#' Removes primers and orients reads in a consistent direction.
#' Removes primer(s) and orients the reads in input fastq file(s) (can be compressed).
#' Reads that do not contain the primer(s) are discarded.
#' Intended for use with PacBio CCS data.
#' Faster external solutions such as cutadapt or trimmomatic are recommended for short-read data.
#' @param fn (Required). \code{character}.
#' The path(s) to the input fastq file(s). Can be compressed.
#' @param fout (Required). \code{character}.
#' The path(s) to the output fastq file(s) corresponding to the \code{fwd} input files.
#' If directory containing the file does not exist, it will be created.
#' Output files are gzip compressed by default.
#' @param primer.fwd (Required). \code{character}.
#' The forward primer sequence expected to be at the beginning of the sequenced amplicon.
#' Can contain IUPAC ambiguous nucleotide codes.
#' @param primer.rev (Optional). Default NULL.
#' The reverse primer sequence expected to be at the end of the sequenced amplicon.
#' Can contain IUPAC ambiguous nucleotide codes.
#' NOTE: `primer.rev` should be provided in the orientation that would appear in a DNA sequence
#' starting at the forward primer and being read towards the reverse primer. Thus, it is
#' often necessary to reverse-complement the reverse primer sequence before providing it to
#' this function.
#' @param max.mismatch (Optional). Default 2.
#' The number of mismatches to tolerate when matching reads to primer sequences.
#' See \code{\link[Biostrings]{vmatchPattern}} for details.
#' @param allow.indels (Optional). Default FALSE.
#' If TRUE, indels ared allowed when matching the primer sequences to the read. If FALSE,
#' no indels are allowed. Note that when `allow.indels=TRUE`, primer matching is significantly
#' slower, currently about 4x slower.
#' @param trim.fwd (Optional). Default TRUE.
#' If TRUE, reads are trimmed to the end of the forward primer, i.e. the forward
#' primer and any preceding sequence are trimmed off.
#' @param trim.rev (Optional). Default TRUE.
#' If TRUE, reads are trimmed to the beginning of the reverse primer, i.e. the reverse
#' primer and any subsequent sequence are trimmed off.
#' @param orient (Optional). Default TRUE.
#' If TRUE, reads are re-oriented if the reverse complement of the read is a better match to the
#' provided primer sequence(s). This is recommended for PacBio CCS reads, which come in a random
#' mix of forward and reverse-complement orientations.
#' @param compress (Optional). Default TRUE.
#' If TRUE, the output fastq file(s) are gzipped.
#' @param verbose (Optional). Default FALSE.
#' Whether to output status messages.
#' @return Integer matrix. Returned invisibly (i.e. only if assigned to something).
#' Rows correspond to the input files, columns record the number of reads.in and reads.out after
#' discarding reads that didn't match the provided primers.
#' @importFrom Biostrings matchPattern
#' @importFrom Biostrings vmatchPattern
#' @importFrom ShortRead sread
#' @importFrom ShortRead reverseComplement
#' @importFrom ShortRead readFastq
#' @importFrom XVector rev
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics end
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics width
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics start
#' @export
#' @examples
#' fn <- system.file("extdata", "samPBprimers.fastq.gz", package="dada2")
#' fn.noprime <- tempfile(fileext=".fastq.gz")
#' removePrimers(fn, fn.noprime, primer.fwd=F27, primer.rev=rc(R1492), orient=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)
# Further testing warranted for trimming of partial reverse primers, and sometimes present reverse primers
removePrimers <- function(fn, fout,
primer.fwd, primer.rev=NULL, max.mismatch=2,
allow.indels=FALSE, ### require.fwd=TRUE, require.rev=TRUE,
trim.fwd=TRUE, trim.rev=TRUE, orient=TRUE,
compress=TRUE, verbose = FALSE) {
# Check and enforce filepaths
if(length(fn) != length(fout)) stop("Every input file must have a corresponding output file.")
if(allow.indels) message("Primer matching with indels allowed is currently significantly (~4x) slower.")
require.fwd <- TRUE; require.rev <- TRUE ###
first.multi.msg <- TRUE
odirs <- unique(dirname(fout))
for(odir in odirs) {
if(!dir.exists(odir)) {
message("Creating output directory: ", odir)
dir.create(odir, recursive=TRUE, mode="0777")
if(!all(file.exists(fn))) stop("Some input files do not exist.")
fn <- normalizePath(fn, mustWork=TRUE)
fout <- suppressWarnings(normalizePath(fout, mustWork=FALSE))
if(any(duplicated(fout))) stop("All output files must be distinct.")
if(any(fout %in% fn)) stop("Output files must be distinct from the input files.")
# Check and enforce primers
if(!is.character(primer.fwd)) stop("Primer sequences must be provided as base R strings.")
if(is.null(primer.rev)) {
has.rev <- FALSE
} else {
has.rev <- TRUE
if(!is.character(primer.rev)) stop("Primer sequences must be provided as base R strings.")
fixed.fwd <- C_isACGT(primer.fwd)
if(has.rev) fixed.rev <- C_isACGT(primer.rev)
rval <- matrix(0L, nrow=length(fn), ncol=2)
colnames(rval) <- c("reads.in", "reads.out")
rownames(rval) <- basename(fn)
for(i in seq_along(fn)) {
# Read in file and init filtering stats
fq <- readFastq(fn[[i]])
inseqs <- length(fq)
outseqs <- 0
rval[i,c("reads.in", "reads.out")] <- c(inseqs, outseqs)
# Match patterns
if(allow.indels) { # Use slower matchPattern because it supports indels
match.fwd <- lapply(sread(fq), function(x) matchPattern(primer.fwd, x, max.mismatch=max.mismatch, with.indels=allow.indels, fixed=fixed.fwd))
} else { # Use faster vmatchPattern that doesn't support indels
match.fwd <- as(vmatchPattern(primer.fwd, sread(fq), max.mismatch=max.mismatch, with.indels=allow.indels, fixed=fixed.fwd), "list")
if(has.rev) {
if(allow.indels) { # Use slower matchPattern because it supports indels
match.rev <- lapply(sread(fq), function(x) matchPattern(primer.rev, x, max.mismatch=max.mismatch, with.indels=allow.indels, fixed=fixed.rev))
} else { # Use faster vmatchPattern that doesn't support indels
match.rev <- as(vmatchPattern(primer.rev, sread(fq), max.mismatch=max.mismatch, with.indels=allow.indels, fixed=fixed.rev), "list")
# If orient, match reverse complement as well
if(orient) {
fq.rc <- reverseComplement(fq)
if(allow.indels) { # Use slower matchPattern because it supports indels
match.fwd.rc <- lapply(sread(fq.rc), function(x) matchPattern(primer.fwd, x, max.mismatch=max.mismatch, with.indels=allow.indels, fixed=fixed.fwd))
} else { # Use faster vmatchPattern that doesn't support indels
match.fwd.rc <- as(vmatchPattern(primer.fwd, sread(fq.rc), max.mismatch=max.mismatch, with.indels=allow.indels, fixed=fixed.fwd), "list")
if(has.rev) {
if(allow.indels) { # Use slower matchPattern because it supports indels
match.rev.rc <- lapply(sread(fq.rc), function(x) matchPattern(primer.rev, x, max.mismatch=max.mismatch, with.indels=allow.indels, fixed=fixed.rev))
} else { # Use faster vmatchPattern that doesn't support indels
match.rev.rc <- as(vmatchPattern(primer.rev, sread(fq.rc), max.mismatch=max.mismatch, with.indels=allow.indels, fixed=fixed.rev), "list")
# Tally up hits
# Check for possible mis-oriented primer sequences?
hits.fwd <- sapply(match.fwd, length)
if(has.rev) hits.rev <- sapply(match.rev, length)
if(!require.fwd) stop("Currently, only require.fwd=TRUE is supported.")
