#' Motif P-value and scoring utility
#' For calculating P-values and logodds scores from P-values for any number of motifs.
#' @param motifs See [convert_motifs()] for acceptable motif formats.
#' @param score `numeric`, `list` Get a P-value for a motif from a logodds score.
#' See details for an explanation of how to vectorize the calculation for
#' `method = "dynamic"`.
#' @param pvalue `numeric`, `list` Get a logodds score for a motif from a
#' P-value. See details for an explanation of how to vectorize the calculation
#' for `method = "dynamic"`.
#' @param bkg.probs `numeric`, `list` A vector background probabilities.
#' If supplying individual background
#' probabilities for each motif, a list of such vectors. If missing,
#' retrieves the background from the motif `bkg` slot. Note that this
#' option is only used when `method = "dynamic"`, or when
#' `method = "exhaustive"` and providing a P-value and returning a score; for
#' the inverse, the motifs are first converted to PWMs via [convert_type()],
#' which uses the motif `bkg` slot for background adjustment.
#' @param use.freq `numeric(1)` By default uses the regular motif matrix;
#' otherwise uses the corresponding `multifreq` matrix. Max is 3 when
#' `method = "exhaustive"`.
#' @param k `numeric(1)` For speed, scores/P-values can be approximated after
#' subsetting the motif every `k` columns when `method = "exhaustive"`.
#' If `k` is a value
#' equal or higher to the size of input motif(s), then the calculations
#' are exact. The default, 8, is recommended to those looking for
#' a good tradeoff between speed and accuracy for jobs requiring repeated
#' calculations. Note that this is ignored when `method = "dynamic"`,
#' as subsetting is not required.
#' @param nthreads `numeric(1)` Run [motif_pvalue()] in parallel with `nthreads`
#' threads. `nthreads = 0` uses all available threads. Currently only
#' applied when `method = "exhaustive"`.
#' @param rand.tries `numeric(1)` When `ncol(motif) < k` and
#' `method = "exhaustive"`, an approximation is
#' used. This involves randomly approximating the overall
#' motif score distribution. To increase accuracy, the distribution is
#' approximated `rand.tries` times and the final scores averaged. Note
#' that this is ignored when `method = "dynamic"`, as subsetting is not
#' required.
#' @param rng.seed `numeric(1)` In order to allow [motif_pvalue()] to perform
#' C++ level parallelisation, it must work independently from R. This means
#' it cannot communicate with R to get/set the R RNG state. To get around
#' this, the RNG seed used by the C++ function can be set with `rng.seed`.
#' To make sure each thread gets a different seed however, the seed
#' is multiplied with the iteration count. For example: when working with
#' two motifs, the second motif gets the following seed: `rng.seed * 2`.
#' The default is to pick a random
#' number as chosen by [sample()], which effectively makes [motif_pvalue()]
#' dependent on the R RNG state. Note that this is ignored when
#' `method = "dynamic"`, as the random subsetting is only used for
#' `method = "exhaustive"`.
#' @param allow.nonfinite `logical(1)` If `FALSE`, then apply a pseudocount if
#' non-finite values are found in the PWM. Note that if the motif has a
#' pseudocount greater than zero and the motif is not currently of type PWM,
#' then this parameter has no effect as the pseudocount will be
#' applied automatically when the motif is converted to a PWM internally.
#' Note that this option is incompatible with `method = "dynamic"`.
#' A message will be printed if a pseudocount
#' is applied. To disable this, set `options(pseudocount.warning=FALSE)`.
#' @param method `character(1)` One of `c("dynamic", "exhaustive")`.
#' Algorithm used for calculating P-values. The `"exhaustive"` method
#' involves finding all possible motif matches at or above the specified
#' score using a branch-and-bound algorithm, which can be computationally
#' intensive (Hartman et al., 2013). Additionally, the computation
#' must be repeated for each hit. The `"dynamic"` method calculates the
#' distribution of possible motif scores using a much faster dynamic
#' programming algorithm, and can be recycled for multiple
#' scores (Grant et al., 2011). The only
#' disadvantage is the inability to use `allow.nonfinite = TRUE`.
