
Defines functions print.summary.fitdist summary.fitdist plot.fitdist print.fitdist

Documented in plot.fitdist print.fitdist summary.fitdist

#   Copyright (c) 2009 Marie Laure Delignette-Muller, Regis Pouillot, Jean-Baptiste Denis, Christophe Dutang                                                                                                  
#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify                                               
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by                                         
#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or                                                   
#   (at your option) any later version.                                                                                                            
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                                                             
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of                                          
#   MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the                                 
#   GNU General Public License for more details.                                                                                    
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License                                           
#   along with this program; if not, write to the                                                                                           
#   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                                                                                              
#   59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA                                                             
### fit parametric distributions for non-censored data
###         R functions

fitdist <- function (data, distr, method = c("mle", "mme", "qme", "mge", "mse"), start = NULL, 
                     fix.arg = NULL, discrete, keepdata = TRUE, keepdata.nb = 100, calcvcov = TRUE, ...) 
  #check argument distr
  if (!is.character(distr)) 
    distname <- substring(as.character(match.call()$distr), 2)
    distname <- distr
  ddistname <- paste("d", distname, sep="")
  if (!exists(ddistname, mode="function"))
    stop(paste("The ", ddistname, " function must be defined"))
  #pdistname <- paste("p", distname, sep="")
  #if (!exists(pdistname, mode="function"))
  #    stop(paste("The ", pdistname, " function must be defined"))
  #check argument discrete
    if (is.element(distname, c("binom", "nbinom", "geom", "hyper", "pois"))) 
      discrete <- TRUE
      discrete <- FALSE
    stop("wrong argument 'discrete'.")
  if(!is.logical(keepdata) || !is.numeric(keepdata.nb) || keepdata.nb < 2)
    stop("wrong arguments 'keepdata' and 'keepdata.nb'")
  if(!is.logical(calcvcov) || length(calcvcov) != 1)
    stop("wrong argument 'calcvcov'.")
  #check argument method
  if(any(method == "mom"))
    warning("the name \"mom\" for matching moments is NO MORE used and is replaced by \"mme\"")
  method <- match.arg(method, c("mle", "mme", "qme", "mge", "mse"))
  if(method %in% c("mle", "mme", "mge", "mse"))
    dpq2test <- c("d", "p")
    dpq2test <- c("d", "p", "q")
  #check argument data
  if (!(is.vector(data) & is.numeric(data) & length(data)>1))
    stop("data must be a numeric vector of length greater than 1")
  #encapsulate three dots arguments
  my3dots <- list(...)    
  if (length(my3dots) == 0) 
    my3dots <- NULL
  n <- length(data)
  # manage starting/fixed values: may raise errors or return two named list
  arg_startfix <- manageparam(start.arg=start, fix.arg=fix.arg, obs=data, 
  #check inconsistent parameters
  argddistname <- names(formals(ddistname))
  hasnodefaultval <- sapply(formals(ddistname), is.name)
  arg_startfix <- checkparamlist(arg_startfix$start.arg, arg_startfix$fix.arg, 
                                 argddistname, hasnodefaultval)
  #arg_startfix contains two names list (no longer NULL nor function)
  #store fix.arg.fun if supplied by the user
    fix.arg.fun <- fix.arg
    fix.arg.fun <- NULL
  # check d, p, q, functions of distname
  resdpq <- testdpqfun(distname, dpq2test, start.arg=arg_startfix$start.arg, 
                       fix.arg=arg_startfix$fix.arg, discrete=discrete)
    for(x in resdpq[!resdpq$ok, "txt"])
  # Fit with mledist, qmedist, mgedist or mmedist
  if (method == "mme")