if(has.rev && !require.rev) stop("Currently, only require.rev=TRUE is supported when a reverse primer sequence is provided.")
if(require.fwd && sum(hits.fwd) == 0) { filt.print(inseqs, outseqs); next }
if(has.rev && require.rev && sum(hits.rev) == 0) { filt.print(inseqs, outseqs); next }
if(any(hits.fwd>1) || (has.rev && any(hits.rev>1))) {
if(verbose && first.multi.msg) {
message("Multiple matches to the primer(s) in some sequences. Using the longest possible match.")
first.multi.msg <- FALSE
match.fwd[hits.fwd>1] <- sapply(match.fwd[hits.fwd>1], `[`, 1)
if(has.rev) match.rev[hits.rev>1] <- sapply(match.rev[hits.rev>1], function(x) rev(x)[1])
if(orient) {
hits.fwd.rc <- sapply(match.fwd.rc, length)
if(has.rev) hits.rev.rc <- sapply(match.rev.rc, length)
if(any(hits.fwd.rc>1) || (has.rev && any(hits.rev.rc>1))) {
if(verbose && first.multi.msg) {
message("Multiple matches to the primer(s) in some sequences. Using the longest possible match.")
first.multi.msg <- FALSE
match.fwd.rc[hits.fwd.rc>1] <- sapply(match.fwd.rc[hits.fwd.rc>1], `[`, 1)
if(has.rev) match.rev.rc[hits.rev.rc>1] <- sapply(match.rev.rc[hits.rev.rc>1], function(x) rev(x)[1])
# If orient, replace non-matches with rc matches where they exist
if(orient) {
flip <- !hits.fwd & hits.fwd.rc
if(any(flip) && verbose) cat(sum(flip), "sequences out of", length(flip), "are being reverse-complemented.\n")
fq[flip] <- fq.rc[flip]
match.fwd[flip] <- match.fwd.rc[flip]
hits.fwd <- sapply(match.fwd, length)
if(has.rev) {
match.rev[flip] <- match.rev.rc[flip]
hits.rev <- sapply(match.rev, length)
# If require, remove sequences w/o forward and reverse hits
keep <- rep(TRUE, length(fq))
if(require.fwd) keep <- keep & (hits.fwd > 0)
if(has.rev && require.rev) keep <- keep & (hits.rev > 0)
if(!all(keep)) {
fq <- fq[keep]
match.fwd <- match.fwd[keep]
if(has.rev) match.rev <- match.rev[keep]
# If trim, narrow to the desired subsequence
if(trim.fwd) {
first <- sapply(match.fwd, end) + 1
} else {
first <- rep(1L, length(fq))
if(has.rev && trim.rev) {
last <- sapply(match.rev, start) - 1
} else {
last <- width(fq)
keep <- last > first
if(!all(keep)) first <- first[keep]; last <- last[keep]; fq <- fq[keep]
fq <- narrow(fq, first, last) # Need to handle zero case gracefully, w/ informative error
# Delete fout if it already exists (since writeFastq doesn't overwrite)
if(file.exists(fout[[i]])) {
if(file.remove(fout[[i]])) {
if(verbose) message("Overwriting file:", fout[[i]])
} else {
stop("Failed to overwrite file:", fout[[i]])
writeFastq(fq, fout[[i]], "w", compress=compress)
outseqs <- length(fq)
rval[i,c("reads.in", "reads.out")] <- c(inseqs, outseqs)
if(verbose) filt.print(inseqs, outseqs)
if(all(rval[,"reads.out"]==0)) {
warning("No reads passed the primer detection.")
} else if(any(rval[,"reads.out"]==0)) {
message("Some input samples had no reads pass the primer detection.")
filt.print <- function(inseqs, outseqs) {
outperc <- round(outseqs * 100 / inseqs, 1)
outperc <- paste(" (", outperc, "%)", sep="")
message("Read in ", inseqs, ", output ", outseqs, outperc, " filtered sequences.", sep="")
#' Filter and trim fastq file(s).
#' Filters and trims an input fastq file(s) (can be compressed)
#' based on several user-definable criteria, and outputs fastq file(s)
#' (compressed by default) containing those trimmed reads which passed the filters. Corresponding
#' forward and reverse fastq file(s) can be provided as input, in which case filtering
#' is performed on the forward and reverse reads independently, and both reads must pass for
#' the read pair to be output.
#' \code{filterAndTrim} is a multithreaded convenience interface for the \code{\link{fastqFilter}}
#' and \code{\link{fastqPairedFilter}} filtering functions.
#' Note that error messages and tracking are not handled gracefully when using the multithreading
#' functionality. If errors arise, it is recommended to re-run without multithreading to
#' troubleshoot the issue.
#' @param fwd (Required). \code{character}.
#' The file path(s) to the fastq file(s), or the directory containing the fastq file(s).
#' Compressed file formats such as .fastq.gz and .fastq.bz2 are supported.
#' @param filt (Required). \code{character}.
#' The path(s) to the output filtered file(s) corresponding to the \code{fwd} input files, or a directory
#' that will contain those files.
#' If containing directory does not exist, it will be created.
#' @param rev (Optional). Default NULL.
#' The file path(s) to the reverse fastq file(s) from paired-end sequence data corresponding to those
#' provided to the \code{fwd} argument, or the directory containing those fastq file(s).
#' Compressed file formats such as .fastq.gz and .fastq.bz2 are supported.
#' If NULL, the \code{fwd} files are processed as single-reads.
#' @param filt.rev (Optional). Default NULL, but required if \code{rev} is provided.
#' The path(s) to the output filtered file(s) corresponding to the \code{rev} input files, or a directory
#' that will contain those files.
#' If containing directory does not exist, it will be created.
#' @param compress (Optional). Default TRUE.
#' If TRUE, the output fastq file(s) are gzipped.
#' \strong{Note:} When filtering paired reads...
#' If a length 1 vector is provided, the same parameter value is used for the forward and reverse reads.
#' If a length 2 vector is provided, the first value is used for the forward reads, and the second
#' for the reverse reads.
#' @param truncQ (Optional). Default 2.
#' Truncate reads at the first instance of a quality score less than or equal to \code{truncQ}.
#' @param truncLen (Optional). Default 0 (no truncation).
#' Truncate reads after \code{truncLen} bases. Reads shorter than this are discarded.
#' @param trimLeft (Optional). Default 0.
#' The number of nucleotides to remove from the start of each read. If both \code{truncLen} and
#' \code{trimLeft} are provided, filtered reads will have length \code{truncLen-trimLeft}.
#' @param trimRight (Optional). Default 0.
#' The number of nucleotides to remove from the end of each read. If both \code{truncLen} and
#' \code{trimRight} are provided, truncation will be performed after \code{trimRight} is enforced.
#' @param maxLen (Optional). Default Inf (no maximum).
#' Remove reads with length greater than maxLen. maxLen is enforced \strong{before} trimming and truncation.
#' @param minLen (Optional). Default 20.
#' Remove reads with length less than minLen. minLen is enforced \strong{after} trimming and truncation.
#' @param maxN (Optional). Default 0.
#' After truncation, sequences with more than \code{maxN} Ns will be discarded.
#' Note that \code{\link{dada}} does not allow Ns.
#' @param minQ (Optional). Default 0.
#' After truncation, reads contain a quality score less than \code{minQ} will be discarded.
#' @param maxEE (Optional). Default \code{Inf} (no EE filtering).
#' After truncation, reads with higher than \code{maxEE} "expected errors" will be discarded.
