# Alignment, Estimation, Report & Util Routines
align <- function( update = FALSE, sure.i.want.to.run.this = FALSE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
if( (.project$aligner$type != "custom") && (update || !file.exists(paste(.project$aligner$out_dir, "/",
.project$aligner$files[1], sep="")) ) ) {
fail = tryCatch( do.call(paste( "align_", .project$aligner$type, sep="" ),
list( run=sure.i.want.to.run.this )),
error = function(e) {
registerRunStepFailure(ALIGNMENT, "Error during alignment :", e);
} else {
log.info( "Alignment already exists. Skipping..." )
fail = FALSE
if( !fail ) {
call_samtools( sure.i.want.to.run.this, update )
align_tophat <- function( run = FALSE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
indexes_dir = .project$aligner$indexes_dir
output_dir = .project$aligner$out_dir
cmds = list()
if( .project$pairing$type == "SR" ) {
fq_files = paste( .project$fq_files, collapse="," )
} else if( .project$pairing$type == "PE" ) {
fq_files = paste( paste( .project$fq_files[1], collapse="," ),
paste( .project$fq_files[2], collapse="," ) )
# override all options with the user defined ones
if( .project$aligner$override_options ) {
options = .project$aligner$options
} else {
options = paste( "-p", .project$aligner$threads )
for( i in 1:length(.project$aligner$options) ) {
if( !is.null(.project$aligner$options[[i]] ) ) {
if( !is.null(names(.project$aligner$options)) &&
(names(.project$aligner$options)[i] == "--mate-inner-dist")
&& !is.null(.project$pairing$insize) )
options = paste( options, names(.project$aligner$options)[i], .project$pairing$insize )
else if( (names(.project$aligner$options)[i] == "--mate-std-dev")
&& !is.null(.project$pairing$insizedev) )
options = paste( options, names(.project$aligner$options)[i], .project$pairing$insizedev )
options = paste( options, names(.project$aligner$options)[i], .project$aligner$options[[i]] )
# default is phred33-quals
#--solexa1.3-quals (same as phred64-quals)
#--phred64-quals (same as solexa1.3-quals)
if( .project$qual_type == "FastqQuality" ) {
# the tophat uses phred+33 by default,
# which is fine for FastqQuality type
#options = paste( options, "--solexa-quals" )
} else {
options = paste( options, "--phred64-quals" )
if( .project$count$method == "mmseq" ) {
options = paste( options, " -G ", .project$annot$folder, "/", .project$organism,
".", .project$reference$version, ".gtf",
" --no-novel-juncs --min-isoform-fraction 0.0 --min-anchor-length 3", sep="" )
tophatcmd = paste(getPipelineOption("ArrayExpressHTS.tophat"), "/tophat", sep="");
cmds = c( cmds, paste( tophatcmd, " ", options, " -o ", output_dir, " ",
.project$reference$file, " ", fq_files, sep="" ) )
i = 1
for( cmd in cmds ) {
if( i == 1 ) {
write( cmd, file=paste(output_dir, "/", "run_options.txt",sep="") )
} else {
write( cmd, file=paste(output_dir, "/", "run_options.txt",sep=""), append = TRUE )
i = i+1
fail = run_cmds( cmds, run )
return( fail )
align_bowtie <- function( run = FALSE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
indexes_dir = .project$aligner$indexes_dir
output_dir = .project$aligner$out_dir
fq_files = .project$fq_files
cmds = list()
if( .project$pairing$type == "SR" ) {
fq_files = paste( .project$fq_files, collapse="," )
} else if( .project$pairing$type == "PE" ) {
fq_files = paste( "-1", paste( .project$fq_files[1], collapse="," ),
"-2", paste( .project$fq_files[2], collapse="," ) )
# override all options with the user defined ones
if( .project$aligner$override_options ) {
options = .project$aligner$options
} else {
options = paste( "-p", .project$aligner$threads )
#--phred33-quals input quals are Phred+33 (default)
#--phred64-quals input quals are Phred+64 (same as --solexa1.3-quals)
#--solexa-quals input quals are from GA Pipeline ver. < 1.3
#--solexa1.3-quals input quals are from GA Pipeline ver. >= 1.3
#--integer-quals qualities are given as space-separated integers (not ASCII)
if( .project$qual_type == "FastqQuality" ) {
#options = paste( options, "--solexa-quals" )
options = paste( options, "--phred33-quals" )
} else {
#options = paste( options, "--solexa1.3-quals" )
options = paste( options, "--phred64-quals" )
# for working with mmseq
if( .project$reference$type == "transcriptome" ) {
options = paste( options, "--fullref" )
for( i in 1:length(.project$aligner$options) ) {
if( !is.null(.project$aligner$options[[i]] ) ) {
options = paste( options, names(.project$aligner$options)[i], .project$aligner$options[[i]] )
bowtiecmd = paste(getPipelineOption("ArrayExpressHTS.bowtie"), "/bowtie", sep="");
cmds = c(cmds, paste( bowtiecmd, " ", options,
.project$reference$file, fq_files,
paste( output_dir, "/", .project$aligner$files[1], sep="") ) ) # "accepted_hits.sam"
i = 1
for( cmd in cmds ) {
if( i == 1 ) {
write( cmd, file=paste(output_dir, "/", "run_options.txt",sep="") )
} else {
write( cmd, file=paste(output_dir, "/", "run_options.txt",sep=""), append = TRUE )
i = i+1
fail = run_cmds( cmds, run )
return( fail )
align_bwa <- function( run = FALSE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
reference_file = paste( .project$reference$file, ".fa", sep="" )
output_dir = .project$aligner$out_dir;
cmds = list()
fq_files = .project$fq_files
# override all options with the user defined ones
if( .project$aligner$override_options ) {
options = .project$aligner$options[1]
} else {
options = paste( "-t", .project$aligner$threads )
for( i in 1:length(.project$aligner$options) ) {
if( !is.null(.project$aligner$options[[i]] ) &&
!is.null(names(.project$aligner$options)) &&
names(.project$aligner$options)[i] != "hits" ) {
options = paste( options, names(.project$aligner$options)[i], .project$aligner$options[[i]] )
sai = paste( "fq", 1:length(fq_files), ".sai", sep="" )
bwacmd = paste(getPipelineOption("ArrayExpressHTS.bwa"), "/bwa", sep="");
cmds = c( cmds, paste( bwacmd, " aln ", options, " ", reference_file, " ", .project$fq_files, " > ", output_dir, "/", sai, sep="" ) )
options = "-n 40"
if( .project$pairing$type == "SR" ) {
cmds = c( cmds, paste( bwacmd, " samse ", options, " ",
reference_file, " ", output_dir, "/", sai, " ", .project$fq_files, " > ",
output_dir, "/", .project$aligner$files[1], sep="" ) )
} else {
# -a is not used, only when there are not enough alignments to infer the insert size
#if( !is.null(.project$pairing$insize) )
# options = paste( "-a", .project$pairing$insize )
cmds = c( cmds, paste( bwacmd, " sampe ", options, " ", reference_file, " ", paste( output_dir, "/", sai, sep="", collapse=" " ), " ",
paste( fq_files, collapse=" "), " > ", output_dir, "/", .project$aligner$files[1], sep="" ) )
i = 1
for( cmd in cmds ) {
if( i == 1 ) {
write( cmd, file=paste(output_dir, "/", "run_options.txt",sep="") )
} else {
write( cmd, file=paste(output_dir, "/", "run_options.txt",sep=""), append = TRUE )
i = i+1
fail = run_cmds( cmds, run )
return( fail )
filterbam = function(filename, newfile) {
argc = 3;
argv = c("fltbam", filename, newfile);
result = 123;
.C('fltbam', as.integer(argc), as.character(argv), as.integer(result), PACKAGE = "ArrayExpressHTS")[[3]]
call_samtools <- function( run, update = FALSE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
reference = paste( .project$reference$file, ".fa", sep="" )
output_dir = .project$aligner$out_dir
cmds = list()
samfile = "accepted_hits.sam"
bamfile = "accepted_hits.bam"
