## Package : MeinteR
## File : misc.R
## Functions : loadFile (exported)
## : importLimma (exported)
## : bed2Seq (exported)
## : nameStudy (exported)
## : isEmptyDF
## : reorderBed (exported)
## : filterByProm
## : filterByCGI
## : is.defined
## : validateBed
## : plotCpG (exported)
## : plotBeta (exported)
## : importGEO (exported)
## : loadAnnotationGEO
## : validateGEO
## : groupGEO
## : probesChr
## : loadSeqGEO (exported)
## : mval2beta
## Updated : 20-08-2019
## Title : Miscellaneous functions
rm(list = ls())
#Package local environmental variables
pkg.env <- new.env()
local(NAME <- "study", envir = pkg.env)
#Install package dependencies
# packages <-
# c(
# "ggplot2",
# "plyr",
# "stats4",
# "reshape2",
# "tidyverse",
# "XVector",
# "GenomeInfoDb",
# "S4Vectors",
# "stats",
# "IRanges",
# "BiocGenerics",
# "parallel",
# "base",
# "reshape2",
# "grDevices",
# "graphics",
# "utils"
# )
# new.packages <-
# packages[!(packages %in% installed.packages()[, "Package"])]
# if (length(new.packages))
# install.packages(new.packages)
# bioconductor.packages <-
# c(
# "TFBSTools",
# "TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene",
# "Biostrings",
# "BSgenome",
# "pqsfinder",
# "Biobase",
# "DNAshapeR",
# "JASPAR2018",
# "BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19",
# "GenomicRanges",
# "rtracklayer",
# "BiocGenerics",
# "S4Vectors",
# "JASPAR2018",
# "IRanges",
# "pqsfinder",
# "GenomeInfoDb",
# "BSgenome",
# "GenomicFeatures",
# "XVector",
# "GEOquery",
# "FDb.InfiniumMethylation.hg19",
# "IlluminaHumanMethylationEPICanno.ilm10b2.hg19"
# )
# bioc.packages <-
# bioconductor.packages[!(bioconductor.packages %in% installed.packages()[, "Package"])]
# if (length(bioc.packages)) {
# source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")
# biocLite(bioc.packages)
# }
#'Load input data
#' Loads tabular files containing methylation data. The function checks the delimiter and validates the order
#' of the columns (chr, start,end,score,strand).
#' @param FH Full path of the tabular methylation data
#' @return df A data frame with the tabular methylation data
#' @export
loadFile <- function(FH) {
title.line <- readLines(FH, n = 1)
if (grepl(";", title.line)) {
bed.data <- read.csv(file = FH,
header = TRUE,
sep = ";")
if (grepl(",", title.line)) {
bed.data <- read.csv(file = FH,
header = TRUE,
sep = ",")
if (grepl(",\t", title.line)) {
bed.data <- read.csv(file = FH,
header = TRUE,
sep = "\t")
message("Valid column names and ordering: chr,start,end,score,strand")
message("Use reorderbed function to change the column names and order.")
#'Imports the results of differential methylation analyses exported by \code{limma}
#' @param ltop.obj Output of \code{limma} differential analysis. The output data frame produced by the \code{limma::topTable} function.
#' @param platform A string corresponding to the human methylation array. Possible values are "hm27k", "hm450k" and "EPIC" (default:hm450k)
#' @param sortBy The criterion for selecting probes of the MArrayLM object. Possible values are: "logFC", "P.Value", "adj.P.Val"
#' @return df A well-formatted data frame to be used as input to the MeinteR workflow.
