#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom cowplot plot_grid draw_label
#' @import reshape2
#' \pkg{AneuFinder} color scheme
#' Get the color schemes that are used in the AneuFinder plots.
#' @return A character vector with colors.
#' @name colors
#' @aliases stateColors strandColors
#' @describeIn colors Colors that are used for the states.
#' @param states A character vector with states whose color should be returned.
#' @export
#'## Make a nice pie chart with the AneuFinder state color scheme
#'statecolors <- stateColors()
#'pie(rep(1,length(statecolors)), labels=names(statecolors), col=statecolors)
stateColors <- function(states=c('zero-inflation', paste0(0:10, '-somy'), 'total')) {
state.colors <- c("zero-inflation"="gray90", "0-somy"="gray90","1-somy"="darkorchid3","2-somy"="springgreen2","3-somy"="red3","4-somy"="gold2","5-somy"="navy","6-somy"="lemonchiffon","7-somy"="dodgerblue","8-somy"="chartreuse4","9-somy"="lightcoral","10-somy"="aquamarine2","total"="black")
states.with.color <- intersect(states, names(state.colors))
cols <- rep('black', length(states))
names(cols) <- states
cols[states.with.color] <- state.colors[states.with.color]
#' @describeIn colors Colors that are used to distinguish strands.
#' @param strands A character vector with strands whose color should be returned. Any combination of \code{c('+','-','*')}.
#' @export
#'## Make a nice pie chart with the AneuFinder strand color scheme
#'strandcolors <- strandColors()
#'pie(rep(1,length(strandcolors)), labels=names(strandcolors), col=strandcolors)
strandColors <- function(strands=c('+','-')) {
strand.colors <- c('+'="#678B8B", '-'="#F3A561", '*'="#000000")
strands.with.color <- intersect(strands, names(strand.colors))
cols <- rep('black', length(strands))
names(cols) <- strands
cols[strands.with.color] <- strand.colors[strands.with.color]
#' @describeIn colors Colors that are used for breakpoint types.
#' @param breaktypes A character vector with breakpoint types whose color should be returned. Any combination of \code{c('CNB','SCE','CNB+SCE','other')}.
#' @export
#'## Make a nice pie chart with the AneuFinder breakpoint-type color scheme
#'breakpointcolors <- breakpointColors()
#'pie(rep(1,length(breakpointcolors)), labels=names(breakpointcolors), col=breakpointcolors)
breakpointColors <- function(breaktypes=c('CNB','SCE','CNB+SCE','other')) {
break.colors <- c('CNB'="dodgerblue4", 'SCE'="tomato3", 'CNB+SCE'="orchid4", 'other'='gray30')
breaks.with.color <- intersect(breaktypes, names(break.colors))
cols <- rep('gray30', length(breaktypes))
names(cols) <- breaktypes
cols[breaks.with.color] <- break.colors[breaks.with.color]
# =================================================================
# Define plotting methods for the generic
# =================================================================
#' Plotting function for saved \pkg{\link{AneuFinder}} objects
#' Convenience function that loads and plots a \pkg{\link{AneuFinder}} object in one step.
#' @param x A filename that contains either \code{\link{binned.data}} or a \code{\link{aneuHMM}}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @return A \code{\link[ggplot2:ggplot]{ggplot}} object.
#' @method plot character
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @export
plot.character <- function(x, ...) {
x <- get(load(x))
graphics::plot(x, ...)
#' Plotting function for binned read counts
#' Make plots for binned read counts from \code{\link{binned.data}}.
#' @param x A \code{\link{GRanges-class}} object with binned read counts.
#' @param type Type of the plot, one of \code{c('profile', 'histogram', 'karyogram')}. You can also specify the type with an integer number.
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{karyogram}}{A karyogram-like chromosome overview with read counts.}
#' \item{\code{histogram}}{A histogram of read counts.}
#' \item{\code{profile}}{An profile with read counts.}
#' }
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the different plot types.
#' @return A \code{\link[ggplot2:ggplot]{ggplot}} object.
#' @method plot GRanges
#' @export
plot.GRanges <- function(x, type='profile', ...) {
if (type == 'karyogram' | type==3) {
plotKaryogram(x, ...)
} else if (type == 'histogram' | type==2) {
plotHistogram(x, ...)
} else if (type == 'profile' | type==1) {
plotProfile(x, ...)
#' Plotting function for binned read counts (list)
#' Make plots for binned read counts (list) from \code{\link{binned.data}}.
#' @param x A \code{\link{GRangesList}} object with binned read counts.
#' @param type Type of the plot, one of \code{c('profile', 'histogram', 'karyogram')}. You can also specify the type with an integer number.
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{karyogram}}{A karyogram-like chromosome overview with read counts.}
#' \item{\code{histogram}}{A histogram of read counts.}
#' \item{\code{profile}}{An profile with read counts.}
#' }
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the different plot types.
#' @return A \code{\link[ggplot2:ggplot]{ggplot}} object.
#' @method plot GRangesList
#' @export
plot.GRangesList <- function(x, type='profile', ...) {
if (type == 'karyogram' | type==3) {
plotKaryogram(x, ...)
} else if (type == 'histogram' | type==2) {
plotHistogram(x, ...)
} else if (type == 'profile' | type==1) {
plotProfile(x, ...)
#' Plotting function for \code{\link{aneuHMM}} objects
#' Make different types of plots for \code{\link{aneuHMM}} objects.
#' @param x An \code{\link{aneuHMM}} object.
#' @param type Type of the plot, one of \code{c('profile', 'histogram', 'karyogram')}. You can also specify the type with an integer number.
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{karyogram}}{A karyogram-like chromosome overview with CNV-state.}
#' \item{\code{histogram}}{A histogram of binned read counts with fitted mixture distribution.}
#' \item{\code{karyogram}}{An profile with read counts and CNV-state.}
#' }
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the different plot types.
#' @return A \code{\link[ggplot2:ggplot]{ggplot}} object.
#' @method plot aneuHMM
#' @export
plot.aneuHMM <- function(x, type='profile', ...) {
if (type == 'karyogram' | type==3) {
plotKaryogram(x, ...)
} else if (type == 'histogram' | type==2) {
plotHistogram(x, ...)
} else if (type == 'profile' | type==1) {
plotProfile(x, ...)
#' Plotting function for \code{\link{aneuBiHMM}} objects
#' Make different types of plots for \code{\link{aneuBiHMM}} objects.
#' @param x An \code{\link{aneuBiHMM}} object.
#' @param type Type of the plot, one of \code{c('profile', 'histogram', 'karyogram')}. You can also specify the type with an integer number.
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{profile}}{An profile with read counts and CNV-state.}
#' \item{\code{histogram}}{A histogram of binned read counts with fitted mixture distribution.}
#' \item{\code{karyogram}}{A karyogram-like chromosome overview with CNV-state.}
#' }
#' @param ... Additional arguments for the different plot types.
#' @return A \code{\link[ggplot2:ggplot]{ggplot}} object.
#' @method plot aneuBiHMM
#' @export
plot.aneuBiHMM <- function(x, type='profile', ...) {
if (type == 'karyogram' | type==3) {
args <- names(list(...))
if ('both.strands' %in% args) {
plotKaryogram(x, ...)
} else {
plotKaryogram(x, both.strands=TRUE, ...)
} else if (type == 'histogram' | type==2) {
plotBivariateHistograms(x, ...)
} else if (type == 'profile' | type==1) {
args <- names(list(...))
if ('both.strands' %in% args) {
plotProfile(x, ...)
} else {
plotProfile(x, both.strands=TRUE, ...)
# ============================================================
# Helper functions
# ============================================================
get_rightxlim <- function(counts) {
# rightxlim1 <- median(counts[counts>0])*7
# tab <- table(counts)
# tab <- tab[names(tab)!='0']
# breaks <- as.numeric(names(tab))
# rightxlim2 <- breaks[tab<=5 & breaks>median(counts)*2][1]
# rightxlim <- min(rightxlim1,rightxlim2, na.rm=TRUE)
rightxlim <- stats::quantile(counts, 0.999)
if (length(rightxlim)==0 | is.na(rightxlim) | is.infinite(rightxlim)) {
rightxlim <- 1
#' Transform genomic coordinates
#' Add two columns with transformed genomic coordinates to the \code{\link{GRanges-class}} object. This is useful for making genomewide plots.
