## colorC
## Define a palette for the heatmap
## low = color for minimal value
## high = color for extreme values (up and down)
## mid = color for medium values
## k = number of color generated
##colorC <- function (low="white", high=c("red"), mid=NA, k = 50){
colorC <- function (cols, k = 50){
## low <- col2rgb(low)/255
## high <- col2rgb(high)/255
## if (is.na(mid)) {
## r <- seq(low[1], high[1], len = k)
## g <- seq(low[2], high[2], len = k)
## b <- seq(low[3], high[3], len = k)
## }
## if (!is.na(mid)) {
## k2 <- round(k/2)
## mid <- col2rgb(mid)/255
## r <- c(seq(low[1], mid[1], len = k2), seq(mid[1], high[1], len = k2))
## g <- c(seq(low[2], mid[2], len = k2), seq(mid[2], high[2], len = k2))
## b <- c(seq(low[3], mid[3], len = k2), seq(mid[3], high[3], len = k2))
## }
## rgb(r, g, b)
## plottingfunc
## alias to the function used to plot the data
## x = color for minimal value
## high = color for extreme values (up and down)
## mid = color for medium values
## k = number of color generated
plottingfunc <- function(x, y, z, show.zero=FALSE, col, ...){
if (!show.zero && length(col)>1){
zi <- Matrix::which(!is.na(z) & z == 0)
##zi <- which(as.matrix(Matrix:::is0(z)))
z <- as.matrix(z)
z[zi] <- NA_integer_
## remove col.zero
col <- col[-1]
#col <- c(col.zero, col)
z <- as.matrix(z)
image(x, y, z, useRaster = TRUE, col=col, ...)
## heatmapC
## Draw heatmap of the C data
## xdata = 'C' interaction map as a matrix
## names = logical, add axis with the bin/interval's names
## value = logical, add values on the matrix
## show.na = logical, na are shown in gray
## show.zero = logical, zero are plotted
## col.neg = color used in mypalette for neg count (low, mid, high)
## col.pos = color used in mypalette for pos count (low, mid, high)
## col.na = color used for NA values
## grid = logical, the grid is shown
## title = add a title to the plot
heatmapC <- function(xdata, names=FALSE, value=FALSE, show.zero=FALSE, show.na=TRUE, col.pos=c("white","red"), col.neg=c("white","blue"), col.na="#CCCCCC", col.zero="#FFFFFF", grid=FALSE, maxrange=NA, title=NULL, k=500){
xdata <- t(xdata)
xdata <- as(xdata[,ncol(xdata):1], "sparseMatrix")
xdata.pos <- xdata.neg <- NULL
if (max(xdata, na.rm=TRUE)>0){
xdata.pos <- xdata
xdata.pos[xdata<0] <- 0
xdata.pos <- as(xdata.pos,"sparseMatrix")
if (min(xdata, na.rm=TRUE)<0){
xdata.neg <- xdata
xdata.neg[xdata>=0] <- 0
xdata.neg <- as(xdata.neg,"sparseMatrix")
## k is the same for positive or negative values, to ensure that the same range of colors are used
#k <- length(unique(as.vector(abs(xdata))))
if (!is.null(xdata.neg)){
col.neg <- colorC(col.neg, k=k)
if (!is.na(maxrange) && max(abs(xdata.neg), na.rm=TRUE) < maxrange){
#col.neg <- col.neg[length(col.neg)-round(length(col.neg)*(max(abs(xdata.neg), na.rm=TRUE)/maxrange)):length(col.neg)]
col.neg <- col.neg[1:round(length(col.neg)*(max(abs(xdata.neg), na.rm=TRUE)/maxrange))]
plottingfunc(x=1:nrow(xdata),y=1:ncol(xdata),z=xdata.neg, show.zero=show.zero, axes=FALSE,ylab="",xlab="",col=c(col.neg, col.zero))
par(new = TRUE)
if (!is.null(xdata.pos)){
col.pos <- colorC(col.pos,k=k)
if (!is.na(maxrange) && max(xdata, na.rm=TRUE) < maxrange){
col.pos <- col.pos[1:round(length(col.pos)*(max(xdata, na.rm=TRUE)/maxrange))]
