#'Inference of mutational trees by of single cell mutational status
#'From data on the observed mutational status of single cells at a
#' number of genomic sites, computes a likely phylogenetic tree using
#' PhISCS (https://github.com/sfu-compbio/PhISCS) and associates
#' single cells with leaves of the tree. The function
#' \code{\link{clusterMetaclones}} should be called on the output in
#' order to group mutations into clones using a likelihood-based
#' approach.
#'@param mutcalls object of class \code{\link{mutationCalls}}.
#'@param fn false negative rate, i.e. the probability of only
#'observing the reference allele if there is a mutation. #add
#'@param fp false positive, i.e. the probability of observing the
#'mutant allele if there is no mutation.
#'@param cores number of cores to use for PhISCS (defaults to 1)
#'@param time maximum time to be used for PhISCS optimization, in
#'seconds (defaults to 10000)
#'@param tempfolder temporary folder to use for PhISCS output
#'@param python_env Any shell commands to execute in order to make the
#'gurobi python package available. The easiest solution is
#'running R from an environment where the gurobi python package
#'is avaiable. In some settings (e.g. RStudio Server), this
#'parameter can be used instead. \code{muta_clone} executes
#'PhISCS using a \code{system} call to python. The value of this
#'parameter is prepended to the call. If you have a conda
#'environment \code{myenv} that contains gurobipy, \code{source
#'activate myenv} can work. Occassionally RStudio Server modifies
#'your PATH so that that the conda and source commands are not
#'available. In that case you can for example use \code{export
#'PATH=/path/to/conda/:$PATH; source activate myenv}. easybuild
#'users can \code{module load anaconda/v3; source activate myenv}
#'@param force_recalc Rerun PhISCS even if the \code{tempfolder}
#'contains valid PhISCS output
#'@param method A string variable of either PhISCS or SCITE depending
#'on the tree-inferring software the user wants to use. Default:
#'@examples load(system.file("extdata/LudwigFig7.Rda",package =
#'LudwigFig7 <- varCluster(LudwigFig7,
#'python_env = "",method='SCITE')
#'@return an object of class \code{\link{mutationCalls}}, with an
#'inferred tree structure and cell to clone assignment added.
varCluster <- function(mutcalls,
fn = 0.1,
fp = 0.02,
cores = 1,
time = 10000,
tempfolder = tempdir(),
python_env = '',
force_recalc = FALSE,
method = 'SCITE') {
##prepare data and run PhISCS
usedata <- mutcalls@ternary[, mutcalls@cluster]
if (!method %in% c('PhISCS', 'SCITE')) {
message('No method selected, defaulting to SCITE')
method <- 'SCITE'
if (!file.exists(file.path(tempfolder, "out"))) {
'Creating temporary dir: ',
file.path(tempfolder, 'out'),
' for tree-building output.'
dir.create(file.path(tempfolder, 'out'))
if (method == 'PhISCS') {
file = file.path(tempfolder, "in.txt"),
quote = FALSE,
sep = "\t",
row.names = gsub("[><_]", "", rownames(usedata)),
col.names = gsub("[><_]", "", colnames(usedata))
## if(!system("which PhISCS", intern = FALSE,
##ignore.stderr = TRUE, ignore.stdout = TRUE) == "0"){
## stop("PhISCS not detected on your system!")
## }else{
## ##base <-
##system.file("extdata/python/PhISCS-I",package = "mitoClone")
## }
base <- 'PhISCS-I'
command <-
"%spython %s -SCFile %s -fn %.2f -fp %.2f -o %s -threads %d -time %d --drawTree",
ifelse(python_env == "", "", paste0(python_env, "; ")),
file.path(tempfolder, "in.txt"),
file.path(tempfolder, "out"),
if (!file.exists(file.path(tempfolder, "out", "in.CFMatrix")) |
force_recalc) {
##message("Now running the following command:", command)
