmc","bat","rbe","pn","svd".
#' The combination of 'type' and 'label' argument basically accesses the
#' attribute 'cor', a list that stores all matrices of corrected counts.
#' This list can also be accessed via getter and setter methods. Hence, the user
#' can supply their own matrices with own names.
#' @keywords Box abundance density
#' @param input.obj MbecData object
#' @param method One of 'ALL' or 'TOP' for 'n' most variable features, DEFAULT
#' is 'ALL'.
#' @param n Number of OTUs to display for 'TOP' method, or vector of specific
#' feature names to select.
#' @param model.var Covariate to group by, default is "batch".
#' @param type Which abundance matrix to use for the calculation.
#' @param label Which corrected abundance matrix to use for analysis.
#' @param return.data logical if TRUE returns the data.frame required for
#' plotting. Default (FALSE) will return plot object.
#' @return either a ggplot2 object or a formatted data-frame to plot from
#' @export
#' @include mbecs_classes.R
#' @examples
#' # This will return the plot-frame of all features in the data-set.
#' data.Box <- mbecBox(input.obj=dummy.mbec, method='ALL', model.var='batch',
#' type='clr', return.data=TRUE)
#' # This will return the ggplot2 object of the top 5 most variable features.
#' plot.Box <- mbecBox(input.obj=dummy.mbec, method='TOP', n=5,
#' model.var='batch', type='otu', return.data=FALSE)
mbecBox <- function(input.obj, method = c("ALL", "TOP"), n = 10,
                    model.var = "batch", type="clr", label=character(),
                    return.data = FALSE) {

  input.obj <- mbecProcessInput(input.obj = input.obj, required.col = model.var)
  # needs sxf orientation
  tmp <- mbecGetData(input.obj = input.obj, orientation = "sxf",
                     required.col = eval(model.var), type=eval(type),
  tmp[[2]] <- tibble::rownames_to_column(tmp[[2]], var = "specimen")

  otu.idx <- colnames(tmp[[1]])

  tmp <- tmp[[1]] %>%
    tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "specimen") %>%
    dplyr::left_join(tmp[[2]], by = c(specimen = "specimen"))

  if (method[1] == "TOP") {
    iqr <- apply(tmp[, otu.idx], 2, stats::IQR)
    iqr <- iqr[order(iqr, decreasing = TRUE)]
    otu.idx <- names(iqr)[seq_len(min(length(otu.idx), n))]

    tmp <- tmp %>%
      dplyr::select(c(dplyr::all_of(otu.idx), "specimen", eval(model.var)))

  } else if (length(method) >= 2) {
    message("'Method' parameter contains multiple elements -
            using to select features.")
    otu.idx <- method
    tmp <- tmp %>%
      dplyr::select(c(dplyr::all_of(otu.idx), "specimen", eval(model.var)))

  }  # else is 'select-all-mode'

  if (return.data) {
    return(list(tmp, otu.idx))

  return(mbecBoxPlot(tmp, otu.idx, model.var))

#' Feature Differential Abundance Heatmap
#' Shows the abundance value of selected features in a heatmap. By default, the
#' function expects two covariates group and batch to depict clustering in these
#' groups. More covariates can be included. Selection methods for features are
#' "TOP" and "ALL" which select the top-n or all features respectively. The
#' default value for the argument 'n' is 10. If 'n' is supplied with a vector
#' of feature names, e.g., c("OTU1","OTU5", "OTU10"), of arbitrary length, the
#' argument method' will be ignored and only the given features selected for
#' plotting.
#' The function returns either a plot-frame or the finished ggplot object. Input
#' is an MbecData-object. If cumulative log-ratio (clr) and total sum-scaled
#' (tss) abundance matrices are part of the input, i.e., 'mbecTransform()' was
#' used, they can be selected as input by using the 'type' argument with either
#' "otu", "clr" or "tss". If batch effect corrected matrices are available, they
#' can be used by specifying the 'type' argument as "cor" and using the 'label'
#' argument to select the appropriate matrix by its denominator, e.g., for batch
#' correction method ComBat this would be "bat", for RemoveBatchEffects from the
#' limma package this is "rbe". Default correction method-labels are "ruv3",
#' "bmc","bat","rbe","pn","svd".
#' The combination of 'type' and 'label' argument basically accesses the
#' attribute 'cor', a list that stores all matrices of corrected counts.
#' This list can also be accessed via getter and setter methods. Hence, the user
#' can supply their own matrices with own names.
#' @keywords Heat abundance clustering
#' @param input.obj MbecData object
#' @param model.vars Covariates of interest to show in heatmap.
#' @param center Flag to activate centering, DEFAULT is TRUE.
#' @param scale Flag to activate scaling, DEFAULT is TRUE.
#' @param method One of 'ALL' or 'TOP' or a vector of feature names.
#' @param n Number of features to select in method TOP.
#' @param type Which abundance matrix to use for the calculation.
#' @param label Which corrected abundance matrix to use for analysis.
#' @param return.data Logical if TRUE returns the data.frame required for
#' plotting. Default (FALSE) will return plot object.
#' @return either a ggplot2 object or a formatted data-frame to plot from
#' @export
#' @include mbecs_classes.R
#' @examples
#' # This will return the plot-frame of all features in the data-set.
#' data.Heat <- mbecHeat(input.obj=dummy.mbec, model.vars=c('group','batch'),
#' center=TRUE, scale=TRUE, method='ALL', return.data=TRUE)
#' # This will return the ggplot2 object of the top 5 most variable features.
#' plot.Heat <- mbecHeat(input.obj=dummy.mbec, model.vars=c('group','batch'),
#' center=TRUE, scale=TRUE, method='TOP', n=5, return.data=FALSE)
mbecHeat <- function(input.obj, model.vars = c("batch", "group"), center = TRUE,
                     scale = TRUE, method = "TOP", n = 10, type="clr",
                     label=character(), return.data = FALSE) {

