
Defines functions print.descdist descdist

Documented in descdist print.descdist

#   Copyright (c) 2009 Marie Laure Delignette-Muller                                                                                                  
#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify                                               
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by                                         
#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or                                                   
#   (at your option) any later version.                                                                                                            
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                                                            
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of                                          
#   MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the                                 
#   GNU General Public License for more details.                                                
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License                                           
#   along with this program; if not, write to the                                                                                           
#   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                                                                                             
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### Description of an empirical distribution
###         R functions

descdist <- function(data, discrete = FALSE, boot = NULL, method = "unbiased", 
                     graph = TRUE, print = TRUE, 
                     obs.col = "red", obs.pch = 16, boot.col = "orange")
  #if(is.mcnode(data)) data <- as.vector(data)
  if (missing(data) || !is.vector(data, mode="numeric"))
    stop("data must be a numeric vector")
  if (length(data) < 4)
    stop("data must be a numeric vector containing at least four values")
  moment <- function(data, k){
    m1 <- mean(data)
  if (method=="unbiased")
    skewness <- function(data)
      # unbiased estimation (Fisher 1930)
      sd <- sqrt(moment(data,2))
      n <- length(data)
      gamma1 <- moment(data,3)/sd^3
      unbiased.skewness <- sqrt(n*(n-1)) * gamma1 / (n-2) 
    kurtosis <- function(data)
      # unbiased estimation (Fisher 1930)
      n <- length(data)
      var <- moment(data,2)
      gamma2 <- moment(data,4)/var^2 
      unbiased.kurtosis <- (n-1)/ ((n-2)*(n-3)) * ((n+1)*gamma2 -3*(n-1) ) + 3
    standdev <- function(data){
  } else if (method=="sample")
    skewness <- function(data) 
      sd <- sqrt(moment(data, 2))
      return(moment(data, 3)/sd^3)
    kurtosis <- function(data) 
      var <- moment(data, 2)
      return(moment(data, 4)/var^2)
    standdev <- function(data){
  } else
    stop("The only possible value for the argument method are 'unbiased' or 'sample'")
  res <- list(min=min(data), max=max(data), median=median(data),
              mean=mean(data), sd=standdev(data),
              skewness=skewness(data), kurtosis=kurtosis(data), method = method)
  skewdata <- res$skewness
  kurtdata <- res$kurtosis
  # Cullen and Frey graph
  if (graph) 
    # bootstrap sample for observed distribution
    # and computation of kurtmax from this sample
    if (!is.null(boot)) 
      if (!is.numeric(boot) || boot<10) 
        stop("boot must be NULL or a integer above 10")
      n <- length(data)
      databoot <- matrix(sample(data, size=n*boot,replace=TRUE),nrow=n,ncol=boot)
      s2boot <- sapply(1:boot,function(iter) skewness(databoot[,iter])^2)
      kurtboot <- sapply(1:boot,function(iter) kurtosis(databoot[,iter]))
      kurtmax <- max(10,ceiling(max(kurtboot)))
      xmax <- max(4,ceiling(max(s2boot)))
      kurtmax <- max(10,ceiling(kurtdata))
      xmax <- max(4,ceiling(skewdata^2))
    ymax <- kurtmax-1
    plot(skewdata^2, kurtmax-kurtdata,pch=obs.pch, xlim=c(0, xmax), ylim=c(0, ymax),
         yaxt="n", xlab="square of skewness", ylab="kurtosis", main="Cullen and Frey graph")
    yax <- as.character(kurtmax-0:ymax)
    if (!discrete) {
      # beta dist 
      p <- exp(-100)
      lq <- seq(-100,100,0.1)
      q <- exp(lq)
      s2a <- (4*(q-p)^2*(p+q+1))/((p+q+2)^2*p*q)
