#' @name hapVsPheno
#' @title hapVsPheno
#' @usage hapVsPheno(hap,
#' pheno,
#' phenoName,hapPrefix = "H",
#' geneID = "test1G0387",
#' mergeFigs = TRUE,
#' minAcc = 5,
#' ...)
#' @examples
#' data("quickHap_test")
#' hap <- get_hap(vcf,hyb_remove = TRUE, na.drop = TRUE)
#' # plot the figs direactively
#' hapVsPheno(hap = hap,pheno = phenos,phenoName = "GrainWeight.2021",minAcc = 3)
#' #do not merge the files
#' results <- hapVsPheno(hap = hap,
#' pheno = phenos,
#' phenoName = "GrainWeight.2021",
#' minAcc = 3,
#' mergeFigs = FALSE)
#' plot(results$fig_pvalue)
#' plot(results$fig_Violin)
#' \dontrun{
#' # plot multi figs in a 'for' work folw
#' pheno$GrainWeight.2022 = pheno$GrainWeight.2021 + c(1:nrow(pheno))
#' for(i in colnames(pheno)){
#' results <- hapVsPheno(hap = hap,pheno = phenos,phenoName = i,minAcc = 3)
#' png(paste0(i,".png"))
#' plot(results$figs)
#' dev.off()
#' }
#' }
#' @param hap hap
#' @param pheno pheno
#' @param phenoName pheno name
#' @param hapPrefix hap prefix
#' @param geneID gene ID for plot title
#' @param mergeFigs merge heatmap and box plot or not
#' @param minAcc If observations numberof a Hap less than this number will
#' not be compared with others or ploted
#' @param ... options will pass to ggpubr
#' @importFrom stats na.omit t.test
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
#' @return list. A list contains a character vector with Haps were applied
#' student test, a mattrix contains p-value of each compare of Haps and a
#' ggplot2 object named as figs if mergeFigs set as TRUE, or two ggplot2
#' objects names as fig_pvalue and fig_Violin
hapVsPheno <- function(
hapPrefix = "H",
geneID = "test1G0387",
mergeFigs = TRUE,
minAcc = 5,
if(missing(phenoName)) {
warning("phenoName is null, will use the first pheno")
phenoName <- colnames(pheno)[1]
if(!(phenoName %in% colnames(pheno))) {
stop("Could not find ", phenoName, " in colnames of pheno")
result <- list()
hap <- hap[stringr::str_starts(hap[,1],hapPrefix),]
Accessions <- hap[,colnames(hap) == "Accession"]
haps <- hap[,1]
names(haps) <- Accessions
pheno$Hap <- haps[row.names(pheno)]
phenop <- pheno[,c("Hap",phenoName)]
phenop <- na.omit(phenop)
if(nrow(phenop) == 0) stop(
"After removed NAs, accession with certain Hap have no
observations of ", phenoName,". Please check your pheno file.")
hps <- table(phenop$Hap)
# filter Haps for plot
if(max(hps) < minAcc) stop(
"there is no haps to plot (no Haps with observations more than ",
minAcc, ")")
hps <- hps[hps >= minAcc]
hpsnm <- names(hps)
hps <- paste0(names(hps),"(",hps,")")
names(hps) <- hpsnm
# T 检验
plotHap <- c()
my_comparisons <- list()
T.Result <- matrix(nrow = length(hpsnm), ncol = length(hpsnm))
colnames(T.Result) <- hpsnm
row.names(T.Result) <- hpsnm
nr = nrow(T.Result)
for (m in seq_len(nr)) {
for (n in nr:m) {
i <- hpsnm[m]
j <- hpsnm[n]
hapi <- phenop[phenop$Hap == i, phenoName]
hapj <- phenop[phenop$Hap == j, phenoName]
if (length(hapi) >= minAcc & length(hapj) >= minAcc) {
pvalue <- try(t.test(hapi,hapj)$p.value,silent = TRUE)
T.Result[j, i] <- ifelse(
is.numeric(pvalue) & !is.na(pvalue),
pvalue, 1)
T.Result[i, j] <- T.Result[j, i]
plotHap <- c(plotHap, i, j)
if(T.Result[i, j] < 0.05) {
my_comparisons <- c(
result$plotHap <- unique(plotHap)
result$T.Result <- T.Result
plotHap <- unique(plotHap)
if(is.null(plotHap)) stop(
"there is no haps to plot (no Haps with observations more than ",
if(length(plotHap) > 1){
T.Result <- T.Result[!is.na(T.Result[, 1]), !is.na(T.Result[1, ])]
# ggplot
if(nrow(T.Result) > 1) { # 获得矩阵的上三角或下三角
T.Result[lower.tri(T.Result)] = NA
melResult <- reshape2::melt(T.Result, na.rm = TRUE)
melResult$label <- ifelse(
fig1 <- ggplot2::ggplot(
data = melResult,
mapping = ggplot2::aes_(x =~Var1, y =~Var2, fill =~value)) +
ggplot2::geom_tile(color = "white") +
ggplot2::ggtitle(label = geneID, subtitle = phenoName)+
colours = c("red","grey", "grey90"),
limit = c(0, 1.000001),
name = parse(text = "italic(p)~value")) +
x=~Var1, y=~Var2,
label =~ label),
color = "black",
size = 4) +
axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.border = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.background = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.ticks = ggplot2::element_blank(),
plot.subtitle = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0.5),
plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
fill = ggplot2::guide_colorbar(
title.position = "top",
title.hjust = 0.5))
} else fig1 <- ggplot2::ggplot() + ggplot2::theme_minimal()
# 作图,箱线图
data <- phenop[phenop$Hap %in% plotHap,]
data <- data[order(data$Hap,decreasing = FALSE),]
data$Hap <- hps[data$Hap]
capt <- stringr::str_split(phenoName,"[.]")[[1]][2]
if(is.na(capt)) fig2 <- ggpubr::ggviolin(
x = "Hap",
y = phenoName,
color = "Hap",
legend = "right", legend.title = "",
add = "boxplot", ...) else
fig2 <- ggpubr::ggviolin(
x = "Hap",
y = phenoName,
color = "Hap",
caption = capt,
legend = "right", legend.title = "",
add = "boxplot", ...)
