# Plotting functions called by plot_report() on tools.R
# Author: filimon
plot_quality_per_cycle <- function( odata ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
filename = paste( .project$report["raw_report_dir"], "/", "qualityPerCycle.png", sep="" )
#if( plottofile ) {
# png( filename=filename, width=length(odata)*480 )
par( mfrow=c(1,length(odata)) )
i = 1
for( data in odata ) {
qfreq = alphabetByCycle( quality(data) )
offset = 64
if( .project$qual_type == "FastqQuality" )
offset = 33
scores = sapply( rownames(qfreq), function(x) ASCIIconvert( x, type="CtoI") - offset )
cycles = 1:unique(width(sread(data)))
avgquals = sapply(cycles, function(x) sum(qfreq[,x]*scores)/length(data) )
#boxplot( qfreq*scores, ylim=c(-5,40) )
stdevs = sqrt( sapply(cycles, function(x) wtd.var( scores, qfreq[,x] ) ) )
errbar( cycles, avgquals, avgquals-stdevs, avgquals+stdevs,
xlab="Cycle", ylab="Average base quality", ylim=c(-5,45), col=col )
#title( main="1st mate" )
par( xpd=NA )
if( length(odata) > 1 ) {
if( i == 1)
legend( 30, 46, "1st mates", horiz = TRUE, bty="n" )
legend( 30, 46, "2nd mates", horiz = TRUE, bty="n" )
i = i+1
title( main="Average base quality per cycle with 1 std dev error bar" )
#if( plottofile ){
# dev.off()
#plot_chrhit_bars <- function( aln, index ) {
# trace.enter("plot_chrhit_bars");
# on.exit({ trace.exit() })
# cols = brewer.pal(3,"Spectral")
# heights = sort(table(chromosome(aln)) )
# names(heights) = get_chr_representation( names(heights) )
# chrinfo = sort( chromInfo_to_dataframe(), decreasing = TRUE )
# genlen = sum( chrinfo )
# totreads = sum( heights )
# data = t(matrix( c(chrinfo/genlen, heights[match(names(heights),names(chrinfo))]/totreads), ncol=2))
# margins = par()$mai
# margins[4] = margins[1]
# par( mai=margins )
# barplot( data, ylim=c(0,max(data)), beside = TRUE, names.arg=names(chrinfo), yaxt="n", las=2, col=cols[c(1,3)] )
# axis( 2, at=NULL,labels = TRUE, col.axis=cols[1], col=cols[1], lwd=3 )
# axis( 4, at=NULL,labels = TRUE, col.axis=cols[3], col=cols[3], lwd=3 )
# legend( x="topleft", c("Proportion of chromosome length relative to the genome", "Proportion of reads relative to the total"), fill=cols[c(1,3)] )
# TODO: make it a percentage of the length of the chromosome
plot_chromosome_distrib <- function( bam_filename ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
if( .project$pairing$type == "PE" )
flags = scanBamFlag( isPaired = TRUE, isProperPair = TRUE,
isUnmappedQuery = FALSE, hasUnmappedMate = FALSE,
isFirstMateRead = TRUE )
flags = scanBamFlag( isUnmappedQuery = FALSE )
rname = scanBam( bam_filename, param=ScanBamParam( flag=flags, what="rname") )[[1]]$rname
tab = table( rname )
barplot( tab[tab>0], las=2, col="darkgoldenrod3", main="Read count per chromosome" )
searchBiomart <- function( organism ) {
av_marts = listMarts()[,1]
n_marts = c( "ensembl", "metazoa", "bacterial", "fungal", "plant", "protist" )
marts = as.character(av_marts[pmatch(n_marts, av_marts )])
organism = strsplit( tolower(organism), "_" )[[1]]
for( mart in marts ) {
log.info( "Searching mart ", mart, " \n" )
ensembl = useMart( mart )
av_datasets = listDatasets(ensembl)[,1]
dataset = as.character(
if( length( dataset ) != 0 ) {
return( c(mart, dataset) )
return( NULL )
