#' greatAnnotate
#' This function allows you to analyze the gene ontologies of targeting genes by cis-regulatory regions.
#' @param peaks Required. A bed-format genomic regions in data frame.
#' @param assembly The genome assembly of the input regions, currently supporting 'hg19', 'hg38' (default), 'mm9' and 'mm10'.
#' @param return_annotation Either TRUE of FALSE (default). If TRUE, a data.frame containing annotation results will be returned.
#' @param return_html_report Either TRUE of FALSE (default). If TRUE, a dynamic HTML report will be saved.
#' @param pvalue The adjusted p-value which is applied to filter the results, by default 0.01.
#' @param test The statistical test used in GREAT analysis, either 'binomial' (default) or 'hypergeometric'.
#' @param great_rule Equivalent to the rGREAT input 'rule', 'basalPlusExt' (default, basal plus extension), 'twoClosest' (two nearest genes), or 'oneClosest' (single nearest gene).
#' @param great_adv_upstream Equivalent to the rGREAT input 'adv_upstream' (upstream extension, kb). Only applicable when 'great_rule' is 'basalPlusExt', by default 5.0 (kb).
#' @param great_adv_downstream Equivalent to the rGREAT input 'adv_downstream' (downstream extension, kb). Only applicable when 'great_rule' is 'basalPlusExt', by default 1.0 (kb).
#' @param great_adv_span Equivalent to the rGREAT input 'adv_span' (maximal distal region). Only applicable when 'great_rule' is 'basalPlusExt', by default 1000.0 (kb).
#' @param great_adv_twoDistance Equivalent to the rGREAT input 'adv_twoDistance' (region range to be considered). Only applicable when 'great_rule' is 'twoClosest', by default 1000.0 (kb).
#' @param great_adv_oneDistance Equivalent to the rGREAT input 'adv_oneDistance' (region range to be considered). Only applicable when 'great_rule' is 'oneClosest', by default 1000.0 (kb).
#' @param request_interval The minimal gap time between two requests using greatAnnotate, by default 60 (s).
#' @param great_version Equivalent to the rGREAT input 'version', by default 4.0.4
#' @return a data.frame, or an HTML report depending on the options.
#' @keywords greatAnnotate
#' @export
#' @examples
#' require(rGREAT)
#' require(rbokeh)
#' K562_CEBPB_regions <- loadPeaks(id = "MM1_HSA_K562_CEBPB")
#' K562_CEBPB_regions_annotation <- greatAnnotate(
#' peaks = K562_CEBPB_regions[1:500, ],
#' return_annotation = TRUE,
#' return_html_report = TRUE
#' )
greatAnnotate <- function(
peaks, assembly = "hg38",
return_annotation = FALSE,
return_html_report = FALSE,
pvalue = 0.01,
test = "binomial",
great_rule = "basalPlusExt",
great_adv_upstream = 5.0,
great_adv_downstream = 1.0,
great_adv_span = 1000.0,
great_adv_twoDistance = 1000.0,
great_adv_oneDistance = 1000.0,
request_interval = 60,
great_version = "4.0.4",
cores = 1,
local_version = FALSE
) {
# check input arguments
if (missing(peaks)) {
stop("please provide peak regions using 'peaks ='!")
if (!is.data.frame(peaks)) {
stop("The 'peaks' should be a BED-format data.frame!")
if (!(assembly %in% c("hg38", "hg19", "mm10", "mm9"))) {
stop("Currently greatAnnotate only supports hg19, hg38, mm9 and mm10.")
if (!is.logical(return_annotation)) {
stop("'return_annotation' should be either TRUE (T) or FALSE (F, default)")
if (!is.logical(return_html_report)) {
stop("'return_html_report' should be either TRUE (T) or FALSE (F, default)")
if (!is.numeric(pvalue)) {
stop("'pvalue' should be a numeric!")
if (!(test %in% c("binomial", "hypergeometric"))) {
stop("'test' should be either 'binomial' (default) or 'hypergeometric'!")
if (!(great_rule %in% c("basalPlusExt", "twoClosest", "oneClosest"))) {
stop("According to 'rGREAT', 'great_rule' shoule be 'basalPlusExt' (default), 'twoClosest', or 'oneClosest'!")
if (is.double(cores)) {
cores <- as.integer(cores)
} else if (!is.integer(cores)) {
stop("'cores' should be an integer no greater than the core count of your CPU!")
if (!is.logical(local_version)) {
stop("'local_version' should be either TRUE (T) or FALSE (F, default)")
# check that the required packages can be loaded
# this step maybe unnecessary as I have the packages declared when called
if (!require("rGREAT", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("GREAT R package 'rGREAT' (>=1.16.1) is NOT installed!")
