## Function permutationsOut and plotPermutationsOut
permutationsOut <- function(nda, sigSize, perms, nite = 1000, type,
mc.cores = 1, GS = NULL, executation.info = TRUE,
GSassociation = TRUE, adj.var.GS = "GSadj", signature.method="zscore"){
ln <- length(sigSize)
new.coefs.nda.ori <- new.coefs.nda.perm <- list()
new.coefs.nda.perm.GS <- new.coefs.nda.ori.GS <- NULL
corrGS <- list()
if(type == "norm01")
exprs(nda) <- t(apply(exprs(nda),1, sample))
type <- "none"
if(is.null(GS)) GS <- apply(exprs(nda),2,mean)
perms.a <- as.matrix(seq_len(dim(nda)[2]))
for(L in seq_len(ln)){
sigsize <- sigSize[L]
randsign <- vapply(seq_len(nite), function(o)
sample(rownames(exprs(nda)), sigsize), character(sigsize))
new.coefs.nda.perm[[L]] <- coxme.three.options(nda, perms = perms,
randsign = randsign, type = type, mc.cores = mc.cores, GS = GS,
executation.info = executation.info, adj.var.GS = adj.var.GS,
signature.method = signature.method)
new.coefs.nda.ori[[L]] <- coxme.three.options(nda, perms = perms.a,
randsign = randsign, type = type, mc.cores = mc.cores, GS = GS,
executation.info = executation.info, adj.var.GS = adj.var.GS,
signature.method = signature.method)
randsign <- t(as.matrix(randsign))
corrGS[[L]] <- apply(randsign,2,function(o) cor(exprs(nda)[o,],GS))
corrGS[[L]] <- apply(randsign,2,function(o) cor(apply(exprs(nda)[o,],2,mean),GS))
if(GSassociation & type!="Gsignature"){
new.coefs.nda.perm.GS <- coxme.three.options(nda, perms = perms,
randsign = as.matrix(rownames(nda)), type = type, adj.var.GS = adj.var.GS,
mc.cores = mc.cores, GS = GS, executation.info = executation.info)
new.coefs.nda.ori.GS <- coxme.three.options(nda, perms = perms.a,
randsign = as.matrix(rownames(nda)), type = type, adj.var.GS = adj.var.GS,
mc.cores = mc.cores, GS = GS, executation.info = executation.info)
return(list(new.coefs.nda.perm = new.coefs.nda.perm,
new.coefs.nda.ori = new.coefs.nda.ori,
new.coefs.nda.perm.GS = new.coefs.nda.perm.GS,
new.coefs.nda.ori.GS = new.coefs.nda.ori.GS, corrGS = corrGS))
plotPermutationsOut <- function(perm.out,
plot.type = c("perm.violin", "perm.GSvsEvents", "perms.corr.GS"),
perms.to.show = c(1:10), legend.out= TRUE, perms = NULL, GS = NULL,
ev.info = NULL, sigSize, ...){
ln <- length(sigSize)
perms.to.show <- perms.to.show[perms.to.show <= dim(perms)[2]]
lp <- length(perms.to.show)
if("perm.violin" %in% plot.type){
ylims <- max(c(vapply(perm.out$new.coefs.nda.ori, function(x)
max(abs(x[1,,4])), double(1)),vapply(perm.out$new.coefs.nda.perm, function(x)
ylims <- c(ylims + ylims/20)
if(legend.out) par(mar=c(5.1, 5.1, 4.1, 9.1), xpd=TRUE)
colss <- grey.colors(ln)[ln:1]
plot(1, 1, xlim = c(0,1), ylim =c(-ylims, ylims), type = 'n',
#xlab = 'permuted outcome instance', ylab = 'lHR.stat',
xaxt="n", ...)
