### subset mergeExpressionSet
check <- function(x) {
if (!is.element(class(x), c("list", "mergeExpressionSet", "ExpressionSet", "matrix")))
stop("all data must be either a list, a mergeExpressionSet, a matrix, or an ExpressionSet")
mergeget <- function(x) {
if (is.element(class(x), "mergeExpressionSet")) {
if (is.element(class(x), "ExpressionSet")) {
if (is.element(class(x), "list")) {
if (length(x) != 4)
stop("if you want to merge a list, a list should have at least four slots, 'expression matirx', 'phenodata', 'gene names' and 'notes'.")
if (!is.matrix(x[[1]]))
stop("first object of the input list must be an expression matrix.")
if (!is.vector(x[[3]]))
stop("third object of the input list must be a gene name vector.")
if (is.null(x[[2]]))
stop("second object of the input list can not be NULL.")
rownames(x[[1]]) <- x[[3]]
pd <- data.frame(x[[2]])
if (is.null(colnames(x[[1]])))
sn = as.character(c(seq_len(ncol(x[[1]])))) else sn <- colnames(x[[1]])
rownames(pd) <- sn
ad <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = pd)
es <- new("ExpressionSet", exprs = x[[1]], phenoData = ad)
if (is.element(class(x), "matrix")) {
if (is.null(rownames(x)))
stop("if you want to merge matrix, rownames of matrix can not be NULL.")
pd <- data.frame(rep(NA, (ncol(x))))
if (is.null(colnames(x)))
sn = as.character(seq_len(ncol(x))) else sn <- colnames(x)
row.names(pd) <- sn
rownames(pd) <- sn
ad <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = pd)
es <- new("ExpressionSet", exprs = x, phenoData = ad)
stop("If you want to merge, the input object should be 'ExpressionSet', 'list', 'matrix', or 'mergeExpressionSet'.")
AverageDuplicates <- function(data.exprs, data.acc) {
data.acc <- as.character(data.acc)
dups <- rev(duplicated(rev(data.acc))) + duplicated(data.acc)
dups <- ifelse(dups == 0, 0, 1)
if (sum(dups) > 0) {
data1.exprs <- as.matrix(data.exprs[dups == 0, ])
data1.acc <- data.acc[dups == 0]
data2.exprs <- as.matrix(data.exprs[dups == 1, ])
data2.acc <- data.acc[dups == 1]
data3.acc <- unique(data2.acc)
data3.exprs <- matrix(NA, length(data3.acc), ncol(data.exprs))
k <- 0
for (i in data3.acc) {
k <- k + 1
data3.exprs[k, ] <- apply(as.matrix(data2.exprs[data2.acc == i, ]), 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
data4.exprs <- rbind(data1.exprs, data3.exprs)
data4.acc <- c(data1.acc, data3.acc)
keep <- ifelse(as.character(data4.acc) == "", 0, 1)
data.exprs <- as.matrix(data4.exprs[keep == 1, ])
data.acc <- as.matrix(data4.acc[keep == 1])
return(list(data = as.data.frame(data.exprs), acc = data.acc))
# All statements that work with list studynames have been removed for its substitute calling
mergeExprs <- function(...) {
arg <- list(...)
x <- alist(... = )
k <- 0
# When there's only one list passed to ..., it should be flattened as matrices, such as: arg[[1]] is flattened list with certain
# sub-lists
if ((is(arg, "list")) & (length(arg) == 1)) {
for (j in seq_len(length(arg[[1]]))) {
k <- k + 1
x[[k]] <- mergeget(arg[[1]][[j]])
} else {
for (i in seq_len(length(arg))) {
if (is.element(class(arg[[i]]), "mergeExpressionSet")) {
mm <- mergeget(arg[[i]])
for (j in seq_len(length(arg[[i]]))) {
k <- k + 1
x[[k]] <- mm[[j]]
} else {
k <- k + 1
x[[k]] <- mergeget(arg[[i]])
tt <- length(x)
nnote <- matrix(NA, tt, 2)
for (i in seq_len(tt)) {
if (i == 1)
iid <- as.matrix(featureNames(x[[i]])) else iid <- rbind(iid, as.matrix(featureNames(x[[i]])))
nnote[i, 2] <- ""
iid <- as.vector(sort(unique(iid)))
# generate the matrices with missing value 'NA'
for (i in seq_len(tt)) {
y <- assayData(x[[i]])[["exprs"]]
idy <- featureNames(x[[i]])
y.avg <- AverageDuplicates(y, idy)
assayData(x[[i]]) <- list(exprs = as.matrix(y.avg$data))
featureNames(x[[i]]) <- y.avg$acc
# generate the vector with common id '1', o.w. '0'
idmatrix <- matrix(0, length(iid), tt)
index <- as.vector(nnote[, 2])
for (i in seq_len(tt)) {
idx <- featureNames(x[[i]])
cc <- match(iid, idx)
idmatrix[, i] <- ifelse(is.na(cc), 0, 1)
rownames(idmatrix) <- iid
# generate the list that we want
merged <- new("mergeExpressionSet", data = x, geneStudy = idmatrix, notes = "")
check.length <- function(x, wh) {
if (length(pData(x)[, wh]) != ncol(assayData(x)[["exprs"]]))
stop("Phenodata error: phenodata should have the same length as the number of columns of expression data.")
