# add_color_scale
# add_fill_scale
#' Add color scale
#' @param object SummarizedExperiment
#' @param color string: svar mapped to color
#' @param show TRUE or FALSE (default)
#' @param verbose TRUE or FALSE (default)
#' @return default color values vector
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file('extdata/billing19.proteingroups.txt', package = 'autonomics')
#' subgroups <- sprintf('%s_STD', c('E00','E01','E02','E05','E15','E30','M00'))
#' object <- read_maxquant_proteingroups(file, subgroups = subgroups)
#' p <- plot_sample_densities(object)
#' add_color_scale(p, color = 'subgroup', data = sdt(object))
#' @noRd
add_color_scale <- function(p, color, data, palette = NULL){
# Assert
assert_is_subset(color, names(data))
# Colors
if (!is.null(color)){
values0 <- data[[color]]
if (!is.numeric(values0)){
if (is.character(values0)) values0 %<>% factor()
levels0 <- levels(values0)
if (is.null(palette)) palette <- make_colors(levels0, sep = guess_sep(levels0))
p <- p + scale_color_manual(values = palette, na.value = 'gray80')
# Return
add_fill_scale <- function(p, fill, data, palette = NULL){
# Assert
# Colors
if (!is.null(fill)){
assert_is_subset(fill, names(data))
values0 <- data[[fill]]
if (!is.numeric(values0)){
levels0 <- as.character(unique(values0))
if (is.null(palette)) palette <- make_colors(levels0, sep = guess_sep(levels0))
p <- p + scale_fill_manual(values = palette, na.value = 'gray80')
# Return
make_svar_palette <- function(object, svar){
if (is.null(svar)) return(NULL)
if (is.numeric(object[[svar]])) return(NULL)
make_colors(slevels(object, svar))
make_fvar_palette <- function(object, fvar){
if (is.null(fvar)) return(NULL)
make_colors(flevels(object, fvar))
make_var_palette <- function(object, var){
if (is.null(var)) return(NULL)
if (var %in% svars(object)){ make_svar_palette(object, var)
} else if (var %in% fvars(object)){ make_fvar_palette(object, var) }
#' Make colors
#' @param varlevels character vector
#' @param sep string
#' @param show TRUE or FALSE: whether to plot
#' @param verbose TRUE or FALSE: whether to msg
#' @examples
#' make_colors(c('A', 'B', 'C', 'D' ), show = TRUE)
#' make_colors(c('A.1', 'B.1', 'A.2','B.2'), show = TRUE)
#' @export
make_colors <- function(
varlevels, sep = guess_sep(varlevels), show = FALSE, verbose = FALSE
# Numeric colors
if (is.numeric(varlevels)){
colors <- brewer.pal(length(varlevels), 'YlOrRd')
names(colors) <- varlevels
if (show) pie(rep(1, length(colors)), names(colors), col = colors)
# # Twofactor colors
# if (!is.null(sep)){ # consistent separator
# if (length(varlevels)>2){ # 3+ samples
# n1 <- length(unique(split_extract_fixed(varlevels, sep, 1)))
# n2 <- length(unique(split_extract_fixed(varlevels, sep, 2)))
# if (n1>1 & n2>1){ # 2+ huevar levels
# return(make_twofactor_colors(
# varlevels, sep = sep, show = show, verbose = verbose))
# }
# }
# }
# Onefactor colors
return(make_onefactor_colors(varlevels, show = show, verbose = verbose))
#' Create default ggplot colors for factor levels
#' @param varlevels string vector
#' @param h start hue
#' @param l luminance
#' @param show TRUE/FALSE
#' @param verbose TRUE/FALSE
#' @return string vector: elements = colors, names = factor levels
#' @author John Colby
#' @references https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8197559
#' @noRd
make_onefactor_colors <- function(
varlevels, h = 15, l = 65, show = FALSE, verbose = TRUE
n <- length(varlevels)
hues <- seq(h, h + 360, length = n + 1)
colors <- hcl(h = hues, l = l, c = 100)[seq_len(n)] %>%
if (show) pie(rep(1, length(colors)), names(colors),
col = colors)
if (verbose) message('\t\tMake default ggplot colors')
#' Make composite colors
#' @param varlevels string vector
#' @param sep string
#' @param show TRUE/FALSE: show colors in pie plot?
#' @param verbose TRUE/FALSE
#' @return named string vector (elements = colors, names = color_var levels)
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file('extdata/atkin.metabolon.xlsx', package = 'autonomics')
#' object <- read_metabolon(file)
#' subgroups <- unique(paste(object$Diabetes, object$Time, sep = '.'))
#' make_twofactor_colors(subgroups, show = TRUE)
#' @noRd
make_twofactor_colors <- function(
varlevels, sep = guess_sep(varlevels), show = FALSE, verbose = TRUE
# Assert
if (verbose) message('\t\tMake composite colors')
# Satisfy CHECK
subgroup <- V1 <- V2 <- color <- hue <- luminance <- NULL
# Split into components
# * V1: first n-1 components => will be mapped to hue
# * V2: last component => will be mapped to luminance
# This approach works also when more than two components are present
# It is therefore used instead of split_values()
V1 <- stri_split_fixed(varlevels, sep) %>%
vapply( function(x) paste0(x[-length(x)], collapse = sep),
V2 <- stri_split_fixed(varlevels, sep) %>%
vapply(function(x) x[length(x)], character(1))
V1levels <- sort(unique(V1))
V2levels <- sort(unique(V2))
n1 <- length(V1levels)
n2 <- length(V2levels)
hues <- seq(15, 375, length = n1 + 1)[seq_len(n1)] %>% set_names(V1levels)
colors <- character(0)
for (i in seq_along(hues)){ # https://stackoverflow.com/a/5738083
# colors %<>% c(sequential_hcl(
# n2, h = hues[[i]], power = 1, c = c(50, 100),
# l = c(90, 30)) %>%
# set_names(paste0(V1levels[[i]], sep, V2levels)))
basecolor <- hcl(h = hues[[i]], c = 100, l = 50)
newcolors <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c('white', basecolor))(n2+1)[-1]
names(newcolors) <- paste0(V1levels[[i]], sep, V2levels)
colors %<>% c(newcolors)
if (show) pie(rep(1, length(colors)), names(colors),
col = colors)
# plot_data()
#' Plot data
#' @param data data.frame'
#' @param geom geom_point, etc.
#' @param color variable mapped to color (symbol)
#' @param fill variable mapped to fill (symbol)
#' @param linetype variable mapped to linetype (symbol)
#' @param ... mapped aesthetics
#' @param palette color palette (named character vector)
#' @param fixed fixed aesthetics (list)
#' @param theme list with ggplot theme specifications
#' @return ggplot object
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file('extdata/atkin.metabolon.xlsx', package = 'autonomics')
#' object <- read_metabolon(file)
#' object %<>% pca()
#' data <- sdt(object)
#' plot_data(data, x = `effect~sample_id~pca1`, y = `effect~sample_id~pca2`)
#' plot_data(data, x = `effect~sample_id~pca1`, y = `effect~sample_id~pca2`, color = subgroup)
#' plot_data(data, x = `effect~sample_id~pca1`, y = `effect~sample_id~pca2`, color = NULL)
#' fixed <- list(shape = 15, size = 3)
#' plot_data(data, x = `effect~sample_id~pca1`, y = `effect~sample_id~pca2`, fixed = fixed)
#' @author Aditya Bhagwat, Johannes Graumann
#' @export
plot_data <- function(
data, geom = geom_point, color = NULL, fill = NULL, linetype = NULL, ..., palette = NULL,
fixed = list(), theme = list()
color <- enquo(color)
fill <- enquo(fill)
linetype <- enquo(linetype)
dots <- enquos(...)