sortedbam = sub( ".bam", ".sorted.bam", bamfile )
samtoolscmd = paste(getPipelineOption("ArrayExpressHTS.samtools"), "/samtools", sep="");
# produce .sam from .bam if .sam is not present
if( !file.exists( paste( output_dir, "/", samfile, sep="") ) || update ) {
if ( file.exists( paste( output_dir, "/", bamfile, sep="") )) {
cmds = c( cmds, paste( samtoolscmd, " view ", output_dir, "/", bamfile, " > ",
output_dir, "/", samfile, sep="" ) )
# produce .bam from .sam if .bam is not pres
if( !file.exists( paste( output_dir, "/", bamfile, sep="" )) || update ) {
referencefai = paste(reference,".fai",sep="")
if( !file.exists(referencefai) || update ) {
cmds = c( cmds, paste( samtoolscmd, " faidx", reference ) )
cmds = c( cmds, paste( samtoolscmd, " import ", referencefai, " ", output_dir, "/", samfile, " ",
output_dir, "/", bamfile, sep="" ) )
if( !file.exists( paste( output_dir, "/", sortedbam, sep="" ) ) || update ) {
# needs to be sorted to be read into R
cmds = c( cmds, paste( samtoolscmd, " sort ", output_dir, "/", bamfile, " ", output_dir, "/", "accepted_hits.sorted", sep="" ) )
# needed by mmseq
cmds = c( cmds, paste( samtoolscmd, " sort -n ", output_dir, "/", bamfile, " ", output_dir, "/", "accepted_hits.sortednames", sep="" ) )
# needs to be indexed to be read into R
cmds = c( cmds, paste( samtoolscmd, " index ", output_dir, "/", sortedbam, sep="" ) )
filename = paste( output_dir, "/", bamfile, sep="" )
newfile = sub( ".bam", ".filt.bam", filename )
sorted = sub( ".bam", ".sorted", newfile)
final = paste( sorted, ".bam", sep="" )
if( .project$pairing == "PE" && .project$aligner$type %in% c("bowtie","tophat") ) { # filter
# needs to be filtered because Bowtie/Tophat don't return only the best
# stratum of alignment quality when using Paired end reads
if( !file.exists(newfile) ) {
# execute commands accumulated so far
fail = run_cmds( cmds, run )
# clean command list
cmds = list();
# run bam mfiltering
rc0 = filterbam(filename, newfile);
# log the result
log.info("FLTBAM ", filename, " RC = ", rc0);
# needs to be sorted to be read into R
if( !file.exists(sorted) ) {
cmds = c( cmds, paste( samtoolscmd, " sort ", newfile, " ", sorted, sep="" ) )
# needs to be indexed to be read into R
bai = paste( final, ".bai",sep="")
if( !file.exists(bai) ) {
cmds = c( cmds, paste( samtoolscmd, " index ", final, sep="" ) )
} else {
cmds = c( cmds, paste( "ln -s ", output_dir, "/", sortedbam, " ", final, sep="" ) )
if( !file.exists( paste( output_dir, "/", "raw.pileup", sep="" ) ) || update ) { # pileup -c -f
# new workflow
cmds = c( cmds, paste( samtoolscmd, " mpileup -f ", reference, " ", output_dir, "/", sortedbam, " > ",
output_dir, "/", "raw.pileup", sep="" ) )
fail = run_cmds( cmds, run )
# reads in text files as generated by SAMtools pileup
pileup_to_dataframe <- function( update = FALSE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
filename = .project$aux_files["pileup"]
if( file.exists( filename ) && !update ) {
log.info( "File ", filename, " exists." )
log.info( "Loading... " )
load( filename )
} else {
pileup_file = paste( .project$aligner$out_dir, "/", "raw.pileup", sep="" )
pile = read.table( pileup_file, header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fill = TRUE )
colnames(pile) = c( "rname", "pos", "refbase", "consbase", "consq", "snpq", "RMS", "nreads", "readbases", "qualbases" )
save( pile, file=filename )
log.info( filename, " saved" )
return( pile )
map_quality_scale0 <- function( num ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
if (num == 33) {
# sanger, phred+33
} else if (num == 64) {
# solexa, illumina 1.3, illumina 1.5, phred+64
} else {
# default
# get fastq quality
get_fastq_quality0 <- function( fname ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
readmax = getPipelineOption("fastqreadmax");
result = 0;
result0 = .C("checkQuality", as.character(fname), as.integer(readmax), as.integer(result))[[3]];
# get fastq quality
get_fastq_quality_scale <- function( fname ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
splitarr = unlist(strsplit(fname, '/'));
name = splitarr[length(splitarr)]
outfname = paste(tempdir(), "/", name, ".tmp", sep = "");
writeLines( readLines(fname, n = 8), file(outfname) )
seq = readFastq(outfname)
# read fastq files
# the fastq format defines:
# 1st line: @id:lane:tile:x:y#multiplexIndex/paired-endNumber(1|2)
# 2nd line: sequence
# 3rd: +
# 4th: quality
fastq_to_shortreadq <- function( update = FALSE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
filename = .project$aux_files["fqAsShortReadQ"]
if( file.exists( filename ) && !update ) {
log.info( "File ", filename, " exists." )
log.info( "Loading... " )
varnames = load( filename )
log.info( paste( "loaded", paste(varnames, collapse=", ") ) )
# update project data
proj0 = .project;
proj0$qual_type <- class(quality(seqdata[[1]]))[1];
} else {
if( .project$pairing$type == "PE" ) {
seqdata = list()
for( i in 1:2 ) {
log.info( paste("Reading fastq file ", dir(.project$datadir, pattern=paste(.project$name,"*_", i,sep="")), "...", sep="") )
seqdata[[i]] = readFastq( .project$datadir, pattern=paste(.project$name,"*_", i,sep=""), qualityType="Auto" )
log.info( "Reordering the mates..." )
ord = IRanges::match( subseq(id(seqdata[[1]]), 1, width(id(seqdata[[1]]))-1),
subseq(id(seqdata[[2]]), 1, width(id(seqdata[[2]]))-1))
seqdata[[2]] = seqdata[[2]][ord]
# if any base quality < 59 (ASCII ';') then FastqQuality
# else SFastqQuality
qual = class(quality(seqdata[[1]]))[1]
} else {
seqdata = list()
log.info( paste("Reading fastq file ", dir(.project$datadir, pattern=.project$name), "...", sep="") )
seqdata[[1]] = readFastq( .project$datadir, pattern=.project$name, qualityType="Auto" )
qual = class(quality(seqdata[[1]]))[1]
# update project data
proj0 = .project;
proj0$qual_type <- qual;
save( seqdata, file=filename )
log.info( filename, " saved" )
shortread_to_tab <- function( seqdata, update = FALSE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
filename = .project$aux_files["shortReadQtab"]
if( file.exists( filename ) && !update ) {
log.info( "File ", filename, " exists." )
log.info( "Loading... " )
varnames = load( filename )
log.info( paste( "loaded", paste(varnames, collapse=", ") ) )
} else {
if( .project$pairing$type == "PE" ) {
log.info( "Joining mates..." )
reads = DNAStringSet( paste( sread(seqdata[[1]]), sread(seqdata[[2]]), sep="" ) )
log.info( "Calculating table..." )
tab = tables(reads, n=length(reads) )
} else {
reads = sread(seqdata[[1]])
tab = tables(reads, n=length(reads) )
save( tab, file=filename )
log.info( filename, " saved" )
# does not support stranded reads
shortread_to_dataframe <- function( data, update = FALSE, return = TRUE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
filename = .project$aux_files["fqAsDataFrame"]
if( file.exists(filename) && !update ) {
log.info( paste( "File ", filename, " exists." ) )
if( return ) {
log.info( "Loading... " )
varnames = load( filename )
log.info( paste( "loaded", paste(varnames,collpase=", ") ) )
} else {
seqframe = NULL
} else {
seqframe = data.frame( id=as.character( id(data) ), seq=as.character( sread(data) ), quality=as.character( quality(data)@quality ) )
save( seqframe, file=filename )
log.info( filename, " saved" )
return( seqframe )