if (names){
axis(side=2, at=1:ncol(xdata), labels=colnames(xdata), lwd=0.5, las=1, cex.axis=0.7)
axis(side=1, at=1:nrow(xdata), labels=rownames(xdata), lwd=0.5, las=2, cex.axis=0.7)
if (value){
for (i in nrow(xdata):1){
text(x=i,y=1:ncol(xdata),labels=round(xdata[i,],2), cex=0.7)
## ###################
## Heatmap options
## ###################
if (show.na){
if (length(which(is.na(xdata))>0)){
par(new = TRUE)
na.xdata <- matrix(NA_integer_, ncol=ncol(xdata), nrow=nrow(xdata))
na.xdata[which(is.na(xdata))] <- 1
##if (!show.zero)
## na.xdata[which(xdata==0)] <- 1
plottingfunc(x=1:nrow(na.xdata),y=1:ncol(na.xdata),z=na.xdata,show.zero=FALSE,axes=FALSE,ylab="",xlab="",col=col.na, add=TRUE)
if (grid){
abline(h=seq(0.5,ncol(xdata)+0.5, by=1), mar=c(0,0))
abline(v=seq(0.5,nrow(xdata)+0.5, by=1), mar=c(0,0))
if (!is.null(title)){
text(x=ncol(xdata)-nchar(title), y=nrow(xdata)-5, title, col="darkgray", font=2)
## triViewC
## Draw triangle view of the C data
## xdata = 'C' interaction map as a matrix
## value = logical, add values on the matrix
## show.na = logical, na are shown in gray
## col.low = color used in mypalette for low count (low, mid, high)
## col.high = color used in mypalette for high count (low, mid, high)
## col.na = color used for NA values
## plot.zero = plot the zero value or not
## grid = logical, the grid is shown
## title = add a title to the plot
triViewC <- function(xdata, flip=FALSE, value=FALSE, show.zero=FALSE, show.na=TRUE, col.pos=c("white","red"), col.neg=c("white","blue"), col.na="gray80", col.zero="#FFFFFF", title=NULL, k=500, w=NA){
d <- min(dim(xdata))
## Start with a matrix for speed implementation - optimize.by option ???
trimat <- matrix(0, ncol=d*2, nrow=d)
xdata <- as.matrix(xdata)
for (p in 0:(d-1)){
s <- gdiag(xdata, w=p)
ls <- length(s)
ss <- c(s,s)[as.vector(sapply(1:ls,function(x){return(c(x,x+ls))}))]
trimat[p+1, (p+1):(d*2-p)] <- ss
if (!is.na(w)){
trimat <- trimat[1:w*2, ]
trimat <- as(trimat, "Matrix")
if (flip){
trimat <- trimat[nrow(trimat):1,]
trimat.pos <- trimat.neg <- NULL
if (max(trimat, na.rm=TRUE)>0){
trimat.pos <- trimat
trimat.pos[trimat<0] <- 0
if (min(trimat, na.rm=TRUE)<0){
trimat.neg <- trimat
trimat.neg[trimat>0] <- 0
#k <- length(unique(as.vector(abs(trimat))))
if (!is.null(trimat.neg)){
col.neg <- colorC(col.neg,k=k)
plottingfunc(y=1:nrow(trimat),x=1:ncol(trimat),z=t(trimat.neg),show.zero=show.zero,axes=FALSE,ylab="",xlab="",col=c(col.zero, col.neg))
par(new = TRUE)
if (!is.null(trimat.pos)){
col.pos <- colorC(col.pos,k=k)
plottingfunc(y=1:nrow(trimat),x=1:ncol(trimat),z=t(trimat.pos),show.zero=show.zero,axes=FALSE,ylab="",xlab="",col=c(col.zero, col.pos))
if (show.na){
if (length(which(is.na(trimat))>0)){
par(new = TRUE)
na.trimat <- matrix(NA_integer_, ncol=ncol(trimat), nrow=nrow(trimat))
na.trimat[which(is.na(trimat))] <- 1
if (!show.zero)
na.trimat[which(trimat==0)] <- 1
if (value){
coordodd <- seq(.5,ncol(trimat), by=2)
coord <- seq(1.5,ncol(trimat), by=2)
for (i in 1:nrow(trimat)){
if (i%%2)
text(coord,y=i,labels=round(trimat[i,seq(1,ncol(trimat),2)],2), cex=.7)
text(coordodd,y=i,labels=round(trimat[i,seq(1,ncol(trimat),2)],2), cex=.7)
if (!is.null(title)){
text(x=1, y=nrow(trimat), adj=c(0,1), title, col="darkgray", font=2)
