#' @title Creates a cell hierarchy plot.
#' @description Creates a cell hierarchy plot given a flowGraph object. If a path is not provided for \code{fg_plot} to save the plot, please use \code{plot_gr} to view plot given the output of \code{fg_plot}.
#' @param fg flowGraph object.
#' @param type A string indicating feature type the summary was created for
#' 'node' or 'edge'.
#' @param index The user must provide \code{type} and
#' additionally, one of \code{summary_meta} or \code{index}.
#' \code{index} is an integer indicating the row in
#' \code{fg_get_summary_desc(<flowGraph>)} of the corresponding type and
#' summary the user would like to retrieve.
#' @param summary_meta The user must provide \code{type} and
#' additionally, one of \code{summary_meta} or \code{index}.
#' \code{summary_meta} is a list containing
#' \code{feature} (feature name), \code{test_name} (summary statistic name),
#' \code{class} (class), \code{label1}, and \code{label2} (class labels compared).
#' See \code{\link[flowGraph]{fg_get_summary_desc}} for details.
#' @param adjust_custom A function or a string indicating the
#' test adjustment method to use.
#' If a string is provided, it should be one of
#' \code{c("holm", "hochberg", "hommel",
#' "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr", "none")} (see \code{p.adjust.methods}).
#' If a function is provided, it should take as input
#' a numeric vector and output the
#' same vector adjusted.
#' @param show_nodes_edges A logical vector indicating which nodes/edges (type)
#' to show in the plot; if this is not specified, only nodes/edges with
#' significant summary statistics will be shown.
#' @param label_max An integer specifying the maximum number of nodes to label.
#' @param p_thres A double indicating a summary statistic threshold
#' e.g. if we are plotting a T test summary statistic, we can set the threshold
#' to .05; nodes with a p-value greater than .05 will not be plotted.
#' @param filter_adjust0 A numeric variable indicating what percentage of
#' SpecEnr values compared (minimum) should be not close to 0.
#' Set to 1 to not conduct filtering.
#' @param filter_es A numeric variable between 0 and 1 indicating what the
#' Cohen's D value of the nodes/edges in question must be greater or
#' equal to, to be significant.
#' @param filter_btwn_tpthres A numeric variable between 0 and 1 indicating the
#' unadjusted T-test p-value threshold used to test whether the actual
#' and expected feature values used to calculate the specified SpecEnr
#' feature are significantly different for each sample class. Note this only
#' needs to be specified for SpecEnr features. Combined
#' with \code{filter_btwn_es}, we conduct three tests to understand if
#' there is an actual large difference between actual and expected features:
#' (1,2) T-test of significance between the actual and expected raw feature value
#' (e.g. proportion) for samples in each of the compared classes, (3) and the
#' T-test of significance between the differences of actual and
#' expected feature values of the two classes. If any two of the three tests
#' come out as insignificant, we set the p-value for the associated node/edge
#' to 1.
#' @param filter_btwn_es A numeric variable between 0 and 1 indicating what the
#' Cohen's D value of the nodes/edges in question must be greater or
#' equal to, to be significant -- see \code{filter_btwn_tpthres}.
#' @param node_labels A string vector indicating which node feature(s)
#' should be used to label a node.
#' We recommend keeping the length of this vector to below 2.
#' Set to "NONE" if no p-value labels are needed.
#' @param summary_fun A function that takes in a matrix and outputs a
#' vector the same length as the number of columns this matrix has;
#' see \code{\link[flowGraph]{fg_summary}}.
#' @param adjust_custom A function or a string indicating the
#' test adjustment method to use.
#' If a string is provided, it should be one of
#' \code{c("holm", "hochberg", "hommel",
#' "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr", "none")} (see \code{p.adjust.methods}).
#' If a function is provided, it should take as input
#' a numeric vector and output the
#' same vector adjusted.
#' @param layout_fun A string representing a function from the
#' \code{igraph} package that
#' indicates what layout should be used if a cell hierarchy is to be ploted;
#' all such functions have prefix \code{layout_}. Only specify if different
#' from the default one already calculated in the \code{fg} flowGraph object
#' given.
#' @param show_bgedges A logical variable indicating whether or not
#' edges not specified for plotting should be plotted as
#' light grey in the background.
# #' @param mod_layout A logical variable indicating whether or not to re-space
# #' nodes if the layout is a cell hierarchy and \code{show_bgedges=FALSE}.
#' @param main A string or the title of the plot; if left as \code{NULL},
#' a default title will be applied.
#' @param interactive A logical variable indicating whether the plot should be
#' an interactive plot; see package \code{ggiraph}.
#' @param visNet_plot A logical variable indicating if an interactive plot is
#' chosen, if function should output a visNetwork plot; if set to \code{FALSE},
#' ggplot's girafe will be used instead.
#' @param path A string indicating the path to where the function should save
#' the plot; leave as \code{NULL} to not save the plot. Static plots are saved
#' as PNG, interactive plots are saved as HTML.
#' @param width A numeric variable specifying, in inches,
#' what the plot width should be.
#' @param height A numeric variable specifying, in inches,
#' what the plot height should be.
#' @return A list of nodes and edges for plotting with the \code{plot_gr}
#' function. Other elements in this list include \code{show_bgedges},
#' which has the same value as parameter \code{show_bgedges}, and \code{main},
#' the title of the plot.
#' @details \code{fg_plot} takes a flowGraph object as input and returns the
#' \code{graph} slot of the given object with additional columns to serve as
#' input into \code{\link[flowGraph]{plot_gr}} for plotting using functions
#' in the \code{ggplot2} package. Users can choose to save a PNG version of
#' the plot by filling out the \code{path} parameter with a full path to the
#' PNG plot. In addition to specifying columns added from
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{ggdf}}, \code{fg_plot} also adds label column(s)
#' whose values serve as labels in the interactive version of the plot.
#' @examples
#' no_cores <- 1
#' data(fg_data_pos2)
#' fg <- flowGraph(fg_data_pos2$count, class=fg_data_pos2$meta$class,
#' no_cores=no_cores)
#' gr <- fg_plot(fg, type="node", index=1, label_max=30,
#' show_nodes_edges=NULL, p_thres=.01, node_labels=c("prop", "expect_prop"),
#' path=NULL) # set path to a full path to save plot as a PNG
#' # plot_gr(gr)
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{flowGraph-class}}
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{get_phen_meta}}
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{ggdf}}
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{plot_gr}}
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{fg_get_feature}}
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{fg_get_summary}}
#' @rdname fg_plot
#' @export
#' @importFrom htmlwidgets saveWidget
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggsave
#' @importFrom visNetwork visSave
fg_plot <- function(
fg, type="node", index=1, summary_meta=NULL, adjust_custom="byLayer",
label_max=30, p_thres=.05, filter_adjust0=1, filter_es=0,
filter_btwn_tpthres=1, filter_btwn_es=0,
# show_nodes_edges: a vector of true false, length equals to number of nodes
node_labels=c("prop", "expect_prop"),
summary_fun=colMeans, layout_fun=NULL,
main=NULL, interactive=FALSE, visNet_plot=TRUE,
path=NULL, width=9, height=9
) {
# width in inches feat must be list with names node and edge
# cellhierarchy plots p values
type <- match.arg(type, c("node", "edge"))
gr <- ggdf(fg_get_graph(fg))
# change layout if needed
if (!is.null(layout_fun)) {
if (layout_fun!=fg_get_plot_layout(fg))
gr <- set_layout_graph(gr, layout_fun) # layout cell hierarchy
# get summary statistics
summary_meta <- unlist(fg_get_summary_desc(fg)[[type]][
fg_get_summary_index(fg, type, index, summary_meta),])
if (!grepl("SpecEnr",unlist(summary_meta["feat"])))
filter_adjust0 <- 1
pms <- fg_get_summary(
fg, type, index, summary_meta, adjust_custom=adjust_custom,
summary_fun=summary_fun, default_p_thres=p_thres,
filter_adjust0=filter_adjust0, filter_es=filter_es,
filter_btwn_tpthres=filter_btwn_tpthres, filter_btwn_es=filter_btwn_es
id1 <- pms$id1
id2 <- pms$id2
m1 <- pms$m1
m2 <- pms$m2
p <- pms$values
# show_nodes_edges: which nodes/edges to show
sn_ <- p < p_thres
if (!is.null(show_nodes_edges))
if (length(show_nodes_edges)==length(m1) &
all(show_nodes_edges%in%c(TRUE,FALSE)) |
sn_ <- show_nodes_edges
if (sum(sn_)==0) {
warning("no significant nodes found, maybe increase p_thres?")