#' @param gr A \code{\link{GRanges-class}} object.
#' @return The input \code{\link{GRanges-class}} with two additional metadata columns 'start.genome' and 'end.genome'.
transCoord <- function(gr) {
cum.seqlengths <- cumsum(as.numeric(seqlengths(gr)))
cum.seqlengths.0 <- c(0,cum.seqlengths[-length(cum.seqlengths)])
names(cum.seqlengths.0) <- seqlevels(gr)
gr$start.genome <- start(gr) + cum.seqlengths.0[as.character(seqnames(gr))]
gr$end.genome <- end(gr) + cum.seqlengths.0[as.character(seqnames(gr))]
# =================================================================
# Plot a read histogram with univariate fits for a bivariate HMM
# =================================================================
plotBivariateHistograms <- function(bihmm) {
## Stack the two strands (bins)
binned.data <- bihmm$bins
binned.data.minus <- binned.data
strand(binned.data.minus) <- '-'
mcols(binned.data.minus) <- NULL
binned.data.minus$state <- binned.data$mstate
binned.data.minus$copy.number <- binned.data$mcopy.number
binned.data.plus <- binned.data
strand(binned.data.plus) <- '+'
mcols(binned.data.plus) <- NULL
binned.data.plus$state <- binned.data$pstate
binned.data.plus$copy.number <- binned.data$pcopy.number
binned.data.stacked <- c(binned.data.minus, binned.data.plus)
## Attributes
mask.attributes <- c('complexity', 'spikiness', 'entropy')
attributes(binned.data.stacked)[mask.attributes] <- attributes(binned.data)[mask.attributes]
## Stack the two strands (bincounts)
bincounts <- bihmm$bincounts[[1]]
bincounts.minus <- bincounts
strand(bincounts.minus) <- '-'
mcols(bincounts.minus) <- NULL
bincounts.minus$counts <- bincounts$mcounts
bincounts.plus <- bincounts
strand(bincounts.plus) <- '+'
mcols(bincounts.plus) <- NULL
bincounts.plus$counts <- bincounts$pcounts
bincounts.stacked <- c(bincounts.minus, bincounts.plus)
## Make fake uni.hmm and plot
strand <- 'minus'
uni.hmm <- list()
uni.hmm$ID <- bihmm$ID
uni.hmm$bins <- binned.data.stacked
uni.hmm$bincounts <- GRangesList(bincounts.stacked)
uni.hmm$segments <- bihmm$segments
uni.hmm$weights <- bihmm$univariateParams$weights
uni.hmm$distributions <- bihmm$distributions[[strand]]
uni.hmm$qualityInfo <- bihmm$qualityInfo
class(uni.hmm) <- "aneuHMM"
ggplts <- plotHistogram(uni.hmm)
# ============================================================
# Plot a read histogram with univariate fits
# ============================================================
#' Plot a histogram of binned read counts with fitted mixture distribution
#' Plot a histogram of binned read counts from with fitted mixture distributions from a \code{\link{aneuHMM}} object.
#' @param model A \code{\link{aneuHMM}} object.
#' @return A \code{\link[ggplot2:ggplot]{ggplot}} object.
#' @importFrom stats dgeom dnbinom dbinom dpois reshape
plotHistogram <- function(model) {
model <- suppressMessages( loadFromFiles(model, check.class=c('GRanges', 'GRangesList', "aneuHMM"))[[1]] )
if (class(model) == 'GRanges') {
bins <- model
bincounts <- model
} else if (is(model, "GRangesList")) {
bins <- model[[1]]
bincounts <- model[[1]]
} else if (class(model) == "aneuHMM") {
bins <- model$bins
if (!is.null(model$bins$counts)) {
bincounts <- model$bins
} else if (!is.null(model$bincounts[[1]]$counts)) {
bincounts <- model$bincounts[[1]]
counts <- bincounts$counts
states <- bins$state
if (!is.null(model$weights)) {
weights <- model$weights
# Find the x limits
breaks <- max(counts)
if (max(counts)==0) { breaks <- 1 }
rightxlim <- get_rightxlim(counts)
# Quality info
qualityInfo <- getQC(model)
quality.string <- paste0('reads = ',round(qualityInfo$total.read.count/1e6,2),'M, complexity = ',round(qualityInfo$complexity/1e6,2),'M, spikiness = ',round(qualityInfo$spikiness,2),', entropy = ',round(qualityInfo$entropy,2),', bhattacharyya = ',round(qualityInfo$bhattacharyya,2), ', num.segments = ',qualityInfo$num.segments, ', loglik = ',round(qualityInfo$loglik), ', sos = ',round(qualityInfo$sos))
# Plot the histogram
ggplt <- ggplot(data.frame(counts)) + geom_histogram(aes_string(x='counts', y='..density..'), binwidth=1, color='black', fill='white') + coord_cartesian(xlim=c(0,rightxlim)) + theme_bw() + xlab("read count") + ggtitle(bquote(atop(.(model$ID), atop(.(quality.string),''))))
if (is.null(model$weights)) {
if (!is.null(model$bins$state)) {
### Add fits to the histogram
c.state.labels <- as.character(levels(model$bins$state))
numstates <- length(weights)
x <- 0:max(counts)
distributions <- data.frame(x)
for (istate in 1:nrow(model$distributions)) {
if (model$distributions[istate,'type']=='delta') {
# zero-inflation
distributions[[length(distributions)+1]] <- c(weights[istate],rep(0,length(x)-1))
} else if (model$distributions[istate,'type']=='dgeom') {
# geometric
distributions[[length(distributions)+1]] <- weights[istate] * stats::dgeom(x, model$distributions[istate,'prob'])
} else if (model$distributions[istate,'type']=='dnbinom') {
# negative binomials
distributions[[length(distributions)+1]] <- weights[istate] * stats::dnbinom(x, model$distributions[istate,'size'], model$distributions[istate,'prob'])
} else if (model$distributions[istate,'type']=='dpois') {
# poissons
distributions[[length(distributions)+1]] <- weights[istate] * stats::dpois(x, model$distributions[istate,'prob'])
} else if (model$distributions[istate,'type']=='dbinom') {
# binomials
s <- model$distributions[istate,'size']
p <- model$distributions[istate,'prob']
distributions[[length(distributions)+1]] <- weights[istate] * stats::dbinom(x, round(s), p)
distributions <- as.data.frame(distributions)
names(distributions) <- c("x",c.state.labels)
# Total
distributions$total <- apply(distributions[-1], 1, sum)
# Reshape the data.frame for plotting with ggplot
distributions <- stats::reshape(distributions, direction="long", varying=1+1:(numstates+1), v.names="density", timevar="state", times=c(c.state.labels,"total"))
### Plot the distributions
ggplt <- ggplt + geom_line(aes_string(x='x', y='density', group='state', col='state'), data=distributions)
# Make legend and colors correct
lmeans <- round(model$distributions[,'mu'], 2)
lvars <- round(model$distributions[,'variance'], 2)
lweights <- round(model$weights, 2)
legend <- paste0(c.state.labels, ", mean=", lmeans, ", var=", lvars, ", weight=", lweights)
legend <- c(legend, paste0('total, mean(data)=', round(mean(counts),2), ', var(data)=', round(var(counts),2), ', weight(data)=1'))
ggplt <- ggplt + scale_color_manual(breaks=c(c.state.labels, 'total'), values=stateColors(c(c.state.labels,'total')), labels=legend)
# ============================================================
# Plot karyogram-like chromosome overview
# ============================================================
#' Karyogram-like chromosome overview
#' Plot a karyogram-like chromosome overview with read counts and CNV-state from a \code{\link{aneuHMM}} object or \code{\link{binned.data}}.
#' @param model A \code{\link{aneuHMM}} object or \code{\link{binned.data}}.
#' @param file A PDF file where the plot will be saved.
#' @param both.strands If \code{TRUE}, strands will be plotted separately.
#' @param plot.breakpoints Logical indicating whether breakpoints should be plotted.
