## function hrunbiasedDiagnostic
hrunbiasedDiagnostic <- function(nda, correction.type = "NCsignatures",
score, signature.method = "zscore",
seqquant = c(0,seq(0.05,1,length.out=6)), sigSize = 50,
diagnostic.type = c("density.rs", "permutations",
"simulations", "positive.cont.power",
"PCAcorrelation"), ...){
## controls
correction.type <- basic.controls(nda = nda,
correction.type = correction.type, sigSize = sigSize)
diagnostic.type <- diagnostic.controls(diagnostic.type)
signature.method <- signmethod.control(signature.method)
if(!all(diagnostic.type %in% c("simulations","PCAcorrelation"))){
if(missing(score) & correction.type %in% c("none", "Gsignature"))
score = NULL
if(missing(score) & !correction.type %in% c("none", "Gsignature"))
stop("score must be specified")
## initialization
out <- list()
class.out <- character()
densRS.info <- NULL
eps <- 10e-8
if(abs((sum((exprs(nda)*exprs(nda))) - prod(dim(nda)) + dim(nda)[1])) > eps)
exprs(nda) <- t(scale(t(exprs(nda))))
## diagnostics
if("simulations" %in% diagnostic.type){
out$simu.info <- hrunbiasedSimulations(nda,
signature.method = signature.method,
basic.cont = FALSE,...)$simu.info
class.out <- c(class.out, class(out$simu.info)[1])
out$GS <- GSnegControls(nda = nda, correction.type = "Gsignature",
score = NULL, seqquant = seqquant, ...)
if(correction.type =="Gsignature" | all(diagnostic.type %in%
GSs <- out$GS
GSs <- GSnegControls(nda = nda, correction.type = correction.type,
score = score, seqquant = seqquant, ...)
if("permutations" %in% diagnostic.type){
perm.info <- hrunbiasedPermutations(nda = nda,
correction.type = correction.type, score = score,
seqquant = seqquant, GSs = GSs, sigSize = sigSize,
basic.cont = FALSE, GS = out$GS,
signature.method = signature.method, ...)
out$perm.out <- perm.info$perm.out
out$perms <- perm.info$perms
class.out <- c(class.out, class(perm.info)[1])
if("density.rs" %in% diagnostic.type){
densRS.info <- hrunbiasedDensityRS(nda, correction.type = correction.type,
score = score, seqquant = seqquant, GSs = GSs,
sigSize = sigSize, basic.cont = FALSE,
signature.method = signature.method, ...)
out$hr.rs <- densRS.info$hr.rs
out$randsign <- densRS.info$randsign
out$geneMeanHR.signatureHR <- densRS.info$geneMeanHR.signatureHR
class.out <- c(class.out, class(densRS.info)[1])
if("positive.cont.power" %in% diagnostic.type){
pcPower.info <- hrunbiasedPCpower(nda, correction.type = correction.type,
score = score, seqquant = seqquant, GSs = GSs,
cdRS = densRS.info, sigSize = sigSize,
basic.cont = FALSE, signature.method = signature.method, ...)
out$hr.pc <- pcPower.info$hr.pc
out$pvals.pc <- pcPower.info$pvals.pc
class.out <- c(class.out, class(pcPower.info)[1])
attr(out,"null.dist") <- attr(pcPower.info, "null.dist")
if(correction.type %in% c("NCsignatures","RUV") & length(seqquant) > 1){
attr(out, "cor.nc.rs") <- attr(pcPower.info, "cor.nc.rs")
attr(out, "means.rs") <- attr(pcPower.info, "means.rs")
if("PCAcorrelation" %in% diagnostic.type){
PCAcorr.info <- hrunbiasedPCAcorrelation(nda, sigSize = sigSize,
GS = out$GS, signature.method = signature.method, ...)
