
Defines functions filter.mad pval.cal m.f.s

m.f.s <- function(platforms.list, filter.cutoff = 0.5, fdr.cutoff = 0.1, perform.mad = TRUE, skip.merge.dup = FALSE, skip.mm = FALSE,
    com.mode = "overlap", skip.remove.same = FALSE) {

    # Check if has NAs in matrices
    if (!all(vapply(platforms.list, function(x) !any(is.na(x)), logical(1)))) {
        stop("Your list has as least one matrix contains NA(s)!\n
         You should process missing values first, for details, see https://github.com/bioinformatist/CrossICC#faqs")

    if (!skip.merge.dup) {
        # Merge multiple probes for one gene here
        cat(paste(date(), "--", "Merging multiple probes for one feature"), "\n")
        non.duplicates <- lapply(platforms.list, merge.duplicates)
    } else {
        non.duplicates <- platforms.list

    # no.same <- lapply(non.duplicates, function(x) x[apply(x[,-1], 1, function(y) !all(y==0)),]) no.same <- lapply(non.duplicates,
    # function(x) x[apply(x[,-1], 1, function(y) !zero_range(x)),])

    # Remove rows with all values are same
    if (!skip.remove.same){
        cat(paste(date(), "--", "Removing features with no variance"), "\n")
        no.same <- lapply(non.duplicates, remove.all.same)
    } else {
        no.same <- non.duplicates

    filter.sig <- rbind(vapply(platforms.list, function(x) dim(x)[1], 2333), vapply(non.duplicates, function(x) dim(x)[1], 2333), vapply(no.same,
        function(x) dim(x)[1], 2333))
    rownames(filter.sig) <- c("Original", "Duplicates removed", "No variance removed")

    genes.com <- com.feature(lapply(no.same, rownames), method = "overlap")

    filter.sig <- rbind(filter.sig, rep(length(genes.com), length(platforms.list)))
    rownames(filter.sig)[nrow(filter.sig)] <- "Common signature"

    if ((length(platforms.list) > 1) & (skip.mm == FALSE)) {
        # Must pre-assigned here (deep copy, and must not be slice of list), or mergeExprs will raise error (exactly its bug):
        # https://github.com/Bioconductor-mirror/MergeMaid/blob/baf0cfc0d370917d55c4b4adbc1d75c1141a3661/R/MergeMaid.R#L323 Error in
        # dimnames(x) <- dn : length of 'dimnames' [2] not equal to array extent MergeMaid.R has been fine-adjusted in this package.

        genes.com.list <- lapply(no.same, function(x) unlist(x)[genes.com, ])

        cat(paste(date(), "--", "Performing MergeMaid"), "\n")
        merged <- mergeExprs(genes.com.list)

        # fig.size <- (length(platforms.list) + 1) * 400 tiff('gene.cor.matrix.tiff', compression = 'lzw', res = 300, width = fig.size,
        # height = fig.size)

        par(mar = c(1, 1, 1, 1))
        dev.control("enable")  # enable display list
        null.ic <- unlist(intcorDens(merged))

        pval.genes <- apply(as.matrix(rowMeans(pairwise.cors(intCor(merged, exact = FALSE)))), 1, function(x) {
            pval.cal(x, d = null.ic, alt = "g")
        fdr.genes <- p.adjust(pval.genes, method = "fdr")
        genes.com.fdr <- names(which(fdr.genes < fdr.cutoff))

        filter.sig <- rbind(filter.sig, rep(length(genes.com.fdr), length(platforms.list)))
        rownames(filter.sig)[nrow(filter.sig)] <- "After MergeMaid FDR filtering"

        if (length(genes.com.fdr) == 0) {
            stop("The dataset has no common signature gene which can pass FDR filtering!\n
           You may check if fake gene symbol/ID or wrongly annotated? Or try smaller FDR cutoff.")

        if (perform.mad) {
            cat(paste(date(), "--", "Performing MAD filtering"), "\n")
            filter.genes <- lapply(no.same, function(x) filter.mad(x[genes.com.fdr, ], p = filter.cutoff))
            if (com.mode == "overlap") {
                filter.genes.com <- com.feature(filter.genes, method = "overlap")
            } else {
                filter.genes.com <- com.feature(unlist(filter.genes), method = "merge")  # remove unlist function when using `overlap` parameter

            filter.sig <- rbind(filter.sig, rep(length(filter.genes.com), length(platforms.list)))
            rownames(filter.sig)[nrow(filter.sig)] <- "After MAD filtering"

        } else {
            filter.genes.com <- genes.com.fdr

    } else {
        if (perform.mad) {
            cat(paste(date(), "--", "Performing MAD filtering"), "\n")
            filter.genes <- lapply(no.same, function(x) filter.mad(x, p = filter.cutoff))
            if (is.null(filter.genes)) {
                warning("filter.cutoff is to large too get enough gene number in dataset")

            if (com.mode == "overlap") {
                filter.genes.com <- com.feature(filter.genes, method = "overlap")
            } else {
                filter.genes.com <- com.feature(unlist(filter.genes), method = "merge")  # remove unlist function when using `overlap` parameter

            filter.sig <- rbind(filter.sig, rep(length(filter.genes.com), length(platforms.list)))
            rownames(filter.sig)[nrow(filter.sig)] <- "After MAD filtering"
        } else {
            filter.genes.com <- genes.com

    if (length(filter.genes.com) < 5) {
        stop("There are too few features in the dataset after filtering.\n
         Try to re-run with adjusted parameters or check your data source (too few overlapped features among matrices).")

    cat(paste(date(), "--", "Scaling"), "\n")
    filter.scale <- lapply(no.same, function(x) scale(t(scale(t(x[filter.genes.com, ])))))

    # Filter outlier with range
    filter.scale <- lapply(filter.scale, function(x) replace(x, x < -2, -2))
    filter.scale <- lapply(filter.scale, function(x) replace(x, x > 2, 2))

    filter.sig <- rbind(filter.sig, filter.sig[nrow(filter.sig), ])
    rownames(filter.sig)[nrow(filter.sig)] <- "After pre-processing / Before Iteration"

    list(filtered.gene = filter.genes.com, filterd.scaled = filter.scale, filter.sig = filter.sig)
    # filter.genes.com

pval.cal <- function(x, d, alt = "g") {
    switch(alt, g = 1 - pnorm(x, mean(d), sd(d)), l = pnorm(x, mean(d), sd(d)))

filter.mad <- function(x, p = 0.5, method = "absolute") {
    x.mad <- apply(x, 1, function(xr) mad(xr[!is.na(xr)]))
    x.mad.rank <- rank(-x.mad)
    switch(method, percent = names(x.mad.rank[x.mad.rank < p * length(x.mad)]), absolute = names(x.mad[x.mad > p]))
bioinformatist/CrossICC documentation built on Feb. 3, 2022, 8:58 a.m.