## ========================================================================================
## Estimate optimum parameters for variance stabilization in microarray data.
## Input:
# data: The microarray data in a Matrix.
# cfLow, cfHigh: lowest and highest possible values for cofactor (log scale)
# frac: fraction of differentially expressed genes used in variance stabilization (<0 & >=1)
# output: optimum cofactor
## ========================================================================================
microVS = function(data, cfLow=0, cfHigh=10, frac=1)
## some error checking
if(!is(data, "matrix"))
stop(" The microarray data must be a Matrix.")
if(frac>1 || frac <= 0)
stop(" 0< frac<=1 ")
print("Warning: cfLow>=cfHigh, using default values")
cat("Finding optimum cofactor for asinh transformation\n")
cat(sprintf("%15s %15s \n", "cofactor(log scale)", "Bartlett\'s stat"))
cofactors = seq(cfLow,cfHigh,1)
bartlett = NULL
for(cf in cofactors)
data.t = asinh(data/exp(cf))
#find the non-differentially exprssed genes
diff = quantile(abs(data.t[,1] - data.t[,2]), frac)
keep.idx = which(abs(data.t[,1] - data.t[,2]) <= diff)
data.t = data.t[keep.idx,]
bartlett = c(bartlett, bt)
cat(sprintf("%10d %25.2f \n", cf, bt))
minIdx = which.min(bartlett)
cat("\n Optimum cofactor :", sprintf("exp(%d)",cofactors[minIdx]), "\n")
plot(cofactors, bartlett, type='o', pch=16,
xlab="Cofactors (log scale)", ylab="Bartlett's statistics",
main = paste("Optimum cofactor: ",
sprintf("exp(%d)",cofactors[minIdx]), sep=""))
points(cofactors[minIdx], bartlett[minIdx], pch=16, col='red')
data.t = asinh(data/exp(cofactors[minIdx]))
## Internal function
## Compute Bartlett's statistics from a transformed microarray data
bartlettTestMicro = function(dataMatrix)
means = rowMeans(dataMatrix)
k = nrow(dataMatrix)
n = ncol(dataMatrix) # all genes have equal number of samples
N = n*k
vars = apply(dataMatrix,1,var)
var.pooled = sum(vars) / (k-1)
numerator = (N-k) * log(var.pooled) - (n-1) * sum(log(vars))
denom = 1 + ( ( k/(n-1) - 1/(N-k) ) / (3* (k-1) ) )
bt = numerator/denom
## ==========================================================================
## meanSdPlot method for matrix modified from vsn package
## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
plotMeanSd=function(x, ranks=TRUE, xlab = ifelse(ranks, "Rank of means (ascending order)", "mean"),
ylab = "Standard deviation", pch = ".", plot = TRUE, ...)
if(!is(x, "matrix"))
stop("\'x\' must be a mtrix\n")
stopifnot(is.logical(ranks), length(ranks)==1, !is.na(ranks))
n = nrow(x)
if(n==0L) {
warning("In 'meanSdPlot': matrix has 0 rows, there is nothing to be done.")
px = rowMeans(x, na.rm=TRUE)
sqr = function(x) x*x
rs = rowSums(!is.na(x))
rs[rs<1] = NA
py = sqrt(rowSums(sqr(x-px),na.rm=TRUE)/(rs-1))
#py = sqrt(rowV(x, mean=px, na.rm=TRUE))
rpx = rank(px, na.last=FALSE, ties.method = "random")
## run median with centers at dm,2*dm,3*dm,... and width 2*dm
dm = 0.05
midpoints = seq(dm, 1-dm, by=dm)
within = function(x, x1, x2) { x>=x1 & x<=x2 }
mediwind = function(mp) median(py[within(rpx/n, mp-dm, mp+dm)], na.rm=TRUE)
rq.sds = sapply(midpoints, mediwind)
res = if(ranks) {
list(rank=midpoints*n, sd=rq.sds, px=rpx, py=py)
} else {
list(quantile=quantile(px, probs=midpoints, na.rm=TRUE), sd=rq.sds, px=px, py=py)
if(plot) {
plot(res$px, res$py, pch=pch, xlab=xlab, cex=2, ylab=ylab, ...)
#smoothScatter(res$px, res$py, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...)
lines(res[[1L]], res$sd, col="red", pch=19, lwd=5, cex=1)
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