## save.R
## Saving functions for package Hipathia
## Written by Marta R. Hidalgo, Jose Carbonell-Caballero
## Code style by Hadley Wickham (http://r-pkgs.had.co.nz/style.html)
## https://www.bioconductor.org/developers/how-to/coding-style/
# Save results
#' Save results to folder
#' Saves results to a folder. In particular, it saves the matrix of subpathway
#' values, a table with the results of the provided comparison,
#' the accuracy of the results and the .SIF and attributes of the pathways.
#' @param results Results object as returned by the \code{hipathia} function.
#' @param comp Comparison as returned by the \code{do_wilcoxon} function.
#' @param metaginfo Pathways object
#' @param output_folder Name of the folder in which the results will be stored.
#' @param path Absolute path to the parent directory in which `output_folder`
#' will be saved. If it is not provided, it will be created in a temp folder.
#' @return Creates a folder in disk in which all the information to browse the
#' pathway results is stored.
#' @examples
#' data(results)
#' data(comp)
#' pathways <- load_pathways(species = "hsa", pathways_list = c("hsa03320",
#' "hsa04012"))
#' save_results(results, comp, pathways, "output_results")
#' @export
save_results <- function(results, comp, metaginfo, output_folder = NULL,
path = NULL){
path <- tempdir()
n <- length(list.files(path, pattern = "hipathia_results")) + 1
output_folder <- paste0("hipathia_results_", n)
output_folder <- paste0(path, "/", output_folder)
# Write files
file = paste0(output_folder,"/all_path_vals.txt"),
col.names = TRUE,
row.names = TRUE,
quote = FALSE,
comp$path.name <- get_path_names(metaginfo, rownames(comp))
file = paste0(output_folder,"/all_path_stats.txt"),
col.names = TRUE,
row.names = TRUE,
quote = FALSE,
sep = "\t")
if(!is.null( results$all$accuracy )){
accu <- c(results$all$accuracy$total, results$all$accuracy$percent,
names(accu) <- c("Accuracy", "Percent", names(accu)[3:length(accu)])
file = paste0(output_folder,"/accuracy.txt"),
col.names = TRUE,
row.names = TRUE,
quote = FALSE,
write_attributes <- function(this_comp, pathway, metaginfo, prefix,
moreatts_pathway = NULL, conf = 0.05,
reverse_xref = NULL, exp = NULL){
atts <- create_node_and_edge_attributes(this_comp, pathway, metaginfo,
moreatts_pathway = moreatts_pathway,
conf = conf,
reverse_xref = reverse_xref,
exp = exp)
utils::write.table(atts$sif, file = paste0(prefix, ".sif"),
row.names = FALSE,
col.names = FALSE,
quote = FALSE,
sep = "\t")
utils::write.table(atts$node_att, file = paste0(prefix, ".natt"),
row.names = FALSE,
col.names = TRUE,
quote = FALSE,
sep = "\t")
utils::write.table(atts$edge_att, file = paste0(prefix, ".eatt"),
row.names = FALSE,
col.names = TRUE,
quote = FALSE,
sep = "\t")
create_node_and_edge_attributes <- function(comp, pathway, metaginfo,
moreatts_pathway = NULL, conf=0.05,
reverse_xref = NULL, exp = NULL){
pathigraphs <- metaginfo$pathigraphs
effector <- length(unlist(strsplit(rownames(comp)[1], split="-"))) == 3
if(effector == TRUE){
s <- pathigraphs[[pathway]]$effector.subgraphs
s <- pathigraphs[[pathway]]$subgraphs
ig <- pathigraphs[[pathway]]$graph
if(is.null(V(ig)$type)) V(ig)$type <- "node"
if(is.null(V(ig)$width)) V(ig)$width <- 15
if(is.null(V(ig)$height)) V(ig)$height <- 5
if(is.null(V(ig)$label.color)) V(ig)$label.color <- "black"
if(is.null(V(ig)$label.cex)) V(ig)$label.cex <- 0.7
# V(ig)$stroke.color <- find_node_colors(comp, s, ig, conf)[V(ig)$name]
V(ig)$stroke.color <- "lightgrey"
#V(ig)$stroke.color[grepl("func",V(ig)$name)] <- "white"
V(ig)$stroke.size <- 2
#V(ig)$stroke.size[grepl("func",V(ig)$name)] <- 0
V(ig)$color <- "white"
V(ig)$width[V(ig)$shape=="circle"] <- 15
V(ig)$width[V(ig)$shape!="circle"] <- 22
V(ig)$shape[V(ig)$shape=="rectangle" & !grepl("func", V(ig)$name)] <-
V(ig)$shape[V(ig)$shape=="rectangle" & grepl("func", V(ig)$name)] <-
V(ig)$width[grepl("func",V(ig)$name)] <- -1
natt <- cbind(V(ig)$name,
sapply(V(ig)$genesList, paste, collapse=","),
colnames(natt) <- c("ID",
rownames(natt) <- natt[,1]
natt[,"label"] <- sapply(natt[,"label"], function(x){
ul <- unlist(strsplit(x, split="\n"))
if(length(ul) > 1){
paste0(ul[1], ", ...")
