#' @title
#' Computes potency estimates of single-cells
#' using the signaling entropy rate
#' @aliases CompSRana
#' @description
#' This is the main user function for computing signaling entropy of
#' single cells. It takes as input the gene expression profile of
#' single cells and the adjacency matrix of a connected network. These
#' inputs will be typically the output of the \code{DoIntegPPI} function.
#' @param integ.l
#' The output from \code{DoIntegPPI} function.
#' @param local
#' A logical (default is FALSE). If TRUE, function returns the normalized
#' local signaling entropies of each gene in the network alongside the unnormalized
#' local entropies. If FALSE, only unnormalized local entropies are returned.
#' @param mc.cores
#' The number of cores to use, i.e. at most how many child processes will
#' be run simultaneously. The option is initialized from environment variable
#' MC_CORES if set. Must be at least one, and parallelization requires at
#' least two cores.
#' @return A list with four elements:
#' @return SR
#' The global signaling entropy rate. It is normalized by the
#' maximum rate, hence a value between 0 and 1
#' @return inv
#' The stationary distribution of every sample
#' @return locS
#' The unnormalised local entropies of each gene in every cell
#' @return nlocS
#' The normalised local entropies of each gene, so that each value is
#' between 0 and 1
#' @references
#' Teschendorff AE, Tariq Enver.
#' \emph{Single-cell entropy for accurate estimation of differentiation
#' potency from a cell’s transcriptome.}
#' Nature communications 8 (2017): 15599.
#' doi:\href{https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms15599}{
#' 10.1038/ncomms15599}.
#' Teschendorff AE, Banerji CR, Severini S, Kuehn R, Sollich P.
#' \emph{Increased signaling entropy in cancer requires the scale-free
#' property of protein interaction networks.}
#' Scientific reports 5 (2015): 9646.
#' doi:\href{https://doi.org/10.1038/srep09646}{
#' 10.1038/srep09646}.
#' Banerji, Christopher RS, et al.
#' \emph{Intra-tumour signalling entropy determines clinical outcome
#' in breast and lung cancer.}
#' PLoS computational biology 11.3 (2015): e1004115.
#' doi:\href{https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004115}{
#' 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004115}.
#' Teschendorff, Andrew E., Peter Sollich, and Reimer Kuehn.
#' \emph{Signalling entropy: A novel network-theoretical framework
#' for systems analysis and interpretation of functional omic data.}
#' Methods 67.3 (2014): 282-293.
#' doi:\href{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ymeth.2014.03.013}{
#' 10.1016/j.ymeth.2014.03.013}.
#' Banerji, Christopher RS, et al.
#' \emph{Cellular network entropy as the energy potential in
#' Waddington's differentiation landscape.}
#' Scientific reports 3 (2013): 3039.
#' doi:\href{https://doi.org/10.1038/srep03039}{
#' 10.1038/srep03039}.
#' @examples
#' @import parallel
#' @export
CompSRana <- function(integ.l, local = FALSE, mc.cores=1){
### compute maxSR for SR normalization
maxSR <- CompMaxSR(integ.l);
idx.l <- as.list(seq_len(ncol(integ.l$expMC)));
out.l <- mclapply(idx.l, CompSRanaPRL,
SR.v <- sapply(out.l, function(v) return(v[[1]]))
invP.v <- sapply(out.l, function(v) return(v[[2]]))
S.v <- sapply(out.l, function(v) return(v[[3]]))
NS.v <- sapply(out.l, function(v) return(v[[4]]))
#### Auxilliary functions
#' @import igraph
CompMaxSR <- function(integ.l){
adj.m <- integ.l$adjMC
# find right eigenvector of adjacency matrix
fa <- function(x,extra=NULL) {
as.vector(adj.m %*% x)
ap.o <- igraph::arpack(fa,options=list(n=nrow(adj.m),nev=1,which="LM"), sym=TRUE)
v <- ap.o$vectors
lambda <- ap.o$values
# maximum entropy
maxSR <- log(lambda)
CompSRanaPRL <- function(idx,
# compute outgoing flux around each node
exp.v <- exp.m[,idx];
sumexp.v <- as.vector(adj.m %*% matrix(exp.v,ncol=1));
invP.v <- exp.v*sumexp.v;
nf <- sum(invP.v);
invP.v <- invP.v/nf;
p.m <- t(t(adj.m)*exp.v)/sumexp.v;
S.v <- apply(p.m,1,CompS);
SR <- sum(invP.v*S.v);
# if provided then normalise relative to maxSR
SR <- SR/maxSR;
NS.v <- apply(p.m,1,CompNS);
else {
NS.v <- NULL;
CompNS <- function(p.v){
tmp.idx <- which(p.v>0);
NLS <- -sum( p.v[tmp.idx]*log(p.v[tmp.idx]) )/log(length(tmp.idx));
else {
# one degree nodes have zero entropy, avoid singularity.
NLS <- 0;
CompS <- function(p.v){
tmp.idx <- which(p.v>0);
LS <- - sum( p.v[tmp.idx]*log(p.v[tmp.idx]) )
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