# @import
#' @title Plot
#' @description Plots the AUC histogram and t-SNE coloured by AUC, binary activity and TF expression
#' @importFrom graphics box legend plot
#' @importFrom grDevices adjustcolor dev.off png rainbow
#' @param tSNE t-SNE coordinates (e.g. \code{tSNE$Y})
#' @param exprMat Expression matrix
#' @param cellsAUC AUC (as returned by calcAUC)
#' @param thresholds Thresholds returned by AUCell
#' @param reorderGeneSets Whether to reorder the gene sets based on AUC similarity
#' @param cex Scaling factor for the dots in the scatterplot
#' @param alphaOn Transparency for the dots representing "active" cells
#' @param alphaOff Transparency for the dots representing "inactive" cells
#' @param borderColor Border color for the dots (scatterplot)
#' @param offColor Color for the dots representing "inactive" cells
#' @param plots Which plots to generate? Select one or multiple: \code{plots=c("histogram", "binaryAUC", "AUC", "expression")}
#' @param exprCols Color scale for the expression
#' @param asPNG Output each individual plot in a .png file? (can also be a directory)
#' @param ... Other arguments to pass to \code{\link{hist}} function.
#' @return Returns invisible: \code{cells_trhAssignment}
#' @details To avoid calculating thresholds, set thresholds to FALSE
#' @seealso List of vignettes included in the package: \code{vignette(package="AUCell")}
#' @example inst/examples/example_AUCell_plotTSNE.R
#' @export
# thresholds=NULL; cex=1; alphaOn=1; alphaOff=0.2; offColor="lightgray"
# borderColor=adjustcolor("darkgrey", alpha.f=.3); plots=c("histogram", "binaryAUC", "AUC", "expression")
AUCell_plotTSNE <- function(tSNE, exprMat=NULL, cellsAUC=NULL, thresholds=NULL,
alphaOn=1, alphaOff=0.2,
borderColor=adjustcolor("lightgray", alpha.f=0.1),
plots=c("histogram", "binaryAUC", "AUC", "expression"),
exprCols= c("goldenrod1", "darkorange", "brown"),
asPNG=FALSE, ...)
# Check inputs (TO DO)
if(is.null(rownames(tSNE))) stop("Please, provide the cell rownames in the t-SNE")
if(!is.matrix(tSNE) | ncol(tSNE)!=2) stop("The t-SNE should be a matrix with 2 columns (cell coordinates)")
if (any(grepl("binary", tolower(plots)))) {
plots[grep("binary", tolower(plots))] <- "binaryAUC"
if(is.null(exprMat) && ("expression" %in% tolower(plots)))
plots <- plots[which(plots!="expression")]
warning("Expression plot was requested, but no expression matrix provided.")
if(length(plots)==0) stop("Please, provide which plots to plot.")
cellsAUC <- cellsAUC[orderAUC(cellsAUC),]
# Calculate thresholds if needed
if(is.logical(thresholds) && thresholds == FALSE) {
thresholds <- FALSE #keep..
if(any(grepl("binary", tolower(plots)))) stop("Cannot plot binary AUC without calculating the thresholds.")
# if it is a list... probably return from AUCell. Let's try...
if(is.list(thresholds[1])) {
# Aucell
if("aucThr" %in% names(thresholds[[1]])) thresholds <- sapply(thresholds, function(x) unname(x$aucThr$selected))
# previous run of this function
if("threshold" %in% names(thresholds[[1]])) thresholds <- sapply(thresholds, function(x) unname(x$threshold))
geneSetNames <- rownames(cellsAUC)[which(rownames(cellsAUC) %in% names(thresholds))]
cellsAUC <- cellsAUC[geneSetNames,]
if(is.null(names(thresholds)) || length(thresholds)==1)
thresholds <- setNames(rep(thresholds, nrow(cellsAUC)), rownames(cellsAUC))
selectedGeneSets <- rownames(cellsAUC)
selectedGeneSets <- rownames(exprMat)
plots <- "expression"
# warning("no AUC provided... only plotting expression")
cells_trhAssignment <- list()
# Start plots
dirName <- "./"
if(!file.exists(asPNG)) dir.create(asPNG)
dirName <- paste0(asPNG,"/")
nCols <- length(plots)
figsMatrix <- matrix(nrow=length(selectedGeneSets), ncol=nCols)
rownames(figsMatrix) <- selectedGeneSets
colnames(figsMatrix) <- plots
for (geneSetName in selectedGeneSets)