# Add
common_col_idx <- colnames(moreatts_pathway) %in% colnames(natt)
common_col <- colnames(moreatts_pathway)[common_col_idx]
not_common_col_idx <- !colnames(moreatts_pathway) %in% colnames(natt)
not_common_col <- colnames(moreatts_pathway)[not_common_col_idx]
for(col in common_col)
natt[,col] <- moreatts_pathway[,col]
if(!"strokeColor" %in% common_col){
natt[,"strokeColor"] <- natt[,"color"]
natt[natt[,"strokeColor"] == "white","strokeColor"] <- "lightgrey"
natt <- cbind(natt, moreatts_pathway[,not_common_col])
node_path_assoc <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(natt), ncol = length(s))
colnames(node_path_assoc) <- names(s)
natt <- cbind(natt, node_path_assoc)
sif <- c()
eatt <- c()
epath_assoc <- c()
for(i in seq_along(s)){
# get subgraph
subgraph <- s[[i]]
name <- names(s)[i]
pname <- get_path_names(metaginfo, name)
# sif
raw_edges <- get.edgelist(subgraph)
type <- c("activation","inhibition")[(E(subgraph)$relation == -1) + 1]
edges <- cbind(raw_edges[,1], type, raw_edges[,2])
sif <- rbind(sif, edges)
# edge attributes
eids <- apply(edges, 1, function(x) paste0(x, collapse = "_"))
status <- comp[name,"UP/DOWN"]
if("color" %in% colnames(comp)){
color <- comp[name,"color"]
} else {
if( comp[name,"FDRp.value"] < conf){
color <- c("#1f78b4","#e31a1c")[(status == "UP") + 1]
} else {
color <- "darkgrey"
path_assoc <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(edges), ncol = length(s))
colnames(path_assoc) <- names(s)
path_assoc[,name] <- 1
edges_atts <- cbind(id = eids,
status = status,
color = color,
name = name,
pname = pname,
pvalue = comp[name,"p.value"],
adj.pvalue = comp[name,"FDRp.value"])
eatt <- rbind(eatt, edges_atts)
epath_assoc <- rbind(epath_assoc, path_assoc)
# node attributes
natt[get.vertex.attribute(subgraph, "name"), name] <- 1
# melt multi path interactions
unique_edges <- unique(eatt[,1])
def_eatt <- c()
def_sif <- c()
def_epath_assoc <- c()
for(ue in unique_edges){
indexes <- which(eatt[,1] == ue)
subeatt <- eatt[indexes,,drop = FALSE]
subepath_assoc <- epath_assoc[indexes,,drop = FALSE]
subsif <- sif[indexes,,drop = FALSE]
# up regulated
upsig <- which(subeatt[,"status"] == "UP" &
as.numeric(subeatt[,"adj.pvalue"]) < conf)
if(length(upsig) > 0){
selected_subsif <- subsif[1,]
selected_subsif[2] <- paste0(selected_subsif[2], ".up")
def_sif <- rbind(def_sif, selected_subsif)
mini_subeatt <- subeatt[upsig,,drop = FALSE]
selected_subeatt <- mini_subeatt[1, c("id", "status", "color",
"pvalue", "adj.pvalue")]
selected_subeatt["id"] <- paste(selected_subsif, collapse = "_")
def_eatt <- rbind(def_eatt, selected_subeatt)
selected_subepath_assoc <- subepath_assoc[upsig,,drop = FALSE]
def_epath_assoc <- rbind(def_epath_assoc,
colSums(selected_subepath_assoc) > 0)
# down regulated
downsig <- which(subeatt[,"status"] == "DOWN" &
as.numeric(subeatt[,"adj.pvalue"]) < conf)
if(length(downsig) > 0){
selected_subsif <- subsif[1,]
selected_subsif[2] <- paste0(selected_subsif[2], ".down")
def_sif <- rbind(def_sif, selected_subsif)
mini_subeatt <- subeatt[downsig,,drop = FALSE]
selected_subeatt <- mini_subeatt[1,c("id",
selected_subeatt["id"] <- paste(selected_subsif, collapse = "_")
def_eatt <- rbind(def_eatt, selected_subeatt)
selected_subepath_assoc <- subepath_assoc[downsig,,drop = FALSE]
