
Defines functions merge_motifs_all merge_motifs

Documented in merge_motifs

#' Merge motifs.
#' Aligns the motifs using [compare_motifs()], then averages the
#' motif PPMs. Currently the `multifreq` slot, if filled in any of the motifs,
#' will be dropped. Only 0-order background probabilities will be kept.
#' Motifs are merged one at a time, starting with the first entry in the
#' list.
#' @param new.name `character(1)`, `NULL` Instead of collapsing existing names (if `NULL`),
#'    assign a new one manually for the merged motif.
#' @return A single motif object. See [convert_motifs()] for
#'    available formats.
#' @details
#' See [compare_motifs()] for more info on comparison parameters.
#' If using a comparison metric where 0s are not allowed (`KL`, `ALLR`, `ALLR_LL`, `IS`),
#' then pseudocounts will be added internally. These pseudocounts are only used for
#' comparison and alignment, and are not used in the final merging step.
#' Note: `score.strat = "a.mean"` is NOT recommended, as [merge_motifs()] will
#' not discriminate between two alignments with equal mean scores, even if one
#' alignment is longer than the other.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(MotifDb)
#' merged.motif <- merge_motifs(MotifDb[1:5])
#' }
#' m1 <- create_motif("TTAAACCCC", name = "1")
#' m2 <- create_motif("AACC", name = "2")
#' m3 <- create_motif("AACCCCGG", name = "3")
#' view_motifs(merge_motifs(c(m1, m2, m3)))
#' @seealso [compare_motifs()]
#' @author Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, \email{benjamin.tremblay@@uwaterloo.ca}
#' @inheritParams compare_motifs
#' @export
merge_motifs <- function(motifs, method = "ALLR", use.type = "PPM",
                         min.overlap = 6, min.mean.ic = 0.25, tryRC = TRUE,
                         relative_entropy = FALSE, normalise.scores = FALSE,
                         min.position.ic = 0, score.strat = "sum",
                         new.name = NULL) {

  # a.mean is NOT recommended! merge_motifs() will not discriminate between two
  # alignments which give the same mean score, even if one is a longer alignment
  # then the other (i.e. higher sum).

  # param check --------------------------------------------
  method <- match.arg(method, COMPARE_METRICS)
  args <- as.list(environment())
  all_checks <- character(0)
  char_check <- check_fun_params(list(method = args$method, score.strat = args$score.strat,
                                      new.name = args$new.name),
                                 numeric(), c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE), TYPE_CHAR)
  num_check <- check_fun_params(list(min.overlap = args$min.overlap,
                                     min.mean.ic = args$min.mean.ic),
                                numeric(), logical(), TYPE_NUM)
  logi_check <- check_fun_params(list(tryRC = args$tryRC,
                                      relative_entropy = args$relative_entropy,
                                      normalise.scores = args$normalise.scores),
                                 numeric(), logical(), TYPE_LOGI)
  all_checks <- c(all_checks, char_check, num_check, logi_check)
  if (length(all_checks) > 0) stop(all_checks_collapse(all_checks))

  if (!score.strat %in% c("sum", "a.mean", "g.mean", "median", "wa.mean",
                          "wg.mean", "fzt"))
    stop("'score.strat' must be one of 'sum', 'a.mean', 'g.mean', 'median', ",
         "'wa.mean', 'wg.mean', 'fzt'")

  if (score.strat %in% c("g.mean", "wg.mean") && method %in%
      c("ALLR", "ALLR_LL", "PCC"))
    stop(wmsg("'g.mean'/'wg.mean' is not allowed for methods which can generate ",
              "negative values: ALLR, ALLR_LL, PCC"))

  if (use.type != "PPM")
    stop(wmsg("deprecated, as `use.type = \"PPM\"` is now the only acceptable ",
              "option [use.type=", use.type, "]"))

  if (is.list(motifs)) CLASS_IN <- vapply(motifs, .internal_convert, character(1))
  else CLASS_IN <- .internal_convert(motifs)
  motifs <- convert_motifs(motifs)
  if (!is.list(motifs) || length(motifs) == 1) {
    return(.internal_convert(motifs[[1]], unique(CLASS_IN)))
  if (!is.list(motifs)) motifs <- list(motifs)

  motifs <- convert_type_internal(motifs, "PPM")