fixed %<>% extract(setdiff(names(fixed), names(dots)))
p <- ggplot(data = data, # https://stackoverflow.com/a/55816211
mapping = eval(expr(aes(color=!!color, fill=!!fill, linetype = !!linetype, !!!dots))))
p <- p + do.call(geom, fixed)
p <- p + theme_bw()
colorstr <- if (quo_is_null(color)) NULL else as_name(color)
fillstr <- if (quo_is_null(fill)) NULL else as_name(fill)
p <- add_color_scale(p, colorstr, data, palette = palette)
p <- add_fill_scale( p, fillstr, data, palette = palette)
p <- p + do.call(ggplot2::theme, {{theme}})
# add_highlights
add_highlights <- function(p, x, hl, geom = geom_point, fixed_color = "black") {
feature_name <- value <- NULL
if (is.null(hl)) return(p)
hl_df <- p$data[get(hl)==TRUE]
args <- list(data = hl_df)
if (identical(geom, geom_point)) {
many_hl <- length(unique(args$data$feature_name)) > 6
if (many_hl) args$data$feature_name <- hl
args %<>% c(list(aes(shape = feature_name, x = !!sym(x), y = value), size = rel(3), color = fixed_color))
p <- p + do.call(geom, args)
if (identical(geom, geom_point)) p <- p +
labs(shape = if (many_hl) NULL else hl) +
guides(fill = guide_legend(override.aes = list(shape = NA)))
# plot_densities
# plot_sample_densities()
# plot_feature_densities
#' Plot sample/feature distributions
#' @param object SummarizedExperiment
#' @param assay string
#' @param group svar (string)
#' @param fill svar (string)
#' @param color svar (string)
#' @param linetype svar (string)
#' @param facet svar (character vector)
#' @param n number
#' @param nrow number of facet rows
#' @param ncol number of facet cols
#' @param dir 'h' (horizontal) or 'v' (vertical)
#' @param scales 'free', 'fixed', 'free_y'
#' @param labeller e.g. label_value
#' @param palette named character vector
#' @param fixed fixed aesthetics
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot_sample_violins}},
#' \code{\link{plot_sample_boxplots}}
#' @return ggplot object
#' @examples
#' # Data
#' file <- system.file('extdata/atkin.metabolon.xlsx', package = 'autonomics')
#' object <- read_metabolon(file)
#' object %<>% extract(, order(.$subgroup))
#' # Sample distributions
#' plot_sample_densities(object)
#' plot_sample_violins( object, facet = 'Time')
#' plot_sample_boxplots(object)
#' plot_exprs(object)
#' plot_exprs(object, dim = 'samples', x = 'subgroup', facet = 'Time')
#' # Feature distributions
#' plot_feature_densities(object)
#' plot_feature_violins( object)
#' plot_feature_boxplots( object)
#' @export
plot_densities <- function(
object, assay = assayNames(object)[1], group, fill, color = NULL, linetype = NULL,
facet = NULL, nrow = NULL, ncol = NULL, dir = 'h', scales = 'free_y',
labeller = label_value,
palette = NULL, fixed = list(alpha = 0.8, na.rm = TRUE)
# Assert / Process
assert_scalar_subset(assay, assayNames(object))
if (!is.null(fill)) assert_is_a_string(fill)
if (!is.null(color)) assert_is_a_string(color)
if (!is.null(facet)) assert_is_a_string(facet)
if (!is.null(nrow)) assert_is_a_number(nrow)
if (!is.null(ncol)) assert_is_a_number(ncol)
if (!is.null(palette)) assert_is_character(palette)
assert_is_subset(group, c(svars(object), fvars(object)))
if (!is.null(fill)) assert_is_subset(fill, c(svars(object), fvars(object)))
if (!is.null(color)) assert_is_subset(color, c(svars(object), fvars(object)))
if (!is.null(facet)) assert_is_subset(facet, c(svars(object), fvars(object)))
assert_is_subset(dir, c('h', 'v'))
value <- NULL
# Prepare
plotvars <- group
if (!is.null(fill)) plotvars %<>% c(fill) %>% unique()
if (!is.null(color)) plotvars %<>% c(color) %>% unique()
if (!is.null(facet)) plotvars %<>% c(facet) %>% unique()
plottedsvars <- intersect(plotvars, svars(object))
plottedfvars <- intersect(plotvars, fvars(object))
assert_is_identical_to_true(is_uniquely_empty(plottedsvars, plottedfvars))
if (!is.null(fill)) object[[fill]] %<>% num2char()
dt <- sumexp_to_longdt(object, assay = assay, svars = plottedsvars, fvars = plottedfvars)
# Plot
groupsym <- if (is.null(group)) quo(NULL) else sym(group)
fillsym <- if (is.null(fill )) quo(NULL) else sym(fill)
colorsym <- if (is.null(color)) quo(NULL) else sym(color)
linetypesym <- if (is.null(linetype)) quo(NULL) else sym(linetype)
p <- plot_data( dt, geom = geom_density,
x = value,
fill = !!fillsym,
color = !!colorsym,
linetype = !!linetypesym,
group = !!groupsym,
palette = palette,
fixed = fixed )
if (!is.null(facet)) p <- p + facet_wrap( facet,
nrow = nrow,
ncol = ncol,
dir = dir,
labeller = labeller,
scales = scales )
is_uniquely_empty <- function(x, y){
( is_empty(x) | !is_empty(y)) | (!is_empty(x) | is_empty(y))
#' @rdname plot_densities
#' @export
plot_sample_densities <- function(
assay = assayNames(object)[1],
group = 'sample_id',
fill = if ('subgroup' %in% svars(object)) 'subgroup' else 'sample_id',
color = NULL,
linetype = NULL,
n = 100,
facet = NULL,
nrow = NULL,
ncol = NULL,
dir = 'h',
scales = 'free_y',
labeller = label_value,
palette = NULL,
fixed = list(alpha = 0.8, na.rm = TRUE)
object %<>% extract_samples_evenly(n)
plot_densities( object,
assay = assay,
group = group,
fill = fill,
color = color,
linetype = linetype,
facet = facet, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol, dir = dir, scales = scales,
labeller = labeller,
palette = palette,
fixed = fixed ) +
ggtitle("Sample Densities")
feature_id <- NULL
#' @rdname plot_densities
#' @export
plot_feature_densities <- function(
assay = assayNames(object)[1],
fill = 'feature_id',
group = fill,
color = NULL,
linetype = NULL,
n = 9,
facet = NULL,
nrow = NULL,
ncol = NULL,
dir = 'h',
scales = 'free',
labeller = label_value, palette = NULL,
fixed = list(alpha = 0.8, na.rm = TRUE)
object %<>% extract_features_evenly(n)
plot_densities( object,
assay = assay,
group = group,
fill = fill,
color = color,
linetype = linetype,
facet = facet,
nrow = nrow,
ncol = ncol,
dir = dir,
scales = scales,
labeller = labeller,
palette = palette,
fixed = fixed ) +
ggtitle("Feature Densities")
# plot_violins()
# plot_sample_violins()
# plot_feature_violins
#' Plot sample/feature violins
#' @param object SummarizedExperiment
#' @param assay string
#' @param subgroup subgroup svar
#' @param x svar (string)
#' @param fill svar (string)
#' @param color svar (string)
#' @param n number
#' @param group svar (string)
#' @param facet svar (character vector)
#' @param nrow NULL or number
#' @param ncol NULL or number
#' @param dir 'h' or 'v' : are facets filled horizontally or vertically ?
#' @param scales 'free', 'free_x', 'free_y', or 'fixed'
#' @param labeller label_both or label_value
#' @param highlight fvar expressing which feature should be highlighted (string)
#' @param palette named color vector (character vector)
#' @param fixed fixed aesthetics
#' @return ggplot object
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot_exprs}},
#' \code{\link{plot_densities}}
#' @examples
#' # data
#' file <- system.file('extdata/atkin.metabolon.xlsx', package = 'autonomics')
#' object <- read_metabolon(file)
#' object %<>% extract(, order(.$subgroup))
#' control_features <- c('biotin','phosphate')
#' fdata(object) %<>% cbind(control = .$feature_name %in% control_features)
#' # plot
#' plot_violins(object[1:12, ], x = 'feature_id', fill = 'feature_id')
#' plot_feature_violins(object[1:12, ])
#' plot_sample_violins(object[, 1:12], highlight = 'control')
#' plot_subgroup_violins(object[1:4, ], subgroup = 'subgroup')
#' @export
plot_violins <- function(
assay = assayNames(object)[1],
color = NULL,
group = NULL,
facet = NULL,
nrow = NULL,
ncol = NULL,
dir = 'h',
scales = "free",
labeller = label_value,
highlight = NULL,
palette = NULL,
fixed = list(na.rm = TRUE)
# Process
assert_is_all_of(object, 'SummarizedExperiment')
assert_is_subset(assay, assayNames(object))
if (!is.null(color)) assert_is_a_string(color)
if (!is.null(group)) assert_is_a_string(group)
if (!is.null(facet)) assert_is_a_string(facet)
if (!is.null(highlight)) assert_is_a_string(highlight)
assert_is_subset(x, c(svars(object), fvars(object)))
assert_is_subset(fill, c(svars(object), fvars(object)))
if (!is.null(color)) assert_is_subset(color, c(svars(object), fvars(object)))
if (!is.null(group)) assert_is_subset(group, c(svars(object), fvars(object)))
if (!is.null(facet)) assert_is_subset(facet, c(svars(object), fvars(object)))
if (!is.null(highlight)) assert_is_subset(highlight, c(svars(object), fvars(object)))
value <- NULL
# Prepare
plotvars <- c('feature_name')
plotvars %<>% c(x) %>% unique()
plotvars %<>% c(fill) %>% unique()
if (!is.null(color)) plotvars %<>% c(color) %>% unique()
if (!is.null(highlight)) plotvars %<>% c(highlight) %>% unique()
if (!is.null(facet)) plotvars %<>% c(facet) %>% unique()
plottedsvars <- intersect(plotvars, svars(object))
plottedfvars <- intersect(plotvars, fvars(object))
dt <- sumexp_to_longdt(object, assay = assay, svars = plottedsvars, fvars = plottedfvars)
dtsum <- dt[, .(median = median(value, na.rm = TRUE),
iqr = IQR(value, na.rm = TRUE) ), by = x]
# Plot
xsym <- sym(x)
fillsym <- sym(fill)
groupsym <- if (is.null(group)) quo(NULL) else sym(group)
colorsym <- if (is.null(color)) quo(NULL) else sym(color)
p <- plot_data( dt,
geom = geom_violin,
x = !!xsym,
y = value,
fill = !!fillsym,
color = !!colorsym,
group = !!groupsym,
palette = palette,
fixed = fixed)
#p <- p + geom_point(data = dtsum, aes(x = !!xsym, y = median))
p <- p + geom_boxplot(width = 0.1, na.rm = TRUE)
#p <- p + geom_errorbar(
# data = dtsum,
# mapping = aes(x = !!xsym, ymin = median-iqr, ymax = median+iqr, y = median),
# width = 0)
p %<>% add_highlights( x = x,
hl = highlight,
geom = geom_point)
if (!is.null(facet)) p <- p + facet_wrap( facet,
nrow = nrow,
ncol = ncol,
dir = dir,
scales = scales,
labeller = labeller)
# Finish
breaks <- unique(dt[[x]])
if (length(breaks)>50) breaks <- dt[, .SD[1], by = fill][[x]]
p <- p + xlab(NULL) + scale_x_discrete(breaks = breaks) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
# Return
#' @rdname plot_violins
#' @export
plot_feature_violins <- function(
assay = assayNames(object)[1],
x = 'feature_id',
fill = 'feature_id',
color = NULL,
n = 9,
facet = NULL,
nrow = NULL,
ncol = NULL,
dir = 'h',
scales = 'free',
labeller = label_value,
highlight = NULL,
fixed = list(na.rm = TRUE)
object %<>% extract_features_evenly(n)
plot_violins( object,
assay = assay,
x = x,
fill = fill,
color = color,
facet = facet,
nrow = nrow,
ncol = ncol,
dir = dir,
labeller = labeller,
highlight = highlight,
fixed = fixed) +
ggtitle('Feature Violins')
#' @rdname plot_violins
#' @export
plot_sample_violins <- function(
assay = assayNames(object)[1],
x = 'sample_id',
fill = if ('subgroup' %in% svars(object)) 'subgroup' else 'sample_id',
color = NULL,
n = 100,
facet = NULL,
nrow = NULL,
ncol = NULL,
dir = 'h',
scales = 'free',
labeller = label_value,
highlight = NULL,
fixed = list(na.rm = TRUE)
object %<>% extract_samples_evenly(n)
plot_violins( object,
assay = assay,
x = x,
fill = fill,
color = color,
facet = facet,
nrow = nrow,
ncol = ncol,
dir = dir,
scales = scales,
labeller = labeller,
highlight = highlight,
fixed = fixed) +
ggtitle('Sample Violins')
extract_evenly <- function(l, p){
round(seq(1, l, length.out = p))
extract_samples_evenly <- function(object, n){
if (n < ncol(object)){
object %<>% extract(, extract_evenly(ncol(object), n))}
extract_features_evenly <- function(object, n){
if (n < nrow(object)){
object %<>% extract(rowSums(!is.na(values(object))) > 2, )
object %<>% extract(extract_evenly(nrow(object), n), )
subgroup <- NULL
#' @rdname plot_violins
#' @export
plot_subgroup_violins <- function(
assay = assayNames(object)[1],
x = 'subgroup',
fill = 'subgroup',
color = NULL,
highlight = NULL,
facet = 'feature_id',
fixed = list(na.rm = TRUE)
plot_violins( object,
assay = assay,
x = x,
fill = fill,
color = color,
facet = facet,
highlight = highlight,
fixed = fixed) +
ggtitle('Subgroup violins')
# extract_coef_features
# .extract_p_features
# .extract_fdr_features
# .extract_effectsize_features
# ..extract_statistic_features
# .extract_sign_features
# .extract_n_features
cmessage <- function(pattern, ...) message(sprintf(pattern, ...))