message("Please run the following command with PhISCS-I:",
##tryCatch(system(command), error = function(e){
## stop("PhISCS error: ",e,
## "Make sure that the gurobi python package is available
## and consider specifying python_env."))
} else {
message("Results found for PhISCS run")
##read in the result and create tree data structure
physics <-
file.path(tempfolder, "out", "in.CFMatrix"),
header = TRUE,
row.names = 1,
sep = "\t"
cell.mutations <- physics
txtCon <-
textConnection(unique(apply(physics, 1, paste, collapse = ",")))
clones <-
header = FALSE ,
col.names = colnames(physics))
mutcalls@tree <- clones2tree(clones)
nodes.order <- getNodes(mutcalls@tree)[-1]
clone.names <-
apply(clones[, nodes.order], 1, function(x)
max(which(x == 1)))
clone.names <- nodes.order[clone.names]
clone.names[is.na(clone.names)] <- "root"
clones <- as.matrix(clones)
clone.names -> rownames(clones)
## if (method == 'SACS'){
## base <- 'sacs'
## command <-
## sprintf(
## "%s %s -i %s -e %s -E %s -m %d -n %d -r 2 -a %.2f -b %.2f -k 0 > %s",
## ifelse(python_env == "", "", paste0(python_env, "; ")),
## base,
## file.path(tempfolder, "input_scite.txt"),
## file.path(tempfolder, "mut_sacs_names.txt"),
## file.path(tempfolder, "cell_sacs_names.txt"),
## NCOL(usedata),
## NROW(usedata),
## fn,
## fp,
## file.path(tempfolder, "sacs_out")
## )
## mut.raw <- usedata
## mut.raw[mut.raw == '?'] <- '2'
## cell.names <- row.names(mut.raw)
## mutation.names <- colnames(mut.raw)
## mut.raw <- apply(mut.raw, 2, as.numeric)
## write.table(
## x = mut.raw,
## file.path(tempfolder, "input_sacs.txt"),
## sep = ' ',
## row.names = FALSE,
## col.names = FALSE,
## quote = FALSE
## )##,sep=' ')
## write.table(
## mutation.names,
## file.path(tempfolder, "mut_sacs_names.txt"),
## row.names = FALSE,
## col.names = FALSE,
## quote = FALSE
## )
## write.table(
## cell.names,
## file.path(tempfolder, "cell_sacs_names.txt"),
## row.names = FALSE,
## col.names = FALSE,
## quote = FALSE
## )
## if (!file.exists(file.path(tempfolder, "sacs_out")))
## {
## message("Please run the following command with SACS:",
## command)
## } else {
## message("Results found for SACS run")
## }
## }
if (method == 'SCITE') {
if (file.exists(system.file("SCITE/scite", package = "mitoClone2"))) {
base <- system.file("SCITE/scite", package = "mitoClone2")
} else{
base <- system.file("SCITE/scite.exe", package = "mitoClone2")
command <-
"%s %s -i %s -names %s -n %d -max_treelist_size 1 -a -m %d -r 1 -l 200000 -ad %.2f -fd %.2f -o %s",
ifelse(python_env == "", "", paste0(python_env, "; ")),
file.path(tempfolder, "input_scite.txt"),
file.path(tempfolder, "mut_scite_names.txt"),
file.path(tempfolder, "scite_out")
mut.raw <- usedata
mut.raw[mut.raw == '?'] <- '3'
cell.names <- row.names(mut.raw)
mutation.names <- colnames(mut.raw)
mut.raw <- t(apply(mut.raw, 2, as.numeric))
x = mut.raw,
file.path(tempfolder, "input_scite.txt"),
sep = ' ',
row.names = FALSE,
col.names = FALSE,
quote = FALSE
)##,sep=' ')
file.path(tempfolder, "mut_scite_names.txt"),
row.names = FALSE,
col.names = FALSE,
quote = FALSE
if (!file.exists(file.path(tempfolder, "scite_out_ml0.gv")) |
force_recalc) {
message("If you use this method for publicaiton, please make sure to cite :")
message(paste0("Jahn, K., Kuipers, J. & Beerenwinkel, N. Tree inference for ",
"single-cell data. Genome Biol 17, 86 (2016). ",
message("Now running the following command:", command)
error = function(e)
"SCITE error: ",
"Make sure that the SCITE package is installed."