#' @export
importLimma <- function(ltop.obj, platform = "hm450k", sortBy="adj.P.Val") {
platform.list <- c("hm450k", "hm27k", "epic")
ltop.obj.cols <- c("logFC","AveExpr","t","P.Value","adj.P.Val","B")
if (!exists("platform")){platform = "hm450k"}
if (!exists("sortBy")){sortBy="adj.P.Val"}
`%notin%` <- Negate(`%in%`)
if (tolower(platform) %notin% (platform.list)) {stop("Invalid platform. Accepted platforms: hm27k, hm450k and epic.")}
if (sum(colnames(ltop.obj) %notin% (ltop.obj.cols))>0) {stop("Invalid input format. Accepted input: limma::topTable data frame")}
if (sortBy %notin% (ltop.obj.cols)){stop("Invalid value. Accepted inputs: limma::topTable data frame columns")}
if (tolower(platform)==platform.list[1]){
hm450k <- as.data.frame(get450k())
platform.probes <- data.frame(hm450k[, 1:3], strand="+")
colnames(platform.probes) = c("chr", "start","end","strand")
if (tolower(platform)==platform.list[2]){
hm27k <- as.data.frame(get27k())
platform.probes <- data.frame(hm27k[, 1:3], strand="+")
colnames(platform.probes) = c("chr", "start","end","strand")
if (tolower(platform)==platform.list[3]){
epic = getAnnotation(IlluminaHumanMethylationEPICanno.ilm10b4.hg19)
platform.probes = data.frame(epic[,1:2], epic[,2]+1, epic[,3])
colnames(platform.probes) = c("chr", "start","end","strand")
if (sum(rownames(ltop.obj) %notin% rownames(platform.probes))>0) {
inv.probes <- which(rownames(ltop.obj) %notin% rownames(platform.probes)==TRUE)
if (length(inv.probes)>100) {stop("More than 100 invalid probe ids are detected. Rownames should be probe ids e.g. cg03607359.")} else {
message(paste(c("Invalid probes at lines: ", inv.probes), collapse=" "))}
stop(paste("Rownames of ltop.obj should be",platform,"probe ids."))}
lobj <- data.frame("score"=ltop.obj[,colnames(ltop.obj)==sortBy])
res <- merge(lobj, platform.probes, by="row.names",all.x=TRUE)
res <- reorderBed(res,3,4,5,2,6)
#'Fetch sequences from bed-formatted data frames
#' @param bedline Valid bed-formatted data frame
#' @param offset Number of nucleotides expanded in each direction ([1,1000])
#' @return A DNAStringset containing the sequences in hg19 genome assembly
#' @export
bed2Seq <- function(bedline, offset) {
#Depends on Biostrings, BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19
if (!(dplyr::between(offset, 0, 1000)))
stop("Offset should be between 1 and 1000.")
if (sum(is.na(bedline)) > 0) {
stop("Input dataset contains ", sum(is.na(bedline)), "missing values.")
strands = c("+", "-")
if (!exists("bedline$strand")) {
bedline$strand = "+"
seq <- getSeq(
bedline$chr ,
start = bedline$start - offset,
end = bedline$end + offset,
strand = bedline$strand
seq@ranges@NAMES = paste0(bedline$chr,
sep = "_",
sep = "_",
#'Set a study name
#'Sets a name to the analysis that appears in the exported plots.
#' @param study.name A string corresponding to the name of the study
#' @return The name of the study
#' @export
nameStudy <- local(function (study.name) {
NAME <<- study.name
}, envir = pkg.env)
#'Check if data frame is empty
#'Checks if a data frame has no values
#' @param df The input data frame
#' @return TRUE/FALSE (TRUE is the data frame is empty)
#' @export
isEmptyDF <- function(df) {
flag <- FALSE
if (nrow(df) == 0) {
flag <- TRUE
#' Reorder tabular methylation data to bed format
#' Reorders tabular methylation data to bed-formatted files.
#' Compatible inputs are .txt, .csv data and other textual formats that
#' contain the following mandatory columns: chr, start, end and score.
#' @param input.data A data frame containing input bed-formatted data
#' @param chr.col Column number containing the chromosome name
#' @param start.col Column number containing the chromosome's start position
#' @param end.col Column number containing the chromosome's end position
#' @param score.col Column number containing the methylation score values either beta or delta-beta
#' @param strand.col Column number containing the strand in the use data file ('+' strand is assumed if strand column is missing)
#' @return A valid bed-formatted file (input of the `MeinteR::find*` functions)
#' @export
reorderBed <-
strand.col = NULL) {
if (!is.defined(strand.col)) {
input.data$strand = "+"
bed <-
cbind(input.data[, c(chr.col, start.col, end.col, score.col)], input.data$strand)
} else {
bed <-
cbind(input.data[, c(chr.col, start.col, end.col, score.col, strand.col)])
colnames(bed) = c("chr", "start", "end", "score", "strand")
bed$start <- as.numeric(as.character(bed$start))
bed$end <- as.numeric(as.character(bed$end))
bed$score <- as.numeric(as.character(bed$score))
return (bed)
#' Filter by promoters
#' Selects genomic coordinates included in promoters based on the UCSC hg19 gene coordinates.