if (type=="node") {
gr$v$v_ind <- gr$v$label_ind <- sn_
gr$e$e_ind <- gr$e$from%in%gr$v$phenotype[sn_] &
if (sum(sn_)>label_max) {
gr$v$label_ind <- FALSE
gr$v$label_ind[utils::head(order(p), label_max)] <- TRUE
} else {
gr$e$e_ind <- sn_
gr$v$v_ind <- gr$v$label_ind <-
if (sum(gr$v$v_ind)>label_max) {
gr$v$label_ind <- FALSE
po <- order(p); po <- po[po %in% which(sn_)]
while (sum(gr$v$label_ind) < label_max |
length(po)==0) {
po1 <- gr$v$phenotype%in%gr$e[po[1],c("to","from")]
gr$v$label_ind[po1] <- TRUE
po <- po[-1]
# plot title
if (is.null(main))
main <- paste0(
"cell hierarchy plot.\n",
"- ", type, " feature: ", summary_meta["feat"], ".\n",
"- p-value: ", summary_meta["test_name"],
"\n- comparing ",
summary_meta["class"], ", labels: ", summary_meta["label1"], " & ", summary_meta["label2"], ".")
# create node labels
if (type=="node") {
gr$v$label <- gr$v$label_long <- gr$v$phenotype
if (node_labels[1]!="NONE")
gr$v$label <- gr$v$label_long <-
paste0(gr$v$label, " (",signif(p,3),")")
if (!"NONE"%in%node_labels) {
node_labels <-
if (length(node_labels)==0) node_labels <- NULL
if (type=="node") node_labels <-
append(summary_meta["feat"], node_labels)
if (!is.null(node_labels))
node_labels <- node_labels[!is.null(node_labels)]
if (!is.null(node_labels))
node_labels <- node_labels[!duplicated(node_labels)]
if (!is.null(node_labels))
for (label in node_labels) {
vls <- list(
m1=fg_get_feature_means(fg, "node", label, id=id1),
m2=fg_get_feature_means(fg, "node", label, id=id2))
vl <- paste0(round(vls$m1,3), "/",
gr$v$label_long <-
paste0(gr$v$label_long, "\n", label, ": ", vl)
gr$v$label <- paste0(gr$v$label, " ", vl)
} else {
gr$v$label <- gr$v$label_long <- paste0(gr$v$phenotype)
# node colour, size
if (type=="node") {
gr$v$colour <- m2-m1
gr$v$size <- -log(p)
gr$v$size[!is.finite(gr$v$size)] <-
gr$v$size[is.nan(gr$v$size)] <- 0
ew1 <- fg_get_feature_means(fg, type="edge", feature="prop", id=pms$id1)
ew2 <- fg_get_feature_means(fg, type="edge", feature="prop", id=pms$id2)
gr$e$colour <- ew1 - ew2
gr$e$colour1 <- ew1
gr$e$colour2 <- ew2
} else {
gr$e$colour <- m2-m1
gr$e$size <- -log(p)
gr$e$size[!is.finite(gr$e$size)] <-
gr$e$size[is.nan(gr$e$size)] <- 0
# optionally space out nodes again if no background edges
# using: gr$v[,c("x","y")] <- space_hierarchy(gr$v[,c("y","x")])[,c(2,1)]
# plot and save
gp <- plot_gr(gr, main=main, show_bgedges=show_bgedges,
if (!is.null(path) & !interactive)
grepl("[.]png$",path, ignore.case=TRUE),
path, paste0(path, ".png")),
plot=gp, scale=1, width=width, height=height,
units="in", dpi=600, limitsize=TRUE)
if (!is.null(path) & interactive & !visNet_plot)
gp, ifelse(grepl("[.]html$",path, ignore.case=TRUE),
path, paste0(path, ".html")))
if (!is.null(path) & interactive & visNet_plot)
gp, file=ifelse(grepl("[.]html$",path, ignore.case=TRUE),
path, paste0(path, ".html")),
if (is.null(path)) message("use function plot_gr to plot fg_plot output")
gr$main <- main
gr$show_bgedges <- show_bgedges
gr$visNet_plot <- visNet_plot
## graph plot functions
#' @title Prepares a given node and edge graph list for plotting.
#' @description Prepares a given node and edge graph list
#' for plotting by function plot_gr;
#' do not use this function on its own.
#' @param gr0 A list containing data frames \code{e} and \code{v}.
#' @return A list containing data frames \code{e} and \code{v}, each
#' with additional meta data column.
#' @details code{ggdf} adds to the data frames \code{v} and \code{e} in slot
#' \code{graph} from a \code{flowGraph} object specifying plotting options as
#' required by \code{\link[flowGraph]{plot_gr}}:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{v}}
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{size}: a numeric indicating node size.}
#' \item{\code{colour}: a numeric or string indicating node colour.}
#' \item{\code{label}: a string indicating the label of a node.}
#' \item{\code{label_long}: a string indicating teh long label of a node;
#' used in interactive plots in \code{\link[flowGraph]{plot_gr}}}.
#' \item{\code{label_ind}: a vector of logical variables indicating which
#' nodes to add a label to in a static plot.}
#' \item{\code{v_ind}: a vector of logical variables indicating which
#' nodes to plot.}
#' }
#' \item{\code{e}}
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{colour}: a numeric or string indicating edge colour.}
# #' \item{\code{size}: a numeric or string indicating edge size.}
#' \item{\code{e_ind}: a vector of logical variables indicating which
#' edges to plot.}
#' }
#' }
#' @examples
#' no_cores <- 1
#' data(fg_data_pos30)
#' fg <- flowGraph(fg_data_pos30$count, class=fg_data_pos30$meta$class,
#' prop=FALSE, specenr=FALSE,
#' no_cores=no_cores)
#' gr_ <- ggdf(fg_get_graph(fg))
#' head(gr_$v)
#' head(gr_$e)
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{flowGraph-class}}
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{get_phen_meta}}
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{plot_gr}}
#' @rdname ggdf
#' @export
ggdf <- function(gr0) {
list(e=data.frame(gr0$e, colour=0, size=1, e_ind=FALSE),
size=1, colour=0,
#sizeb=1, colourb="", fill="",
label_ind=FALSE, v_ind=FALSE))
#' @title Plots a cell hierarchy.
#' @description Plots a cell hierarchy given the output from \code{fg_plot}, a list of nodes and edges.
#' @param gr A list containing data frames \code{e} and \code{v}.
#' @param main A string containing the plot title. If this is set to NULL, the
#' function will look for a plot title in the \code{main} slot of \code{gr};
#' otherwise, this defaults to "".
#' @param show_bgedges A logical variable indicating whether or not
#' edges not specified for plotting should be plotted as light grey
#' in the background. If this is \code{NULL}, the function will look for a
#' \code{show_bgedges} in the \code{show_bgedges} slot of \code{gr};
#' otherwise, this defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param colour_palette A colour palette e.g. the default palette if the user
#' sets this to \code{NULL} is \code{c('blue','cyan','yellow','red')}.
#' @param label_coloured A logical indicating whether to colour the node
#' labels using the same colours as the nodes in the non-interactive plot.