fig2 <- fig2 + # 不要动
# stat_compare_means(label.y = max(data[,2]))+
# 去掉这行就没有比较了(Kruskal-Wallis test)
ggplot2::ggtitle(label = geneID) +
plot.subtitle = ggplot2::element_text(
hjust = 0.5),
axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(
angle=ifelse(length(hps) >= 6, 45, 0),
hjust = ifelse(length(hps) >= 6, 1, 0.5)),
plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
if(length(my_comparisons) > 0) {
fig2 <- fig2 + # 添加箱线图
comparisons = unique(my_comparisons),
paired = FALSE, method = "t.test")
if(mergeFigs) {
fig3 <- ggpubr::ggarrange(fig1, fig2, nrow = 1, labels = c("A","B"))
result$figs <- fig3
} else {
result$fig_pvalue <- fig1
result$fig_Violin <- fig2
#' @name hapVsPhenos
#' @title hapVsPhenoS
#' @usage
#' hapVsPhenos(hap,
#' phenos,
#' outPutSingleFile = TRUE,
#' hapPrefix = "H",
#' geneID = "Seita.0G000000",
#' mergeFigs = TRUE,
#' file = file,
#' width = 12,
#' height = 8, ...)
#' @param hap hap
#' @param phenos phenos
#' @param outPutSingleFile only worked while file type is pdf.
#' Out all figs in a single pdf file, figs will plot in each pages.
#' @param hapPrefix hap prefix
#' @param geneID gene ID forplot title
#' @param mergeFigs merge heatmapand box plot or not
#' @param file out put file name. File type could be pdf, png, tiff, jpg, bmp.
#' @param width manual option for determining the output file width in inches.
#' (defalt: 12)
#' @param height manual option for determining the output file height in inches.
#' (defalt: 8)
#' @param ... options will pass to ggpubr
#' @importFrom stats na.omit t.test
#' @import grDevices
#' @export
#' @return NULL
hapVsPhenos <- function(hap,
outPutSingleFile = TRUE,
hapPrefix = "H",
geneID = "Seita.0G000000",
mergeFigs = TRUE,
file = file,
width = 12,
height = 8,
# 表型关联
if(missing(hap)) stop("hap is missing!")
if(missing(phenos)) stop("phenos is missing!")
if(missing(file)) stop("Error: Output file name/path is missing!")
surFix <- getSurFix(file)
if(!surFix %in% c("pdf", "png", "tif", "tiff", "jpg", "jpeg", "bmp"))
stop("The file type should be one of pdf, png, tiff, jpg and bmp")
if(surFix != "pdf") outPutSingleFile <- FALSE
probe <- ifelse(surFix == "pdf",
message("File type is pdf and 'outPutSingleFile' set as TRUE, all figs will plot in ", file)
pdf(file, width = width, height = height)
if(!is.data.frame(phenos)) stop("phenos should be a data.frame object")
if(ncol(phenos) == 1)
warning("There is only one col detected in phenos, 'hapVsPheno' is prefered")
phenoNames <- colnames(phenos)
steps <- 0
for (phenoName in phenoNames){
"pdf" = pdf(file, width = width, height = height),
"png" = png(filename = file,
width = width, height = height, units = "in", res = 300),
"bmp" = bmp(filename = file,
width = width, height = height, units = "in", res = 300),
"jpg" = png(filename = file,
width = width, height = height, units = "in", res = 300),
"jpeg" = png(filename = file,
width = width, height = height, units = "in", res = 300),
"tif" = tiff(filename = file,
width = width, height = height, units = "in", res = 300),
"tiff" = tiff(filename = file,
width = width, height = height, units = "in", res = 300))
steps <- steps + 1
message("Total: ", ncol(phenos),"; current: ", steps,";\t", phenoName)
resulti <- hapVsPheno(hap,
pheno = phenos,
phenoName = phenoName,
geneID = geneID,
mergeFigs = mergeFigs,
} else {
if(!probe) dev.off()
if(probe) dev.off()
getSurFix <- function(Name){
parts <- strsplit(Name, ".", fixed = TRUE,)
lparth <- length(parts[[1]])
surFix <- parts[[1]][lparth]
surFix <- stringr::str_to_lower(surFix)
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