  cols <- pals::tableau20(20)[c(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19)]

  tmp <- mbecGetData(input.obj=input.obj, orientation="sxf",
                     required.col=eval(model.vars), type=eval(type),
  tmp.cnts <- tmp[[1]]
  tmp.meta <- tmp[[2]]
  otu.idx <- colnames(tmp[[1]])

  for (g.idx in c(seq_along(model.vars))) {
    if (!is.factor(tmp.meta[, eval(model.vars[g.idx])])) {
      warning("Grouping variables need to be factors. Coercing variable: ",
              " to factor now, adjust beforehand to get best results.")
      tmp.meta[, eval(model.vars[g.idx])] <-
        factor(tmp.meta[, eval(model.vars[g.idx])])
  tmp.cnts <- base::scale(tmp.cnts, center=eval(center), scale=eval(scale))
  tmp.cnts <- base::scale(t(tmp.cnts), center=eval(center), scale=eval(scale))
  if (method[1] == "TOP") {
    iqr <- apply(tmp.cnts[otu.idx, ], 1, stats::IQR)
    iqr <- iqr[order(iqr, decreasing = TRUE)]
    otu.idx <- names(iqr)[seq_len(min(length(otu.idx), n))]
    tmp.cnts <- tmp.cnts[otu.idx, ]
  } else if (length(method) >= 2)
    message("'Method' parameter contains multiple elements -
            using to select features.")
    tmp.cnts <- tmp.cnts[method, ]

  }  # else is 'select-all-mode'
  if (return.data) {
    return(list(tmp.cnts, tmp.meta))
  return(mbecHeatPlot(center, scale, tmp.cnts, tmp.meta, model.vars))

#' Mosaic Sample Group Allocation
#' Depicts the dispersion of samples over two (preferentially categorical)
#' covariates of interest. Effectively showing, the un-/evenness within and
#' between covariates to inform the choice of methods for the subsequent steps
#' in an analysis.
#' The function returns either a plot-frame or the finished ggplot object. Input
#' for the data-set can be an MbecData-object.
#' @keywords Mosaic sample allocation
#' @param input.obj MbecData object
#' @param model.vars Two covariates of interest to the sample allocation.
#' @param return.data Logical if TRUE returns the data.frame required for
#' plotting. Default (FALSE) will return plot object.
#' @return either a ggplot2 object or a formatted data-frame to plot from
#' @export
#' @include mbecs_classes.R
#' @examples
#' # This will return the plot-df of the samples grouped by group and batch.
#' data.Mosaic <- mbecMosaic(input.obj=dummy.mbec,
#' model.vars=c('group','batch'), return.data=TRUE)
#' # Return the ggplot2 object of the samples grouped by group and batch
#' plot.Mosaic <- mbecMosaic(input.obj=dummy.mbec,
#' model.vars=c('group','batch'), return.data=FALSE)
mbecMosaic <- function(input.obj, model.vars = c("batch", "group"),
                       return.data = FALSE) {

  cols <- pals::tableau20(20)

  tmp <- mbecGetData(input.obj, orientation = "sxf",
                     required.col = eval(model.vars))
  tmp.meta <- tmp[[2]]

  if (length(model.vars) < 2) {
    message("Only one variable specified for Mosaic-plot, two are required!")
  } else if (length(model.vars) > 2) {
    message("More than 2 variables specified. Mosaic will take the first two.")

  for (g.idx in eval(model.vars)) {
    if (!is.factor(tmp.meta[, eval(g.idx)])) {
      warning("Grouping variables need to be factors. Coercing variable: '",
              "' to factor now, adjust beforehand to get best results.")
      tmp.meta[, eval(g.idx)] <- as.factor(tmp.meta[, eval(g.idx)])
  n.observations <- base::dim(tmp.meta)[1]
  study.summary <- base::table(tmp.meta[, eval(model.vars[1])],
                               tmp.meta[, eval(model.vars[2])]) %>%
    as.data.frame() %>%
    dplyr::mutate(Freq.scaled = Freq/n.observations)

  if (return.data)
  }  # else return the plots

  return(mbecMosaicPlot(study.summary, model.vars))