} else{
paste0("Results found, skipping SCITE run. Warning! As SCITE will not overwrite previous results",
" if you are attempting to run this function again you may potentially need to delete",
" your previous run or provide a new tempfolder.")
scite.in <-
readLines(file.path(tempfolder, "scite_out_ml0.gv"))
begin.si <- grep("node \\[color", scite.in)
scite.tree <- scite.in[seq(from = 3, to = begin.si[2] - 1)]
scite.tree <- data.frame(t(sapply(scite.tree, function(s) {
gsub("\\;$", "", unlist(strsplit(s, split = " -> ")))
colnames(scite.tree) <- c('start', 'end')
scite.cells <-
scite.in[seq(from = begin.si[2] + 1, to = length(scite.in) - 1)]
scite.cells <- data.frame(t(sapply(scite.cells, function(s) {
gsub("\\;$", "", unlist(strsplit(s, split = " -> ")))
scite.cells$real <-
cell.names[as.numeric(gsub("^s", "", scite.cells$X2)) + 1]
## states = number of mutations possible
mutcalls@tree <- list(
states = rep(0, nrow(scite.tree)),
children = list(),
mutation = "root"
names(mutcalls@tree$states) <- scite.tree$end
## consider merging clones into the scite.tree
##clones <- data.frame(scite.tree)
mutcalls@tree <-
addnodesSCITE(mutcalls@tree, scite.tree = scite.tree)
##mutcalls@tree <- clones2tree(clones)
nodes.order <- getNodes(mutcalls@tree)[-1]
flat.tree <-
lapply(rapply(mutcalls@tree, enquote, how = "unlist"), eval)
flat.states.df <-
unique(do.call(rbind, flat.tree[grep('states', names(flat.tree))]))
row.names(flat.states.df) <- NULL
clones <- as.matrix(flat.states.df)
clone.names <-
apply(flat.states.df[, nodes.order], 1, function(x)
max(which(x == 1)))
clone.names <- nodes.order[clone.names]
clone.names[is.na(clone.names)] <- "root"
row.names(clones) <- clone.names
##clones <- data.frame(scite.tree)
scite.cells.multi <- split(scite.cells, scite.cells$real)
scite.cells.multi.pre <-
lapply(scite.cells.multi, function(x) {
x$X1 <- gsub("^Root$", "root", x$X1)
if (NROW(x) == 1) {
x.ret <- clones[x[1, ]$X1, , drop = FALSE]
} else{
clone.reference <- clones[row.names(clones) %in% x$X1, ]
oldest.parent <-
which.min(apply(clone.reference, 1, function(z) {
## associating multi-associated cells with the oldest parent cell possible
##raw.calls <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(usedata[unique(x$real),]))
##raw.calls[is.na(raw.calls)] <- 0
## fixed dropped mutations in clustering
raw.calls <-
as.numeric(gsub("^\\?$", "3", usedata[unique(x$real), colnames(clone.reference)]))
z <- z[!is.na(raw.calls)]
##raw.calls <- raw.calls[!is.na(raw.calls)]
## use -1* for which.max
##print(sum(raw.calls != z))
sum(raw.calls != z)
x.ret <- clone.reference[oldest.parent, , drop = FALSE]
row.names(x.ret) <- unique(x$real)
scite <- data.frame(do.call(rbind, scite.cells.multi.pre))
cell.mutations <- scite
##retrieve the assignment for every cell
##compute likelihood of assignments
cell2clone.prob <-
apply(usedata[, nodes.order], 1, function(cell) {
apply(clones[, nodes.order], 1, function(clone) {
cell == "0" & clone == 1,
cell == "1" & clone == 0,
cell == "1" & clone == 1,
1 - fn,
cell == "0" & clone == 0,
1 - fp,
ifelse(cell == "?", 1, (1 -
fn) * (1 - fp))
mutcalls@cell2clone <- t(apply(cell2clone.prob, 2, function(x) {
10 ^ x / sum(10 ^ x)
##finally, determine which mutations to group:
evaluate_likelihood <- function(data, idealized) {
data == "0" & idealized == 1,
data == "1" & idealized == 0,
data == "1" & idealized == 1,
1 - fn,
data == "0" & idealized == 0,
1 - fp,
ifelse(data == "?", 1, (1 -
fn) * (1 - fp))
ref <-
evaluate_likelihood(usedata[, colnames(cell.mutations)], cell.mutations)
mutcalls@treeLikelihoods <-
sapply(colnames(cell.mutations), function(node1) {
sapply(c(colnames(cell.mutations), "root"), function(node2) {
newmodel <- cell.mutations
if (node2 == "root")
newmodel[, node1] <-
rep(0, nrow(newmodel))
newmodel[, node1] <- newmodel[, node2]
