# https://dom-pubs.pericles-prod.literatumonline.com/doi/10.1111/dom.13602
mfile <- download_data('atkin.metabolon.xlsx')
sfile <- download_data('atkin.somascan.adat')
mobj <- read_metabolon(mfile)
sobj <- read_somascan(sfile)
mobj$Bmi <- NULL
sobj$Bmi <- NULL
mobj$Age <- NULL
sobj$Age <- NULL
PLOT_EXPRS <- function(obj) plot_exprs(obj, block = 'Subject', coefs = NULL, shape = 'Diabetes', size = 'Diabetes') +
scale_size_manual(values = c(Control = 1, T2DM = 2))
mobj[ 'glucose', ] %>% PLOT_EXPRS() # 1
mobj[ 'cortisol', ] %>% PLOT_EXPRS() # 2
mobj[ 'docosatrienoate (22:3n3)', ] %>% PLOT_EXPRS() # 3
mobj[ '10-nonadecenoate (19:1n9)', ] %>% PLOT_EXPRS() # 4
# mobj[ 'X - 12450', ] %>% PLOT_EXPRS() # 5
# mobj[ 'dihomo-linoleate (20:2n6)', ] %>% PLOT_EXPRS() # 6
# mobj[ 'linolenate [alpha or gamma; (18:3n3 or 6)]', ] %>% PLOT_EXPRS() # 7
sobj['Activated Protein C', ] %>% PLOT_EXPRS() # 1
sobj['BOC', ] %>% PLOT_EXPRS() # 2
sobj['CRDL1', ] %>% PLOT_EXPRS() # 3
sobj['Dynactin subunit 2', ] %>% PLOT_EXPRS() # 4
# sobj['Ephrin-A5', ] %>% PLOT_EXPRS() # 5
# sobj['FABP', ] %>% PLOT_EXPRS() # 6
# sobj['Insulin', ] %>% PLOT_EXPRS() # 7
# sobj['Myoglobin', ] %>% PLOT_EXPRS() # 8
# sobj['PH', ] %>% PLOT_EXPRS() # 9
# sobj['PRL', ] %>% PLOT_EXPRS() # 10
# sobj['RGMA', ] %>% PLOT_EXPRS() # 11
# sobj['RSPO2', ] %>% PLOT_EXPRS() # 12
# sobj['WIF-1', ] %>% PLOT_EXPRS() # 13
mfeatures <- c('glucose', 'cortisol', 'docosatrienoate (22:3n3)', '10-nonadecenoate (19:1n9)')
sfeatures <- c('Activated Protein C', 'BOC', 'CRDL1', 'Dynactin subunit 2')
mfeatures %<>% c(fnames(mobj)[order(rowVars(values(mobj), na.rm = TRUE))[1:16]])
sfeatures %<>% c(fnames(sobj)[order(rowVars(values(sobj), na.rm = TRUE))[1:16]])
mobj %<>% extract(mfeatures, )
sobj %<>% extract(sfeatures, )
plot_volcano(fit_limma(mobj), coefs = 't2')
plot_volcano(fit_limma(sobj), coefs = 't2')
read_somascan( 'inst/extdata/atkin.somascan.adat')
# https://www.embopress.org/doi/full/10.15252/embr.201949752
# Read
file <- download_data('fukuda20.proteingroups.txt')
object <- read_maxquant_proteingroups(file, contaminants = TRUE, reverse = TRUE)
fdt(object)$protein <- NULL # identical to feature_id
fdt(object)$log2maxlfq <- NULL # not needed here
fdt(object)$organism <- NULL # DANRE everywhere
fdt(object)$isoform <- NULL # not needed now
object %<>% filter_exprs_replicated_in_some_subgroup()