# parses a read ID as comes out of Solexa into a data.frame
stringids_to_dataframe <- function( ids, update = FALSE, return = TRUE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
filename = .project$aux_files["idsAsDataFrame"]
if( file.exists(filename) && !update ) {
log.info( paste( "File ", filename, " exists." ) )
if( return ) {
log.info( paste( "Loading..." ) )
load( filename )
} else {
idtab = NULL
} else {
lines = strsplit( ids, ":" )
end = sapply( lines, function(x) x[5] )
endline = strsplit( end, "/" )
idtab = data.frame( instrumentName=sapply( lines, function(x) x[1] ),
flowcellLane=sapply( lines, function(x) x[2] ),
tile=sapply( lines, function(x) x[3] ),
clusterX=sapply( lines, function(x) x[4] ),
clusterY=sapply( endline, function(x) x[1] ),
sample=sapply( endline, function(x) x[2] ), stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
save( idtab, file=filename )
log.info( "Saved to ", filename )
return( idtab )
# build an AlignedRead object from a list obtained from a bam file
bamlist_to_alignedread <- function( bam, update = FALSE, return = TRUE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
tags = .project$aligner$bamtags
filename = .project$aux_files["alignedRead"]
if( file.exists(filename) && !update ) {
log.info( "File ", filename, " exists." )
log.info( "Loading..." )
load( filename )
} else {
if( .project$pairing == "SR" ) { # single read
df = data.frame( bam[["flag"]], bam[["cigar"]] )
tagn = vector()
for( tag in tags ) {
if( length(bam[["tag"]][[tag]]) == length(bam[["flag"]]) ) {
log.info( paste( "tag", tag, "is present in the bam" ) )
df = cbind( df, bam[["tag"]][[tag]] )
tagn = c( tagn, tag )
names( df ) = c( "flag", "cigar", tagn )
metadata = data.frame( labelDescription=c( "flag", "cigar", tagn ), row.names=c("flag", "cigar", tagn) )
aligndata = AlignedDataFrame( df, metadata )
if( .project$reference$type == "genome" ) {
log.info( "Checking chromosome name representation..." )
chrnames = get_chr_representation( bam[["rname"]] )
} else {
chrnames = as.character(bam[["rname"]])
aln = AlignedRead( bam[["seq"]], BStringSet( bam[["qname"]] ), do.call( .project$qual_type,
list( BStringSet( bam[["qual"]] ) ) ), chrnames, bam[["pos"]], bam[["strand"]],
FastqQuality( as.character(bam[["mapq"]]) ), aligndata )
} else { # paired reads
log.warning( "Warning: not implemented for paired reads!" )
aln = NULL
log.info( "Saving...")
save( aln, file=filename )
log.info( "Saved to file ", filename )
if( return )
return( NULL )
# instead of putting in a list like seq$seqdata, seq$seqtab these are separated for aln and alntab because
# of the size they take
# if calling on Aligned read do xstringset_to_hitcount( id(aln) )
xstringset_to_hitcount <- function( data, update = FALSE, return = TRUE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
filename = .project$aux_files["hitCount"]
if( file.exists(filename) && !update ) {
log.info( "File ", filename, " exists. Loading..." )
load( filename )
} else {
hitcount = tables( data, n=length(data) )
save( hitcount, file=filename )
log.info( "Saved to file ", filename )
if( return )
return( NULL )
bam_to_occurrencetab <- function( bam, update = FALSE, return = TRUE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
filename = .project$aux_files$seqOccurrenceTab
if( file.exists(filename) && !update ) {
log.info( "File ", filename, " exists. Loading..." )
load( filename )
} else {
octab = tables( bam$seq, n=length(bam$seq) )
save( octab, file=filename )
log.info( "Saved to file ", filename )
if( return )
return( NULL )
# from a bam file to a list
bam_to_list <- function( update = FALSE, return = TRUE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
bam_filename = paste(.project$aligner$out_dir, "/", .project$aligner$files[2], sep="" )
rdata_filename = .project$aux_files["bamNamesAsList"]
if( file.exists( rdata_filename ) && !update ) {
log.info( "File ", rdata_filename, " exists." )
if( return ) {
log.info( "Loading..." )
load( rdata_filename )
} else {
log.info( paste( "Reading bam file ", bam_filename, "..." ) )
tags = .project$aligner$bamtags
bam = scanBam( bam_filename, param=bamParam( tags=tags ) )[[1]]
save( bam, file=rdata_filename )
log.info( "Saved data in ", bam_filename, " into ", rdata_filename )
# this can be deleted later, so far it's only being used in the MouseCrosses project
filename = paste(.project$aligner$out_dir, "/", "alignedQnames.RData", sep="" )
if( !file.exists( filename ) ) {
qn = bam$qname
save( qn, file=filename )
if( return )
return( bam )
return( NULL )
bamParam <- function( what=scanBamWhat(), tags=character(), firstmate = FALSE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
if( .project$pairing$type == "SR" )
param = ScanBamParam( flag=scanBamFlag( isUnmappedQuery = FALSE ), tag=tags, what=what )
else {
if( firstmate )
param = ScanBamParam( flag=scanBamFlag( isFirstMateRead = TRUE, isUnmappedQuery = FALSE,
isProperPair = TRUE, isPaired = TRUE, hasUnmappedMate = FALSE ), tag=tags, what=what )
param = ScanBamParam( flag=scanBamFlag( isUnmappedQuery = FALSE, isProperPair = TRUE,
isPaired = TRUE, hasUnmappedMate = FALSE ), tag=tags, what=what )
return( param )
call_tmm <- function( run = FALSE, e ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
nfac = calcNormFactors(exprs(e))
exprs(e) = exprs(e) * nfac
call_none <- function( run = FALSE, e = NULL ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
log.info( "doing nothing" )
call_normalisator <- function( eset, run = FALSE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
res = tryCatch( do.call(paste( "call_", .project$count$normalisation, sep="" ),
list( run=run, e=eset )),
error = function(e) {
registerExpStepFailure(ASSEMBLING_ESET, "Error during normalisation: ", e);
} )
call_estimator <- function( update = FALSE, run = FALSE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
filename = paste( .project$aligner$out_dir, "/",
.project$count$method, "_", .project$count$files["transcript"], sep="" )
if( update || !file.exists(filename) ) {
fail = tryCatch( do.call(paste( "call_", .project$count$method, sep="" ),
list( run=run )),
error=function(e) {
registerRunStepFailure(ESTIMATION, "Error during estimation :", e);
} else {
log.info( "Estimates ", filename, " already exists. Skipping..." )
fail = FALSE
call_cufflinks <- function( gtf = TRUE, run = FALSE, update = FALSE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
cmds = list()
samf = paste( .project$aligner$out_dir, "/", .project$aligner$files[1], sep="" )
ssamf = sub( "sam", "sorted.sam", samf )
usamf = sub( "sam", "unsorted.sam", samf )
fail = FALSE
cufflinkscmd = paste(getPipelineOption("ArrayExpressHTS.cufflinks"), "/cufflinks", sep="");
filename = paste( .project$aligner$out_dir, "/",
.project$count$method, "_", .project$count$files["transcript"], sep="" )
filename2 = paste( .project$aligner$out_dir, "/",
.project$count$method, "_", .project$count$files["gene"], sep="" )
filename3 = paste( .project$aligner$out_dir, "/",
.project$count$method, "_", sub( "expr", "gtf", .project$count$files["transcript"]), sep="" )
if( file.exists(filename) && !update ) {
log.info( "File ", filename, " exists." )
} else {
if( .project$aligner$type != "tophat" && .project$aligner$type != "custom" ) {
"Cufflinks should be run on the output of TopHat only.");
log.warning( "Cufflinks should be run on the output of TopHat only.")