## gdiag
## Extract the diagonal of a matrix - Generalisation of diag function
## x = a matrix
## w = step from the real diagonal. w=0 return the diagonal of the matrix.
gdiag <- function(x, w=0){
if ((m <- min(dim(x))) == 0L)
return(vector("numeric", 0L))
if (w<m){
if (w>0)
y <- x[1L + (0L+w):(m - 1L)* (dim(x)[1L] + 1L) - w]
y <- x[1L + 0L:(m - 1L - abs(w))* (dim(x)[1L] + 1L) + abs(w)]
return(vector("numeric", 0L))
## setEnvDisplay
## Define the environment display for visualization
## Based on the graphics package
## x = HTCexp/HTClist object
## y = HTCexp object
## tracks = List of GRanges objects. Each object represent a genome track information
setEnvDisplay <- function(x, y=NULL, view, tracks=NULL){
chrom <- seqlevels(x)
lc <- length(chrom)
stopifnot(unlist(lapply(tracks, inherits,"GRanges")))
ntrack <- length(tracks)
sizeblocs <- .05
## HTClist object
if (view==1L){
rx <- range(x)
w <- as.numeric(width(rx))
names(w) <- seqlevels(rx)
w <- w[chrom]
if(length(tracks) > 0){
design <- matrix(NA, lc+1, lc+1)
design[1,] <- c(1,seq(lc^2+2,(lc+1)^2-1,2))
design[,1] <- c(1,seq(lc^2+3,(lc+1)^2,2))
design[2:(lc+1), 2:(lc+1)] <- matrix(2:(lc^2+1), lc, lc, byrow=TRUE)
heatspace <- 1-sizeblocs*ntrack
layout(design, widths=c(sizeblocs*ntrack,round(w/sum(w)*heatspace,5)), heights=c(sizeblocs*ntrack,round(w/sum(w)*heatspace,5)))
##blank plot at position 1
plot(1, type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="")
design <- matrix(1:lc^2, lc, lc, byrow=TRUE)
layout(design, widths=round(w/sum(w),5), heights=round(w/sum(w),5))
## HTCexp object
}else if (view==2L){
rx <- range(x)
## Annotation
if(length(tracks) > 0L){
if (!is.null(y)){
ry <- range(y)
if (width(rx)>=width(ry)){
design <- rbind(rep(2L,3),rep(1L,3),c(4L,3L,5L),rep(6L,3))
lmar <- (start(ry)-start(rx))/width(rx)
rmar <- (end(rx)-end(ry))/width(rx)
h <- (1-sizeblocs*ntrack)/2
hy <- width(ry)/width(rx)
layout(design, heights=c(h, sizeblocs*ntrack,h*hy,h*(1-hy)), widths=c(lmar,(1-rmar-lmar), rmar))
design <- rbind(rep(6L,3), c(4L,2L,5L), rep(1L,3),rep(3L,3))
lmar <- (start(rx)-start(ry))/width(ry)
rmar <- (end(ry)-end(rx))/width(ry)
h <- (1-sizeblocs*ntrack)/2
hx <- width(rx)/width(ry)
layout(design, heights=c(h*(1-hx), h*hx, sizeblocs*ntrack,h), widths=c(lmar,(1-rmar-lmar), rmar))
design <- matrix(1:2, 2, 1, byrow=TRUE)
layout(design, heights=c(1-sizeblocs*ntrack, sizeblocs*ntrack))
if (!is.null(y)){
ry <- range(y)
## Adjust position of x and y if with are not the same
if (width(rx)>=width(ry)){
design <- matrix(c(1L,1L,1L,3L,2L,4L,5L,5L,5L), ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
lmar <- (start(ry)-start(rx))/width(rx)
rmar <- (end(rx)-end(ry))/width(rx)
hy <- width(ry)/width(rx)
layout(design, widths=c(lmar,(1-rmar-lmar), rmar), heights=c(1L, hy, 1-hy))
design <- matrix(c(5L,5L,5L,3L,1L,4L,2L,2L,2L), ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
lmar <- (start(rx)-start(ry))/width(ry)
rmar <- (end(ry)-end(rx))/width(ry)
hx <- width(rx)/width(ry)
layout(design, widths=c(lmar,(1-rmar-lmar), rmar), heights=c(1-hx, hx ,1L))
design <- matrix(1:lc^2, lc, lc, byrow=TRUE)
layout(design, widths=rep(1/lc, lc), heights=rep(1/lc, lc))