# VARIANCE CALCULATION ----------------------------------------------------

#' Estimate Explained Variance
#' The function offers a selection of methods/algorithms to estimate the
#' proportion of variance that can be attributed to covariates of interest.
#' This shows, how much variation is explained by the treatment effect, which
#' proportion is introduced by processing in batches and the leftover variance,
#' i.e., residuals that are not currently explained. Covariates of interest
#' (CoI) are selected by the user and the function will incorporate them into
#' the model building for the respective algorithm. The user can select from
#' five different approaches to adapt to the characteristics of the data-set,
#' e.g., LMMs are a better choice than LMs for a very unbalanced study design.
#' Available approaches are: Linear Model (lm), Linear Mixed Model (lmm),
#' Redundancy Analysis (rda), Principal Variance Component Analysis (pvca) or
#' Silhouette Coefficient (s.coef).
#' Linear Model (lm): An additive model of all covariates is fitted to each
#' feature respectively and the proportion of variance is extracted for each
#' covariate (OTU_x ~ covariate_1 + covariate_2 + ...).
#' Linear Mixed Model (lmm): All but the first covariate are considered mixed
#' effects. A model is fitted to each OTU respectively and the proportion of
#' variance extracted for each covariate.
#' (OTU_x ~ covariate_1 + (1|covariate_2) + (1|...)).
#' partial Redundancy Analysis (rda): Iterates over given covariates, builds a
#' model of all covariates that includes one variable as condition/constraint
#' and then fits it to the feature abundance matrix. The difference in explained
#' variance between the full- and the constrained-model is then attributed to
#' the constraint. (cnts ~ group + Condition(batch) vs. cnts ~ group + batch)
#' Principal Variance Component Analysis (pvca): Algorithm - calculate the
#' correlation of the fxs count-matrix - from there extract the eigenvectors and
#' eigenvalues and calculate the proportion of explained variance per
#' eigenvector (i.e. principal component) by dividing the eigenvalues by the
#' sum of eigenvalues. Now select as many PCs as required to fill a chosen
#' quota for the total proportion of explained variance. Iterate over all PCs
#' and fit a linear mixed model that contains all covariates as random effect
#' and all unique interactions between two covariates. Compute variance
#' covariance components form the resulting model --> From there we get the
#' Variance that each covariate(variable) contributes to this particular PC.
#' Then just standardize variance by dividing it through the sum of variance for
#' that model. Scale each PCs results by the proportion this PC accounted for in
#' the first place. And then do it again by dividing it through the total amount
#' of explained variance, i.e. the cutoff to select the number of PCs to take
#' (obviously not the cutoff but rather the actual values for the selected PCs).
#' Finally take the average over each random variable and interaction term and
#' display in a nice plot.
#' Silhouette Coefficient (s.coef): Calculate principal components and get
#' sample-wise distances on the resulting (sxPC) matrix. Then iterate over all
#' the covariates and calculate the cluster silhouette (which is basically
#' either zero, if the cluster contains only a single element, or it is the
#' distance to the closest different cluster minus the distance of the sample
#' within its own cluster divided (scaled) by the maximum distance). Average
#' over each element in a cluster for all clusters and there is the
#' representation of how good the clustering is. This shows how good a
#' particular covariate characterizes the data, i.e., a treatment variable for
#' instance may differentiate the samples into treated and untreated groups
#' which implies two clusters. In an ideal scenario, the treatment variable,
#' i.e., indicator for some biological effect would produce a perfect
#' clustering. In reality, the confounding variables, e.g., batch, sex or age,
#' will also influence the ordination of samples. Hence, the clustering
#' coefficient is somewhat similar to the amount of explained variance metric
#' that the previous methods used. If used to compare an uncorrected data-set to
#' a batch-corrected set, the expected result would be an increase of clustering
#' coefficient for the biological effect (and all other covariates - because a
#' certain amount of uncertainty was removed from the data) and a decrease for
#' the batch effect.
#' The function returns a data-frame for further analysis - the report functions
#' (mbecReport and mbecReportPrelim) will automatically produce plots. Input for
#' the data-set can be an MbecData-object, a phyloseq-object or a list that
#' contains counts and covariate data. The covariate table requires an 'sID'
#' column that contains sample IDs equal to the sample naming in the counts
#' table. Correct orientation of counts will be handled internally.
#' @keywords Model Evaluation Variance
#' @param input.obj MbecData object
#' @param model.vars Vector of covariates to include in model-construction, in
#' case parameter 'model.form' is not supplied.
#' @param method Select method of modeling: Linear Model (lm), Linear Mixed
#' Model (lmm), Redundancy Analysis (rda), Principal Variance Component Analysis
#' (pvca) or Silhouette Coefficient (s.coef).
#' @param model.form string that describes a model formula, i.e.,
#' 'y ~ covariate1 + (1|covariate2)'.
#' @param type Which abundance matrix to use for the calculation.
#' @param label Which corrected abundance matrix to use for analysis.
#' @param no.warning (OPTIONAL) True/False-flag that should turn of singularity
#' warnings, but it doesn't quite work
#' @param na.action (OPTIONAL) set NA handling, will take global option if not
#' supplied
#' @return Data.frame that contains proportions of variance for given covariates
#' in every feature.
#' @include mbecs_classes.R
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # This will return a data-frame that contains the variance attributable to
#' # group and batch according to linear additive model.
#' df.var.lm <- mbecModelVariance(input.obj=dummy.mbec,
#' model.vars=c("batch", "group"), method='lm', type='clr')
#' # This will return a data-frame that contains the variance attributable to
#' # group and batch according to principal variance component analysis.
#' df.var.pvca <- mbecModelVariance(input.obj=dummy.mbec,
#' model.vars=c("batch", "group"), method='pvca')
mbecModelVariance <- function(input.obj, model.vars=character(),
                              method=c("lm","lmm", "rda", "pvca", "s.coef"),
                              model.form=NULL, type="clr", label=character(),
                              no.warning = TRUE, na.action = NULL) {
  oldw <- getOption("warn")
  if (no.warning) {
    options(warn = -1)
  on.exit(options(warn = oldw))

