#' Scan sequences for matches to input motifs.
#' For sequences of any alphabet, scan them using the PWM matrices of
#' a set of input motifs.
#' @param motifs See `convert_motifs()` for acceptable motif formats.
#' @param sequences \code{\link{XStringSet}} Sequences to scan. Alphabet
#' should match motif.
#' @param threshold `numeric(1)` See details.
#' @param threshold.type `character(1)` One of `c('pvalue', 'qvalue',
#' 'logodds', 'logodds.abs')`. See details.
#' @param RC `logical(1)` If `TRUE`, check reverse complement of the input
#' sequences. Only available for DNA/RNA.
#' @param use.freq `numeric(1)` The default, 1, uses the motif matrix (from
#' the `motif['motif']` slot) to search for sequences. If a higher
#' number is used, then the matching k-let matrix from the
#' `motif['multifreq']` slot is used. See [add_multifreq()].
#' @param verbose `numeric(1)` Describe progress, from none (`0`) to
#' verbose (`3`).
#' @param nthreads `numeric(1)` Run [scan_sequences()] in parallel with `nthreads`
#' threads. `nthreads = 0` uses all available threads.
#' Note that no speed up will occur for jobs with only a single motif and
#' sequence.
#' @param motif_pvalue.k `numeric(1)` Control [motif_pvalue()] approximation.
#' See [motif_pvalue()]. Only used if `motif_pvalue.method = "exhaustive"`.
#' @param use.gaps `logical(1)` Set this to `FALSE` to ignore motif gaps, if
#' present.
#' @param allow.nonfinite `logical(1)` If `FALSE`, then apply a pseudocount if
#' non-finite values are found in the PWM. Note that if the motif has a
#' pseudocount greater than zero and the motif is not currently of type PWM,
#' then this parameter has no effect as the pseudocount will be
#' applied automatically when the motif is converted to a PWM internally. This
#' value is set to `FALSE` by default in order to stay consistent with
#' pre-version 1.8.0 behaviour. Also note that this parameter is not
#' compatible with `motif_pvalue.method = "dynamic"`. A message will be printed
#' if a pseudocount is applied. To disable this, set
#' `options(pseudocount.warning=FALSE)`.
#' @param warn.NA `logical(1)` Whether to warn about the presence of non-standard
#' letters in the input sequence, such as those in masked sequences.
#' @param calc.pvals `logical(1)` Calculate P-values for each hit. This is a
#' convenience option which simply gives `motif_pvalue()` the input motifs
#' and the scores of each hit. Be careful about setting this to `TRUE` if
#' you anticipate getting thousands of hits and are using
#' `motif_pvalue.method = "exhaustive"`: expect to wait a few seconds or
#' minutes for the calculations to finish. Increasing the `nthreads` value
#' can help greatly here. See Details for more information on P-value
#' calculation. If `motif_pvalue.method = "dynamic"`, then this is usually
#' not an issue.
#' @param return.granges `logical(1)` Return the results as a `GRanges` object.
#' Requires the `GenomicRanges` package to be installed.
#' @param no.overlaps `logical(1)` Remove overlapping hits from the same motifs.
#' Overlapping hits from different motifs are preserved. Please note that the
#' current implementation of this feature can add significantly to the run
#' time for large inputs.
#' @param no.overlaps.by.strand `logical(1)` Whether to discard overlapping hits
#' from the opposite strand (`TRUE`), or to only discard overlapping hits on the
#' same strand (`FALSE`).
#' @param no.overlaps.strat `character(1)` One of `c("score", "order")`.
#' The former option keeps the highest scoring overlapping hit (and the first
#' of these within ties), and the latter simply keeps the first overlapping hit.
#' @param respect.strand `logical(1)` If motifs are DNA/RNA,
#' then setting this option to `TRUE` will make `scan_sequences()` only
#' scan the strands of the input sequences as indicated in the motif
#' `strand` slot.
#' @param motif_pvalue.method `character(1)` One of `c("dynamic", "exhaustive")`.