..extract_statistic_features <- function(
fit = fits(object)[1],
combiner = '|',
verbose = TRUE
# Assert
if (is.null(fit)) return(object)
if (is.null(coefs)) return(object)
assert_scalar_subset(statistic, c('p', 'fdr', 'effect', 'effectsize'))
assert_scalar_subset(comparer, c('<', '>', '=='))
assert_is_subset(fit, fits(object))
assert_is_subset(coefs, autonomics::coefs(object, fit = fit))
assert_scalar_subset(combiner, c('|', '&'))
# Filter
fun <- getFromNamespace(sprintf('%smat', statistic), 'autonomics')
x <- fun(object, fit = fit, coef = coefs)
if (is.null(x)) return(object)
idx <- get(comparer)(x, threshold)
idx[is.na(idx)] <- FALSE
fun <- function(y) Reduce(get(combiner), y)
idx %<>% apply(1, fun)
idx %<>% unname()
# Return
n0 <- length(idx)
n1 <- sum(idx, na.rm = TRUE)
if (verbose & n1<n0){
combiner <- paste0(' ', combiner, ' ')
cmessage('\t\t\tRetain %d/%d features: %s(%s) %s %s',
n1, n0, statistic, paste0(coefs, collapse = combiner),
comparer, as.character(threshold))
object[idx, ]
#' @rdname extract_coef_features
#' @export
.extract_p_features <- function(
p = 0.05,
fit = fits(object),
combiner = '|',
verbose = TRUE
..extract_statistic_features( object = object,
coefs = coefs,
statistic = 'p',
comparer = '<',
threshold = p,
fit = fit,
combiner = combiner,
verbose = verbose )
#' @rdname extract_coef_features
#' @export
.extract_fdr_features <- function(
fdr = 0.05,
fit = fits(object),
combiner = '|',
verbose = TRUE
..extract_statistic_features( object = object,
coefs = coefs,
statistic = 'fdr',
comparer = '<',
threshold = fdr,
fit = fit,
combiner = combiner,
verbose = verbose )
#' @rdname extract_coef_features
#' @export
.extract_effectsize_features <- function(
effectsize = 1,
fit = fits(object),
combiner = '|',
verbose = TRUE
..extract_statistic_features( object = object,
coefs = coefs,
statistic = 'effectsize',
comparer = '>',
threshold = effectsize,
fit = fit,
combiner = combiner,
verbose = verbose )
#' @rdname extract_coef_features
#' @export
.extract_sign_features <- function(
fit = fits(object)[1],
combiner = '|',
verbose = TRUE
# Assert
assert_is_subset(sign, c(-1, +1))
if (is.null(fit)) return(object)
if (is.null(coefs)) return(object)
# Filter
x <- autonomics::effectmat(object, fit = fit, coef = coefs)
idx <- unname(apply(sign(x), 1, function(y) Reduce(get(combiner), sign(y) %in% sign) ))
# Return
n0 <- length(idx)
n1 <- sum(idx, na.rm = TRUE)
if (verbose & n1<n0){
combiner <- paste0(' ', combiner, ' ')
cmessage('\t\t\tRetain %d/%d features: sign(%s) %%in%% c(%s)',
n1, n0, paste0(coefs, collapse = combiner), paste0(sign, collapse = ','))
object[idx, ]
#' Order on p
#' @param object SummarizedExperiment
#' @param fit string vector: subset of `fits(object)`
#' @param coefs string vector: subset of `coefs(object)`
#' @param combiner '|' or '&'
#' @param verbose TRUE or FALSE
#' @examples
#' # Read
#' file <- system.file('extdata/atkin.metabolon.xlsx', package = 'autonomics')
#' object <- read_metabolon(file)
#' order_on_p(object)
#' order_on_p(fit_limma(object), coefs = c('t1-t0', 't2-t0', 't3-t0'))
#' @return SummarizedExperiment
#' @export
order_on_p <- function(
fit = autonomics::fits( object),
coefs = autonomics::coefs(object, fit = fit),
combiner = '|',
verbose = TRUE
# Assert
if (is.null(fit)) return(object)
assert_is_subset(fit, autonomics::fits( object))
assert_is_subset(coefs, autonomics::coefs( object, fit = fit))
assert_scalar_subset(combiner, c('|', '&'))
# Order
pmat <- autonomics::pmat( object, fit = fit, coef = coefs)
if (is.null(pmat)) return(object)
if (verbose) cmessage("\t\tp-order features on: %s (%s)",
paste0(fit, collapse = ', '),
paste0(coefs, collapse = ', '))
if (combiner == '|') idx <- order(matrixStats::rowMins(pmat))
if (combiner == '&') idx <- order(matrixStats::rowMaxs(pmat))
# Return
object[idx, ]
#' @rdname order_on_p
#' @export
order_on_effect <- function(
fit = autonomics::fits( object),
coefs = autonomics::coefs( object, fit = fit),
combiner = '|',
verbose = TRUE
# Assert
if (is.null(fit)) return(object)
assert_is_subset(fit, autonomics::fits( object))
assert_is_subset(coefs, autonomics::coefs( object, fit = fit))
assert_scalar_subset(combiner, c('|', '&'))
# Order
effectmat <- autonomics::effectmat( object, fit = fit, coef = coefs)
if (verbose) cmessage("\t\tt-order features on: %s (%s)",
paste0(fit, collapse = ', '),
paste0(coefs, collapse = ', '))
if (combiner == '|') idx <- order(rowMaxs(abs(effectmat)), decreasing = TRUE)
if (combiner == '&') idx <- order(rowMins(abs(effectmat)), decreasing = TRUE)
# Return
object[idx, ]
#' @rdname extract_coef_features
#' @export
.extract_n_features <- function(
combiner = '|',
fit = fits(object)[1],
verbose = TRUE
# Assert
# Filter
object %<>% order_on_effect(fit = fit, coefs = coefs, combiner = combiner, verbose = FALSE) # dimred
if (fit %in% LINMOD_ENGINES){
object %<>% order_on_p( fit = fit, coefs = coefs, combiner = combiner, verbose = FALSE) # linmod
n %<>% min(nrow(object))
idx <- c(rep(TRUE, n), rep(FALSE, nrow(object)-n))
n0 <- length(idx)
n1 <- sum(idx, na.rm = TRUE)
if (verbose & n1<n0){
combiner <- paste0(' ', combiner, ' ')
y <- paste0(coefs, collapse = combiner)
cmessage('\t\t\tRetain %d/%d features: p(%s) or effect(%s) in best %d', n1, n0, y, y, n)
# Return
object[idx, ]
#' Extract coefficient features
#' @param object SummarizedXExperiment
#' @param fit subset of fits(object)
#' @param coefs subset of coefs(object)
#' @param combiner '|' or '&': how to combine multiple fits/coefs
#' @param p p threshold
#' @param fdr fdr threshold
#' @param effectsize effectsize threshold
#' @param sign effect sign
#' @param n number of top features (Inf means all)
#' @param verbose TRUE or FALSE
#' @return SummarizedExperiment
#' @examples
#' # Read and Fit
#' file <- system.file('extdata/atkin.metabolon.xlsx', package = 'autonomics')
#' object <- read_metabolon(file)
#' object %<>% fit_limma()
#' fdt(object) %<>% add_adjusted_pvalues('fdr')
#' # Single coef
#' object0 <- object
#' object %<>% .extract_p_features( coefs = 't1-t0', p = 0.05)
#' object %<>% .extract_fdr_features( coefs = 't1-t0', fdr = 0.05)
#' object %<>% .extract_effectsize_features(coefs = 't1-t0', effectsize = 1)
#' object %<>% .extract_sign_features( coefs = 't1-t0', sign = -1)
#' object %<>% .extract_n_features( coefs = 't1-t0', n = 1)
#' object <- object0
#' object %<>% extract_coef_features(
#' coefs = 't1-t0', p = 0.05, fdr = 0.05, effectsize = 1, sign = -1, n = 1)
#' # Multiple coefs
#' object <- object0
#' object %<>% .extract_p_features( coefs = c('t1-t0', 't2-t0'), p = 0.05)
#' object %<>% .extract_fdr_features( coefs = c('t1-t0', 't2-t0'), fdr = 0.01)
#' object %<>% .extract_effectsize_features(coefs = c('t1-t0', 't2-t0'), effectsize = 1)
#' object %<>% .extract_sign_features( coefs = c('t1-t0', 't2-t0'), sign = -1)
#' object %<>% .extract_n_features( coefs = c('t1-t0', 't2-t0'), n = 1)
#' object <- object0
#' object %<>% extract_coef_features(
#' coefs = c('t1-t0', 't2-t0'), p = 0.05, fdr = 0.01, effectsize = 1, sign = -1, n = 1)
#' @export
extract_coef_features <- function(
fit = fits(object)[1],
coefs = default_coefs(object, fit = fit),
combiner = '|',
p = 1,
fdr = 1,
effectsize = 0,
sign = c(-1,+1),
n = 4,
verbose = TRUE
# Filter
if (fit %in% LINMOD_ENGINES){
fdt(object) %<>% add_adjusted_pvalues('fdr', fit = fit, coefs = coefs)
object %<>% .extract_p_features( coefs = coefs, p = p, fit = fit, combiner = combiner, verbose = verbose)
object %<>% .extract_fdr_features(coefs = coefs, fdr = fdr, fit = fit, combiner = combiner, verbose = verbose)
object %<>% .extract_effectsize_features(coefs = coefs, effectsize = effectsize, fit = fit, combiner = combiner, verbose = verbose)
object %<>% .extract_sign_features( coefs = coefs, sign = sign, fit = fit, combiner = combiner, verbose = verbose)
object %<>% .extract_n_features( coefs = coefs, n = n, fit = fit, combiner = combiner, verbose = verbose)
# Return
format_coef_vars <- function(
fit = fits(object)[1],
coef = default_coefs(object, fit = fit)[1]
sep <- guess_fitsep(fdt(object))
effectvars <- effectvar(object, coef = coef, fit = fit)
pvars <- pvar( object, coef = coef, fit = fit)
fdrvars <- fdrvar( object, coef = coef, fit = fit)
for (var in c(effectvars, pvars, fdrvars)){
fdt(object)[[var]] %<>% formatC(format='e', digits=0)
fdt(object)[[var]] %<>% as.character()
fdt(object)[[var]] %<>% paste0(split_extract_fixed(var, sep, 2), ' : ',
split_extract_fixed(var, sep, 1), ' = ', .)