  # handle optional parameters
  if (is.null(na.action)) {
    na.action = getOption("na.action")

  method <- match.arg(method, choices = c("lm","lmm", "rda", "pvca", "s.coef"))
  type <- match.arg(type, choices = c("otu","clr","tss","ass","cor"))

  ## PVCA stuff
  pct_threshold = 0.5876  # threshold for explained variances

  tmp <- mbecGetData(input.obj = input.obj, orientation = "sxf",
                     required.col=eval(model.vars), type=eval(type),
  tmp.cnts <- tmp[[1]]; tmp.meta <- tmp[[2]]

  ## Adjust 'type' variable if selected matrix comes from 'cor' list
  if( type == "cor" && length(label) != 0 ) type <- label

  ## CHECK if grouping variables are factors
  for (g.idx in eval(model.vars)) {
    if (!is.factor(tmp.meta[, eval(g.idx)])) {
      warning("Grouping variables need to be factors. Coercing variable: ",
              " to factor now, adjust beforehand to get best results.")
      tmp.meta[, eval(g.idx)] <- as.factor(tmp.meta[, eval(g.idx)])

  if (method == "lm") {
    res <- mbecModelVarianceLM(model.form,model.vars,tmp.cnts,tmp.meta,type)

  } else if (method == "lmm") {
    res <- mbecModelVarianceLMM(model.form,model.vars,tmp.cnts,tmp.meta,type)

  } else if (method == "rda") {
    res <- mbecModelVarianceRDA(model.vars,tmp.cnts,tmp.meta,type)

  } else if (method == "pvca") {
    res <- mbecModelVariancePVCA(model.vars, tmp.cnts, tmp.meta,
                                 type, pct_threshold, na.action)

  } else if (method == "s.coef") {
    res <- mbecModelVarianceSCOEF(model.vars, tmp.cnts, tmp.meta, type)

  message("Input doesn't apply to any available method. Nothing was done here.")

#' Estimate Explained Variance with Linear Models
#' The function offers a selection of methods/algorithms to estimate the
#' proportion of variance that can be attributed to covariates of interest.
#' This shows, how much variation is explained by the treatment effect, which
#' proportion is introduced by processing in batches and the leftover variance,
#' i.e., residuals that are not currently explained. Covariates of interest
#' (CoI) are selected by the user and the function will incorporate them into
#' the model.
#' Linear Model (lm): An additive model of all covariates is fitted to each
#' feature respectively and the proportion of variance is extracted for each
#' covariate (OTU_x ~ covariate_1 + covariate_2 + ...).
#' @keywords LM Proportion of Variance
#' @param model.form Formula for linear model, function will create simple
#' additive linear model if this argument is not supplied.
#' @param model.vars Covariates to use for model building if argument
#' 'model.form' is not given.
#' @param tmp.cnts Abundance matrix in 'sample x feature' orientation.
#' @param tmp.meta Covariate table that contains at least the used variables.
#' @param type String the denotes data source, i.e., one of "otu","clr" or "tss"
#' for the transformed counts or the label of the batch corrected count-matrix.
#' @return Data.frame that contains proportions of variance for given covariates
#' in a linear modelling approach.
#' @include mbecs_classes.R
mbecModelVarianceLM <- function(model.form, model.vars, tmp.cnts, tmp.meta, type) {
  message("Fitting linear model to every feature and extract proportion of
          variance explained by covariates.")
  if (!is.null(model.form)) {
    message("Use provided model formula.")
    tmp.formula <- stats::as.formula(model.form)
  } else {
    message("Construct formula from covariates.")
    tmp.formula = stats::as.formula(paste("y", " ~ ", paste(model.vars,
                                                            collapse = " + ")))

  # Add a progress bar.
  features <- colnames(tmp.cnts)
  lm.pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min=0, max=length(features), style=3,
                                 width=80, char="=")

  model.variances <- NULL
  for (x in seq_along(features)) {
    y <- tmp.cnts[[eval(x)]]

    model.fit <- stats::lm(tmp.formula, data = tmp.meta)
    model.variances <- rbind.data.frame(model.variances,
    utils::setTxtProgressBar(lm.pb, x)
  # close progress bar

  res <- dplyr::mutate(model.variances, type = eval(type))
  attr(res, "modelType") <- "anova"