evaluate_likelihood(usedata[, colnames(cell.mutations)], newmodel) - ref
#'Remove mutations that occuring at the same site
#'Mutations co-occuring at the same genomic position may often be the
#' result of sequencing artifacts or technical biases. In cases where
#' the user which to drop these from a result this function may be
#'@param x A list of strings that comprise sites that will be filtered
#'@param window Integer of how close mutations must be to one another
#'(in bp) to be removed
#'@return Returns the same list of mutations excluding those, if any,
#'that fall within the same window =
#'@examples P1.muts <- rep(TRUE,3)
#'names(P1.muts) <- c("X2537GA","X3351TC","X3350TC")
#'names(P1.muts) <- gsub("^X","",
#'gsub("(\\d+)([AGCT])([AGCT])","\\1 \\2>\\3",names(P1.muts)))
#'P1.muts <- P1.muts[removeWindow(names(P1.muts))]
removeWindow <- function(x, window = 1) {
if (any(sapply(x, grepl, '^[A-Z]'))) {
'Non-standard variant name detected.',
' Please only provide variant coordinates',
' in the following format: 1337 G>A')
firstround <- sort(mut2GR(x))
removeidentical <-
unique(firstround[which(GenomicRanges::countOverlaps(firstround) > 1)])
firstround <- GenomicRanges::resize(firstround, width = window)
bigreg <- GenomicRanges::reduce(firstround)
bigreg.w <- as.numeric(GenomicRanges::width(bigreg))
bigreg <- bigreg[bigreg.w > window]
bigreg <- GenomicRanges::reduce(c(bigreg, removeidentical))
if (length(c(S4Vectors::queryHits(
GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(mut2GR(x), bigreg)
))) > 0) {
x <-
x[-c(S4Vectors::queryHits(GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(mut2GR(x), bigreg)))]
#'Quick clustering of mutations
#'Performs a quick hierarchical clustering on a object of class
#' \code{\link{mutationCalls}}. See \code{\link{varCluster}} for an
#' alternative that infers mutational trees and uses sound models of
#' dropout.
#'@param mutcalls object of class \code{\link{mutationCalls}}.
#'@param binarize If \code{FALSE}, will use raw allele frequencies for
#'the clustering. If \code{TRUE}, will use binarized
#'mutation/reference/dropout calls.
#'@param drop_empty Remove all rows in the provided mutcalls object
#'where no cells exhibit a mutation.
#'@param ... Parameters passed to \code{\link[pheatmap]{pheatmap}}
#'@return The result of running \code{\link[pheatmap]{pheatmap}}
#'@examples load(system.file("extdata/LudwigFig7.Rda",package = "mitoClone2"))
#' quickCluster <- quick_cluster(LudwigFig7)
quick_cluster <- function(mutcalls,
binarize = FALSE,
drop_empty = TRUE,
...) {
if (drop_empty)
mutcalls@ternary <-
mutcalls@ternary[apply(mutcalls@ternary, 1, function(x)
any(x == "1")), ]
if (binarize)
converted <-
t(apply(mutcalls@ternary, 2, function(x)
ifelse(x == "1", 1, ifelse(x == "0", -1, 0))))
if (!binarize)
converted <- t(mutcalls@M / (mutcalls@M + mutcalls@N))
clustered <-
pheatmap::pheatmap(converted[mutcalls@cluster, ], ...)
#'Cluster mutations into clones - following the tree structure
#'PhISCS orders all mutations into a hierarchical mutational tree; in
#' many cases, the exact order of the acquisition of individual
#' mutations in not unanimously determined from the data. This
#' function computes the change in likelihood of the infered clonal
#' assignment if two mutations are merged into a clone. Hierarchical
#' clustering is then used to determine the clonal structure. The
#' result is visualized and should be fine-tuned using the
#' \code{min.lik} parameter.
#'@param mutcalls mutcalls object of class \code{\link{mutationCalls}}
#'for which \code{\link{varCluster}} has been run
#'@param min.lik specifies the minimum difference in likelihood
#'required. This parameter is set arbitrarily, see the vignette
#'"Computation of clonal hierarchies and clustering of mutations"
#'for more information.
#'@param plot whether dendrograms should be plotted.