#' Add facetvars
#' @param object SummarizedExperiment
#' @param fit string
#' @param coefs string vector
#' @return SummarizedExperiment
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file('extdata/atkin.metabolon.xlsx', package = 'autonomics')
#' object <- read_metabolon(file, fit = 'limma')
#' object %<>% add_adjusted_pvalues()
#' fdt(object)
#' fdt(add_facetvars(object))
#' @export
add_facetvars <- function(
fit = fits(object)[1],
coefs = default_coefs(object, fit = fit)
# Assert
assert_scalar_subset(fit, fits(object))
assert_is_subset(coefs, autonomics::coefs(object, fit = fit))
# Add
for (i in seq_along(coefs)){
pvar <- autonomics::pvar( object, fit = fit, coef = coefs[i])
fdrvar <- autonomics::fdrvar( object, fit = fit, coef = coefs[i])
effectvar <- autonomics::effectvar(object, fit = fit, coef = coefs[i])
facetvar <- paste0('facet.', coefs[[i]])
assert_are_disjoint_sets(facetvar, fvars(object))
if (!is.null(pvar)) pvalues <- fdt(object)[[ pvar]] %>% formatC(format = 'e', digits = 0) %>% as.character()
if (!is.null(fdrvar)) fdrvalues <- fdt(object)[[ fdrvar]] %>% formatC(format = 'e', digits = 0) %>% as.character()
if (!is.null(effectvar)) effectvalues <- fdt(object)[[effectvar]] %>% round(3) %>% as.character()
fdt(object)[[facetvar]] <-
if (is.null(pvar)){ sprintf('%s : %s', coefs[[i]], effectvalues)
} else { sprintf('%s : %s (%s)', coefs[[i]], fdrvalues, pvalues)
# Return
# plot_exprs_per_coef
# plot_exprs
# .plot_exprs
.plot_exprs <- function(
object, assay, geom, x, fill, color, shape, size, alpha, block, linetype,
highlight, facet, scales, nrow, ncol, page, labeller,
pointsize, jitter, colorpalette, fillpalette, hlevels,
title, subtitle, xlab, ylab, theme
# Initialize
medianvalue <- value <- present <- NULL
# Prepare
xsym <- sym(x)
fillsym <- if (is.null(fill)) quo(NULL) else sym(fill)
colorsym <- if (is.null(color)) quo(NULL) else sym(color)
shapesym <- if (is.null(shape)) quo(NULL) else sym(shape)
sizesym <- if (is.null(size)) quo(NULL) else sym(size)
alphasym <- if (is.null(alpha)) quo(NULL) else sym(alpha)
blocksym <- if (is.null(block)) quo(NULL) else sym(block)
linetypesym <- if (is.null(linetype)) quo(NULL) else sym(linetype)
plotvars <- 'feature_name'
if (!is.null(x)) plotvars %<>% c(x) %>% unique()
if (!is.null(fill)) plotvars %<>% c(fill) %>% unique()
if (!is.null(color)) plotvars %<>% c(color) %>% unique()
if (!is.null(shape)) plotvars %<>% c(shape) %>% unique()
if (!is.null(size)) plotvars %<>% c(size) %>% unique()
if (!is.null(alpha)) plotvars %<>% c(alpha) %>% unique()
if (!is.null(block)) plotvars %<>% c(block) %>% unique()
if (!is.null(linetype)) plotvars %<>% c(linetype) %>% unique()
if (!is.null(highlight)) plotvars %<>% c(highlight) %>% unique()
if (!is.null(facet)) plotvars %<>% c(facet) %>% unique()
plottedsvars <- intersect(plotvars, svars(object))
plottedfvars <- intersect(plotvars, fvars(object))
# if (!is.null(x)) object[[x]] %<>% num2char()
dt <- sumexp_to_longdt(object, assay = assay, svars = plottedsvars, fvars = plottedfvars)
dt[, medianvalue := median(value, na.rm = TRUE), by = c('feature_id', x)]
for (facetvar in facet){
names(dt) %<>% stri_replace_first_fixed(facetvar, make.names(facetvar))
facet %<>% stri_replace_first_fixed(facetvar, make.names(facetvar))
} # otherwise facet_wrap_paginate thinks `fdr~coef~limma` is a formula
# Initialization
p <- ggplot(dt) + theme_bw() + xlab(xlab) + ylab(ylab) + ggtitle(title, subtitle = subtitle)
if (!is.numeric(dt[[x]])) p <- p + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
if (!is.null(facet)) p <- p + facet_wrap_paginate(facets = facet,
scales = scales, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol, page = page, labeller = labeller)
# Boxplots/Points
if (geom == 'boxplot'){
outlier.shape <- if (pointsize==0) NA else 19
mapping <- aes(x = !!xsym, y = value, fill = !!fillsym)
p <- p + geom_boxplot(mapping = mapping, outlier.shape = outlier.shape, na.rm = TRUE)
if (pointsize > 0){
mapping <- aes(x = !!xsym, y = value)
position <- position_jitter(width = jitter, height = 0)
p <- p + geom_jitter(mapping = mapping, position = position, size = pointsize, na.rm = TRUE)
} else {
mapping <- aes(x = !!xsym, y = value, color = !!colorsym, shape = !!shapesym, size = !! sizesym, alpha = !! alphasym)
p <- p + geom_point(mapping = mapping, na.rm = TRUE)
p <- add_color_scale(p, color, data = dt, palette = colorpalette)
p <- add_fill_scale( p, fill, data = dt, palette = fillpalette)
# Lines
if (!is.null(block)){
byvar <- block
if (!is.null(facet)) byvar %<>% c(facet)
mapping <- aes(x = !!xsym, y = value, color = !!colorsym, group = !!blocksym, linetype = !!linetypesym, alpha = !!alphasym)
p <- p + geom_line(mapping = mapping, na.rm = TRUE) # color = direction
# Highlights (points)
p %<>% add_highlights(x = x, hl = highlight, geom = geom_point, fixed_color = "darkred")
# Hlines
if (!is.null(hlevels)){
mediandt <- unique(dt[, unique(c('feature_id', x, 'medianvalue', facet)), with = FALSE])
mediandt[, present := FALSE]
mediandt[get(x) %in% hlevels, present := TRUE]
mapping <- aes(yintercept = medianvalue, color = !!fill, alpha = present)
p <- p + geom_hline(data = mediandt, mapping = mapping, linetype = 'longdash')
# Finish
if (!is.numeric(dt[[x]])){
breaks <- unique(dt[[x]])
if (length(breaks)>50) breaks <- dt[, .SD[1], by = fill][[x]]
p <- p + scale_x_discrete(breaks = breaks) + guides(alpha = 'none')
if (!is.null(theme)) p <- p + theme
#' Plot exprs for coef
#' @param object SummarizedExperiment
#' @param dim 'samples' (per-sample distribution across features), \cr
#' 'features' (per-feature distribution across samples ) or
#' 'both' (subgroup distribution faceted per feature)
#' @param assay string: value in assayNames(object)
#' @param x x svar
#' @param geom 'boxplot' or 'point'
#' @param color color svar: points, lines
#' @param fill fill svar: boxplots
#' @param shape shape svar
#' @param size size svar
#' @param alpha alpha svar
#' @param block group svar
#' @param linetype linetype svar
#' @param highlight highlight svar
#' @param combiner '&' or '|'
#' @param fit 'limma', 'lm', 'lme', 'lmer', 'wilcoxon'
#' @param coefs subset of coefs(object) to consider in selecting top
#' @param p fraction: p cutoff
#' @param fdr fraction: fdr cutoff
#' @param facet string: fvar mapped to facet
#' @param n number of samples (dim = 'samples') or features (dim = 'features' or 'both') to plot
#' @param nrow number of rows in faceted plot (if dim = 'both)
#' @param ncol number of cols in faceted plot (if dim = 'both')
#' @param scales 'free_y', 'free'x', 'fixed'
#' @param labeller string or function
#' @param pointsize number
#' @param jitter jitter width (number)
#' @param fillpalette named character vector: fill palette
#' @param colorpalette named character vector: color palette
#' @param hlevels xlevels for which to plot hlines
#' @param title string
#' @param subtitle string
#' @param xlab string
#' @param ylab string
#' @param theme ggplot2::theme(...) or NULL
#' @param file NULL or filepath
#' @param width inches
#' @param height inches
#' @param verbose TRUE or FALSE
#' @param ... used to maintain depreceated functions
#' @return ggplot object
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot_sample_densities}},
#' \code{\link{plot_sample_violins}}
#' @examples
#' # Without limma
#' file <- system.file('extdata/atkin.metabolon.xlsx', package = 'autonomics')
#' object <- read_metabolon(file)
#' plot_exprs(object, block = 'Subject', title = 'Subgroup Boxplots')
#' plot_exprs(object, dim = 'samples')
#' plot_exprs(object, dim = 'features', block = 'sample_id')
#' # With limma
#' object %<>% fit_limma(block = 'Subject')
#' plot_exprs(object, block = 'Subject')
#' plot_exprs(object, block = 'Subject', coefs = c('t1-t0', 't2-t0', 't3-t0'))
#' plot_exprs_per_coef(object, x = 'Time', block = 'Subject')
#' # Points
#' plot_exprs(object, geom = 'point', block = 'Subject')
#' # Add highlights
#' controlfeatures <- c('biotin','phosphate')
#' fdt(object) %<>% cbind(control = .$feature_name %in% controlfeatures)
#' plot_exprs(object, dim = 'samples', highlight = 'control')
#' # Multiple pages
#' plot_exprs(object, block = 'Subject', n = 4, nrow = 1, ncol = 2)
#' @export
plot_exprs <- function(
dim = 'both',
assay = assayNames(object)[1],
fit = fits(object)[1],
coefs = default_coefs(object, fit = fit),
block = NULL,
x = default_x(object, dim),
geom = default_geom(object, x = x, block = block),
color = x, # points/lines
fill = x, # boxplots
shape = NULL,
size = NULL,
alpha = NULL,
linetype = NULL,
highlight = NULL,
combiner = '|',
p = 1,
fdr = 1,
facet = if (dim=='both') 'feature_id' else NULL,
n = 4,
ncol = NULL,
nrow = NULL,
scales = 'free_y',
labeller = 'label_value',
pointsize = if (is.null(block)) 0 else 0.5,
jitter = if (is.null(block)) 0.1 else 0,
fillpalette = make_var_palette(object, fill),
colorpalette = make_var_palette(object, color),