#' @param shiny_plot A logical indicating whether this plot is made for shiny;
#' users don't need to change this.
#' @param interactive A logical variable indicating whether the plot should be
#' an interactive plot; see package \code{ggiraph}.
#' @param visNet_plot A logical variable indicating if an interactive plot is
#' chosen, if function should output a visNetwork plot; if set to \code{FALSE},
#' ggplot's girafe will be used instead.
#' @param colour_edges A logical variable indicating whether to colour edges if
#' plotting a node feature summary.
#' @param ... Other parameters for \code{ggplot} if \code{interactive}
#' is set to \code{FALSE}; other parameters for \code{plot_ly}
#' if \code{interactive} is set to \code{TRUE}.
#' @return A \code{ggplot} object if \code{interactive} is set to \code{FALSE};
#' a \code{ggiraph} object if \code{interactive} is set to \code{TRUE}.
#' @examples
#' no_cores <- 1
#' data(fg_data_pos2)
#' fg <- flowGraph(fg_data_pos2$count, class=fg_data_pos2$meta$class,
#' no_cores=no_cores)
#' # fg <- fg_summary(fg, no_cores=no_cores, class="class", control="control",
#' # overwrite=FALSE, test_name="t_byLayer", diminish=FALSE)
#' gr_summary <- fg_plot(
#' fg, type="node", p_thres=.05, show_bgedges=TRUE,
#' path=NULL) # set path to a full path to save plot as a PNG
#' plot_gr(gr_summary, main=gr_summary$main, show_bgedges=TRUE)
#' plot_gr(gr_summary, main=gr_summary$main, show_bgedges=TRUE, interactive=TRUE)
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{flowGraph-class}}
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{fg_plot}}
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{get_phen_meta}}
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{ggdf}}
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{fg_get_feature}}
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{fg_get_summary}}
# #' \code{\link[plotly]{plot_ly}}
#' @rdname plot_gr
#' @export
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes_ scale_x_continuous scale_y_continuous
#' theme element_blank ggtitle scale_fill_brewer geom_segment geom_point
#' scale_colour_gradientn labs
#' @importFrom ggiraph girafe geom_point_interactive geom_segment_interactive
#' @importFrom ggrepel geom_label_repel
#' @importFrom visNetwork visNetwork visNodes visEdges visOptions visInteraction visHierarchicalLayout visEvents
#' @importFrom purrr map
plot_gr <- function(
gr, main=NULL, show_bgedges=TRUE, colour_palette=NULL, label_coloured=TRUE,
shiny_plot=FALSE, interactive=FALSE, visNet_plot=TRUE, colour_edges=FALSE,
) {
# gr_v: name x y label size colour sizeb colourb
# gr_e: from to from.x from.y to.x to.y colour
# place holder; all variables specified in plotting functions
# refers to columns names in the given data frame
size <- 0
gr_v <- gr$v
gr_e <- gr$e
if (is.null(main))
if (is.null(gr$main)) {
main <- ""
} else {
main <- paste0("(",sum(gr_v$v_ind),"/",
nrow(gr_v),") ", gr$main)
if (!is.null(gr$show_bgedges)) show_bgedges <- gr$show_bgedges
if (!is.null(gr$interactive)) interactive <- gr$interactive
if (!is.null(gr$visNet_plot)) show_bgedges <- gr$show_bgedges
if (shiny_plot) {
interactive <- TRUE
if (!visNet_plot) {
max_x <- max(gr$v$x)
gr_v$x <- gr$v$y
gr_v$y <- max_x-gr$v$x
gr_e$from.x <- gr$e$from.y
gr_e$from.y <- max_x-gr$e$from.x
gr_e$to.x <- gr$e$to.y
gr_e$to.y <- max_x-gr$e$to.x
colour_palette <- c('blue','cyan','yellow','red')
# prepare base plot
gp <- ggplot2::ggplot(gr_v, ggplot2::aes_(x=~x, y=~y, ...)) +
ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0,1)) + # expand x limits
ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0,1)) + # expand y limits
# theme_bw()+ # use the ggplot black and white theme
axis.text.x=ggplot2::element_blank(), # rm x-axis text
axis.text.y=ggplot2::element_blank(), # rm y-axis text
axis.ticks=ggplot2::element_blank(), # rm axis ticks
axis.title.x=ggplot2::element_blank(), # rm x-axis labels
axis.title.y=ggplot2::element_blank(), # rm y-axis labels
panel.grid.major=ggplot2::element_blank(), #rm grid labels
panel.grid.minor=ggplot2::element_blank(), #rm grid labels
plot.background=ggplot2::element_blank()) +
ggplot2::ggtitle(main) +
ggplot2::scale_colour_gradientn(colours=colour_palette) +
col="mean feat diff")
if (show_bgedges) # keep greyed out edges on
gp <- gp +
data=gr_e[!gr_e$e_ind,], color="grey75",
ggplot2::aes_(x=~from.x, xend=~to.x, y=~from.y, yend=~to.y))
if (!interactive) {
if (!all(gr_e$colour==gr_e$colour[1]) &
!all(gr_e$size==gr_e$size[1])) {
gp <- gp +
ggplot2::aes_(x=~from.x, xend=~to.x, y=~from.y, yend=~to.y,
color=~colour, size=~size)) +
data=gr_v[gr_v$v_ind,], colour="grey",
} else {
if (colour_edges) {
gp <- gp +
ggplot2::aes_(x=~from.x, xend=~to.x, y=~from.y, yend=~to.y,
} else {
gp <- gp +
data=gr_e[gr_e$e_ind,], colour="grey",
ggplot2::aes_(x=~from.x, xend=~to.x, y=~from.y, yend=~to.y))
gp <- gp +
ggplot2::aes_(x=~x, y=~y, color=~colour, size=~size))
if (label_coloured) {
gp <- gp +
ggplot2::aes_(x=~x, y=~y,label=~label, color=~colour),
nudge_x=-.1, direction="y", hjust=1,
} else {
gp <- gp +
ggplot2::aes_(x=~x, y=~y,label=~label),
nudge_x=-.1, direction="y", hjust=1,
else if (!visNet_plot) {
if (!all(gr_e$colour==gr_e$colour[1]) &
!all(gr_e$size==gr_e$size[1])) {
gp <- gp +
ggplot2::aes_(x=~from.x, xend=~to.x, y=~from.y, yend=~to.y,
color=~colour, size=~size,
tooltip=paste0(~from, " > ", ~to))) +
data=gr_v[gr_v$v_ind,], colour="grey",
} else {
if (colour_edges) {
gp <- gp +
ggplot2::aes_(x=~from.x, xend=~to.x, y=~from.y, yend=~to.y,
} else {
gp <- gp +
data=gr_e[gr_e$e_ind,], colour="grey",
ggplot2::aes_(x=~from.x, xend=~to.x, y=~from.y, yend=~to.y))
if (shiny_plot) {
gp <- gp + ggiraph::geom_point_interactive(
ggplot2::aes_(x=~x, y=~y, color=~colour, size=~size,
tooltip=~label_long, data_id=~phenotype))
} else {
gp <- gp + ggiraph::geom_point_interactive(
ggplot2::aes_(x=~x, y=~y, color=~colour, size=~size,
tooltip=~label_long, data_id=~phenogroup))
if (!shiny_plot & interactive) gp <- ggiraph::girafe(ggobj=gp)
else { # visNet
v_ind <- gr$v$v_ind
v_label <- purrr::map_chr(
stringr::str_split(gr$v$label[v_ind]," "),
function(x) paste0(x[c(1,2)], collapse=" "))
nodes <- data.frame(
# get only phenotype and p
e_ind <- gr$e$from%in%gr$v$phenotype[v_ind] &
if (sum(e_ind)==0) {
edges <- data.frame(from=gr$e$from[1], to=gr$e$to[1],
} else {
edges <- data.frame(
if (!is.null(gr$e$size1)) {
signif(gr$e$size1,3), " vs ",
signif(gr$e$size2,3))[e_ind] # tooltip
gp <- visNetwork::visNetwork(nodes, edges) %>%
visNetwork::visNodes(shape="dot") %>%
visNetwork::visEdges(arrows="to") %>%
visNetwork::visOptions(highlightNearest=TRUE, nodesIdSelection=TRUE) %>%
visNetwork::visInteraction(hover=TRUE, multiselect=!shiny_plot) %>%
) %>%
visNetwork::visEvents(select="function(nodes) {
Shiny.onInputChange('current_node_selection', nodes.id);
# plot(gp)
# colour palette; cols = a colour for each node
noTOcol <- function(
values, colourp=c('blue','cyan','yellow','red'), col_names=NULL,
colour_n=1000) {
colorFunc <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(colourp)
z <- pretty(c(min(values), max(values))) # colour breakpoints
colinds <- unlist(
lapply(seq_len(length(values)), function(i)
max(1, ceiling(
(values-min(z))*1000/(max(z)-min(z)))[i]) ))
if (is.null(col_names) & !is.null(names(values)))
col_names <- names(values)
names(cols) <- col_names
#' @title Creates a QQ plot of a summary statistic.