#' @return `numeric`, `list` A vector or list of vectors of scores/P-values.
#' @details
#' ## Regarding vectorization
#' A note regarding vectorizing the calculation when `method = "dynamic"` (no
#' vectorization is possible with `method = "exhaustive"`): to avoid performing
#' the P-value/score calculation repeatedly for individual motifs, provide the
#' `score`/`pvalue` arguments as a list, with each entry corresponding to the
#' scores/P-values to be calculated for the respective motifs provided to
#' `motifs`. If you simply provide a list of repeating motifs and a single
#' numeric vector of corresponding input scores/P-values, then [motif_pvalue()]
#' will not vectorize. See the Examples section.
#' ## The dynamic method
#' One of the algorithms available to [motif_pvalue()] to calculate scores or
#' P-values is the dynamic programming algorithm used by FIMO (Grant et al., 2011).
#' In this method, a small range of possible scores from the possible miminum and maximum
#' is created and the cumulative probability of each score in this distribution is
#' incrementally
#' calculated using the logodds scores and the background probabilities. This
#' distribution of scores and associated P-values can be used to calculate P-values
#' or scores for any input, any number of times. This method scales well with large
#' motifs, and `multifreq` representations. The only downside is that it is
#' incompatible with `allow.nonfinite = TRUE`, as this would not allow for the
#' creation of the initial range of scores. Although described for a different
#' purpose, the basic premise of the dynamic programming algorithm is also
#' described in Gupta et al. (2007).
#' ## The exhaustive method
#' Calculating P-values exhaustively for motifs can be very computationally
#' intensive. This
#' is due to how P-values must be calculated: for a given score, all possible
#' sequences which score equal or higher must be found, and the probability for
#' each of these sequences (based on background probabilities) summed. For a DNA
#' motif of length 10, the number of possible unique sequences is 4^10 = 1,048,576.
#' Finding all possible sequences higher than a given score can be done
#' very efficiently and quickly with a branch-and-bound algorithm, but as the
#' motif length increases even this calculation becomes impractical. To get
#' around this, the P-value calculation can be approximated.
#' In order to calculate P-values for longer motifs, this function uses the
#' approximation proposed by Hartmann et al. (2013), where
#' the motif is subset, P-values calculated for the subsets, and finally
#' combined for a total P-value. The smaller the size of the subsets, the
#' faster the calculation; but also, the bigger the approximation. This can be
#' controlled by setting `k`. In fact, for smaller motifs (< 13 positions)
#' calculating exact P-values can be done individually in reasonable time by
#' setting `k = 12`.
#' To calculate a score from a P-value, all possible scores are calculated
#' and the `(1 - pvalue) * 100` nth percentile score returned.
#' When `k < ncol(motif)`, the complete set of scores is instead approximated
#' by randomly adding up all possible scores from each subset.
#' Note that this approximation
#' can actually be potentially quite expensive at times and even slower than
#' the exact version; for jobs requiring lots of repeat calculations, a bit of
#' benchmarking beforehand can be useful to find the optimal settings.
#' Please note that bugs are more likely to occur when using the exhaustive
#' method, as the algorithm contains several times more code compared to the
#' dynamic method. Unless you have a strong need to use `allow.nonfinite = TRUE`
#' then avoid using this method.
#' @references
#' Grant CE, Bailey TL, Noble WS (2011). "FIMO: scanning for occurrences
#' of a given motif." *Bioinformatics*, **27**, 1017-1018.
#' Gupta S, Stamatoyannopoulos JA, Bailey TL, Noble WS (2007). "Quantifying
#' similarity between motifs." *Genome Biology*, **8**, R24.
#' Hartmann H, Guthohrlein EW, Siebert M, Soding SLJ (2013).
#' “P-value-based regulatory motif discovery using positional weight
#' matrices.” *Genome Research*, **23**, 181-194.