#' Expected errors are calculated from the nominal definition of the quality score: EE = sum(10^(-Q/10))
#' @param rm.phix (Optional). Default TRUE.
#' If TRUE, discard reads that match against the phiX genome, as determined by \code{\link{isPhiX}}.
#' @param rm.lowcomplex (Optional). Default 0.
#' If greater than 0, reads with an effective number of kmers less than this value will be removed.
#' The effective number of kmers is determined by \code{\link{seqComplexity}} using a Shannon information
#' approximation. The default kmer-size is 2, and therefore perfectly random sequences will approach an
#' effective kmer number of 16 = 4 (nucleotides) ^ 2 (kmer size).
#' @param orient.fwd (Optional). Default NULL.
#' A character string present at the start of valid reads. Only allows unambiguous nucleotides.
#' This string is compared to the start of each read, and the reverse complement of each read.
#' If it exactly matches the start of the read, the read is kept.
#' If it exactly matches the start of the reverse-complement read, the read is reverse-complemented and kept.
#' Otherwise the read if filtered out.
#' For paired reads, the string is compared to the start of the forward and reverse reads, and if it matches
#' the start of the reverse read the reaads are swapped and kept.
#' The primary use of this parameter is to unify the orientation of amplicon sequencing libraries that
#' are a mixture of forward and reverse orientations, and that include the forward primer on the reads.
#' @param matchIDs (Optional). Default FALSE. Paired-read filtering only.
#' Whether to enforce matching between the id-line sequence identifiers of the forward and reverse fastq files.
#' If TRUE, only paired reads that share id fields (see below) are output.
#' If FALSE, no read ID checking is done.
#' Note: \code{matchIDs=FALSE} essentially assumes matching order between forward and reverse reads. If that
#' matched order is not present future processing steps may break (in particular \code{\link{mergePairs}}).
#' @param id.sep (Optional). Default "\\s" (white-space). Paired-read filtering only.
#' The separator between fields in the id-line of the input fastq files. Passed to the \code{\link{strsplit}}.
#' @param id.field (Optional). Default NULL (automatic detection). Paired-read filtering only.
#' The field of the id-line containing the sequence identifier.
#' If NULL (the default) and matchIDs is TRUE, the function attempts to automatically detect
#' the sequence identifier field under the assumption of Illumina formatted output.
#' @param multithread (Optional). Default is FALSE.
#' If TRUE, input files are filtered in parallel via \code{\link[parallel]{mclapply}}.
#' If an integer is provided, it is passed to the \code{mc.cores} argument of \code{\link[parallel]{mclapply}}.
#' Note that the parallelization here is by forking, and each process is loading another fastq file into
#' memory. This option is ignored in Windows, as Windows does not support forking, with \code{mc.cores} set to 1.
#' If memory is an issue, execute in a clean environment and reduce the chunk size \code{n} and/or
#' the number of threads.
#' @param n (Optional). Default \code{1e5}.
#' The number of records (reads) to read in and filter at any one time.
#' This controls the peak memory requirement so that very large fastq files are supported.
#' See \code{\link[ShortRead]{FastqStreamer}} for details.
#' @param OMP (Optional). Default TRUE.
#' Whether or not to use OMP multithreading when calling \code{\link[ShortRead]{FastqStreamer}}.
#' Should be set to FALSE if calling this function within a parallelized chunk of code.
#' If \code{multithread=TRUE}, this argument will be coerced to FALSE.
#' @param qualityType (Optional). \code{character(1)}.
#' The quality encoding of the fastq file(s). "Auto" (the default) means to
#' attempt to auto-detect the encoding. This may fail for PacBio files with
#' uniformly high quality scores, in which case use "FastqQuality". This
#' parameter is passed on to \code{\link[ShortRead]{readFastq}}; see
#' information there for details.
#' @param verbose (Optional). Default FALSE.
#' Whether to output status messages.
#' @return Integer matrix. Returned invisibly (i.e. only if assigned to something).
#' Rows correspond to the input files, columns record the reads.in and reads.out after filtering.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{fastqFilter}}
#' \code{\link{fastqPairedFilter}}
#' \code{\link[ShortRead]{FastqStreamer}}
#' @importFrom parallel mcmapply
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
#' @examples
#' testFastqs = c(system.file("extdata", "sam1F.fastq.gz", package="dada2"),
#' system.file("extdata", "sam2F.fastq.gz", package="dada2"))
#' filtFastqs <- c(tempfile(fileext=".fastq.gz"), tempfile(fileext=".fastq.gz"))
#' filterAndTrim(testFastqs, filtFastqs, maxN=0, maxEE=2, verbose=TRUE)
#' filterAndTrim(testFastqs, filtFastqs, truncQ=2, truncLen=200, rm.phix=TRUE, rm.lowcomplex=8)
filterAndTrim <- function(fwd, filt, rev=NULL, filt.rev=NULL, compress=TRUE,
truncQ=2, truncLen=0, trimLeft=0, trimRight=0, maxLen=Inf, minLen=20,
maxN=0, minQ=0, maxEE=Inf, rm.phix=TRUE, rm.lowcomplex=0, orient.fwd=NULL,
matchIDs=FALSE, id.sep="\\s", id.field=NULL,
multithread=FALSE, n = 1e5, OMP=TRUE, qualityType = "Auto", verbose = FALSE) {
# Validate inputs
if(!(is.character(fwd) && is.character(filt))) stop("File paths must be provided as character vectors.")
if(length(fwd)==1 && dir.exists(fwd)) fwd <- parseFastqDirectory(fwd)
if(!all(file.exists(fwd))) stop("Some input files do not exist.")
if(length(filt)==1 && length(fwd)>1) filt <- file.path(filt, basename(fwd)) # Interpret filt as a directory
if(length(fwd) != length(filt)) stop("Every input file must have a corresponding output file.")
odirs <- unique(dirname(filt))
for(odir in odirs) {
if(!dir.exists(odir)) {
message("Creating output directory: ", odir)
dir.create(odir, recursive=TRUE, mode="0777")
fwd <- normalizePath(fwd, mustWork=TRUE)
filt <- suppressWarnings(normalizePath(filt, mustWork=FALSE))
if(any(duplicated(filt))) stop("All output files must be distinct.")
if(any(filt %in% fwd)) stop("Output files must be distinct from the input files.")
if(!is.null(rev)) {
if(is.null(filt.rev)) stop("Output files for the reverse reads are required.")
if(!(is.character(rev) && is.character(filt.rev))) stop("File paths (rev/filt.rev) must be provided as character vectors.")
if(length(rev)==1 && dir.exists(rev)) rev <- parseFastqDirectory(rev)
if(!all(file.exists(rev))) stop("Some input files (rev) do not exist.")
if(length(rev) != length(fwd)) stop("Paired forward and reverse input files must correspond.")
if(length(filt.rev)==1 && length(rev)>1) filt.rev <- file.path(filt.rev, basename(rev)) # Interpret filt.rev as a directory
if(length(rev) != length(filt.rev)) stop("Every input file (rev) must have a corresponding output file (filt.rev).")
odirs <- unique(dirname(filt.rev))
for(odir in odirs) {
if(!dir.exists(odir)) {
message("Creating output directory:", odir)
dir.create(odir, recursive=TRUE, mode="0777")
rev <- suppressWarnings(normalizePath(rev, mustWork=TRUE))
filt.rev <- suppressWarnings(normalizePath(filt.rev, mustWork=FALSE))
if(any(duplicated(c(filt, filt.rev)))) stop("All output files must be distinct.")
if(any(c(filt,filt.rev) %in% c(fwd, rev))) stop("Output files must be distinct from the input files.")