out$rs.cor <- PCAcorr.info$rs.cor
out$rs.gs.cor <- PCAcorr.info$rs.gs.cor
out$gs.cor <- PCAcorr.info$gs.cor
attr(out,"comp.PCA") <- attr(PCAcorr.info, "comp.PCA")
class.out <- c(class.out, class(PCAcorr.info)[1])
out$sigSize <- sigSize
out$correction.type <- correction.type
out$diagnostic.type <- diagnostic.type
out$seqquant <- seqquant
class(out) <- c(class.out,"hrunbiasedDiagnostic")
attr(out,"ev.info") <- nda$evn
##### hrunbiasedDensityRS
hrunbiasedDensityRS <- function(nda, correction.type = "NCsignatures", score,
seqquant = c(0,seq(0.05,1,length.out=6)), sigSize = 50,
nrs = 5000, comp.RUV = c(1,2), adj.var.GS = "GSadj",
adjusted.var.random = NA, adjusted.var.fixed= NA,
executation.info = TRUE, mc.cores = 1, GSs = NULL, rg.cox = TRUE,
id.size = 1, basic.cont = TRUE, signature.method = "zscore", ...){
# controls
correction.type <- basic.controls(nda = nda,
correction.type = correction.type, sigSize = sigSize)
if(missing(score) & correction.type %in% c("none", "Gsignature"))
score = NULL
if(missing(score) & !correction.type %in% c("none", "Gsignature"))
stop("score must be specified")
signature.method <- signmethod.control(signature.method)
if(correction.type %in% c("NCsignatures","Gsignature") & signature.method=="zscore")
adj.var.GS <- adjvarGS.control(adj.var.GS)
mod.controls(nda, adjusted.var.random, adjusted.var.fixed, GSs)
if(id.size > length(sigSize))
stop("id.size must be between 1 and length(sigSize)")
# initialization
rs.HR <- NULL
geneMeanHR.signatureHR <- NULL
eps <- 10e-8
if(abs((sum((exprs(nda)*exprs(nda))) - prod(dim(nda)) + dim(nda)[1])) > eps)
exprs(nda) <- t(scale(t(exprs(nda))))
GSs <- GSnegControls(nda, correction.type = correction.type, score=score,
seqquant = seqquant, comp.RUV = comp.RUV, ...)
# diagnostics
randsign <- list()
if(executation.info) cat("\n random signatures cox models \n")
lz <- length(sigSize)
rs.HR.size <- list()
for(K in seq_len(lz)){
randsign[[K]] <- lapply(seq_len(nrs), function(j) gs <- sample(rownames(exprs(nda)),
rs.HR.size[[K]] <- rsCoxmeByCorrections(nda,
correction.type = correction.type, score=score, seqquant=seqquant,
randsign=randsign[[K]], adj.var.GS = adj.var.GS,
adjusted.var.random = adjusted.var.random, signature.method = signature.method,
adjusted.var.fixed = adjusted.var.fixed, mc.cores = mc.cores,
GSs = GSs, executation.info=executation.info, ...)