hlevels = NULL,
title = switch(dim, both = x, features = 'Feature Boxplots', samples = 'Sample Boxplots'),
subtitle = if (!is.null(fit)) coefs else '',
xlab = NULL,
ylab = 'value',
theme = ggplot2::theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)),
file = NULL,
width = 7,
height = 7,
verbose = TRUE
# Assert
if (nrow(object)==0) return(ggplot())
assert_scalar_subset(dim, c('features', 'samples', 'both'))
assert_scalar_subset(assay, assayNames(object))
assert_scalar_subset(geom, c('boxplot', 'point'))
assert_scalar_subset(x, c(svars(object), fvars(object)))
if (!is.null(color)) assert_scalar_subset(color, c(svars(object), fvars(object)))
if (!is.null(fill)) assert_scalar_subset(fill, c(svars(object), fvars(object)))
if (!is.null(shape)) assert_scalar_subset(shape, c(svars(object), fvars(object)))
if (!is.null(size)) assert_scalar_subset(size, c(svars(object), fvars(object)))
if (!is.null(block)) assert_scalar_subset(block, c(svars(object), fvars(object)))
if (!is.null(linetype)) assert_scalar_subset(linetype, c(svars(object), fvars(object)))
if (!is.null(highlight)) assert_scalar_subset(highlight, c(svars(object), fvars(object)))
if (!is.null(facet)) assert_is_subset(facet, c(svars(object), fvars(object)))
if (!is.null(nrow)) assert_is_a_number(nrow)
if (!is.null(ncol)) assert_is_a_number(ncol)
if (!is.null(facet)) assert_is_subset(scales, c('fixed', 'free', 'free_x', 'free_y'))
# Extract
if (dim == 'samples' ){ n %<>% min(ncol(object)); object %<>% extract_samples_evenly(n)
} else if (dim == 'features'){ n %<>% min(nrow(object)); object %<>% extract_features_evenly(n)
} else if (dim == 'both'){ n %<>% min(nrow(object))
if (is.null(coefs)){ object %<>% extract_features_evenly(n)
} else { object %<>% extract_coef_features(fit = fit, coefs = coefs, combiner = combiner,
p = p, fdr = fdr, n = n, verbose = verbose)
object %<>% add_facetvars(fit = fit, coefs = coefs)
facet %<>% c(sprintf('facet.%s', coefs))
#object %<>% format_coef_vars(sep = sep, fit = fit, coefs = coefs)
# Plot
if ( is.null(ncol) & is.null(nrow)){ ncol <- ceiling(sqrt(n)) } # https://stackoverflow.com/a/60110740
if ( is.null(nrow) ){ nrow <- ceiling(n/ncol) }
if ( is.null(ncol) ){ ncol <- ceiling(n/nrow) }
npages <- if (dim == 'samples' ) 1 else ceiling(nrow(object) / nrow / ncol)
if (!is.null(file)) pdf(file, width = width, height = height)
for (i in seq_len(npages)){
p <- .plot_exprs(
assay = assay, geom = geom,
x = x, fill = fill,
color = color, shape = shape,
size = size, alpha = alpha,
block = block, linetype = linetype,
highlight = highlight, facet = facet,
scales = scales, nrow = nrow,
ncol = ncol, page = i,
labeller = labeller, pointsize = pointsize,
jitter = jitter,
colorpalette = colorpalette, fillpalette = fillpalette,
hlevels = hlevels, title = title,
subtitle = subtitle,
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
theme = theme
if (npages>1) print(p)
if (!is.null(file)){ dev.off(); file
} else { p }
#' @rdname plot_exprs
#' @export
plot_sample_boxplots <- function(
fill = if ('subgroup' %in% svars(object)) 'subgroup' else 'sample_id',
n = min(ncol(object), 16),
plot_exprs(object, dim = 'samples', fill = fill, n = n, ...)
#' @rdname plot_exprs
#' @export
plot_feature_boxplots <- function(object, ...){
plot_exprs(object, dim = 'features', ...)
#' Plot exprs per coef
#' @param object SummarizedExperiment
#' @param x x svar
#' @param geom 'boxplot' or 'point'
#' @param block group svar
#' @param fit 'limma', 'lm', 'lme', 'lmer', 'wilcoxon'
#' @param coefs subset of coefs(object) to consider in selecting top
#' @param orderbyp TRUE or FALSE
#' @param title string
#' @param subtitle string
#' @param n number
#' @param nrow number of rows in faceted plot
#' @param ncol number of cols in faceted plot
#' @param theme ggplot2::theme(...) or NULL
#' @return ggplot object
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot_sample_densities}},
#' \code{\link{plot_sample_violins}}
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file('extdata/atkin.metabolon.xlsx', package = 'autonomics')
#' object <- read_metabolon(file)
#' object %<>% fit_limma()
#' object %<>% pls(by = 'subgroup')
#' object %<>% pls(by = 'Diabetes')
#' object %<>% pls(by = 'Subject')
#' plot_exprs_per_coef(object)
#' plot_exprs_per_coef(object, orderbyp = TRUE)
#' plot_exprs_per_coef(object, fit = 'pls1', block = 'Subject')
#' @export
plot_exprs_per_coef <- function(
fit = fits(object)[1],
coefs = default_coefs(object, fit = fit),
x = default_x(object),
block = NULL,
geom = default_geom(object, x, block = block),
orderbyp = FALSE,
title = x,
subtitle = default_subtitle(fit, x, coefs),
n = 1,
nrow = 1,
ncol = NULL,
theme = ggplot2::theme( legend.position = 'bottom',
legend.title = element_blank(),
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5) )
if (orderbyp){
idx <- order(vapply(coefs, function(x) min(pmat(object, fit = fit, coef = x)), numeric(1)))
coefs %<>% extract(idx)
if (length(x) > 1) x %<>% extract(idx)
if (length(geom) > 1) geom %<>% extract(idx)
if (length(title) > 1) title %<>% extract(idx)
if (length(subtitle) > 1) subtitle %<>% extract(idx)
grobs <- mapply(plot_exprs, x = x,
geom = geom,
fit = fit,
coefs = coefs,
title = title,
subtitle = subtitle,
MoreArgs = list(object = object, block = block, n = n, nrow = n, theme = theme),
gridExtra::grid.arrange(grobs = grobs, nrow = nrow)
default_x <- function(object, dim = 'both'){
if (dim == 'features') return('feature_id')
if (dim == 'samples') return('sample_id')
if (dim == 'both' & 'subgroup' %in% svars(object)) return('subgroup')
default_subtitle <- function(fit, x, coefs){
y <- coefs
idx <- !grepl('(limma|lm|lme|lmer|wilcoxon)', fit)
y[idx] <- fit[idx]
#' Default geom
#' @param object SummarizedExperiment
#' @param x svar
#' @param block svar or NULL
#' @return character vector
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file('extdata/atkin.metabolon.xlsx', package = 'autonomics')
#' object <- read_metabolon(file)
#' object$Age <- runif(min = 20, max = 60, n = ncol(object))
#' svars(object)
#' default_geom(object, x = 'Age')
#' default_geom(object, x = c('Age', 'Diabetes'))
#' default_geom(object, x = c('Age', 'Diabetes'), block = 'Subject')
#' @export
default_geom <- function(object, x, block = NULL){
if (all(x %in% fvars(object))) return(set_names(rep('boxplot', length(x)), names(x)))
if (!is.null(block)) return(set_names(rep('point', length(x)), names(x)))
sdt0 <- sdt(object)[, x, with = FALSE]
y <- vapply(sdt0, class, character(1))
y %<>% unname()
y <- c(numeric = 'point', factor = 'boxplot', character = 'boxplot')[y]
names(y) <- x
# plot_feature_points()
#' Plot features
#' @param object SummarizedExperiment
#' @param subgroup subgroup svar
#' @param block block svar
#' @param x svar mapped to x
#' @param color svar mapped to color
#' @param group svar mapped to group
#' @param facet svar mapped to facets
#' @param nrow number of rows
#' @param scales 'free_y' etc.
#' @param ... mapped aesthetics
#' @param palette color palette (named character vector)
#' @param fixed fixed aesthetics
#' @param theme ggplot theme specifications
#' @return ggplot object
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file('extdata/atkin.metabolon.xlsx', package = 'autonomics')
#' object <- read_metabolon(file, fit = 'limma')
#' idx <- order(fdata(object)$`p~t1-t0~limma`)[1:9]
#' object %<>% extract(idx, )
#' plot_sample_boxplots( object)
#' plot_feature_boxplots( object)
#' plot_sample_boxplots(object, x = 'Time')
#' plot_subgroup_points( object, subgroup = 'Time')
#' plot_subgroup_points( object, subgroup = 'Time', block = 'Subject')
#' @export
plot_subgroup_points <- function(
object, subgroup = 'subgroup', block = NULL, x = subgroup,
color = subgroup, group = block,
facet = 'feature_id', nrow = NULL, scales = 'free_y', ...,
palette = NULL,
fixed = list(na.rm=TRUE), #element_text(angle=90, vjust=0.5),
theme = list(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust = 1))
dt <- sumexp_to_longdt(object, svars = svars(object), fvars = fvars(object))
value <- NULL
xsym <- if (is.null(x)) quo(NULL) else sym(x)
colorsym <- if (is.null(color)) quo(NULL) else sym(color)
groupsym <- if (is.null(group)) quo(NULL) else sym(group)
blocksym <- if (is.null(block)) quo(NULL) else sym(block)
p <- plot_data( dt,
geom = geom_point,
x = !!xsym,
y = value,
color = !!colorsym,
group = !!groupsym,
palette = palette,
fixed = fixed )
if (!is.null(block)) p <- p + geom_line()
p <- p + facet_wrap(facets = facet, scales = scales, nrow = nrow)
p <- p + do.call(ggplot2::theme, {{theme}})
# plot_venn_heatmap
# plot_venn
# plot_contrast_venn
# list2mat
#' list to matrix
#' @param x list
#' @return matrix
#' @examples
#' x <- list(roundfruit = c('apple', 'orange'), redfruit = c('apple', 'strawberry'))
#' list2mat(x)
#' @export
list2mat <- function(x){
# Assert
for (i in seq_along(x)){
x[[i]] %<>% extract(!is.na(.))