#'@return Returns the provided \code{\link{mutationCalls}} class
#'object with an additional 'mainClone' metadata which allows for
#'further refinement of clonal population and association of
#'cells with a cluster of mutations (in this case clones).
#'@examples P1 <- readRDS(system.file("extdata/sample_example1.RDS",package = "mitoClone2"))
#' P1 <- clusterMetaclones(P1)
#' ## access via mainClone metadata
clusterMetaclones <- function(mutcalls,
min.lik = 1,
plot = TRUE) {
#split the tree into branches with no further splits
branches <- getBranches(mutcalls@tree)
mutcalls@mut2clone <-
as.integer(rep(0, nrow(mutcalls@treeLikelihoods)))
names(mutcalls@mut2clone) <- rownames(mutcalls@treeLikelihoods)
par(mfrow = c(ceiling(sqrt(
)), ceiling(sqrt(
for (i in 1:length(branches)) {
if (sum(branches[[i]] != "root") <= 1) {
mutcalls@mut2clone[branches[[i]]] <-
as.integer(max(mutcalls@mut2clone) + 1)
} else {
##d <- as.dist(1-cor(t(mutcalls@treeLikelihoods[branches[[i]],])))
ub <- branches[[i]][branches[[i]] != "root"]
d <- dist(t(mutcalls@treeLikelihoods[ub, ub]))
##clustering_distance_cols =
## as.dist(1-cor(mutcalls@treeLikelihoods[branches[[i]],branches[[i]]])),
##clustering_distance_rows =
cl <- hclust(d)
error = function(e)
"Failed to plot"
mutcalls@mut2clone[branches[[i]]] <-
as.integer(max(mutcalls@mut2clone) + cutree(cl, h = nrow(mutcalls@M) * min.lik))
use <- mutcalls@mut2clone[colnames(mutcalls@cell2clone)]
mutcalls@mainClone <- sapply(unique(use), function(mainClone) {
if (sum(use == mainClone) == 1)
mutcalls@cell2clone[, use == mainClone]
apply(mutcalls@cell2clone[, use == mainClone], 1, sum)
#'Plot clone-specific variants in circular plots
#'@param variants Character vector of variants to plot in format
#'5643G>T or 5643 G>T.
#'@param patient Characet vector identifying which variant belongs to
#'what clone. The order should match that of the 'vars' parameter
#'and shoul dbe of identical length. If none is provided, the
#'function assumes all variants are from one single sample which
#'will be named "Main Clone". Default: NULL.
#'@param genome The mitochondrial genome of the sample being
#'investigated. Please note that this is the UCSC standard
#'chromosome sequence. Default: hg38.
#'@param customGenome A GRanges object containing a custom annotation.
#'If provided, this genome will be used instead of the predefined options
#'specified by the `genome` parameter. Default is NULL.
#'@param showLegend Boolean for whether or not the gene legend should
#'be present in the final output plot. Default: TRUE.
#'@param showLabel Boolean for whether or not the name of the variant
#'should be shown as a label in the final output plot. Default:
#'@return A ggplot object illustrating the clone specific mutations.
#'@examples known.variants <- c("9001 T>C","12345 G>A","1337 G>A")
mitoPlot <- function(variants,
patient = NULL,
genome = 'hg38',
customGenome = NULL,
showLegend = TRUE,
showLabel = TRUE) {
mito.var <- mut2GR(variants)
if (!is.null(customGenome)) {
# Use custom genome if provided
mito.gr <- customGenome
} else {
mito.gr <- switch(genome,
"hg38" = hg38.mito,
"hg19" = hg19.mito,
"mm10" = mm10.mito)
mito.gr <- mito.gr[mito.gr$gene_biotype != 'Mt_tRNA']
S4Vectors::mcols(mito.gr) <-
S4Vectors::mcols(mito.gr)[, c('external_gene_name'), drop = FALSE]
mito.genes.df <-
GenomicRanges::resize(mito.gr, width = 1, fix = 'start'),
mito.gr, width = 1, fix = 'end'
mito.genes.df$gene <-
gsub("mt-|MT-", "", mito.genes.df$external_gene_name)
mito.genes.df$gene <-
factor(mito.genes.df$gene, levels = rev(sort(unique(
mito.genes.df$external_gene_name <- NULL
mito.genes.df$type <- 'mito'
mito.gene.color <-
subset(mito.genes.df, mito.genes.df$type == 'mito')$gene
))), rev(c(
"#F9B90AFF", "#E6352FFF", "#3D79F3FF"
mito.genes.df$sample <- 'Main Clone'