#' Algorithm used for calculating P-values. The `"exhaustive"` method
#' involves finding all possible motif matches at or above the specified
#' score using a branch-and-bound algorithm, which can be computationally
#' intensive (Hartman et al., 2013). Additionally, the computation
#' must be repeated for each hit. The `"dynamic"` method calculates the
#' distribution of possible motif scores using a much faster dynamic
#' programming algorithm, and can be recycled for multiple
#' scores (Grant et al., 2011). The only
#' disadvantage is the inability to use `allow.nonfinite = TRUE`.
#' See [motif_pvalue()] for details.
#' @param calc.qvals `logical(1)` Whether to also calculate adjusted
#' P-values. Only valid if `calc.pvals = TRUE`.
#' @param calc.qvals.method `character(1)` One of `c("fdr", "BH", "bonferroni")`.
#' The method for calculating adjusted P-values. These are described in
#' depth in the Sequence Searches vignette. Also see Noble (2009).
#' @return `DataFrame`, `GRanges` with each row representing one hit. If the input
#' sequences are \code{\link{DNAStringSet}} or \code{\link{RNAStringSet}},
#' then an additional column with the strand is included. Function args are
#' stored in the `metadata` slot. If `return.granges = TRUE`
#' then a `GRanges` object is returned.
#' @details
#' ## Logodds scoring
#' Similar to [Biostrings::matchPWM()], the scanning method uses
#' logodds scoring. (To see the scoring matrix for any motif, simply
#' run `convert_type(motif, "PWM")`. For a `multifreq` scoring
#' matrix: `apply(motif["multifreq"][["2"]], 2, ppm_to_pwm)`). In order
#' to score a sequence, at each position within a sequence of length equal
#' to the length of the motif, the scores for each base are summed. If the
#' score sum is above the desired threshold, it is kept.
#' ## Thresholds
#' If `threshold.type = 'logodds'`, then the `threshold` value is multiplied
#' by the maximum possible motif scores. To calculate the
#' maximum possible scores a motif (of type PWM) manually, run
#' `motif_score(motif, 1)`. If \code{threshold.type = 'pvalue'},
#' then threshold logodds scores are generated using [motif_pvalue()].
#' Finally, if \code{threshold.type = 'logodds.abs'}, then the exact values
#' provided will be used as thresholds. Finally, if `threshold.type = 'qvalue'`,
#' then the threshold is calculated as if `threshold.type = 'pvalue'` and the
#' final set of hits are filtered based on their calculated Q-value. (Note:
#' this means that the `thresh.score` column will be incorrect!) This is done
#' since most Q-values cannot be calculated prior to scanning. If you are
#' running a very large job, it may be wise to use a P-value threshold
#' followed by manually filtering by Q-value; this will avoid the scanning
#' have to parse the larger number of hits from the internally-lowered threshold.
#' ## Non-standard letters
#' Non-standard letters (such as "N", "+", "-", ".", etc in \code{\link{DNAString}}
#' objects) will be safely ignored, resulting only in a warning and a very
#' minor performance cost. This can used to scan
#' masked sequences. See \code{\link[Biostrings:maskMotif]{Biostrings::mask()}}
#' for masking sequences
#' (generating \code{\link{MaskedXString}} objects), and [Biostrings::injectHardMask()]
#' to recover masked \code{\link{XStringSet}} objects for use with [scan_sequences()].
#' There is also a provided wrapper function which performs both steps: [mask_seqs()].
#' @references
#' Grant CE, Bailey TL, Noble WS (2011). "FIMO: scanning for occurrences
#' of a given motif." *Bioinformatics*, **27**, 1017-1018.
#' Hartmann H, Guthohrlein EW, Siebert M, Soding SLJ (2013).
#' “P-value-based regulatory motif discovery using positional weight
#' matrices.” *Genome Research*, **23**, 181-194.
#' Noble WS (2009). "How does multiple testing work?" *Nature Biotechnology*,
#' **27**, 1135-1137.