cmds = c( cmds, paste( "sort -k 3,3 -k 4,4n", samf, ">", ssamf ) )
cmds = c( cmds, paste("mv", samf, usamf) )
cmds = c( cmds, paste("mv", ssamf, samf) )
options = paste( "-p", .project$aligner$threads )
if( !is.null( .project$aligner$options[["--max-intron"]] ) ) {
options = paste( options, "-I", .project$aligner$options[["--max-intron"]] )
if( gtf ) {
options = paste( options, " -G ", .project$annot$folder, "/", .project$organism,
".", .project$reference$version, ".gtf", sep="" )
#options = paste( options, " -o ", .project$aligner$out_dir, sep="" );
cmds = c( cmds, paste( cufflinkscmd, " ", options, " ", .project$aligner$out_dir, "/", .project$aligner$files[1], sep="" ) )
# new workflow
cmds = c( cmds, paste( "mv isoforms.fpkm_tracking", filename ))
cmds = c( cmds, paste( "mv genes.fpkm_tracking", filename2 ))
cmds = c( cmds, paste( "mv transcripts.gtf", filename3 ))
fail = run_cmds( cmds, run )
return( fail )
call_mmseq <- function( run = FALSE, update = FALSE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
cmds = list()
fail = FALSE
bam2hitscmd = paste(getPipelineOption("ArrayExpressHTS.bam2hits"), "/bam2hits", sep="");
mmseqcmd = paste(getPipelineOption("ArrayExpressHTS.mmseq"), "/mmseq", sep="");
filename = paste( .project$aligner$out_dir, "/", "hits_file", sep="" )
if( file.exists(filename) && !update && file.info(filename)$size != 0 ) {
log.info( "File ", filename, " exists." )
} else {
cmds = c( cmds, paste( bam2hitscmd, " -m \"(E\\S+).*gene:(E\\S+)\" 1 2 ",
.project$reference$file, ".fa", " ",
.project$aligner$out_dir, "/", .project$aligner$files[3], " > ", filename, sep="") )
mmseqfilename = paste( .project$aligner$out_dir, "/", "mmseq_transcripts.expr", sep="" )
if( file.exists(mmseqfilename) && !update ) {
log.info( "File ", mmseqfilename, " exists." )
fail = 0
} else {
mmseqfilename = paste( .project$aligner$out_dir, "/", "mmseq_out", sep="" )
cmds = c( cmds, paste(mmseqcmd, " ", filename, " ", mmseqfilename, sep="") )
cmds = c( cmds, paste("mv ", .project$aligner$out_dir, "/mmseq_out.mmseq ",
.project$aligner$out_dir, "/mmseq_transcripts.expr", sep="") )
cmds = c( cmds, paste("mv ", .project$aligner$out_dir, "/mmseq_out.gene.mmseq ",
.project$aligner$out_dir, "/mmseq_genes.expr", sep="") )
fail = run_cmds( cmds, run )
return( fail )
call_count <- function( run = FALSE, update = FALSE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
fail = FALSE
countfile = paste( .project$aligner$out_dir, "/", "count_transcripts.expr", sep="" )
if( file.exists(countfile) && !update ) {
log.info( "File ", countfile, " exists." )
fail = 0
} else {
filename = paste( .project$aligner$out_dir, "/", .projects[[1]]$aligner$files[2], sep="" )
log.info( "Reading bam header" )
header = scanBamHeader( filename )[[1]]$targets
log.info( "Reading bam file" )
bam = scanBam( filename, param=bamParam( what=c("qname", "rname"),
firstmate = TRUE ) )[[1]]
dups = duplicated(bam$qname) | rev(duplicated(rev(bam$qname)))
bam$qname = bam$qname[!dups]
bam$rname = bam$rname[!dups]
trans = bam$rname
count = table(trans)
tab = data.frame( trans_id=names(count), count=as.numeric(count),
length=header[match(names(count), names(header))] )
rownames(tab) = NULL
filenames = paste( .project$aligner$out_dir, "/", .project$count$method,
"_", .project$count$files, sep="" )
names(filenames) = names(.project$count$files)
write.table( tab, file=filenames["transcript"], quote = FALSE, )
log.info( "Saved to ", filenames["transcript"] )
bam$rname = as.character(bam$rname)
trans = bam$rname;
count = table(trans)
tab = data.frame( gene_id=names(count), count=as.numeric(count),
length=header[match(names(count), names(header))] )
rownames(tab) = NULL
write.table( tab, file=filenames["gene"], quote = FALSE, )
log.info( "Saved to ", filenames["gene"] )
cufflinks_to_dataframe <- function() {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
# WARNING!! for old versions edit the file first: add "length" at the end of the 1st line
filename = paste( .project$aligner$out_dir, "/", "transcripts.expr", sep="" )
ctab = read.table( filename, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
cufflinks_to_iranges <- function() {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
message("cufflinks_to_iranges is deprecated in favor of cufflinks_to_granges");
message("cufflinks_to_iranges returns NULL");
#ctab = cufflinks_to_dataframe()
#ctab = split( ctab, ctab$chr )
#ctabIR = lapply( ctab, function(x) RangedData( IRanges(start = x$left, end=x$right, names=x$trans_id ), strand=rep(1,length(x$trans_id)) ) )
#ctabIR = do.call( RangedDataList, ctabIR )
#return( ctabIR )
cufflinks_to_granges <- function() {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
cuff = cufflinks_to_dataframe()
cuffgr = GRanges(seqnames = Rle(cuff$chr),
ranges = IRanges(cuff$start, width = (cuff$end-cuff$start), names = cuff$transcript_id ) )
mmseq_to_dataframe <- function() {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
mm = read.table( paste( .project$aligner$out_dir, "/", "mmseq_out.mmseq", sep=""), header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
return( mm )
cufflinks_to_countmatrix <- function() {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
ctab = cufflinks_to_dataframe()
countm = matrix( ctab$RPKM, dimnames=list( ctab$trans_id, .project$name ) )
return( countm )
# output a matrix of counts per feature
count_reads_per_feature <- function( alnIR, annot, annotIR, mr.algo=c("discard"), update = FALSE, return = TRUE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
feature = .project$count$feature;
filename = sub( ".RData", paste( feature, ".RData", sep=""), .project$aux_files["countsPerFeature"] )
if( file.exists( filename ) && !update ) {
log.info( "File ", filename, " exists." )
log.info( "Loading..." )
load( filename )
} else {
counts = findOverlaps(alnIR, annotIR)
if( feature=="isoform" ) { # call cufflinks
cmd = paste( "cufflinks", .project$count_options, .project$aligner$files[1] )
#system( cmd ) # uncomment to run
} else if( feature == "exon" ){
counts = sapply( counts, as.matrix )
tab = sapply( counts, function(x) table( x[,"subject"] ) )
tab = sapply( tab, sort )
allc = sapply( names(tab), function(x) {
featnames = names(annotIR[[x]])
matrix( tab[[x]], dimnames=list( featnames[as.integer(names(tab[[x]]))], "counts" ) )