# for alignment to the transcriptome only
# TODO: not tested yet!
plot_transcript_distrib <- function( bam_filename ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
if( .project$pairing$type == "PE" )
flags = scanBamFlag( isPaired = TRUE, isProperPair = TRUE,
isUnmappedQuery = FALSE, hasUnmappedMate = FALSE,
isFirstMateRead = TRUE )
flags = scanBamFlag( isUnmappedQuery = FALSE )
bam = scanBam( bam_filename, param=ScanBamParam( flag=flags, what=c("pos","rname") ) )[[1]]
mart_info = searchBiomart( .project$organism )
if( !is.null(mart_info) ) {
ensembl = useMart( mart_info[1], dataset=mart_info[2] )
attrib = c( "ensembl_transcript_id", "transcript_start", "transcript_end" )
chrs = getBM( attributes="chromosome_name", mart=ensembl )$chromosome_name
annot = data.frame()
for( chr in chrs ) {
annot = rbind( annot, getBM( attributes=attrib, mart=ensembl,
filters="chromosome_name", values=chr ) )
annot = cbind( annot, length=annot$transcript_end-annot$transcript_start )
plot_strand_distrib <- function( bam_filename ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
if( .project$pairing$type == "PE" )
flags = scanBamFlag( isPaired = TRUE, isProperPair = TRUE,
isUnmappedQuery = FALSE, hasUnmappedMate = FALSE,
isFirstMateRead = TRUE )
flags = scanBamFlag( isUnmappedQuery = FALSE )
strands = scanBam( bam_filename, param=ScanBamParam( flag=flags, what="strand") )[[1]]$strand
tab = table( strands )
pie( tab[tab>0], col=c("darkgoldenrod3", "darkgoldenrod4"), main="Read count per strand" )
plot_mapq <- function( bam_filename ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
if( .project$pairing$type == "PE" )
flags = scanBamFlag( isPaired = TRUE, isProperPair = TRUE,
isUnmappedQuery = FALSE, hasUnmappedMate = FALSE,
isFirstMateRead = TRUE )
flags = scanBamFlag( isUnmappedQuery = FALSE )
mapq = scanBam( bam_filename, param=ScanBamParam( flag=flags, what=("mapq") ) )[[1]]$mapq
par( mfrow=c(1,1) )
hist(mapq, col=col, xlab="Mapping quality", main="Mapping quality" )
plot_insertsize <- function( bam_filename ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
flags = scanBamFlag( isPaired = TRUE, isProperPair = TRUE,
isUnmappedQuery = FALSE, hasUnmappedMate = FALSE,
isFirstMateRead = TRUE )
isizes = scanBam( bam_filename, param=ScanBamParam( flag=flags, what=("isize") ) )[[1]]$isize
#isizes = isizes[!is.na(isizes)]
isizes = abs(isizes)
hist(isizes, breaks=c(-0.5:(max(isizes)+0.5)), main=paste("Insert size as estimated by",
.project$aligner$type), col=col )
table_pileup_summary <- function( pile ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
bases = c("A","T","C","G")
df = data.frame(row.names=bases)
for( base in c(bases, "M", "R", "W", "S", "Y", "K") ) {
df = cbind( df, rep(0,4) )
colnames( df ) = c(bases, "M", "R", "W", "S", "Y", "K")
for( i in 1:nrow(pile) ) {
#browser( expr=(i == 3775))
if( pile[i,"refbase"] %in% rownames(df) )
df[pile[i,"refbase"],pile[i,"consbase"]] = df[pile[i,"refbase"],pile[i,"consbase"]] + 1
# receives a list of AlignedRead or ShortRead objects
# if plot = TRUE plots on a window, otherwise plots into a file
plot_basecall_per_cycle <- function( alldata ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
filename = paste( .project$report["raw_report_dir"], "/", "basecallPerCycle.png", sep="" )
#if( plottofile ) {
# png( filename=filename, width=length(alldata)*480 )
par( mfrow=c(1,length(alldata)) )
cols = c( "red", "blue", "chartreuse4", "darkgoldenrod3", "black" )
lwd = 2
allfreq = list()
j = 1
ymax = 0
for( data in alldata ) {
data = sread(data)
log.info( "Calculating alphabet by cycle..." )
qfreq = alphabetByCycle( data )
log.info( "Summing frequencies..." )
treads = sum( qfreq[,1] )
qfreq = qfreq[c(1,2,3,4,15),]
qperc = round(qfreq/treads*100,2)
log.info( "Plotting base call per cycle..." )
ymax = max( ymax, max(qperc) )
plot( 1:length(qperc[1,]), qperc[1,], xlab="Cycle", ylab="% of base count",