#' @examples
#' ## any alphabet can be used
#' \dontrun{
#' set.seed(1)
#' alphabet <- paste(c(letters), collapse = "")
#' motif <- create_motif("hello", alphabet = alphabet)
#' sequences <- create_sequences(alphabet, seqnum = 1000, seqlen = 100000)
#' scan_sequences(motif, sequences)
#' }
#' ## Sequence masking:
#' if (R.Version()$arch != "i386") {
#' library(Biostrings)
#' data(ArabidopsisMotif)
#' data(ArabidopsisPromoters)
#' seq <- mask_seqs(ArabidopsisPromoters, "AAAAA")
#' scan_sequences(ArabidopsisMotif, seq)
#' # A warning regarding the presence of non-standard letters will be given,
#' # but can be safely ignored in this case.
#' }
#' @author Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, \email{benjamin.tremblay@@uwaterloo.ca}
#' @seealso [add_multifreq()], [Biostrings::matchPWM()],
#' [enrich_motifs()], [motif_pvalue()]
#' @export
scan_sequences <- function(motifs, sequences, threshold = 0.0001,
threshold.type = c("pvalue", "qvalue", "logodds", "logodds.abs"),
RC = FALSE, use.freq = 1, verbose = 0,
nthreads = 1, motif_pvalue.k = 8, use.gaps = TRUE, allow.nonfinite = FALSE,
warn.NA = TRUE, calc.pvals = TRUE, return.granges = FALSE,
no.overlaps = FALSE, no.overlaps.by.strand = FALSE,
no.overlaps.strat = c("score", "order"),
respect.strand = FALSE, motif_pvalue.method = c("dynamic", "exhaustive"),
calc.qvals = calc.pvals, calc.qvals.method = c("fdr", "BH", "bonferroni")) {
# TODO: add a flag to use the bkg probabilities from the actual input sequence
# to be used in motif_pvalue() instead of using the bkgs from the motifs
# param check --------------------------------------------
args <- as.list(environment())
all_checks <- character()
num_check <- check_fun_params(list(threshold = args$threshold,
use.freq = args$use.freq,
verbose = args$verbose,
nthreads = args$nthreads,
motif_pvalue.k = args$motif_pvalue.k),
c(0, 1, 1, 1, 1), logical(), TYPE_NUM)
logi_check <- check_fun_params(list(RC = args$RC, use.gaps = args$use.gaps,
return.granges = args$return.granges,
no.overlaps = args$no.overlaps,
calc.qvals = args$calc.qvals,
no.overlaps.by.strand = args$no.overlaps.by.strand),
numeric(), logical(), TYPE_LOGI)
s4_check <- check_fun_params(list(sequences = args$sequences), numeric(),
logical(), TYPE_S4)
all_checks <- c(all_checks, num_check, logi_check, s4_check)
if (length(all_checks) > 0) stop(all_checks_collapse(all_checks))
motif_pvalue.method <- match.arg(motif_pvalue.method)
calc.qvals.method <- match.arg(calc.qvals.method)
threshold.type <- match.arg(threshold.type)
no.overlaps.strat <- match.arg(no.overlaps.strat)
if (motif_pvalue.method == "dynamic" && allow.nonfinite
&& (calc.pvals = TRUE || threshold.type %in% c("pvalue", "qvalue")))
stop(wmsg("`motif_pvalue.method = \"dynamic\"` and `allow.nonfinite = TRUE` are ",
"not compatible when `calc.pvals = TRUE` or ",
"`threshold.type = c(\"pvalue\", \"qvalue\")`"), call. = FALSE)
if (verbose > 2) {
message(" * Input parameters")
message(" * motifs: ", deparse(substitute(motifs)))
message(" * sequences: ", deparse(substitute(sequences)))
message(" * threshold: ", ifelse(length(threshold) > 1, "...",
message(" * threshold.type: ", threshold.type)
message(" * RC: ", RC)
message(" * respect.strand: ", respect.strand)
message(" * use.freq: ", use.freq)
message(" * use.gaps: ", use.gaps)
message(" * calc.pvals: ", calc.pvals)
message(" * calc.qvals: ", calc.qvals)
message(" * calc.qvals.method: ", calc.qvals.method)
message(" * no.overlaps: ", no.overlaps)
message(" * verbose: ", verbose)
if (!no.overlaps.strat %in% c("score", "order"))
stop("`no.overlaps.strat` must be \"score\" or \"order\"", call. = FALSE)
if (missing(motifs) || missing(sequences)) {
stop("need both motifs and sequences")