#' @return A \code{\link[ggplot2:ggplot]{ggplot}} object or \code{NULL} if a file was specified.
plotKaryogram <- function(model, both.strands=FALSE, plot.breakpoints=TRUE, file=NULL) {
if (class(model)=='GRanges') {
binned.data <- model
model <- list()
model$ID <- ''
model$bins <- binned.data
model$qualityInfo <- list(entropy=qc.entropy(binned.data$counts), spikiness=qc.spikiness(binned.data$counts), complexity=attr(binned.data, 'complexity'), bhattacharyya=NA)
plot.karyogram(model, both.strands=both.strands, file=file)
} else if (class(model)=="aneuHMM") {
plot.karyogram(model, both.strands=both.strands, file=file)
} else if (class(model)=="aneuBiHMM") {
plot.karyogram(model, both.strands=both.strands, plot.breakpoints=plot.breakpoints, file=file)
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Plot state categorization for all chromosomes
# ------------------------------------------------------------
plot.karyogram <- function(model, both.strands=FALSE, plot.breakpoints=TRUE, file=NULL) {
## Check user input
if (is.null(model$breakpoints) & plot.breakpoints) {
warning("Cannot find breakpoint coordinates. Please run 'getBreakpoints' first.")
plot.breakpoints <- FALSE
## Convert to GRanges
if (!is.null(model$bins$counts)) {
bins <- model$bins
} else if (!is.null(model$bincounts[[1]]$counts)) {
bins <- model$bincounts[[1]]
ind <- findOverlaps(bins, model$bins, select='first')
bins$state <- model$bins$state[ind]
bins$mstate <- model$bins$mstate[ind]
bins$pstate <- model$bins$pstate[ind]
bins.split <- split(bins, seqnames(bins))
bins.split <- bins.split[lengths(bins.split) > 0]
## Get some variables
fs.x <- 13
maxseqlength <- max(seqlengths(bins))
tab <- table(bins$counts)
tab <- tab[names(tab)!='0']
if (both.strands) {
custom.xlim <- get_rightxlim(c(bins$mcounts, bins$pcounts))
} else {
custom.xlim <- get_rightxlim(bins$counts)
# Quality info
qualityInfo <- getQC(model)
quality.string <- paste0('reads = ',round(qualityInfo$total.read.count/1e6,2),'M, complexity = ',round(qualityInfo$complexity/1e6,2),'M, spikiness = ',round(qualityInfo$spikiness,2),', entropy = ',round(qualityInfo$entropy,2),', bhattacharyya = ',round(qualityInfo$bhattacharyya,2), ', num.segments = ',qualityInfo$num.segments, ', loglik = ',round(qualityInfo$loglik), ', sos = ',round(qualityInfo$sos))
## Get breakpoint coordinates
if (plot.breakpoints) {
bp.coords <- model$breakpoints
# Set to midpoint
start(bp.coords) <- (start(bp.coords)+end(bp.coords))/2
end(bp.coords) <- start(bp.coords)
## Theme for plotting chromosomes
empty_theme <- theme(axis.line=element_blank(),
## Go through chromosomes and plot
ggplts <- list()
for (i1 in 1:length(bins.split)) {
chrom <- names(bins.split)[i1]
# Plot the read counts
dfplot <- as.data.frame(bins.split[[i1]])
# Transform coordinates to match p-arm on top
dfplot$start <- (-dfplot$start + seqlengths(bins)[chrom])
dfplot$end <- (-dfplot$end + seqlengths(bins)[chrom])
# Set values too big for plotting to limit
dfplot$counts[dfplot$counts>=custom.xlim] <- custom.xlim
dfplot.points <- dfplot[dfplot$counts>=custom.xlim,]
dfplot.points$counts <- rep(custom.xlim, nrow(dfplot.points))
if (both.strands) {
dfplot$mcounts <- - dfplot$mcounts # negative minus counts
dfplot$pcounts[dfplot$pcounts>=custom.xlim] <- custom.xlim
dfplot$mcounts[dfplot$mcounts<=-custom.xlim] <- -custom.xlim
dfplot.points.plus <- dfplot[dfplot$pcounts>=custom.xlim,]
dfplot.points.plus$counts <- rep(custom.xlim, nrow(dfplot.points.plus))
dfplot.points.minus <- dfplot[dfplot$mcounts<=-custom.xlim,]
dfplot.points.minus$counts <- rep(-custom.xlim, nrow(dfplot.points.minus))
## Read counts
ggplt <- ggplot(dfplot, aes_string(x='start', y='counts')) # data
if (!is.null(bins.split[[i1]]$state)) {
if (both.strands) {
ggplt <- ggplt + geom_linerange(aes_string(ymin=0, ymax='pcounts', col='pstate'), size=0.2) # read count
ggplt <- ggplt + geom_linerange(aes_string(ymin=0, ymax='mcounts', col='mstate'), size=0.2) # read count
ggplt <- ggplt + geom_point(data=dfplot.points.plus, mapping=aes_string(x='start', y='counts', col='pstate'), size=5, shape=21) # outliers
ggplt <- ggplt + geom_point(data=dfplot.points.minus, mapping=aes_string(x='start', y='counts', col='mstate'), size=5, shape=21) # outliers
} else {
ggplt <- ggplt + geom_linerange(aes_string(ymin=0, ymax='counts', col='state'), size=0.2) # read count
ggplt <- ggplt + geom_point(data=dfplot.points, mapping=aes_string(x='start', y='counts', col='state'), size=2, shape=21) # outliers
statelevels <- unique(c(levels(dfplot$pstate), levels(dfplot$mstate), levels(dfplot$state)))
ggplt <- ggplt + scale_color_manual(values=stateColors(statelevels), drop=FALSE) # do not drop levels if not present
} else {
if (both.strands) {
ggplt <- ggplt + geom_linerange(aes_string(ymin=0, ymax='pcounts'), size=0.2, col=strandColors('+')) # read count
ggplt <- ggplt + geom_linerange(aes_string(ymin=0, ymax='mcounts'), size=0.2, col=strandColors('-')) # read count
ggplt <- ggplt + geom_point(data=dfplot.points.plus, mapping=aes_string(x='start', y='counts'), size=5, shape=21, col='gray20') # outliers
ggplt <- ggplt + geom_point(data=dfplot.points.minus, mapping=aes_string(x='start', y='counts'), size=5, shape=21, col='gray20') # outliers
} else {
ggplt <- ggplt + geom_linerange(aes_string(ymin=0, ymax='counts'), size=0.2, col='gray20') # read count
ggplt <- ggplt + geom_point(data=dfplot.points, mapping=aes_string(x='start', y='counts'), size=2, shape=21, col='gray20') # outliers
## Chromosome backbone
if (both.strands) {
ggplt <- ggplt + geom_rect(ymin=-0.05*custom.xlim, ymax=0.05*custom.xlim, xmin=0, xmax=seqlengths(bins)[chrom], col='white', fill='gray20') # chromosome backbone as simple rectangle
} else {
ggplt <- ggplt + geom_rect(ymin=-0.05*custom.xlim-0.1*custom.xlim, ymax=-0.05*custom.xlim, xmin=0, xmax=seqlengths(bins)[chrom], col='white', fill='gray20') # chromosome backbone as simple rectangle
if (plot.breakpoints) {
df.bp <- as.data.frame(bp.coords[seqnames(bp.coords)==names(bins.split)[i1]])
# Transform coordinates to match p-arm on top
df.bp$start <- (-df.bp$start + seqlengths(bins)[chrom])
df.bp$end <- (-df.bp$end + seqlengths(bins)[chrom])
if (nrow(df.bp)>0) {
statelevels <- unique(c(levels(dfplot$pstate), levels(dfplot$mstate), levels(dfplot$state)))
suppressMessages( ggplt <- ggplt + scale_color_manual(values=c(breakpointColors(), stateColors(statelevels)), drop=FALSE) )
ggplt <- ggplt + geom_segment(data=df.bp, aes_string(x='start', xend='start', color='type'), y=-custom.xlim, yend=-0.5*custom.xlim, arrow=arrow(length=unit(0.5, 'cm'), type='closed'), alpha=0.5)
ggplt <- ggplt + empty_theme # no axes whatsoever
ggplt <- ggplt + ylab(names(bins.split)[i1]) # chromosome names
if (both.strands) {
ggplt <- ggplt + coord_flip(xlim=c(0,maxseqlength), ylim=c(-custom.xlim,custom.xlim)) # set x- and y-limits
} else {
ggplt <- ggplt + coord_flip(xlim=c(0,maxseqlength), ylim=c(-0.6*custom.xlim,custom.xlim)) # set x- and y-limits
ggplts[[i1]] <- ggplt
names(ggplts) <- names(bins.split)
## Combine in one canvas
fs.title <- 20
nrows <- 2 # rows for plotting chromosomes
nrows.text <- 2 # additional row for displaying ID and qualityInfo
nrows.total <- nrows + nrows.text
ncols <- ceiling(length(bins.split)/nrows)
plotlist <- c(rep(list(NULL),ncols), ggplts, rep(list(NULL),ncols))
cowplt <- plot_grid(plotlist=plotlist, nrow=nrows.total, rel_heights=c(2,21,21,2))
cowplt <- cowplt + cowplot::draw_label(model$ID, x=0.5, y=0.99, vjust=1, hjust=0.5, size=fs.title)
cowplt <- cowplt + cowplot::draw_label(quality.string, x=0.5, y=0.01, vjust=0, hjust=0.5, size=fs.x)
if (!is.null(file)) {
ggsave(file, cowplt, width=ncols*1.4, height=nrows*4.6)
} else {
# =================================================================
# Plot a heatmap of chromosome state for multiple samples
# =================================================================
#' Plot aneuploidy state
#' Plot a heatmap of aneuploidy state for multiple samples. Samples can be clustered and the output can be returned as data.frame.