if (return_html_report && !require("plotly", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("A dynamic html report requires 'plotly' (>= 4.10.4). 'plotly' is NOT installed!")
if (return_html_report && !require("crosstalk", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("A dynamic html report requires 'crosstalk' (>= 1.2.1). 'crosstalk' is NOT installed!")
if (return_html_report && !require("DT", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("A dynamic html report requires 'DT' (>= 0.33). 'DT' is NOT installed!")
message("Start greatAnnotate ...")
if (return_annotation) {
message("... ... You chose to return annotated results in a data.frame.")
} else {
message("... ... You chose NOT to return annotated results in a data.frame.")
if (return_html_report) {
message("... ... You chose to return an HTML report.")
} else {
message("... ... You chose NOT to return an HTML report.")
if (!return_annotation && ! return_html_report) {
message("... ... You chose no action. EXIT!!")
peaks <- peaks[, c(1, 2, 3)]
colnames(peaks) <- c("chr", "start", "end")
peaks$id <- paste0("greatAnnotate_peak_", as.vector(rownames(peaks)))
# great analysis
message("... ... start GREAT analysis")
if (local_version) {
peaks.gr <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(
IRanges::IRanges(peaks$start, peaks$end),
id = peaks$id
if (assembly %in% c("hg38", "hg19")) {
gap_chromo <- paste0("chr", c(1:22, "X", "Y"))
} else if (assembly %in% c("mm10", "mm9")) {
gap_chromo <- paste0("chr", c(1:19, "X", "Y"))
gap <- rGREAT::getGapFromUCSC(assembly, gap_chromo)
great_gene_sets <- c("GO:BP", "GO:CC", "GO:MF")
# multiple by 1000 to convert from Kb to base pairs
# local rgreat takes base pairs while the submission takes Kb
jobs <- lapply(
great_gene_sets, local_great, peaks = peaks.gr,
assembly = assembly, great_rule = great_rule,
great_adv_upstream = great_adv_upstream * 1000,
great_adv_downstream = great_adv_downstream * 1000,
great_adv_span = great_adv_span * 1000,
great_adv_twoDistance = great_adv_twoDistance * 1000,
great_adv_oneDistance = great_adv_oneDistance * 1000,
cores = cores, gap = gap
} else {
if (great_rule == "basalPlusExt") {
jobs <- suppressMessages(rGREAT::submitGreatJob(
gr = peaks, species = assembly, rule = great_rule,
adv_upstream = great_adv_upstream,
adv_downstream = great_adv_downstream, adv_span = great_adv_span,
request_interval = request_interval, version = great_version
} else if (great_rule == "twoClosest") {
jobs <- suppressMessages(rGREAT::submitGreatJob(
gr = peaks, species = assembly, rule = great_rule,
adv_twoDistance = great_adv_twoDistance,
request_interval = request_interval, version = great_version
} else {
jobs <- suppressMessages(rGREAT::submitGreatJob(
gr = peaks, species = assembly, rule = great_rule,
adv_oneDistance = great_adv_oneDistance,
request_interval = request_interval, version = great_version
message("... ... getting enrichment tables")
if (local_version) {
get_enrichment <- function(job) {
tb <- lapply(jobs, get_enrichment)
names(tb) <- c(
"Biological Process", "Cellular Component", "Molecular Function"
} else {
tb <- suppressMessages(rGREAT::getEnrichmentTables(jobs))
handle_enrichment_table <- function(gene_set, test, pvalue, local_version) {
go_tb <- tb[[gene_set]]
if (local_version) {
if (test == "binomial") {
go_tb <- go_tb %>%
dplyr::select(id, description, observed_gene_hits, p_adjust)
} else {
go_tb <- go_tb %>%
dplyr::select(id, description, observed_gene_hits, p_adjust_hyper) %>%
dplyr::rename(p_adjust = p_adjust_hyper)
} else {
if (test == "binomial") {
go_tb <- go_tb %>%
dplyr::select(ID, name, Hyper_Observed_Gene_Hits, Binom_Adjp_BH) %>%
dplyr::rename(p_adjust = Binom_Adjp_BH)
} else {
go_tb <- go_tb %>%
dplyr::select(ID, name, Hyper_Observed_Gene_Hits, Hyper_Adjp_BH) %>%
dplyr::rename(p_adjust = Hyper_Adjp_BH)
go_tb_sorted_pass <- go_tb %>%
dplyr::filter(p_adjust < pvalue) %>%
dplyr::arrange(p_adjust) %>%
dplyr::mutate(go_id = gene_set) %>%
dplyr::select(go_id, dplyr::everything())
# added to align the names between local and submitted rgreat
if (!local_version) {
names(tb) <- substring(names(tb), first = 4)
filtered_tb <- lapply(
names(tb), handle_enrichment_table, test = test, pvalue = pvalue,
local_version = local_version
all <- do.call(rbind, filtered_tb)
if (nrow(all) == 0) {
message("... ... No result for the current settings!")