# Parse multithreading
if(multithread && .Platform$OS.type=="unix") {
ncores <- detectCores()
if(is.numeric(multithread)) ncores <- multithread
if(is.na(ncores)) ncores <- 1
if(ncores>1) verbose <- FALSE
} else {
ncores <- 1
if (multithread && .Platform$OS.type=="windows") {
message("Multithreading has been DISABLED, as forking is not supported on .Platform$OS.type 'windows'")
# Filter and Trim
if(PAIRED) {
rval <- mcmapply(fastqPairedFilter,
mapply(c, fwd, rev, SIMPLIFY=FALSE), mapply(c, filt, filt.rev, SIMPLIFY=FALSE),
MoreArgs = list(truncQ=truncQ, truncLen=truncLen, trimLeft=trimLeft, trimRight=trimRight,
maxLen=maxLen, minLen=minLen, maxN=maxN, minQ=minQ, maxEE=maxEE,
rm.phix=rm.phix, rm.lowcomplex=rm.lowcomplex, orient.fwd=orient.fwd,
matchIDs=matchIDs, id.sep=id.sep, id.field=id.field, n=n, OMP=OMP,
qualityType=qualityType, compress=compress, verbose=verbose),
mc.cores=ncores, mc.silent=TRUE)
} else {
rval <- mcmapply(fastqFilter,
fwd, filt,
MoreArgs = list(truncQ=truncQ, truncLen=truncLen, trimLeft=trimLeft, trimRight=trimRight,
maxLen=maxLen, minLen=minLen, maxN=maxN, minQ=minQ, maxEE=maxEE,
rm.phix=rm.phix, rm.lowcomplex=rm.lowcomplex, orient.fwd=orient.fwd,
n=n, OMP=OMP, qualityType=qualityType, compress=compress, verbose=verbose),
mc.cores=ncores, mc.silent=TRUE)
# Check if expected matrix was returned, if not there are errors
if(!is(rval, "matrix")) {
if(is(rval, "list")) { # Mix of errors and not
rval <- unlist(rval[sapply(rval, is.character)])
if(length(rval)>5) rval <- rval[1:5]
stop("These are the errors (up to 5) encountered in individual cores...\n", rval)
# Check if all input files generated a return (to catch poorly behaving out-of-memory errors)
if(ncol(rval) != length(fwd)) {
stop("Some input files were not processed, perhaps due to memory issues. Consider lowering ncores.")
colnames(rval) <- basename(fwd)
if(all(rval["reads.out",]==0)) {
warning("No reads passed the filter. Please revisit your filtering parameters.")
} else if(any(rval["reads.out",]==0)) {
message("Some input samples had no reads pass the filter.")
#' Filter and trim a fastq file.
#' fastqFilter takes an input fastq file (can be compressed), filters it based on several
#' user-definable criteria, and outputs those reads which pass the filter
#' to a new fastq file (also can be compressed). Several functions in the \code{ShortRead}
#' package are leveraged to do this filtering.
#' @param fn (Required). The path to the input fastq file.
#' @param fout (Required). The path to the output file.
#' Note that by default (\code{compress=TRUE}) the output fastq file is gzipped.
#' @param truncQ (Optional). Default 2.
#' Truncate reads at the first instance of a quality score less than or equal to \code{truncQ}.
#' @param truncLen (Optional). Default 0 (no truncation).
#' Truncate reads after \code{truncLen} bases. Reads shorter than this are discarded.
#' @param maxLen (Optional). Default Inf (no maximum).
#' Remove reads with length greater than maxLen. maxLen is enforced on the raw reads.
#' @param minLen (Optional). Default 20.
#' Remove reads with length less than minLen. minLen is enforced after all other trimming and truncation.
#' @param trimLeft (Optional). Default 0.
#' The number of nucleotides to remove from the start of each read. If both \code{truncLen} and
#' \code{trimLeft} are provided, filtered reads will have length \code{truncLen-trimLeft}.
#' @param trimRight (Optional). Default 0.
#' The number of nucleotides to remove from the end of each read. If both \code{truncLen} and
#' \code{trimRight} are provided, truncation will be performed after \code{trimRight} is enforced.
#' @param maxN (Optional). Default 0.
#' After truncation, sequences with more than \code{maxN} Ns will be discarded.
#' Note that \code{\link{dada}} currently does not allow Ns.
#' @param minQ (Optional). Default 0.
#' After truncation, reads contain a quality score below minQ will be discarded.
#' @param maxEE (Optional). Default \code{Inf} (no EE filtering).
#' After truncation, reads with higher than maxEE "expected errors" will be discarded.
#' Expected errors are calculated from the nominal definition of the quality score: EE = sum(10^(-Q/10))
#' @param rm.phix (Optional). Default TRUE.
#' If TRUE, discard reads that match against the phiX genome, as determined by
#' \code{\link{isPhiX}}.
#' @param rm.lowcomplex (Optional). Default 0.
#' If greater than 0, reads with an effective number of kmers less than this value will be removed.
#' The effective number of kmers is determined by \code{\link{seqComplexity}} using a Shannon information
#' approximation. The default kmer-size is 2, and therefore perfectly random sequences will approach an
#' effective kmer number of 16 = 4 (nucleotides) ^ 2 (kmer size).
#' @param orient.fwd (Optional). Default NULL.
#' A character string present at the start of valid reads. Only allows unambiguous nucleotides.
#' This string is compared to the start of each read, and the reverse complement of each read.
#' If it exactly matches the start of the read, the read is kept.
#' If it exactly matches the start of the reverse-complement read, the read is reverse-complemented and kept.
#' Otherwise the read if filtered out.
#' The primary use of this parameter is to unify the orientation of amplicon sequencing libraries that
#' are a mixture of forward and reverse orientations, and that include the forward primer on the reads.
#' @param n (Optional). The number of records (reads) to read in and filter at any one time.
#' This controls the peak memory requirement so that very large fastq files are supported.
#' Default is \code{1e6}, one-million reads. See \code{\link[ShortRead]{FastqStreamer}} for details.
#' @param OMP (Optional). Default TRUE.
#' Whether or not to use OMP multithreading when calling \code{\link[ShortRead]{FastqStreamer}}.
#' Set this to FALSE if calling this function within a parallelized chunk of code
#' (eg. within \code{\link[parallel]{mclapply}}).
#' @param qualityType (Optional). \code{character(1)}.
#' The quality encoding of the fastq file(s). "Auto" (the default) means to
#' attempt to auto-detect the encoding. This may fail for PacBio files with
#' uniformly high quality scores, in which case use "FastqQuality". This
#' parameter is passed on to \code{\link[ShortRead]{readFastq}}; see
#' information there for details.
#' @param compress (Optional). Default TRUE.
#' Whether the output fastq file should be gzip compressed.
#' @param verbose (Optional). Default FALSE.
#' Whether to output status messages.
#' @param ... (Optional). Arguments passed on to \code{\link{isPhiX}}.
#' @return \code{integer(2)}.