} else if( feature == "gene" ) {
} else {
log.info( "Not implemented!" )
return( NULL )
counts = list(indexes=counts,perExon=allc)
save( counts, file=filename )
log.info( filename, " saved" )
if( return )
return( counts )
return( NULL )
transcriptome_to_dataframe <- function() {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
reference_file = paste( .project$aligner$indexes_dir, "/", .project$organism, ".",
.project$reference$version, ".cdna.chromosome.fa", sep="" )
lengths = fasta.seqlengths( reference_file )
tnames = names( lengths )
# this should be used by default for cdna files downloaded from ENSEMBL
tnames = strsplit( tnames, " " )
chrs = strsplit( sapply(tnames, function(x) x[3] ), ":" )
transtab = data.frame( id=sapply(tnames, function(x) x[1]),
chr=sapply(chrs, function(x) x[3]),
start=sapply(chrs, function(x) x[4]),
end=sapply(chrs, function(x) x[5]),
strand=sapply(chrs, function(x) x[6]),
gene=sapply(tnames, function(x) strsplit(x[4], ":")[[1]][2]) )
return( transtab )
get_annotation_RData_name <- function( origfile, type, filtered ) {
sub( ".RData", paste(".", type, ".", filtered, ".RData",sep=""), origfile )
# either from biomart or from a gff file, returns a list of data.frames by chromosome
get_annotation <- function( .project, type="any", split = FALSE, update = FALSE, returnresult = TRUE, filter = TRUE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
ANYTYPE = "any";
GTFTYPE = "gtf";
TEXTTYPE = "txt";
BIOMARTTYPE = "biomaRt";
if (filter) {
filtered = "filtered";
} else {
filtered = "unfiltered";
for( t in c("biomaRt", "txt", "gtf") ) {
rfilename = get_annotation_RData_name(.project$aux_files["annot"], t, filtered);
if( file.exists(rfilename) && !update ) {
log.info( "File ", rfilename, " exists." )
log.info( "Loading..." )
load( rfilename )
return( annot )
column_names = c("chr","strand", "geneid", "gene_start", "gene_end",
"transcript", "transcript_start", "transcript_end", "biotype",
"id", "start", "end", "feature" )
annot = NULL;
if( type == TEXTTYPE || type == ANYTYPE ) { # as produced by the FetchEnsembl perl script
filename = dir( .project$annot$folder, pattern="txt$", full.names = TRUE )
if( length(filename) != 0 ) {
log.info( "Using file ", filename[1], " for annotation." )
annot = read.table( filename, header = FALSE, sep="\t", fill = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
col.names=column_names )
type = TEXTTYPE;
} else {
log.info( "Could not find a txt file in the annotation folder." )
} else if( type == GTFTYPE || type == ANYTYPE ) { # as downloaded from the Ensembl ftp, it's very slow
filename = dir( .project$annot$folder, pattern="gtf", full.names = TRUE )
if( length(filename) != 0 ) {
log.info( "Using file ", filename[1], " for annotation." )
annot = gtf_to_dataframe( filename[1], names=column_names, filter = filter )
chrs = unique( annot$chr )
if (filter) {
chrs = filter_chr( chrs )
annot = annot[annot$chr %in% chrs,]
if( split ) {
annot = split( annot, annot$chr )
type = GTFTYPE;
} else {
log.info( "Could not find a gtf file in the annotation folder." )
} else if( type == BIOMARTTYPE || type == ANYTYPE ) { # only works with mouse, human and drosophila pseudoobscura
attrib = c( "chromosome_name", "strand", "ensembl_gene_id", "start_position", "end_position",
"ensembl_transcript_id", "transcript_start", "transcript_end", "gene_biotype",
"ensembl_exon_id", "exon_chrom_start", "exon_chrom_end" )
mart = "ensembl"
dataset = NULL;
# static info, don't change
if( length(grep("musculus", .project$organism)) ) {
dataset = "mmusculus_gene_ensembl"
} else if( length(grep("sapiens", .project$organism)) ) {
dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl"
} else if( length(grep("pseudoobscura", .project$organism)) ) {
dataset = "dpseudoobscura_eg_gene"
mart = "metazoa_mart_5"
attrib = c( "chromosome_name", "strand", "ensembl_gene_id", "start_position", "end_position",
"ensembl_transcript_id", "transcript_start", "transcript_end", "biotype",
"ensembl_exon_id", "exon_chrom_start", "exon_chrom_end" )
} else {
log.info( "Failed: biomaRt dataset name not set!" )
dataset = NULL;
if (!is.null(dataset)) {
ensembl = useMart( mart, dataset=dataset )
chrs = getBM( attributes="chromosome_name", mart=ensembl )$chromosome_name
log.info( paste("Available chromosomes:", paste(chrs,collapse=", ") ) )
if (filter) {
chrs = filter_chr( chrs )
log.info( paste("Filtering chromosomes. Will download annotation for:", paste(chrs,collapse=", ") ))
log.info( "Downloading annotation for:" )
#annot = list()
annot = data.frame()
for( chr in chrs ) {
log.info( paste( chr, " ", sep="" ) )
annot = rbind( annot, getBM( attributes=attrib, mart=ensembl, filters="chromosome_name", values=chr ) )
#annot[[chr]] = annot[[chr]][order(annot[[chr]]$start_position, annot[[chr]]$strand),]
#rownames(annot[[chr]]) = NULL
annot = cbind( annot, rep("exon",length(annot$strand)))
colnames(annot) = column_names
annot$chr = get_chr_representation( annot$chr )
log.info( " " )
#names( annot ) = get_chr_representation( chrs )
} else {
log.info( "Unkown annotatio type: ", type );
log.info( "Supported types are: ", GTFTYPE, " ", TEXTTYPE, " ", BIOMARTTYPE, " ", ANYTYPE );
if (!is.null(annot)) {
rfilename = get_annotation_RData_name(.project$aux_files["annot"], type, filtered);
log.info( "Saving to file ", rfilename, "" )
save( annot, file=rfilename )
if( split ) {
annot = split( annot, annot$chr )
if (returnresult) {
} else {
} else {
download_annotation <- function( project, run = FALSE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
version = project$reference$version
anfile = paste( project$annot$folder, "/",
project$organism, ".", version, ".gtf", sep="")
#log.info( "Searching for", anfile )
if( file.exists(project$annot$folder) &&
file.exists( anfile ) ) {
log.info( "Annotation: ", anfile )
fail = FALSE
} else {
log.info('Could not find ', project$annot$folder);
ref_subver = paste( "release-", substr( version, nchar(version)-1,
nchar(version) ), sep="")
cmds = paste( "mkdir ", project$refdir, "/annotation/", sep="" )
cmds = c( cmds, paste( "mkdir ", project$annot$folder) )
run_cmds( cmds, run )
cmds = paste( "curl -O ftp://ftp.ensembl.org//pub/", ref_subver,
"/gtf//", tolower(project$organism), "/", project$organism, ".",