if (calc.qvals && !calc.pvals)
message("`calc.qvals = TRUE` is ignored when `calc.pvals = FALSE`")
if (RC && respect.strand)
message(wmsg("Note: `RC=TRUE` is ignored when `respect.strand=TRUE`"))
else if (respect.strand)
if (verbose > 0) message(" * Processing motifs")
if (verbose > 1) message(
" * Scanning ", length(motifs),
ifelse(length(motifs) > 1, " motifs", " motif"), " in ", length(sequences),
ifelse(length(sequences) > 1, " sequences", " sequence"),
" of average size ", round(mean(width(sequences))))
motifs <- convert_motifs(motifs)
if (!is.list(motifs)) motifs <- list(motifs)
motifs <- convert_type_internal(motifs, "PWM")
needsfix <- vapply(motifs, function(x) any(is.infinite(x@motif)), logical(1))
if (any(needsfix) && !allow.nonfinite) {
warn_pseudo(paste0("Set `allow.nonfinite = TRUE` to prevent this behaviour ",
"(when `motif_pvalue.method = \"exhaustive\", or `calc.pvals = FALSE`",
" and `threshold.type = c(\"logodds\", \"logodds.abs\")`)."))
for (i in which(needsfix)) {
motifs[[i]] <- suppressMessages(normalize(motifs[[i]]))
mot.names <- vapply(motifs, function(x) x@name, character(1))
mot.gaps <- lapply(motifs, function(x) x@gapinfo)
mot.hasgap <- vapply(mot.gaps, function(x) x@isgapped, logical(1))
if (any(mot.hasgap) && use.gaps) {
gapdat <- process_gapped_motifs(motifs, mot.hasgap)
mot.pwms <- lapply(motifs, function(x) x@motif)
mot.alphs <- vapply(motifs, function(x) x@alphabet, character(1))
if (length(unique(mot.alphs)) != 1) stop("can only scan using one alphabet")
mot.alphs <- unique(mot.alphs)
if (verbose > 1) message(" * Motif alphabet: ", mot.alphs)
seq.names <- names(sequences)
if (is.null(seq.names)) seq.names <- as.character(seq_len(length(sequences)))
seq.alph <- seqtype(sequences)
if (seq.alph != "B" && seq.alph != mot.alphs)
stop("Motif and Sequence alphabets do not match")
else if (seq.alph == "B")
seq.alph <- mot.alphs
if (respect.strand && !seq.alph %in% c("DNA", "RNA"))
stop("`respect.strand = TRUE` is only valid for DNA/RNA motifs")
if (RC && !seq.alph %in% c("DNA", "RNA")) {
warning("`RC = TRUE` is only valid for DNA/RNA motifs, ignoring")
if (use.freq > 1) {
if (any(mot.hasgap) && use.gaps)
stop("use.freq > 1 cannot be used with gapped motifs")
if (any(vapply(motifs, function(x) length(x@multifreq) == 0, logical(1))))
stop("missing multifreq slots")
check_multi <- vapply(motifs,
function(x) any(names(x@multifreq) %in%
if (!any(check_multi)) stop("not all motifs have correct multifreqs")
if (use.freq == 1) {
score.mats <- mot.pwms
} else {
score.mats <- lapply(motifs,
function(x) x@multifreq[[as.character(use.freq)]])
for (i in seq_along(score.mats)) {
score.mats[[i]] <- MATRIX_ppm_to_pwm(score.mats[[i]],
nsites = motifs[[i]]@nsites,
pseudocount = motifs[[i]]@pseudocount,
bkg = motifs[[i]]@bkg[rownames(score.mats[[i]])])
max.scores <- vapply(motifs, function(x)
suppressMessages(motif_score(x, 1, use.freq, threshold.type = "fromzero",
allow.nonfinite = allow.nonfinite)),
if (!allow.nonfinite)
min.scores <- vapply(motifs, function(x)
suppressMessages(motif_score(x, 0, use.freq)), numeric(1))
min.scores <- vapply(motifs, function(x) motif_score_min(x, use.freq), numeric(1))
if (threshold.type == "logodds") {
thresholds <- max.scores * threshold
} else if (threshold.type == "logodds.abs") {
if (!length(threshold) %in% c(length(motifs), 1))
stop(wmsg("for threshold.type = 'logodds.abs', a threshold must be provided for
every single motif or one threshold recycled for all motifs"))
if (length(threshold) == 1) threshold <- rep(threshold, length(motifs))
thresholds <- threshold
} else if (threshold.type %in% c("pvalue", "qvalue")) {
if (threshold.type == "qvalue" && !calc.qvals) {
stop("`calc.qvals` must be `TRUE` if `threshold.type = \"qvalue\"`")