ylim=c( 0, ymax ), type="l", col=cols[1], lwd=lwd )
for( i in 2:length(qperc[,1]) ) {
lines( 1:length(qperc[1,]), qperc[i,], col=cols[i], lwd=lwd )
par( xpd=NA )
if( length(alldata) > 1 ) {
if( j == 1) {
legend( ncol(qfreq)/2, ymax+round(ymax*0.04), "1st mates", horiz = TRUE, bty="n" )
title( main=paste( "Base call per cycle" ) )
} else
legend( ncol(qfreq)/2, ymax+round(ymax*0.04), "2nd mates", horiz = TRUE, bty="n" )
allfreq[[j]] = qfreq
par( xpd=NA )
#top of the left hand side plot
#legend( -38, 42, rownames(qperc), horiz = TRUE, fill=cols, bty="n" )
#legend( 18, 42, rownames(qperc), horiz = TRUE, fill=cols, bty="n" )
legend( 0, ymax+round(ymax*0.04)+2, rownames(qperc), horiz = TRUE, fill=cols, bty="n" )
#right of the right hand side plot
#legend( 37, 26, rownames(qperc), fill=cols, bty="n" )
par( mfrow=c(1,1) )
#if( plottofile ) {
# dev.off()
return( allfreq )
# the same as plot_basecall_per_cycle, but log transformed
plot_basecall_per_cycle_log <- function( allqfreq=NULL ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
filename = paste( .project$report["raw_report_dir"], "/", "basecallPerCycleLog.png", sep="" )
#if( plottofile ) {
# png( filename=filename, width=length(allqfreq)*480 )
par( mfrow=c(1,length(allqfreq)) )
cols = c( "red", "blue", "chartreuse4", "darkgoldenrod3", "black" )
lwd = 2
j = 1
ymax = 0
for( qfreq in allqfreq ) {
qlog = log10(qfreq+1)
log.info( "Plotting log transformed base call per cycle..." )
ymax = max( ymax, max(qlog) )
plot( 1:length(qlog[1,]), qlog[1,], xlab="Cycle", ylab="log10 base count + 1",
ylim=c( 0, ymax ), type="l", col=cols[1], lwd=lwd )
for( i in 2:length(qlog[,1]) ) {
lines( 1:length(qlog[1,]), qlog[i,], col=cols[i], lwd=lwd )
par( xpd=NA )
if( length(allqfreq) > 1 ) {
if( j == 1) {
legend( ncol(qlog)/2, ymax+ymax*0.04, "1st mates", horiz = TRUE, bty="n" )
title( main=paste( "Base call per cycle" ) )
} else
legend( ncol(qlog)/2, ymax+ymax*0.04, "2nd mates", horiz = TRUE, bty="n" )
par( xpd=NA )
legend( 0, 3, rownames(qlog), horiz = TRUE, fill=cols, bty="n" )
par( mfrow=c(1,1) )
#if( plottofile ) {
# dev.off()
plot_N_distrib <- function( alldata ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
filename = paste( .project$report["raw_report_dir"], "/", "Ncdf.png", sep="" )
#if( plottofile ) {
# png( filename=filename, width=length(alldata)*480 )
lwd = 3
par( mfrow=c(1,2), xpd = FALSE )
qfreq = matrix(0, nrow = length(alldata[[1]]), ncol = 1)
for( data in alldata ) {
qfreq = qfreq + alphabetFrequency( sread(data) )[,"N"]
log.info( "Plotting histogram of Ns..." )
#hist( log10(qfreq[5,qfreq[5,] > 0]), main="Histogram of 'N' occurences",
# xlab="log10 number of Ns", ylab="Number of reads", col="darkgoldenrod3" )
hist( qfreq, main="Histogram of 'N' occurences",
xlab="Number of Ns", ylab="Number of reads",
col="darkgoldenrod3", breaks=max(qfreq, 1) )
log.info( "Plotting ecdf of Ns..." )
#plot( ecdf( qfreq[5,] ), main="CDF of 'N' occurences", xlab="Number of Ns", ylab="Proportion of reads",
# do.points = FALSE, verticals = TRUE, lwd=lwd, col=col )
plot( ecdf( qfreq ), main="ecdf of 'N' occurences", xlab="Number of Ns", ylab="Proportion of reads",
do.points = FALSE, verticals = TRUE, lwd=lwd, col=col )
#if( plottofile ) {
# dev.off()
plot_polyX <- function( data, ind ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
reads = as.character( data )
count = polyX_size(reads)
bases = names(count)
cols = brewer.pal(4,"Dark2")
names(cols) = bases
xlim = c(2,width(data)[1])
ylim = c(0,1)
par( mfrow=c(1,3) )
plot( x = 1, y=1, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, type="n",
main=paste("All reads"),
xlab=paste("Length of the tail"), ylab="Cumulative proportion of the reads" )
for( b in bases ) {
plot( ecdf(count[[b]][count[[b]] > 1]), xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, add = TRUE,
do.points = FALSE, col=cols[b], verticals = TRUE, lwd=3 )