.mergemodel <- function(x, outcome = NULL, event = NULL, method) {
if (method == "linear") {
reg <- lm(x ~ outcome, na.action = na.omit)
sx <- summary(reg)$sigma
xx <- x/sx
stdbeta <- lm(outcome ~ xx, na.action = na.omit)$coeff[2]
tmp <- lm(outcome ~ x)
beta <- tmp$coeff[2]
tvalue <- summary(tmp)$coeff[2, 3]
return(list(beta = beta, stdbeta = stdbeta, tvalue = tvalue))
if (method == "cox") {
ddtt <- list(time = outcome, status = event, expr = x)
expr <- x
status <- event
time <- outcome
cox.out <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ expr, data = ddtt, na.action = na.omit)
beta <- cox.out$coeff
tmp <- status[!is.na(status) & !is.na(outcome) & !is.na(x)]
nobs = sum(tmp == 1)
zscore <- cox.out$coeff/sqrt(cox.out$var)
std <- list(time = outcome, status = event, expr = (x - mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))/sd(x, na.rm = TRUE))
cox.stdout <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ expr, data = std, na.action = na.omit)
stdbeta <- cox.stdout$coeff
return(list(beta = beta, stdbeta = stdbeta, zscore = zscore))
if (method == "logistic") {
reg <- glm(event ~ x, family = binomial, na.action = na.omit)
beta <- summary(reg)$coefficients[2, 1]
zscore <- summary(reg)$coefficients[2, 3]
tmp <- event[!is.na(x) & !is.na(event)]
a <- x[tmp == 0]
b <- x[tmp == 1]
na <- sum(tmp == 1)
nb <- length(tmp) - na
if (na == 0 || nb == 0)
sp <- sd(x) else sp <- (na * (sd(a, na.rm = TRUE)^2) + nb * (sd(b, na.rm = TRUE)^2))/length(x)
stdx <- x/sqrt(sp)
regstd <- glm(event ~ stdx, family = binomial, na.action = na.omit)
stdbeta <- summary(regstd)$coefficients[2, 1]
return(list(beta = beta, stdbeta = stdbeta, zscore = zscore))
.intcor.order = function(x) return((length(x) + 1) - order(x))
maxintcor <- function(A, B) {
n1 = dim(A)[2]
n2 = dim(B)[2]
AB = cbind(A, B)
ns = n1
n = n1 + n2
nn = ns + 1
covs = cov(AB, use = "pairwise")
AA = covs[seq_len(ns), seq_len(ns)]
BB = covs[nn:n, nn:n]
AB = covs[seq_len(ns), nn:n]
AAinv = ginv(AA)
BBinv = ginv(BB)
eigens = eigen(AAinv %*% AB %*% BBinv %*% t(AB))
.intcor <- function(x, method = "pearson", exact = TRUE) {
nn <- length(x)
if (nn <= 1)
stop("Number of studies in the mergeExpressionSet should not less than 2.")
if (method != "pearson" && !exact)
stop("When exact is FALSE, you can only use the method ''pearson''.")
if (method != "pearson" && method != "spearman" && exact)
stop("When exact is TRUE, you can only use the methods, ''pearson'' and ''spearman''.")