#' @description Creates a QQ plot of a summary statistic.
#' @param fg flowGraph object.
#' @param type A string indicating feature type the summary was created for
#' 'node' or 'edge'.
#' @param index The user must provide \code{type} and
#' additionally, one of \code{summary_meta} or \code{index}.
#' \code{index} is an integer indicating the row in
#' \code{fg_get_summary_desc(<flowGraph>)} of the corresponding type and
#' summary the user would like to retrieve.
#' @param summary_meta The user must provide \code{type} and
#' additionally, one of \code{summary_meta} or \code{index}.
#' \code{summary_meta} is a list containing
#' \code{feature} (feature name), \code{test_name} (summary statistic name),
#' \code{class} (class), \code{label1}, and \code{label2} (class labels compared).
#' See \code{\link[flowGraph]{fg_get_summary_desc}} for details.
#' @param adjust_custom A function or a string indicating the
#' test adjustment method to use.
#' If a string is provided, it should be one of
#' \code{c("holm", "hochberg", "hommel",
#' "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr", "none")} (see \code{p.adjust.methods}).
#' If a function is provided, it should take as input
#' a numeric vector and output the
#' same vector adjusted.
#' @param logged A logical indicating whether or not to log the summary
#' statistic p value.
#' @param p_thres A double indicating a summary statistic threshold
#' e.g. if we are plotting a T-test summary statistic, we can set the threshold
#' to .05; nodes with a p-value greater than .05 will not be plotted.
#' @param filter_adjust0 A numeric variable indicating what percentage of
#' SpecEnr values compared (minimum) should be not close to 0.
#' Set to 1 to not conduct filtering.
#' @param filter_es A numeric variable between 0 and 1 indicating what the
#' Cohen's D value of the nodes/edges in question must be greater or
#' equal to, to be significant.
#' @param filter_btwn_tpthres A numeric variable between 0 and 1 indicating the
#' unadjusted T-test p-value threshold used to test whether the actual
#' and expected feature values used to calculate the specified SpecEnr
#' feature are significantly different for each sample class. Note this only
#' needs to be specified for SpecEnr features. Combined
#' with \code{filter_btwn_es}, we conduct three tests to understand if
#' there is an actual large difference between actual and expected features:
#' (1,2) T-test of significance between the actual and expected raw feature value
#' (e.g. proportion) for samples in each of the compared classes, (3) and the
#' T-test of significance between the differences of actual and
#' expected feature values of the two classes. If any two of the three tests
#' come out as insignificant, we set the p-value for the associated node/edge
#' to 1.
#' @param filter_btwn_es A numeric variable between 0 and 1 indicating what the
#' Cohen's D value of the nodes/edges in question must be greater or
#' equal to, to be significant -- see \code{filter_btwn_tpthres}.
#' @param shiny_plot A logical indicating whether this plot is made for shiny;
#' users don't need to change this.
#' @param main A string or the title of the plot; if left as \code{NULL},
#' a default title will be applied.
#' @param interactive A logical indicating whether or not plot should be an
#' interactive ggiraph plot as opposed to a static plot.
#' @param path A string indicating the path to where the function should save
#' the plot; leave as \code{NULL} to not save the plot. Static plots are saved
#' as PNG, interactive plots are saved as HTML.
#' @return A static or interactive qq plot.
#' @details The interactive plot is made using the \code{ggiraph} package.
#' @examples
#' no_cores <- 1
#' data(fg_data_pos2)
#' fg <- flowGraph(fg_data_pos2$count, class=fg_data_pos2$meta$class,
#' no_cores=no_cores)
#' fg_plot_qq(fg, type="node", summary_meta=NULL, adjust_custom="byLayer", index=1,
#' interactive=TRUE, logged=FALSE)
#' fg_plot_qq(fg, type="node", summary_meta=NULL, adjust_custom="byLayer", index=1,
#' interactive=FALSE, logged=FALSE)
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{flowGraph-class}}
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{fg_plot}}
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{plot_gr}}
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{fg_get_feature}}
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{fg_get_summary}}
#' @rdname fg_plot_qq
#' @export
#' @importFrom htmlwidgets saveWidget
#' @importFrom ggiraph girafe geom_point_interactive
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot ggtitle geom_point geom_abline labs ggsave aes_
fg_plot_qq <- function(
fg, type="node", index=1, summary_meta=NULL, adjust_custom="byLayer",
logged=TRUE, p_thres=.05,
filter_adjust0=1, filter_es=0,
filter_btwn_tpthres=1, filter_btwn_es=0,
main=NULL, interactive=FALSE, path=NULL
) {
type <- match.arg(type, c("node", "edge"))
if (shiny_plot) interactive <- TRUE
index <- fg_get_summary_index(
fg,type=type, index, summary_meta)
summary_meta <- unlist(fg_get_summary_desc(fg)[[type]][index,])
if (!grepl("SpecEnr",unlist(summary_meta["feat"])))
filter_adjust0 <- 1
qvals_ <- fg_get_summary(
fg, type, index, summary_meta, default_p_thres=p_thres,
filter_adjust0=filter_adjust0, filter_es=filter_es,
filter_btwn_tpthres=filter_btwn_tpthres, filter_btwn_es=filter_btwn_es,
qvals <- qvals_$values
if (is.null(main))
main <- paste0(
"(", sum(qvals<p_thres), "/", length(qvals), ") ",
ifelse(logged,"logged ",""), "qq plot.\n",
"- ", type, " feature: ", summary_meta["feat"], ".\n",
"- p-value: ", summary_meta["test_name"],
"\n- comparing ", summary_meta["class"], ", labels: ", summary_meta["label1"], " & ", summary_meta["label2"], ".")
qo <- order(qvals)
uni <- seq_len(length(qvals))/(length(qvals)+1)
p_thres_ <- p_thres
if (logged) {
qvals <- log(qvals)
if (any(qvals==-Inf)) {
warning("converting log(0) p values to minimum value for display")
qvals[qvals==-Inf] <- min( qvals[is.finite(qvals)])
uni <- log(uni)
p_thres <- log(p_thres)
df <- data.frame(y=qvals, cohensd_size=qvals_$cohensd_size,
d_size=colMeans(fg_get_feature(fg, "node", "count")))
df <- df[qo,]
df$x <- uni
qp <- ggplot2::ggplot(df, ggplot2::aes_(
y=~y, x=~x, colour=~cohensd_size, alpha=.3, stroke=1)) +
ggplot2::geom_abline(intercept=0, slope=1) +
ggplot2::ggtitle(main) +
ggplot2::labs(x="uniform distribution", y="p-value",
col="cohen's d", size="count mean") +
if (interactive) {
if (shiny_plot) {
qp <- qp + ggiraph::geom_point_interactive(alpha=.4,
ggplot2::aes_(tooltip=~phenotype, data_id=~phenotype, size=~d_size))
} else {
qp <- qp + ggiraph::geom_point_interactive(shape=1,
ggplot2::aes_(tooltip=~phenotype, data_id=~phenogroup, size=~d_size))
if (!shiny_plot) {
qp <- ggiraph::girafe(ggobj=qp)
if (!is.null(path))
qp, ifelse(grepl("[.]html$",path, ignore.case=TRUE),
path, paste0(path, ".html")))
} else {
qp <- qp + ggplot2::geom_point(shape=1, ggplot2::aes_(size=~d_size))
if (!is.null(path))
ifelse(grepl("[.]png$",path, ignore.case=TRUE),
path, paste0(path, ".png")),
plot=qp, scale=1, width=5, height=5,
units="in", dpi=500, limitsize=TRUE)
#' @title Creates a boxplot of the values of one node/edge
#' @description Creates a boxplot comparing the
#' features of samples belonging to different classes corresponding
#' to an existing summary statistic using ggplot2.