x[[i]] %<>% extract(. != '')
# Convert
uni <- unique(Reduce(union, x))
mat <- matrix(0, nrow = length(uni), ncol = length(x), dimnames = list(uni, names(x)))
for (i in seq_along(x)) mat[x[[i]], i] <- 1
#' Plot venn heatmap
#' @param x list
#' @examples
#' x <- list(roundfruit = c('apple', 'orange'), redfruit = c('apple', 'strawberry'))
#' plot_venn_heatmap(x)
#' @export
plot_venn_heatmap <- function(x){
if (!requireNamespace('pheatmap', quietly = TRUE)){
x %<>% list2mat()
pctmat <- matrix(0, nrow = ncol(x), ncol = ncol(x), dimnames = list(colnames(x), colnames(x)))
nmat <- matrix(0, nrow = ncol(x), ncol = ncol(x), dimnames = list(colnames(x), colnames(x)))
for (cl1 in colnames(x)){
for (cl2 in colnames(x)){
set1 <- rownames(x)[x[, cl1]==1]
set2 <- rownames(x)[x[, cl2]==1]
nmat[ cl2, cl1] <- length(intersect(set1, set2))
pctmat[cl2, cl1] <- length(intersect(set1, set2)) / min(length(set1), length(set2))
pctmat[cl1, cl2] <- length(intersect(set1, set2)) / min(length(set2), length(set2))
pheatmap::pheatmap(pctmat, cluster_rows = FALSE, cluster_cols = FALSE, display_numbers = nmat)
#' Plot venn
#' @param x list
#' @examples
#' x <- list(roundfruit = c('apple', 'orange'), redfruit = c('apple', 'strawberry'))
#' plot_venn(x)
#' @export
plot_venn <- function(x){
#' Plot contrast venn
#' @param issig matrix(nrow, ncontrast): -1 (down), +1 (up)
#' @param colors NULL or colorvector
#' @return nothing returned
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file('extdata/atkin.metabolon.xlsx', package = 'autonomics')
#' object <- read_metabolon(file)
#' object %<>% fit_wilcoxon(~ subgroup, block = 'Subject')
#' object %<>% fit_limma( ~ subgroup, block = 'Subject', codingfun = contr.treatment.explicit)
#' isfdr <- is_sig(object, contrast = 't3-t0', quantity = 'p', fit = fits(object))
#' plot_contrast_venn(isfdr)
#' @export
plot_contrast_venn <- function(issig, colors = NULL){
layout(matrix(c(1,2), nrow=2))
vennDiagram(issig, include='up', mar = rep(0,4), show.include=TRUE, circle.col = colors)
vennDiagram(issig, include='down', mar = rep(0,4), show.include=TRUE, circle.col = colors)
#' Plot binary matrix
#' @param mat matrix
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file('extdata/atkin.metabolon.xlsx', package = 'autonomics')
#' object <- read_metabolon(file)
#' mat <- sdt(object)[, .(Subject, subgroup)]
#' mat$present <- 1
#' mat %<>% data.table::dcast(Subject ~ subgroup, value.var = 'present', fill = 0)
#' mat %<>% dt2mat()
#' plot_matrix(mat)
#' @return no return (base R plot)
#' @export
plot_matrix <- function(mat){
nr <- nrow(mat)
nc <- ncol(mat)
values <- unique(c(mat)) %>% setdiff(0) %>% as.character()
colors <- make_colors(values)
colors %<>% unname()
colors %<>% c('white', .)
image(t(mat %>% extract(seq(nrow(.), 1), )), col = colors, axes = FALSE)
axis(side = 1, labels = colnames(mat), at = seq(0, by = 1, length.out = nc)/(nc-1), las = 1, tick = FALSE)
axis(side = 2, labels = rev(rownames(mat)), at = seq(0, by = 1, length.out = nr)/(nr-1), las = 1, tick = FALSE)
par(mar = c(5,5,4,2))
abline(h = (0.5:(nr-0.5))/(nr-1), v = (0.5:(nc-0.5))/(nc-1), col = 'gray30')
#' Plot model
#' @param object ´SummarizedExperiment
#' @param codingfun factor coding function
#' \itemize{
#' \item contr.treatment: intercept = y0, coefi = yi - y0
#' \item contr.treatment.explicit: intercept = y0, coefi = yi - y0
#' \item code_control: intercept = ymean, coefi = yi - y0
#' \item contr.diff: intercept = y0, coefi = yi - y(i-1)
#' \item code_diff: intercept = ymean, coefi = yi - y(i-1)
#' \item code_diff_forward: intercept = ymean, coefi = yi - y(i+)
#' \item code_deviation: intercept = ymean, coefi = yi - ymean (drop last)
#' \item code_deviation_first: intercept = ymean, coefi = yi - ymean (drop first)
#' \item code_helmert: intercept = ymean, coefi = yi - mean(y0:(yi-1))
#' \item code_helmert_forward: intercept = ymean, coefi = yi - mean(y(i+1):yp)
#' }
#' @return ggplot
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file('extdata/billing19.proteingroups.txt', package = 'autonomics')
#' subgroups <- paste0(c('E00', 'E01', 'E02', 'E05', 'E15', 'E30', 'M00'), '_STD')
#' object <- read_maxquant_proteingroups(file, subgroups = subgroups)
#' object$subgroup %<>% substr(1,3)
#' plot_design(object)
#' @export
plot_design <- function(object, codingfun = contr.treatment.explicit){
coef <- y <- yend <- NULL
designmat <- create_design(object, subgroupvar = 'subgroup', drop = TRUE, codingfun = codingfun)
rownames(designmat) <- object$subgroup
designmat %<>% unique()
subgroups <- subgroup_levels(object)
designmat %<>% extract(subgroups, )
coefs <- colnames(designmat)
ymat <- matrix(seq_along(subgroups), nrow = ncol(designmat), ncol = 1)
betamat <- solve(designmat) %*% ymat
betamat[1,1] <- 1 # not strictly required, but plot is nicer if Intercept
# is 1 unit long (in MASS:contr.sdif it gets much longer,
# I think to maintain orthogonality of design)
plotdt <- data.table(subgroup = subgroups,
coef = coefs,
x = seq_along(subgroups),
yend = seq_along(subgroups),
y = seq_along(subgroups) - betamat[, 1])
arrow <- arrow(length = unit(0.15, 'in'))
ggplot(plotdt) + theme_bw() +
geom_segment(aes(x = x-0.05, xend = x+0.05, y = yend, yend = yend)) +
geom_text( aes(x = x+0.1, y = yend, label = subgroup), hjust = 0) +
geom_segment(aes(x = x, xend = x, y = y, yend = yend), arrow = arrow) +
geom_label( aes(x = x, y = y + (yend-y)/2, label = coef), parse = TRUE) +
xlab(NULL) + ylab(NULL) +
# theme(axis.text = element_blank(),
# panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
# panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank())
#' @rdname fcor
#' @export
mdsplot <- function(distmat, title = NULL){
out <- stats::cmdscale(distmat)
out %<>% mat2dt('id')
names(out )[-1] <- c('mds1', 'mds2')
out$group <- 'group0'
sep <- guess_sep(out$id)
if (!is.null(sep)){
n <- autonomics::nfactors(out$id, sep = sep)
if (n>1) out$group <- out$id %>% split_extract_fixed(sep, seq_len(n-1))
mds1 <- mds2 <- group <- NULL
ggplot(out, aes(x = mds1, y = mds2, color = group)) +
geom_point(shape = 15, size = 3) +
theme_bw() +
#' Feature correlations/distances
#' @param object SummarizedExperiment
#' @param method 'cor', 'euclidian', etc
#' @param distmat distance matrix
#' @param title NULL or string
#' @param verbose TRUE or FALSE
#' @return matrix
#' @examples
#' # Correlations
#' object <- twofactor_sumexp()
#' scor(object) %>% pheatmap::pheatmap()
#' fcor(object) %>% pheatmap::pheatmap()
#' # Distances
#' sdist(object, 'cor') %>% mdsplot('samples: cor')
#' sdist(object, 'euclidian') %>% mdsplot('samples: euclidian')
#' fdist(object, 'cor') %>% mdsplot('features: cor')
#' fdist(object, 'euclidian') %>% mdsplot('features: euclidian')
#' @export
fcor <- function(object, verbose = TRUE){
# Assert
if (!requireNamespace('propagate', quietly = TRUE)){
message("\t\t\tBiocManager::install('propagate'). Then re-run.")
if (verbose) cmessage('\t\tFeature correlations')
idx <- rowAlls(!is.na(values(object)))
object %<>% extract(idx, )
if (verbose) cmessage('\t\t\tUse %d/%d NA-free features', sum(idx), length(idx))
# Compute
if (nrow(object) < 500){ cormat <- stats::cor(t(values(object)))
} else { cormat <- propagate::bigcor(t(values(object))) # ff_matrix
cormat %<>% extract(1:nrow(.), 1:ncol(.)) } # matrix
# bigcor warning : In split.default(1:NCOL, GROUP)
# data length is not a multiple of split variable
# But cor(.) gives same results, so nothing to worry
# cormat2 <- cor(t(values(object)))
# all(cormat2-cormat < 1e-10)
# Return
rownames(cormat) <- colnames(cormat) <- fnames(object)
#' @rdname fcor
#' @export
scor <- function(object, verbose = TRUE){
# Assert
if (!requireNamespace('propagate', quietly = TRUE)){
message("\t\t\tBiocManager::install('propagate'). Then re-run.")
if (verbose) cmessage('\t\tSample correlations')
idx <- rowAlls(!is.na(values(object)))
object %<>% extract(idx, )
if (verbose) cmessage('\t\t\tUse %d/%d NA-free features', sum(idx), length(idx))
# Compute
if (ncol(object) < 500){ cormat <- stats::cor(values(object))
} else { cormat <- propagate::bigcor(values(object)) # ff_matrix
cormat %<>% extract(1:nrow(.), 1:ncol(.)) } # matrix
# bigcor warning : In split.default(1:NCOL, GROUP)
# data length is not a multiple of split variable
# But cor(.) gives same results, so nothing to worry
# cormat2 <- cor(t(values(object)))
# all(cormat2-cormat < 1e-10)
# Return
rownames(cormat) <- colnames(cormat) <- snames(object)
#' @rdname fcor
#' @export
fdist <- function(object, method = 'cor'){
if (method == 'cor') return(as.dist(1-fcor(object))) # cor
dist(values(object), method = method) # euclidian etc.
#' @rdname fcor
#' @export
sdist <- function(object, method = 'cor'){
if (method == 'cor') return(as.dist(1-scor(object))) # cor
dist(t(values(object)), method = method) # euclidian etc.