#' @examples
#' if (R.Version()$arch != "i386") {
#' ## P-value/score calculations are performed using the PWM version of the
#' ## motif
#' data(examplemotif)
#' ## Get a minimum score based on a P-value
#' motif_pvalue(examplemotif, pvalue = 0.001)
#' ## Get the probability of a particular sequence hit
#' motif_pvalue(examplemotif, score = 0)
#' ## The calculations can be performed for multiple motifs
#' motif_pvalue(c(examplemotif, examplemotif), pvalue = c(0.001, 0.0001))
#' ## Compare score thresholds and P-value:
#' scores <- motif_score(examplemotif, c(0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9))
#' motif_pvalue(examplemotif, scores)
#' ## Calculate the probability of getting a certain match or better:
#' TATATAT <- score_match(examplemotif, "TATATAT")
#' TATATAG <- score_match(examplemotif, "TATATAG")
#' motif_pvalue(examplemotif, TATATAT)
#' motif_pvalue(examplemotif, TATATAG)
#' ## Get all possible matches by P-value:
#' get_matches(examplemotif, motif_pvalue(examplemotif, pvalue = 0.0001))
#' ## Vectorize the calculation for multiple motifs and scores/P-values:
#' m <- create_motif()
#' motif_pvalue(c(examplemotif, m), list(1:5, 2:3))
#' ## The non-vectorized equivalent:
#' motif_pvalue(
#' c(rep(list(examplemotif), 5), rep(list(m), 2)), c(1:5, 2:3)
#' )
#' }
#' @author Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, \email{benjamin.tremblay@@uwaterloo.ca}
#' @seealso [get_matches()], [get_scores()], [motif_range()], [motif_score()],
#' [prob_match()], [prob_match_bkg()], [score_match()]
#' @export
motif_pvalue <- function(motifs, score, pvalue, bkg.probs, use.freq = 1,
k = 8, nthreads = 1, rand.tries = 10, rng.seed = sample.int(1e4, 1),
allow.nonfinite = FALSE, method = c("dynamic", "exhaustive")) {
# NOTE: The calculated P-value is the chance of getting a certain score at
# one position. To get a P-value from scanning a 2000 bp stretch for
# example, the P-value is multiplied by the number of possible positions
# the motif can find itself at. For example:
# R> motif_pvalue(ArabidopsisMotif, 15)
# [1] 9.779e-08
# For a 2000 bp sequence (and motif length 15):
# R> 9.779e-08 * (2000 - 15 + 1)
# [1] 0.0001942
# This number is the probability of finding the motif with this score
# or higher once in a 2000 bp sequence. Let's say it is found three
# times with this exact score:
# R> 0.0001942^3
# [1] 7.325e-12
# param check --------------------------------------------
args <- as.list(environment())
num_check <- check_fun_params(list( use.freq = args$use.freq, k = args$k,
nthreads = args$nthreads),
c(1, 1, 1), c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE),
bkg_check <- character()
if (!missing(bkg.probs)) {
if (!is.list(bkg.probs) && !is.numeric(bkg.probs)) {
bkg_check <- paste0(" * Incorrect type for 'bkg.probs': ",
"expected 'list' or 'numeric'; got `",
class(bkg.probs)[1], "`")
use.freq_check <- character()
if (use.freq > 3 && method == "exhaustive") {
use.freq_check <- " * Incorrect 'use.freq': maximum allowed is 3 when method = \"exhaustive\""
all_checks <- c(num_check, bkg_check, use.freq_check)
if (length(all_checks) > 0) stop(all_checks_collapse(all_checks))
if (!missing(score)) {
if (!is.list(score) && !is.numeric(score))
stop(wmsg("`score` must be either a numeric vector or a list of ",
"numeric vectors"), call. = FALSE)
else if (is.list(score) && !all(vapply(score, is.numeric, logical(1))))
stop(wmsg("If `score` is a list then it must be a list of ",
"numeric vectors"), call. = FALSE)
if (!missing(pvalue)) {
if (!is.list(pvalue) && !is.numeric(pvalue))
stop(wmsg("`pvalue` must be either a numeric vector or a list of ",
"numeric vectors"), call. = FALSE)
else if (is.list(pvalue) && !all(vapply(pvalue, is.numeric, logical(1))))
stop(wmsg("If `pvalue` is a list then it must be a list of ",
"numeric vectors"), call. = FALSE)