#' @param input.data A data frame containing input data in bed format
#' @param up.tss Number of nucleotides upstream transcription start site
#' @param down.tss Number of nucleotides downstream transcription start site
#' @return A data frame with the CpG sites located in promoter regions
filterByProm <- function(input.data, up.tss, down.tss) {
if (sum(is.na(input.data)) > 0) {
stop("Input dataset contains ", sum(is.na(input.data)), " missing values.")
txdb <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene
genes <- transcriptsBy(txdb, "gene")
proms <-
promoters(genes, upstream = up.tss, downstream = down.tss) #IRanges object
input.GRanges <-
makeGRangesFromDataFrame(input.data) #GRanges object
x <-
as.data.frame(subsetByOverlaps(input.GRanges, proms, type = "within"))
res <-
by.x = c("chr", "start", "end", "strand"),
by.y = c("seqnames", "start", "end", "strand")
res <- reorderBed(res, 1, 2, 3, 5, 4)
#' Filter by CpG islands
#' Selects genomic coordinates included in CpG islands, using the cpgIslands dataset.
#' @param input.data A data frame containing input data in bed format
#' @return A data frame with the CpG sites located in CpG islands
filterByCGI <- function(input.data) {
if (sum(is.na(input.data)) > 0) {
stop("Input dataset contains ", sum(is.na(input.data)), " missing values.")
CGI <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(cpgIslands)
input.GRanges <-
makeGRangesFromDataFrame(input.data) #GRanges object
x <-
as.data.frame(subsetByOverlaps(input.GRanges, CGI, type = "within"))
res <-
by.x = c("chr", "start", "end", "strand"),
by.y = c("seqnames", "start", "end", "strand")
res <- reorderBed(res, 1, 2, 3, 5, 4)
is.defined <- function(x)
! is.null(x)
#'Validate format of the input bed data
#'Validates input methylation data. Checks the presence of the chr, start, end, score columns.
#'If column `strand` is not set then `+` strand is assumed.
#'Cleans rows with empty cells and sets numeric format to the start, end and score columns.
#' @param bed.data A data frame containing input bed-formatted data
#' @param omit.na Omit rows with empty cells (default:TRUE)
#' @return A well-formatted data frame
#' @export
validateBed <- function(bed.data, omit.na = TRUE) {
if (isEmptyDF(bed.data)) {
stop("Empty data frame")
valid.cols <- c("chr", "start", "end", "score", "strand")
if (!all(colnames(bed.data) %in% (valid.cols))) {
stop("Invalid column names. Use reorderBed to match bed data with the column names.")
strands = c("+", "-")
if (is.null(bed.data$strand)) {
bed.data$strand <- "+"
if (isFALSE(bed.data$strand %in% (strands))) {
bed.data$strand <- "+"
if (omit.na) {
bed.data <- na.omit(bed.data)
if (unique(tolower(substring(bed.data$chr, 1, 3)) != "chr")) {
bed.data$chr <- paste0("chr", bed.data$chr)
bed.data$start <- as.numeric(bed.data$start)
bed.data$end <- as.numeric(bed.data$end)
bed.data$score <- as.numeric(bed.data$score)
#'Plot G+C-content and observed/expected ratio.