plot( x = 1, y=1, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, type="n",
main=paste("Aligned reads"),
xlab=paste("Length of the tail"), ylab="Cumulative proportion of the reads" )
for( b in bases ) {
plot( ecdf(count[[b]][!ind & (count[[b]] > 1)]), xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, add = TRUE,
do.points = FALSE, col=cols[b], verticals = TRUE, lwd=3 )
plot( x = 1, y=1, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, type="n",
main=paste("Unaligned reads"),
xlab=paste("Length of the tail"), ylab="Cumulative proportion of the reads" )
legend( x="bottomright", bases, fill=cols )
for( b in bases ) {
plot( ecdf(count[[b]][ind & (count[[b]] > 1)]), xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, add = TRUE,
do.points = FALSE, col=cols[b], verticals = TRUE, lwd=3 )
par( mfrow=c(1,1) )
# the higher the dustyScore lower the complexity of the read
plot_dustyScore_distrib <- function( alldata, update = FALSE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
imagefilename = paste( .project$report["raw_report_dir"], "/", "dusty.png", sep="" )
#if( plottofile ) {
# png( filename=imagefilename, width=length(alldata)*480 )
lwd = 2
par( mfrow=c(1,2), xpd = FALSE )
dustS = calculate_dustyScore( alldata, update )
if( length(dustS) == length(alldata[[1]]) ) {
many = "all"
} else {
many = paste( length(dustS), "random" )
log.info( "Plotting dusty score distribution..." )
plot( density(dustS), main=paste("Read complexity density for", many, "reads"),
xlab="Dusty score", lwd=lwd, col=col )
log.info( "Plotting dusty score ecdf..." )
plot( ecdf(dustS), main=paste("ecdf of read complexity for", many, "reads"),
xlab="Dusty score", ylab="Proportion of reads",
do.points = FALSE, verticals = TRUE, lwd=lwd, col=col )
par( mfrow=c(1,1) )
#if( plottofile ) {
# dev.off()
calculate_dustyScore <- function( alldata, update ) {
filename = .project$aux_files["dusty"];
if( file.exists( filename ) && !update ) {
log.info( "File ", filename, " exists." )
log.info( "Loading..." )
load( filename )
} else {
tmax = 1000000000
#tmax = 10000
if( length(alldata) > 1 ) {
if( as.numeric(width(alldata[[1]])[1])*length(alldata)*length(alldata[[1]]) <= tmax ) {
data = DNAStringSet( x=paste(sread(alldata[[1]]), sread(alldata[[2]]), sep="") )
} else {
log.info( "The dataset it too big, calculating dusty score for a random subset of it!" )
index = as.logical(srswor(round(tmax/(width(alldata[[1]])[1]*length(alldata))),length(alldata[[1]])))
#index = round(runif(round(tmax/(width(alldata[[1]])[1]*length(alldata))), min=1, max=length(alldata[[1]])))
data = DNAStringSet( x=paste(sread(alldata[[1]])[index], sread(alldata[[2]])[index], sep="") )
} else {
data = sread(alldata[[1]])
log.info( "Calculating the dusty score, this may take a while..." )
dustS = dustyScore( data )
save( dustS, file=filename )
log.info( "Saved to ", filename, "" )
return( dustS )
# receives the top table obtained from tables(), quant is the upper quantile of the nr
# of occurences in percentage (the default is the upper 5%)
plot_repeatedreads_vs_complexity <- function( data, quant=2, logscale = FALSE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
qt = quantile( data, probs=seq(0,1,quant/100) )
x = data[data >= qt[length(qt)-1]]
# the higher the dustyScore lower the complexity of the read
y = dustyScore( DNAStringSet(names(x)) )
if( logscale )
plot( log10(x), log10(y), xlab="Number of occurences",
ylab="Dusty Score (higher score = lower complexity)")
plot( log10(x), log10(y), xlab="Number of occurences",
ylab="Dusty Score (higher score = lower complexity)")
plot_multiplealigns_hist <- function( data, update = FALSE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
filename = paste( .project$report_dir,"/", "multipleAligns.RData", sep="" )
if( file.exists(filename) && !update ) {
log.info( "File ", filename, " exists." )
log.info( "Loading..." )
load( filename )