def_epath_assoc <- rbind(def_epath_assoc,
colSums(selected_subepath_assoc) > 0)
# no sigs
nosigs <- which(as.numeric(subeatt[,"adj.pvalue"]) >= conf)
if(length(nosigs) > 0){
selected_subsif <- subsif[1,]
def_sif <- rbind(def_sif, selected_subsif)
mini_subeatt <- subeatt[nosigs,,drop = FALSE]
selected_subeatt <- mini_subeatt[1,c("id",
def_eatt <- rbind(def_eatt, selected_subeatt)
selected_subepath_assoc <- subepath_assoc[nosigs,,drop = FALSE]
def_epath_assoc <- rbind(def_epath_assoc,
colSums(selected_subepath_assoc) > 0)
rownames(def_eatt) <- NULL
def_eatt <- as.data.frame(def_eatt, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
def_epath_assoc <- as.data.frame(def_epath_assoc, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
rownames(def_sif) <- NULL
def_sif <- as.data.frame(def_sif, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
def_eatt$shape <- c("inhibited", "directed")[grepl("activation",
def_sif[,2]) + 1]
def_eatt <- cbind(def_eatt, (def_epath_assoc == TRUE) + 0)
natt[,"label"] <- gsub("\\*", "", natt[,"label"])
# Add functions
left <- which(grepl("func", get.edgelist(ig)[,2]))
if(length(left) > 0 ){
if(length(left) == 1){
ids <- paste(get.edgelist(ig)[left,1], "activation",
get.edgelist(ig)[left,2], sep = "_")
ids <- apply(get.edgelist(ig)[left,], 1, function(x){
paste(x[1], "activation", x[2], sep = "_")
funejes <- as.data.frame(matrix(0,
nrow = length(ids),
ncol = ncol(def_eatt)),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(funejes) <- colnames(def_eatt)
rownames(funejes) <- ids
funejes$id <- ids
funejes$status <- "DOWN"
funejes$color <- "darkgrey"
if("pvalue" %in% colnames(funejes))
funejes$pvalue <- ids
if("adj.pvalue" %in% colnames(funejes))
funejes$adj.pvalue <- "DOWN"
funejes$shape <- "directed"
nods <- get.edgelist(ig)[left,1]
names(nods) <- ids
names(ids) <- nods
funs <- t(apply(funejes, 1, function(x){
lastnodes <- sapply(colnames(funejes), get_effnode_id)
if(any(lastnodes == nods[x[[1]]])){
x[lastnodes == nods[x[[1]]]] <- 1
funs <- as.data.frame(funs, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
sif_funs <- data.frame(V1 = get.edgelist(ig)[left,1],
type = rep("activation", times = length(left)),
V3 = get.edgelist(ig)[left,2],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
def_sif <- rbind(def_sif, sif_funs)
def_eatt <- rbind(def_eatt, funs)
fun_indexes <- grep("_func", rownames(natt))
fun_names <- rownames(natt)[fun_indexes]
if(length(fun_indexes) > 0){
for(i in seq_along(fun_names)){
pp <- gsub("N", "P", gsub("_func", "", fun_names[i]))
if(effector == TRUE){
natt[fun_names[i], pp] <- 1
} else {
natt[fun_names[i], grep(paste0("- ", pp), colnames(natt))] <- 1
sids <- strsplit(as.character(natt[,"genesList"]), split = ",")
translate_ids <- function(ids){
if(length(ids) > 0){
ids <- setdiff(ids, "/")
tids <- sapply(reverse_xref[ids],function(x){
} else {
return(paste(tids, collapse = ","))
} else {
natt <- cbind(natt, tids = sapply(sids, translate_ids))
sids <- strsplit(as.character(natt[,"genesList"]), split = ",")
ids_list <- as.list(seq_len(nrow(exp)))
names(ids_list) <- rownames(exp)
get_expr_ids <- function(ids){
if(length(ids) > 0){
ids <- setdiff(ids, "/")
exp_values <- sapply(ids_list[ids],function(x){
return(paste(exp_values, collapse = ","))
