# *********************************************************
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# * Plots
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# qqplot.bum(pvalues, fb)
# arguments:
# pvalues: vector of p-values
# fb: fitted bum model to the p-value distribution
# values: plot -> quantiles of the bum distribution and the observed p-values
plot.bum <- function(x, main="QQ-Plot", xlab="Estimated p-value", ylab="Observed p-value", ...)
n <- length(x$pvalues)
probs <- (rank(sort(x$pvalues))-.5)/n
# get quantiles of the bum distribution
quantiles <- unlist(sapply(probs, uniroot, f=.pbum.solve, interval=c(0,1), lambda=x$lambda, a=x$a)[1,])
plot(c(0,1),c(0,1), main=main, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, type="n", ...)
lines(quantiles, sort(x$pvalues), lty=2)
lines(c(0,1),c(0,1), col="grey")
# hist.bum(pvalues, fb)
# arguments:
# pvalues: vector of p-values
# fb: fitted bum model to the p-value distribution
# values: plot -> histogram of p-values with fitted bum distribution
hist.bum <- function(x, breaks=50, main="Histogram of p-values", xlab="P-values", ylab="Density", ...)
hist(x$pvalues, breaks=breaks, probability=TRUE, main=main, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...)
bum.data <- seq(from=0, to=1, 1/100)
lines(bum.data, x$lambda+(1-x$lambda)*x$a*bum.data^(x$a-1), lwd=3, col="red3");
abline(h=piUpper(x), col="blue3", lwd=2);
axis(side=2, labels=expression(pi), at=piUpper(x));
# internal function for root detection
.pbum.solve <- function(x, lambda ,a, proba)
# *** nice graphics...
plotLLSurface <- function(x, opt=NULL, main="Log-Likelihood Surface", color.palette=heat.colors, nlevels=32)
if(is.null(opt)) opt <- list(a=-1.0, l=-1.0);
f <- function(l, a) {fbumLL(c(l, a), x)};
v <- seq(0.1, 0.9, 0.05);
z <- outer(v, v, Vectorize(f));
Lines <- list(bquote(lambda == .(round(opt$l, 4))), bquote(a == .(round(opt$a, 4))))
filled.contour(v, v, z, nlevels=nlevels, color.palette=color.palette,
main=main, xlab=expression(lambda), ylab="a",
plot.axes={axis(1, seq(0,1,0.1)); axis(2, seq(0,1,0.1));
abline(v=opt$l, lty=2, col="darkgray");
abline(h=opt$a, lty=2, col="darkgray");
hght <- strheight("Here")
points(opt$l, opt$a, cex=1.5);
text(opt$l, opt$a - (hght * 1.5*seq(length(Lines))), do.call(expression, Lines), adj=c(-0.2, -2.3), cex=c(0.8, 0.8));
# graph plot in igraph
plotModule <- function (network, layout = layout.fruchterman.reingold, labels = NULL, diff.expr = NULL, scores = NULL, main = NULL, vertex.size=NULL, ...)