#' @param hmms A list of \code{\link{aneuHMM}} objects or a character vector with files that contain such objects.
#' @param ylabels A vector with labels for the y-axis. The vector must have the same length as \code{hmms}. If \code{NULL} the IDs from the \code{\link{aneuHMM}} objects will be used.
#' @param cluster If \code{TRUE}, the samples will be clustered by similarity in their CNV-state.
#' @param as.data.frame If \code{TRUE}, instead of a plot, a data.frame with the aneuploidy state for each sample will be returned.
#' @return A \code{\link[ggplot2:ggplot]{ggplot}} object or a data.frame, depending on option \code{as.data.frame}.
#' @author Aaron Taudt
#' @importFrom stats aggregate dist hclust
#' @export
#'## Get results from a small-cell-lung-cancer
#'folder <- system.file("extdata", "primary-lung", "hmms", package="AneuFinderData")
#'files <- list.files(folder, full.names=TRUE)
#'## Plot the ploidy state per chromosome
#'heatmapAneuploidies(files, cluster=FALSE)
#'## Return the ploidy state as data.frame
#'df <- heatmapAneuploidies(files, cluster=FALSE, as.data.frame=TRUE)
heatmapAneuploidies <- function(hmms, ylabels=NULL, cluster=TRUE, as.data.frame=FALSE) {
## Check user input
if (!is.null(ylabels)) {
if (length(ylabels) != length(hmms)) {
stop("length(ylabels) must equal length(hmms)")
if (length(hmms) == 1 & cluster==TRUE) {
cluster <- FALSE
warning("Cannot do clustering because only one object was given.")
## Load the files
hmms <- loadFromFiles(hmms, check.class=c("aneuHMM", "aneuBiHMM"))
levels.state <- unique(unlist(lapply(hmms, function(hmm) { levels(hmm$bins$state) })))
## Assign new IDs
if (!is.null(ylabels)) {
for (i1 in 1:length(hmms)) {
hmms[[i1]]$ID <- ylabels[i1]
## Transform to GRanges in reduced representation
grlred <- GRangesList()
for (hmm in hmms) {
if (!is.null(hmm$segments)) {
grlred[[hmm$ID]] <- hmm$segments
## Find the most frequent state (mfs) for each chromosome and sample
ptm <- startTimedMessage("finding most frequent state for each sample and chromosome ...")
grl.per.chrom <- lapply(grlred, function(x) { split(x, seqnames(x)) })
mfs.samples <- list()
for (i1 in 1:length(grlred)) {
mfs.samples[[names(grlred)[i1]]] <- list()
for (i2 in 1:length(grl.per.chrom[[i1]])) {
x <- grl.per.chrom[[i1]][[i2]]
if (length(x)>0) {
tab <- stats::aggregate(width(x), by=list(state=x$state), FUN="sum")
mfs.samples[[names(grlred)[i1]]][[i2]] <- tab$state[which.max(tab$x)]
} else {
mfs.samples[[names(grlred)[i1]]][[i2]] <- "0-somy"
attr(mfs.samples[[names(grlred)[i1]]], "varname") <- 'chromosome'
attr(mfs.samples, "varname") <- 'sample'
## Transform to data.frame
# Long format
df <- reshape2::melt(mfs.samples, value.name='state')
df$state <- factor(df$state, levels=levels.state)
df$sample <- factor(df$sample, levels=unique(df$sample))
df$chromosome <- factor(df$chromosome, levels=unique(df$chromosome))
# Wide format
df.wide <- reshape2::dcast(df, sample ~ chromosome, value.var='state', factorsAsStrings=FALSE)
# Correct strings to factors
for (col in 2:ncol(df.wide)) {
df.wide[,col] <- factor(df.wide[,col], levels=levels.state)
## Cluster the samples by chromosome state
if (cluster) {
# Cluster
hc <- stats::hclust(stats::dist(data.matrix(df.wide[-1])))
# Reorder samples in mfs list
mfs.samples.clustered <- mfs.samples[hc$order]
attr(mfs.samples.clustered, "varname") <- 'sample'
df <- reshape2::melt(mfs.samples.clustered, value.name='state')
df$state <- factor(df$state, levels=levels.state)
df$sample <- factor(df$sample, levels=unique(df$sample))
df$chromosome <- factor(df$chromosome, levels=unique(df$chromosome))
## Plot to heatmap
if (as.data.frame) {
df.table <- df.wide
for (i1 in 2:ncol(df.table)) {
df.table[,i1] <- initializeStates(levels.state)$multiplicity[df.wide[,i1]]
} else {
## Reorder state levels for the legend
df$state <- factor(df$state, levels=names(sort(initializeStates(levels(df$state))$multiplicity)))
ggplt <- ggplot(df) + geom_tile(aes_string(x='chromosome', y='sample', fill='state'), col='black') + theme_bw() + scale_fill_manual(values=stateColors(levels(df$state)))
# =================================================================
# Plot a clustered heatmap of state calls
# =================================================================
#' Genome wide heatmap of CNV-state
#' Plot a genome wide heatmap of copy number variation state. This heatmap is best plotted to file, because in most cases it will be too big for cleanly plotting it to screen.
#' @param hmms A list of \code{\link{aneuHMM}} objects or a character vector with files that contain such objects.
#' @param ylabels A vector with labels for the y-axis. The vector must have the same length as \code{hmms}. If \code{NULL} the IDs from the \code{\link{aneuHMM}} objects will be used.
#' @param classes A character vector with the classification of the elements on the y-axis. The vector must have the same length as \code{hmms}.
#' @param classes.color A (named) vector with colors that are used to distinguish \code{classes}. Names must correspond to the unique elements in \code{classes}.
#' @param file A PDF file to which the heatmap will be plotted.
#' @param cluster Either \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}, indicating whether the samples should be clustered by similarity in their CNV-state.
#' @param plot.breakpoints Logical indicating whether breakpoints should be plotted.
#' @param hotspots A \code{\link{GRanges-class}} object with coordinates of genomic hotspots (see \code{\link{hotspotter}}).
#' @param exclude.regions A \code{\link{GRanges-class}} with regions that will be excluded from the computation of the clustering. This can be useful to exclude regions with artifacts.
#' @return A \code{\link[ggplot2:ggplot]{ggplot}} object or \code{NULL} if a file was specified.