} else {
natt <- cbind(natt, exp_values = sapply(sids, get_expr_ids))
return(list(sif = def_sif,
edge_att = def_eatt,
node_att = natt))
create_path_info <- function(all_comp, metaginfo){
fpgs <- metaginfo$pathigraphs
effector <- length(unlist(strsplit(rownames(all_comp)[1], split="-"))) == 3
path_info <- lapply(fpgs, function(fpg){
if(effector == TRUE){
path_json_list <- lapply(names(path_info),function(x){
out <- paste0("{\n\t\"id\":\"", x, "\",\n")
out <- paste0(out, "\t\"name\":\"", fpgs[[x]]$path.name, "\",\n")
anysig <- FALSE
anyup <- FALSE
anydown <- FALSE
anysigup <- FALSE
anysigdown <- FALSE
anychanged <- FALSE
for(i in seq_len(nrow(path_info[[x]]))){
if(path_info[[x]]$has_changed[i] == TRUE)
anychanged <- TRUE
if(path_info[[x]]$FDRp.value[i] <= 0.05) {
anysig <- TRUE
if(path_info[[x]]$status[i] == "UP")
anysigup <- TRUE
if(path_info[[x]]$status[i] == "DOWN")
anysigdown <- TRUE
if(path_info[[x]]$status[i] == "UP")
anyup <- TRUE
if(path_info[[x]]$status[i] == "DOWN")
anydown <- TRUE
out <- paste0(out, "\t\"haschanged\":", tolower(anychanged), ",\n")
out <- paste0(out, "\t\"sig\":", tolower(anysig), ",\n")
out <- paste0(out, "\t\"up\":", tolower(anyup), ",\n")
out <- paste0(out, "\t\"down\":", tolower(anydown), ",\n")
out <- paste0(out, "\t\"upsig\":", tolower(anysigup), ",\n")
out <- paste0(out, "\t\"downsig\":", tolower(anysigdown), ",\n")
out <- paste0(out, "\t\"paths\":[\n")
for(i in seq_len(nrow(path_info[[x]]))){
out <- paste0(out, "\t\t{")
out <- paste0(out, "\"id\":\"", rownames(path_info[[x]])[i], "\", ")
out <- paste0(out, "\"name\":\"",
rownames(path_info[[x]])[i]), "\", ")
if(metaginfo$group.by == "pathways"){
out <- paste0(out, "\"shortname\":\"" ,
gsub("\\*", "", strsplit(get_path_names(
rownames(path_info[[x]])[i]),": ")[[1]][2]),
"\", ")
out <- paste0(out, "\"shortname\":\"",
"\", ")
out <- paste0(out, "\"pvalue\":", path_info[[x]]$FDRp.value[i],
", ")
out <- paste0(out, "\"status\":\"", path_info[[x]]$status[i],
"\", ")
out <- paste0(out, "\"sig\":\"",
tolower(path_info[[x]]$FDRp.value[i] < 0.05), "\", ")
out <- paste0(out, "\"haschanged\":",
tolower(path_info[[x]]$has_changed[i]), ", ")
out <- paste0(out, "\"up\":",
tolower(path_info[[x]]$status[i] == "UP"), ", ")
out <- paste0(out, "\"down\":",
tolower(path_info[[x]]$status[i] == "DOWN"), ", ")
out <- paste0(out, "\"upsig\":",
tolower(path_info[[x]]$status[i] == "UP" &
path_info[[x]]$FDRp.value[i] < 0.05),
", ")
out <- paste0(out, "\"downsig\":",
tolower(path_info[[x]]$status[i] == "DOWN" &
path_info[[x]]$FDRp.value[i] < 0.05),
", ")
out <- paste0(out, "\"color\":\"", path_info[[x]]$color[i], "\"")
out <- paste0(out, "}")
if(i == nrow(path_info[[x]])){
out <- paste0(out, "\n")
} else {
out <- paste0(out, ",\n")
out <- paste0(out, "\t]\n")
out <- paste0(out, "}")
path_json <- paste0("[\n", paste(path_json_list, collapse = ","), "\n]")
create_report_folders <- function(output_folder, home, clean_out_folder = TRUE){
pv_folder <- paste0(output_folder,"/pathway-viewer")
if(clean_out_folder == TRUE & file.exists(pv_folder)){
unlink(pv_folder, recursive = TRUE)
unlink(paste0(output_folder, "/index.html"), recursive = TRUE)
file.copy(paste0(home,"/pathway-viewer/"), output_folder, recursive = TRUE)
report_path <- paste0(home, "/report-files/")
