#@author Georgina Leslie
#This file contains all of the functions relating to sumrep.
#Along with functions specific to each relevant sumrep statistic it
#also contains a function used to plot the statistics.
#' @include repcred.R
### functions taken from sumrep
checkColumn <- function(dat, column) {
column_check <- alakazam::checkColumns(dat, column)
if(column_check != TRUE) {
getColumnValues <- function(dat, column) {
checkColumn(dat, column)
column_values <- dat[[column]]
getColumnSequences <- function (dat, column, drop_gaps, remove_stop_codon_seqs = TRUE,
in_frame_only = TRUE)
if (remove_stop_codon_seqs) {
checkColumn(dat, "stop_codon")
dat <- dat[!dat[["stop_codon"]], ]
}, error = function(e) {
cat("\nWarning: stop_codon column not present.\n")
cat(" Unable to remove sequences with stop codons.\n\n")
if (in_frame_only) {
checkColumn(dat, "vj_in_frame")
dat <- dat[dat[["vj_in_frame"]], ]
}, error = function(e) {
cat("Warning: vj_in_frame column not present.\n")
cat(" Unable to remove sequences with out-of-frame V or J segments.\n\n")
sequences <- dat %>% getColumnValues(column = column)
if (drop_gaps) {
sequences <- sequences %>% sapply(function(x) {
gsub(x, pattern = "\\.|\\-", replacement = "")
}) %>% unname
getMotifCount <- function (motif, dna_sequences)
dna_strings <- dna_sequences %>% unlist %>% Biostrings::DNAStringSet()
count <- motif %>% Biostrings::vcountPattern(dna_strings,
fixed = FALSE)
getSpotCount <- function (dna_sequences, spots, average_over_sequence_length = TRUE)
spot_counts <- spots %>% sapply(getMotifCount, dna_sequences = dna_sequences)
if (dim(spot_counts) %>% is.null) {
total_count <- spot_counts %>% sum
else {
total_count <- spot_counts %>% apply(1, sum)
if (average_over_sequence_length) {
lens <- dna_sequences %>% sapply(nchar)
total_count <- total_count/lens
getColdspotCount <- function (dat, column = "sequence_alignment", coldspots = "SYC",
return(getSpotCount(dna_sequences = getColumnSequences(dat,
column, drop_gaps = FALSE), spots = coldspots, ...))
getHotspotCount <- function (dat, column = "sequence_alignment", hotspots = c("WRC",
"WA"), ...)
return(getSpotCount(spots = hotspots, dna_sequences = getColumnSequences(dat,
column, drop_gaps = FALSE), ...))
#' getHotspotCountDistribution
#' @param dat An AIRR formatted data frame
#' @param column the column sequence name
#' @param hotspots An amino acid string of the hotspots pattern
#' @param ... Additional arguments to send to getColdspotCount
#' @export
getHotspotCountDistribution <- function (dat, column = "sequence_alignment", hotspots = c("WRC",
"WA"), ...)
counts <- dat %>% getHotspotCount(column = column, hotspots = hotspots,
#' getColdspotCountDistribution
#' @param dat An AIRR formatted data frame
#' @param column the column sequence name
#' @param coldspots An amino acid string of the coldspots pattern
#' @param ... Additional arguments to send to getColdspotCount
#' @export
getColdspotCountDistribution <- function (dat, column = "sequence_alignment", coldspots="SYC", ...)
counts <- dat %>% getColdspotCount(column = column, coldspots = coldspots,
getGCContent <- function (raw_sequences)
sequence_list <- raw_sequences %>% sapply(paste, collapse = "") %>%
dna_list <- sequence_list %>% strsplit(split = "") %>% lapply(ape::as.DNAbin)
gc_dist <- dna_list %>% sapply(ape::GC.content)
#' getGCContentDistribution
#' @param dat An AIRR formatted data frame
#' @param column the column sequence name
#' @param approximate if to receive an approximation of the GCC distribution content
#' @export
getGCContentDistribution <- function (dat, column = "sequence_alignment", approximate = FALSE)
sequence_list <- getColumnSequences(dat, column, drop_gaps = FALSE)
distribution <- sequence_list %>% getGCContent
# Generate plot statistics
#plotStats takes the data to be plotted, the statistics about said data and then two
#plot label strings. Using these it creates a histogram with different
#lines and arrows displaying different statistics such as mean and the spread of the
#standard deviation.