# Three types of detections. Impute systematic NAs.
fdt(object)$detection <- 'none'
fdt(object)$detection[ systematic_nas(object) ] <- 'systematic'
fdt(object)$detection[ random_nas(object) ] <- 'random'
fdt(object)$detection[ no_nas(object) ] <- 'full'
object %<>% impute()
# LinMod
object %<>% fit_limma(coefs = 'Adult')
object %<>% extract( order(fdt(.)$`p~Adult~limma`) , )
# Lets compose a representative set dir det dif
# --- --- ---
fdt(object)[ contaminant == '' ][ `effect~Adult~limma` < 0 ][ detection == 'systematic' ] # 54 mcm6 F1R5P3_DANRE -8e-9 dn sys 1 (1)
# 5575 polr2d Q6DRG4_DANRE -5e-1 0 (2)
# 6266 riox2 Q7T3G6_DANRE -2e-1 0 (3)
fdt(object)[ contaminant == '' ][ `effect~Adult~limma` < 0 ][ detection == 'full' ] # 5045 hmbsb Q503D2_DANRE -4e-8 full 1 (4)
# 2769 synm B7ZUY8_DANRE -1 0 (5)
# 4750 pmpcb Q1L8E2_DANRE -1 0 (6)
fdt(object)[ contaminant == '' ][ `effect~Adult~limma` < 0 ][ detection == 'random' ] # 6198 hbbe2 Q7T1B0_DANRE -1e-7 rnd 1 (7)
# 6020 atg3 ATG3_DANRE -1 0 (8)
# 641 lztfl1 A0A0R4ISB5_DANRE -1 0 (9)
fdt(object)[ contaminant == '' ][ `effect~Adult~limma` > 0 ][ detection == 'systematic' ] # 3568 vtg4 F1Q7L0_DANRE +2e-8 up sys 1 (10)
# 5065 ovca2 OVCA2_DANRE +2e-1 0 (11)
# 3335 mief2 E7FFR5_DANRE +1e-1 0 (12)
fdt(object)[ contaminant == '' ][ `effect~Adult~limma` > 0 ][ detection == 'full' ] # 5477 hbba2 Q6DGK4_DANRE +3e-6 full 1 (13)
# 3416 lrrc57 LRC57_DANRE +1 0 (14)
# 471 ryr2b A0A0R4IKT8_DANRE +1 0 (15)
fdt(object)[ contaminant == '' ][ `effect~Adult~limma` > 0 ][ detection == 'random' ] # 5522 bfb Q6DHC4_DANRE +1e-5 rnd 1 (16)
# 599 utp20 A0A0R4IQW7_DANRE +1 0 (17)
# 2711 plbd1 B3DJ80_DANRE +1 0 (18)
fdt(object)[ contaminant == '+' ] # 2936 ALB CON__ALBU_BOVIN -8e-1 dn full 0 (19)
fdt(object)[ reverse == '+' ] # 6754 REV__elmo3 REV__F1QSV8_DANRE -3e-1 dn full 0 (20)
features <- c( 'F1R5P3_DANRE', 'Q6DRG4_DANRE', 'Q7T3G6_DANRE', 'Q503D2_DANRE', 'B7ZUY8_DANRE', 'Q1L8E2_DANRE', 'Q7T1B0_DANRE', 'ATG3_DANRE', 'A0A0R4ISB5_DANRE',
all( features %in% fdt(object)$feature_id )
fdt(object)[ feature_id %in% features ][ order(as.numeric(proId)) ]
read_maxquant_proteingroups('inst/extdata/fukuda20.proteingroups.txt') # works
read_maxquant_proteingroups(download_data('fukuda20.proteingroups.txt')) # works
# https://www.nature.com/articles/srep21507
file <- download_data('billing16.proteingroups.txt')
object <- read_maxquant_proteingroups(file)
# https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1535947620315243?via%3Dihub
# Read
rnafile <- download_data('billing19.rnacounts.txt')
profile <- download_data('billing19.proteingroups.txt')
fosfile <- download_data('billing19.phosphosites.txt')
rnafile1 <- 'inst/extdata/billing19.rnacounts.txt'
profile1 <- 'inst/extdata/billing19.proteingroups.txt'
fosfile1 <- 'inst/extdata/billing19.phosphosites.txt'
subgroups <- sprintf('%s_STD', c('E00', 'E01', 'E02', 'E05', 'E15', 'E30', 'M00'))
rna <- read_rnaseq_counts(rnafile)
rna1 <- read_rnaseq_counts(rnafile1)
pro <- read_maxquant_proteingroups(profile, subgroups = subgroups, contaminant = TRUE, reverse = TRUE)
pro1 <- read_maxquant_proteingroups(profile1, subgroups = subgroups)
fos <- read_maxquant_phosphosites( fosfile = fosfile, profile = profile, subgroups = subgroups, contaminant = TRUE, reverse = TRUE )