if (verbose > 0)
message(" * Converting P-values to logodds thresholds")
thresholds <- motif_pvalue(motifs, pvalue = threshold, use.freq = use.freq,
method = motif_pvalue.method,
k = motif_pvalue.k, allow.nonfinite = allow.nonfinite)
if (any(is.infinite(thresholds))) {
stop(wmsg("Found -Inf values in threshold(s); try setting manual ",
"thresholds with either `threshold.type=` \"logodds\" or ",
"\"logodds.abs\" instead of \"pvalue\""),
call. = FALSE)
for (i in seq_along(thresholds)) {
if (thresholds[i] > max.scores[i]) thresholds[i] <- max.scores[i]
if (verbose > 3) {
for (i in seq_along(thresholds)) {
message(" * Motif ", mot.names[i], ": max.score = ", max.scores[i],
", threshold = ", round(thresholds[i], 3))
thresholds <- unlist(thresholds)
} else stop("unknown 'threshold.type'")
for (i in seq_along(threshold)) {
if (threshold[i] > max.scores[i])
warning(wmsg("Threshold [", round(threshold[i], 3), "] for motif ", i,
" is higher than the max possible threshold [", max.scores[i], "]"),
immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
alph <- switch(seq.alph, "DNA" = "ACGT", "RNA" = "ACGU",
"AA" = collapse_cpp(AA_STANDARD2), seq.alph)
sequences.original <- sequences
sequences <- as.character(sequences)
strands <- rep("+", length(score.mats))
if (any(mot.hasgap) && use.gaps) {
strands <- strands[gapdat$IDs]
mot.names <- mot.names[gapdat$IDs]
score.mats <- lapply(gapdat$motifs, function(x) x@motif)
thresholds <- thresholds[gapdat$IDs]
min.scores <- min.scores[gapdat$IDs]
max.scores <- max.scores[gapdat$IDs]
score.mats.original <- score.mats
if (RC || respect.strand) {
if (respect.strand) {
mot.strands <- vapply(motifs, function(x) x@strand, character(1))
keep.pos <- rep(TRUE, length(motifs))
keep.neg <- rep(TRUE, length(motifs))
keep.pos[mot.strands == "-"] <- FALSE
keep.neg[mot.strands == "+"] <- FALSE
} else {
keep.pos <- rep(TRUE, length(motifs))
keep.neg <- rep(TRUE, length(motifs))
strands <- c(strands[keep.pos], rep("-", length(score.mats))[keep.neg])
mot.names <- c(mot.names[keep.pos], mot.names[keep.neg])
thresholds <- c(thresholds[keep.pos], thresholds[keep.neg])
score.mats.rc <- lapply(score.mats,
function(x) matrix(rev(as.numeric(x)), nrow = nrow(x)))
score.mats <- c(score.mats[keep.pos], score.mats.rc[keep.neg])
min.scores <- c(min.scores[keep.pos], min.scores[keep.neg])
max.scores <- c(max.scores[keep.pos], max.scores[keep.neg])
mot.indices <- c(seq_along(motifs)[keep.pos], seq_along(motifs)[keep.neg])
motifs <- c(motifs[keep.pos], motifs[keep.neg])
thresholds[thresholds == Inf] <- min_max_ints()$max / 1000
thresholds[thresholds == -Inf] <- min_max_ints()$min / 1000
if (allow.nonfinite) {
for (i in seq_along(score.mats)) {
if (any(is.infinite(score.mats[[i]]))) {
min_val1 <- min_max_ints()$min / ncol(score.mats[[i]])
min_val2 <- as.integer(log2(nrow(score.mats[[i]])) * ncol(score.mats[[i]])) * 1000
min_val <- (min_val1 + min_val2) / 1000
score.mats[[i]][is.infinite(score.mats[[i]])] <- min_val
if (verbose > 0) message(" * Scanning")
res <- scan_sequences_cpp(score.mats, sequences, use.freq, alph, thresholds,
nthreads, allow.nonfinite, warn.NA)
if (verbose > 1) message(" * Number of matches: ", nrow(res))
if (verbose > 0) message(" * Processing results")
thresholds[thresholds <= min_max_ints()$min / 1000] <- -Inf
thresholds[thresholds >= min_max_ints()$max / 1000] <- Inf
res$thresh.score <- thresholds[res$motif]
res$min.score <- min.scores[res$motif]
res$max.score <- max.scores[res$motif]
res$score.pct <- res$score / res$max.score * 100
if (seq.alph %in% c("DNA", "RNA")) res$strand <- strands[res$motif]
res$motif <- mot.names[res$motif]
res$sequence <- seq.names[res$sequence]
if (nrow(res) == 0) message("No hits found.")