method <- match.arg(method)
if (method == "dynamic" && allow.nonfinite)
stop(wmsg("`method = \"dynamic\"` and `allow.nonfinite = TRUE` are not compatible"),
call. = FALSE)
motifs <- convert_motifs(motifs)
if (!is.list(motifs)) motifs <- list(motifs)
if (!missing(bkg.probs)) {
if (!is.list(bkg.probs)) bkg.probs <- list(bkg.probs)
if (length(bkg.probs) != length(motifs) && length(bkg.probs) > 1) {
stop(wmsg("`bkg.probs` must be either a single numeric vector set of ",
"background probabilities ",
"or a list of background probabilities equal to the number of motifs"),
call. = FALSE)
bkg.probs.len <- lapply(bkg.probs, length)
motif.nrow <- lapply(motifs, nrow)
alph.len.check <- mapply(function(x, y) x != y^use.freq,
bkg.probs.len, motif.nrow, SIMPLIFY = TRUE)
if (any(alph.len.check))
stop("length(bkg.probs) must match nrow(motif)^use.freq")
} else bkg.probs <- rep(list(NULL), length(motifs))
bkg.probs <- mapply(motif_pvalue_bkg, motifs, bkg.probs,
MoreArgs = list(use.freq = use.freq),
motifs <- convert_type_internal(motifs, "PPM")
motifs2 <- convert_type_internal(motifs, "PWM")
anyinf <- vapply(motifs2, function(x) any(is.infinite(x@motif)), logical(1))
if (any(anyinf) && !allow.nonfinite) {
warn_pseudo(paste0("Set `allow.nonfinite = TRUE` to prevent this behaviour when ",
"`method = \"exhaustive\"`."))
for (i in which(anyinf)) {
motifs[[i]] <- suppressMessages(normalize(motifs[[i]]))
if (use.freq == 1) {
for (i in seq_along(motifs)) {
motifs[[i]]["bkg"] <- bkg.probs[[i]]
motifs <- convert_type_internal(motifs, "PWM")
motifs <- lapply(motifs, function(x) x@motif)
} else {
motifs <- lapply(seq_along(motifs), function(x)
nsites = motifs[[x]]@nsites,
pseudocount = motifs[[x]]@pseudocount,
bkg = bkg.probs[[x]]))
motnrows <- vapply(motifs, nrow, integer(1))
motnrows.k <- motnrows^k
if (method == "exhaustive" && any(motnrows.k > 1e8)) {
while (any(motnrows.k > 1e8)) {
k <- k - 1
motnrows.k <- motnrows^k
# 1e8 bytes = 200 megabytes
# 1e9 bytes = 2 gigabytes
warning(wmsg("Be careful when using motif_pvalue(method=\"exhaustive\") for ",
"motifs with large ",
"alphabets or with use.freq > 1 in combination with high k ",
"values. Currently this function does not allow use cases when ",
"nrow(motif)^k > 1e8 (or the respective use.freq slot). ",
"Continuing with k=", k, "."), immediate. = TRUE)
if (!missing(score) && missing(pvalue)) {
wasList <- FALSE
if (is.list(score)) wasList <- TRUE
input <- sanitize_input(motifs, bkg.probs, score, method)
if (method == "exhaustive") {
out <- motif_pvalue_cpp(input$motifs, input$bkg.probs, input$x,
k, nthreads, allow.nonfinite)
if (wasList) out <- restore_list(out, input$nM, input$nX)
} else if (method == "dynamic") {
out <- motif_pvalue_dynamic(input$motifs, input$bkg.probs, input$x)
# if (!wasList) out <- out[[1]]
if (!wasList) out <- unlist(out)
} else if (missing(score) && !missing(pvalue)) {
wasList <- FALSE
if (is.list(pvalue)) wasList <- TRUE
input <- sanitize_input(motifs, bkg.probs, pvalue, method)
if (method == "exhaustive") {
out <- motif_score_cpp(input$motifs, input$x, rng.seed, k, nthreads,
rand.tries, allow.nonfinite)
if (allow.nonfinite) {
out[out <= -min_max_doubles()$max] <- -Inf
if (wasList) out <- restore_list(out, input$nM, input$nX)
} else if (method == "dynamic") {
out <- motif_score_dynamic(input$motifs, input$bkg.probs, input$x)
# if (!wasList) out <- out[[1]]
if (!wasList) out <- unlist(out)
} else if (missing(score) && missing(pvalue)) {
stop("Both 'score' and 'pvalue' cannot be missing")
} else {
stop("only one of 'score' and 'pvalue' can be used at a time")
restore_list <- function(x, nM, nX) {
if (length(nX) == 1) {
i <- rep(seq_len(nM), each = nX)
unname(tapply(x, i, list))
} else {
out <- vector("list", nM)
nX <- cumsum(nX)
out[[1]] <- x[1:nX[1]]
for (i in seq_along(nX)[-1]) {
out[[i]] <- x[(nX[i - 1] + 1):nX[i]]