if(executation.info) cat("\n random gene cox models \n")
geneMeanHR.signatureHR <- geneMeanHRvsSignatureHR(nda,
correction.type = correction.type, score = score, seqquant = seqquant,
randsign = randsign[[id.size]], adj.var.GS = adj.var.GS,
adjusted.var.random = adjusted.var.random,
adjusted.var.fixed = adjusted.var.fixed, mc.cores = mc.cores,
GSs = GSs, rs.HR =rs.HR.size[[id.size]],
executation.info = executation.info)
out <- list(hr.rs = rs.HR.size, randsign = randsign, sigSize = sigSize,
geneMeanHR.signatureHR = geneMeanHR.signatureHR )
class(out) <- c("hrunbiasedDensityRS", "hrunbiasedDiagnostic")
##### hrunbiasedPermutations
hrunbiasedPermutations <- function(nda, correction.type = "NCsignatures",
score, seqquant = c(0,seq(0.05,1,length.out=6)), sigSize = 50,
nrs = 5000, comp.RUV = c(1,2), nperm = 100,
adj.var.GS = "GSadj", permutation.type = "none", GSassociation = TRUE,
executation.info = TRUE, mc.cores = 1, GSs = NULL, basic.cont = TRUE,
GS = NULL, signature.method = "zscore", ...){
# controls
correction.type <- basic.controls(nda = nda,
correction.type = correction.type, sigSize = sigSize)
if(missing(score) & correction.type %in% c("none", "Gsignature"))
score = NULL
if(missing(score) & !correction.type %in% c("none", "Gsignature"))
stop("score must be specified")
signature.method <- signmethod.control(signature.method)
if(correction.type %in% c("NCsignatures","Gsignature") & signature.method=="zscore")
adj.var.GS <- adjvarGS.control(adj.var.GS)
permutation.type <- perm.controls(permutation.type)
# initialization
eps <- 10e-8
if(abs((sum((exprs(nda)*exprs(nda))) - prod(dim(nda)) + dim(nda)[1])) > eps)
exprs(nda) <- t(scale(t(exprs(nda))))
GSs <- GSnegControls(nda, correction.type = correction.type, score = score,
seqquant = seqquant, comp.RUV = comp.RUV, ...)
GS <- GSnegControls(nda = nda, correction.type = "Gsignature",
score=NULL, seqquant = seqquant, ...)
# diagnostics
if(executation.info) cat("\n permutations diagnostic \n")
ds1 <- dim(nda)[2]
perms <- vapply(seq_len(nperm), function(i) sample(seq_len(ds1)), integer(ds1))
perm.out <- permutationsOut(nda, sigSize = sigSize, perms = perms,
type = permutation.type, nite = nrs,
mc.cores = mc.cores, GSassociation = GSassociation,
GS = GSs[[1]], adj.var.GS = adj.var.GS,
executation.info=executation.info, signature.method=signature.method)
out <- list(perm.out = perm.out, perms = perms, sigSize = sigSize, GSs = GS)
class(out) <- c("hrunbiasedPermutations", "hrunbiasedDiagnostic")
attr(out, "ev.info") <- nda$evn
##### hrunbiasedPCpower
hrunbiasedPCpower <- function(nda, positive.controls,
correction.type = "NCsignatures", score,
seqquant = c(0,seq(0.05,1,length.out=6)),
alternative = "two.sided", bootstrapping = TRUE, prop.pos.cont = 1,
sigSize = 50, id.size = 1, nrs = 5000, nrpcs = 500,
comp.RUV = c(1,2), null.dist = "asymptotic", adj.var.GS = "GSadj",
adjusted.var.random = NA, adjusted.var.fixed= NA, executation.info = TRUE,
mc.cores = 1, GSs = NULL, cdRS = NULL, basic.cont = TRUE, ...){
# controls
correction.type <- basic.controls(nda = nda,
correction.type = correction.type, sigSize = sigSize)
if(missing(score) & correction.type %in% c("none", "Gsignature"))
score = NULL
if(missing(score) & !correction.type %in% c("none", "Gsignature"))
stop("score must be specified")
signature.method <- signmethod.control(signature.method)
if(correction.type %in% c("NCsignatures","Gsignature") & signature.method=="zscore")
adj.var.GS <- adjvarGS.control(adj.var.GS)
stop("positive.controls must be specified")
if(any(!positive.controls %in% rownames(nda)))
stop("positive.controls must be in rownames(nda)")
mod.controls(nda, adjusted.var.random, adjusted.var.fixed, GSs)
bc2 <- pow.controls(alternative, prop.pos.cont, null.dist, id.size, sigSize)
alternative <- bc2$alternative
null.dist <- bc2$null.dist
# initialization
pc.HR <- pc.pow <- list()
eps <- 10e-8
if(abs((sum((exprs(nda)*exprs(nda))) - prod(dim(nda)) + dim(nda)[1])) > eps)
exprs(nda) <- t(scale(t(exprs(nda))))
GSs <- GSnegControls(nda, correction.type = correction.type,
score=score, seqquant = seqquant, comp.RUV = comp.RUV, ...)