#@param data the data returned from a sumrep statistic
#@param stats statistics about the data (min , max , mean , 5% percentile , 95% percentile , standard deviation)
#@param main_text string for the histogram header
#@param xlab_text string for the x axis label
plotStats<-function(data,stats , main_text , xlab_text){
min_val <- stats$min[1]
max_val <- stats$max[1]
quantile_5 <- stats$percentile_5[1]
quantile_95 <-stats$percentile_95[1]
sd_val <-stats$standard_dev[1]
hist(data,main=main_text , xlab=xlab_text)
abline(v=quantile_5,col="light blue")
abline(v=quantile_95,col="light blue")
abline(v=min_val , col="red")
abline(v=max_val , col="red")
abline(v=mean_val,col="dark blue")
arrows(x0=(mean_val-sd_val), y0=max(table(data)),x1=(mean_val+sd_val),col="dark blue",code=3,lwd=2)
#Legend has been removed , it is now present at the beginning of each sumrep related section in the RMD
#legend("topright",c("Mean +- standard dev","5% and 95% quantile points","Min and Max Value points"),fill=c("Dark blue","light blue","red"))
# Creates a plot and statistics from the output data of the sumrep function :
# getCDR3PairwiseDistanceDistribution()
# @param data repertoire data file in data.table format
# CDR3pairwiseDistanceInfo <- function(data){
# cdr3_pairwise_distance = getCDR3PairwiseDistanceDistribution(data)
# stats <- getCoreStats(cdr3_pairwise_distance)
# plotStats(cdr3_pairwise_distance,stats,"Histogram of CDR 3 pairwise distance distribtuion", "Distance value")
# print(kable(stats))
# }
# Creates a plot and statistics from the output data of the sumrep function :
# getNearestNeighborDistribution()
# @param data repertoire data file in data.table format
# nearestNeighbourDistInfo <- function(data){
# nn_distribution = getNearestNeighborDistribution(data)
# stats <- getCoreStats(nn_distribution)
# plotStats(nn_distribution,stats,"Histogram of Nearest Neighbour distance distribtuion", "Distance value")
# print(kable(stats))
# }
# Creates a plot and statistics from the output data of the sumrep function :
# getPairwiseDistanceDistribution()
# @param data repertoire data file in data.table format
# pairwiseDistDistribution <- function(data){
# pairwise_distribution = getPairwiseDistanceDistribution(data,column = "sequence")
# stats <- getCoreStats(pairwise_distribution)
# plotStats(pairwise_distribution,stats,"Histogram of Pairwise Distance distribtuion", "Distance value")
# print(kable(stats))
# }
# Creates a plot and statistics from the output data of the sumrep function :
# getGCContentDistribution()
# If there are any NA values in the sequence alignment column it instead runs the
# statistic on the sequence column
# @param data repertoire data file in data.table format
#' gcContentDistribution
#' Creates a plot and statistics from the output data of the sumrep function :
#' getGCContentDistribution()
#' If there are any NA values in the sequence alignment column it instead runs the
#' statistic on the sequence column
#' @param data repertoire data file in data.table format
#' @export
gcContentDistribution<- function(data){
gc_distribution = getGCContentDistribution(data, column="sequence")
gc_distribution = getGCContentDistribution(data)
stats <- getCoreStats(gc_distribution)
plotStats(gc_distribution,stats,"Histogram of GC content distribtuion", "GC Content")
# Creates a plot and statistics from the output data of the sumrep function :
# getAliphaticIndexDistribution()
# @param data repertoire data file in data.table format
# aliphaticDistribution<- function(data){
# aliph_distribution = getAliphaticIndexDistribution(data)
# stats <- getCoreStats(aliph_distribution)
# plotStats(aliph_distribution,stats,"Histogram of Aliphatic Index distribtuion", "Aliphatic Index")
# print(kable(stats))
# }
# Creates a plot and statistics from the output data of the sumrep function :
# getGRAVYDistribution()
# @param data repertoire data file in data.table format
# GRAVYDistribution<- function(data){
# gravy_distribution = getGRAVYDistribution(data)
# stats <- getCoreStats(gravy_distribution)
# plotStats(gravy_distribution,stats,"Histogram of GRAVY distribtuion", "GRAVY indices")
# print(kable(stats))
# }
# Creates a plot and statistics from the output data of the sumrep function :
# getPositionalDistanceBetweenMutationsDistribution()
# @param data repertoire data file in data.table format
# positionDistancesBetweenMutationDistribution <- function(data){
# pos_distribution<-getPositionalDistanceBetweenMutationsDistribution(data)
# stats <- getCoreStats(pos_distribution)
# plotStats(pos_distribution,stats,"Histogram of distance