if (RC && nrow(res) > 0) res <- adjust_rc_hits(res, seq.alph)
if (RC) res$motif.i <- mot.indices[res$motif.i]
out <- as(res, "DataFrame")
out@metadata <- list(
args = args[-c(1:2)],
seqlengths = structure(width(sequences), names = names(sequences))
if (nrow(out) && any(mot.hasgap) && use.gaps) {
out$match <- add_gap_dots_cpp(out$match, gapdat$gaplocs[out$motif.i])
out$motif.i <- gapdat$IDs[out$motif.i]
if (verbose > 1) message(" * Calculating P-values")
if (nrow(out) && calc.pvals) {
out$pvalue <- NA_real_
if (motif_pvalue.method == "exhaustive") {
out$pvalue <- motif_pvalue(motifs[out$motif.i], out$score, use.freq = use.freq,
nthreads = nthreads, allow.nonfinite = allow.nonfinite, k = motif_pvalue.k,
method = motif_pvalue.method)
} else {
# TODO: do multithreaded w/ c++
for (i in unique(out$motif.i)) {
which.rows <- which(out$motif.i == i)
out$pvalue[which.rows] <- motif_pvalue(motifs[[i]], out$score[which.rows],
use.freq = use.freq, nthreads = nthreads, allow.nonfinite = allow.nonfinite,
k = motif_pvalue.k, method = motif_pvalue.method)
if (verbose > 1) message(" * Calculating Q-values")
if (calc.qvals) {
max_hits <- function(m, seqs) {
mLen <- ncol(m)
mMax <- sum(width(seqs) - mLen + 1)
if (RC) mMax * 2 else mMax
out$qvalue <- NA_real_
# TODO: do multithreaded w/ c++
if (calc.qvals.method == "fdr") {
for (i in unique(out$motif.i)) {
which.rows <- which(out$motif.i == i)
out$qvalue[which.rows] <- calc_motif_fdr(
max_hits(motifs[[i]], sequences), out$score[which.rows], out$pvalue[which.rows])
} else if (calc.qvals.method == "BH") {
for (i in unique(out$motif.i)) {
which.rows <- which(out$motif.i == i)
out$qvalue[which.rows] <- calc_motif_bh(
max_hits(motifs[[i]], sequences), out$pvalue[which.rows])
} else if (calc.qvals.method == "bonferroni") {
for (i in unique(out$motif.i)) {
which.rows <- which(out$motif.i == i)
out$qvalue[which.rows] <- calc_motif_bonferroni(
max_hits(motifs[[i]], sequences), out$pvalue[which.rows])
if (threshold.type == "qvalue") {
out <- out[out$qvalue <= threshold, ]
} else if (!nrow(out) && calc.pvals) {
out$pvalue <- numeric()
if (calc.qvals) {
out$qvalue <- numeric()
if (nrow(out) && no.overlaps) {
if (verbose > 1) message(" * Removing overlapping hits")
# TODO: multithreaded c++
if (RC && no.overlaps.by.strand) {
row.indices.plus <- which(out$strand == "+")
row.indices.minus <- which(out$strand == "-")
row.indices.plus <- remove_masked_hits(out, row.indices.plus, no.overlaps.strat)
row.indices.minus <- remove_masked_hits(switch_antisense_coords_cpp(out),
row.indices.minus, no.overlaps.strat)
row.indices <- c(row.indices.plus, row.indices.minus)
} else if (RC) {
row.indices <- remove_masked_hits(switch_antisense_coords_cpp(out),
seq_len(nrow(out)), no.overlaps.strat)
} else {
row.indices <- seq_len(nrow(out))
