# Credit to Valdeolivas et al.
# All the functions below come from the package RandomWalkRestartMH.
# Due to build errors in Bioconducteur, and to avoid depreciation of the netOmics package, all functions imported by the package have been repatriated here.
# need ti keep:
# - RandomWalkRestartMH::create.multiplex
# - RandomWalkRestartMH::compute.adjacency.matrix
# - RandomWalkRestartMH::normalize.multiplex.adjacency
# - RandomWalkRestartMH::Random.Walk.Restart.Multiplex
#' @importFrom igraph set_vertex_attr
create.multiplex <- function(LayersList,...){
if (!class(LayersList) == "list"){
stop("The input object should be a list of graphs.")
Number_of_Layers <- length(LayersList)
SeqLayers <- seq(Number_of_Layers)
Layers_Name <- names(LayersList)
# if (!all(sapply(SeqLayers, function(x) is.igraph(LayersList[[x]])))){
# stop("Not igraph objects")
# }
Layer_List <- lapply(SeqLayers, function (x) {
if (is.null(V(LayersList[[x]])$name)){
LayersList[[x]] <-
} else {
## We simplify the layers
Layer_List <-
lapply(SeqLayers, function(x) simplify.layers(Layer_List[[x]]))
## We set the names of the layers.
if (is.null(Layers_Name)){
names(Layer_List) <- paste0("Layer_", SeqLayers)
} else {
names(Layer_List) <- Layers_Name
## We get a pool of nodes (Nodes in any of the layers.)
Pool_of_Nodes <-
function(x) V(Layer_List[[x]])$name))))
Number_of_Nodes <- length(Pool_of_Nodes)
Layer_List <-
lapply(Layer_List, add.missing.nodes,Number_of_Layers,Pool_of_Nodes)
# We set the attributes of the layer
counter <- 0
Layer_List <- lapply(Layer_List, function(x) {
counter <<- counter + 1;
igraph::set_edge_attr(x,"type",igraph::E(x), value = names(Layer_List)[counter])
MultiplexObject <- c(Layer_List,list(Pool_of_Nodes=Pool_of_Nodes,
class(MultiplexObject) <- "Multiplex"
# internal
#' @importFrom igraph as.undirected is_weighted E simplify
simplify.layers <- function(Input_Layer){
## Undirected Graphs
Layer <- igraph::as.undirected(Input_Layer, mode = c("collapse"),
edge.attr.comb = igraph::igraph_opt("edge.attr.comb"))
## Unweighted or Weigthed Graphs
if (igraph::is_weighted(Layer)){
b <- 1
weigths_layer <- igraph::E(Layer)$weight
if (min(weigths_layer) != max(weigths_layer)){
a <- min(weigths_layer)/max(weigths_layer)
range01 <- (b-a)*(weigths_layer-min(weigths_layer))/
(max(weigths_layer)-min(weigths_layer)) + a
igraph::E(Layer)$weight <- range01
} else {
igraph::E(Layer)$weight <- rep(1, length(weigths_layer))
} else {
igraph::E(Layer)$weight <- rep(1, ecount(Layer))
## Simple Graphs
Layer <-
igraph::simplify(Layer,remove.multiple = TRUE,remove.loops = TRUE,
#' @importFrom igraph add_vertices
add.missing.nodes <- function (Layers,Nr_Layers,NodeNames) {
length(NodeNames[which(!NodeNames %in% igraph::V(Layers)$name)]),
name=NodeNames[which(!NodeNames %in% igraph::V(Layers)$name)])
#' @importFrom Matrix Diagonal bdiag
#' @importFrom igraph as_adjacency_matrix is_weighted
compute.adjacency.matrix <- function(x,delta = 0.5)
if (!isMultiplex(x) & !isMultiplexHet(x)) {
stop("Not a Multiplex or Multiplex Heterogeneous object")
if (delta > 1 || delta <= 0) {
stop("Delta should be between 0 and 1")