#' @importFrom stats as.dendrogram
#' @importFrom ggdendro dendro_data theme_dendro
#' @importFrom S4Vectors endoapply
#' @export
#'## Get results from a small-cell-lung-cancer
#'lung.folder <- system.file("extdata", "primary-lung", "hmms", package="AneuFinderData")
#'lung.files <- list.files(lung.folder, full.names=TRUE)
#'## Get results from the liver metastasis of the same patient
#'liver.folder <- system.file("extdata", "metastasis-liver", "hmms", package="AneuFinderData")
#'liver.files <- list.files(liver.folder, full.names=TRUE)
#'## Plot a clustered heatmap
#'classes <- c(rep('lung', length(lung.files)), rep('liver', length(liver.files)))
#'labels <- c(paste('lung',1:length(lung.files)), paste('liver',1:length(liver.files)))
#'heatmapGenomewide(c(lung.files, liver.files), ylabels=labels, classes=classes,
#' classes.color=c('blue','red'))
heatmapGenomewide <- function(hmms, ylabels=NULL, classes=NULL, classes.color=NULL, file=NULL, cluster=TRUE, plot.breakpoints=FALSE, hotspots=NULL, exclude.regions=NULL) {
## Check user input
if (!is.null(ylabels)) {
if (length(ylabels) != length(hmms)) {
stop("length(ylabels) must equal length(hmms)")
if (!is.null(classes)) {
if (length(classes) != length(hmms)) {
stop("length(classes) must equal length(hmms)")
if (length(classes.color)!=length(unique(classes))) {
stop("'classes.color' must have the same length as unique(classes)")
if (is.null(names(classes.color))) {
names(classes.color) <- unique(classes)
if (!setequal(names(classes.color), unique(classes))) {
stop("The names of 'classes.color' must be equal to the unique elements in 'classes'")
if (length(hmms) == 1 & cluster==TRUE) {
cluster <- FALSE
warning("Cannot do clustering because only one object was given.")
## Load the files
hmms <- loadFromFiles(hmms, check.class=c("aneuHMM", "aneuBiHMM"))
## Dataframe with IDs, ylabels and classes
class.data <- data.frame(ID=sapply(hmms,'[[','ID'))
class.data$ID <- factor(class.data$ID, levels=class.data$ID)
if (is.null(ylabels)) {
class.data$ylabel <- as.character(class.data$ID)
} else {
class.data$ylabel <- as.character(ylabels)
class.data$class <- classes
## Mapping to match ID with ylabel
mapping <- class.data$ylabel
names(mapping) <- class.data$ID
## Cluster
cl <- clusterHMMs(hmms, cluster=cluster, exclude.regions = exclude.regions)
hmms <- hmms[cl$IDorder]
class.data <- class.data[cl$IDorder,]
class.data$ID <- factor(class.data$ID, levels=class.data$ID)
## Extract segements
segments.list <- GRangesList()
for (i1 in 1:length(hmms)) {
hmm <- hmms[[i1]]
if (is.null(hmm$segments)) {
segments.list[[hmm$ID]] <- GRanges()
} else {
segments.list[[hmm$ID]] <- hmm$segments
## Extract breakpoints
if (plot.breakpoints) {
breakpoints <- GRangesList()
for (i1 in 1:length(hmms)) {
hmm <- hmms[[i1]]
if (is.null(hmm$breakpoints)) {
breakpoints[[hmm$ID]] <- GRanges()
} else {
breakpoints[[hmm$ID]] <- hmm$breakpoints
if (length(breakpoints)==0) {
plot.breakpoints <- FALSE
## Transform coordinates from "chr, start, end" to "genome.start, genome.end"
ptm <- startTimedMessage("Transforming coordinates ...")
segments.list <- endoapply(segments.list, transCoord)
if (plot.breakpoints) {
breakpoints <- endoapply(breakpoints, transCoord)
## Data.frame for plotting
ptm <- startTimedMessage("Making the plot ...")
df <- list()
for (i1 in 1:length(segments.list)) {
df[[length(df)+1]] <- data.frame(start=segments.list[[i1]]$start.genome, end=segments.list[[i1]]$end.genome, seqnames=seqnames(segments.list[[i1]]), ID=names(segments.list)[i1], state=segments.list[[i1]]$state)
df <- do.call(rbind, df)
df$ID <- factor(df$ID, levels=levels(class.data$ID))
df$ylabel <- mapping[as.character(df$ID)]
if (plot.breakpoints) {
df.breakpoints <- list()
for (i1 in 1:length(breakpoints)) {
if (length(breakpoints[[i1]]) > 0) {
df.breakpoints[[length(df.breakpoints)+1]] <- data.frame(start=breakpoints[[i1]]$start.genome, end=breakpoints[[i1]]$end.genome, seqnames=seqnames(breakpoints[[i1]]), ID=names(segments.list)[i1], mid=(breakpoints[[i1]]$start.genome + breakpoints[[i1]]$end.genome)/2)
} else {
df.breakpoints[[length(df.breakpoints)+1]] <- data.frame(start=numeric(), end=numeric(), seqnames=character(), ID=character(), mid=numeric())
df.breakpoints <- do.call(rbind, df.breakpoints)
df.breakpoints$ID <- factor(df.breakpoints$ID, levels=levels(class.data$ID))
df.breakpoints$ylabel <- mapping[as.character(df.breakpoints$ID)]
# Chromosome lines
cum.seqlengths <- cumsum(as.numeric(seqlengths(segments.list[[1]])))
names(cum.seqlengths) <- seqlevels(segments.list[[1]])
cum.seqlengths.0 <- c(0,cum.seqlengths[-length(cum.seqlengths)])
names(cum.seqlengths.0) <- seqlevels(segments.list[[1]])
label.pos <- round( cum.seqlengths.0 + 0.5 * seqlengths(segments.list[[1]]) )
df.chroms <- data.frame(y=c(0,cum.seqlengths), x=1, xend=length(segments.list))
### Plot ###
pltlist <- list()
widths <- vector()
## Prepare the plot
df$state <- factor(df$state, levels=names(sort(initializeStates(levels(df$state))$multiplicity)))
df$x <- as.numeric(df$ID) # transform all x-coordiantes to numeric because factors and numerics get selected different margins
ggplt <- ggplot(df) + geom_linerange(aes_string(ymin='start', ymax='end', x='x', col='state'), size=5) + scale_y_continuous(breaks=label.pos, labels=names(label.pos)) + scale_x_continuous(name="sample", breaks=1:length(unique(df$ylabel)), labels=unique(df$ylabel))
ggplt <- ggplt + scale_color_manual(values=stateColors(levels(df$state)))
ggplt <- ggplt + theme(panel.background=element_blank(), axis.ticks.x=element_blank(), axis.text.x=element_text(size=20), axis.line=element_blank(), axis.title.x=element_blank())
# ggplt <- ggplt + geom_hline(aes_string(yintercept='y'), data=df.chroms, col='black')
ggplt <- ggplt + geom_segment(aes_string(x='x', xend='xend', y='y', yend='y'), data=df.chroms, col='black')
ggplt <- ggplt + coord_flip()
if (plot.breakpoints) {
df.breakpoints$x <- as.numeric(df.breakpoints$ID)
ggplt <- ggplt + geom_linerange(data=df.breakpoints, mapping=aes_string(x='x', ymin='start', ymax='end'), size=2) + ylab('') + geom_point(data=df.breakpoints, mapping=aes_string(x='x', y='mid'))
if (!is.null(hotspots)) {
if (length(hotspots) > 0) {
df.hot <- as.data.frame(transCoord(hotspots))
df.hot$xmin <- 0
df.hot$xmax <- length(class.data$ID)+1
ggplt <- ggplt + geom_rect(data=df.hot, mapping=aes_string(xmin='xmin', xmax='xmax', ymin='start.genome', ymax='end.genome', alpha='num.events'), fill='hotpink4') + scale_alpha_continuous(name='breakpoints', range=c(0.4,0.8))
width.heatmap <- sum(as.numeric(seqlengths(hmms[[1]]$bins))) / 3e9 * 150 # human genome (3e9) roughly corresponds to 150cm
height <- max(length(hmms) * 0.5, 2)
pltlist[['heatmap']] <- ggplt
widths['heatmap'] <- width.heatmap
## Make the classification bar
if (!is.null(classes)) {
width.classes <- 5
class.data$x <- as.numeric(class.data$ID) # transform all x-coordiantes to numeric because factors and numerics get selected different margins
ggclass <- ggplot(class.data) + geom_linerange(aes_string(ymin=0, ymax=1, x='x', col='class'), size=5) + guides(col=FALSE) + xlab("class")
ggclass <- ggclass + theme(panel.background=element_blank(), axis.ticks=element_blank(), axis.text=element_blank(), axis.line=element_blank(), axis.title.x=element_blank())
ggclass <- ggclass + coord_flip()
if (!is.null(classes.color)) {
ggclass <- ggclass + scale_color_manual(breaks=names(classes.color), values=classes.color)
pltlist[['classbar']] <- ggclass
widths['classbar'] <- width.classes
## Prepare the dendrogram
if (!is.null(cl$hclust)) {
dhc <- stats::as.dendrogram(cl$hclust)
ddata <- ggdendro::dendro_data(dhc, type = "rectangle")
ggdndr <- ggplot(ddata$segments) + geom_segment(aes_string(x='x', xend='xend', y='y', yend='yend')) + scale_y_reverse()
ggdndr <- ggdndr + coord_flip()
ggdndr <- ggdndr + theme(panel.background=element_blank(), axis.ticks=element_blank(), axis.text=element_blank(), axis.line=element_blank(), axis.title=element_blank())
width.dendro <- 20
pltlist[['dendro']] <- ggdndr
widths['dendro'] <- width.dendro
cowplt <- cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist=rev(pltlist), align='h', ncol=length(pltlist), rel_widths=rev(widths))
## Plot to file
if (!is.null(file)) {
ptm <- startTimedMessage("Plotting to file ",file," ...")