geneid <- rep(1, nrow(x@geneStudy))
for (i in seq_len(nn)) {
geneid <- geneid * (x@geneStudy[, i])
geneuid <- geneNames(x)[geneid == 1]
nuid <- length(geneuid)
pcor <- alist(... = )
nnote <- rep(NA, nn)
for (i in seq_len(nn)) {
matches1 <- match(geneuid, featureNames(exprs(x)[[i]]))
pcor[[i]] <- assayData(exprs(x)[[i]])[["exprs"]][matches1, ]
if (method == "spearman" && exact)
pcor[[i]] <- t(apply(pcor[[i]], 1, .intcor.order))
nnote[i] <- paste("study", i, sep = " ")
names(pcor) <- names(x)
np <- nn * (nn - 1)/2
ppair <- matrix(0, np, 2)
k <- 1
for (i in seq_len(nn - 1)) {
for (j in (i + 1):nn) {
ppair[k, ] <- c(i, j)
k <- k + 1
norm = function(x) return((x - mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))/sd(x, na.rm = TRUE))
icor <- matrix(NA, nuid, np)
canc <- rep(0, np)
for (i in seq_len(np)) {
CC1 <- pcor[[ppair[i, 1]]]
CC2 <- pcor[[ppair[i, 2]]]
if (exact)
icor[, i] <- .integ.cal(CC1, CC2, method = method) else icor[, i] <- .icor(CC1, CC2, method = method)
A = t(apply(CC1, 1, norm))
B = t(apply(CC2, 1, norm))
canc[i] <- maxintcor(A, B)
rownames(icor) <- geneuid
labels <- names(x)
if (is.null(labels))
labels = ""
result <- new("mergeCor", pairwise.cors = icor, notes = labels, maxcors = canc)
isna <- function(x) return(is.na(x))
.icor = function(A, B, method = NULL) {
rn <- rownames(A)
norm = function(x) return((x - mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))/sd(x, na.rm = TRUE))
A = t(apply(A, 1, norm))
B = t(apply(B, 1, norm))
m = dim(A)[1]
n1 = dim(A)[2]
n2 = dim(B)[2]
m1 = mat1 = cov(A, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
m2 = mat2 = cov(B, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
mat12 = matrix(nrow = n1, ncol = n2)
for (i in seq_len(n1)) {
for (j in seq_len(n2)) {
mat12[i, j] = cov(A[, i], B[, j], use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
iicor = function(index) {
mm = mat12
aa = A[index, ]
bb = B[index, ]
whca = (seq_len(length(aa)))[is.na(aa)]
whcb = (seq_len(length(bb)))[is.na(bb)]
if (length(whca) != 0) {
aa <- aa[-whca]
mm <- mat12[-whca, ]
m1 <- mat1[-whca, -whca]
if (length(whcb) != 0) {
bb <- bb[-whcb]
mm <- mm[, -whcb]
m2 <- mat2[-whcb, -whcb]
return((aa %*% mm %*% bb)/sqrt(aa %*% m1 %*% aa)/sqrt(bb %*% m2 %*% bb))
ans <- vapply(seq_len(m), iicor, numeric(1))
names(ans) <- rn
.nullicornorm <- function(A, B, n = 10000) {
rn <- rownames(A)
norm = function(x) return((x - mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))/sd(x, na.rm = TRUE))
A = t(apply(A, 1, norm))
B = t(apply(B, 1, norm))
m = dim(A)[1]
n1 = dim(A)[2]
n2 = dim(B)[2]
mat1 = cov(A, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
mat2 = cov(B, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
mat12 = matrix(nrow = n1, ncol = n2)
for (i in seq_len(n1)) {
for (j in seq_len(n2)) {
mat12[i, j] = cov(A[, i], B[, j], use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
getone = function(dum) {
n1 = dim(mat1)[1]
n2 = dim(mat2)[1]
x = rnorm(n1)
y = rnorm(n2)
v1 = x %*% mat1 %*% x
v2 = y %*% mat2 %*% y
c = x %*% mat12 %*% y
return(c/(sqrt(v1) * sqrt(v2)))
return(vapply(seq_len(n), getone, numeric(1)))
.integ.cal <- function(mat1, mat2, method = NULL) {
rn <- rownames(mat1)
integ <- rep(0, nrow(mat1))
m1 <- t(apply(mat1, 1, .integ.norm))
m2 <- t(apply(mat2, 1, .integ.norm))
sziicor = function(index) {
x <- m1[index, ]
y <- m2[index, ]
A <- m1[-index, ]
B <- m2[-index, ]
nammx = function(indx) {
aa = A[indx, ]
sum(aa * x, na.rm = TRUE)
rx = vapply(seq_len(nrow(m1) - 1), nammx, numeric(1))