for(L in seq_len(ln))
for(i in seq_len(lp))
at = i/(lp+1) - 1/(2*(lp+1)), drawRect= FALSE, add = TRUE,
col = rgb(1,1,1,alpha=0.3), border=colss[L], lty=L, wex = .1, lwd=2,
colMed = colss[L])
vioplot(perm.out$new.coefs.nda.ori[[L]][1,,4], at=1 -1/(2*(lp+1)),
add = TRUE, col = rgb(1,1,1,alpha=0.3), drawRect= FALSE,
border=brewer.pal(ln, "Greens")[L], lty=L, wex = .1, lwd=2,
colMed = brewer.pal(ln, "Greens")[ln+1-L])
text(seq_len(lp)/(lp+1) - 1/(2*(lp+1)),
perm.out$new.coefs.nda.perm.GS[perms.to.show,,4], "GS",
col = 2)
text(1 -1/(2*(lp+1)), perm.out$new.coefs.nda.ori.GS[1,,4], "GS",
col = 2)
text(1 -1/(2*(lp+1)), -ylims, "original")
coord <- par("usr")
lines(c(coord[1],coord[2]),c(0,0),col=5, lty=2)
# abline(h=0,col=5, lty=2)
legend(x = coord[2] * 1.05, y = coord[4], legend=sigSize, col = colss,
lty = seq_len(ln), title = "signature size", cex = 1.2)
if(any(c("perm.GSvsEvents","perms.corr.GS") %in% plot.type))
shuff.ev <- apply(perms, 1, function(o) ev.info[o])
if("perm.GSvsEvents" %in% plot.type){
if(legend.out) par(mar=c(5.1, 5.1, 4.1, 9.1), xpd=TRUE)
ylims <- c(min(GS) - (max(GS)-min(GS))/20, max(GS) + (max(GS)-min(GS))/20)
plot(1, 1, xlim = c(0,1), ylim =ylims, type = 'n',
# xlab = 'permuted outcome instance', ylab = 'Global signature',
xaxt = "n", ...)
for(i in seq_len(lp)){
boxplot(GS[which(shuff.ev[i,] ==0)],
at = ((i-1)*2 +1)/((lp+1)*2) - 1/(4*(lp+1)), add = TRUE,
col = "green", border="darkgreen", lty=1, boxwex = 0.05,
xaxt ="n", yaxt= "n")
boxplot(GS[which(shuff.ev[i,] ==1)],
at = ((i-1)*2 +2)/((lp+1)*2) - 1/(4*(lp+1)),
drawRect = FALSE, add = TRUE, col = "blue", border="darkblue", lty=1,
wex = .1, lwd=2, colMed = "black", boxwex = 0.05, xaxt ="n",
yaxt= "n")
lines(c(((i-1)*2 +1)/((lp+1)*2) - 1/(4*(lp+1)),((i-1)*2 +2)/((lp+1)*2) -
1/(4*(lp+1))), c(median(GS[which(shuff.ev[i,] ==0)]),
median(GS[which(shuff.ev[i,] ==1)])), col=2, lty=1, lwd=2)
boxplot(GS[which(ev.info == 0)], at = 1 - 3/(4*(lp+1)) , drawRect= FALSE,
add = TRUE, col = "green", border = "darkgreen", lty=1, wex = .1,
lwd = 2, colMed = "black", boxwex = 0.05, xaxt ="n", yaxt= "n")
boxplot(GS[which(ev.info == 1)], at = 1 - 1/(4*(lp+1)), drawRect= FALSE,
add = TRUE, col = "blue", border="darkblue", lty=1, wex = .1, lwd=2,
colMed = "black", boxwex = 0.05, xaxt ="n", yaxt= "n")
lines(c( 1 - 3/(4*(lp+1)), 1 - 1/(4*(lp+1))),
c(median(GS[which(ev.info == 0)]), median(GS[which(ev.info == 1)])),
col = 2, lty = 1, lwd = 2)
text(c(2 - 3/(4*(lp+1)) - 1/(4*(lp+1)))/2, ylims[1], "original")
coord <- par("usr")
legend(x = coord[2] * 1.05, y = coord[4], legend=c("no event","event"),
col = c("green", "blue"), pch = c(15,15), cex = 1.2)
if("perms.corr.GS" %in% plot.type){
if(legend.out) par(mar=c(5.1, 5.1, 4.1, 9.1), xpd=TRUE)
cors <- array(0,dim=c(dim(perms)[2],2,ln))
for(L in seq_len(ln)){
cors[,,L] <- t(sapply(seq_len(dim(perms)[2]), function(i){
c(mean(GS[which(shuff.ev[i,] ==1)]) -
mean(GS[which(shuff.ev[i,] ==0)])))
colss <- grey.colors(ln)[ln:1]
L <- 2
plot(cors[,1,1], cors[,2,1],
# xlab = "mean lHR.stat", ylab = "diff GS (mean.ev - mean.noev)",
col = colss[1], xlim = c(min(cors[,1,]), max(cors[,1,])),
ylim = c(min(cors[,2,]), max(cors[,2,])), pch = 15+1, ...)
while(L <=ln){
points(cors[,1,L], cors[,2,L], col = colss[L], pch = 15+L)
L <- L+1
coord <- par("usr")
legend(x = coord[2] * 1.05, y = coord[4],
legend = paste0(sigSize," / ", round(apply(cors,3,function(x)
cor(x)[1,2]),2)), col = colss, pch = seq_len(ln)+15,
title = "sign size / cor", cex = 1.2)
# par(mfrow=c(1,1))
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