#' The number of reads read in, and the number of reads that passed the filter and were output.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{fastqPairedFilter}}
#' \code{\link[ShortRead]{FastqStreamer}}
#' \code{\link[ShortRead]{trimTails}}
#' @export
#' @importFrom ShortRead FastqStreamer
#' @importFrom ShortRead yield
#' @importFrom ShortRead writeFastq
#' @importFrom ShortRead trimTails
#' @importFrom ShortRead encoding
#' @importFrom ShortRead narrow
#' @importFrom IRanges narrow
#' @importFrom Biostrings quality
#' @importFrom Biostrings width
#' @importFrom Biostrings end
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @examples
#' testFastq = system.file("extdata", "sam1F.fastq.gz", package="dada2")
#' filtFastq <- tempfile(fileext=".fastq.gz")
#' fastqFilter(testFastq, filtFastq, maxN=0, maxEE=2)
#' fastqFilter(testFastq, filtFastq, trimLeft=10, truncLen=200, maxEE=2, verbose=TRUE)
fastqFilter <- function(fn, fout, truncQ = 2, truncLen = 0, maxLen = Inf, minLen = 20, trimLeft = 0, trimRight = 0, maxN = 0, minQ = 0, maxEE = Inf, rm.phix = TRUE, rm.lowcomplex = 0, orient.fwd = NULL, n = 1e6, OMP = TRUE, qualityType = "Auto", compress = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, ...){
if(!OMP) {
ompthreads <- .Call(ShortRead:::.set_omp_threads, 1L)
on.exit(.Call(ShortRead:::.set_omp_threads, ompthreads))
if(any(sapply(list(truncQ, truncLen, maxLen, minLen, trimLeft, trimRight, maxN, minQ, maxEE), length) > 1)) {
stop("Filtering and trimming arguments should be of length 1 when processing single-end (rather than paired-end) data.")
start <- max(1, trimLeft + 1, na.rm=TRUE)
end <- truncLen
if(end < start) { end = NA }
end <- end - start + 1
if(fn == fout) { stop("The output and input files must be different.") }
## iterating over an entire file using fastq streaming
f <- FastqStreamer(fn, n = n)
# Delete fout if it already exists (since writeFastq doesn't overwrite)
if(file.exists(fout)) {
if(file.remove(fout)) {
if(verbose) message("Overwriting file:", fout)
} else {
stop("Failed to overwrite file:", fout)
inseqs = 0
outseqs = 0
while( length(suppressWarnings(fq <- yield(f, qualityType = qualityType))) ){
inseqs <- inseqs + length(fq)
# Enforce and orient on orient.fwd
if(!is.null(orient.fwd)) {
if(!C_isACGT(orient.fwd)) stop("Non-ACGT characters detected in orient.fwd")
barlen <- nchar(orient.fwd)
fq.rc <- reverseComplement(fq)
keepF <- narrow(sread(fq),1,barlen) == orient.fwd
keepR <- narrow(sread(fq.rc),1,barlen) == orient.fwd & !keepF
fq <- ShortReadQ(sread=c(sread(fq[keepF]), sread(fq.rc[keepR])),
quality=c(quality(quality(fq[keepF])), quality(quality(fq.rc[keepR]))),
id=c(id(fq[keepF]), id(fq.rc[keepR])))
# Enforce maxLen
if(is.finite(maxLen)) { fq <- fq[width(fq) <= maxLen] }
# Trim left
fq <- fq[width(fq) >= start]
fq <- narrow(fq, start = start, end = NA)
# Trim right
if(trimRight > 0) {
fq <- fq[width(fq) > trimRight]
fq <- narrow(fq, start=NA, end=width(fq)-trimRight)
# Trim on truncQ
# Convert numeric quality score to the corresponding ascii character
enc <- encoding(quality(fq))
if(is.numeric(truncQ)) {
ind <- which(enc==truncQ)
if(length(ind) != 1) stop("Encoding for this truncQ value not found.")
truncQ <- names(enc)[[ind]]
if(length(fq) > 0) fq <- trimTails(fq, 1, truncQ)
truncQ <- enc[truncQ] # Convert back to integer
# Filter any with less than required length
if(!is.na(end)) { fq <- fq[width(fq) >= end] }
# Truncate to truncLen
fq <- narrow(fq, start = 1, end = end)
# Enforce minLen
fq <- fq[width(fq) >= minLen]
# Filter based on minQ and Ns and maxEE
fq <- fq[.nFilter(fq, maxN)]
keep <- rep(TRUE, length(fq))
qq <- as(quality(fq), "matrix")
if(minQ > truncQ) keep <- keep & (apply(qq, 1, min, na.rm=TRUE)>minQ) # Prob a faster trimTails trick
if(maxEE < Inf) {
keep <- keep & C_matrixEE(qq) <= maxEE
fq <- fq[keep]
# Remove phiX
if(rm.phix) {
is.phi <- isPhiX(as(sread(fq), "character"), ...)
fq <- fq[!is.phi]
# Remove low complexity
if(rm.lowcomplex > 0) {
sqcmplx <- seqComplexity(sread(fq), ...)
fq <- fq[sqcmplx >= rm.lowcomplex]
outseqs <- outseqs + length(fq)
if(first) {
writeFastq(fq, fout, "w", compress=compress)
} else {
writeFastq(fq, fout, "a", compress=compress)
if(verbose) {
outperc <- round(outseqs * 100 / inseqs, 1)
outperc <- paste(" (", outperc, "%)", sep="")
message("Read in ", inseqs, ", output ", outseqs, outperc, " filtered sequences.", sep="")
if(outseqs==0) {
message(paste("The filter removed all reads:", fout, "not written."))
return(invisible(c(reads.in=inseqs, reads.out=outseqs)))
#' Filters and trims paired forward and reverse fastq files.
#' fastqPairedFilter filters pairs of input fastq files (can be compressed) based on several
#' user-definable criteria, and outputs those read pairs which pass the filter in \strong{both} directions
#' to two new fastq file (also can be compressed). Several functions
#' in the \code{ShortRead} package are leveraged to do this filtering. The filtered forward/reverse reads
#' remain identically ordered.
#' @param fn (Required). A \code{character(2)} naming the paths to the (forward,reverse) fastq files.
#' @param fout (Required). A \code{character(2)} naming the paths to the (forward,reverse) output files.
#' Note that by default (\code{compress=TRUE}) the output fastq files are gzipped.
#' If a length 1 vector is provided, the same parameter value is used for the forward and reverse reads.
#' If a length 2 vector is provided, the first value is used for the forward reads, and the second
#' for the reverse reads.
#' @param truncQ (Optional). Default 2.
#' Truncate reads at the first instance of a quality score less than or equal to \code{truncQ}.
#' @param truncLen (Optional). Default 0 (no truncation).
#' Truncate reads after \code{truncLen} bases. Reads shorter than this are discarded.
#' @param maxLen (Optional). Default Inf (no maximum).
#' Remove reads with length greater than maxLen. maxLen is enforced on the raw reads.
#' @param minLen (Optional). Default 20.
#' Remove reads with length less than minLen. minLen is enforced after all other trimming and truncation.
#' @param trimLeft (Optional). Default 0.
#' The number of nucleotides to remove from the start of each read. If both \code{truncLen} and
#' \code{trimLeft} are provided, filtered reads will have length \code{truncLen-trimLeft}.
#' @param trimRight (Optional). Default 0.
#' The number of nucleotides to remove from the end of each read. If both \code{truncLen} and
#' \code{trimRight} are provided, truncation will be performed after \code{trimRight} is enforced.
#' @param maxN (Optional). Default 0.
#' After truncation, sequences with more than \code{maxN} Ns will be discarded.
#' Note that \code{\link{dada}} currently does not allow Ns.
#' @param minQ (Optional). Default 0.
#' After truncation, reads contain a quality score below minQ will be discarded.
#' @param maxEE (Optional). Default \code{Inf} (no EE filtering).
#' After truncation, reads with higher than maxEE "expected errors" will be discarded.
#' Expected errors are calculated from the nominal definition of the quality score: EE = sum(10^(-Q/10))
#' @param rm.phix (Optional). Default TRUE.
#' If TRUE, discard reads that match against the phiX genome, as determined by
#' \code{\link{isPhiX}}.
#' @param rm.lowcomplex (Optional). Default 0.
#' If greater than 0, reads with an effective number of kmers less than this value will be removed.
#' The effective number of kmers is determined by \code{\link{seqComplexity}} using a Shannon information
#' approximation. The default kmer-size is 2, and therefore perfectly random sequences will approach an
#' effective kmer number of 16 = 4 (nucleotides) ^ 2 (kmer size).