# Histogram
# Calculate threshold?
if(is.null(thresholds) && any(c("histogram", "binaryAUC") %in% plots))
if(asPNG & ("histogram" %in% tolower(plots))) {
imgFile <- paste0(geneSetName,"_histogram.png")
figsMatrix[geneSetName, "histogram"] <- imgFile # paste("<img src=\"", imgFile, "\") height=\"100\" alt=\"",imgFile, "\"></img>", sep = "")
png(paste0(dirName, imgFile))
cells_trhAssignment[[geneSetName]] <- AUCell_exploreThresholds(cellsAUC[geneSetName,],
plotHist=("histogram" %in% tolower(plots)))[[geneSetName]]
thisTrheshold <- cells_trhAssignment[[geneSetName]]$aucThr$selected
thisAssignment <- cells_trhAssignment[[geneSetName]]$assignment
if(asPNG & ("histogram" %in% tolower(plots))) dev.off()
# Do NOT calculate threshold
if("histogram" %in% tolower(plots))
if(asPNG) {
imgFile <- paste0(geneSetName,"_histogram.png")
figsMatrix[geneSetName, "histogram"] <- imgFile # paste("<img src=\"", imgFile, "\") height=\"100\" alt=\"",imgFile, "\"></img>", sep = "")
png(paste0(dirName, imgFile))
### Plot
thisTrh <- as.vector(thresholds[geneSetName]) # TODO: Why needed sometimes? https://github.com/aertslab/AUCell/issues/3
tmp <- .auc_plotHist(auc=getAUC(cellsAUC)[geneSetName,], gSetName=geneSetName,
aucThr=min(thisTrh, 1), nBreaks=100, sub="AUC")
abline(v=thisTrh, lwd=3, lty=2, col="darkorange")
if(asPNG) dev.off()
cells_trhAssignment[[geneSetName]] <- NULL
thisTrheshold <- thresholds[geneSetName]
matrixAUC <- cellsAUC
matrixAUC <- getAUC(cellsAUC)
thisAssignment <- names(which(matrixAUC[geneSetName,] > thisTrheshold))
cells_trhAssignment[[geneSetName]] <- list("threshold"=thisTrheshold, "assignment"=thisAssignment)
######### t-SNE 1: binary #############
# Cells assigned at current threshold
if(any(grepl("binary", tolower(plots))))
if(asPNG) {
imgFile <- paste0(geneSetName,"_binaryAUC.png")
figsMatrix[geneSetName, "binaryAUC"] <- imgFile # paste("<img src=\"", imgFile, "\") height=\"100\" alt=\"",imgFile, "\"></img>", sep = "")
png(paste0(dirName, imgFile))
### Plot
thrAsTxt <- ""
if(is.numeric(thisTrheshold)) thrAsTxt <- paste("Cells with AUC > ", signif(thisTrheshold, 2), sep="")
.auc_plotBinaryTsne(tSNE, selectedCells=thisAssignment,
title=geneSetName, txt=thrAsTxt,
cex=cex, alphaOn=alphaOn, alphaOff=alphaOff,
borderColor=borderColor, offColor=offColor, ...)
if(asPNG) dev.off()
######### t-SNE 2: Continuous #############
# Regulon AUC
if("auc" %in% tolower(plots))
if(asPNG) {
imgFile <- paste0(geneSetName,"_AUC.png")
figsMatrix[geneSetName, "AUC"] <- imgFile# paste("<img src=\"", imgFile, "\") height=\"100\" alt=\"",imgFile, "\"></img>", sep = "")
png(paste0(dirName, imgFile))
### Plot
.auc_plotGradientTsne(tSNE, cellProp=getAUC(cellsAUC)[geneSetName,],
title=geneSetName, txt="Gene set activity (AUC)",
cex=cex, alphaOn=alphaOn, alphaOff=alphaOff,
borderColor=borderColor, offColor=offColor, ...)
if(asPNG) dev.off()
######### t-SNE 3: expression #############
# TF expression
if("expression" %in% tolower(plots))
gene <- gsub( "\\s\\(\\d+g)", "",geneSetName)
gene <- gsub( "_extended", "", gene)
if(gene %in% rownames(exprMat))
if(asPNG) {
imgFile <- paste0(geneSetName,"_expression.png")
figsMatrix[geneSetName, "expression"] <- imgFile# paste("<img src=\"", imgFile, "\") height=\"100\" alt=\"",imgFile, "\"></img>", sep = "")
png(paste0(dirName, imgFile))
### Plot
.auc_plotGradientTsne(tSNE, cellProp=exprMat[gene,],
colorsForPal = exprCols,
title=paste(gene, "expression"), txt="",
cex=cex, alphaOn=alphaOn, alphaOff=alphaOff,
borderColor=borderColor, offColor=offColor, ...)
if(asPNG) dev.off()
if(asPNG) {
cells_trhAssignment <- c(cells_trhAssignment, figsMatrix=list(figsMatrix))
if("R2HTML" %in% rownames(installed.packages())) asHTML(figsMatrix, dirName)
asHTML <- function(figsMatrix, imgDir="./")
figsMatrix <- t(apply(figsMatrix, 1, function(x) paste("<img src=\"", imgDir, x, "\") height=\"100\"></img>", sep = "")))
#file.copy("test.css", ".")
R2HTML::HTML(figsMatrix, file=R2HTML::HTMLInitFile("."))#, CSSFile="test.css")
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.