#' Generates density plots of the G+C content and
#' observed/expected CpG ratio for the input dataset and the human genome CpG islands
#' @param bed.data A data frame containing input bed-formatted data
#' @param offset Number of nucleotides expanded in each direction (default:200, min:20 max:1000)
#' @return 1/ A data frame containing the G+C content (percentage of island that is C or G)
#' and ratio of observed (CpG number) to expected(Number of C* Number of G/sequence length)
#' @return 2/ Density plot of the G+C-content
#' @return 3/ Density plot of the observed/expected ratio
#' @export
plotCpG <- function(bed.data, offset = 200) {
if (!(dplyr::between(offset, 20, 1000)))
stop("Check offset value (valid range [20,1000]).")
while (!is.null(dev.list()))
seqs = bed2Seq(bed.data, offset)
res = alphabetFrequency(seqs)
L = rowSums(res)
cprop = res[, "C"]
gprop = res[, "G"]
GC = (cprop + gprop) / L
denom = cprop * gprop
nom = vcountPattern("CG", seqs) * L
Observed = nom / denom
cpgIslands$obsExp <- as.numeric(as.character(cpgIslands$obsExp))
cpgIslands$perGc <- as.numeric(as.character(cpgIslands$perGc))
d.gc.ref <-
density(cpgIslands$perGc / 100, na.rm = TRUE, kernel = "gaussian")
d.gc <- density(GC, na.rm = TRUE, kernel = "gaussian")
y.max <- max(max(d.gc$y), max(d.gc.ref$y))
xlab = "G+C-content",
main = "Density of the G+C-content",
xlim = c(0, 1),
ylim = c(0, y.max),
sub = paste0("OFFSET:", offset, "nt, N:", nrow(bed.data))
grid (NULL, NULL, lty = 6, col = "lightgrey")
polygon(d.gc.ref, col = 'gold', border = "black")
polygon(d.gc, col = 'lightskyblue4')
v = 0.5,
b = 0,
col = "darkgrey",
lwd = 3,
lty = 2
legend = c("CpG islands (hg19)", local(NAME, envir = pkg.env)),
fill = c('gold', 'lightskyblue4')
d.obs.ref <-
density(cpgIslands$obsExp, na.rm = TRUE, kernel = "gaussian")
d.obs <- density(Observed, na.rm = TRUE, kernel = "gaussian")
y.max <- max(max(d.obs$y), max(d.obs.ref$y))
xlab = "Observed/Expected CpG ratio",
main = "Density of the observed/expected CpG ratios",
xlim = c(0, 2),
ylim = c(0, y.max),
sub = paste0("OFFSET: ", offset, "nt, N: ", nrow(bed.data))
grid (NULL, NULL, lty = 6, col = "lightgrey")
polygon(d.obs.ref, col = 'gold', border = "black")
polygon(d.obs, col = 'lightskyblue4')
v = 0.6,
b = 0,
col = "darkgrey",
lwd = 3,
lty = 2
legend = c("CpG islands (hg19)", local(NAME, envir = pkg.env)),
fill = c('gold', 'lightskyblue4')
res <- data.frame(GC, Observed)
#'Plot scores of the input data
#' Generates a density plot of the score values listed in the input dataset.
#' @param bed.data A data frame containing input bed-formatted data
#' @export
plotBeta <- function(bed.data) {
if ("score" %in% colnames(bed.data)) {
if (!is.numeric(bed.data$score)) {
stop("Column score must be numeric.")
if (sum(is.na(bed.data)) > 0) {
stop("Input dataset contains ", sum(is.na(bed.data)), " missing values.")
dens <- density(bed.data$score, na.rm = TRUE, kernel = "gaussian")
xlab = "Methylation level",
main = "Distribution of the methylation values")
grid (NULL, NULL, lty = 6, col = "lightgrey")
polygon(dens, col = 'lightskyblue4')
legend = local(NAME, envir = pkg.env),
fill = 'lightskyblue4')
} else {
stop("Score column does not exist in the input data.")
#' Import GEO data series in the workspace
#' Imports GEO data series. The function fetches data matrices corresponding to a pre-defined GSE identifier
#' and builds valid, bed-formatted dataset with delta-beta values between two sample groups, described
#' in a user-defined annotation file.