row.indices <- remove_masked_hits(out, seq_len(nrow(out)), no.overlaps.strat)
out <- out[row.indices, ]
if (verbose > 1) message(" * Final number of matches: ", nrow(out))
if (return.granges) {
if (verbose > 1) message(" * Processing results as GRanges")
if (is.null(names(sequences))) {
# warning(wmsg("Input sequences have no names, assigning names 1:",
# length(sequences)), call. = FALSE)
names(sequences) <- 1:length(sequences)
colnames(out)[3] <- "seqname"
if (RC) {
out <- switch_antisense_coords_cpp(out)
out <- granges_fun(GenomicRanges::GRanges(out,
seqlengths = structure(width(sequences), names = names(sequences))))
} else {
out[order(out$motif.i, out$sequence, out$start), ]
calc_motif_bonferroni <- function(mMax, pvals) {
pmin(pvals * mMax, 1)
calc_motif_bh <- function(mMax, pvals) {
pmin(pvals / ((rank(pvals) / mMax) * 100), 1)
# pmin(pvals * (rank(pvals) / mMax), 1)
calc_motif_fdr <- function(mMax, scores, pvals) {
scoreDF <- data.frame(OriginalOrder = seq_along(scores), Scores = scores,
Pvals = pvals)
scoreDF <- scoreDF[order(scoreDF$Scores), ]
scoreDF$ObsHits <- rev(seq_len(nrow(scoreDF)))
scoreDF$NulHits <- mMax * scoreDF$Pvals
scoreDF$FDR <- scoreDF$NulHits / scoreDF$ObsHits
scoreDF$FDR <- cummin(scoreDF$FDR)
scoreDF$FDR <- pmin(scoreDF$FDR, 1)
remove_masked_hits <- function(x, i = seq_len(nrow(x)), strat = "score") {
if (!length(i)) return(i)
y <- x[i, ]
y$index.tokeep <- i
switch(strat, score = remove_masked_hits_by_score(y),
order = remove_masked_hits_by_order(y))
remove_masked_hits_by_order <- function(y) {
sort(unlist(by(y, list(y$sequence, y$motif.i), function(z) {
dedup_by_order(z, flatten_group_matrix(get_overlap_groups(z)))
}, simplify = FALSE)))
remove_masked_hits_by_score <- function(y) {
sort(unlist(by(y, list(y$sequence, y$motif.i), function(z) {
dedup_by_score(z, flatten_group_matrix(get_overlap_groups(z)))
}, simplify = FALSE)))
get_overlap_groups <- function(x) {
y <- as.matrix(findOverlaps(IRanges(x$start, x$stop)))
y <- xtabs(~queryHits + subjectHits, y)
matrix(as.integer(y), nrow = nrow(x))
flatten_group_matrix <- function(x) {
if (all(x == 1)) {
# All overlapping
rep(1, length(diag(x)))
} else if (!sum(x[lower.tri(x)]) && !sum(x[upper.tri(x)])) {
# None overlapping
} else {
# Cluster overlapping
cutree(hclust(as.dist(1 - x)), h = 0.5)
dedup_by_order <- function(x, i) {
dedup_by_score <- function(x, i) {
unlist(by(x, i, function(y) {
}, simplify = FALSE))
adjust_rc_hits <- function(res, alph) {
rev.strand <- res$strand == "-"
if (any(rev.strand)) {
start <- res$stop[rev.strand]
stop <- res$start[rev.strand]
res$stop[rev.strand] <- stop
res$start[rev.strand] <- start
matches <- res$match[rev.strand]
if (alph == "DNA")
matches <- as.character(reverseComplement(DNAStringSet(matches)))
else if (alph == "RNA")
matches <- as.character(reverseComplement(RNAStringSet(matches)))