fos1 <- read_maxquant_phosphosites( fosfile = fosfile1, profile = profile1, subgroups = subgroups)
pro$subgroup %<>% split_extract_fixed('_', 1)
pro1$subgroup %<>% split_extract_fixed('_', 1)
fos$subgroup %<>% split_extract_fixed('_', 1)
fos1$subgroup %<>% split_extract_fixed('_', 1)
fdt(fos)$`Fasta headers` <- NULL
fvars(rna) %<>% stri_replace_first_fixed('gene_name', 'gene')
# Pca
pcalist <- list( p1 = biplot(pca(rna ), nx = 1, ny = 1, feature_label = 'gene') + ggtitle('RNA'), # COL3A1 and COL11A1
p3 = biplot(pca(pro ), nx = 1, ny = 1, feature_label = 'gene') + ggtitle('PRO'), # HSPB6 and LCP1
p5 = biplot(pca(fos ), nx = 1, ny = 1, feature_label = 'gene') + ggtitle('FOS') ) # VIM and NES
gridExtra::grid.arrange(grobs = pcalist, nrow = 3)
# Model
rna %>% impute() # no NA
pro %<>% impute()
fos %<>% impute()
rna %<>% fit_limma(coefs = 'M00') # differentiation E00 -> M00
pro %<>% fit_limma(coefs = 'M00')
fos %<>% fit_limma(coefs = 'M00')
rna %<>% extract(order(fdt(.)$`p~M00~limma`), )
pro %<>% extract(order(fdt(.)$`p~M00~limma`), )
fos %<>% extract(order(fdt(.)$`p~M00~limma`), )
# Rm missing values
fdt(rna)[is.na(`p~M00~limma`)] # 0 % NA
fdt(pro)[is.na(`p~M00~limma`)] # 7 % NA : 586/8017
fdt(fos)[is.na(`p~M00~limma`)] # 27 % NA : 2314/8590
pro %<>% filter_features(!is.na(`p~M00~limma`))
fos %<>% filter_features(!is.na(`p~M00~limma`))
fdt(rna) %<>% add_adjusted_pvalues('fdr')
fdt(pro) %<>% add_adjusted_pvalues('fdr')
fdt(fos) %<>% add_adjusted_pvalues('fdr')
rna %<>% abstract_fit()
pro %<>% abstract_fit()
fos %<>% abstract_fit()
# Drops features with no gene annotation
fdt(rna)[gene=='' | is.na(gene) | gene == 'NA'] # 0
fdt(pro)[gene=='' | is.na(gene) | gene == 'NA'] # 108 - incomplete fastahdrs - rm
fdt(fos)[gene=='' | is.na(gene) | gene == 'NA'] # 71 - incomplete fastahdrs - rm
pro %<>% filter_features( gene!='' & !is.na(gene) & gene != 'NA' )
fos %<>% filter_features( gene!='' & !is.na(gene) & gene != 'NA' )
# Fix Excel genes
fdt(rna)[order(gene)] # excel genes issue
fdt(pro)[order(gene)] # no issue
fdt(fos)[order(gene)] # no issue
fdt(rna)$gene %<>% fix_xlgenes()
fdt(pro)$gene %<>% fix_xlgenes()
fdt(fos)$gene %<>% fix_xlgenes()
fdt(rna)[order(gene)] # excel genes issue
# Contaminant
procontaminants <- fdt(pro)[contaminant == '+' & gene != '', unique(gene) ] # Lets take a contaminant in both PRO and FOS
foscontaminants <- fdt(fos)[contaminant == '+' & gene != '', unique(gene) ] # That makes things a bit easier
commoncontaminants <- intersect( procontaminants, foscontaminants ) # KRT19 catches the eye. Well-known contaminant
fdt(pro)[commoncontaminants, on = 'gene'] # PRO : 1 down - ok, gets filtered out anyways - take
fdt(rna)[gene == 'KRT19', on = 'gene'] # RNA : 1 flat - contributes to flat background - take
fdt(fos)[gene == 'KRT19', on = 'gene'] # FOS : 4 down (imputed), 1 flat (detected) - take the detected
contaminants <- union(procontaminants, foscontaminants)
rna %<>% filter_features(! gene %in% c('', contaminants))
pro %<>% filter_features(! gene %in% c('', contaminants))
fos %<>% filter_features(! gene %in% c('', contaminants))
# Reverse
proreverse <- fdt(pro)[reverse == '+', unique(gene)] # Lets find one in both PRO and FOS
fosreverse <- fdt(fos)[reverse == '+', unique(gene)] # REV__SYNE2 is the only such protein!