sanitize_input <- function(mots, bkgs, x, method) {
# Note: having this function is somewhat insane, but I am trying to stay
# backwards-compatible.
if (is.numeric(x)) {
if (any(is.infinite(x))) {
stop(wmsg("`score`/`pvalue` cannot be non-finite"), call. = FALSE)
} else if (is.list(x)) {
if (any(vapply(x, function(y) any(is.infinite(y)), logical(1)))) {
stop(wmsg("`score`/`pvalue` cannot be non-finite"), call. = FALSE)
nM <- NULL
nX <- NULL
if (method == "dynamic") {
if (length(mots) == 1 && is.numeric(x)) {
x <- list(x)
} else if (length(mots) == 1 && is.list(x)) {
if (length(x) != length(mots)) {
stop(wmsg("If `pvalue`/`score` is a `list`, then it must be a single ",
"list item or be of equal length to the number of motifs"),
call. = FALSE)
} else if (length(mots) > 1 && is.numeric(x)) {
if (length(x) == 1) {
x <- as.list(rep_len(x, length(mots)))
} else if (length(x) == length(mots)) {
x <- as.list(x)
} else {
stop(wmsg("If `pvalue`/`score` is a `numeric` vector, then it must be ",
"of length one or of equal length to the number of motifs"),
call. = FALSE)
} else if (length(mots) > 1 && is.list(x)) {
if (length(x) == 1) {
x <- rep_len(x, length(mots))
} else if (length(x) != length(mots)) {
stop(wmsg("If `pvalue`/`score` is a `list`, then it must be a single ",
"list item or be of equal length to the number of motifs"),
call. = FALSE)
} else if (method == "exhaustive") {
if (length(mots) == 1 && is.numeric(x)) {
if (length(x) > 1) {
mots <- rep_len(mots, length(x))
bkgs <- rep_len(bkgs, length(x))
} else if (length(mots) == 1 && is.list(x)) {
if (length(x) > 1) {
stop(wmsg("If `pvalue`/`score` is a `list`, then it must be a single ",
"list item or be of equal length to the number of motifs"),
call. = FALSE)
x <- x[[1]]
nM <- 1
nX <- length(x)
mots <- rep_len(mots, length(x))
bkgs <- rep_len(bkgs, length(x))
} else if (length(mots) > 1 && is.numeric(x)) {
if (length(x) == 1) {
x <- rep_len(x, length(mots))
} else if (length(x) != length(mots)) {
stop(wmsg("If `pvalue`/`score` is a `numeric` vector, then it must be ",
"of length one or of equal length to the number of motifs"),
call. = FALSE)
} else if (length(mots) > 1 && is.list(x)) {
if (length(x) == 1) {
nM <- length(mots)
nX <- length(x[[1]])
mots <- rep(mots, each = nX)
bkgs <- rep(bkgs, each = nX)
x <- unlist(rep(x, each = nM))
} else if (length(x) != length(mots)) {
stop(wmsg("If `pvalue`/`score` is a `list`, then it must be a single ",
"list item or be of equal length to the number of motifs"),
call. = FALSE)
} else {
nM <- length(mots)
nX <- vapply(x, length, integer(1))
mots <- unlist(mapply(function(z1, z2) rep(list(z1), length(z2)),
mots, x, SIMPLIFY = FALSE), recursive = FALSE)
bkgs <- unlist(mapply(function(z1, z2) rep(list(z1), length(z2)),
bkgs, x, SIMPLIFY = FALSE), recursive = FALSE)
x <- unlist(x)
list(motifs = mots, bkg.probs = bkgs, x = x, nM = nM, nX = nX)