res$match[rev.strand] <- matches
# Note: It's probably a lot faster to scan the individual submotifs and then
# process the gapped motifs afterwards, versus scanning all possible gapped
# motif combinations. Would need to think about how to score the submotifs
# though; so for now, go with the dumb and slow brute force option.
process_gapped_motifs <- function(motifs, hasgap) {
motifs[hasgap] <- lapply(motifs[hasgap], ungap_single)
motifs_gapped <- mapply(function(x, y) rep(x, length(y)), hasgap, motifs,
IDs <- mapply(function(x, y) rep(x, length(y)), seq_along(motifs), motifs,
out <- list(
motifs = do.call(c, motifs),
gapped = do.call(c, motifs_gapped),
IDs = do.call(c, IDs)
out$gaplocs <- lapply(seq_along(out$motifs), function(x) integer())
out$gaplocs[out$gapped] <- lapply(out$motifs[out$gapped], get_gaplocs)
get_gaplocs <- function(x) {
y <- strsplit(x@name, "/", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
npos <- seq_len(ncol(x@motif))
lens <- vapply(y, function(x) strsplit(x, "_L", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][2], character(1))
lens <- as.numeric(lens)
lens <- lapply(lens, function(x) seq(1, x))
lenslens <- cumsum(vapply(lens[-length(lens)], length, integer(1)))
lens <- mapply(function(x, y) x + y, lens, c(0, lenslens), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
gapped <- grepl("BLANK", y)
do.call(c, lens[gapped])
get_submotifs <- function(m) {
n <- length(m@gapinfo@gaploc)
mname <- m@name
submotifs <- vector("list", n + 1)
submotifs[[1]] <- subset(m, seq(1, m@gapinfo@gaploc[1]))
submotifs[[length(submotifs)]] <- subset(
m, seq(m@gapinfo@gaploc[n] + 1, ncol(m))
if (length(submotifs) > 2) {
for (i in seq_along(submotifs)[-c(1, length(submotifs))]) {
submotifs[[i]] <- subset(
m, seq(m@gapinfo@gaploc[i - 1] + 1, m@gapinfo@gaploc[i])
for (i in seq_along(submotifs)) {
submotifs[[i]]@name <- paste0("SUB_N", i, "_L", ncol(submotifs[[i]]@motif))
make_blank_motif <- function(n, N, alph) {
alphlen <- switch(alph, DNA = 4, RNA = 4, AA = 20, nchar(alph))
mot <- matrix(0, nrow = alphlen, ncol = n)
create_motif(mot, type = "PWM", alphabet = alph,
name = paste0("BLANK_N", N, "_L", n))
ungap_single <- function(m) {
gaplens <- mapply(
seq, m@gapinfo@mingap, m@gapinfo@maxgap, SIMPLIFY = FALSE
gaplens <- expand.grid(gaplens)
out <- vector("list", nrow(gaplens))
submotifs <- get_submotifs(m)
for (i in seq_along(out)) {
tmp <- list(submotifs[[1]])
for (j in seq_len(ncol(gaplens))) {
if (gaplens[[j]][i] == 0) {
tmp <- c(tmp, list(submotifs[[j + 1]]))
} else {
tmp <- c(tmp, list(make_blank_motif(gaplens[[j]][i], j, m@alphabet),
submotifs[[j + 1]]))
out[[i]] <- do.call(cbind, tmp)
motif_score_min <- function(x, use.freq) {
if (any(is.infinite(x@motif)))
suppressMessages(motif_score(x, 0, use.freq))
granges_fun <- function(FUN, env = parent.frame()) {
if (requireNamespace("GenomicRanges", quietly = TRUE)) {
eval(substitute(FUN), envir = env)
} else {
stop(wmsg("The 'GenomicRanges' package must be installed for `return.granges=TRUE`. ",
"[BiocManager::install(\"GenomicRanges\")]"), call. = FALSE)
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