between mutations", "Distance value")
# print(kable(stats))
# }
# Creates a plot and statistics from the output data of the sumrep function :
# getDistanceFromGermlineToSequenceDistribution()
# @param data repertoire data file in data.table format
# distanceFromGermlineToSequenceDistribution <- function(data){
# lev_distribution_germline_to_seq<-getDistanceFromGermlineToSequenceDistribution(data)
# stats <- getCoreStats(lev_distribution_germline_to_seq)
# plotStats(lev_distribution_germline_to_seq,stats,"Histogram of levenshtein from germline alignment to sequence alignment", "Distance value")
# print(kable(stats))
# }
# Creates a plot and statistics from the output data of the sumrep function :
# getPerGeneMutationRates()
# @param data repertoire data file in data.table format
# perGeneMutationRates <- function(data){
# gene_mut <- getPerGeneMutationRates(data)
# stats <- getCoreStats(gene_mut)
# plotStats(gene_mut,stats,"Histogram of gene mutation rates", "Mutation Rate Value")
# print(kable(stats))
# }
# Creates a plot and statistics from the output data of the sumrep function :
# perGenePerPositionMutationRates()
# @param data repertoire data file in data.table format
# perGenePerPositionMutationRates <- function(data){
# gene_mut_pos <- perGenePerPositionMutationRates(data)
# stats <- getCoreStats(gene_mut_pos)
# plotStats(gene_mut_pos,stats,"Histogram of gene mutation rates , per position", "Mutation Rate Value per Position")
# print(kable(stats))
# }
# Creates a plot and statistics from the output data of the sumrep function :
# getHotspotCountDistribution()
# @param data repertoire data file in data.table format
#' hotspotCountDist
#' Creates a plot and statistics from the output data of the sumrep function :
#' getHotspotCountDistribution()
#' @param data repertoire data file in data.table format
#' @export
hotspotCountDist <- function(data){
hotspot <- getHotspotCountDistribution(data)
stats <- getCoreStats(hotspot)
plotStats(hotspot,stats,"Histogram of Hotspot count distribution", "Hotspot Count")
# Creates a plot and statistics from the output data of the sumrep function :
# getColdspotCountDistribution()
# @param data repertoire data file in data.table format
#' coldspotCountDist
#' Creates a plot and statistics from the output data of the sumrep function :
#' getColdspotCountDistribution()
#' @param data repertoire data file in data.table format
#' @export
coldspotCountDist <- function(data){
coldspot <- getColdspotCountDistribution(data)
stats <- getCoreStats(coldspot)
plotStats(coldspot,stats,"Histogram of Coldspot count distribution", "Coldspot Count")
# Creates a plot and statistics from the output data of the sumrep function :
# getPolarityDistribution()
# @param data repertoire data file in data.table format
# polarityDistribution <- function(data){
# polarity <- getPolarityDistribution(data)
# stats <- getCoreStats(polarity)
# plotStats(polarity,stats,"Histogram of polarity distribution", "Polarity Value")
# print(kable(stats))
# }
# # Creates a plot and statistics from the output data of the sumrep function :
# # getChargeDistribution()
# # @param data repertoire data file in data.table format
# chargeDistribution <- function(data){
# charge <- getChargeDistribution(data)
# stats <- getCoreStats(charge)
# plotStats(charge,stats,"Histogram of charge distribution", "Charge Value")
# print(kable(stats))
# }
# # Creates a plot and statistics from the output data of the sumrep function :
# # getBasicityDistribution()
# # @param data repertoire data file in data.table format
# basicityDistribution <- function(data){
# basicity <- getBasicityDistribution(data)
# stats <- getCoreStats(basicity)
# plotStats(basicity,stats,"Histogram of basicity distribution", "Basicity Value")
# print(kable(stats))
# }
# # Creates a plot and statistics from the output data of the sumrep function :
# # getAcidityDistribution()
# # @param data repertoire data file in data.table format
# acidityDistribution <- function(data){
# acidity <- getAcidityDistribution(data)
# stats <- getCoreStats(acidity)
# plotStats(acidity,stats,"Histogram of acidity distribution", "Acidity Value")
# print(kable(stats))
# }
# # Creates a plot and statistics from the output data of the sumrep function :
# # getAromaticityDistribution()
# # @param data repertoire data file in data.table format
# aromaticityDistribution <- function(data){
# aromaticity <- getAromaticityDistribution(data)
# stats <- getCoreStats(aromaticity)
# plotStats(aromaticity,stats,"Histogram of aromaticity distribution", "Aromaticity Value")
# print(kable(stats))
# }