    if (!is.element(distname, c("norm", "lnorm", "pois", "exp", "gamma", 
                                "nbinom", "geom", "beta", "unif", "logis")))
      if (!"order" %in% names(my3dots))
        stop("moment matching estimation needs an 'order' argument")   
    mme <- mmedist(data, distname, start=arg_startfix$start.arg, 
                   fix.arg=arg_startfix$fix.arg, checkstartfix=TRUE, 
                   calcvcov=calcvcov, ...)
    varcovar <- mme$vcov
      correl <- cov2cor(varcovar)
      sd <- sqrt(diag(varcovar))
      correl <- sd <- NULL
    estimate <- mme$estimate
    loglik <- mme$loglik
    npar <- length(estimate)
    aic <- -2*loglik+2*npar
    bic <- -2*loglik+log(n)*npar
    convergence <- mme$convergence
    fix.arg <- mme$fix.arg
    weights <- mme$weights
  }else if (method == "mle")
    mle <- mledist(data, distname, start=arg_startfix$start.arg, 
                   fix.arg=arg_startfix$fix.arg, checkstartfix=TRUE, 
                   calcvcov=calcvcov, ...)
    if (mle$convergence>0) 
      stop("the function mle failed to estimate the parameters, 
                with the error code ", mle$convergence, "\n") 
    estimate <- mle$estimate
    varcovar <- mle$vcov
      correl <- cov2cor(varcovar)
      sd <- sqrt(diag(varcovar))
      correl <- sd <- NULL
    loglik <- mle$loglik
    npar <- length(estimate)
    aic <- -2*loglik+2*npar
    bic <- -2*loglik+log(n)*npar
    convergence <- mle$convergence
    fix.arg <- mle$fix.arg
    weights <- mle$weights
  }else if (method == "qme")
    if (!"probs" %in% names(my3dots))
      stop("quantile matching estimation needs an 'probs' argument") 
    qme <- qmedist(data, distname, start=arg_startfix$start.arg, 
                   fix.arg=arg_startfix$fix.arg, checkstartfix=TRUE, 
                   calcvcov=calcvcov, ...)
    estimate <- qme$estimate
    loglik <- qme$loglik
    npar <- length(estimate)
    aic <- -2*loglik+2*npar
    bic <- -2*loglik+log(n)*npar
    sd <- correl <- varcovar <- NULL
    convergence <- qme$convergence   
    fix.arg <- qme$fix.arg
    weights <- qme$weights
  }else if (method == "mge")
    if (!"gof" %in% names(my3dots))
      warning("maximum GOF estimation has a default 'gof' argument set to 'CvM'")    
    mge <- mgedist(data, distname, start=arg_startfix$start.arg, 
                   fix.arg=arg_startfix$fix.arg, checkstartfix=TRUE, 
                   calcvcov=calcvcov, ...)
    estimate <- mge$estimate
    loglik <- mge$loglik
    npar <- length(estimate)
    aic <- -2*loglik+2*npar
    bic <- -2*loglik+log(n)*npar
    sd <- correl <- varcovar <- NULL
    convergence <- mge$convergence
    fix.arg <- mge$fix.arg
    weights <- NULL
  }else if (method == "mse")
    mse <- msedist(data, distname, start=arg_startfix$start.arg, 
                   fix.arg=arg_startfix$fix.arg, checkstartfix=TRUE, 
                   calcvcov=calcvcov, ...)
    estimate <- mse$estimate
    loglik <- mse$loglik
    npar <- length(estimate)
    aic <- -2*loglik+2*npar
    bic <- -2*loglik+log(n)*npar
    sd <- correl <- varcovar <- NULL
    convergence <- mse$convergence
    fix.arg <- mse$fix.arg
    weights <- mse$weights
    stop("match.arg() for 'method' did not work correctly")
  #needed for bootstrap
  if (!is.null(fix.arg)) 
    fix.arg <- as.list(fix.arg)
    reslist <- list(estimate = estimate, method = method, sd = sd, cor = correl, 
                    vcov = varcovar, loglik = loglik, aic=aic, bic=bic, n = n, data=data,
                    distname = distname, fix.arg = fix.arg, fix.arg.fun = fix.arg.fun, 
                    dots = my3dots, convergence = convergence, discrete = discrete, 
                    weights = weights)
  }else #just keep a sample set of all observations
    n2keep <- min(keepdata.nb, n)-2
    imin <- which.min(data)
    imax <- which.max(data)
    subdata <- data[sample((1:n)[-c(imin, imax)], size=n2keep, replace=FALSE)]
    subdata <- c(subdata, data[c(imin, imax)])
    reslist <- list(estimate = estimate, method = method, sd = sd, cor = correl, 
                    vcov = varcovar, loglik = loglik, aic=aic, bic=bic, n = n, data=subdata,
                    distname = distname, fix.arg = fix.arg, fix.arg.fun = fix.arg.fun, 
                    dots = my3dots, convergence = convergence, discrete = discrete, 
                    weights = weights)  
  return(structure(reslist, class = "fitdist"))