png_files_copy <- list.files(path = report_path, pattern = ".png")
png_files_copy <- paste0(home, "/report-files/", png_files_copy)
file.copy(png_files_copy, pv_folder)
create_pathways_folder <- function(output_folder, metaginfo, comp, moreatts,
conf, verbose = FALSE){
pathways_folder <- paste0(output_folder, "/pathway-viewer/pathways/")
for(pathway in names(metaginfo$pathigraphs)){
if(verbose == TRUE)
paste0(pathways_folder, pathway),
moreatts_pathway = moreatts[[pathway]],
conf = conf)
comp$status <- comp$"UP/DOWN"
comp$has_changed <- TRUE
path_json <- create_path_info(comp, metaginfo)
write(path_json, file = paste0(output_folder,
create_html_index <- function(home, output_folder,
template_name = "index_template.html",
output_name = "index.html"){
index <- scan(paste0(home,'/report-files/',template_name),
comment.char = "", sep = "\n", what = "character",
quiet = TRUE)
global_div <- c()
global_div <- c(global_div, paste0("<pathway-viewer id='pathway-viewer'",
" path-type='url' path='pathways'>",
new_index <- gsub("PUT_HERE_YOUR_ELEMENTS",
paste(global_div, collapse = "\n"),
write(paste(new_index, collapse = "\n"),
file = paste0(output_folder,"/pathway-viewer/",output_name))
#' Create visualization HTML
#' Saves the results of a Wilcoxon comparison for the Hipathia pathway values
#' into a folder, and creates a HTML from which to visualize the results on
#' top of the pathways. The results are stored into the specified folder.
#' If this folder does not exist, it will be created. The parent folder must
#' exist.
#' @examples
#' data(comp)
#' pathways <- load_pathways(species = "hsa", pathways_list = c("hsa03320",
#' "hsa04012"))
#' report <- create_report(comp, pathways, "save_results")
#' \dontrun{
#' data(results)
#' data(brca)
#' sample_group <- colData(brca)[,1]
#' colors_de <- node_color_per_de(results, pathways,
#' sample_group, "Tumor", "Normal")
#' report_colors <- create_report(comp, pathways, "save_results",
#' node_colors = colors_de)
#' @param comp Comparison object as given by the \code{do_wilcoxon} function
#' @param metaginfo Pathways object as returned by the \code{load_pathways}
#' function
#' @param output_folder Name of the folder in which the report will be stored.
#' @param path Absolute path to the parent directory in which `output_folder`
#' will be saved. If it is not provided, it will be created in a temp folder.
#' @param node_colors List of colors with which to paint the nodes of the
#' pathways, as returned by the
#' \code{node_color_per_de} function. Default is white.
#' @param group_by How to group the subpathways to be visualized. By default
#' they are grouped by the pathway to which they belong. Available groupings
#' include "uniprot", to group subpathways by their annotated Uniprot functions,
#' "GO", to group subpathways by their annotated GO terms, and "genes", to group
#' subpathways by the genes they include. Default is set to "pathway".
#' @param conf Level of significance. By default 0.05.
#' @param verbose Boolean, whether to show details about the results of the
#' execution
#' @return Saves the results and creates a report to visualize them through
#' a server in the specified \code{output_folder}. Returns the folder where
#' the report has been stored.
