.perConditionSimilarityIndex <-
function(data.norm.perCondition, log.s){
countsNormLog <- log(data.norm.perCondition)
countsNormLog_binary <- countsNormLog > log.s
sum <- 0
nbindiv <- ncol(countsNormLog)
calc <- mapply(function(i,j) {
x <- countsNormLog_binary[,i]
y <- countsNormLog_binary[,j]
a <- length(which(x == 1 & y == 1))
b <- length(which(x == 1 & y == 0))
c <- length(which(x == 0 & y == 1))
d <- length(which(x == 0 & y == 0))
## Sanity check
if(sum(c(a,b,c,d)) != length(x) & sum(c(a,b,c,d)) != length(y)) {
stop("Something's wrong.")
a / (a+b+c)
rep(1:(nbindiv), times = c((nbindiv-1):0)),
unlist(lapply(2:nbindiv, function(x) seq(x,nbindiv))) )
## AR (1/15/2013): use mean rather than sum in case of unbalanced experiments
.HTSFilterBackground <-
function(data, conds, s.min, s.max, s.len,
loess.span, normalization, plot, plot.name, parallel, BPPARAM) {
## Sanity checks: replicated data?
if(min(table(conds) == 1)) {
stop("All conditions must have at least TWO replicates.")
if(s.min <= 0) stop("s.min must be > 0.");
if(s.min > s.max) stop(paste(sQuote(s.min), "must be <", sQuote(s.max)));
if(dim(data)[2] != length(conds)) {
stop(paste(sQuote(conds), " must be of length ", dim(data)[2],
" (the number of columns of", sQuote(data), ")", sep = ""))
## Normalization (calculated on full dataset)
norm <- normalizeData(data = data,
normalization = normalization)
data.norm <- norm$data.norm
norm.factor <- norm$norm.factor
## Calculate index for each threshold value
s.test <- seq(log(s.min), log(s.max), length = s.len)
## AR (1/17/2013): use mean rather than sum so max value is 1
if(parallel == FALSE) {
index <- rowMeans(matrix(mapply(function(condition, s) {
.perConditionSimilarityIndex(data.norm.perCondition = data.norm[,which(conds == unique(conds)[condition])],
log.s = s)},
rep(1:length(unique(conds)), times = length(s.test)),
rep(s.test, each = length(unique(conds)))), ncol = length(unique(conds)),
byrow = TRUE))
## AR (10/10/2016): add parallel functionality
if(parallel == TRUE) {
tmp <- bpmapply(function(condition, s) {
.perConditionSimilarityIndex(data.norm.perCondition = data.norm[,which(conds == unique(conds)[condition])],
log.s = s)
rep(1:length(unique(conds)), times = length(s.test)),
rep(s.test, each = length(unique(conds))), BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
index <- rowMeans(matrix(unlist(tmp), ncol = length(unique(conds)), byrow=TRUE))
## Choosing s.optimal: Fit a loess curve to data
index[which(is.nan(index) == TRUE)] <- NA
p <- predict(loess(index ~ exp(s.test), span = loess.span),
seq(s.min, s.max, by = 0.001))
s.optimal <- seq(s.min, s.max, by = 0.001)[which(p == max(p, na.rm = TRUE))]
if(plot == TRUE) {
if(is.na(plot.name) != TRUE) pdf(plot.name, width = 6, height = 6);
plot(exp(s.test), index, log = "x", xlab = "Threshold",
ylab = "Global Jaccard index")
lines(seq(s.min, s.max, by = 0.001), p, col = "blue", lwd = 2)
points(s.optimal, max(p, na.rm = TRUE), col = "red", pch = "X", cex= 1.5)
abline(v = s.optimal, lty = 2, col= "red")
legend("bottomleft", pch = "X", col="red", cex = 1.25, paste("s =", s.optimal), bty = "n")
if(is.na(plot.name) != TRUE) dev.off();
## Calculate which genes are present in at least one sample with s.optimal
data.binary <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(conds), ncol = dim(data)[1])
data.binary <- data.norm > s.optimal
on <- ifelse(rowSums(data.binary) == 0, 0, 1)
data.filter <- data[which(on == 1),]
colnames(data.binary) <- colnames(data)
rownames(data.binary) <- rownames(data)
filter.results <- list(on = on, s.optimal = s.optimal, data.binary = data.binary,
index.values = data.frame(threshold = exp(s.test), index = index),
data.filter = data.filter, norm.factor = norm.factor)
.HTSBasicFilterBackground <- function(data, method, cutoff.type="value", cutoff=10,
length=NA, normalization) {
## Sanity checks
check <- method %in% c("mean", "sum", "rpkm", "variance", "cpm",
"max", "cpm.mean", "cpm.sum", "cpm.variance", "cpm.max",
"rpkm.mean", "rpkm.sum", "rpkm.variance", "rpkm.max")
if(check != TRUE) stop("Only the following basic filters are currently supported:
mean, sum, rpkm, variance, cpm, max")
if(!is(cutoff.type, "character") & !is(cutoff.type, "numeric") &
length(cutoff.type) != 1)
stop(paste("cutoff.type must be equal to a numeric value, or one of the following:\n",
dQuote("value"), dQuote("number"), dQuote("quantile")))
## Normalize data
x <- data
norm <- normalizeData(x, normalization)
x.norm <- norm$data.norm
norm.factor <- norm$norm.factor
## Prep filtering criteria
if(method == "mean") crit <- apply(x.norm, 1, mean);
if(method == "sum") crit <- apply(x.norm, 1, sum);
if(method == "variance") crit <- apply(x.norm, 1, var);
if(method == "max") crit <- apply(x.norm, 1, max);
if(method == "cpm" | method == "cpm.mean" | method == "cpm.sum" |
method == "cpm.variance" | method == "cpm.max") {
if(normalization != "TMM") message("Note that TMM normalization is used for cpm filter.")