nammy = function(indy) {
bb = B[indy, ]
sum(bb * y, na.rm = TRUE)
ry = vapply(seq_len(nrow(m2) - 1), nammy, numeric(1))
integ[index] <- cor(rx, ry, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
ans = vapply(seq_len(nrow(mat1)), sziicor, numeric(1))
names(ans) = rn
.integ.norm <- function(x) {
xm <- mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
ss <- sum((x - xm) * (x - xm), na.rm = TRUE)
return((x - xm)/sqrt(ss))
.ic.plot <- function(A, B, mmatches, xlab = NA, ylab = NA, title = NULL, main = NULL, scale = NULL, square = FALSE, ...) {
x <- A[mmatches, ]
y <- B[mmatches, ]
norm = function(x) return((x - mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))/sd(x, na.rm = TRUE))
A = t(apply(A, 1, norm))
B = t(apply(B, 1, norm))
m = dim(A)[1]
n1 = dim(A)[2]
n2 = dim(B)[2]
mat12 = matrix(nrow = n1, ncol = n2)
for (i in seq_len(n1)) {
for (j in seq_len(n2)) {
mat12[i, j] = cov(A[, i], B[, j], use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
cormat <- mat12
nx = length(x)
ny = length(y)
dc = dim(cormat)
if ((dc[1] != nx && dc[1] != ny) || (dc[2] != nx && dc[2] != ny)) {
stop("cormat is not conformable to x or y")
if (dc[1] != nx) {
cormat = t(cormat)
dc = dim(cormat)
rg = function(x) return(max(x) - min(x))
x = norm(x)
y = norm(y)
if (is.null(scale))
scale = 2 * max(c(rg(x), rg(y)))
cx = as.vector(abs(cormat))/max(abs(cormat))
if (square == TRUE)
cx = cx^2
sn = sign(as.vector(cormat))
cl = sn
cl[cl == -1] = 2
xx = rep(x, ny)
yy = rep(y, rep(nx, ny))
sn2 = sign(abs(xx[sn == -1]) - abs(yy[sn == -1]))
xx[sn == -1] = sn2 * xx[sn == -1]
yy[sn == -1] = -sn2 * yy[sn == -1]
plot(xx, yy, pch = 16, cex = scale * cx^2, axes = FALSE, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, cex.lab = 1.5, main = main, ...)
.dens.mergeExpressionSet <- function(x, main = NA, x.legend = NULL, y.legend = NULL, cex.legend = NULL, title = NULL, method = NULL,
...) {
nn <- length(x)
if (nn <= 1)
stop("Number of studies in the mergeExpressionSet should not less than 2.")
nnote <- rep(NA, nn)
for (i in seq_len(nn)) {
nnote[i] <- nnote[i] <- paste("study", i, sep = " ")
geneid <- rep(1, nrow(x@geneStudy))
for (i in seq_len(nn)) {
geneid <- geneid * (x@geneStudy[, i])
geneuid <- geneNames(x)[geneid == 1]
nuid <- length(geneuid)
rtn <- alist(... = )
if (nn > 2) {
np <- nn * (nn - 1)/2
ppair <- matrix(0, np, 2)
k <- 1
for (i in seq_len(nn - 1)) {
for (j in (i + 1):nn) {
ppair[k, ] <- c(i, j)
k <- k + 1
ppair1 <- matrix(0, np, 2)
k <- 1
for (i in seq_len(nn - 1)) {
for (j in (i + 1):nn) {
ppair1[k, ] <- c(nn + 1 - i, nn + 1 - j)
k <- k + 1
exp1 <- matrix(NA, 10000, np)
obs <- matrix(NA, nuid, np)
for (i in seq_len(np)) {
matches1 <- match(geneuid, featureNames(exprs(x)[[ppair[i, 1]]]))
matches2 <- match(geneuid, featureNames(exprs(x)[[ppair[i, 2]]]))
exprs1 <- assayData(exprs(x)[[ppair[i, 1]]])[["exprs"]][matches1, ]
exprs2 <- assayData(exprs(x)[[ppair[i, 2]]])[["exprs"]][matches2, ]
obs[, i] <- .icor(exprs1, exprs2)
exp1[, i] <- .nullicornorm(exprs1, exprs2)
k <- m <- 1
par(mfrow = c(nn, nn), oma = c(0, 0, 8, 0))
for (i in seq_len(nn)) {
for (j in seq_len(nn)) {
if (k <= np) {
if (ppair[k, 1] == i & ppair[k, 2] == j) {
d1 <- exp1[, k]
d <- obs[, k]
xmax <- max(c(density(d1)$x, density(d)$x))
xmin <- min(c(density(d1)$x, density(d)$x))
ymax <- max(c(density(d1)$y, density(d)$y))
range <- xmax - xmin
plot(density(d), xlim = c(xmin - range/10, xmax + range/10), ylim = c(0, ymax + ymax/5), main = main, ...)