return( alntab )
alntab = tables( id(data), n=length(data) )
log.info( "Saving to file ", filename, "" )
save( alntab, file=filename )
plot_multiplealigns_vs_complexity <- function( aln, data, n = 50, update = FALSE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
x = data[1:n]
index = match( names(x), id(aln) )
y = dustyScore( sread(aln)[index] )
plot( x, y, xlab="Number of alignments", ylab="Dusty score" )
plot_hits <- function( total_reads, bam_filename ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
par( mfrow=c(1,2), xpd = FALSE )
if( .project$pairing$type == "PE" ) {
flags = scanBamFlag( isPaired = TRUE, isProperPair = TRUE,
isUnmappedQuery = FALSE, hasUnmappedMate = FALSE,
isFirstMateRead = TRUE )
} else {
flags = scanBamFlag( isUnmappedQuery = FALSE )
qnames = scanBam( bam_filename, param=ScanBamParam( flag=flags, what=("qname") ) )[[1]]$qname
tab = table( qnames )
total_aligned = length(tab)
unique_match = sum( tab == 1 )
multiple_match = total_aligned-unique_match
data = matrix( c(total_reads, 0, unique_match, multiple_match), ncol=2 )
colnames(data) = c("total reads", "aligned reads")
xc = barplot( data, beside = FALSE, col=cols, ylab="Number of reads" )
par( xpd=NA )
legend( xc[1], total_reads/2, "raw reads 100%", bty="n", xjust=0.5, yjust=0.5 )
legend( xc[2], unique_match/2, paste("unique hit ~",round(unique_match*100/total_reads), "%", sep=""), bty="n", xjust=0.5, yjust=0.5 )
legend( xc[2], unique_match+(multiple_match/2), paste("multiple hits ~",round(multiple_match*100/total_reads), "%", sep=""), bty="n", xjust=0.5, yjust=0.5 )
hist( tab, col=cols[1], breaks=c(0.5:(max(tab)+0.5)), xlab="Number of hits",
ylab="Number of reads", main="Histogram of aligner hits per read" )
# if calling on an AlignedRead object, call plot_bars_totalunique( alignData(aln)$cigar, ...
# else if calling on a bam, call plot_bars_totalunique( bam$cigar, ...
plot_bars_totalunique <- function( cigars, hitcount, seq, index ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
total_reads = length( seq$seqdata )
total_aligned = length( hitcount$top )
unique_match = sum(index)
# TODO, this gives the incorrect number for bam files generated by tophat
multiple_match = sum( !index )
unique_ungapped = sum( as.character(cigars[index]) == paste( width(seq$seqdata)[1], "M", sep="" ) )
unique_gapped = sum( as.character(cigars[index]) != paste( width(seq$seqdata)[1], "M", sep="" ) )
names = data.frame( c("raw reads", "aligned", "unique match", "ungapped" ),
c( "", "not aligned", "multiple match", "gapped" ),
c( "", "", "", "" ) )
# data lengths
data = data.frame( c( 100, round(total_aligned*100/total_reads), round(unique_match*100/total_reads), round(unique_ungapped*100/total_reads) ),
c( 0, 100-round(total_aligned*100/total_reads), round(multiple_match*100/total_reads), round(unique_gapped*100/total_reads) ),
c( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) )
# relative percentages
reldata = data.frame( c( 100, round(total_aligned*100/total_reads), round(unique_match*100/total_aligned), round(unique_ungapped*100/unique_match) ),
c( 0, 100-round(total_aligned*100/total_reads), round(multiple_match*100/total_aligned), round(unique_gapped*100/unique_match) ),
c( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) )
height = round(100/nrow(data))
col=rainbow(11, start=.7,end=.1)
plot(c(0, 100), c(0, 100), type = "n", xlab=paste( "Percentage of the total reads (", total_reads, ")", sep="" ),
ylab="Percentage relative to the previous",
main = "Read count", yaxt="n")
for( i in 1:nrow(data) ) {
pos = 0
for( j in 1:ncol(data) ) {
if( data[i,j] != 0 ) {
if( j == 1 ) {
rect(0, height*(i-1), data[i,j], height*(i), col=col[i])
text( 0+data[i,j]/2, height*(i-1)+(height*(i)-height*(i-1))/2, paste( names[i,j], " (", reldata[i,j], "%)", sep="" ) )
} else {
rect(pos,height*(i-1),pos+data[i,j],height*(i), col=col[i])