#' twofactor sumexp
#' @return SummarizedExperiment
#' @export
twofactor_sumexp <- function(){
mat <- rbind( matrix(c(rep(-4,6), rep(+4,6)), nrow = 50, ncol = 12, byrow = TRUE) ,
matrix(c(rep(+4,6), rep(-4,6)), nrow = 50, ncol = 12, byrow = TRUE) ,
matrix(c(rep(-4,3), rep(+4,3), rep(-4,3), rep(+4,3)), nrow = 50, ncol = 12, byrow = TRUE) ,
matrix(c(rep(+4,3), rep(-4,3), rep(+4,3), rep(-4,3)), nrow = 50, ncol = 12, byrow = TRUE) )
mat <- mat + matrix(rnorm(2400), nrow = 200, ncol = 12, byrow = TRUE)
colnames(mat) <- c( sprintf('A.WT.R%d', 1:3), sprintf('A.KD.R%d', 1:3),
sprintf('B.WT.R%d', 1:3), sprintf('B.KD.R%d', 1:3) )
rownames(mat) <- sprintf('gene%03d', seq_len(nrow(mat)))
object <- SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment(list(exprs = mat))
fdt(object)$feature_id <- fnames(object)
sdt(object)$sample_id <- snames(object)
object$subgroup <- substr(object$sample_id, 1, 4)
#' Cluster features
#' @param object SummarizedExperiment
#' @param distmat distance matrix
#' @param method 'cmeans'
#' @param k number of clusters
#' @param verbose TRUE or FALSE
#' @param plot TRUE or FALSE
#' @param label fvar
#' @param alpha fraction
#' @param nrow number
#' @param ncol number
#' @return SummarizedExperiment
#' @examples
#' object <- twofactor_sumexp()
#' distmat <- fdist(object)
#' fcluster(object) # membership-based colors
#' fcluster(object, distmat) # silhouette-based colors
#' fcluster(object, distmat, method = c('cmeans', 'hclust', 'pamk')) # more methods
#' @return SummarizedExperiment
#' @export
fcluster <- function(
distmat = NULL,
method = 'cmeans',
k = 2:10,
verbose = TRUE,
plot = TRUE,
label = if ('gene' %in% fvars(object)) 'gene' else 'feature_id',
alpha = 1,
nrow = if (length(method)>1) length(method) else NULL,
ncol = NULL
# Assert
assert_is_subset(method, c('cmeans', 'hclust', 'pamk'))
if (any(method!='cmeans')) assert_is_all_of(distmat, 'dist')
clvars <- fvars(object) %>% extract(stri_detect_fixed(., 'CLUS') | stri_detect_fixed(., 'SILH'))
for (col in clvars) fdt(object)[[col]] <- NULL
full <- NULL
# Scale
# if (verbose) message(spaces(14), 'Distmat = 1-cormat')
if (verbose) message(spaces(8), 'Cluster')
object %<>% extract(, order(colnames(.)))
assays(object)$fscale <- fscale(values(object))
# Cluster
if ('cmeans' %in% method) object %<>% fcluster_cmeans(distmat, k = k, label = label, verbose = verbose)
if ('hclust' %in% method) object %<>% fcluster_hclust(distmat, k = k, label = label, verbose = verbose)
if ( 'pamk' %in% method) object %<>% fcluster_pamk( distmat, k = k, label = label, verbose = verbose)
# Plot, Return
if (plot) print(fclusplot(object, label = label, alpha = alpha, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol))
cluslabel <- function(clusdt, label){
n <- NULL
clusvar <- names(clusdt) %>% extract(stri_endswith_fixed(., 'CLUS'))
silhvar <- names(clusdt) %>% extract(stri_endswith_fixed(., 'SILH'))
orderdt <- clusdt[, .( feature_id = feature_id[which.max(get(silhvar))],
label = get(label)[which.max(get(silhvar))],
silhouette = get(silhvar)[which.max(get(silhvar))],
n = .N ),
by = clusvar ]
orderdt <- orderdt[rev(order(silhouette))]
orderdt[, label := paste0(label, ' (n=', n, ')')]
clusdt[[clusvar]] %<>% factor(orderdt[[clusvar]])
levels(clusdt[[clusvar]]) <- orderdt$label
if (label!= 'feature_id') clusdt[, c(label) := NULL]
fcluster_cmeans <- function(object, distmat, k, label, verbose){
# Assert
if (!requireNamespace('e1071', quietly = TRUE)){
message("BiocManager::install('e1071'). Then re-run")
# Find k
mat <- assays(filter_full_features(object))$fscale
if (verbose) cmessage('%scmeans', spaces(14))
if (length(k)>1){
cmeanseps <- function(kay) e1071::cmeans(mat, centers = kay, method = "cmeans", m = 1.25, iter.max = 300)$withinerror
eps <- vapply(k, cmeanseps, numeric(1))
names(eps) <- sprintf('k=%d', k)
eps <- (eps-min(eps)) / (max(eps)-min(eps)) # scale from 0 to 1
eps <- c(0, diff(eps)) # slope
eps <- c(0, diff(eps)) # change in slope
k <- k[which.max(eps)-1]
# Cmeans
out <- e1071::cmeans(mat, centers = k, method = "cmeans", m = 1.25)
clusdt <- data.table( feature_id = names(out$cluster),
cluster = out$cluster,
silhouette = if (is.null(distmat)){ rowMaxs(out$membership)
} else { silhouette(out$cluster, distmat)[, 3] } )
setnames(clusdt, 'cluster', 'cmeansCLUS')
setnames(clusdt, 'silhouette', 'cmeansSILH')
if (label != 'feature_id'){ labeldt <- fdt(object)[, c('feature_id', label), with = FALSE]
clusdt %<>% merge(labeldt, by = 'feature_id') }
clusdt %<>% cluslabel(label)
object %<>% merge_fdt(clusdt)
fcluster_hclust <- function(object, distmat, k, label, verbose){
# Assert
if (is.null(distmat)){
message("distmat is NULL - return object unchanged")
# Cluster
if (verbose) cmessage('%shclust', spaces(14))
if (length(k)>1){
out <- hclust(distmat)
silfun <- function(kay) mean(silhouette(cutree(out, k = kay), distmat)[, 3])
sil <- vapply(k, silfun, numeric(1))
names(sil) <- sprintf('k=%d', k)
k <- k[which.max(sil)]
out <- hclust(distmat)
clusdt <- data.table( feature_id = names(cutree(out, k = k)) ,
cluster = cutree(out, k = k),
silhouette = silhouette(cutree(out, k = k), distmat)[, 3] )
setnames(clusdt, 'cluster', 'hclustCLUS')
setnames(clusdt, 'silhouette', 'hclustSILH')
if (label != 'feature_id'){ labeldt <- fdt(object)[, c('feature_id', label), with = FALSE]
clusdt %<>% merge(labeldt, by = 'feature_id') }
clusdt %<>% cluslabel(label)
object %<>% merge_fdt(clusdt)
fcluster_pamk <- function(object, distmat, k, label, verbose){
# Assert
if (is.null(distmat)){
message("distmat is NULL - return object unchanged")
# Cluster
if (verbose) cmessage('%spamk', spaces(14))
if (length(k)>1){
silfun <- function(kay) mean(silhouette(pam(distmat, k = kay), distmat)[, 3])
sil <- vapply(k, silfun, numeric(1))
names(sil) <- sprintf('k=%d', k)
k <- k[which.max(sil)]
out <- pam(distmat, k = k) # fpc::pamk(distmat, krange = k)
clusdt <- data.table( feature_id = names(out$clustering),
cluster = out$clustering, # outPAMK$silinfo$widths[, 'sil_width']
silhouette = silhouette(out, distmat)[, 3] )
setnames(clusdt, 'cluster', 'pamkCLUS')
setnames(clusdt, 'silhouette', 'pamkSILH')
if (label != 'feature_id'){ labeldt <- fdt(object)[, c('feature_id', label), with = FALSE]
clusdt %<>% merge(labeldt, by = 'feature_id') }
clusdt %<>% cluslabel(label)
object %<>% merge_fdt(clusdt)
filter_full_features <- function(object, verbose = TRUE){
full <- NULL
fdt(object)$full <- !matrixStats::rowAnyNAs(values(object))
obj <- filter_features(object, full == TRUE, verbose = verbose)
obj$full <- NULL
CLUSCOLORS <- c(#"#FF0000", "#FF1800", "#FF3000", "#FF4800", "#FF6000", "#FF7800", "#FF8F00",
#"#FFA700", "#FFBF00", "#FFD700",
"#FFEF00", "#F7FF00", "#DFFF00", "#C7FF00",
"#AFFF00", "#97FF00", "#80FF00", "#68FF00", "#50FF00", "#38FF00", "#20FF00",
"#08FF00", "#00FF10", "#00FF28", "#00FF40", "#00FF58", "#00FF70", "#00FF87",
"#00FF9F", "#00FFB7", "#00FFCF", "#00FFE7", "#00FFFF", "#00E7FF", "#00CFFF",
"#00B7FF", "#009FFF", "#0087FF", "#0070FF", "#0058FF", "#0040FF", "#0028FF",
"#0010FF", "#0800FF", "#2000FF", "#3800FF", "#5000FF", "#6800FF", "#8000FF",
"#9700FF", "#AF00FF", "#C700FF", "#DF00FF", "#F700FF", "#FF00EF", "#FF00D7",
"#FF00BF", "#FF00A7", "#FF008F", "#FF0078", "#FF0060", "#FF0048", "#FF0030",
clustermethods <- function(object){
fvars(object) %>% extract(stri_detect_fixed(., 'CLUS')) %>% split_extract_fixed('CLUS', 1)
fclusplot <- function(
label = if ('gene' %in% fvars(object)) 'gene' else 'feature_id' ,
alpha = 1,
nrow = if (length(clustermethods(object))>1) length(clustermethods(object)) else NULL,
ncol = NULL
# Initialize
method <- clus <- exemplar <- silh <- silhcut <- NULL
# plotdt and colors
clusvars <- fvars(object) %>% extract(stri_detect_fixed(., 'CLUS'))
silhvars <- fvars(object) %>% extract(stri_detect_fixed(., 'SILH'))
methods <- clusvars %>% stri_replace_first_fixed('CLUS', '')
plotdt <- sumexp_to_longdt(object, assay = 'fscale', fvars = c(label, clusvars, silhvars))
cols <- c('subgroup', 'sample_id', 'feature_id', label, 'value')
cols %<>% unique()
cols %<>% intersect(names(plotdt))
plotdt <- rbindlist( lapply( methods, function(meth){
clvar <- paste0(meth, 'CLUS')
sivar <- paste0(meth, 'SILH')
retdt <- plotdt[, c( cols, clvar , sivar ), with = FALSE ]
setnames(retdt, c(clvar, sivar), c('clus', 'silh'))
retdt[, method := meth]
retdt } ))
plotdt %<>% extract(!is.na(clus))
#plotdt[, exemplar := get(label)[silh == max(silh)][1], by = c('method', 'clus')]
cuts <- seq( min(plotdt$silh)-1e-10, 1, length = length(colo)+1)
plotdt[ , silhcut := cut(silh, cuts)]
names(colo) <- levels(plotdt$silhcut)
# Plot
plotdt <- plotdt[rev(order(silh))]
clusters <- unique(plotdt$clus)
meth <- c('cmeans', 'cmeans', 'cmeans', 'hclust', 'hclust', 'hclust', 'pamk', 'pamk', 'pamk')
tmpdt <- plotdt[, .(cluster = unique(clus)), by = 'method']
plotlist <- mapply( .fclusplot, meth = tmpdt$method, cl = tmpdt$cluster,
MoreArgs = list(plotdt = plotdt, colo = colo, alpha = alpha),
if (!requireNamespace('patchwork', quietly = TRUE)){
message("BiocManager::install('patchwork'). Then re-run")
patchwork::wrap_plots(plotlist, nrow = nrow, byrow = TRUE) +
patchwork::plot_layout(axes = 'collect', guides = 'collect')
#grid.arrange(grobs = plotlist, nrow = length(method), ncol = length(unique(plotdt$clus)))