intersect(proreverse, fosreverse) # PRO : 1 flat - take
fdt(pro)[gene == 'REV__SYNE2'] # FOS : 2 up (imp) - same protein - take first (12087)
fdt(fos)[gene == 'REV__SYNE2'] # Interestingly the fwd protein is also detected!
fdt(rna)[gene == 'SYNE2'] # RNA : 1 down - take
fdt(pro)[gene == 'SYNE2'] # PRO : 1 down - take
fdt(fos)[gene == 'SYNE2'] # FOS : 1 down (imputed)
pro %<>% filter_features(reverse=='') # will not contribute to modeling background because NA
fos %<>% filter_features(reverse=='') # still good to take because of the pairing with PRO
# Multiprotein genes
multiproteindt <- fdt(pro)[imputed==FALSE]
multiproteindt %<>% extract(, .SD[.N>1], by = 'gene') # multiprotein gene
multiproteindt %<>% extract(gene %in% unique(fdt(rna)[`p~M00~limma`>0.1]$gene)) # RNA flat
multiproteindt %<>% extract(, .SD[ sum( `fdr~M00~limma`<0.05 & `effect~M00~limma`>0)>0], by = 'gene') # PRO up (SYNE2 was already down)
multiproteindt %<>% extract(, .SD[ sum( `p~M00~limma`>0.5 )>0], by = 'gene') # PRO flat
fdt(rna)[gene == 'ACOT9'] # RNA: 1 flat
fdt(pro)[gene == 'ACOT9'] # PRO: 1 up, 1 flat, genenames intuitive
fdt(fos)[gene == 'ACOT9'] # FOS: none
multiproteingenes <- fdt(pro)[, .SD[.N>1], by = 'gene']$gene
rna %<>% filter_features(!gene %in% multiproteingenes)
pro %<>% filter_features(!gene %in% multiproteingenes)
fos %<>% filter_features(!gene %in% multiproteingenes)
# RNA down - PRO flat - FOS none
unique(fdt(pro)[ `p~M00~limma`>0.5 ]$gene) %>% intersect(
unique(fdt(rna)[`fdr~M00~limma`<5e-8 & `effect~M00~limma`<0 ]$gene) ) %>% setdiff(
fdt(rna)[gene == 'KIF5A']
fdt(pro)[gene == 'KIF5A']
fdt(fos)[gene == 'KIF5A']
# RNA up - PRO flat - FOS none
unique(fdt(pro)[ `p~M00~limma`>0.5 ]$gene) %>% intersect(
unique(fdt(rna)[`fdr~M00~limma`<5e-9 & `effect~M00~limma`>0 ]$gene) ) %>% setdiff(
fdt(rna)[gene == 'CHD3']
fdt(pro)[gene == 'CHD3']
fdt(fos)[gene == 'CHD3']
# RNA flat, PRO flat, FOS down+up (and some flat)
candgenes <- unique(fdt(rna)[ `p~M00~limma` > 0.5 ]$gene) # RNA flat
candgenes %<>% intersect(unique(fdt(pro)[ `p~M00~limma` > 0.5 ]$gene)) # PRO flat
candgenes %<>% intersect(unique(fdt(fos)[imputed==FALSE][`fdr~M00~limma` < 0.05 & `effect~M00~limma` < 0 ]$gene)) # FOS down
candgenes %<>% intersect(unique(fdt(fos)[imputed==FALSE][`fdr~M00~limma` < 0.05 & `effect~M00~limma` > 0 ]$gene)) # FOS up
candgenes %<>% intersect(unique(fdt(fos)[imputed==FALSE][ `p~M00~limma` > 0.05 ]$gene)) # FOS flat
fdt(rna)['TNKS1BP1', on = 'gene']
fdt(pro)['TNKS1BP1', on = 'gene']
fdt(fos)['TNKS1BP1', on = 'gene'][imputed==FALSE]
# RNA flat, PRO flat, FOS down (and some flat)
candgenes <- unique(fdt(rna)[ `p~M00~limma` > 0.5 ]$gene) # RNA flat
candgenes %<>% intersect(unique(fdt(pro)[ `p~M00~limma` > 0.5 ]$gene)) # PRO flat
candgenes %<>% intersect(unique(fdt(fos)[imputed==FALSE][`fdr~M00~limma` < 5e-5 & `effect~M00~limma` < 0 ]$gene)) # FOS down