#' @param fg flowGraph object.
#' @param type A string indicating feature type the summary was created for
#' 'node' or 'edge'.
#' @param index The user must provide \code{type} and
#' additionally, one of \code{summary_meta} or \code{index}.
#' \code{index} is an integer indicating the row in
#' \code{fg_get_summary_desc(<flowGraph>)} of the corresponding type and
#' summary the user would like to retrieve.
#' @param summary_meta The user must provide \code{type} and
#' additionally, one of \code{summary_meta} or \code{index}.
#' \code{summary_meta} is a list containing
#' \code{feature} (feature name), \code{test_name} (summary statistic name),
#' \code{class} (class), \code{label1}, and \code{label2} (class labels compared).
#' See \code{\link[flowGraph]{fg_get_summary_desc}} for details.
#' @param node_edge An integer/index of or a string of the cell population (node) /
#' edge name (edge) the user wants to plot.
#' @param adjust_custom A function or a string indicating the
#' test adjustment method to use.
#' If a string is provided, it should be one of
#' \code{c("holm", "hochberg", "hommel",
#' "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr", "none")} (see \code{p.adjust.methods}).
#' If a function is provided, it should take as input
#' a numeric vector and output the
#' same vector adjusted.
#' @param p_thres A numeric variable indicating a p-value threshold
#' @param filter_adjust0 A numeric variable indicating what percentage of
#' SpecEnr values compared (minimum) should be not close to 0.
#' Set to 1 to not conduct filtering.
#' @param filter_es A numeric variable between 0 and 1 indicating what the
#' Cohen's D value of the nodes/edges in question must be greater or
#' equal to, to be significant.
#' @param filter_btwn_tpthres A numeric variable between 0 and 1 indicating the
#' unadjusted T-test p-value threshold used to test whether the actual
#' and expected feature values used to calculate the specified SpecEnr
#' feature are significantly different for each sample class. Note this only
#' needs to be specified for SpecEnr features. Combined
#' with \code{filter_btwn_es}, we conduct three tests to understand if
#' there is an actual large difference between actual and expected features:
#' (1,2) T-test of significance between the actual and expected raw feature value
#' (e.g. proportion) for samples in each of the compared classes, (3) and the
#' T-test of significance between the differences of actual and
#' expected feature values of the two classes. If any two of the three tests
#' come out as insignificant, we set the p-value for the associated node/edge
#' to 1.
#' @param filter_btwn_es A numeric variable between 0 and 1 indicating what the
#' Cohen's D value of the nodes/edges in question must be greater or
#' equal to, to be significant -- see \code{filter_btwn_tpthres}.
#' @param paired A logical indicating whether the summary is paired.
#' @param dotplot A logical indicating whether or not to plot sample points.
#' @param outlier A logical indicating whether or not outliers should be plotted.
#' @param all_labels A logical indicating whether or not to plot samples of all
#' classes outside of just those used in the summary statistic test.
#' @param show_mean A logical indicating whether or not to label the mean.
#' @param main A string or the title of the plot; if left as \code{NULL},
#' a default title will be applied.
#' @param path A string indicating the path to where the function should save
#' the plot; leave as \code{NULL} to not save the plot. Static plots are saved
#' as PNG.
#' @return A static boxplot.
#' @details The plot is made using the \code{ggplot2} package. The interactive
#' version is the same as the static version, it is only here to support the
#' shiny app.
#' @examples
#' no_cores <- 1
#' data(fg_data_pos2)
#' fg <- flowGraph(fg_data_pos2$count, class=fg_data_pos2$meta$class,
#' no_cores=no_cores)
#' fg_plot_box(fg, type="node", summary_meta=NULL, adjust_custom="byLayer", index=1, node_edge=10)
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{flowGraph-class}}
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{fg_plot}}
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{plot_gr}}
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{fg_get_feature}}
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{fg_get_summary}}
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{fg_plot_qq}}
#' @rdname fg_plot_box
#' @export
#' @importFrom htmlwidgets saveWidget
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggsave ggplot ggtitle geom_point geom_dotplot stat_summary geom_line aes_ position_dodge labs
#' @importFrom ggiraph girafe geom_boxplot_interactive
#' @importFrom stringr str_split
#' @importFrom grDevices boxplot.stats
#' @importFrom utils head tail
fg_plot_box <- function(
fg, type="node", index=1, summary_meta=NULL, node_edge=1,
adjust_custom="byLayer", p_thres=.05,
filter_adjust0=.5, filter_es=.5,
filter_btwn_tpthres=.05, filter_btwn_es=.5,
paired=FALSE, dotplot=TRUE, outlier=TRUE, all_labels=FALSE, show_mean=TRUE,
main=NULL, path=NULL
) {
type <- match.arg(type, c("node", "edge"))
index <- fg_get_summary_index(fg,type="node",index,summary_meta)
summary_meta <- unlist(fg_get_summary_desc(fg)[[type]][index,])
pp <- fg_get_summary(
fg, type, index, summary_meta, default_p_thres=p_thres,
filter_adjust0=filter_adjust0, filter_es=filter_es,
filter_btwn_tpthres=filter_btwn_tpthres, filter_btwn_es=filter_btwn_es,
p <- pp$values
node_edge <-
which(names(p)==node_edge), node_edge)
feature <- summary_meta["feat"]
features <- se_feats(feature)
fg_meta <- fg_get_meta(fg)
if (all_labels) {
id_ord <- order(fg_meta[,summary_meta["class"]])
class_ <- fg_meta[id_ord,summary_meta["class"]]
dta <- data.frame(
val=fg_get_feature(fg, type, feature)[id_ord,node_edge],
ID=unlist(purrr::map(unique(class_), function(x)
seq_len(sum(class_==x))))) # paired assum ordered!
} else {
a = fg_get_feature(fg, type, feature)[pp$id1,node_edge]
b = fg_get_feature(fg, type, feature)[pp$id2,node_edge]
classes <- c(summary_meta["label1"], summary_meta["label2"])
class_ <- append(rep(classes[1], length(a)),
rep(classes[2], length(b)))
dta <- data.frame(
seq_len(length(b)))) # paired
if (is.null(main))
main <- paste0(
"boxplot (",
names(p)[node_edge], node_edge),").\n",
"- ", type, " feature: ", feature ," (",summary_meta["feat"],").\n",
"- p-value (p=", round(p[node_edge],3),"): ",
summary_meta["test_name"], "\n- comparing ",
summary_meta["class"], ", labels: ",
"\n ", summary_meta["label1"], " (mean=",
round(pp$m1[node_edge],3),") & ", summary_meta["label2"],
" (mean=",round(pp$m2[node_edge],3),").")