# TODO: multithreaded
motif_score_dynamic <- function(motifs, bkg.probs, pvalue) {
mapply(motif_score_dynamic_single_cpp, motifs, bkg.probs, pvalue, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
motif_pvalue_dynamic <- function(motifs, bkg.probs, score) {
mapply(motif_pvalue_dynamic_single_cpp, motifs, bkg.probs, score, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
motif_score_dynamic_single <- function(mot, bkg, p) {
maxs <- sum(apply(mot, 2, max))
mins2 <- sum(apply(mot, 2, min))
mins <- abs(as.integer(min(mot) * 1000) * ncol(mot))
mcdf <- motif_cdf(mot, bkg)
pindex <- vapply(p, function(x) min(c(which(mcdf <= x), length(mcdf)), na.rm = TRUE), integer(1))
res <- (pindex - mins) / 1000
res[res > maxs] <- maxs
res[res < mins2] <- mins2
motif_pvalue_dynamic_single <- function(mot, bkg, s) {
mins <- as.integer(min(mot) * 1000) * ncol(mot)
sint <- as.integer(s * 1000) - mins
mcdf <- motif_cdf(mot, bkg)
pmax(mcdf[sint], 0, na.rm = TRUE)
motif_cdf <- function(mot, bkg) {
mot <- mot * 1000
mot <- apply(mot, 1:2, as.integer)
motmin <- abs(min(mot))
mot <- mot + motmin
motwidth <- ncol(mot)
alphlen <- nrow(mot)
maxscore <- max(mot)
cdflen <- motwidth * maxscore + 1
pdfnew <- rep(1, cdflen)
for (i in seq_len(motwidth)) {
maxstep <- (i - 1) * maxscore + 1
pdfold <- pdfnew
pdfnew[seq_len(maxstep + maxscore)] <- 0
for (j in seq_len(alphlen)) {
s <- mot[j, i]
for (k in seq_len(maxstep)) {
if (pdfold[k] != 0) {
pdfnew[k + s] <- pdfnew[k + s] + pdfold[k] * bkg[j]
rev(cumsum(rev(pdfnew / sum(pdfnew))))
motif_pvalue_bkg <- function(motif, bkg.probs, use.freq) {
lets1 <- rownames(motif@motif)
if (use.freq > 1) lets2 <- get_klets(lets1, use.freq)
if (is.null(bkg.probs)) {
if (use.freq == 1) {
out <- motif@bkg[lets1]
} else {
out <- rep(1 / length(lets2), length(lets2))
names(out) <- lets2
} else {
if (use.freq == 1) {
if (is.null(names(bkg.probs))) {
if (length(bkg.probs) != length(lets1)) {
stop(wmsg("If `bkg.probs` is unnamed, it must be the same length as ",
"the number of letters"), call. = FALSE)
out <- bkg.probs
names(out) <- lets1
} else {
out <- bkg.probs[lets1]
if (anyNA(out))
stop(wmsg("Check your named `bkg.probs` vector contains the ",
"correct letters"), call. = FALSE)
} else {
out <- bkg.probs[lets2]
if (is.null(names(bkg.probs))) {
if (length(bkg.probs) != length(lets2)) {
stop(wmsg("If `bkg.probs` is unnamed, it must be the same length as ",
"the number of klets"), call. = FALSE)
out <- bkg.probs
names(out) <- lets2
} else {
out <- bkg.probs[lets2]
if (anyNA(out))
stop(wmsg("Check your named `bkg.probs` vector contains the ",
"correct klets"), call. = FALSE)
# if (any(is.na(out))) {
# message(wmsg("Could not find higher order background probabilities from",
# " motif object, assuming uniform background"))
# out <- rep(1 / length(lets2), length(lets2))
# names(out) <- lets2
# }
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