candgenes %<>% intersect(unique(fdt(fos)[imputed==FALSE][ `p~M00~limma` > 0.05 ]$gene)) # FOS flat
fdt(rna)[gene == candgenes[2]]
fdt(rna)['KLC4', on = 'gene'] # flat
fdt(pro)['KLC4', on = 'gene'] # flat
fdt(fos)['KLC4', on = 'gene'][imputed==FALSE] # one down, (one mildly up), one flat
# RNA up, PRO flat, FOS up (and some flat)
candgenes <- unique(fdt(rna)[ `p~M00~limma` > 0.5 ]$gene) # RNA flat
candgenes %<>% intersect(unique(fdt(pro)[ `p~M00~limma` > 0.5 ]$gene)) # PRO flat
candgenes %<>% intersect(unique(fdt(fos)[imputed==FALSE][`fdr~M00~limma` < 5e-4 & `effect~M00~limma` > 0 ]$gene)) # FOS down
candgenes %<>% intersect(unique(fdt(fos)[imputed==FALSE][ `p~M00~limma` > 0.05 ]$gene)) # FOS flat
fdt(rna)['MFF', on = 'gene'] # flat
fdt(pro)['MFF', on = 'gene'] # flat. but proteingroups file shows 3 isoforms
fdt(fos)['MFF', on = 'gene'][imputed==FALSE] # one up, one flat
fdt(rna)['SLC4A7', on = 'gene'] # flat
fdt(pro)['SLC4A7', on = 'gene'] # flat
fdt(fos)['SLC4A7', on = 'gene'][imputed==FALSE] # take 1 up and 2 flat
# RNA flat, PRO impute down, FOS impute down
candgenes <- unique(fdt(rna)[ `p~M00~limma` > 0.5 ]$gene) # RNA flat
candgenes %<>% intersect(fdt(pro)[imputed==TRUE]$gene) # PRO imputed
candgenes %<>% intersect(fdt(fos)[imputed==TRUE]$gene) # FOS imputed
candgenes %<>% intersect(fdt(pro)[ `fdr~M00~limma` < 5e-6 & `effect~M00~limma` < 0 ]$gene) # PRO down
candgenes %<>% intersect(fdt(fos)[ `fdr~M00~limma` < 5e-6 & `effect~M00~limma` < 0 ]$gene) # FOS down
fdt(rna)['MNAT1', on = 'gene']
fdt(pro)['MNAT1', on = 'gene']
fdt(fos)['MNAT1', on = 'gene']
# RNA flat, PRO impute up, FOS impute up
candgenes <- unique(fdt(rna)[ `p~M00~limma` > 0.5 ]$gene) # RNA flat
candgenes %<>% intersect(fdt(pro)[imputed==TRUE]$gene) # PRO imputed
candgenes %<>% intersect(fdt(fos)[imputed==TRUE]$gene) # FOS imputed
candgenes %<>% intersect(fdt(pro)[ `fdr~M00~limma` < 5e-3 & `effect~M00~limma` > 0 ]$gene) # PRO up
candgenes %<>% intersect(fdt(fos)[ `fdr~M00~limma` < 5e-3 & `effect~M00~limma` > 0 ]$gene) # FOS up
fdt(rna)['FYN', on = 'gene']
fdt(pro)['FYN', on = 'gene']
fdt(fos)['FYN', on = 'gene']
# RNA flat, PRO flat, FOS flat, random NA
candgenes <- unique(fdt(rna)[ `p~M00~limma` > 0.2 ]$gene) # RNA flat
candgenes %<>% intersect(unique(fdt(pro)[ `p~M00~limma` > 0.2 ]$gene)) # PRO flat
candgenes %<>% intersect(unique(fdt(fos)[ `p~M00~limma` > 0.2 ]$gene)) # FOS flat
candgenes %<>% intersect(fdt(pro)$gene[random_nas(pro)])
candgenes %<>% intersect(fdt(fos)$gene[random_nas(fos)])
fdt(rna)['MFF', on = 'gene']
fdt(pro)['MFF', on = 'gene'] # multiple isoforms
fdt(fos)['MFF', on = 'gene']
fdt(rna)['DDA1', on = 'gene']
fdt(pro)['DDA1', on = 'gene']
fdt(fos)['DDA1', on = 'gene']
fdt(rna)['NEK1', on = 'gene']
fdt(pro)['NEK1', on = 'gene']
fdt(fos)['NEK1', on = 'gene']
# Flatliner: RNA and FOS (not in PRO)
candidates <- rnagenes %>% setdiff(progenes) %>% intersect(fosgenes)