#' Estimate Explained Variance with Linear Mixed Models
#' The function offers a selection of methods/algorithms to estimate the
#' proportion of variance that can be attributed to covariates of interest.
#' This shows, how much variation is explained by the treatment effect, which
#' proportion is introduced by processing in batches and the leftover variance,
#' i.e., residuals that are not currently explained. Covariates of interest
#' (CoI) are selected by the user and the function will incorporate them into
#' the model.
#' Linear Mixed Model (lmm): Only the first covariate is considered a mixed
#' effect. A model is fitted to each OTU respectively and the proportion of
#' variance extracted for each covariate.
#' (OTU_x ~ covariate_2.. + covariate_n + (1|covariate_1)
#' @keywords LMM Proportion of Variance
#' @param model.form Formula for linear mixed model, function will create simple
#' additive linear mixed model if this argument is not supplied.
#' @param model.vars Covariates to use for model building if argument
#' 'model.form' is not given.
#' @param tmp.cnts Abundance matrix in 'sample x feature' orientation.
#' @param tmp.meta Covariate table that contains at least the used variables.
#' @param type String the denotes data source, i.e., one of "otu","clr" or "tss"
#' for the transformed counts or the label of the batch corrected count-matrix.
#' @return Data.frame that contains proportions of variance for given covariates
#' in a linear mixed modelling approach.
#' @include mbecs_classes.R
mbecModelVarianceLMM <- function(model.form, model.vars, tmp.cnts, tmp.meta,
                                 type) {

  message("Fitting linear-mixed model to every feature and extract proportion
          of variance explained by covariates.")
  # FixMe: maybe include the option to adjust this
  control=lme4::lmerControl(calc.derivs=TRUE, check.rankX="stop.deficient")

  if (!is.null(model.form)) {
    message("Use provided model formula.")
    tmp.formula <- stats::as.formula(model.form)
  } else {
    message("Construct formula from covariates.")
    f.terms <- paste("(1|", model.vars, ")", sep = "")
    tmp.formula <- stats::as.formula(paste(paste("y", paste(model.vars[-1],
                                                            collapse = " + "),
                                                 sep = " ~ "),
                                           paste(f.terms[1], collapse = " + "),
                                           sep = " + "))
  # Add a progress bar.
  features <- colnames(tmp.cnts)
  lmm.pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(features), style = 3,
                                  width = 80, char="=")

  model.variances <- NULL
  for (x in seq_along(features)) {
    y <- tmp.cnts[[eval(x)]]  # meh

    model.fit <- lme4::lmer(tmp.formula, data = tmp.meta, control = control)
    model.variances <- rbind.data.frame(model.variances,

    utils::setTxtProgressBar(lmm.pb, x)
  res <- dplyr::mutate(model.variances, type = eval(type))
  attr(res, "modelType") <- "linear-mixed model"


#' Estimate Explained Variance with Redundancy Analysis
#' The function offers a selection of methods/algorithms to estimate the
#' proportion of variance that can be attributed to covariates of interest.
#' This shows, how much variation is explained by the treatment effect, which
#' proportion is introduced by processing in batches and the leftover variance,
#' i.e., residuals that are not currently explained. Covariates of interest
#' (CoI) are selected by the user and the function will incorporate them into
#' the model.
#' partial Redundancy Analysis (rda): Iterates over given covariates, builds a
#' model of all covariates that includes one variable as condition/constraint
#' and then fits it to the feature abundance matrix. The difference in explained
#' variance between the full- and the constrained-model is then attributed to
#' the constraint. (cnts ~ group + Condition(batch) vs. cnts ~ group + batch)
#' @keywords Partial Redundancy Analysis of Variance
#' @param model.vars Covariates to use for model building.
#' @param tmp.cnts Abundance matrix in 'sample x feature' orientation.
#' @param tmp.meta Covariate table that contains at least the used variables.
#' @param type String the denotes data source, i.e., one of "otu","clr" or "tss"
#' for the transformed counts or the label of the batch corrected count-matrix.
#' @return Data.frame that contains proportions of variance for given covariates
#' in a partial redundancy analysis approach.
#' @include mbecs_classes.R
mbecModelVarianceRDA <- function(model.vars, tmp.cnts, tmp.meta, type) {

  model.variances = data.frame(matrix(nrow = length(model.vars),
                                      ncol = 1, dimnames = list(model.vars,
  # Add a progress bar.
  rda.pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(model.vars), style = 3,
                                  width = 80, char="=")

  for (condition.idx in seq_along(model.vars)) {
    tmp.formula = stats::as.formula(
      paste("tmp.cnts"," ~ ",
                  "+", collapse = " "), " Condition(",
            model.vars[eval(condition.idx)],")", sep = ""))

    tmp.rda.covariate <- vegan::rda(tmp.formula,
                                    data = tmp.meta)

    model.variances[condition.idx,eval(type)] <-
      summary(tmp.rda.covariate)$partial.chi *

    utils::setTxtProgressBar(rda.pb, condition.idx)
  res <- data.frame(t(model.variances)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(type = eval(type))
  attr(res, "modelType") <- "rda"