if (is(network, "graphNEL"))
network <- igraph.from.graphNEL(network)
if (is.null(V(network)$name))
V(network)$name <- as.character(V(network))
if (is.null(labels))
if ("geneSymbol" %in% list.vertex.attributes(network))
labels <- V(network)$geneSymbol
labels <- V(network)$name
shapes <- rep("circle", length(V(network)))
names(shapes) <- V(network)$name
if (!is.null(scores) && !is.null(names(scores)))
shapes[intersect(names(which(scores < 0)), V(network)$name)] <- "csquare"
if (is.null(scores) && "score" %in% list.vertex.attributes(network))
scores <- V(network)$score
names(scores) <- V(network)$name
shapes[names(which(scores < 0))] <- "csquare"
if (!is.null(diff.expr) && !is.null(names(diff.expr)))
coloring <- .node.color(network, diff.expr)
coloring <- "SkyBlue2"
if (is.null(diff.expr) && "diff.expr" %in% list.vertex.attributes(network))
diff.exprs = V(network)$diff.expr
names(diff.exprs) <- V(network)$name
coloring <- .node.color(network, diff.exprs)
max.labels <- max(nchar(labels))
network.size = length(V(network))
vertex.size2 <- 8
cex = 0.6
if (network.size < 50)
if (max.labels > 2)
labels.dist <- 0.5
vertex.size2 <- 15
labels.dist <- 0
if (network.size < 100 && network.size >= 50)
if (max.labels > 2)
labels.dist <- 0.5
labels.dist <- 0
if (network.size >= 100)
if (max.labels > 3)
labels.dist <- 0.5
labels.dist <- 0
vertex.size2 <- vertex.size
labels.dist <- vertex.size/15
plot(network, layout = layout, vertex.size = vertex.size2,
vertex.label = labels, vertex.label.cex = cex, vertex.label.dist = labels.dist,
vertex.color = coloring, vertex.label.family = "sans",
vertex.shape = shapes, main = main, ...)
# Plot the network in 3D
plot3dModule <- function(network, labels=NULL, windowSize = c(100,100,1500,1000), diff.or.scores=NULL, red=c("negative", "positive"), ...)
rgl.loaded <- requireNamespace("rgl")
if(!rgl.loaded){warnings("Please install rgl package for this plot")}
red <- match.arg(red)
if(is(network, "graphNEL"))
network <- igraph.from.graphNEL(network)
V(network)$name <- seq(from=1, to=length(V(network)))
if("geneSymbol" %in% list.vertex.attributes(network))
labels <- V(network)$geneSymbol
else{ labels <- V(network)$name}
if(!is.null(diff.or.scores) && !is.null(names(diff.or.scores)))
if(red == "negative")
diff.or.scores <- -diff.or.scores
coloring <- .node.color(network, diff.or.scores)
coloring <- "SkyBlue2"
if(is.null(diff.or.scores) && "score" %in% list.vertex.attributes(network))
scores = V(network)$score
names(scores) <- V(network)$name
if(red == "negative")
scores <- -scores
coloring <- .node.color(network, scores)
max.labels <- max(nchar(labels))
network.size = length(V(network))
coords <- layout.fruchterman.reingold(network, dim=3)
vertex.size <- 10
if(max.labels > 3)
labels.dist <- 0.5
else{labels.dist <- 1}
if(network.size<100 && network.size>=50)
vertex.size <- 8
if(max.labels > 3)
labels.dist <- 0.3
else{labels.dist <- 0.5}
vertex.size <- 6
if(max.labels > 3)
labels.dist <- 0.3
else{labels.dist <- 0.5}
par3d(windowRect=windowSize, family="sans", zoom=0.7)
rgl.texts(x=c(0,0,0), text="")
rglplot(network, layout=coords, vertex.size=vertex.size, vertex.color=coloring, vertex.label=labels, vertex.label.dist=labels.dist, vertex.label.family="sans", ...)
rgl.bg(sphere=TRUE, color="lightskyblue", back="filled")
save3dModule <- function(file)
file <- .cleanFile(file)
rgl.postscript(filename=paste(file, ".pdf", sep=""), fmt="pdf")
# internal methods #############################################################
.node.color <- function(network, colors)
colors <- colors[V(network)$name]
colors2 <- colors
# set red colors
colors <- colors*5
max.red <- max(ceiling(abs(colors[which(colors>0)])))
reds <- colorRampPalette(colors=c("white", "red"))
red.vec <- reds(max.red)
colors2[which(colors>0)] <- red.vec[ceiling(abs(colors[which(colors>0)]))]
# set green colors
max.green <- max(ceiling(abs(colors[which(colors<0)])))
greens <- colorRampPalette(colors=c("white", "green"))
green.vec <- greens(max.green)
colors2[which(colors<0)] <- green.vec[ceiling(abs(colors[which(colors<0)]))]
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