# plot
gp <- ggplot2::ggplot(
dta, ggplot2::aes_(x=~class, y=~val, fill=~class)) +
type, " feature values (",ifelse(
names(p)[node_edge], node_edge),")"))
gp <- gp + ggplot2::geom_boxplot(outlier.shape=ifelse(outlier,19,NA))
if (paired)
gp <- gp + ggplot2::geom_line(
ggplot2::aes_(group=~ID), colour="black", linetype="11")
if (dotplot)
gp <- gp + ggplot2::geom_dotplot(
binaxis='y', stackdir='center',
position=ggplot2::position_dodge(1), dotsize=.5)
gp <- gp + ggplot2::ggtitle(main)
if (show_mean)
gp <- gp + ggplot2::stat_summary(fun=mean, geom="point", shape=23, size=3)
if (!outlier) {
bstats <- purrr::map(unique(class_), function(x)
ymax <- max(purrr::map_dbl(bstats, utils::tail, 1))
ymin <- min(purrr::map_dbl(bstats, utils::head, 1))
gp <- gp + ggplot2::ylim(ymin, ymax)
if (!is.null(path))
ifelse(grepl("[.]png$",path, ignore.case=TRUE),
path, paste0(path, ".png")),
plot=gp, scale=1, width=5, height=5,
units="in", dpi=500, limitsize=TRUE)
suppressMessages({ gp })
# plot a set of boxplots for SpecEnr
#' @importFrom gridExtra arrangeGrob
#' @importFrom ggplot2 element_blank coord_cartesian aes_
fg_plot_box_set <- function(
fg, type="node", index=1, summary_meta=NULL,
adjust_custom="byLayer", node_edge=1,
filter_adjust0=.5, filter_es=.5,
filter_btwn_tpthres=.05, filter_btwn_es=.5,
paired=FALSE, dotplot=TRUE, outlier=TRUE, show_mean=TRUE,
main=NULL, path=NULL
) {
type <- match.arg(type, c("node", "edge"))
index <- fg_get_summary_index(fg,type="node",index,summary_meta)
summary_meta <- unlist(fg_get_summary_desc(fg)[[type]][index,])
feature <- summary_meta["feat"]
if (!grepl("SpecEnr",feature)) {
fg, type=type, index=index, summary_meta=summary_meta,
adjust_custom=adjust_custom, node_edge=node_edge,
paired=paired, dotplot=dotplot, outlier=outlier, all_labels=FALSE,
main=main, path=path,
filter_adjust0=filter_adjust0, filter_es=filter_es,
node_edge <- ifelse(is.character(node_edge),
if (length(node_edge)==0) {
warning("node/edge not found")
pp <- fg_get_summary(
fg, type="node", index, summary_meta, adjust_custom=adjust_custom,
filter_adjust0=filter_adjust0, filter_es=filter_es,
filter_btwn_tpthres=filter_btwn_tpthres, filter_btwn_es=filter_btwn_es)
p <- pp$values
dfb <- pp$btwn
rownames(dfb) <- dfb$phenotype
features <- se_feats(feature)
a1 <- fg_get_feature(fg, type, features[2])[pp$id1,node_edge]
a2 <- fg_get_feature(fg, type, features[2])[pp$id2,node_edge]
b1 <- fg_get_feature(fg, type, features[3])[pp$id1,node_edge]
b2 <- fg_get_feature(fg, type, features[3])[pp$id2,node_edge]
a = fg_get_feature(fg, type, feature)[pp$id1,node_edge]
b = fg_get_feature(fg, type, feature)[pp$id2,node_edge]
al <- length(a)
bl <- length(b)
classes <- c(summary_meta["label1"], summary_meta["label2"])
dta <- data.frame(
val=c(a,b, a1,a2, b1,b2),
feature=rep(features, each=al+bl),
seq_len(length(b))),3) # paired
if (is.null(main))
main <- paste0(
"boxplot (",
names(p)[node_edge], node_edge),").\n",
"- ", type, " feature: ", feature ," (",summary_meta["feat"],").\n",
"- p-value (p=", round(p[node_edge],3),"): ",
summary_meta["test_name"], "\n- comparing ",
summary_meta["class"], ", labels: ",
"\n ", summary_meta["label1"], " (mean=",
round(pp$m1[node_edge],3),") & ",
summary_meta["label2"], " (mean=",
# specenr/actual/expect class 1 vs class 2
gp <- ggplot2::ggplot(dta[dta$feature==feature,],
ggplot2::aes_(x=~class, y=~val, fill=~class)) +
ggplot2::labs(y=paste0(type, " SpecEnr feature value")) +
ggplot2::geom_boxplot(outlier.shape=ifelse(outlier,19,NA)) +
"(",classes[2],"-",length(a)," vs ",
if (show_mean)
gp <- gp + ggplot2::stat_summary(fun=mean, geom="point", shape=23, size=3)
gpae <- ggplot2::ggplot(dta[dta$feature!=features[1],],
ggplot2::aes_(x=~class, y=~val, fill=~class)) +
ggplot2::labs(y=paste0(type, " raw feature values")) +
ggplot2::ggtitle(paste0("feature: ", features[2])) +
ggplot2::geom_boxplot(outlier.shape=ifelse(outlier,19,NA)) +
ggplot2::theme(legend.position="none") +
if (show_mean)
gpae <- gpae + ggplot2::stat_summary(fun=mean, geom="point", shape=23, size=3)
# class 1/2 actual vs expected
gp12 <- ggplot2::ggplot(dta[dta$feature!=feature,],
ggplot2::aes_(x=~feature, y=~val))+
ggplot2::labs(y=paste0(type, " raw feature values")) +
"diff btwn diff (p=",
", CohenD=",signif(dfb$bcd[node_edge],3),")")) +
ggplot2::geom_boxplot(outlier.shape=ifelse(outlier,19,NA)) +
ggplot2::theme(legend.position="none") +
if (show_mean)
gp12 <- gp12 + ggplot2::stat_summary(fun=mean, geom="point", shape=23, size=3)
if (paired) {
gp <- gp + ggplot2::geom_line(
ggplot2::aes_(group=~ID), colour="black", linetype="11")
gpae <- gpae + ggplot2::geom_line(
ggplot2::aes_(group=~ID), colour="black", linetype="11")
if (dotplot) {
gp <- gp + ggplot2::geom_dotplot(
binaxis='y', stackdir='center',
position=ggplot2::position_dodge(1), dotsize=.3)
gpae <- gpae + ggplot2::geom_dotplot(
binaxis='y', stackdir='center',
position=ggplot2::position_dodge(1), dotsize=.3)
gp12 <- gp12 + ggplot2::geom_dotplot(
binaxis='y', stackdir='center',
position=ggplot2::position_dodge(1), dotsize=.3)
if (!outlier) {
ylim1 = grDevices::boxplot.stats(a)$stats[c(1,5)]
ylim2 = grDevices::boxplot.stats(b)$stats[c(1,5)]
gp <- gp + ggplot2::coord_cartesian(
ylim=c(min(ylim1[1],ylim2[1]), max(ylim1[2],ylim2[2])))
ylim1 = grDevices::boxplot.stats(a1)$stats[c(1,5)]
ylim2 = grDevices::boxplot.stats(a2)$stats[c(1,5)]
ylim1_ = grDevices::boxplot.stats(b1)$stats[c(1,5)]
ylim2_ = grDevices::boxplot.stats(b2)$stats[c(1,5)]
gpae <- gpae + ggplot2::coord_cartesian(
ylim1 = grDevices::boxplot.stats(a1)$stats[c(1,5)]
ylim2 = grDevices::boxplot.stats(b1)$stats[c(1,5)]
ylim1_ = grDevices::boxplot.stats(a2)$stats[c(1,5)]
ylim2_ = grDevices::boxplot.stats(b2)$stats[c(1,5)]
gp12 <- gp12 + ggplot2::coord_cartesian(
gp_grid <- gridExtra::arrangeGrob(
gp, gpae, gp12,# gp1, gp2,
if (!is.null(path)) {
"[.]png$",path, ignore.case=TRUE),
path, paste0(path, ".png")),
plot=gp_grid, scale=1, width=5, height=10,
units="in", dpi=500, limitsize=TRUE)
#' @title Creates a p value vs feature difference plot
#' @description Creates a p value vs feature difference plot where the
#' difference is that of the
#' features of samples belonging to different classes corresponding
#' to an existing summary statistic.