#' @param gse.acc A string corresponding to the accession number of the GEO data series
#' @param annotation.file A string corresponding to the full local path to the annotation files containing
#' sample grouping information
#' @return 1/ A bed-formatted data frame with the chromosomal coordinates and of each methylation probe and
#' the corresponding delta-beta values between the two groups
#' @return 2/ Beta values of each sample listed in the annotation file
#' @return 3/ Annotation data frame
#' @return 4/ Mean beta values of group 1
#' @return 5/ Mean beta values of group 2
#' @name importGEO
#' @export
importGEO <- function(gse.acc, annotation.file) {
if (!is.defined(gse.acc)) {
stop("FAIL: Data series accession number is missing.")
if (!is.defined(annotation.file)) {
stop("Sample annotation is missing.")
if (grepl("^GSE\\d\\d+$", gse.acc)) {
message("PASS: Valid accession number for the data series.")
} else
stop("Invalid accession number. Currently, GSE accession numbers are supported.")
anno.df <- loadAnnotationGEO(annotation.file)
gse <- getGEO(gse.acc, GSEMatrix = TRUE, getGPL = TRUE)
if (length(gse) > 1) {
"MeinteR currently supports single-matrix data series. Data series ",
" has ",
if (any(is.na(gse[[1]]@featureData@data$ID))) {
stop("Missing probe identifiers. Retry to download data series.")
valid <- validateGEO(gse)
if (valid) {
"Data series looks good."
} else
stop("Failed to import data series in the workspace.")
if (!all(anno.df$sample %in% gse[[1]]$geo_accession)) {
"Inconsistency between the accession numbers of the annotation file and the GEO data series.
Check correspondence of the GSM IDs and non-visible characters in the annotation file."
message("Data series: ", length(gse[[1]]$geo_accession), " samples.")
message("Annotation file: ", nrow(anno.df), " samples.")
all.betas <- as.data.frame(exprs(gse[[1]]))
betas <- all.betas[, anno.df[, 1]]
if (min(betas, na.rm = TRUE) < 0 |
max(betas, na.rm = TRUE) > 1) {
message("M-values are detected and will be transformed to beta values.")
betas <- mval2beta(betas)
grp <- groupGEO(anno.df, betas)
probe.d.beta <- grp[[1]]
res <- probesChr(gse, probe.d.beta)
result = list()
result[[1]] <- res
result[[2]] <- betas
result[[3]] <- anno.df
result[[4]] <- grp[[2]]
result[[5]] <- grp[[3]]
#Internal function for loading annotation files
loadAnnotationGEO <- function(file.path) {
if (!file.exists(file.path)) {
stop(paste0("File ", file.path, " not found. Check full path."))
valid.cols <- c("SAMPLE", "STATUS")
anno <-
read.csv(file = file.path,
header = TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#Remove leading and/or trailing whitespace from character strings.
anno <-
data.frame(lapply(anno, trimws), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (all(toupper(colnames(anno)) %in% valid.cols)) {
message("PASS: Columns SAMPLE and STATUS are present.")
} else {
stop("Column names <samples> and <status> are not detected in the first line.")
if (length(colnames(anno)) != 2) {
stop("Annotation file columns: sample identifier (GSM accession number), sample status")
if (length(unique(anno$status)) != 2) {
"Other than two conditions are detected. Check non-visible characters in the annotation file."
validateGEO <- function(gse.list) {
valid = TRUE
#Validate species
SPECIES = "9606"
if (table(gse.list[[1]]$taxid_ch1) == length(gse.list[[1]]$geo_accession)) {
if (unique(gse.list[[1]]$taxid_ch1) == SPECIES) {
message("PASS: Human samples detected.")
} else {
message("FAIL: The samples are not human")
valid = FALSE
} else {
message("FAIL: Data series contains samples from more than one species.")
valid = FALSE
# Validate beadchip array
"GPL13534" = "HM450k",
"GPL16304" = "HM450k",
"GPL21145" = "EPIC",
"GPL8490" = "HM27k"
if (unique(gse.list[[1]]$platform_id) %in% names(PLATFORMS)) {
message("PASS: Valid platform")
} else {
"FAIL: Only BeadChip methylation arrays 27k, 450k, EPIC and Illumina HiSeq 2500 are currently supported."
valid = FALSE
if (table(gse.list[[1]]$platform_id) == length(gse.list[[1]]$geo_accession)) {
message("PASS: A unique platform ",
" detected in the data series.")