# diagnostics
sigSize <- sigSize[id.size]
cdRS <- hrunbiasedDensityRS(nda = nda, correction.type = correction.type,
score = score, seqquant = seqquant, sigSize = sigSize,
nrs = nrs, comp.RUV = comp.RUV, adj.var.GS = adj.var.GS,
adjusted.var.random = adjusted.var.random,
geneMean.geneSign = FALSE, adjusted.var.fixed = adjusted.var.fixed,
executation.info = executation.info, mc.cores = mc.cores, ...)
rs.HR <- cdRS$hr.rs[[1]]
randsign <- cdRS$randsign[[1]]
sigSize <- cdRS$sigSize[1]
rs.HR <- cdRS$hr.rs[[id.size]]
randsign <- cdRS$randsign[[id.size]]
sigSize <- cdRS$sigSize[id.size]
if(executation.info) cat("\n positive controls \n")
positive.controls <- intersect(positive.controls, rownames(exprs(nda)))
genes.not.poscontrol <- rownames(exprs(nda))[!rownames(exprs(nda))%in%
for(ppc.i in seq_len(length(prop.pos.cont))){
ppc.x <- prop.pos.cont[ppc.i]
randsign.s <- lapply(seq_len(nrpcs), function(j)
gs <- c(sample(positive.controls, round(sigSize*ppc.x),
replace = bootstrapping), sample(genes.not.poscontrol,
pc.HR[[ppc.i]] <- rsCoxmeByCorrections(nda, correction.type, score,
seqquant, randsign.s, adj.var.GS,
adjusted.var.random = adjusted.var.random,
adjusted.var.fixed = adjusted.var.fixed,
mc.cores = mc.cores, GSs = GSs,
executation.info = executation.info, ...)
pc.pow[[ppc.i]] <- posControlsPower(rs.HR, pc.HR[[ppc.i]],
alternative = alternative, correction.type = correction.type,
seqquant = seqquant, test = null.dist)
names(pc.HR) <- names(pc.pow) <- paste0("prop.pos ", prop.pos.cont)
out <- list(hr.rs = rs.HR, hr.pc = pc.HR, pvals.pc = pc.pow)
class(out) <- c("hrunbiasedPCpower","hrunbiasedDiagnostic")
attr(out,"null.dist") <- null.dist
if(correction.type %in% c("NCsignatures","RUV") & length(seqquant) > 1){
attr(out, "cor.nc.rs") <- corNCSvsRS(apply(t(exprs(nda)[rownames(nda)%in%
positive.controls,]),1, eval("mean"), na.rm = TRUE), GSs, seqquant)
attr(out, "means.rs") <- vapply(rs.HR, function(x) mean(x[,4]), double(1))
##### hrunbiasedSimulations
hrunbiasedSimulations <- function(nda, positive.controls, GScoef = 0,
tscoef = 0, ninst.rs = 10, ninst.ts = 500, nrs = 500, lambdas = c(0.1,0.2),
gammas = c(1.5,2), mc.cores = 1, stat = TRUE,
executation.info = TRUE, GSs = NULL, signature.method = "zscore",
basic.cont = TRUE, sigSize = 50, correction.type = "none", ...){
# controls
stop("positive.controls must be specified")
if(any(!positive.controls %in% rownames(nda)))
stop("positive.controls must be in rownames(nda)")
signature.method <- signmethod.control2(signature.method)
# initialization
eps <- 10e-8
if(abs((sum((exprs(nda)*exprs(nda))) - prod(dim(nda)) + dim(nda)[1])) > eps)
exprs(nda) <- t(scale(t(exprs(nda))))
randsign <- lapply(seq_len(nrs), function(j) gs <- sample(rownames(exprs(nda)),sigSize))
randsign.tar <- lapply(seq_len(nrs), function(j) gs <- sample(positive.controls,sigSize))