text( pos+data[i,j]/2, height*(i-1)+(height*(i)-height*(i-1))/2, paste( names[i,j], " (", reldata[i,j], "%)", sep="" ) )
pos = pos + data[i,j]
plot_readoccurence_cdf <- function( data ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
filename = paste( .project$report["raw_report_dir"], "/", "readOccurenceHist.png", sep="" )
lwd = 2
tmax = 1000000000
#tmax = 10000
#if( plottofile ) {
# png( filename=filename, width=length(data)*480 )
par( mfrow=c(1,1), xpd = FALSE )
if( length(data) > 1 ) {
if( as.numeric(width(data[[1]])[1])*length(data)*length(data[[1]]) <= tmax ) {
tab = tables( DNAStringSet( x=paste(sread(data[[1]]), sread(data[[2]]), sep="") ), n=length(data[[1]]) )
} else {
log.info( "The dataset it too big, calculating read occurence for a random subset of it!" )
#index = round(runif(round(tmax/(width(data[[1]])[1]*length(data))), min=1, max=length(data[[1]])))
index = as.logical(srswor(round(tmax/(width(data[[1]])[1]*length(data))),length(data[[1]])))
tab = tables( DNAStringSet( x=paste(sread(data[[1]])[index], sread(data[[2]])[index], sep="") ), n=sum(index) )
} else {
tab = tables( sread(data[[1]]), n=length(data[[1]]) )
if( length(tab$top) == length(data[[1]]) ) {
many = "all"
} else {
many = paste( length(tab$top), "random" )
plot( ecdf( log10(tab$top) ), main=paste("ecdf of times a sequence appears for", many, "reads"),
xlab="log10 number of occurences",
ylab="Proportion of sequences", do.points = FALSE, verticals = TRUE, lwd=lwd, col=col )
#if( plottofile ) {
# dev.off()
plot_ranges <- function(x, xlim = x, main = deparse(substitute(x)), col = "black", sep = 0.5, ...) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
height <- 1
if (is(xlim, "Ranges"))
xlim <- c(min(start(xlim)), max(end(xlim)))
bins <- disjointBins(IRanges(start(x), end(x) + 1))
plot.window(xlim, c(0, max(bins) * (height + sep)))
ybottom <- bins * (sep + height) - height
rect(start(x) - 0.5, ybottom, end(x) + 0.5, ybottom + height, col = col, ...)
plot_avgbasequal_distrib <- function( alldata, update = FALSE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
filename = paste( .project$report["raw_report_dir"], "/", "basequalDens.png", sep="" )
#if( plottofile ) {
# png( filename=filename, width=length(alldata)*480 )
par( mfrow=c(1,length(alldata)), xpd = FALSE )
lwd = 2
j = 1
avgquals = phred_to_avgqual( alldata, update=update )
for( avgq in avgquals ) {
log.info( "Calculating average base qualities..." )
log.info( "Plotting average base qualities..." )
# because the C function already does -33
offset = 31
if( .project$qual_type == "FastqQuality" )
offset = 0
avgq = avgq - offset
den = density(avgq)
plot( den, main="", xlab="Phred scale average base call quality",
xlim=c(-5,45), lwd=lwd, col=col )
#abline( v=.project$filtering_options$minqual, col="red" )
par( xpd=NA )
if( length(alldata) > 1 ) {
if( j == 1)
legend( -5, max(den$y), "1st mates", horiz = TRUE, bty="n" )
legend( -5, max(den$y), "2nd mates", horiz = TRUE, bty="n" )
j = j + 1
par( mfrow=c(1,1) )
title( main="Distribution of average base call read quality" )
#if( plottofile ) {
# dev.off()
# if calling on an AlignedRead do plot_mapq_distribution( as.numeric(as.character(quality(alignQuality(aln)))) )
# if the sample is single-end index can be NULL
plot_mapq_distribution <- function( bam, index ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
#quals = as.numeric(as.character(mapq))
# mapping quality should take into account both mates so we only
# need to plot one of them
if( .project$pairing$type == "PE" ) {
log.info( "Sample is paired-end, will plot the quality for only one of the mates." )
quals = bam$mapq[index[["mates"]]]
} else
quals = bam$mapq
filt = (quals != 255)
plot( density(quals[filt]), main=paste( "Mapping quality distribution (~",
round(sum(!filt)/length(quals)*100), "% had no info)", sep="" ),
xlab="Phred scale mapping quality" )
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