#' @param orient.fwd (Optional). Default NULL.
#' A character string present at the start of valid reads. Only allows unambiguous nucleotides.
#' This string is compared to the start of the forward and reverse reads.
#' If it exactly matches the start of the forward read, the read is kept.
#' If it exactly matches the start of the reverse read, the fwd/rev reads are swapped.
#' Otherwise the read if filtered out.
#' The primary use of this parameter is to unify the orientation of amplicon sequencing libraries that
#' are a mixture of forward and reverse orientations, and that include the forward primer on the reads.
#' The following optional arguments enforce matching between the sequence identification
#' strings in the forward and reverse reads, and can automatically detect and match ID fields in
#' Illumina format, e.g: EAS139:136:FC706VJ:2:2104:15343:197393. ID matching is not required
#' when using standard Illumina output fastq files.
#' @param matchIDs (Optional). Default FALSE.
#' Whether to enforce matching between the id-line sequence identifiers of the forward and reverse fastq files.
#' If TRUE, only paired reads that share id fields (see below) are output.
#' If FALSE, no read ID checking is done.
#' Note: \code{matchIDs=FALSE} essentially assumes matching order between forward and reverse reads. If that
#' matched order is not present future processing steps may break (in particular \code{\link{mergePairs}}).
#' @param id.sep (Optional). Default "\\s" (white-space).
#' The separator between fields in the id-line of the input fastq files. Passed to the \code{\link{strsplit}}.
#' @param id.field (Optional). Default NULL (automatic detection).
#' The field of the id-line containing the sequence identifier.
#' If NULL (the default) and matchIDs is TRUE, the function attempts to automatically detect
#' the sequence identifier field under the assumption of Illumina formatted output.
#' @param n (Optional). The number of records (reads) to read in and filter at any one time.
#' This controls the peak memory requirement so that very large fastq files are supported.
#' Default is \code{1e6}, one-million reads. See \code{\link[ShortRead]{FastqStreamer}} for details.
#' @param OMP (Optional). Default TRUE.
#' Whether or not to use OMP multithreading when calling \code{\link[ShortRead]{FastqStreamer}}.
#' Set this to FALSE if calling this function within a parallelized chunk of code
#' (eg. within \code{\link[parallel]{mclapply}}).
#' @param qualityType (Optional). \code{character(1)}.
#' The quality encoding of the fastq file(s). "Auto" (the default) means to
#' attempt to auto-detect the encoding. This parameter is passed on to
#' \code{\link[ShortRead]{readFastq}}; see information there for details.
#' @param compress (Optional). Default TRUE.
#' Whether the output fastq files should be gzip compressed.
#' @param verbose (Optional). Default FALSE.
#' Whether to output status messages.
#' @param ... (Optional). Arguments passed on to \code{\link{isPhiX}} or \code{\link{seqComplexity}}.
#' @return \code{integer(2)}.
#' The number of reads read in, and the number of reads that passed the filter and were output.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{fastqFilter}}
#' \code{\link[ShortRead]{FastqStreamer}}
#' \code{\link[ShortRead]{trimTails}}
#' @export
#' @importFrom ShortRead FastqStreamer
#' @importFrom ShortRead yield
#' @importFrom ShortRead writeFastq
#' @importFrom ShortRead trimTails
#' @importFrom ShortRead encoding
#' @importFrom ShortRead append
#' @importFrom ShortRead ShortReadQ
#' @importFrom ShortRead narrow
#' @importFrom IRanges narrow
#' @importFrom Biostrings quality
#' @importFrom Biostrings width
#' @importFrom Biostrings end
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @examples
#' testFastqF = system.file("extdata", "sam1F.fastq.gz", package="dada2")
#' testFastqR = system.file("extdata", "sam1R.fastq.gz", package="dada2")
#' filtFastqF <- tempfile(fileext=".fastq.gz")
#' filtFastqR <- tempfile(fileext=".fastq.gz")
#' fastqPairedFilter(c(testFastqF, testFastqR), c(filtFastqF, filtFastqR), maxN=0, maxEE=2)
#' fastqPairedFilter(c(testFastqF, testFastqR), c(filtFastqF, filtFastqR), trimLeft=c(10, 20),
#' truncLen=c(240, 200), maxEE=2, rm.phix=TRUE, rm.lowcomplex=5, kmerSize=2)
fastqPairedFilter <- function(fn, fout, maxN = c(0,0), truncQ = c(2,2), truncLen = c(0,0), maxLen=c(Inf, Inf), minLen=c(20, 20), trimLeft = c(0,0), trimRight=c(0,0), minQ = c(0,0), maxEE = c(Inf, Inf), rm.phix = c(TRUE, TRUE), rm.lowcomplex = c(0, 0), matchIDs = FALSE, orient.fwd=NULL, id.sep = "\\s", id.field = NULL, n = 1e6, OMP=TRUE, qualityType="Auto", compress = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, ...){
if(!OMP) {
ompthreads <- .Call(ShortRead:::.set_omp_threads, 1L)
on.exit(.Call(ShortRead:::.set_omp_threads, ompthreads))
# Warning: This assumes that forward/reverse reads are in the same order unless matchIDs=TRUE
if(!is.character(fn) || length(fn) != 2) stop("Two paired input file names required.")
if(!is.character(fout) || length(fout) != 2) stop("Two paired output file names required.")
if(any(duplicated(c(fn, fout)))) { stop("The output and input file names must be different.") }
for(var in c("maxN", "truncQ", "truncLen", "maxLen", "minLen", "trimLeft", "trimRight", "minQ", "maxEE", "rm.phix", "rm.lowcomplex")) {
if(length(get(var)) == 1) { # Double the 1 value to be the same for F and R
assign(var, c(get(var), get(var)))
if(length(get(var)) != 2) {
stop(paste("Input variable", var, "must be length 1 or 2 (Forward, Reverse)."))
startF <- max(1, trimLeft[[1]] + 1, na.rm=TRUE)
startR <- max(1, trimLeft[[2]] + 1, na.rm=TRUE)
endF <- truncLen[[1]]
if(endF < startF) { endF = NA }
endF <- endF - startF + 1
endR <- truncLen[[2]]
if(endR < startR) { endR = NA }
endR <- endR - startR + 1
## iterating over forward and reverse files using fastq streaming
fF <- FastqStreamer(fn[[1]], n = n)
fR <- FastqStreamer(fn[[2]], n = n)
on.exit(close(fR), add=TRUE)
if(file.exists(fout[[1]])) {
if(file.remove(fout[[1]])) {
if(verbose) message("Overwriting file:", fout[[1]])
} else {
stop("Failed to overwrite file:", fout[[1]])
if(file.exists(fout[[2]])) {
if(file.remove(fout[[2]])) {
if(verbose) message("Overwriting file:", fout[[2]])
} else {
stop("Failed to overwrite file:", fout[[2]])
remainderF <- ShortReadQ(); remainderR <- ShortReadQ()
casava <- "Undetermined"
inseqs = 0; outseqs = 0
while( TRUE ) {
suppressWarnings(fqF <- yield(fF, qualityType = qualityType))
suppressWarnings(fqR <- yield(fR, qualityType = qualityType))
if(length(fqF) == 0 && length(fqR) == 0) { break } # Loop Logic
inseqs <- inseqs + length(fqF)
if(matchIDs) {
if(first) {
if(is.null(id.field)) {
# Determine the sequence identifier field. Looks for a single 6-colon field (CASAVA 1.8+ id format)
# or a single 4-colon field (earlier format). Fails if it doesn't find such a field.
id1 <- as.character(id(fqF)[[1]])
id.fields <- strsplit(id1, id.sep)[[1]]
ncolon <- sapply(gregexpr(":", id.fields), length)
ncoltab <- table(ncolon)
if(max(ncolon) == 6 && ncoltab["6"] == 1) { # CASAVA 1.8+ format
casava <- "Current"
id.field <- which(ncolon == 6)
} else if (max(ncolon) == 4 && ncoltab["4"] == 1) { # CASAVA <=1.7 format
casava <- "Old"
id.field <- which(ncolon == 4)
} else { # Couldn't unambiguously find the seq id field
stop("Couldn't automatically detect the sequence identifier field in the fastq id string.")
