############ function plotcorrectionsSimulations
coefsSimulations <- function(ts, GS, covs, covs2, tscoef, GScoef, stat,
lambdas, gammas, ninst.rs, ninst.ts, mc.cores = 1, executation.info = TRUE, rs.tar){
ds.info <- ds.info.gs <- ds.ts <- ds.ts.gs <- list()
# diagnostics
if(executation.info) cat("\n simulations diagnostic \n")
if(executation.info )
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = ninst.rs, style = 3)
si <- ifelse(stat, 4, 1)
for(KAS in seq_len(ninst.rs)){
if(executation.info ) setTxtProgressBar(pb, KAS)
ssd <- simsurv(lambdas = lambdas[1], gammas = gammas[1], x = covs2,
betas = c(ts = tscoef, GS = GScoef))
tfollow <- rweibull(dim(covs2)[1], gammas[2], lambdas[2]^(-1/gammas[2]))
evn <- ifelse(ssd[,2] - tfollow<0, 1, 0)
tev <- evn * ssd[,2] + (1-evn) * tfollow
ssd$eventtime <- tev
ssd$status <- evn
ds <- data.frame(evn = ssd$status, tev = ssd$eventtime)
ds$ts <- ts
ds$GS <- GS
rs.hr <- do.call(cbind,mclapply(seq_len(dim(covs)[2]), function(i){
gs <- scale(covs[,i])
m <- coxph(formula(paste0("Surv(tev, evn) ~ gs")), data=ds)
}, mc.cores= mc.cores))
ds.info[[KAS]] <- rs.hr[si,seq_len(dim(covs)[2]-1)] #density(rs.hr[si,1:(dim(covs)[2]-1)])
rs.hr.gs <- do.call(cbind,mclapply(seq_len(dim(covs)[2]), function(i){
gs <- scale(covs[,i])
m <- coxph(formula(paste0("Surv(tev, evn) ~ GS + gs")), data=ds)
ds.info.gs[[KAS]] <- rs.hr.gs[si,seq_len(dim(covs)[2]-1)]#density(rs.hr.gs[si,1:(dim(covs)[2]-1)])
rs.hr <- do.call(cbind,mclapply(seq_len(dim(rs.tar)[2]), function(i){
gs <- scale(rs.tar[,i])
m <- coxph(formula(paste0("Surv(tev, evn) ~ gs")), data=ds)
}, mc.cores= mc.cores))
ds.ts[[KAS]] <- rs.hr[si,seq_len(dim(covs)[2]-1)] #density(rs.hr[si,1:(dim(covs)[2]-1)])
rs.hr.gs <- do.call(cbind,mclapply(seq_len(dim(rs.tar)[2]), function(i){
gs <- scale(rs.tar[,i])
m <- coxph(formula(paste0("Surv(tev, evn) ~ GS + gs")), data=ds)
ds.ts.gs[[KAS]] <- rs.hr.gs[si,seq_len(dim(covs)[2]-1)]#density(rs.hr.gs[si,1:(dim(covs)[2]-1)])
out <- list(ds.info = ds.info, ds.info.gs = ds.info.gs,
ds.ts = ds.ts, ds.ts.gs = ds.ts.gs, tscoef = tscoef)
plotcorrectionsSimulations <- function(simu.info,
col1 = "gray", col2 = "orange", legend.out = TRUE, ...){
xlims.a <- max(max(abs(unlist(simu.info$ds.info))),max(abs(unlist(simu.info$ds.info.gs))))
xlims <- c(-xlims.a,xlims.a)
ylims.a <- max(max(unlist(vapply(simu.info$ds.info, function(y) max(density(y)$y), double(1)) )),
max(unlist(vapply(simu.info$ds.info.gs, function(y) max(density(y)$y), double(1)))))
ylims <- c(0,ylims.a)
plot(density(simu.info$ds.info[[1]]), col = col1, ylim = ylims, xlim = xlims ,...)
for(i in 2:length(simu.info$ds.info))
lines(density(simu.info$ds.info[[i]]), col = col1, lty=i, ...)
for(i in seq_len(length(simu.info$ds.info.gs)))
lines(density(simu.info$ds.info.gs[[i]]), col = col2, lty=i, ...)
# curve(dnorm(x,0,1),from=-4,to=4,add=TRUE, col=2,lwd=2)
if(legend.out) legend("topleft", c("rs (no adj)","rs (GS adj)"),
col=c(col1,col2), lwd = 2, lty=c(1,2))
# if(simu.info$stat) curve(dnorm(x,0,1),
# from=-4, to=4, add=TRUE, col="blue", lty=6, lwd=2)
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