version, ".gtf.gz > ", project$organism, ".",
version, ".gtf.gz", sep="" )
cmds = c(cmds, paste( "gunzip ", project$organism, ".",
version, ".gtf.gz", sep="" ) )
cmds = c(cmds, paste( "mkdir ", project$annot$folder) )
cmds = c(cmds, paste( "mv ", project$organism, ".", version, ".gtf ",
project$annot$folder, sep="" ) )
fail = run_cmds( cmds, run )
return( fail )
# from a data.frame into IRanges
annot_to_iranges <- function( annot, feature=NULL, extra="strand", update = FALSE, return = TRUE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
if( is.null(feature) ) {
feature = .project$count$feature;
filename = sub( ".RData", paste(feature,".RData",sep=""), .project$aux_files["annotAsIRange"] )
if( file.exists( filename ) && !update ) {
log.info( "File ", filename, " exists." )
log.info( "Loading..." )
load( filename )
} else {
chrs = names( annot )
#chrs = filter_chr( chrs )
#annot = annot[annot$chr %in% chrs,]
if( feature=="exon" ) {
columns = c("strand", "ensembl_exon_id","exon_chrom_start","exon_chrom_end")
} else if( feature=="gene" ) {
columns = c("strand", "ensembl_gene_id","start_position","end_position")
} else if( feature=="rRNA" ) {
columns = c("strand", "ensembl_gene_id","start_position","end_position")
annot = lapply( annot, function(x) x[x$gene_biotype == "rRNA",] )
} else {
log.info( "Not implemented yet!" )
return( NULL )
for( chr in names(annot) ) {
annot[[chr]] = unique( annot[[chr]][,columns] )
names(annot[[chr]]) = c("strand", "id", "start", "end")
#annot = split( annot, annot$chromosome_name )
#annot = lapply( annot, function(x) split(x, x$strand) )
#annotIR = lapply( annot, function(x) lapply(x, function(y) IRanges(start = y[,"start"], end=y[,"end"], names=y[,"id"]) ) )
#annotIR = lapply( annot, function(y) RangedData( IRanges(start = y[,"start"], end=y[,"end"], names=y[,"id"]), y[,"strand"]) )
annotIR = lapply(1:length(annot), function(i) { y <- annot[[i]];
GRanges( rep(names(annot[i]), length(y[,"start"])),
IRanges(start = y[,"start"], end= y[,"end"], names=y[,"id"]),
y[,"strand"]) } )
#annotIR = do.call( RangedDataList, annotIR )
annotIR = do.call( GRangesList, annotIR )
save( annotIR, file=filename )
log.info( "Saved to ", filename, "" )
if( return )
return( annotIR )
return( NULL )
# make an XStringSet with only the unique sequences in the ShortReadQ or AlignedRead object
shortread_to_unique <- function( data, update = FALSE, return = TRUE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
types= c( "sread", "id" )
filename = sub( ".RData", paste( class(data)[1], ".RData", sep="" ), .project$aux_files["uniqueReads"] )
useqs = list()
if( file.exists( filename ) && !update ) {
log.info( "File ", filename, " exists." )
if( return ) {
log.info( "Loading..." )
load( filename )
} else {
useqs = NULL
log.info( "" )
} else {
useqs = lapply( types, function(type) unique( do.call( type, list(data) ) ) )
save( useqs, file=filename )
log.info( "Saved to ", filename, "" )
return( useqs )
make_filt_indexes <- function( annot, update = FALSE, return = TRUE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
filename = .project$aux_files["indexes"]
bam_filename = paste(.project$aligner$out_dir, "/", .project$aligner$files[2], sep="" )
if( file.exists( filename ) && !update ) {
log.info( "File ", filename, " exists." )
log.info( "Loading..." )
load( filename )
} else {
index = list()
if( .project$pairing$type == "PE" ) {
bam = scanBam( bam_filename, param=ScanBamParam( flag=scanBamFlag(isPaired = TRUE,
isProperPair = TRUE, isUnmappedQuery = FALSE,
hasUnmappedMate = FALSE ), what=("flag") ) )[[1]]
# for this to run correctly:
# one has to be sure that the bam import included only reads with the mate mapped (done if using bamParam())
# in case of paired-end reads the bam file has mates together
log.info( "Getting mate indexes..." )
if( .project$pairing$type == "PE" ) {
# bwa's SAM files have:
# 1 line per read with optional alignments in the XA tag
# 1 line per mate in a pair
# tophat/bowtie alignments have:
# n lines per read with all possible alignments
# 1 line per mate in a pair
# all aligners strip the /1 /2 terminations from the names of the reads
index[["mates"]] = flag_is_secondmate( bam$flag )
} else {
index[["mates"]] = rep(0, length(bam$qname))
# duplicated sequences, leaving the 1st occurrence
log.info( "Getting duplicated indexes..." )
index[["dupfilt"]] = duplicated(bam$seq)
# all sequences that appear more than once
index[["dup"]] = index[["dupfilt"]] & duplicated(rev(bam$seq))
log.info( "Getting multiple-hit reads..." )
# reads that align multiple times to the reference
if( .project$aligner$type == "tophat" ) {
index[["multhit"]] = duplicated(bam$qname) & rev(duplicated(rev(bam$qname)))
} else if( .project$aligner$type == "bwa" ) {
index[["multhit"]] = !is.na(bam$tag$XA)
} else {
log.info( "I don't know this aligner" )
# reads above or equal to the min quality
avgquals = phred_to_avgqual( bam$qual )
index[["minqual"]] = (avgquals >= .project$filtering_options[["minqual"]])
# reads above or equal to the min map quality (watch out, some aligners might assign qual 0 to multiple match reads
index[["minmapq"]] = (bam$mapq >= .project$filtering_options[["minmapq"]] )
# reads with less or equal to maxN number of Ns
filt = nFilter( .project$filtering_options[["maxN"]] )
index[["maxN"]] = filt( bam$seq )
# reads that have less or equal than the max size of a polyX tail
count = polyX_size( bam$seq )
countab = data.frame( count[[1]], count[[2]], count[[3]], count[[4]] )
if( .project$filtering_options$maxpol < 1 ) {
maxpol = round(.project$filtering_options$maxpol * width( bam$seq[1] ))
} else {
maxpol = .project$filtering_options$maxpol
countab = countab > maxpol
countab = rowSums( countab )
index[["notpoly"]] = !countab
# reads that map to the chromosome of interest (watch out for multiple reads aligning to unwanted regions)
index[["chrOI"]] = !(bam$rname %in% .project$filtering_options[["chr_ignore"]])
index[["gapped"]] = grep( "N", bam$cigar )
# reads that map to ribosomal DNA (the same warning as for chrOI)
#ribIR = annot_to_iranges( annot, feature="rRNA" )
#bamIR = cigarToIRangesListByRName( bam$cigar, bam$rname, bam$pos )
#names( bamIR ) = get_chr_representation( names(bamIR) )
#hits = findOverlaps( bamIR, ribIR )