} else { # !first
# Prepend the unmatched sequences from the end of previous chunks
# Need ShortRead::append or the method is not dispatched properly
fqF <- append(remainderF, fqF)
fqR <- append(remainderR, fqR)
} else { # !matchIDs
if(length(fqF) != length(fqR)) stop("Mismatched forward and reverse sequence files: ", length(fqF), ", ", length(fqR), ".")
# Keep the tail of unmatched sequences (could match next chunk)
if(matchIDs) {
idsF <- sapply(strsplit(as.character(id(fqF)), id.sep), `[`, id.field)
idsR <- sapply(strsplit(as.character(id(fqR)), id.sep), `[`, id.field)
if(casava == "Old") { # Drop the index number/pair identifier (i.e. 1=F, 2=R)
idsF <- sapply(strsplit(idsF, "#"), `[`, 1)
lastF <- max(c(0,which(idsF %in% idsR)))
lastR <- max(c(0,which(idsR %in% idsF)))
if(lastF < length(fqF)) {
remainderF <- fqF[(lastF+1):length(fqF)]
} else {
remainderF <- ShortReadQ()
if(lastR < length(fqR)) {
remainderR <- fqR[(lastR+1):length(fqR)]
} else {
remainderR <- ShortReadQ()
fqF <- fqF[idsF %in% idsR]
fqR <- fqR[idsR %in% idsF]
# Enforce orient.fwd
if(!is.null(orient.fwd)) {
if(!C_isACGT(orient.fwd)) stop("Non-ACGT characters detected in orient.fwd")
barlen <- nchar(orient.fwd)
keepF <- narrow(sread(fqF),1,barlen) == orient.fwd
keepR <- (narrow(sread(fqR),1,barlen) == orient.fwd) & !keepF
fq <- ShortReadQ(sread=c(sread(fqF[keepF]), sread(fqR[keepR])),
quality=c(quality(quality(fqF[keepF])), quality(quality(fqR[keepR]))),
id=c(id(fqF[keepF]), id(fqR[keepR])))
fqR <- ShortReadQ(sread=c(sread(fqR[keepF]), sread(fqF[keepR])),
quality=c(quality(quality(fqR[keepF])), quality(quality(fqF[keepR]))),
id=c(id(fqR[keepF]), id(fqF[keepR])))
fqF <- fq
# Enforce maxLen
if(is.finite(maxLen[[1]]) || is.finite(maxLen[[2]])) {
keep <- width(fqF) <= maxLen[[1]] & width(fqR) <= maxLen[[2]]
fqF <- fqF[keep]
fqR <- fqR[keep]
# Trim left
keep <- (width(fqF) >= startF & width(fqR) >= startR)
fqF <- fqF[keep]
fqF <- narrow(fqF, start = startF, end = NA)
fqR <- fqR[keep]
fqR <- narrow(fqR, start = startR, end = NA)
# Trim right
if(trimRight[[1]] > 0) {
keep <- width(fqF) > trimRight[[1]]
fqF <- fqF[keep]; fqR <- fqR[keep]
fqF <- narrow(fqF, start=NA, end=width(fqF)-trimRight[[1]])
if(trimRight[[2]] > 0) {
keep <- width(fqR) > trimRight[[2]]
fqF <- fqF[keep]; fqR <- fqR[keep]
fqR <- narrow(fqR, start=NA, end=width(fqR)-trimRight[[2]])
# Trim on truncQ
# Convert numeric quality score to the corresponding ascii character
encF <- encoding(quality(fqF))
encR <- encoding(quality(fqR))
if(is.numeric(truncQ)) {
indF <- which(encF==truncQ[[1]])
indR <- which(encR==truncQ[[2]])
if(!(length(indF) == 1 && length(indR) == 1)) stop("Encoding for this truncQ value not found.")
truncQ <- c(names(encF)[[indF]], names(encR)[[indR]])
if(length(fqF) > 0) {
rngF <- trimTails(fqF, 1, truncQ[[1]], ranges=TRUE)
fqF <- narrow(fqF, 1, end(rngF)) # have to do it this way to avoid dropping the zero lengths
if(length(fqR) > 0) {
rngR <- trimTails(fqR, 1, truncQ[[2]], ranges=TRUE)
fqR <- narrow(fqR, 1, end(rngR)) # have to do it this way to avoid dropping the zero lengths
truncQ <- c(encF[truncQ[1]], encR[truncQ[2]]) # convert back to integer
# And now filter any with length zero in F or R
# May want to roll this into the next length cull step...
keep <- (width(fqF) > 0 & width(fqR) > 0)
fqF <- fqF[keep]
fqR <- fqR[keep]
# Filter any with less than required length
keep <- rep(TRUE, length(fqF))
if(!is.na(endF)) { keep <- keep & (width(fqF) >= endF) }
if(!is.na(endR)) { keep <- keep & (width(fqR) >= endR) }
fqF <- fqF[keep]
fqR <- fqR[keep]
# Truncate to truncLen
fqF <- narrow(fqF, start = 1, end = endF)
fqR <- narrow(fqR, start = 1, end = endR)
# Enforce minLen
keep <- width(fqF) >= minLen[[1]] & width(fqR) >= minLen[[2]]
fqF <- fqF[keep]
fqR <- fqR[keep]
# Filter based on minQ and Ns and maxEE
keep <- .nFilter(fqF, maxN[[1]]) & .nFilter(fqR, maxN[[2]])
fqF <- fqF[keep]; fqR <- fqR[keep]
keep <- rep(TRUE, length(fqF))
qmat <- as(quality(fqF), "matrix")
if(minQ[[1]] > truncQ[[1]]) suppressWarnings(keep <- keep & (apply(qmat, 1, min, na.rm=TRUE)>minQ[[1]]))
if(maxEE[[1]] < Inf) keep <- keep & C_matrixEE(qmat) <= maxEE[[1]]
qmat <- as(quality(fqR), "matrix")
if(minQ[[2]] > truncQ[[2]]) suppressWarnings(keep <- keep & (apply(qmat, 1, min, na.rm=TRUE)>minQ[[2]]))
if(maxEE[[2]] < Inf) keep <- keep & C_matrixEE(qmat) <= maxEE[[2]]
fqF <- fqF[keep]; fqR <- fqR[keep]
if(length(fqF) != length(fqR)) stop("Filtering caused mismatch between forward and reverse sequence lists: ", length(fqF), ", ", length(fqR), ".")
# Remove phiX
if(rm.phix[[1]] && rm.phix[[2]]) {
is.phi <- isPhiX(as(sread(fqF), "character"), ...)
is.phi <- is.phi | isPhiX(as(sread(fqR), "character"), ...)
} else if(rm.phix[[1]] && !rm.phix[[2]]) {
is.phi <- isPhiX(as(sread(fqF), "character"), ...)