ggsave(file, cowplt, width=sum(widths), height=height, units='cm', limitsize=FALSE)
} else {
# =================================================================
# Plot profile with read counts
# =================================================================
#' Read count and CNV profile
#' Plot a profile with read counts and CNV-state from a \code{\link{aneuHMM}} object or \code{\link{binned.data}}.
#' @param model A \code{\link{aneuHMM}} object or \code{\link{binned.data}}.
#' @param file A PDF file where the plot will be saved.
#' @param plot.breakpoints Logical indicating whether breakpoints should be plotted.
#' @param both.strands If \code{TRUE}, strands will be plotted separately.
#' @param normalize.counts An character giving the copy number state to which to normalize the counts, e.g. '1-somy', '2-somy' etc.
#' @return A \code{\link[ggplot2:ggplot]{ggplot}} object or \code{NULL} if a file was specified.
plotProfile <- function(model, both.strands=FALSE, plot.breakpoints=FALSE, file=NULL, normalize.counts=NULL) {
if (class(model)=='GRanges') {
binned.data <- model
model <- list()
class(model) <- "aneuHMM"
model$ID <- ''
model$bins <- binned.data
model$qualityInfo <- list(entropy=qc.entropy(binned.data$counts), spikiness=qc.spikiness(binned.data$counts), complexity=attr(binned.data, 'complexity'))
plot.profile(model, both.strands=both.strands, plot.breakpoints=FALSE, file=file)
} else if (is(model, "GRangesList")) {
binned.data <- model[[1]]
model <- list()
class(model) <- "aneuHMM"
model$ID <- ''
model$bins <- binned.data
model$qualityInfo <- list(entropy=qc.entropy(binned.data$counts), spikiness=qc.spikiness(binned.data$counts), complexity=attr(binned.data, 'complexity'))
plot.profile(model, both.strands=both.strands, plot.breakpoints=FALSE, file=file)
} else if (class(model)=="aneuHMM") {
plot.profile(model, both.strands=FALSE, plot.breakpoints=FALSE, file=file, normalize.counts = normalize.counts)
} else if (class(model)=="aneuBiHMM") {
plot.profile(model, both.strands=both.strands, plot.breakpoints=plot.breakpoints, file=file, normalize.counts = normalize.counts)
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Plot state categorization for all chromosomes
# ------------------------------------------------------------
plot.profile <- function(model, both.strands=FALSE, plot.breakpoints=TRUE, file=NULL, normalize.counts=NULL) {
## Convert to GRanges
if (!is.null(model$bins$counts)) {
bins <- model$bins
} else if (!is.null(model$bincounts[[1]]$counts)) {
bins <- model$bincounts[[1]]
## Get breakpoint coordinates
if (is.null(model$breakpoints) & plot.breakpoints) {
warning("Cannot breakpoints coordinates. Please run 'getBreakpoints' first.")
plot.breakpoints <- FALSE
if (plot.breakpoints) {
bp.coords <- model$breakpoints
# Set to midpoint
start(bp.coords) <- (start(bp.coords)+end(bp.coords))/2
end(bp.coords) <- start(bp.coords)
## Get some variables
num.chroms <- length(levels(seqnames(bins)))
maxseqlength <- max(seqlengths(bins))
tab <- table(bins$counts)
tab <- tab[names(tab)!='0']
if (both.strands) {
custom.xlim <- get_rightxlim(c(bins$mcounts, bins$pcounts))
} else {
custom.xlim <- get_rightxlim(bins$counts)
## Transform coordinates from "chr, start, end" to "genome.start, genome.end"
bins <- transCoord(bins)
if (plot.breakpoints) {
bp.coords <- transCoord(bp.coords)
# Plot the read counts
dfplot <- as.data.frame(bins)
# Set values too big for plotting to limit
if (both.strands) {
dfplot$mcounts <- - dfplot$mcounts # negative minus counts
# Mean counts for CNV-state
if (!is.null(model$segments$state)) {
dfplot.seg <- as.data.frame(transCoord(model$segments))
if (class(model)=="aneuHMM") {
dfplot.seg$counts.CNV <- model$distributions[as.character(dfplot.seg$state),'mu']
} else if (class(model)=="aneuBiHMM") {
if (!is.null(model$distributions$both)) {
dfplot.seg$counts.CNV <- model$distributions$both[as.character(dfplot.seg$state),'mu']
} else {
dfplot.seg$counts.CNV <- model$distributions$plus[as.character(dfplot.seg$state),'mu']
dfplot.seg$pcounts.CNV <- model$distributions$plus[as.character(dfplot.seg$pstate),'mu']
dfplot.seg$mcounts.CNV <- -model$distributions$minus[as.character(dfplot.seg$mstate),'mu']
# Normalize counts
ylabstring <- 'read count'
if (!is.null(normalize.counts)) {
colmask <- grepl('counts', names(dfplot))
if (class(model)=="aneuHMM") {
nfactor <- model$distributions[normalize.counts, 'mu']
} else if (class(model)=="aneuBiHMM") {
nfactor <- model$distributions$plus[normalize.counts, 'mu']
dfplot[,colmask] <- dfplot[,colmask] / nfactor
colmask <- grepl('counts', names(dfplot.seg))
dfplot.seg[,colmask] <- dfplot.seg[,colmask] / nfactor
custom.xlim <- custom.xlim / nfactor
ylabstring <- 'normalized read count'
empty_theme <- theme(axis.line=element_blank(),
ggplt <- ggplot(dfplot, aes_string(x='start.genome', y='counts')) # data
if (both.strands) {
ggplt <- ggplt + geom_jitter(aes_string(x='start.genome', y='pcounts'), position=position_jitter(width=0, height=0)) # read count
ggplt <- ggplt + geom_jitter(aes_string(x='start.genome', y='mcounts'), position=position_jitter(width=0, height=0)) # read count
# ggplt <- ggplt + geom_point(aes_string(x='start.genome', y='pcounts')) # read count
# ggplt <- ggplt + geom_point(aes_string(x='start.genome', y='mcounts')) # read count
} else {
ggplt <- ggplt + geom_jitter(aes_string(x='start.genome', y='counts'), position=position_jitter(width=0, height=0)) # read count
# ggplt <- ggplt + geom_point(aes_string(x='start.genome', y='counts')) # read count
if (!is.null(model$segments$state)) {
if (both.strands) {
ggplt <- ggplt + geom_segment(data=dfplot.seg, mapping=aes_string(x='start.genome',y='pcounts.CNV',xend='end.genome',yend='pcounts.CNV', col='pstate'), size=2)
ggplt <- ggplt + geom_segment(data=dfplot.seg, mapping=aes_string(x='start.genome',y='mcounts.CNV',xend='end.genome',yend='mcounts.CNV', col='mstate'), size=2)
} else {
ggplt <- ggplt + geom_segment(data=dfplot.seg, mapping=aes_string(x='start.genome',y='counts.CNV',xend='end.genome',yend='counts.CNV', col='state'), size=2)
# Chromosome lines
cum.seqlengths <- cumsum(as.numeric(seqlengths(bins)))
names(cum.seqlengths) <- seqlevels(bins)
cum.seqlengths.0 <- c(0,cum.seqlengths[-length(cum.seqlengths)])
names(cum.seqlengths.0) <- seqlevels(bins)
label.pos <- round( cum.seqlengths.0 + 0.5 * seqlengths(bins) )
df.chroms <- data.frame(x=c(0,cum.seqlengths))
ggplt <- ggplt + geom_vline(aes_string(xintercept='x'), data=df.chroms, col='black', linetype=2)