#' Estimate Explained Variance with Principal Variance Component Analysis
#' The function offers a selection of methods/algorithms to estimate the
#' proportion of variance that can be attributed to covariates of interest.
#' This shows, how much variation is explained by the treatment effect, which
#' proportion is introduced by processing in batches and the leftover variance,
#' i.e., residuals that are not currently explained. Covariates of interest
#' (CoI) are selected by the user and the function will incorporate them into
#' the model.
#' Principal Variance Component Analysis (pvca): Algorithm - calculate the
#' correlation of the fxs count-matrix - from there extract the eigenvectors and
#' eigenvalues and calculate the proportion of explained variance per
#' eigenvector (i.e. principal component) by dividing the eigenvalues by the
#' sum of eigenvalues. Now select as many PCs as required to fill a chosen
#' quota for the total proportion of explained variance. Iterate over all PCs
#' and fit a linear mixed model that contains all covariates as random effect
#' and all unique interactions between two covariates. Compute variance
#' covariance components form the resulting model --> From there we get the
#' Variance that each covariate(variable) contributes to this particular PC.
#' Then just standardize variance by dividing it through the sum of variance for
#' that model. Scale each PCs results by the proportion this PC accounted for in
#' the first place. And then do it again by dividing it through the total amount
#' of explained variance, i.e. the cutoff to select the number of PCs to take
#' (obviously not the cutoff but rather the actual values for the selected PCs).
#' Finally take the average over each random variable and interaction term and
#' display in a nice plot.
#' @keywords Principal Variance Component Analysis
#' @param model.vars Covariates to use for model building.
#' @param tmp.cnts Abundance matrix in 'sample x feature' orientation.
#' @param tmp.meta Covariate table that contains at least the used variables.
#' @param type String the denotes data source, i.e., one of "otu","clr" or "tss"
#' for the transformed counts or the label of the batch corrected count-matrix.
#' @param pct_threshold Cutoff value for accumulated variance in principal
#' components.
#' @param na.action Set NA handling, will take global option if not supplied.
#' @return Data.frame that contains proportions of variance for given covariates
#' in a principal variance component analysis approach.
#' @include mbecs_classes.R
mbecModelVariancePVCA <- function(model.vars, tmp.cnts, tmp.meta, type,
                                  pct_threshold, na.action) {
  n.vars <- length(model.vars)
  s.names <- rownames(tmp.cnts)

  tmp.cnts = apply(tmp.cnts, 2, scale, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE) %>%
  colnames(tmp.cnts) <- s.names
  tmp.cor <- stats::cor(tmp.cnts)

  eCor <- eigen(tmp.cor)
  eVal <- eCor$values
  eVec <- eCor$vectors
  rownames(eVec) <- s.names
  n.eVal <- length(eVal)
  sum.eVal <- sum(eVal)
  prop.PCs <- eVal/sum.eVal

  n.PCs <- max(3, min(which(vapply(cumsum(prop.PCs),
                                   function(x) x >= pct_threshold,
                                   FUN.VALUE = logical(1)))))
  # suppress tibble verbose output
  suppressMessages(lmm.df <- eVec %>%
    tibble::as_tibble(.name_repair = "unique") %>%
    dplyr::select_at(seq_len(eval(n.PCs))) %>%
    cbind(., tmp.meta))

  f.terms <- paste("(1|", model.vars, ")", sep = "")

  for( var.idx in seq_len((n.vars - 1)) ) {
    for( interaction.idx in seq.int(from=(var.idx + 1), to=(n.vars), by=1) ) {
      f.terms <- c(f.terms, paste("(1|", model.vars[var.idx], ":",
                                  model.vars[interaction.idx], ")", sep = ""))
  n.effects <- length(f.terms) + 1
  randomEffectsMatrix <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = n.PCs, ncol = n.effects)

  model.formula <- stats::as.formula(paste("lmm.df[,vec.idx]", " ~ ",
                                                 collapse = " + "), sep = ""))

  for (vec.idx in seq_len(n.PCs)) {
    randomEffects <- data.frame(lme4::VarCorr(Rm1ML <-
                                                         REML = TRUE,
                                                         verbose = 0,

    randomEffectsMatrix[vec.idx, ] <- as.numeric(randomEffects[, 4])

  names.effects <- randomEffects[, 1]
  randomEffectsMatrix.std <- randomEffectsMatrix/rowSums(randomEffectsMatrix)

  scaled.eVal <- eVal/sum(eVal)
  randomEffectsMatrix.wgt <- randomEffectsMatrix.std*scaled.eVal[seq_len(n.PCs)]

  model.variances <- colSums(randomEffectsMatrix.wgt)/
  names(model.variances) <- names.effects

  res <- data.frame(t(model.variances)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(type = eval(type))
  attr(res, "modelType") <- "PVCA - lmm"