ts <- scale(apply(exprs(nda)[positive.controls,],2,mean))
if(is.null(GSs)) GS <- (GSnegControls(nda = nda,
correction.type = "Gsignature", score = NULL, seqquant = 0, ...)[[1]])
else GS <- (GSs[[1]])
if(signature.method == "zscore"){
rs <- scale(vapply(randsign, function(o) apply(exprs(nda)[o,],2,mean) - GS, double(length(GS))))
rs <- scale(vapply(randsign, function(o) apply(exprs(nda)[o,],2,mean),double(dim(nda)[2])))
ts2 <- ts
rs.tar <- scale(vapply(randsign.tar, function(o) apply(exprs(nda)[o,],2,mean) - GS,double(length(GS))))
rs.tar <- scale(vapply(randsign.tar, function(o) apply(exprs(nda)[o,],2,mean),double(dim(nda)[2])))
if(signature.method =="gsva"){
gsva.aux <- gsva(nda, randsign, method="gsva", parallel.sz =mc.cores)
if(is(gsva.aux,"list")) gsva.aux <- exprs(gsva.aux$es.obs)
rs <- scale(t(exprs(gsva.aux)))
gsva.aux <- gsva(nda, list(positive.controls), method="gsva", parallel.sz =mc.cores)
if(is(gsva.aux,"list")) gsva.aux <- exprs(gsva.aux$es.obs)
ts2 <- scale(as.numeric(exprs(gsva.aux)))
gsva.aux <- gsva(nda, randsign.tar, method="gsva", parallel.sz =mc.cores)
if(is(gsva.aux,"list")) gsva.aux <- exprs(gsva.aux$es.obs)
rs.tar <- scale(t(exprs(gsva.aux)))
GS <- scale(GS)
covs <- as.data.frame(rs)
covs2 <- data.frame(GS = GS, ts = ts)
covs <- data.frame(covs, ts2)
# diagnostic
simu.info <- coefsSimulations(ts = ts2, GS = GS, covs = covs, covs2 = covs2,
tscoef = tscoef, GScoef = GScoef, lambdas = lambdas,
gammas = gammas, ninst.rs = ninst.rs, ninst.ts = ninst.ts,
mc.cores = mc.cores, executation.info = executation.info,
stat = stat, rs.tar = rs.tar)
simu.info$stat <- stat
simu.info$show.target <- ninst.ts>0
out <- list(simu.info = simu.info)
class(out) <- c("hrunbiasedSimulations","hrunbiasedDiagnostic")
##### hrunbiasedPCAcorrelation
hrunbiasedPCAcorrelation <- function(nda, nrs = 100, sigSize = 50,
mc.cores = 1, comp.PCA = c(1,2),
GS = NULL, executation.info = TRUE, signature.method = "zscore", ...){
signature.method <- signmethod.control2(signature.method)
# initialization
eps <- 10e-8
if(abs((sum((exprs(nda)*exprs(nda))) - prod(dim(nda)) + dim(nda)[1])) > eps)
exprs(nda) <- t(scale(t(exprs(nda))))
randsign <- list()
for(K in seq_len(length(sigSize))){
randsign[[K]] <- lapply(seq_len(nrs), function(j)
gs <- sample(rownames(exprs(nda)), sigSize[K]))
xs <- t(exprs(nda))
# diagnostic
out <- pcaCorrFun(xs = xs, GS = GS, sigSize = sigSize,
executation.info = executation.info, signature.method = signature.method,
randsign = randsign, comp.PCA = comp.PCA, mc.cores = mc.cores)
class(out) <- c("hrunbiasedPCAcorrelation", "hrunbiasedDiagnostic")
attr(out, "comp.PCA") <- comp.PCA
##### print.hrunbiasedDiagnostic
print.hrunbiasedDiagnostic <- function(x, ...){
cat(paste("Diagnostics for Gene signature Cox proportional",
"hazard models:"), "\n")
if(inherits(x, "hrunbiasedDensityRS"))
cat(" ",paste("density.rs"))