## setup the color scheme
var.df <- data.frame(mito.var)
var.df$ref <- var.df$alt <- NULL
var.df$gene <- variants
var.df$type <- 'mutation'
if (!is.null(patient)) {
var.df$sample <- patient
patcol <- grDevices::rainbow(length(unique(patient)))
names(patcol) <- unique(patient)
plot.df.list <- lapply(unique(patient), function(z) {
plot.df.sub <-
subset(var.df[, colnames(mito.genes.df)], sample == z, drop = FALSE))
plot.df.sub$sample <- z
plot.df.sub$strand <- patcol[z]
plot.df <- do.call(rbind, plot.df.list)
} else{
var.df$sample <- 'Main Clone'
var.df$strand <- 'red'
plot.df <-
rbind(mito.genes.df, var.df[, colnames(mito.genes.df)])
## prepare to plot
legendPos <- ifelse(showLegend, "top", "none")
mito.plot.df <- subset(plot.df,plot.df$type == 'mito')
p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data=mito.plot.df, ggplot2::aes(x = start, y=12, color=gene)) +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept=12, color = "black",alpha=1) +
ggplot2::geom_line(size=4) +
ggplot2::theme_void(base_size=24) + ggplot2::xlab('') +
ggplot2::ylab('') +
ggplot2::theme(legend.position = legendPos, axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_blank()) +
ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values=mito.gene.color) +
ggplot2::geom_point(data=subset(plot.df,plot.df$type == 'mutation'),size=5, ggplot2::aes(x = start, y = 12), color=subset(plot.df,plot.df$type == 'mutation')$strand) +
ggplot2::coord_polar() +
ggplot2::facet_wrap(~sample) +
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_text(data=subset(plot.df,plot.df$type == 'mutation'),ggplot2::aes(x = start, y = 12, label = subset(plot.df,plot.df$type == 'mutation')$gene),color='black',nudge_y = -3)
#'Manually overwrite clustering of mutations into clones
#'The function \code{\link{clusterMetaclones}} provides an automated
#' way to group mutations into clones for subsequent analyses (such as
#' differential expression analyses). In practice, it may make sense
#' to overwrite these results manually. See the vignette 'Computation
#' of clonal hierarchies and clustering of mutations' for an example.
#'@param mutcalls mutcalls object of class \code{\link{mutationCalls}}
#'for which \code{\link{clusterMetaclones}} has been run
#'@param mutation2clones Named integer vector that assigns mutations
#'to clones. See the vignette 'Computation of clonal hierarchies
#'and clustering of mutations' for an example.
#'@return Returns the provided \code{\link{mutationCalls}} class
#'object with the 'mainClone' metadata overwritten with the
#'manual values provided by the user.
#'@examples P1 <- readRDS(system.file("extdata/sample_example1.RDS",package = "mitoClone2"))
#' new.n <- seq(17)
#' names(new.n) <- names(getMut2Clone(P1))
#' P1.newid <- overwriteMetaclones(P1,new.n)
overwriteMetaclones <- function(mutcalls, mutation2clones) {
#split the tree into branches with no further splits
mutcalls@mut2clone <- mutation2clones
use <- mutcalls@mut2clone[colnames(mutcalls@cell2clone)]
mutcalls@mainClone <- sapply(unique(use), function(mainClone) {
if (sum(use == mainClone) == 1)
mutcalls@cell2clone[, use == mainClone]
apply(mutcalls@cell2clone[, use == mainClone], 1, sum)
getBranches <- function(tree) {
current <- c()
while (length(tree$children) == 1) {
current <- c(current, tree$mutation)
tree <- tree$children[[1]]
if (length(tree$children) == 0)
return(c(current, tree$mutation))
result <- removeDepth(lapply(tree$children, getBranches))
result[[length(result) + 1]] <- c(current, tree$mutation)
removeDepth <- function(list) {
out <- list()
for (i in 1:length(list)) {
if (is.list(list[[i]])) {
for (j in 1:length(list[[i]])) {
out[[length(out) + 1]] <- list[[i]][[j]]
} else
out[[length(out) + 1]] <- list[[i]]
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.