# TODO: how to map back to the bam file? cigarToIRangesListByRName will split reads with gaps into 2 or more intervals!
# GenomicRnages doesn't seem to do this, but I don't know how to represent the annotation then
# a temporary solution would be to ignore gapped reads (control with the gapped filter option in .project)
#sapply(hits, function(x) if( length(x@matchMatrix[,1]) > 0 ) length(unique(x@matchMatrix[,1])) else 0 )
save( index, file=filename )
log.info( "Saved to ", filename, "" )
if( return )
return( index )
return( NULL )
# global defs
freq00101 = list()
plot_raw_report <- function( seqdata, tab, update = FALSE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
width = 480;
height = 480;
#size = 400
algn = "left"
report_dir = .project$report["raw_report_dir"]
filename = "plotRawReport"
if( !file.exists(paste(report_dir, "/", filename, ".html", sep="")) || update ) {
HTMLInitFile( outdir=report_dir, filename=filename, Title="Quality report on raw reads" )
HTML( "<h1>Run info</h1>" )
HTML( paste("Project name:", .project$name) )
pos = gregexpr( ":", id(seqdata[[1]])[1] )[[1]]
HTML( paste("Lane number(s):", substr( id(seqdata[[1]])[1], pos[1]+1, pos[2]-1 ) ) )
HTML( paste("Run length:", width(seqdata[[1]])[1]) )
HTML( paste("Paired:", .project$pairing$type) )
HTML( paste("Stranded:", .project[["stranded"]]) )
HTML( paste("Number of reads:", length(seqdata[[1]])) )
HTML( paste("Quality scale:", .project$qual_type) )
HTML( "<h1>Raw reads quality</h1>" )
# memory usage
print.memory.usage("Memory: plot_raw_report step 1")
myHTMLplot( GraphDirectory=report_dir, Width=length( seqdata )*width, Height=height,
Align=algn, GraphFileName="basecall_per_cycle",
plotFunction = function() {
# the name is odd
# not to clash with proper names
fq = plot_basecall_per_cycle( seqdata );
assignInNamespace('freq00101', fq, ns="ArrayExpressHTS");
# memory usage
print.memory.usage("Memory: plot_raw_report step 2")
myHTMLplot( GraphDirectory=report_dir, Width=length( freq00101 )*width, Height=height,
Align=algn, GraphFileName="basecall_per_cycle_log",
plotFunction = function() {
plot_basecall_per_cycle_log( allqfreq = freq00101 );
# clean the freq00101
assignInNamespace('freq00101', list(), ns="ArrayExpressHTS");
# memory usage
print.memory.usage("Memory: plot_raw_report step 3")
myHTMLplot( GraphDirectory=report_dir, Width=length( seqdata )*width, Height=height,
Align=algn, GraphFileName="N_distrib",
plotFunction = function() {
plot_N_distrib( seqdata );
# memory usage
print.memory.usage("Memory: plot_raw_report step 4")
myHTMLplot( GraphDirectory=report_dir, Width=length( seqdata )*width, Height=height,
Align=algn, GraphFileName="dustyScore_distrib",
plotFunction= function(){
plot_dustyScore_distrib( seqdata );
# memory usage
print.memory.usage("Memory: plot_raw_report step 5")
myHTMLplot( GraphDirectory=report_dir, Width=length( seqdata )*width, Height=height,
Align=algn, GraphFileName="quality_per_cycle",
plotFunction= function(){
plot_quality_per_cycle( seqdata );
# memory usage
print.memory.usage("Memory: plot_raw_report step 6")
myHTMLplot( GraphDirectory=report_dir, Width=length( seqdata )*width, Height=height,
Align=algn, GraphFileName="avgbasequal_distrib",
plotFunction= function(){
plot_avgbasequal_distrib( seqdata );
# memory usage
print.memory.usage("Memory: plot_raw_report step 7")
myHTMLplot( GraphDirectory=report_dir, Width=length( seqdata )*width, Height=height,
Align=algn, GraphFileName="readoccurence_cdf",
plot_readoccurence_cdf( seqdata )
# memory usage
print.memory.usage("Memory: plot_raw_report step 8")
# memory usage
print.memory.usage("Memory: plot_raw_report step 9")
} else {
log.info( "File exists, not updated" )
# returns the number of raw reads in the fastq file
number_raw_reads <- function( update = FALSE ) {
trace.enter( "number_raw_reads" );
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
filename = paste(.project$projectdir,"/number_raw_reads.RData", sep="")
if( file.exists(filename) & !update ) {
log.info( "Loading ", filename )
load( filename )
} else {
log.info( "Getting umber of reads from ", .project$fq_files[1] );
nr = as.integer( system( paste( "wc -l <", .project$fq_files[1] ), intern = TRUE ) ) / 4
save( nr, file=filename )
# count how many reads were aligned
number_aligned_reads <- function( update = FALSE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
filename = paste(.project$aligner$out_dir, "/number_aligned_reads.txt", sep="")
if( file.exists(filename) && !update ) {
log.info( "File with number of aligned reads already exists. Loading..." );
areads = read.table( filename )[1,1]
} else {
log.info( "Counting aligned reads for ", .project$name )
hits_file = paste( .project$aligner$out_dir, "/hits_file", sep="" )
if( file.exists(hits_file) ) { # mmseq, already filtered
log.info( "Looking at the hits file" );
cmds = paste( "grep \">\" ", hits_file, " | wc -l >> ", filename, sep="" )
log.info( cmds );
system( cmds )
areads = read.table( filename )[1,1]
} else { # other
log.info( "Looking at the BAM file" );
bam_filename = paste(.project$aligner$out_dir, "/", .project$aligner$files[2], sep="" )
if( file.exists(bam_filename) ) {
bam = scanBam( bam_filename, param=bamParam( what="qname", firstmate = TRUE ) )[[1]]
areads = length( unique(bam$qname) )
save( areads, file=filename )
} else {
cat( "\t", bam_filename, " not found" )
# looks at the fastq file for the read length
length_raw_reads <- function() {
rlength = nchar( read.table(.project$fq_files[1], nrows=2, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[2,1] )
#plot_aligned_report <- function( seqdata, index, hitcount, update = FALSE ) {
plot_aligned_report <- function( update = FALSE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
width = 480;
height = 480;
algn = "left"
report_dir = .project$report["aligned_report_dir"]
filename = "plotAlignedReport"
if( !file.exists(paste(report_dir, "/", filename, ".html", sep="")) || update ) {
log.info( "Creating report" )
HTMLInitFile( outdir=report_dir, filename=filename, Title="Quality report on aligned reads" )
HTML( "<h1>Run info</h1>" )