} else {
message("FAIL: More than one platforms have been identified in the data series.")
valid = FALSE
groupGEO <- function(anno.df, beta.df) {
message("Grouping samples...")
options(scipen = 999)
#class.g1 if for tumor
if (toupper(anno.df$status[1])=="NORMAL") {
class.g1 <- subset(anno.df, anno.df$status == unique(anno.df$status)[2])
class.g2 <- subset(anno.df, anno.df$status == unique(anno.df$status)[1])
} else {
class.g1 <- subset(anno.df, anno.df$status == unique(anno.df$status)[1])
class.g2 <-subset(anno.df, anno.df$status == unique(anno.df$status)[2])
beta.g1 <- as.data.frame(beta.df[, class.g1[, 1]])
beta.g2 <- as.data.frame(beta.df[, class.g2[, 1]])
d.beta <-
as.data.frame(rowMeans(beta.g1, na.rm = TRUE) - rowMeans(beta.g2, na.rm =
colnames(d.beta) <-
paste0(unique(class.g1$status), "-", unique(class.g2$status))
db <- cbind(rownames(d.beta), d.beta)
colnames(db)[1] <- "probes"
grp1 <- as.data.frame(rowMeans(beta.g1, na.rm = TRUE))
grp1$probes <- rownames(grp1)
rownames(grp1) <- NULL
colnames(grp1) <- c("tumor", "probes")
grp2 <- as.data.frame(rowMeans(beta.g2, na.rm = TRUE))
grp2$probes <- rownames(grp2)
rownames(grp2) <- NULL
colnames(grp2) <- c("normal", "probes")
result <- list()
result[[1]] <- db
result[[2]] <- grp1
result[[3]] <- grp2
probesChr <- function(gse, probes.db) {
if (gse[[1]]@annotation == "GPL8490") {
hm27 <- as.data.frame(get27k())
platform.probes <- data.frame(rownames(hm27), hm27[, 1:3])
} else {
platform.probes <- cbind(
paste0("chr", gse[[1]]@featureData@data$CHR),
gse[[1]]@featureData@data$MAPINFO + 1
if (ncol(platform.probes) != 4) {
stop("Data series contains missing data. Exiting...")
colnames(platform.probes) <- c("probes", "chr", "start", "end")
bed.data <- merge(probes.db, platform.probes, by = "probes")
result <- bed.data
#' Reformat methylation sequencing data fetched from GEO
#' Transforms sequencing data into bed-formatted files. Valid for per sample usage.
#' @param file.path Local folder of the bed.gz file
#' @param cov Minimum read coverage (default:10)
#' @param chroms A vector of chromosome vector to be included in the analysis (default:ALL)
#' @return A valid bed-formatted data frame
#' @name loadSeqGEO
#' @export
loadSeqGEO <- function(file.path,
cov = 10,
chroms = NULL) {
if (!(dplyr::between(cov, 1, 100)))
stop("Check offset value (valid range [1,100]).")
file.desc <- gzfile(file.path, open = "r")
suppressWarnings(gsm <-
file = file.desc,
sep = "\t",
header = FALSE
colnames(gsm) = c("chr", "start", "end", "depth", "score", "strand")
if (is.null(chroms)) {
chroms = paste0("chr", c(1:22, "X", "Y"))
f.gsm <- gsm[gsm$chr %in% chroms, ]
f.gsm$depth <- gsub('[0-9]+/', '', f.gsm$depth)
f.gsm$depth <- gsub("\\s*\\([^\\)]+\\)", "", f.gsm$depth)
f.gsm$depth <- as.integer(gsub("\\'", "", f.gsm$depth))
f.gsm <- f.gsm[f.gsm$depth >= cov, ]
f.gsm$score <- f.gsm$score / 1000
f.gsm <- reorderBed(f.gsm, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6)
mval2beta <- function(mval) {
tr <- 2 ^ (mval)
beta <- tr / (tr + 1)
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