#' @export
create_report <- function(comp, metaginfo, output_folder = NULL, path = NULL,
node_colors = NULL,
group_by = "pathway", conf = 0.05, verbose = FALSE){
if(group_by != "pathway" &
length(unlist(strsplit(rownames(comp)[1], split = "-"))) == 4)
stop("Grouping only available for effector subgraphs")
if(node_colors$group_by != group_by)
stop("Grouping in node.colors must agree with group_by")
moreatts <- summarize_atts(list(node_colors$colors), c("color"))
moreatts <- NULL
if(group_by != "pathway"){
message("Creating groupings by ", group_by, "...")
metaginfo <- get_pseudo_metaginfo(metaginfo, group_by = group_by)
path <- tempdir()
n <- length(list.files(path, pattern = "hipathia_report")) + 1
output_folder <- paste0("hipathia_report_", n)
output_folder <- paste0(path, "/", output_folder)
pv_path <- paste0(system.file("extdata", package="hipathia"))
message("Creating report folders...")
create_report_folders(output_folder, pv_path, clean_out_folder = FALSE)
message("Creating pathways folder...")
create_pathways_folder(output_folder, metaginfo, comp, moreatts, conf,
message("Creating HTML index...")
template_name = "index_template.html",
output_name = "index.html")
summarize_atts <- function(att_list, att_names){
df_list <- c()
for(pathway in names(att_list[[1]])){
df <- sapply(att_list, function(l){l[[pathway]]})
colnames(df) <- att_names
df_list[[pathway]] <- df
#' Visualize a HiPathia report
#' @param output_folder Folder in which results to visualize are stored
#' @param port Port to use
#' @return The instructions to visualize a HiPathia report in a web browser
#' @examples
#' data(comp)
#' pathways <- load_pathways(species = "hsa", pathways_list = c("hsa03320",
#' "hsa04012"))
#' report <- create_report(comp, pathways, "save_results")
#' visualize_report(report)
#' \dontrun{
#' data(results)
#' data(brca)
#' sample_group <- colData(brca)[,1]
#' colors_de <- node_color_per_de(results, pathways,
#' sample_group, "Tumor", "Normal")
#' report <- create_report(comp, pathways, "save_results",
#' node_colors = colors_de)
#' visualize_report(report)
#' visualize_report(report, port = 5000)
#' }
#' \dontshow{servr::daemon_stop()}
#' @import servr
#' @export
visualize_report <- function(output_folder, port = 4000){
servr::httd(paste0(output_folder, "/pathway-viewer"),
port = port, browser = FALSE, daemon = TRUE)
cat("Open a web browser and go to URL", port, "\n",
sep = "")
get_pseudo_metaginfo <- function(pathways, group_by){
pseudo <- load_pseudo_mgi(pathways$species, group_by)
rownames(pseudo$all.labelids) <- pseudo$all.labelids[,1]
pathways_list <- names(pathways$pathigraphs)
if(!all(unique(pseudo$all.labelids[,"path.id"]) %in% pathways_list))
pseudo <- filter_pseudo_mgi(pseudo, pathways_list)
filter_pseudo_mgi <- function(pseudo_meta, pathways_list){
num_nodes <- sapply(names(pseudo_meta$pathigraphs), function(term){
graph <- pseudo_meta$pathigraphs[[term]]$graph
idx <- unlist(lapply(pathways_list, grep, V(graph)$name))
vs <- V(graph)[idx]
tofilter <- names(pseudo_meta$pathigraphs)[num_nodes >= 1]
mini_pathigraphs <- lapply(pseudo_meta$pathigraphs[tofilter],
minipg <- NULL
graph <- pg$graph
idx <- unlist(lapply(pathways_list, grep, V(graph)$name))
vs <- V(graph)[idx]
minipg$graph <- igraph::induced_subgraph(graph, vs)
minipg$path.name <- pg$path.name
minipg$path.id <- pg$path.id
es_ind <- unlist(lapply(pathways_list, grep, pg$effector.subgraphs))
minipg$effector.subgraphs <- pg$effector.subgraphs[es_ind]
names(mini_pathigraphs) <- tofilter
all_labels <- pseudo_meta$all.labelids
lab_in_pl <- all_labels[,"path.id"] %in% pathways_list
filter_labelids <- all_labels[lab_in_pl,]
mini_pseudo <- NULL
mini_pseudo$pathigraphs <- mini_pathigraphs
mini_pseudo$species <- pseudo_meta$species
mini_pseudo$all.labelids <- filter_labelids
Add the following code to your website.
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