#' @param fg flowGraph object.
#' @param type A string indicating feature type the summary was created for
#' 'node' or 'edge'.
#' @param index The user must provide \code{type} and
#' additionally, one of \code{summary_meta} or \code{index}.
#' \code{index} is an integer indicating the row in
#' \code{fg_get_summary_desc(<flowGraph>)} of the corresponding type and
#' summary the user would like to retrieve.
#' @param summary_meta The user must provide \code{type} and
#' additionally, one of \code{summary_meta} or \code{index}.
#' \code{summary_meta} is a list containing
#' \code{feature} (feature name), \code{test_name} (summary statistic name),
#' \code{class} (class), \code{label1}, and \code{label2} (class labels compared).
#' See \code{\link[flowGraph]{fg_get_summary_desc}} for details.
#' @param adjust_custom A function or a string indicating the
#' test adjustment method to use.
#' If a string is provided, it should be one of
#' \code{c("holm", "hochberg", "hommel",
#' "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr", "none")} (see \code{p.adjust.methods}).
#' If a function is provided, it should take as input
#' a numeric vector and output the
#' same vector adjusted.
#' @param logged A logical indicating whether or not to log the summary
#' statistic p value.
#' @param label_max An integer indicating the maximum number of max difference
#' and/or min p value nodes/edges that should be labelled.
#' @param p_thres A numeric variable indicating a p-value threshold; a line will
#' be plotted at this threshold.
#' @param filter_adjust0 A numeric variable indicating what percentage of
#' SpecEnr values compared (minimum) should be not close to 0.
#' Set to 1 to not conduct filtering.
#' @param filter_es A numeric variable between 0 and 1 indicating what the
#' Cohen's D value of the nodes/edges in question must be greater or
#' equal to, to be significant.
#' @param filter_btwn_tpthres A numeric variable between 0 and 1 indicating the
#' unadjusted T-test p-value threshold used to test whether the actual
#' and expected feature values used to calculate the specified SpecEnr
#' feature are significantly different for each sample class. Note this only
#' needs to be specified for SpecEnr features. Combined
#' with \code{filter_btwn_es}, we conduct three tests to understand if
#' there is an actual large difference between actual and expected features:
#' (1,2) T-test of significance between the actual and expected raw feature value
#' (e.g. proportion) for samples in each of the compared classes, (3) and the
#' T-test of significance between the differences of actual and
#' expected feature values of the two classes. If any two of the three tests
#' come out as insignificant, we set the p-value for the associated node/edge
#' to 1.
#' @param filter_btwn_es A numeric variable between 0 and 1 indicating what the
#' Cohen's D value of the nodes/edges in question must be greater or
#' equal to, to be significant -- see \code{filter_btwn_tpthres}.
#' @param shiny_plot A logical indicating whether this plot is made for shiny;
#' users don't need to change this.
#' @param nodes_max An integer indicating maximum number of nodes to plot;
#' this limit is set for interactive plots only.
#' @param main A string or the title of the plot; if left as \code{NULL},
#' a default title will be applied.
#' @param interactive A logical variable indicating whether the plot should be
#' an interactive plot; see package \code{ggiraph}.
#' @param path A string indicating the path to where the function should save
#' the plot; leave as \code{NULL} to not save the plot. Static plots are saved
#' as PNG.
#' @return A static or interactive p value vs difference plot.
#' @details The interactive plot is made using the \code{ggiraph} package.
#' @examples
#' no_cores <- 1
#' data(fg_data_pos2)
#' fg <- flowGraph(fg_data_pos2$count, class=fg_data_pos2$meta$class,
#' no_cores=no_cores)
#' gp <- fg_plot_pVSdiff(fg, type="node", summary_meta=NULL,
#' adjust_custom="byLayer", index=1, label_max=10)
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{flowGraph-class}}
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{fg_plot}}
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{plot_gr}}
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{fg_get_feature}}
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{fg_get_summary}}
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{fg_plot_qq}}
#' @rdname fg_plot_pVSdiff
#' @export
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggsave ggplot ggtitle geom_point labs geom_vline aes_
#' @importFrom ggrepel geom_text_repel
#' @importFrom ggiraph girafe geom_point_interactive
#' @importFrom htmlwidgets saveWidget
#' @importFrom utils head tail
fg_plot_pVSdiff <- function(
fg, type="node", index=1, summary_meta=NULL, adjust_custom="byLayer",
logged=TRUE, label_max=5, p_thres=.05,
filter_adjust0=1, filter_es=0,
filter_btwn_tpthres=1, filter_btwn_es=0,
shiny_plot=FALSE, nodes_max=30,
main=NULL, interactive=FALSE, path=NULL
) {
type <- match.arg(type, c("node", "edge"))
if (shiny_plot) interactive <- TRUE
index <- fg_get_summary_index(fg, type, index, summary_meta)
summary_meta <- unlist(fg_get_summary_desc(fg)[[type]][index,])
if (!grepl("SpecEnr",unlist(summary_meta["feat"])))
filter_adjust0 <- 1
pp <- fg_get_summary(
fg, type="node", index, summary_meta, default_p_thres=p_thres,
filter_adjust0=filter_adjust0, filter_es=filter_es,
filter_btwn_tpthres=filter_btwn_tpthres, filter_btwn_es=filter_btwn_es,
p <- pp$values
mse_c = pp$m1
mse_m = pp$m2
mse_ = mse_m - mse_c
p_ <- p
if (logged) {
p_ = -log(p)
p_[is.infinite(p_)] = max(p_[!is.infinite(p_)])
dta <- data.frame(log_p_value=p_, difference=mse_,
dta <- cbind(dta, fg_get_graph(fg)$v)
dta$phenotype_ <- names(p)
dta$avg_count <- colMeans(fg_get_feature(fg, "node", "count"))
if (is.null(main))
main <- paste0(
"(",sum(p<p_thres),"/",length(p),") ",
"-ln(p-value) vs feature difference plot.\n",
"- ", type, " feature: ", summary_meta["feat"], ".\n",
"- p-value: ", summary_meta["test_name"],
"\n- comparing ",
summary_meta["class"], ", labels: ", summary_meta["label1"], " & ",
summary_meta["label2"], ".")
if (!interactive) {
label_ind <- p<p_thres &
(names(p) %in%
names(utils::head(sort(p),label_max)) |
names(p) %in%
dta$phenotype <- ifelse(label_ind, names(p), "")
gp <- ggplot2::ggplot(
dta, ggplot2::aes_(x=~log_p_value, y=~difference,
color=~cohensd_size)) +
ggplot2::geom_point(shape=1, ggplot2::aes_(size=~avg_count)) +
ggplot2::ggtitle(main) +
y="difference between mean feature values",
col="cohen's d", size="mean count") +
if (any(label_ind))
gp <- gp + ggrepel::geom_text_repel(
nudge_x = -0.35,
direction = "y",
hjust = 1,
segment.size = 0.2
if (!is.null(path))
"[.]png$",path, ignore.case=TRUE),
path, paste0(path, ".png")), plot=gp)
} else {
dta$phenotype <- names(p)
dta$phenogroup <- fg_get_graph(fg)$v$phenogroup
if (shiny_plot & nodes_max!=Inf) {
node_ind <-
(names(p) %in%
names(utils::head(sort(p),nodes_max)) |
names(p) %in%
if (sum(node_ind)==0) return(NULL)
dta <- dta[node_ind,]
start1 <- Sys.time()
gp <- ggplot2::ggplot(
dta, ggplot2::aes_(x=~log_p_value, y=~difference,
color=~cohensd_size)) +
ggplot2::ggtitle(main) +
y="difference between mean feature values",
col="cohen's d", size="mean count") +
if (shiny_plot) {
gp <- gp + ggiraph::geom_point_interactive(
ggplot2::aes_(tooltip=~phenotype, data_id=~phenotype,
size=~avg_count), alpha=.3)
} else {
gp <- gp + ggiraph::geom_point_interactive(
ggplot2::aes_(tooltip=~phenotype, data_id=~phenogroup,
gp <- ggiraph::girafe(ggobj=gp)
if (!is.null(path))
gp, ifelse(grepl("[.]html$", path, ignore.case=TRUE),
path, paste0(path, ".html")))
#' @title Saves numerous plots for all summary statistics to a folder.