.fclusplot <- function(plotdt, meth, cl, colo, alpha){
# Dont facet-wrap this into higher-level function!
# Each facet requires feature_id to be re-ordered based on silhouette
# This order is different in each facet
# So it needs to be coded like it is here
clus <- silh <- silhcut <- method <- sample_id <- value <- NULL
clusdt <- plotdt[method == meth & clus == cl]
clusdt <- clusdt[ order(silh) ]
clusdt[, feature_id := factor(feature_id, unique(feature_id))]
exemplardt <- clusdt[silh == max(silh)]
shapescale <- c(16, 17, 15, 3, 7, 8, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14)
ggplot(clusdt, aes(x = sample_id, y = value, group = feature_id, color = silhcut, shape = subgroup)) +
theme_bw() +
facet_wrap(vars(clus)) +
scale_color_manual(values = colo) +
scale_shape_manual(values = shapescale) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90), panel.grid = element_blank(), axis.title.x = element_blank()) +
guides(color = 'none', shape = guide_legend(override.aes = list(colour = 'black'))) +
ylab(unique(clusdt$method)) +
geom_line(alpha = alpha) +
geom_line( data = exemplardt, color = 'white', linewidth = 0.8) +
geom_point(data = exemplardt, color = 'white', size = 1.5)
is_installed <- function(x){
ok <- requireNamespace(x, quietly = TRUE)
if (!ok) message(sprintf("BiocManager::install('%s'). Then re-run.", x))
assert_installed <- function(x){
assert_engine( is_installed, x )
#' Plot heatmap
#' @param object SummarizedExperiment
#' @param assay string: one of assayNames(object)
#' @param fit 'limma', 'lm', 'lme(r)', 'wilcoxon'
#' @param coef string: one of coefs(object)
#' @param effectsize number: effectsize filter
#' @param p number: p filter
#' @param fdr number: fdr filter
#' @param n number: n filter
#' @param cluster_features TRUE or FALSE
#' @param cluster_samples TRUE or FALSE
#' @param flabel string: feature label
#' @param group sample groupvar
#' @param verbose TRUE or FALSE
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file('extdata/fukuda20.proteingroups.txt', package = 'autonomics')
#' object <- read_maxquant_proteingroups(file, fit = 'limma')
#' plot_heatmap(object)
#' @export
plot_heatmap <- function(
fit = fits(object)[1],
coef = default_coefs(object, fit = fit)[1],
effectsize = 0,
p = 1,
fdr = 0.05,
n = 100,
assay = assayNames(object)[1],
cluster_features = FALSE,
cluster_samples = FALSE,
flabel = intersect(c('gene', 'feature_id'), fvars(object))[1],
group = 'subgroup',
verbose = TRUE
# Assert
assert_is_all_of(object, 'SummarizedExperiment')
assert_is_subset(assay, assayNames(object))
if (!is.null(fit )){ assert_is_a_string(fit); assert_is_subset( fit, fits(object)) }
if (!is.null(coef)) assert_is_a_string(coef)
if (!is.null(coef)) assert_is_subset( coef, coefs(object, fit = fit))
assert_is_subset( flabel, fvars(object))
assert_is_subset(group, svars(object))
sample_id <- `z-score` <- NULL
# Filter: significant features
object0 <- object
if (is.null(coef)){ object %<>% extract_features_evenly(n)
} else { object %<>% extract_coef_features(fit = fit, coefs = coef, effectsize = effectsize, p = p, fdr = fdr, n = n) }
# Zscore
assays(object)[[assay]] %<>% t() %>% scale(center = TRUE, scale = TRUE) %>% t()
assays(object)[[assay]] %<>% na_to_zero()
# Order features # in an edge case one of the groups had no obs
idx <- rowSds(assays(object)[[assay]]) > 0 # still limma::lmFit produced a p value - limma bug ?
object %<>% extract(idx, ) # leads to a 0 variance error in the next line
if (cluster_features){
# object %<>% fcluster( verbose = verbose )
# object %<>% extract(order(fdt(.)$clustorder), )
idx <- hclust(as.dist(1-cor(t(assays(object)[[assay]]))))$order
object %<>% extract( idx , ) # order features
if (!is.null(coef)){
idx <- effectmat(object, fit = fit, coef = coef)[, 1] < 0; down <- object[idx, ] # split down/up
idx <- effectmat(object, fit = fit, coef = coef)[, 1] > 0; up <- object[idx, ]
object <- rbind(rev(down), rev(up))
# Add pvalues
sep <- guess_fitsep(fdt(object))
if (!is.null(coef)){
pvar <- paste('p', coef, fit, sep = sep)
fdrvar <- paste('fdr', coef, fit, sep = sep)
pvalues <- fdt(object)[[ pvar]] %>% formatC(format = 'e', digits = 0) %>% as.character()
fdrvalues <- fdt(object)[[fdrvar]] %>% formatC(format = 'e', digits = 0) %>% as.character()
fdt(object)[[flabel]] %<>% paste0(' ', pvalues, ' ', fdrvalues)
if (flabel == 'feature_id') fnames(object) <- as.character(fdt(object)$feature_id)
fdt(object)[[flabel]] %<>% factor(unique(.)) # fix order
# Order samples
if (cluster_samples){
idx <- matrixStats::colSds(assays(object)[[assay]]) > 0 # this ad-hoc dropping of samples is undesirable
object %<>% extract(, idx)
idx <- hclust(as.dist(1-cor(assays(object)[[assay]])))$order
object %<>% extract(, idx) # order samples
object %<>% split_samples(group) # split by group
object %<>% Reduce(cbind, .) # cbind
sdt(object)$sample_id %<>% factor(unique(.)) # fix order
# Prepare
dt <- sumexp_to_longdt(object, assay = assay, fvars = flabel)
setnames(dt, 'value', 'z-score')
vlines <- 0.5 + c(0, cumsum(table(object[[group]])))
if (!is.null(coef)){
hlines <- 0.5 + c(0, sum(effectmat(object, fit = fit, coef = coef)[, 1] < 0), nrow(object))
# Plot
p <- ggplot(data = dt, aes(x = sample_id, y = !!sym(flabel), fill = `z-score`)) +
geom_tile() +
theme_minimal() + xlab(NULL) + ylab(NULL) +
scale_x_discrete(position = 'top') +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 0)) +
scale_fill_gradient2(low = '#ff5050', high = '#009933', na.value = 'white') +
geom_vline(xintercept = vlines)
if (!is.null(coef)){
p <- p + geom_hline(yintercept = hlines)
get_density <- function(x, y, ...) {
# Kamil Slowikowski
# https://slowkow.com/notes/ggplot2-color-by-density/
dens <- MASS::kde2d(x, y, ...)
ix <- findInterval(x, dens$x)
iy <- findInterval(y, dens$y)
ii <- cbind(ix, iy)
#' Plot joint density
#' @param object SummarizedExperiment
#' @param xvar svar
#' @param yvar svar
#' @param color TRUE or FALSE
#' @param contour TRUE or FALSE
#' @param smooth TRUE or FALSE
#' @return ggplot
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file('extdata/atkin.metabolon.xlsx', package = 'autonomics')
#' object <- read_metabolon(file)
#' set.seed(20)
#' object$Height <- rnorm(ncol(object), mean = 176)
#' object$Weight <- rnorm(ncol(object), mean = 85.4)
#' plot_joint_density(object, 'Height', 'Weight')
#' plot_joint_density(object, 'Height', 'Weight', smooth = TRUE)
#' plot_joint_density(object, 'Height', 'Weight', color = TRUE)
#' plot_joint_density(object, 'Height', 'Weight', contour = TRUE)
#' @export
plot_joint_density <- function(
object, xvar, yvar, color = TRUE, contour = TRUE, smooth = TRUE
# Filter out na values
obj <- object
obj %<>% filter_samples(!is.na(!!sym(xvar)))
obj %<>% filter_samples(!is.na(!!sym(yvar)))
# X
xvalues <- obj[[xvar]]
densityfun <- approxfun(density(xvalues, na.rm = TRUE))
pX <- ggplot() + theme_bw() +
annotate('point', x = sort(xvalues), y = -densityfun(sort(xvalues))) +
annotate('path', x = sort(xvalues), y = -densityfun(sort(xvalues))) +
scale_x_continuous(position = 'top') +
xlab(NULL) +
ylab('') +
theme(axis.text.y = element_blank(), # 5.5 each is default
panel.grid = element_blank(), # t=0 & b=10.5 preserves asp ratio
plot.margin = unit(c(t = 0, r = 5.5, b = 10.5, l = 5.5), 'points'))
# Y
yvalues <- sort(obj[[yvar]])
densityfun <- approxfun(density(yvalues, na.rm = TRUE))
pY <- ggplot() + theme_bw() +
annotate('point', y = sort(yvalues), x = -densityfun(sort(yvalues))) +
annotate('path', y = sort(yvalues), x = -densityfun(sort(yvalues))) +
scale_y_continuous(position = 'right') +
xlab('') +
ylab(NULL) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),
panel.grid = element_blank(),
plot.margin = unit(c(t = 5.5, r = 0, b = 5.5, l = 10.5), 'points'))
# XY
obj$xydensity <- get_density(obj[[xvar]], obj[[yvar]])
pXY <- ggplot(sdt(obj), aes(x = !!sym(xvar), y = !!sym(yvar))) + theme_bw()
if (contour) pXY <- pXY + geom_density_2d(color = 'gray80')
# if (fill) pXY <- pXY + geom_density_2d_filled()
if (smooth) pXY <- pXY + geom_smooth(se = FALSE, formula = y~x, method = 'lm', color = '#24517f')
if (color){ pXY <- pXY + geom_point(aes(x = !!sym(xvar), y = !!sym(yvar), color = xydensity)) + scale_color_gradient(low = '#56B1F7', high = '#132B43')
} else { pXY <- pXY + geom_point() }
pXY <- pXY + ylab(yvar) + xlab(xvar) +
guides(fill = 'none', color = 'none') +
theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.text.y = element_blank(),
panel.grid = element_blank() )
layout <- matrix(c(2,3,4,1), byrow = TRUE, nrow = 2)
gridExtra::grid.arrange(pX, pY, pXY, layout_matrix = layout)
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