cat("\t\t", paste0("plots available: density.rs, density.rs.size ",
"and geneMean.geneSign"), "\n")
if(inherits(x, "hrunbiasedPermutations"))
cat(" ",paste("permutations"))
cat("\t\t", paste0("plots available: perm.violin, perm.GSvsEvents ",
"and perms.corr.GS"), "\n")
if(inherits(x, "hrunbiasedSimulations"))
cat(" ",paste("simulations"))
cat("\t\t", paste0("plots available: simulations"), "\n")
if(inherits(x, "hrunbiasedPCpower"))
cat(" ",paste("power.pos.cont"))
cat("\t", paste0("plots available: positive.cont.power, ",
"corNCsig.power and bias.power"), "\n")
if(inherits(x, "hrunbiasedPCAcorrelation"))
cat(" ",paste("PCAcorrelation "))
cat("\t", paste0("plots available: PCAcorrelation"), "\n")
##### plot.hrunbiasedDiagnostic
plot.hrunbiasedDiagnostic <- function(x, diagnostic.plot, id.size = 1,
show.stat = TRUE, legend.out = TRUE, perms.to.show = 1:10,
seq.alpha = seq(0,.5, length.out=50), seq.alpha.pow = c(0.01,0.05),
power.whplots = NULL, col1 = "gray", col2 = "orange",
pointsq = FALSE, ...){
if(inherits(x, "hrunbiasedDensityRS"))
if("density.rs" %in% diagnostic.plot)
correction.type = x$correction.type, show.stat = show.stat,
legend.out = legend.out, seqquant = x$seqquant, ...)
if("density.rs.size" %in% diagnostic.plot)
rsCoxmeBySigSizes(x$hr.rs, x$sigSize, x$seqquant,
correction.type = x$correction.type, show.stat = show.stat,
legend.out = legend.out, ...)
if("geneMean.geneSign" %in% diagnostic.plot)
if(inherits(x, "hrunbiasedPermutations"))
if(any(c("perm.violin", "perm.GSvsEvents", "perms.corr.GS")%in%
plotPermutationsOut(x$perm.out, plot.type = diagnostic.plot,
perms.to.show = perms.to.show, legend.out = legend.out,
perms = x$perms, GS = x$GS[[1]], ev.info = attr(x, "ev.info"),
sigSize = x$sigSize, ...)
if(inherits(x, "hrunbiasedSimulations"))
plotcorrectionsSimulations(x$simu.info, col1 = col1,
col2 = col2, legend.out = legend.out, ...)
if(inherits(x, "hrunbiasedPCpower"))
if("positive.cont.power" %in% diagnostic.plot)
plotposControlsPower(x$pvals.pc, x$correction.type,
seqquant = x$seqquant, seq.alpha = seq.alpha,
test = attr(x, "null.dist"), legend.out = legend.out,
power.whplots = power.whplots, ...)
if("corNCsig.power" %in% diagnostic.plot)
plotpowAndBias(means = attr(x, "cor.nc.rs") , pc.pow = x$pvals.pc,
seq.alpha = seq.alpha.pow, seqquant = x$seqquant,
test = attr(x, "null.dist"), legend.out = legend.out,
meansPlot =FALSE, power.whplots = power.whplots, ...)
if("bias.power" %in% diagnostic.plot)
plotpowAndBias(means = attr(x, "means.rs"), pc.pow = x$pvals.pc,
seq.alpha = seq.alpha.pow, seqquant = x$seqquant,
test = attr(x, "null.dist"), legend.out = legend.out,
meansPlot = TRUE, power.whplots = power.whplots, ...)
if(inherits(x, "hrunbiasedPCAcorrelation"))
hrunbiasedPCAcorrelationplot(x, col1 = col1, col2 = col2,
id.size = id.size, legend.out = legend.out, ...)
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