#' @description Saves numerous plots for all summary statistics in a given
#' flowGraph object to a user specified folder.
#' @param fg flowGraph object.
#' @param plot_path A string indicating the folder path to where the function
#' should save the plots.
#' @param plot_types A string or a vector of strings indicating what feature
#' types and their summaries the function should plot for: 'node' or 'edge'.
#' @param interactive A logical indicating whether the QQ plot, p-value vs
#' difference plot, and the
#' cell hierarchy plots should be interactive; see functions
#' \code{fg_plot} and \code{fg_plot_qq}.
#' @param adjust_custom A function or a string indicating the
#' test adjustment method to use.
#' If a string is provided, it should be one of
#' \code{c("holm", "hochberg", "hommel",
#' "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr", "none")} (see \code{p.adjust.methods}).
#' If a function is provided, it should take as input
#' a numeric vector and output the
#' same vector adjusted.
#' @param label_max An integer indicating how many labels should be shown
#' in the functions \code{fg_plot_pVSdiff} and \code{fg_plot}.
#' @param box_no An integer indicating the maximum number of boxplots to save;
#' used in function \code{fg_plot_box}.
#' @param paired A logical indicating whether the summary is paired; used in
#' function \code{fg_plot_box}.
#' @param logged A logical indicating whether or not to log the summary
#' statistic p value in the qq plots.
#' @param filter_adjust0 A numeric variable indicating what percentage of
#' SpecEnr values compared (minimum) should be not close to 0.
#' Set to 1 to not conduct filtering. This parameter is used for the QQ and the
#' pVSdifference plots.
#' @param filter_es A numeric variable between 0 and 1 indicating what the
#' Cohen's D value of the nodes/edges in question must be greater or
#' equal to, to be significant.
#' @param filter_btwn_tpthres A numeric variable between 0 and 1 indicating the
#' unadjusted T-test p-value threshold used to test whether the actual
#' and expected feature values used to calculate the specified SpecEnr
#' feature are significantly different for each sample class. Note this only
#' needs to be specified for SpecEnr features. Combined
#' with \code{filter_btwn_es}, we conduct three tests to understand if
#' there is an actual large difference between actual and expected features:
#' (1,2) T-test of significance between the actual and expected raw feature value
#' (e.g. proportion) for samples in each of the compared classes, (3) and the
#' T-test of significance between the differences of actual and
#' expected feature values of the two classes. If any two of the three tests
#' come out as insignificant, we set the p-value for the associated node/edge
#' to 1.
#' @param filter_btwn_es A numeric variable between 0 and 1 indicating what the
#' Cohen's D value of the nodes/edges in question must be greater or
#' equal to, to be significant -- see \code{filter_btwn_tpthres}.
#' @param overwrite A logical variable indicating whether or not to replace
#' old plots if they exist under the same folder name.
#' @param node_labels Parameter for the \code{fg_plot} function.
#' @param ... Other parameters for the \code{fg_plot} function.
#' @return No return; plots are saved to file.
#' @details The interactive plots are made using the \code{ggiraph} package.
#' @examples
#' no_cores <- 1
#' data(fg_data_pos2)
#' fg <- flowGraph(fg_data_pos2$count,
#' class=fg_data_pos2$meta$class,
#' no_cores=no_cores)
#' fg_save_plots(fg, "temp")
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{flowGraph-class}}
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{fg_plot}}
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{plot_gr}}
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{fg_get_feature}}
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{fg_get_summary}}
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{fg_plot_qq}}
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{fg_plot_pVSdiff}}
#' \code{\link[flowGraph]{fg_plot_box}}
#' @rdname fg_save_plots
#' @importFrom stringr str_pad
#' @importFrom utils head tail
#' @export
fg_save_plots <- function(
fg, plot_path, plot_types="node", interactive=FALSE,
label_max=10, box_no=20, paired=FALSE, logged=FALSE,
filter_adjust0=1, filter_es=0,
filter_btwn_tpthres=1, filter_btwn_es=0, overwrite=TRUE,
node_labels="NONE", ...) {
for (type in plot_types) {
fg_summary <- fg_get_summary_all(fg)
if (is.null(fg_summary[[type]])) next
fg_summary_desc <- fg_get_summary_desc(fg)
for (index in seq_len(length(fg_summary[[type]]))) {
sm <- unlist(fg_summary_desc[[type]][index,])
sm[2] <- paste0(sm[2], "-", ifelse(
plot_path_ <- paste0(
plot_path, "/", type, "/", paste0(sm, collapse="_"))
while (dir.exists(plot_path_) & !overwrite)
plot_path_ <- paste0(plot_path_,"_")
dir.create(plot_path_, recursive=TRUE, showWarnings=FALSE)
try ({
## P value vs SpecEnr difference
gp <- fg_plot_pVSdiff(
fg, type=type, summary_meta=NULL,
adjust_custom=adjust_custom, index=index,
filter_adjust0=filter_adjust0, filter_es=filter_es,
label_max=label_max, interactive=interactive,
path=paste0(plot_path_, "/pVSdifference.png"))
try ({
## boxplots for each node
if (box_no>0) {
pp = fg_get_summary(
fg, type="node", index=index, adjust_custom=adjust_custom,
filter_adjust0=filter_adjust0, filter_es=filter_es,
seda = abs(pp$m1 - pp$m2)
p = pp$values
node_edges = union(
rdir_ <- paste0(plot_path_, "/boxplots")
dir.create(rdir_, recursive=TRUE, showWarnings=FALSE)
for (node_edgei in seq_len(length(node_edges))) {
node_edge = node_edges[node_edgei]
if (node_edge=="") next
# if (p[node_edge]==1) next
# node_edge = "A+B+C+"
path <- paste0(
gp <- fg_plot_box_set(
fg, type="node", index=index, node_edge=node_edge,
path=path, paired=paired,
filter_adjust0=filter_adjust0, filter_es=filter_es,
try ({
## qq plot
gp <- fg_plot_qq(
fg, type=type, index=index, adjust_custom=adjust_custom,
filter_adjust0=filter_adjust0, filter_es=filter_es,
interactive=interactive, logged=logged)
if (type=="node")
try ({
## cell hierarchy plot
gr <- fg_plot(
fg, type="node", index=index,
label_max=label_max, interactive=interactive,
node_labels=node_labels, ...)
feat_index <- fg_summary_desc$node$feat[[index]]
if (grepl("SpecEnr",feat_index)) {
gp <- plot_gr(gr, label_coloured=FALSE)
feats <- se_feats(feat_index)
m1 <- fg_get_feature_means(
fg, "node", feats[2],
m2 <- fg_get_feature_means(
fg, "node", feats[2],
gr$v$v_ind[(m2>m1 & gr$v$colour<0) | (m2<m1 & gr$v$colour>0)] <- FALSE
gr$v$colour <- m2-m1
gr$main <- paste0(gr$main,"\n- colour: mean ",feats[2]," diff")
gp <- plot_gr(gr, label_coloured=FALSE)
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