## getMapData
## Operations to apply to the data before the visualization
## x = HTCexp object
## y = HTCexp object
## tracks = List of GRanges objects. Each object represent a genome track information
getData2Map <- function(x, minrange, maxrange, trim.range, log.data){
xdata <- intdata(x)
## #####################
## Data Transformation
## #####################
if (log.data){
xdata <- log2(xdata)
xdata[is.infinite(xdata)] <- 0
## #################
## Play with contrast
## #################
if (max(xdata, na.rm=TRUE)>0){
if (trim.range <1 && is.na(maxrange) && is.na(minrange)){
if (inherits(xdata, "sparseMatrix")){
xmaxrange <- quantile(abs(xdata@x), probs=trim.range, na.rm=TRUE)
xminrange <- quantile(abs(xdata@x), probs=1-trim.range, na.rm=TRUE)
xmaxrange <- quantile(abs(xdata@x[which(xdata@x!=0)]), probs=trim.range, na.rm=TRUE)
xminrange <- quantile(abs(xdata@x[which(xdata@x!=0)]), probs=1-trim.range, na.rm=TRUE)
if (is.na(maxrange))
xmaxrange <- max(abs(xdata@x), na.rm=TRUE)
if (is.na(minrange))
xminrange <- min(abs(xdata@x), na.rm=TRUE)
## The minrange/maxrange are symmetrical around zero. The same threshold are used for positive and negative values
xdata@x[which(xdata@x<=xminrange & xdata@x>0)] <- xminrange
xdata@x[which(xdata@x>=xmaxrange & xdata@x>0)] <- xmaxrange
xdata@x[which(xdata@x>=-xminrange & xdata@x<0)] <- -xminrange
xdata@x[which(xdata@x<=-xmaxrange & xdata@x<0)] <- -xmaxrange
if (max(xdata@x, na.rm=TRUE)>0)
message(paste("minrange=",round(min(xdata@x[which(xdata@x>0)], na.rm=TRUE),3)," - maxrange=", round(max(xdata@x[which(xdata@x>0)], na.rm=TRUE),3)))
if (max(xdata, na.rm=TRUE)==0){
## Fix bug in case of empty matrix
message("Warning: no data to plot. Fixed to 1e-4.")
xdata[1,1] <- 1e-4
maskdiag <- function (x, w = 0){
m <- min(dim(x))
ret <- matrix(FALSE, nrow=dim(x)[1], ncol=dim(x)[2])
w <- abs(w)
for (i in 0:w)
ret[1L + (0L + i):(m - 1L) * (dim(x)[1L] + 1L) - i] <- TRUE
w <- -w
for (i in w:0)
ret[1L + 0L:(m - 1L - abs(i)) * (dim(x)[1L] + 1L) + abs(i)] <- TRUE
## mapC methods
## Visualization of HTCexp or HTClist objects
## x = HTCexp/HTClist object
## y = optional. HTCexp/HTClist object or matrix data
## tracks = List of GRanges objects. Each object represent a genome track information
## minrange = minimum value to draw
## maxrange = maximum value to draw
## trim.range = remove the outliers values by trimming the maxrange (quantile)
## names = logical, add axis with the bin/interval's names
## value = logical, add values on the matrix
## show.na = logical, na are shown in gray
## col.low = color used in mypalette for low count (low, mid, high)
## col.high = color used in mypalette for high count (low, mid, high)
## col.na = color used for NA values
## grid = logical, the grid is shown
## title = add a title to the plot
setMethod("mapC", signature="HTClist",
function(x, tracks=NULL,
minrange=NA, maxrange=NA, trim.range=0.98, show.zero=FALSE, show.na=FALSE, log.data=FALSE, names=FALSE, value=FALSE, k=500,
col.pos=c("white","red"), col.neg=c("blue","white"), col.na="#CCCCCC", col.zero="#FFFFFF", grid=FALSE){
## Set Graphical Environment
setEnvDisplay(x, tracks=tracks, view=1)
## Get data to map and plots
#isPairwise <- FALSE
#if (isPairwise(x)){
# isPairwise <- TRUE
tmp <- sapply(names(pair.chrom(seqlevels(x))), function(i){
if (is.element(i,names(x))){
obj <- x[[i]]
message("Plotting ",i,"...")