#' Estimate Explained Variance with Silhouette Coefficient
#' The function offers a selection of methods/algorithms to estimate the
#' proportion of variance that can be attributed to covariates of interest.
#' This shows, how much variation is explained by the treatment effect, which
#' proportion is introduced by processing in batches and the leftover variance,
#' i.e., residuals that are not currently explained. Covariates of interest
#' (CoI) are selected by the user and the function will incorporate them into
#' the model.
#' Silhouette Coefficient (s.coef): Calculate principal components and get
#' sample-wise distances on the resulting (sxPC) matrix. Then iterate over all
#' the covariates and calculate the cluster silhouette (which is basically
#' either zero, if the cluster contains only a single element, or it is the
#' distance to the closest different cluster minus the distance of the sample
#' within its own cluster divided (scaled) by the maximum distance). Average
#' over each element in a cluster for all clusters and there is the
#' representation of how good the clustering is. This shows how good a
#' particular covariate characterizes the data, i.e., a treatment variable for
#' instance may differentiate the samples into treated and untreated groups
#' which implies two clusters. In an ideal scenario, the treatment variable,
#' i.e., indicator for some biological effect would produce a perfect
#' clustering. In reality, the confounding variables, e.g., batch, sex or age,
#' will also influence the ordination of samples. Hence, the clustering
#' coefficient is somewhat similar to the amount of explained variance metric
#' that the previous methods used. If used to compare an uncorrected data-set to
#' a batch-corrected set, the expected result would be an increase of clustering
#' coefficient for the biological effect (and all other covariates - because a
#' certain amount of uncertainty was removed from the data) and a decrease for
#' the batch effect.
#' @keywords Silhouette Coefficient Assessment
#' @param model.vars Covariates to use for model building.
#' @param tmp.cnts Abundance matrix in 'sample x feature' orientation.
#' @param tmp.meta Covariate table that contains at least the used variables.
#' @param type String the denotes data source, i.e., one of "otu","clr" or "tss"
#' for the transformed counts or the label of the batch corrected count-matrix.
#' @return Data.frame that contains proportions of variance for given covariates
#' in a silhouette coefficient analysis approach.
#' @include mbecs_classes.R
mbecModelVarianceSCOEF <- function(model.vars, tmp.cnts, tmp.meta, type) {

  tmp.prcomp <- stats::prcomp(tmp.cnts,
                              center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)

  tmp.dist <- stats::dist(tmp.prcomp$x,
                          method = "euclidian")

  avg.sil.df <- NULL
  for (var.elem in model.vars) {

    tmp.sil = cluster::silhouette(x=as.numeric(tmp.meta[,eval(var.elem)]),
                                  dist = tmp.dist)

    avg.sil.df <- rbind.data.frame(avg.sil.df,
                                   sil.coefficient =

  res <- avg.sil.df %>%
    dplyr::mutate(type = eval(type))
  attr(res, "modelType") <- "s.coef"


# VARIANCE STATISTICS -----------------------------------------------------

#' Wrapper for Model Variable Variance Extraction
#' For a Linear (Mixed) Model, this function extracts the proportion of variance
#' that can be explained by terms and interactions and returns a named
#' row-vector.
#' Linear Model: Perform an analysis of variance (ANOVA) on the model.fit and
#' return the Sum of squares for each term, scaled by the total sum of squares.
#' Linear Mixed Model: employ helper function 'mbecMixedVariance' to extract
#' residuals, random effects and fixed effects components from the model. The
#' components are then transformed to reflect explained proportions of variance
#' for the model coefficients. The function implements transformation for
#' varying coefficients as well, but NO ADJUSTMENT for single or multiple
#' coefficients at this point.
#' @keywords lm lmm proportion variance
#' @param model.fit A linear (mixed) model object of class 'lm' or 'lmerMod'.
#' @return A named row-vector, containing proportional variance for model terms.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # This will return the data.frame for plotting.
#' limo <- stats::lm(dummy.list$cnts[,1] ~ group + batch, data=dummy.list$meta)
#' vec.variance <- mbecVarianceStats(model.fit=limo)
mbecVarianceStats <- function(model.fit) {

  ### ToDo: implement glm versions of this

  # check validity of model fit

  # linear model
  if (is(model.fit, "lm")) {

    res <- mbecVarianceStatsLM(model.fit)

  } else if (is(model.fit, "lmerMod")) {

    res <- mbecVarianceStatsLMM(model.fit)

  } else if (is(model.fit, "glm")) {
    ### ToDon't

#' Model Variable Variance Extraction from LM
#' For a Linear Model, this function extracts the proportion of variance
#' that can be explained by terms and interactions and returns a named
#' row-vector.
#' Linear Model: Perform an analysis of variance (ANOVA) on the model.fit and
#' return the Sum of squares for each term, scaled by the total sum of squares.
#' @keywords lm proportion variance
#' @param model.fit A linear model object of class 'lm'.
#' @return A named row-vector, containing proportional variance for model terms.
mbecVarianceStatsLM <- function(model.fit) {

  vp = stats::anova(model.fit) %>%
    data.frame() %>%
    dplyr::mutate(variance =
                    dplyr::select(., "Sum.Sq")/sum(dplyr::select(.,"Sum.Sq")),
                  .keep = "none") %>%


#' Model Variable Variance Extraction from LMM
#' For a Linear Mixed Model, this function extracts the proportion of variance
#' that can be explained by terms and interactions and returns a named
#' row-vector.
#' Linear Mixed Model: employ helper function 'mbecMixedVariance' to extract
#' residuals, random effects and fixed effects components from the model. The
#' components are then transformed to reflect explained proportions of variance
#' for the model coefficients. The function implements transformation for
#' varying coefficients as well, but NO ADJUSTMENT for single or multiple
#' coefficients at this point.
#' @keywords lmm proportion variance
#' @param model.fit A linear mixed model object of class 'lmerMod'.
#' @return A named row-vector, containing proportional variance for model terms.
mbecVarianceStatsLMM <- function(model.fit) {

  vc <- mbecMixedVariance(model.fit)