  # if (method %in% c("ALLR", "KL", "ALLR_LL")) {
  #   message(wmsg2(
  #     "Note: due to using one of ALLR/ALLR_LL/KL as comparison method,",
  #     " pseudocounts have been added to the input motifs. Use another method",
  #     " to avoid this."
  #   ))
  # }

  mot <- merge_motifs_all(motifs, method, tryRC, min.overlap, min.mean.ic,
                          min.position.ic, relative_entropy, normalise.scores,
                          score.strat, new.name)

  mot <- .internal_convert(mot, unique(CLASS_IN))


merge_motifs_all <- function(motifs, method, tryRC, min.overlap, min.mean.ic,
                             min.position.ic, relative_entropy, normalise.scores,
                             score.strat, new.name) {

  alph <- unique(vapply(motifs, function(x) x@alphabet, character(1)))
  if (length(alph) > 1) stop("all motifs must have the same alphabet")

  alph2 <- switch(alph, "DNA" = DNA_BASES, "RNA" = RNA_BASES, "AA" = AA_STANDARD2,

  mot.mats <- lapply(motifs, function(x) x@motif)
  mot.bkgs <- get_bkgs(motifs)

  mot.names <- unique(vapply(motifs, function(x) x@name, character(1)))
  mot.altnames <- unique(do.call(c, sapply(motifs, function(x) x@altname, simplify = FALSE)))
  mot.families <- unique(do.call(c, sapply(motifs, function(x) x@family, simplify = FALSE)))
  mot.orgs <- unique(do.call(c, sapply(motifs, function(x) x@organism, simplify = FALSE)))
  mot.bkgsites <- do.call(c, sapply(motifs, function(x) x@bkgsites, simplify = FALSE))
  mot.strands <- vapply(motifs, function(x) x@strand, character(1))
  mot.extrainfo <- lapply(motifs, function(x) x@extrainfo)
  mot.nsites <- do.call(c, sapply(motifs, function(x) x@nsites, simplify = FALSE))
  mot.pseudo <- vapply(motifs, function(x) x@pseudocount, numeric(1))
  mot.pvals <- do.call(c, sapply(motifs, function(x) x@pval, simplify = FALSE))
  mot.qvals <- do.call(c, sapply(motifs, function(x) x@qval, simplify = FALSE))
  mot.evals <- do.call(c, sapply(motifs, function(x) x@eval, simplify = FALSE))

  ans <- merge_motifs_cpp(mot.mats, method, tryRC, min.overlap, min.mean.ic,
                          min.position.ic, mot.bkgs, relative_entropy,
                          normalise.scores, get_nsites(motifs), score.strat)

  new.name <- if (is.null(new.name)) paste0(mot.names, collapse = "/") else new.name
  new.altname <- paste0(mot.altnames, collapse = "/")
  if (nchar(new.altname) == 0) new.altname <- character(0)
  new.family <- paste0(mot.families, collapse = "/")
  if (nchar(new.family) == 0) new.family <- character(0)
  new.organism <- paste0(mot.orgs, collapse = "/")
  if (nchar(new.organism) == 0) new.organism <- character(0)
  if (length(mot.bkgsites) > 1) {
    new.bkgsites <- max(mot.bkgsites)
  } else new.bkgsites <- numeric(0)
  if (length(unique(mot.strands)) > 1) {
    new.strand <- "+-"
  } else new.strand <- unique(mot.strands)
  new.extrainfo <- do.call(c, mot.extrainfo)
  new.extrainfo <- new.extrainfo[!duplicated(new.extrainfo)]
  new.pseudo <- ifelse(length(mot.pseudo) > 0, mean(mot.pseudo, na.rm = TRUE), numeric())
  new.nsites <- ifelse(length(mot.nsites) > 0, max(mot.nsites, na.rm = TRUE), numeric())
  new.pvals <- ifelse(length(mot.pvals) > 0, max(mot.pvals, na.rm = TRUE), numeric())
  new.qvals <- ifelse(length(mot.qvals) > 0, max(mot.qvals, na.rm = TRUE), numeric())
  new.evals <- ifelse(length(mot.evals) > 0, max(mot.evals, na.rm = TRUE), numeric())

  mot <- universalmotif_cpp(motif = ans[[1]], name = new.name, altname = new.altname, 
                            family = new.family, organism = new.organism,
                            alphabet = alph, type = "PPM", nsites = new.nsites,
                            pseudocount = new.pseudo, bkg = ans[[2]],
                            bkgsites = new.bkgsites, strand = new.strand,
                            pval = new.pvals, qval = new.qvals, eval = new.evals,
                            extrainfo = new.extrainfo)



bjmt/universalmotif documentation built on Nov. 16, 2024, 7:38 a.m.