} else if(!rm.phix[[1]] && rm.phix[[2]]) {
is.phi <- isPhiX(as(sread(fqR), "character"), ...)
if(any(rm.phix)) {
fqF <- fqF[!is.phi]
fqR <- fqR[!is.phi]
# Remove low complexity
if(rm.lowcomplex[[1]] && rm.lowcomplex[[2]]) {
is.lowc <- (seqComplexity(sread(fqF), ...) < rm.lowcomplex[[1]])
is.lowc <- is.lowc | (seqComplexity(sread(fqR), ...) < rm.lowcomplex[[2]])
} else if(rm.lowcomplex[[1]] && !rm.lowcomplex[[2]]) {
is.lowc <- (seqComplexity(sread(fqF), ...) < rm.lowcomplex[[1]])
} else if(!rm.lowcomplex[[1]] && rm.lowcomplex[[2]]) {
is.lowc <- (seqComplexity(sread(fqR), ...) < rm.lowcomplex[[2]])
if(rm.lowcomplex[[1]] || rm.lowcomplex[[2]]) {
fqF <- fqF[!is.lowc]
fqR <- fqR[!is.lowc]
outseqs <- outseqs + length(fqF)
if(first) {
writeFastq(fqF, fout[[1]], "w", compress = compress)
writeFastq(fqR, fout[[2]], "w", compress = compress)
} else {
writeFastq(fqF, fout[[1]], "a", compress = compress)
writeFastq(fqR, fout[[2]], "a", compress = compress)
if(outseqs==0) {
if(verbose) {
outperc <- round(outseqs * 100 / inseqs, 1)
outperc <- paste(" (", outperc, "%)", sep="")
message("Read in ", inseqs, " paired-sequences, output ", outseqs, outperc, " filtered paired-sequences.", sep="")
if(outseqs==0) {
message(paste("The filter removed all reads:", fout[[1]], "and", fout[[2]], "not written."))
return(invisible(c(reads.in=inseqs, reads.out=outseqs)))
#' Determine if input sequence(s) match the phiX genome.
#' This function compares the word-profile of the input
#' sequences to the phiX genome, and the reverse complement of the phiX genome. If
#' enough exactly matching words are found, the sequence is flagged.
#' @param seqs (Required). A \code{character} vector of A/C/G/T sequences.
#' @param wordSize (Optional). Default 16.
#' The size of the words to use for comparison.
#' @param minMatches (Optional). Default 2.
#' The minimum number of words in the input sequences that must match the phiX genome
#' (or its reverse complement) for the sequence to be flagged.
#' @param nonOverlapping (Optional). Default TRUE.
#' If TRUE, only non-overlapping matching words are counted.
#' @param ... (Optional). Ignored.
#' @return \code{logical(1)}.
#' TRUE if sequence matched the phiX genome.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{fastqFilter}}, \code{\link{fastqPairedFilter}}
#' @export
#' @importFrom ShortRead readFasta
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @examples
#' derep1 = derepFastq(system.file("extdata", "sam1F.fastq.gz", package="dada2"))
#' sqs1 <- getSequences(derep1)
#' is.phi <- isPhiX(sqs1)
#' is.phi <- isPhiX(sqs1, wordSize=20, minMatches=1)
isPhiX <- function(seqs, wordSize=16, minMatches=2, nonOverlapping=TRUE, ...) {
seqs <- getSequences(seqs)
sq.phix <- as(sread(readFasta(system.file("extdata", "phix_genome.fa", package="dada2"))), "character")
rc.phix <- rc(sq.phix)
hits <- C_matchRef(seqs, sq.phix, wordSize, nonOverlapping)
hits.rc <- C_matchRef(seqs, rc.phix, wordSize, nonOverlapping)
return((hits >= minMatches) | (hits.rc >= minMatches))
#' Determine if input sequence(s) are low complexity.
#' This function calculates the kmer
#' complexity of input sequences. Complexity is quantified as the Shannon
#' richness of kmers, which can be thought of as the
#' effective number of kmers if they were all
#' at equal frequencies. If a window size is provided, the minimum Shannon
#' richness observed over sliding window along the sequence is returned.
#' This function can be used to identify potentially artefactual or undesirable
#' low-complexity sequences, or sequences with low-complexity regions, as are
#' sometimes observed in Illumina sequencing runs. When such artefactual
#' sequences are present, the Shannon kmer
#' richness values returned by this function will typically show a clear
#' bimodal signal.
#' Kmers with non-ACGT characters are ignored. Also note that no correction is
#' performed for sequence lengths. This is important when using longer kmer
#' lengths, where 4^wordSize approaches the length of the sequence, as shorter
#' sequences will then have a lower effective richness simply due to their
#' being too little sequence to sample all the possible kmers.
#' @param seqs (Required). A \code{character} vector of A/C/G/T sequences, or
#' any object coercible by \code{\link{getSequences}}.
#' @param kmerSize (Optional). Default 2.
#' The size of the kmers (or "oligonucleotides" or "words") to use.
#' @param window (Optional). Default NULL.
#' The width in nucleotides of the moving window. If NULL the whole sequence is used.
#' @param by (Optional). Default 5.
#' The step size in nucleotides between each moving window tested.
#' @param ... (Optional). Ignored.
#' @return \code{numeric}.
#' A vector of minimum kmer complexities for each sequence.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{plotComplexity}}
#' \code{\link[Biostrings]{oligonucleotideFrequency}}
#' @export
#' @importFrom Biostrings oligonucleotideFrequency
#' @importFrom Biostrings DNAStringSet
#' @importFrom IRanges narrow
#' @importFrom Biostrings width
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @examples
#' sqs <- c(sq.norm, sq.lowc, sq.part)
#' seqComplexity(sqs)
#' seqComplexity(sqs, kmerSize=3, window=25)
seqComplexity <- function(seqs, kmerSize=2, window=NULL, by=5, ...) {
if(!is.null(window) && kmerSize >= window) stop("The window over which kmer frequency is calculated must be larger than the kmerSize.")
if(!is(seqs, "DNAStringSet")) {
seqs <- getSequences(seqs)
if(!(all(C_isACGT(seqs)))) warning("Not all sequences were A/C/G/T only, which can interfere with the calculation of the Shannon richness.")
seqs <- DNAStringSet(seqs)
si.max <- 4**kmerSize
if(is.null(window)) {
si <- apply(oligonucleotideFrequency(seqs, width=kmerSize), 1, sindex)
} else {
si <- rep(si.max, length(seqs))
for(i in seq(1, max(width(seqs))-window, by=by)) {
keep <- (width(seqs) >= (i+window-1))
wind <- narrow(seqs[keep],i,i+window-1)
si.i <- apply(oligonucleotideFrequency(wind, width=kmerSize), 1, sindex)
si[keep] <- pmin(si[keep], si.i)
## Helper function to calculate the effective shannon richness
## Which is basically the exponential of the usual Shannon diversity
sindex <- function(x) {
y <- x/sum(x)
y <- y[y>0]
## Helper function to calculate number of Ns in fastq file
## Near drop-in replacement for ShortRead::nFilter (and uses that functions internal code)
## but avoids the srFilter step within that function that is causing issues with different Matrix package versions
## Note important differences in return format (logical instead of SRFilterResult) and argument format (x, max.n) from ShortRead::nread
## But functionally should act identical, and does in testing. E.g.:
## fq <- readFastq(fn[[1]]); maxN <- 1
## keep.old <- ShortRead::nFilter(maxN)(fq) ### Note this errors with Matrix 1.3.3
## keep.new <- dada2:::.nFilter(fq, maxN)
## identical(fq[keep.old], fq[keep.new]) ## TRUE
#' @importFrom ShortRead sread
#' @importFrom Biostrings alphabetFrequency
#' @importFrom methods is
.nFilter <- function(x, max.n=0) {
if (is(x, "ShortRead"))
alphabetFrequency(sread(x), baseOnly=TRUE)[,"other"] <= max.n
else alphabetFrequency(x, baseOnly=TRUE)[,"other"] <= max.n
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