candidates %<>% intersect(fdt(rna)[`p~M00~limma` > 0.30, unique(gene)]) # flat rna - flat pro
candidates %<>% intersect(fdt(fos)[`p~M00~limma` > 0.30, unique(gene)]) # flat rna - flat pro
fdt(rna)['EAF1', on = 'gene']
fdt(pro)['EAF1', on = 'gene']
fdt(fos)['EAF1', on = 'gene']
# Review
rnafile <- download_data('billing19.rnacounts.txt')
profile <- download_data('billing19.proteingroups.txt')
fosfile <- download_data('billing19.phosphosites.txt')
rnafile1 <- 'inst/extdata/billing19.rnacounts.txt'
profile1 <- 'inst/extdata/billing19.proteingroups.txt'
fosfile1 <- 'inst/extdata/billing19.phosphosites.txt'
subgroups <- sprintf('%s_STD', c('E00', 'E01', 'E02', 'E05', 'E15', 'E30', 'M00'))
rna <- read_rnaseq_counts(rnafile)
rna1 <- read_rnaseq_counts(rnafile1)
pro <- read_maxquant_proteingroups(profile, subgroups = subgroups, contaminant = TRUE, reverse = TRUE)
pro1 <- read_maxquant_proteingroups(profile1, subgroups = subgroups)
fos <- read_maxquant_phosphosites( fosfile = fosfile, profile = profile, subgroups = subgroups, contaminant = TRUE, reverse = TRUE )
fos1 <- read_maxquant_phosphosites( fosfile = fosfile1, profile = profile1, subgroups = subgroups)
pro$subgroup %<>% split_extract_fixed('_', 1)
pro1$subgroup %<>% split_extract_fixed('_', 1)
fos$subgroup %<>% split_extract_fixed('_', 1)
fos1$subgroup %<>% split_extract_fixed('_', 1)
fdt(fos)$`Fasta headers` <- NULL
fvars(rna) %<>% stri_replace_first_fixed('gene_name', 'gene')
pcalist <- list( p1 = biplot(pca(rna ), nx = 1, ny = 1, feature_label = 'gene') + ggtitle('RNA'), # COL3A1
p2 = biplot(pca(rna1), nx = 1, ny = 1, feature_label = 'gene') + ggtitle('rna'), # COL11A1
p3 = biplot(pca(pro ), nx = 1, ny = 1, feature_label = 'gene') + ggtitle('PRO'), # HSPB6
p4 = biplot(pca(pro1), nx = 1, ny = 1, feature_label = 'gene') + ggtitle('pro'), # LCP1
p5 = biplot(pca(fos ), nx = 1, ny = 1, feature_label = 'gene') + ggtitle('FOS'), # VIM
p6 = biplot(pca(fos1), nx = 1, ny = 1, feature_label = 'gene') + ggtitle('fos') ) # NES
gridExtra::grid.arrange(grobs = pcalist, layout_matrix = matrix(1:6, nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE))
rna %<>% fit_limma()
pro %<>% fit_limma()
fos %<>% fit_limma()
rna1 %<>% fit_limma()
pro1 %<>% fit_limma()
fos1 %<>% fit_limma()
gridExtra::grid.arrange( plot_volcano(rna, label = 'gene_name'),
plot_volcano(rna1, label = 'gene' ) )
gridExtra::grid.arrange( plot_volcano(pro, label = 'gene' ),
plot_volcano(pro1, label = 'gene' ) )
gridExtra::grid.arrange( plot_volcano(fos, label = 'gene' ),
plot_volcano(fos1, label = 'gene' ) )
plotlist <- list( p1 = plot_volcano(rna, label = 'gene_name' ),
p2 = plot_volcano(rna1, label = 'gene'),
p3 = plot_volcano(pro, label = 'gene'),
p4 = plot_volcano(pro1, label = 'gene'),
p5 = plot_volcano(fos, label = 'gene'),
p6 = plot_volcano(fos1, label = 'gene') )
gridExtra::grid.arrange(grobs = plotlist, layout_matrix = matrix(1:6, nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE))