if (!is.null(model$segments$state)) {
ggplt <- ggplt + scale_color_manual(name="state", values=stateColors(levels(dfplot.seg$state)), drop=FALSE) # do not drop levels that are not present
if (plot.breakpoints) {
df.bp <- as.data.frame(bp.coords)
if (nrow(df.bp)>0) {
statelevels <- unique(c(levels(dfplot$pstate), levels(dfplot$mstate), levels(dfplot$state)))
suppressMessages( ggplt <- ggplt + scale_color_manual(name="state", values=c(breakpointColors(), stateColors(statelevels)), drop=FALSE) )
ggplt <- ggplt + geom_segment(data=df.bp, aes_string(x='start.genome', xend='start.genome', color='type'), y=-1.5*custom.xlim, yend=-1.3*custom.xlim, arrow=arrow(length=unit(0.5, 'cm'), type='closed'), alpha=0.5)
ggplt <- ggplt + empty_theme # no axes whatsoever
if (both.strands) {
ggplt <- ggplt + coord_cartesian(ylim=c(-1.5*custom.xlim,custom.xlim)) # set x- and y-limits
} else {
ggplt <- ggplt + coord_cartesian(ylim=c(0,custom.xlim)) # set x- and y-limits
# Get midpoints of each chromosome for xticks
ggplt <- ggplt + scale_x_continuous(breaks=seqlengths(model$bins)/2+cum.seqlengths.0[as.character(seqlevels(model$bins))], labels=seqlevels(model$bins))
# Quality info
qualityInfo <- getQC(model)
quality.string <- paste0('reads = ',round(qualityInfo$total.read.count/1e6,2),'M, complexity = ',round(qualityInfo$complexity/1e6,2),'M, spikiness = ',round(qualityInfo$spikiness,2),', entropy = ',round(qualityInfo$entropy,2),', bhattacharyya = ',round(qualityInfo$bhattacharyya,2), ', num.segments = ',qualityInfo$num.segments, ', loglik = ',round(qualityInfo$loglik), ', sos = ',round(qualityInfo$sos))
ggplt <- ggplt + ylab(ylabstring) + ggtitle(bquote(atop(.(model$ID), atop(.(quality.string),''))))
if (!is.null(file)) {
ggsave(file, ggplt, width=20, height=5)
} else {
#' Heterogeneity vs. Aneuploidy
#' Make heterogeneity vs. aneuploidy plots using individual chromosomes as datapoints.
#' @param hmms A list of \code{\link{aneuHMM}} objects or a character vector with files that contain such objects.
#' @param hmms.list Alternative input for a faceted plot. A named list() of lists of \code{\link{aneuHMM}} objects. Alternatively a named list() of character vectors with files that contain \code{\link{aneuHMM}} objects. List names serve as facets for plotting. If specified, \code{normalChromosomeNumbers} is assumed to be a list() of vectors (or matrices) instead of a vector (or matrix).
#' @param normalChromosomeNumbers A named integer vector or matrix with physiological copy numbers, where each element (vector) or column (matrix) corresponds to a chromosome. This is useful to specify male or female samples, e.g. \code{c('X'=2)} for female samples or \code{c('X'=1,'Y'=1)} for male samples. Specify a vector if all your \code{hmms} have the same physiological copy numbers. Specify a matrix if your \code{hmms} have different physiological copy numbers (e.g. a mix of male and female samples). If not specified otherwise, '2' will be assumed for all chromosomes. If you have specified \code{hmms.list} instead of \code{hmms}, \code{normalChromosomeNumbers} is assumed to be a list() of vectors (or matrices), with one vector (or matrix) for each element in \code{hmms.list}.
#' @param plot A logical indicating whether to plot or to return the underlying data.frame.
#' @inheritParams karyotypeMeasures
#' @return A \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot}} object or a data.frame if \code{plot=FALSE}.
#' @importFrom ggrepel geom_text_repel
#' @export
#' @examples
#'### Example 1: A faceted plot of lung and liver cells ###
#'## Get results from a small-cell-lung-cancer
#'lung.folder <- system.file("extdata", "primary-lung", "hmms", package="AneuFinderData")
#'lung.files <- list.files(lung.folder, full.names=TRUE)
#'## Get results from the liver metastasis of the same patient
#'liver.folder <- system.file("extdata", "metastasis-liver", "hmms", package="AneuFinderData")
#'liver.files <- list.files(liver.folder, full.names=TRUE)
#'## Make heterogeneity plots
#'plotHeterogeneity(hmms.list = list(lung=lung.files, liver=liver.files))
#'### Example 2: Plot a mixture sample of male and female cells ###
#'## Get results from a small-cell-lung-cancer
#'folder <- system.file("extdata", "primary-lung", "hmms", package="AneuFinderData")
#'files <- list.files(lung.folder, full.names=TRUE)
#'## Construct a matrix with physiological copy numbers for a mix of 48 male and 48 female samples
#'normal.chrom.numbers <- matrix(2, nrow=96, ncol=24,
#' dimnames=list(sample=c(paste('male', 1:48), paste('female', 49:96)),
#' chromosome=c(1:22,'X','Y')))
#'normal.chrom.numbers[1:48,c('X','Y')] <- 1
#'normal.chrom.numbers[49:96,c('Y')] <- 0
#'## Make heterogeneity plots
#'plotHeterogeneity(hmms = files, normalChromosomeNumbers = normal.chrom.numbers)
#'### Example 3: A faceted plot of male lung and female liver cells ###
#'## Get results from a small-cell-lung-cancer
#'lung.folder <- system.file("extdata", "primary-lung", "hmms", package="AneuFinderData")
#'lung.files <- list.files(lung.folder, full.names=TRUE)
#'## Specify the physiological copy numbers
#'chrom.numbers.lung <- c(rep(2, 22), 1, 1)
#'names(chrom.numbers.lung) <- c(1:22, 'X', 'Y')
#'## Get results from the liver metastasis of the same patient
#'liver.folder <- system.file("extdata", "metastasis-liver", "hmms", package="AneuFinderData")
#'liver.files <- list.files(liver.folder, full.names=TRUE)
#'## Specify the physiological copy numbers
#'chrom.numbers.liver <- c(rep(2, 22), 2, 0)
#'names(chrom.numbers.liver) <- c(1:22, 'X', 'Y')
#'## Make heterogeneity plots
#'plotHeterogeneity(hmms.list = list(lung=lung.files, liver=liver.files),
#' normalChromosomeNumbers = list(chrom.numbers.lung, chrom.numbers.liver))
#'### Example 4 ###
#'## Exclude artifact regions with high variance
#'consensus <- consensusSegments(c(lung.files, liver.files))
#'variance <- apply(consensus$copy.number, 1, var)
#'exclude.regions <- consensus[variance > quantile(variance, 0.999)]
#'## Make heterogeneity plots
#'plotHeterogeneity(hmms.list = list(lung=lung.files, liver=liver.files),
#' exclude.regions=exclude.regions)
plotHeterogeneity <- function(hmms, hmms.list=NULL, normalChromosomeNumbers=NULL, plot=TRUE, regions=NULL, exclude.regions=NULL) {
if (!is.null(hmms.list)) {
if (!is.null(normalChromosomeNumbers)) {
if (!class(normalChromosomeNumbers) == 'list') {
stop("Argument 'normalChromosomeNumbers' has to be a list with one entry (vector or matrix) for each entry in 'hmms.list'.")