HTML( paste("Project name:", .project$name) )
HTML( paste("Read length:", getReadLength0(.project$fq_files[[1]]) )) ## width(seqdata[[ 1 ]])[1])
HTML( paste("Paired:", .project$pairing$type) )
HTML( paste("Stranded:", .project[["stranded"]]) )
HTML( paste("Quality scale:", .project$qual_type) )
HTML( paste("Aligner:", .project$aligner$type) )
HTML( paste("Reference:", .project$organism, .project$reference$type,
.project$reference$version ) )
bam_filename = paste(.project$aligner$out_dir, "/", .project$aligner$files[2], sep="" )
# memory usage
print.memory.usage("Memory: plot_aligned_report step 1")
# TODO: barplot of raw reads and proportions of aligned, filtered, multi-hits, gapped reads
# needs: bam$qname
myHTMLplot( GraphDirectory=report_dir, Width=2*width, Height=height,
Align=algn, GraphFileName="hits",
plot_hits( number_raw_reads(), bam_filename ); ## length(seqdata[[ 1 ]])
# memory usage
print.memory.usage("Memory: plot_aligned_report step 2")
# for PE only, insert size density
# needs: bam$isize
if( .project$pairing$type == "PE" ) {
myHTMLplot( GraphDirectory=report_dir, Width=2*width, Height=height,
Align=algn, GraphFileName="insertsize",
plot_insertsize( bam_filename );
# memory usage
print.memory.usage("Memory: plot_aligned_report step 3")
# alignment quality distribution
myHTMLplot( GraphDirectory=report_dir, Width=2*width, Height=height,
Align=algn, GraphFileName="mapquality",
plot_mapq( bam_filename );
# memory usage
print.memory.usage("Memory: plot_aligned_report step 4")
# barplot of distribution among chromosomes
# needs: bam$rname
#reflen = reflen_to_dataframe()
if( .project$reference$type == "genome" ) {
myHTMLplot( GraphDirectory=report_dir, Width=2*width, Height=height,
Align=algn, GraphFileName="chrbarplot",
plotFunction= function(){
plot_chromosome_distrib( bam_filename );
# memory usage
print.memory.usage("Memory: plot_aligned_report step 5")
# pie chart of distribution between strands
# needs: bam$flag
myHTMLplot( GraphDirectory=report_dir, Width=2*width, Height=height,
Align=algn, GraphFileName="strand",
plot_strand_distrib( bam_filename );
# memory usage
print.memory.usage("Memory: plot_aligned_report step 6")
# boxplots along transcripts
# needs: annotation
if( .project$reference$type == "transcriptome" ) {
myHTMLplot( GraphDirectory=report_dir, Width=2*width, Height=height,
Align=algn, GraphFileName="alongtranscript",
plot_transcript_distrib( bam_filename );
# memory usage
print.memory.usage("Memory: plot_aligned_report step 7")
# log.info( "To be implemented" )
# } else {
# if( .project$pairing$type == "PE" ) {
# aln = readGAlignments( bam_filename, param=bamParam(firstmate = TRUE ) )
# } else {
# aln = readGAlignments( bam_filename, param=bamParam() )
# annot = get_annotation( type="gtf", split = FALSE )
# subannot <- unique( annot[,c("chromosome_name", "strand", "ensembl_transcript_id", "ensembl_exon_id", "exon_chrom_start", "exon_chrom_end")] )
# cnames = factor( paste( "EG:", subannot$chromosome_name, sep="" ), levels(rname(aln)) )
# ar <- GRanges(
# seqnames = cnames,
# ranges = IRanges( start=subannot$exon_chrom_start, end=subannot$exon_chrom_end),
# strand = Rle( subannot$strand ),
# exon=subannot$ensembl_exon_id,
# gene=subannot$ensembl_transcript_id )
# uar = ar
# strand(uar) = Rle( rep("*", length(uar) ) )
# ov = countOverlaps( uar, uar ) == 1
# if( project[["stranded"]] )
# ar = ar[ov]
# else
# ar = uar[ov]
# saln = subsetByOverlaps( aln, ar )
# cover <- coverage(saln)
# islands <- slice(cover, 1)
# islands = islands[["EG:4_group3"]]
# steps = round(width(islands) * 0.05)
# vals = c()
# ind = 0
# for( i in 1:20 ) {
# sapply( )
# }
# }
# }
#HTML( paste("Number of reads:", length(seqdata[[1]])) )
#myHTMLplot( GraphDirectory=report_dir, Width=2*width, Height=height,
# Align=algn, plotFunction=function(){
# plot_bars_totalunique( bam$cigar, hitcount, seq, !index$multhit )
#} )
#myHTMLplot( GraphDirectory=report_dir, plotFunction=function(){
# plot_mapq_distribution( bam$mapq )
#} )
# polyX of unaligned reads
#HTML( "<h1>Not aligned</h1>" )
#notaln = !(subseq(id(seq$seqdata), start=1, end=-3) %in% BStringSet(bam$qname) )
#myHTMLplot( GraphDirectory=report_dir, Width=2*width, Height=height,
# Align=algn, GraphFileName="polyX",
# plotFunction=function(){
# plot_polyX( bam_filename );
# });
} else {
log.info( "File exists, not updated" )
plot_compared_raw_report <- function( .project, update = FALSE ) {
on.exit({ trace.exit() })
width = 480;
height = 480;
algn = "left"
report_dir = .project$report["compared_report_dir"]
filename = "plotComparedRawReport"
if( !file.exists(paste(report_dir, "/", filename, ".html", sep="")) || update ) {
HTMLInitFile( outdir=report_dir, filename=filename, Title="Compared report on raw reads" )
HTML( as.title( "Comparison plots" ), append = FALSE )
# memory usage
print.memory.usage("Memory: plot_compared_raw_report step 1")
myHTMLplot( GraphDirectory=report_dir, Width=2*width, Height=height,
Align=algn, GraphFileName="avgbasequal_boxplots",
plotFunction = function(){
plot_avgbasequal_boxplots( update );
# memory usage
print.memory.usage("Memory: plot_compared_raw_report step 2")
myHTMLplot( GraphDirectory=report_dir, Width=2*width, Height=height,
Align=algn, GraphFileName="dustyScore_distribs",
plotFunction = function() {
plot_dustyScore_distribs( update );
# memory usage
print.memory.usage("Memory: plot_compared_raw_report step 3")
myHTMLplot( GraphDirectory=report_dir, Width=2*width, Height=height,
Align=algn, GraphFileName="scatter",
# memory usage
print.memory.usage("Memory: plot_compared_raw_report step 4")
if( .project$pairing$type == "PE" ) {
myHTMLplot( GraphDirectory=report_dir, Width=2*width, Height=height,
Align=algn, GraphFileName="insizes",
# memory usage
print.memory.usage("Memory: plot_compared_raw_report step 5")
myHTMLplot( GraphDirectory=report_dir, Width=2*width, Height=height,
Align=algn, GraphFileName="hits",
plotFunction = function() {
plot_compared_hits( update );
# memory usage
print.memory.usage("Memory: plot_compared_raw_report step 6")
} else {
log.info( "File exists, not updated" )
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.