# https://www.nature.com/articles/srep21507
# RNA, PRO, and SOMA exist
# But the examples us only PRO
# So for now, lets just downsize that.
profile <- download_data('billing16.proteingroups.txt')
somafile <- download_data('billing16.somascan.adat')
rna <- read_rnaseq_counts(rnafile)
pro <- read_maxquant_proteingroups(profile)
soma <- read_somascan(somafile)
rna # already a reduced set file !
# UNIPROT_HSA_20140515
profile <- system.file('extdata/billing19.proteingroups.txt', package = 'autonomics')
fosfile <- system.file('extdata/billing19.phosphosites.txt', package = 'autonomics')
prodt <- fread(profile, select = c('id', 'Majority protein IDs', 'Gene names'))
fosdt <- fread(fosfile, select = c('id', 'Protein group IDs', 'Proteins', 'Gene names'))
uniprots <- unique(unlist(stri_split_fixed(prodt$`Majority protein IDs`, ';')))
uniprots %<>% union(unique(unlist(stri_split_fixed(fosdt$`Proteins`, ';'))))
uniprots %<>% extract(. != '')
uniprots %<>% extract(!stri_detect_fixed(., 'REV__'))
uniprots %<>% extract(!stri_detect_fixed(., 'CON__'))
# uniprots %<>% split_extract_fixed('-', 1)
uniprots %<>% unique()
fastainfile <- download_data('uniprot_hsa_20140515.fasta')
fastaobj <- Biostrings::readAAStringSet(fastainfile)
fastaups <- names(fastaobj) %>% split_extract_fixed('|', 2)
idx <- match(uniprots, fastaups)
fastaobj %<>% extract(idx)
fastaoutfile <- 'inst/extdata/uniprot_hsa_20140515.fasta'
Biostrings::writeXStringSet(fastaobj, filepath = fastaoutfile)
pro1 <- read_maxquant_proteingroups(profile)
pro2 <- read_maxquant_proteingroups(profile, fastafile = fastafile)
# https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-40596-0
# PCA and PLS: major variation drivers
file <- '../../../02_analysis/ag_serrano/ag_pogge-serrano-pkp2-001/atnomx_report_names.tsv'
object <- read_diann_proteingroups(file)
p1 <- biplot(pca(object), nx = 2, ny = 4, feature_label = 'gene')
p2 <- biplot(pls(object), nx = 2, ny = 2, feature_label = 'gene') # maybe better these to raise less questions
gridExtra::grid.arrange(p1, p2, nrow = 1)
genes <- c(
'PI16', # down in MA
'CPM', # up in MA
'RPL36AL', # down in KD (MA)
'ANKRD54', # up in KD (MA)
'TFB1M', # down in KD (MA + PA)
'NAV1' # up in KD (MA + PA)
# Explore feature clusters
fcluster(object) # 1 : up (MA.WT, MA.KD) - down (PA.WT, PA.KD)
# 2 : down (MA.WT, MA.KD) - up (PA.WT, PA.KD)
# 3 : seems to be more flat backgrounders
# But is clustering suited to pick flat backgrounders ?
# Zscoring actually inflates signal
# And flat backgrounders will not have a consistent pattern anyways
# F test would actually be more suited
fdt(object) %<>% extract(, 1:2)
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