print.fitdist <- function(x, ...)
  if (!inherits(x, "fitdist"))
    stop("Use only with 'fitdist' objects")
  if (x$method=="mme") 
    cat("Fitting of the distribution '", x$distname, "' by matching moments \n")
  else if (x$method=="mle") 
    cat("Fitting of the distribution '", x$distname, "' by maximum likelihood \n")
  else if (x$method=="qme") 
    cat("Fitting of the distribution '", x$distname, "' by matching quantiles \n")
  else if (x$method=="mge") 
    cat("Fitting of the distribution '", x$distname, "' by maximum goodness-of-fit \n")
  if (!is.null(x$sd)) 
    print(cbind.data.frame("estimate" = x$estimate, "Std. Error" = x$sd), ...)
    print(cbind.data.frame("estimate" = x$estimate), ...)
      cat("Fixed parameters:\n")
      cat("Fixed parameters (computed by a user-supplied function):\n")
    print(cbind.data.frame("value" = unlist(x$fix.arg)), ...)

plot.fitdist <- function(x, breaks="default", ...)
  if (!inherits(x, "fitdist"))
    stop("Use only with 'fitdist' objects")
    stop("The plot of the fit is not yet available when using weights")
    plotdist(data=x$data, distr=x$distname, 
             para=c(as.list(x$estimate), as.list(x$fix.arg)), breaks=breaks, 
             discrete = x$discrete, ...)
    stop("The plot of the fit is not yet available when using weights")

summary.fitdist <- function(object, ...)
  if (!inherits(object, "fitdist"))
    stop("Use only with 'fitdist' objects")
  object$ddistname <- paste("d", object$distname, sep="")
  object$pdistname <- paste("p", object$distname, sep="")
  object$qdistname <- paste("q", object$distname, sep="")
  class(object) <- c("summary.fitdist", class(object))    

print.summary.fitdist <- function(x, ...)
  if (!inherits(x, "summary.fitdist"))
    stop("Use only with 'summary.fitdist' objects")
  ddistname <- x$ddistname
  pdistname <- x$pdistname
  if (x$method=="mme") 
    cat("Fitting of the distribution '", x$distname, "' by matching moments \n")
  else if (x$method=="mle") 
    cat("Fitting of the distribution '", x$distname, "' by maximum likelihood \n")
  else if (x$method=="qme") 
    cat("Fitting of the distribution '", x$distname, "' by matching quantiles \n")
  else if (x$method=="mge") 
    cat("Fitting of the distribution '", x$distname, "' by maximum goodness-of-fit \n")
  cat("Parameters : \n")
  if (!is.null(x$sd)) 
    print(cbind.data.frame("estimate" = x$estimate, "Std. Error" = x$sd), ...)
    print(cbind.data.frame("estimate" = x$estimate), ...)
      cat("Fixed parameters:\n")
      cat("Fixed parameters (computed by a user-supplied function):\n")
    print(cbind.data.frame("value" = unlist(x$fix.arg)), ...)
  cat("Loglikelihood: ", x$loglik, "  ")
  cat("AIC: ", x$aic, "  ")
  cat("BIC: ", x$bic, "\n")
  if (!is.null(x$cor))  {
    if (length(x$estimate) > 1) {
      cat("Correlation matrix:\n")

#see quantiles.R for quantile.fitdist
#see logLik.R for loglik.fitdist
#see vcov.R for vcov.fitdist
#see coef.R for coef.fitdist
#see AIC.R for AIC.fitdist
#see BIC.R for BIC.fitdist
aursiber/fitdistrplus documentation built on Oct. 18, 2024, 1:20 a.m.