  lib.df <- data.frame(
    covariates = colnames(model.fit@frame),
    row.names = vapply(colnames(model.fit@frame),
                                     levels(model.fit@frame[, eval(covariate)]),
                                     sep = ""), collapse = ","),
                       FUN.VALUE = character(1)))

  total.var.LUT <- unlist(lapply(vc, function(var.comp) {
    if (length(var.comp) > 1) {
      weights = (table(
                                           collapse = ",")),
      var.comp %*% weights
    } else {
      names(var.comp) <- NULL
  }), use.names = TRUE, recursive = FALSE)

  vp <- list()

  for (effect in names(vc)) {

    # value of this effect divided by the total variance
    tmp.t.var <- sum(total.var.LUT[-which(names(total.var.LUT) %in%
    vp[[eval(effect)]] <- vc[[eval(effect)]]/(tmp.t.var +

  vp <- unlist(vp)
  names(vp) <- gsub(".(Intercept)", replacement = "",
                    names(vp), fixed = TRUE)
  vp <- data.frame(t(vp))


#' Mixed Model Variance-Component Extraction
#' A helper function that extracts the variance components of linear mixed
#' models, i.e., residuals, random-effects, fixed-effects, scales them to
#' sample-size and returns a list of components.
#' Uses 'lme4::VarCorr' to extract Residuals and random-effects components.
#' Standard Deviation of Residuals is stored as 'sc' attribute in the output of
#' 'VarCorr'.
#' Uses 'lme4::fixef' to extract fixed-effects components, i.e., parameter
#' estimates. The attribute 'pp' of the model contains the dense model matrix
#' for fixed-effects parameters (X). The fixed effects variance, sigma2f, is the
#' variance of the matrix-multiplication beta times X (parameter vector by
#' model matrix)
#' @keywords lmm proportion variance
#' @param model.fit A linear mixed model object of class 'lmerMod'.
#' @return A named list, containing proportional variance for model terms that
#' describe mixed effects.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # This will return the variance of random/mixed components.
#' limimo <- lme4::lmer(dummy.list$cnts[,1] ~ group + (1|batch),
#' data=dummy.list$meta)
#' list.variance <- mbecMixedVariance(model.fit=limimo)
mbecMixedVariance <- function(model.fit) {

  rVC <- lme4::VarCorr(model.fit)

  randomVar <- c(Residuals = attr(rVC, "sc")^2, lapply(rVC, diag))

  n.scaling <- (stats::nobs(model.fit) - 1)/stats::nobs(model.fit)

  fixedVar <- t(t(model.fit@pp$X) * lme4::fixef(model.fit)) %>%
    as.data.frame() %>%
    dplyr::select(!"(Intercept)") %>%
    dplyr::mutate(total.var = apply(., 1, sum)) %>%
    apply(2, function(effect) stats::var(effect) * n.scaling)

  fixedVar <- lapply(
    split(utils::head(fixedVar, -1)/sum(utils::head(fixedVar,-1)) *
            utils::tail(fixedVar, 1), names(utils::head(fixedVar, -1))),

  return(c(randomVar, fixedVar))

#' Validate Linear (Mixed) Models
#' A helper function that calculates the collinearity between model variables
#' and stops execution, if the maximum value is bigger than the allowed
#' threshold.
#' ToDo: maybe some additional validation steps and more informative output.
#' @keywords collinearity model validation
#' @param model.fit lm() or lmm() output.
#' @param colinearityThreshold Cut-off for model rejection, I=[0,1].
#' @return No return values. Stops execution if validation fails.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # This will just go through if colinearity threshold is met.
#' limimo <- lme4::lmer(dummy.list$cnts[,1] ~ group + (1|batch),
#' data=dummy.list$meta)
#' mbecValidateModel(model.fit=limimo, colinearityThreshold=0.999)
mbecValidateModel <- function(model.fit, colinearityThreshold = 0.999) {
  ## ToDo: health & Safety
  if( colinScore(model.fit) > colinearityThreshold) {
    warning("Some covariates are strongly correlated.
            Please re-evaluate the variable selection and try again.")

#' Variable Correlation Linear (Mixed) Models
#' Takes a fitted model and computes maximum correlation between covariates as
#' return value. Return value contains actual correlation-matrix as 'vcor'
#' attribute.
#' ToDo: maybe some additional validation steps and more informative output.
#' @keywords collinearity model validation
#' @param model.fit lm() or lmm() output
#' @return Maximum amount of correlation for given model variables.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # This will return the maximum colinearity score in the given model
#' limimo <- lme4::lmer(dummy.list$cnts[,1] ~ group + (1|batch),
#' data=dummy.list$meta)
#' num.max_corr <- colinScore(model.fit=limimo)
colinScore <- function(model.fit) {
  # get variance-covariance matrix
  V <- stats::vcov(model.fit)
  # 'NA' values or non-square matrix
  if (any(is.na(V)) || nrow(V) == 0) {
    score <- ifelse(any(is.na(V)), 1, 0)
    attr(score, "vcor") = NA
  } else {
    # scale to correlation
    C <- stats::cov2cor(as.matrix(V))
    # get largest correlation
    score = max(abs(C[lower.tri(C)]))
    attr(score, "vcor") = C
buschlab/MBECS documentation built on Jan. 21, 2022, 1:27 a.m.