dge <- DGEList(counts=x)
dge <- calcNormFactors(dge)
crit <- .cpmDGEList(dge, normalized.lib.sizes=TRUE, log=FALSE, prior.count=0.25)
if(method == "cpm.mean") crit <- apply(crit, 1, mean)
if(method == "cpm.sum") crit <- apply(crit, 1, sum)
if(method == "cpm.variance") crit <- apply(crit, 1, var)
if(method == "cpm.max") crit <- apply(crit, 1, max)
if(method == "rpkm" | method == "rpkm.mean" | method == "rpkm.sum" |
method == "rpkm.variance" | method == "rpkm.max") {
if(is.vector(length) == FALSE | length(length) != nrow(x))
stop(paste("length needed for rpkm filter"))
if(normalization != "TMM") message("Note that TMM normalization is used for rpkm filter.")
dge <- DGEList(counts=x)
dge <- calcNormFactors(dge)
crit <- .rpkmDGEList(dge, gene.length=length, normalized.lib.sizes=TRUE, log=FALSE, prior.count=0.25)
if(method == "rpkm.mean") crit <- apply(crit, 1, mean)
if(method == "rpkm.sum") crit <- apply(crit, 1, sum)
if(method == "rpkm.variance") crit <- apply(crit, 1, var)
if(method == "rpkm.max") crit <- apply(crit, 1, max)
## Apply filters
if(method == "mean" | method == "sum" | method == "variance" | method == "max" |
method == "cpm.mean" | method == "cpm.sum" | method == "cpm.variance" |
method == "cpm.max" | method == "rpkm.mean" | method == "rpkm.sum" |
method == "rpkm.variance" | method == "rpkm.max") {
if(is(cutoff.type, "numeric"))
stop(paste("cutoff.type must be equal to one of the following:\n",
dQuote("value"), dQuote("number"), dQuote("quantile")))
if(cutoff.type == "value") {
on.index <- which(crit > cutoff)
if(cutoff.type == "number") {
o <- order(crit, decreasing=TRUE)
on.index <- which(o <= cutoff)
if(cutoff.type == "quantile") {
q <- quantile(crit, cutoff, na.rm=TRUE)
on.index <- which(crit > q)
if(method == "cpm" | method == "rpkm") {
if(is(cutoff.type, "character"))
stop(paste("cutoff.type must be numeric."))
on.index <- rowSums(crit>cutoff) >= cutoff.type
on.index <- which(on.index == TRUE)
if(method =="rpkm.mean" | method == "rpkm.sum" | method == "rpkm.variance" |
method == "rpkm.max") {
no.length <- which(is.na(crit) == TRUE)
on.index <- sort(c(on.index, no.length))
if(method == "rpkm") {
no.length <- which(is.na(crit[,1]) == TRUE)
on.index <- sort(c(on.index, no.length))
## Return filter results
filteredData <- x; removedData <- NA;
if(length(on.index) > 0) filteredData <- x[on.index,]
if(length(on.index) < nrow(x)) removedData <- x[-on.index,]
on <- rep(0, nrow(x)); on[on.index] <- 1
filter.results <- list(filteredData = filteredData,
on = on, normFactor = norm.factor, removedData = removedData,
filterCrit = crit)
## RPKM function taken from edgeR version 3.1.3
.rpkmDGEList <- function(x, gene.length, normalized.lib.sizes=TRUE, log=FALSE,
prior.count = 0.25)
y <- .cpmDGEList(x, normalized.lib.sizes=normalized.lib.sizes,
log=log, prior.count = prior.count)
if (log)
y - log2(gene.length) + log2(1000)
else y/(gene.length/1000)
## CPM functions taken from edgeR version 3.1.3
.cpmDGEList <- function (x, normalized.lib.sizes=TRUE, log=FALSE, prior.count=0.25)
lib.size <- x$samples$lib.size
if (normalized.lib.sizes)
lib.size <- lib.size * x$samples$norm.factors
.cpm(x$counts, lib.size=lib.size, log=log, prior.count=prior.count)
.cpm <- function (x, lib.size=NULL, log=FALSE, prior.count=0.25)
x <- as.matrix(x)
if (is.null(lib.size))
lib.size <- colSums(x)
if (log) {
prior.count.scaled <- lib.size/mean(lib.size) * prior.count
lib.size <- lib.size + prior.count.scaled
lib.size <- 1e-06 * lib.size
if (log)
log2(t((t(x) + prior.count.scaled)/lib.size))
else t(t(x)/lib.size)
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