} else {
if (return_html_report) {
formatted_time <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S")
report_prefix <- paste0("greatAnnotate_result-", formatted_time)
report_name <- paste0(report_prefix, ".html")
html_output <- formHTMLoutput(all, report_prefix)
htmltools::save_html(html_output, report_name)
"... ... An html report has been generated as '", report_name, "'!"
if (return_annotation) {
colnames(all) <- c(
"category", "ID", "name", "number_of_targeting_genes", "adjusted_pvalue"
"... ... The annotation results have been returned in a data.frame!"
formHTMLoutput <- function(all, report_prefix) {
colnames(all) <- c(
"go_id", "id", "description", "observed_gene_hits", "p_adjust"
# required to get crosstalk between scatter plot and table
shared_all <- crosstalk::SharedData$new(all)
plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(
x = -log10(p_adjust),
y = observed_gene_hits,
color = go_id,
label1 = description,
label2 = p_adjust,
label3 = observed_gene_hits
) +
ggplot2::geom_point(size = 3) +
# title = "GREAT analysis",
x = "-log10(adjusted p-value)",
y = "Number of genes",
color = "GO Gene set"
) +
ggplot2::theme_bw() +
ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none")
# plotly offers the interactive functionality on top of a ggplot
plotly_plot <- plotly::ggplotly(
tooltip = c("label1", "label2", "label3"),
height = 600, width = 600
filter_bar <- crosstalk::filter_checkbox(
"go_id", "Go Gene set", shared_all, ~go_id, inline = TRUE
dt_table <- DT::datatable(
width = "100%",
colnames = c(
"Gene set", "ID", "Description", "Observed gene hits", "Adjusted p-value"
rownames = FALSE,
extensions = "Buttons",
options = list(
dom = "Bfrtip",
pageLength = 25,
buttons = list(
extend = "collection",
buttons = list(
list(extend = "csv", title = report_prefix),
list(extend = "excel", title = report_prefix)
text = "Download"
base_css <- "display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;"
html_page <- htmltools::tagList(
htmltools::tags$head(htmltools::tags$title("Crosstalk Example")),
style = paste0("flex-direction: column; ", base_css),
htmltools::tags$h2("TFregulomeR - GreatAnnotate Result"),
style = base_css,
htmltools::tags$h3("Figure - Gene ontology analysis")
htmltools::tags$div(style = base_css, plotly_plot),
style = paste0("width: 75%; margin-top: 20px; ", base_css),
style = base_css,
"Table - Gene ontology analysis of targeting genes"
htmltools::tags$div(style = "width: 75%;", dt_table)
local_great <- function(
gene_set, peaks, assembly, great_rule, great_adv_upstream,
great_adv_downstream, great_adv_span, great_adv_twoDistance,
great_adv_oneDistance, cores, gap
) {
if (great_rule == "basalPlusExt") {
result <- rGREAT::great(
gr = peaks, gene_sets = gene_set,
tss_source = paste0("txdb:", assembly),
mode = great_rule,
basal_upstream = great_adv_upstream,
basal_downstream = great_adv_downstream,
extension = great_adv_span,
cores = cores,
exclude = gap
} else if (great_rule == "twoClosest") {
result <- rGREAT::great(
gr = peaks, gene_sets = gene_set,
tss_source = paste0("txdb:", assembly),
mode = great_rule,
extension = great_adv_twoDistance,
cores = cores,
exclude = gap
} else {
result <- rGREAT::great(
gr = peaks, gene_sets = gene_set,
tss_source = paste0("txdb:", assembly),
mode = great_rule,
extension = great_adv_oneDistance,
cores = cores,
exclude = gap
n_gene_total <- length(unique(result@extended_tss$gene_id))
result@table$p_value_hyper <- exp(phyper(
result@table$observed_gene_hits - 1,
n_gene_total - result@table$gene_set_size,
lower.tail = FALSE,
log.p = TRUE
result@table$p_value <- exp(pbinom(
result@table$observed_region_hits - 1,
lower.tail = FALSE,
log.p = TRUE
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