lines(density(d1), col = 2, ...)
rtn[[k]] <- d1
k = k + 1
if (m <= np) {
if (ppair1[np + 1 - m, 1] == i & ppair1[np + 1 - m, 2] == j) {
if (ppair1[np + 1 - m, 1] == nn & ppair1[np + 1 - m, 2] == 1) {
aa <- c(0.5, 0.5)
bb <- c(0.7, 0.8)
plot(aa, bb, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), xlab = NA, ylab = NA, pch = " ", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n")
legend.text <- c("observed", "null distribution")
op <- par(bg = "white")
if (is.null(x.legend))
x.legend <- 0.1
if (is.null(y.legend))
y.legend <- 0.9
if (is.null(cex.legend))
cex.legend <- 1
legend(x.legend, y.legend, paste(legend.text), col = seq_len(2), lty = 1, cex = cex.legend)
} else {
aa <- c(0.5, 0.5)
bb <- c(0.7, 0.8)
plot(aa, bb, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), xlab = NA, ylab = NA, pch = " ", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n")
m = m + 1
if (i == j) {
aa <- c(0.5, 0.5)
bb <- c(0.7, 0.8)
plot(aa, bb, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), xlab = NA, ylab = NA, pch = " ", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n")
text(0.5, 0.5, cex = 1.2, paste(names(x)[i]), col = 1)
if (is.null(title))
title <- "Integrated Correlation:\n\ntrue and null distributions"
mtext(title, line = 0.5, cex = 1.2, outer = TRUE)
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
if (nn == 2) {
geneid <- x@geneStudy[, 1] * x@geneStudy[, 2]
geneuid <- geneNames(x)[geneid == 1]
nuid <- length(geneuid)
matches1 <- match(geneuid, featureNames(exprs(x)[[1]]))
matches2 <- match(geneuid, featureNames(exprs(x)[[2]]))
exprs1 <- assayData(exprs(x)[[1]])[["exprs"]][matches1, ]
exprs2 <- assayData(exprs(x)[[2]])[["exprs"]][matches2, ]
exprs1[is.na(exprs1)] <- 0
exprs2[is.na(exprs2)] <- 0
d <- .icor(exprs1, exprs2)
d1 <- .nullicornorm(exprs1, exprs2)
xmax <- max(c(density(d1)$x, density(d)$x))
xmin <- min(c(density(d1)$x, density(d)$x))
ymax <- max(c(density(d1)$y, density(d)$y))
range <- xmax - xmin
if (is.null(main))
main <- "Integrated Correlation:\ntrue and null distributions"
plot(density(d), xlim = c(xmin - range/10, xmax + range/10), ylim = c(0, ymax + ymax/5), main = main, ...)
lines(density(d1), col = 2, ...)
legend.text <- c("observed", "null distribution")
op <- par(bg = "white")
if (is.null(x.legend))
x.legend <- xmax - range/3
if (is.null(y.legend))
y.legend <- ymax
if (is.null(cex.legend))
cex.legend <- 0.9
legend(x.legend, y.legend, paste(legend.text), col = seq_len(2), lty = 1, cex = cex.legend)
rtn <- d1
.show.mergeExpressionSet <- function(object) {
x = exprs(object)
y = list()
for (i in seq_len(length(x))) {
.summary.mergeExpressionSet <- function(object) {
report <- alist(... = )
nn <- length(object)
nnote <- rep(NA, nn)
for (i in seq_len(nn)) {
nnote[i] <- paste("study", i, sep = " ")
report[[1]] <- matrix(NA, 2, nn)
report[[1]][1, ] <- names(object)
for (i in seq_len(nn)) {
report[[1]][2, i] <- nrow(assayData(exprs(object)[[i]])[["exprs"]])
report[[2]] <- matrix(NA, 2, nn)
report[[2]][1, ] <- names(object)
for (i in seq_len(nn)) {
report[[2]][2, i] <- ncol(assayData(exprs(object)[[i]])[["exprs"]])
report[[3]] <- nnote
names(report) <- c("Number of Genes in Each Study", "Number of Samples in Each Study", "Notes")
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