      ya <- kurtmax-(3*(p+q+1)*(p*q*(p+q-6)+2*(p+q)^2)/(p*q*(p+q+2)*(p+q+3)))
      p <- exp(100)
      lq <- seq(-100,100,0.1)
      q <- exp(lq)
      s2b <- (4*(q-p)^2*(p+q+1))/((p+q+2)^2*p*q)
      yb <- kurtmax-(3*(p+q+1)*(p*q*(p+q-6)+2*(p+q)^2)/(p*q*(p+q+2)*(p+q+3)))
      s2 <- c(s2a, s2b)
      y <- c(ya, yb)
      polygon(s2, y,col="lightgrey",border="lightgrey")
      # gamma dist
      lshape <- seq(-100,100,0.1)
      shape <- exp(lshape)
      s2 <- 4/shape
      y <- kurtmax-(3+6/shape)
      lines(s2[s2<=xmax], y[s2<=xmax],lty=2)
      # lnorm dist
      lshape <- seq(-100,100,0.1)
      shape <- exp(lshape)
      es2 <- exp(shape^2)
      s2 <- (es2+2)^2*(es2-1)
      y <- kurtmax-(es2^4+2*es2^3+3*es2^2-3)
      lines(s2[s2<=xmax], y[s2<=xmax],lty=3)
      legend(xmax*0.55, ymax*1.03, legend="Theoretical", bty="n", cex=0.8)
      legend(xmax*0.6, ymax*0.98, pch=8, legend="normal", bty="n", cex=0.8)
      legend(xmax*0.6, ymax*0.94, pch=2, legend="uniform", bty="n", cex=0.8)
      legend(xmax*0.6, ymax*0.90, pch=7, legend="exponential", bty="n", cex=0.8)
      legend(xmax*0.6, ymax*0.86, pch=3, legend="logistic", bty="n", cex=0.8)
      legend(xmax*0.6, ymax*0.82, fill="grey80",legend="beta", bty="n", cex=0.8)
      legend(xmax*0.6, ymax*0.78, lty=3, legend="lognormal", bty="n", cex=0.8)
      legend(xmax*0.6, ymax*0.74, lty=2, legend="gamma", bty="n", cex=0.8)
      legend(xmax*0.6, ymax*0.69, legend=c("(Weibull is close to gamma and lognormal)"), bty="n",cex=0.6)
      legend(xmax*0.55, ymax*0.64, legend="Empirical", bty="n", cex=0.8)
      legend(xmax*0.6, ymax*0.60, pch=obs.pch, legend="data", bty="n", cex=0.8, pt.cex=1.2, col=obs.col)
      if (!is.null(boot)) 
        legend(xmax*0.6, ymax*0.56, pch=1, legend="bootstrap", bty="n", cex=0.8, col=boot.col)
      # negbin dist
      p <- exp(-10)
      lr <- seq(-100,100,0.1)
      r <- exp(lr)
      s2a <- (2-p)^2/(r*(1-p))
      ya <- kurtmax-(3+6/r+p^2/(r*(1-p)))
      p <- 1-exp(-10)
      lr <- seq(100,-100,-0.1)
      r <- exp(lr)
      s2b <- (2-p)^2/(r*(1-p))
      yb <- kurtmax-(3+6/r+p^2/(r*(1-p)))
      s2 <- c(s2a, s2b)
      y <- c(ya, yb)
      polygon(s2, y,col="grey80",border="grey80")
      legend(xmax*0.55, ymax*1.03, legend="Theoretical", bty="n", cex=0.8)
      legend(xmax*0.6, ymax*0.98, pch=8,legend="normal", bty="n", cex=0.8)
      legend(xmax*0.6, ymax*0.94, fill="grey80", legend="negative binomial", bty="n", cex=0.8)
      legend(xmax*0.6, ymax*0.90, lty=2,legend="Poisson", bty="n", cex=0.8)
      legend(xmax*0.55, ymax*0.85, legend="Empirical", bty="n",cex=0.8)
      legend(xmax*0.6, ymax*0.81, pch=obs.pch, legend="data", bty="n", cex=0.8, pt.cex=1.2, col = obs.col)
      if (!is.null(boot)) 
        legend(xmax*0.6, ymax*0.77,pch=1,legend="bootstrap",bty="n",cex=0.8,col=boot.col)        
      # poisson dist
      llambda <- seq(-100,100,0.1)
      lambda <- exp(llambda)
      s2 <- 1/lambda
      y <- kurtmax-(3+1/lambda)
      lines(s2[s2<=xmax], y[s2<=xmax],lty=2)
    # bootstrap sample for observed distribution
    if (!is.null(boot)) 
      points(s2boot, kurtmax-kurtboot, pch=1, col=boot.col, cex=0.5)
    # observed distribution
    points(skewness(data)^2, kurtmax-kurtosis(data), pch=obs.pch, cex=2, col=obs.col)
    # norm dist
    points(0, kurtmax-3, pch=8, cex=1.5, lwd=2)
    if (!discrete) 
      # unif dist   
      points(0, kurtmax-9/5, pch=2, cex=1.5, lwd=2)
      # exp dist
      points(2^2, kurtmax-9, pch=7, cex=1.5, lwd=2)
      # logistic dist
      points(0, kurtmax-4.2, pch=3, cex=1.5, lwd=2)
  } # end of is (graph)
  if (!print)
    invisible(structure(res, class = "descdist"))
    structure(res, class = "descdist")

print.descdist <- function(x, ...)
  if (!inherits(x, "descdist"))
    stop("Use only with 'descdist' objects")
  cat("summary statistics\n")
  cat("min: ", x$min,"  max: ", x$max,"\n")
  cat("median: ", x$median,"\n")
  cat("mean: ", x$mean,"\n")
  if (x$method=="sample")
    cat("sample sd: ", x$sd,"\n")
    cat("sample skewness: ", x$skewness,"\n")
    cat("sample kurtosis: ", x$kurtosis,"\n")
  } else if (x$method=="unbiased")
    cat("estimated sd: ", x$sd,"\n")
    cat("estimated skewness: ", x$skewness,"\n")
    cat("estimated kurtosis: ", x$kurtosis,"\n")
aursiber/fitdistrplus documentation built on Oct. 18, 2024, 1:20 a.m.