# # Creates a plot and statistics from the output data of the sumrep function :
# # getBulkinessDistribution()
# # @param data repertoire data file in data.table format
# bulkinessDistribution <- function(data){
# bulkiness <- getBulkinessDistribution(data)
# stats <- getCoreStats(bulkiness)
# plotStats(bulkiness,stats,"Histogram of bulkiness distribution", "Bulkiness Value")
# print(kable(stats))
# }
# # Creates a plot and statistics from the output data of the sumrep function :
# # getVDInsertionLengthDistribution()
# # @param data repertoire data file in data.table format
# #
# VDinsertionLengthDistribution<- function(data){
# VDinst <- getVDInsertionLengthDistribution(data)
# stats <- getCoreStats(VDinst)
# plotStats(VDinst,stats,"Histogram of VD Insertion distribution", "VD Insertion Value")
# print(kable(stats))
# }
# # Creates a plot and statistics from the output data of the sumrep function :
# # getDJInsertionLengthDistribution()
# # @param data repertoire data file in data.table format
# #
# DJinsertionLengthDistribution<- function(data){
# DJinst <- getDJInsertionLengthDistribution(data)
# stats <- getCoreStats(DJinst)
# plotStats(DJinst,stats,"Histogram of DJ Insertion distribution", "DJ Insertion Value")
# print(kable(stats))
# }
# # Creates a plot and statistics from the output data of the sumrep function :
# # getVJInsertionLengthDistribution()
# # @param data repertoire data file in data.table format
# #
# VJinsertionLengthDistribution<- function(data){
# VJinst <- getVJInsertionLengthDistribution(data)
# stats <- getCoreStats(VJinst)
# plotStats(VJinst,stats,"Histogram of VJ Insertion distribution", "VJ Insertion Value")
# print(kable(stats))
# }
# # Creates a plot and statistics from the output data of the sumrep function :
# # getVGene3PrimeDeletionLengthDistribution()
# # @param data repertoire data file in data.table format
# VGene3PrimeDeletionLengthDistribution <- function(data){
# v3prime <- getVGene3PrimeDeletionLengthDistribution(data)
# stats <- getCoreStats(v3prime)
# plotStats(v3prime,stats,"Histogram of V Gene 3 prime deletion lengths distribution", "Deletion length Value")
# print(kable(stats))
# }
# # Creates a plot and statistics from the output data of the sumrep function :
# # getVGene5PrimeDeletionLengthDistribution()
# # @param data repertoire data file in data.table format
# VGene5PrimeDeletionLengthDistribution <- function(data){
# v5prime <- getVGene5PrimeDeletionLengthDistribution(data)
# stats <- getCoreStats(v5prime)
# plotStats(v5prime,stats,"Histogram of V Gene 5 prime deletion lengths distribution", "Deletion length Value")
# print(kable(stats))
# }
# # Creates a plot and statistics from the output data of the sumrep function :
# # getDGene3PrimeDeletionLengthDistribution()
# # @param data repertoire data file in data.table format
# DGene3PrimeDeletionLengthDistribution <- function(data){
# d3prime <- getDGene3PrimeDeletionLengthDistribution(data)
# stats <- getCoreStats(d3prime)
# plotStats(d3prime,stats,"Histogram of D Gene 3 prime deletion lengths distribution", "Deletion length Value")
# print(kable(stats))
# }
# # Creates a plot and statistics from the output data of the sumrep function :
# # getDGene5PrimeDeletionLengthDistribution()
# # @param data repertoire data file in data.table format
# DGene5PrimeDeletionLengthDistribution <- function(data){
# d5prime <- getDGene5PrimeDeletionLengthDistribution(data)
# stats <- getCoreStats(d5prime)
# plotStats(d5prime,stats,"Histogram of D Gene 5 prime deletion lengths distribution", "Deletion length Value")
# print(kable(stats))
# }
# # Creates a plot and statistics from the output data of the sumrep function :
# # getJGene3PrimeDeletionLengthDistribution()
# # @param data repertoire data file in data.table format
# JGene3PrimeDeletionLengthDistribution <- function(data){
# j3prime <- getJGene3PrimeDeletionLengthDistribution(data)
# stats <- getCoreStats(j3prime)
# plotStats(j3prime,stats,"Histogram of J Gene 3 prime deletion lengths distribution", "Deletion length Value")
# print(kable(stats))
# }
# # Creates a plot and statistics from the output data of the sumrep function :
# # getJGene5PrimeDeletionLengthDistribution()
# # @param data repertoire data file in data.table format
# JGene5PrimeDeletionLengthDistribution <- function(data){
# j5prime <- getJGene5PrimeDeletionLengthDistribution(data)
# stats <- getCoreStats(j5prime)
# plotStats(j5prime,stats,"Histogram of J Gene 5 prime deletion lengths distribution", "Deletion length Value")
# print(kable(stats))
# }
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