if (is.null(hmms.list)) {
hmms <- loadFromFiles(hmms, check.class="aneuHMM")
## Karyotype measures
kmeasures <- karyotypeMeasures(hmms, normalChromosomeNumbers = normalChromosomeNumbers, regions = regions, exclude.regions = exclude.regions)
rownames(kmeasures$genomewide) <- 'all'
kmeasures <- rbind(kmeasures$genomewide, kmeasures$per.chromosome)
kmeasures$chromosome <- rownames(kmeasures)
rownames(kmeasures) <- NULL
if (plot) {
## Plot with ggrepel
ggplt <- ggplot(data=kmeasures, mapping=aes_string(x='Aneuploidy', y='Heterogeneity')) + geom_point()
ggplt <- ggplt + geom_text_repel(aes_string(label='chromosome'))
} else {
} else {
kmeasures.all <- list()
for (i1 in 1:length(hmms.list)) {
hmms <- hmms.list[[i1]]
samplename <- names(hmms.list)[i1]
hmms <- loadFromFiles(hmms, check.class="aneuHMM")
## Karyotype measures
kmeasures <- karyotypeMeasures(hmms, normalChromosomeNumbers = normalChromosomeNumbers[[i1]], regions = regions, exclude.regions = exclude.regions)
rownames(kmeasures$genomewide) <- 'all'
kmeasures <- rbind(kmeasures$genomewide, kmeasures$per.chromosome)
kmeasures$chromosome <- rownames(kmeasures)
kmeasures$sample <- samplename
kmeasures.all[[i1]] <- kmeasures
kmeasures.all <- do.call(rbind, kmeasures.all)
rownames(kmeasures.all) <- NULL
if (plot) {
## Plot with ggrepel
ggplt <- ggplot(data=kmeasures.all, mapping=aes_string(x='Aneuploidy', y='Heterogeneity')) + geom_point()
ggplt <- ggplt + geom_text_repel(aes_string(label='chromosome'))
ggplt <- ggplt + facet_wrap(~sample)
} else {
#' Plot heatmaps for quality control
#' This function is a convenient wrapper to call \code{\link{heatmapGenomewide}} for all clusters after calling \code{\link{clusterByQuality}} and plot the heatmaps into one pdf for efficient comparison.
#' @param cl The return value of \code{\link{clusterByQuality}}.
#' @param cutree The return value of \code{\link[stats]{cutree}}, where the names correspond to the filenames to be loaded.
#' @param file A character specifying the output file.
#' @param ... Further parameters passed on to \code{\link{heatmapGenomewide}}.
#' @return A \code{\link[cowplot]{cowplot}} object or \code{NULL} if a file was specified.
#' @export
#' @examples
#'## Get a list of HMMs and cluster them
#'folder <- system.file("extdata", "primary-lung", "hmms", package="AneuFinderData")
#'files <- list.files(folder, full.names=TRUE)
#'cl <- clusterByQuality(files, G=5)
#'## Plot sub-clones of the largest cluster
#'largest.cluster <- which.max(sapply(cl$classification, length))
#'files <- cl$classification[[largest.cluster]]
#'clust <- clusterHMMs(files)
#'groups <- cutree(tree = clust$hclust, k = 5)
#'heatmapGenomewideClusters(cutree = groups, cluster = FALSE)
heatmapGenomewideClusters <- function(cl=NULL, cutree=NULL, file=NULL, ...) {
## Check user input ##
if (is.null(cl) & is.null(cutree)) {
stop("Please specify either 'cl' or 'cutree'.")
if (!is.null(cl) & !is.null(cutree)) {
stop("Please specify either 'cl' or 'cutree', not both.")
if (!is.null(cl)) {
filelist <- cl$classification
} else if (!is.null(cutree)) {
filelist <- split(names(cutree), cutree)
## Get the plot dimensions ##
ptm <- startTimedMessage("Calculating plot dimensions ...")
hmm <- loadFromFiles(filelist[[1]][1])[[1]]
width.heatmap <- sum(as.numeric(seqlengths(hmm$bins))) / 3e9 * 150 # human genome (3e9) roughly corresponds to 150cm
height <- max(length(unlist(filelist)) * 0.5, 2)
width.dendro <- 20
width <- width.heatmap + width.dendro
## Make the plots ##
ggplts <- list()
for (i1 in 1:length(filelist)) {
message("Cluster ", i1, " ...")
ggplts[[i1]] <- heatmapGenomewide(filelist[[i1]], ...)
cowplt <- cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = ggplts, align='v', ncol=1, rel_heights = sapply(filelist, function(x) { max(length(x), 4) }))
if (is.null(file)) {
} else {
ggsave(cowplt, filename = file, width=width, height=height, units='cm', limitsize = FALSE)
#' Perform a PCA for copy number profiles
#' Perform a PCA for copy number profiles in \code{\link{aneuHMM}} objects.
#' @param hmms A list of \code{\link{aneuHMM}} objects or a character vector with files that contain such objects.
#' @param PC1 Integer specifying the first of the principal components to plot.
#' @param PC2 Integer specifying the second of the principal components to plot.
#' @param colorBy A character vector of the same length as \code{hmms} which is used to color the points in the plot.
#' @param plot Set to \code{FALSE} if you want to return the data.frame that is used for plotting instead of the plot.
#' @param exclude.regions A \code{\link{GRanges-class}} with regions that will be excluded from the computation of the PCA. This can be useful to exclude regions with artifacts.
#' @return A \code{\link[ggplot2:ggplot]{ggplot}} object or a data.frame if \code{plot=FALSE}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#'## Get results from a small-cell-lung-cancer
#'lung.folder <- system.file("extdata", "primary-lung", "hmms", package="AneuFinderData")
#'lung.files <- list.files(lung.folder, full.names=TRUE)
#'## Get results from the liver metastasis of the same patient
#'liver.folder <- system.file("extdata", "metastasis-liver", "hmms", package="AneuFinderData")
#'liver.files <- list.files(liver.folder, full.names=TRUE)
#'## Plot the PCA
#'classes <- c(rep('lung', length(lung.files)), rep('liver', length(liver.files)))
#'labels <- c(paste('lung',1:length(lung.files)), paste('liver',1:length(liver.files)))
#'plot_pca(c(lung.files, liver.files), colorBy=classes, PC1=2, PC2=4)
plot_pca <- function(hmms, PC1=1, PC2=2, colorBy=NULL, plot=TRUE, exclude.regions=NULL) {
hmms <- loadFromFiles(hmms, check.class = c("aneuHMM", "aneuBiHMM"))
copy.numbers <- sapply(hmms, function(hmm) { hmm$bins$copy.number })
### Exclude regions ###
if (!is.null(exclude.regions)) {
ind <- findOverlaps(hmms[[1]]$bins, exclude.regions)@from
copy.numbers <- copy.numbers[-ind,]
## PCA
Y <- apply(log(copy.numbers+1), 1, function(y) scale(y, center=TRUE, scale=FALSE))
s <- svd(Y)
percent <- s$d^2/sum(s$d^2)*100
labs <- sapply(seq_along(percent), function(i) {
paste("PC ", i, " (", round(percent[i], 2), "%)", sep="")
df <- data.frame(PC1 = s$u[,PC1], PC2 = s$u[,PC2])
if (!plot) {
colnames(df) <- labs[c(PC1, PC2)]
rownames(df) <- colnames(copy.numbers)
} else {
if (!is.null(colorBy)) {
df$color <- colorBy
ggplt <- ggplot(df) + geom_point(aes_string(x='PC1', y='PC2', color='color'))
ggplt <- ggplt + scale_color_manual(values=getDistinctColors(unique(colorBy)))
} else {
ggplt <- ggplot(df) + geom_point(aes_string(x='PC1', y='PC2'))
ggplt <- ggplt + xlab(labs[PC1]) + ylab(labs[PC2])
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