xdata <- getData2Map(obj, minrange=minrange, maxrange=maxrange, trim.range=trim.range, log.data=log.data)
if (!names)
heatmapC(xdata, names=names, value=value, show.zero=show.zero ,show.na=show.na, col.pos=col.pos,
col.neg=col.neg, col.na=col.na, col.zero=col.zero, maxrange=maxrange, grid=grid, k=k)
plot(1, type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="")
## Add annotation based on intrachromosomal maps
if (!is.null(tracks)){
tmp <- sapply(paste(seqlevels(x), seqlevels(x), sep=""), function(i){
if (is.element(i,names(x))){
obj <- x[[i]]
addImageTracks(obj, tracks, orientation="h", names=FALSE)
addImageTracks(obj, tracks, orientation="v", names=FALSE)
warning("Intrachromosomal map for ",i," not found. Annotation skipped.")
plot(1, type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="")
plot(1, type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="")
setMethod("mapC", signature="HTCexp",
function(x, tracks=NULL,
minrange=NA, maxrange=NA, trim.range=0.98, show.zero=FALSE, show.na=FALSE, log.data=FALSE, value=FALSE, k=500,
col.pos=c("white", "red"), col.neg=c("blue","white"), col.na="#CCCCCC", col.zero="#FFFFFF", grid=FALSE, title=NULL){
if (!isIntraChrom(x))
stop("The triangle view is available for intrachromosomal data only")
## Set Graphical Environment
setEnvDisplay(x, tracks=tracks, view=2)
## Get data to map
xdata <- getData2Map(x, minrange=minrange, maxrange=maxrange, trim.range=trim.range, log.data=log.data)
## Plots tracks and C map
triViewC(xdata, show.zero=show.zero, show.na=show.na, col.pos=col.pos, col.neg=col.neg, col.na=col.na, value=value, col.zero=col.zero, title=title, k=k)
if (!is.null(tracks))
addImageTracks(x, tracks, orientation="h")
setMethod("mapC", signature=c("HTCexp","HTCexp"),
function(x, y, tracks=NULL,
minrange=NA, maxrange=NA, w=NA, trim.range=0.98, show.zero=FALSE, show.na=FALSE, log.data=FALSE, value=FALSE, k=500,
col.pos=c("white","red"), col.neg=c("blue","white"), col.na="#CCCCCC", col.zero="#FFFFFF", grid=FALSE, title=NULL){
if (!isBinned(x) || !isBinned(y))
stop("x and y have to be binned to plot them on the same scale")
if (seqlevels(x) != seqlevels(y))
stop("x and y have to come from the same chromosome")
## Remore long range contact if specified
if (!is.na(w)){
intdata(x)[!maskdiag(intdata(x), w=w)] <- NA
intdata(y)[!maskdiag(intdata(y), w=w)] <- NA
## Set Graphical Environment
setEnvDisplay(x, y, tracks=tracks, view=2)
## Get data to map and plots
xdata <- getData2Map(x, minrange=minrange, maxrange=maxrange, trim.range=trim.range, log.data=log.data)
ydata <- getData2Map(y, minrange=minrange, maxrange=maxrange, trim.range=trim.range, log.data=log.data)
## Plots tracks and C map
if (!is.null(tracks)){
if (width(range(x))>=width(range(y))){
addImageTracks(x, tracks, orientation="h")
addImageTracks(y, tracks, orientation="h")
triViewC(xdata, value=value, show.zero=show.zero, show.na=show.na, col.pos=col.pos, col.neg=col.neg, col.na=col.na, col.zero=col.zero, title=title[1], k=k, w=w)
triViewC(ydata, flip=TRUE, value=value, show.zero=show.zero, show.na=show.na, col.pos=col.pos, col.neg=col.neg, col.na=col.na, col.zero=col.zero, title=title[2], k=k, w=w)
## plot Alias
setMethod("plot", signature="HTClist",
function(x, ...){
mapC(x, ...)
setMethod("plot", signature="HTCexp",
function(x, ...){
mapC(x, ...)
setMethod("plot", signature=c("HTCexp","HTCexp"),
function(x, y, ...){
mapC(x, y, ...)
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