N <- x$Number_of_Nodes_Multiplex
L <- x$Number_of_Layers
## We impose delta=0 in the monoplex case.
if (L==1){
delta = 0
Layers_Names <- names(x)[seq(L)]
Idem_Matrix <- Matrix::Diagonal(N, x = 1)
counter <- 0
Layers_List <- lapply(x[Layers_Names],function(x){
counter <<- counter + 1;
if (igraph::is_weighted(x)){
Adjacency_Layer <- igraph::as_adjacency_matrix(x,sparse = TRUE,
attr = "weight")
} else {
Adjacency_Layer <- igraph::as_adjacency_matrix(x,sparse = TRUE)
Adjacency_Layer <- Adjacency_Layer[order(rownames(Adjacency_Layer)),
colnames(Adjacency_Layer) <-
rownames(Adjacency_Layer) <-
MyColNames <- unlist(lapply(Layers_List, function (x) unlist(colnames(x))))
MyRowNames <- unlist(lapply(Layers_List, function (x) unlist(rownames(x))))
names(MyColNames) <- c()
names(MyRowNames) <- c()
SupraAdjacencyMatrix <- (1-delta)*(Matrix::bdiag(unlist(Layers_List)))
colnames(SupraAdjacencyMatrix) <-MyColNames
rownames(SupraAdjacencyMatrix) <-MyRowNames
offdiag <- (delta/(L-1))*Idem_Matrix
i <- seq_len(L)
Position_ini_row <- 1 + (i-1)*N
Position_end_row <- N + (i-1)*N
j <- seq_len(L)
Position_ini_col <- 1 + (j-1)*N
Position_end_col <- N + (j-1)*N
for (i in seq_len(L)){
for (j in seq_len(L)){
if (j != i){
(Position_ini_col[j]:Position_end_col[j])] <- offdiag
SupraAdjacencyMatrix <- as(SupraAdjacencyMatrix, "dgCMatrix")
#' @importFrom Matrix t colSums
normalize.multiplex.adjacency <- function(x)
if (!is(x,"dgCMatrix")){
stop("Not a dgCMatrix object of Matrix package")
Adj_Matrix_Norm <- Matrix::t(Matrix::t(x)/(Matrix::colSums(x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1,
sparseResult = FALSE)))
Random.Walk.Restart.Multiplex <- function(x, MultiplexObject, Seeds,
r=0.7,tau,MeanType="Geometric", DispResults="TopScores",...){
L <- MultiplexObject$Number_of_Layers
N <- MultiplexObject$Number_of_Nodes
Seeds <- as.character(Seeds)
if (length(Seeds) < 1 | length(Seeds) >= N){
stop("The length of the vector containing the seed nodes is not
} else {
if (!all(Seeds %in% MultiplexObject$Pool_of_Nodes)){
stop("Some of the seeds are not nodes of the network")
if (r >= 1 || r <= 0) {
stop("Restart partameter should be between 0 and 1")
tau <- rep(1,L)/L
} else {
tau <- as.numeric(tau)
if (sum(tau)/L != 1) {
stop("The sum of the components of tau divided by the number of
layers should be 1")
if(!(MeanType %in% c("Geometric","Arithmetic","Sum"))){
stop("The type mean should be Geometric, Arithmetic or Sum")
if(!(DispResults %in% c("TopScores","Alphabetic"))){
stop("The way to display RWRM results should be TopScores or
## We define the threshold and the number maximum of iterations for
## the random walker.
Threeshold <- 1e-10
NetworkSize <- ncol(x)
## We initialize the variables to control the flux in the RW algo.
residue <- 1
iter <- 1
## We compute the scores for the different seeds.
Seeds_Score <- get.seed.scoresMultiplex(Seeds,L,tau)
## We define the prox_vector(The vector we will move after the first RWR
## iteration. We start from The seed. We have to take in account
## that the walker with restart in some of the Seed nodes, depending on
## the score we gave in that file).
prox_vector <- matrix(0,nrow = NetworkSize,ncol=1)
prox_vector[which(colnames(x) %in% Seeds_Score[,1])] <- (Seeds_Score[,2])
prox_vector <- prox_vector/sum(prox_vector)
restart_vector <- prox_vector
while(residue >= Threeshold){
old_prox_vector <- prox_vector
prox_vector <- (1-r)*(x %*% prox_vector) + r*restart_vector
residue <- sqrt(sum((prox_vector-old_prox_vector)^2))
iter <- iter + 1;
NodeNames <- character(length = N)
Score = numeric(length = N)
rank_global <- data.frame(NodeNames = NodeNames, Score = Score)
rank_global$NodeNames <- gsub("_1", "", row.names(prox_vector)[seq_len(N)])
if (MeanType=="Geometric"){
rank_global$Score <- geometric.mean(as.vector(prox_vector[,1]),L,N)
} else {
if (MeanType=="Arithmetic") {
rank_global$Score <- regular.mean(as.vector(prox_vector[,1]),L,N)
} else {
rank_global$Score <- sumValues(as.vector(prox_vector[,1]),L,N)
if (DispResults=="TopScores"){
## We sort the nodes according to their score.
Global_results <-
rank_global[with(rank_global, order(-Score, NodeNames)), ]
### We remove the seed nodes from the Ranking and we write the results.
Global_results <-
Global_results[which(!Global_results$NodeNames %in% Seeds),]
} else {
Global_results <- rank_global
rownames(Global_results) <- c()
RWRM_ranking <- list(RWRM_Results = Global_results,Seed_Nodes = Seeds)
class(RWRM_ranking) <- "RWRM_Results"
#' @method print RWRM_Results
#' @export
print.RWRM_Results <- function(x,...)
cat("Top 10 ranked Nodes:\n")
cat("\nSeed Nodes used:\n")
get.seed.scoresMultiplex <- function(Seeds,Number_Layers,tau) {
Nr_Seeds <- length(Seeds)
Seeds_Seeds_Scores <- rep(tau/Nr_Seeds,Nr_Seeds)
Seed_Seeds_Layer_Labeled <-
length.out = Nr_Seeds*Number_Layers,each=Nr_Seeds))
Seeds_Score <- data.frame(Seeds_ID = Seed_Seeds_Layer_Labeled,
Score = Seeds_Seeds_Scores, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
geometric.mean <- function(Scores, L, N) {
FinalScore <- numeric(length = N)
for (i in seq_len(N)){
FinalScore[i] <- prod(Scores[seq(from = i, to = N*L, by=N)])^(1/L)
regular.mean <- function(Scores, L, N) {
FinalScore <- numeric(length = N)
for (i in seq_len(N)){
FinalScore[i] <- mean(Scores[seq(from = i, to = N*L, by=N)])
sumValues <- function(Scores, L, N) {
FinalScore <- numeric(length = N)
for (i in seq_len(N)){
FinalScore[i] <- sum(Scores[seq(from = i, to = N*L, by=N)])
isMultiplex <- function (x)
is(x, "Multiplex")
isMultiplexHet <- function (x)
is(x, "MultiplexHet")
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