##' Plots nucleltide secondary structure as helices in arc diagram
##' @title gghelix
##' @param helix_data a data frame. The file of nucleltide secondary structure
##' and then read by readSSfile().
##' @param overlap Logicals. If TRUE, two structures data called predict
##' and known must be given(eg:heilx_data = list(known = data1,
##' predicted = data2)),
##' plots the predicted helices that are known on top, predicted helices that
##' are not known on the bottom, and finally plots unpredicted helices
##' on top in black.
##' @param color_by generate colors for helices by various rules,
##' including integer counts and value ranges one of "length" and "value"
##' @return ggplot object
##' @export
##' @examples
##' RF03120 <- system.file("extdata/Rfam/RF03120_SS.txt", package="ggmsa")
##' helix_data <- readSSfile(RF03120, type = "Vienna")
##' gghelix(helix_data)
##' @author Lang Zhou
gghelix <- function(helix_data, color_by = "length",overlap = FALSE){
if(is.data.frame(helix_data)) {
helix_tidy <- tidy_helix(helix_data, color_by = color_by)
}else {
helix_tidy <- tidy_list_helix(helix_data, color_by = color_by)
ly <- layer_helix(helix_data = helix_tidy, overlap = overlap)
p <- ggplot() + ly + theme_helix()
##' The layer of helix plot
##' @title geom_helix
##' @param helix_data a data frame. The file of nucleltide secondary structure
##' and then read by readSSfile().
##' @param overlap Logicals. If TRUE, two structures data called predict
##' and known must be given(eg:heilx_data = list(known = data1,
##' predicted = data2)),
##' plots the predicted helices that are known on top,
##' predicted helices that are not known on the bottom, and finally plots
##' unpredicted helices on top in black.
##' @param color_by generate colors for helices by various rules,
##' including integer counts and value ranges one of "length" and "value"
##' @param ... additional parameter
##' @return ggplot2 layers
##' @export
##' @examples
##' RF03120 <- system.file("extdata/Rfam/RF03120_SS.txt", package="ggmsa")
##'RF03120_fas <- system.file("extdata/Rfam/RF03120.fasta", package="ggmsa")
##'SS <- readSSfile(RF03120, type = "Vienna")
##'ggmsa(RF03120_fas, font = NULL,border = NA,
##' color = "Chemistry_NT", seq_name = FALSE) +
##' @author Lang Zhou
geom_helix <- function(helix_data, color_by = "length", overlap = FALSE, ...) {
structure(list(helix_data = helix_data,
color_by = color_by,
overlap = overlap),
class = "nucleotideeHelix")
##' Read secondary structure file
##' @title readSSfile
##' @importFrom utils read.delim
##' @param file A text file in connect format
##' @param type file type. one of "Helix, "Connect", "Vienna" and "Bpseq"
##' @return data frame
##' @importFrom R4RNA readHelix
##' @importFrom R4RNA readConnect
##' @importFrom R4RNA readVienna
##' @importFrom R4RNA readBpseq
##' @importFrom R4RNA expandHelix
##' @importFrom R4RNA collapseHelix
##' @export
##' @examples
##' RF03120 <- system.file("extdata/Rfam/RF03120_SS.txt", package="ggmsa")
##' helix_data <- readSSfile(RF03120, type = "Vienna")
##' @author Lang Zhou
readSSfile <- function(file, type = NULL) {
type <- match.arg(type, c("Helix", "Connect", "Vienna", "Bpseq"))
load_data <- switch(type,
Helix = readHelix(file),
Connect = readConnect(file),
Vienna = readVienna(file),
Bpseq = expandHelix(file))
data <- collapseHelix(load_data)
tidy_list_helix <- function(helix_data, color_by = "length"){
known <- tidy_helix(helix_data$known, color_by = color_by)
predicted <- tidy_helix(helix_data$predicted, color_by = color_by)
return(list(known = known, predicted = predicted))
tidy_helix <- function(helix_data, color_by = "length"){
helix_data <- color_helix(helix_data, color = color_by)
names(helix_data)[c(1,2)] <- c("from","to")
helix_data$x0 <- (helix_data$to + helix_data$from)/2
helix_data$r <- (helix_data$to - helix_data$from)/2
color_helix <- function(helix_data, color){
#color <- match.arg(color, c("length", "value"))
if(color == "length"){
data_color <- colorBy_length(helix_data)
}else if(color == "value") {
data_color <- colorBy_value(helix_data)
}else {
helix_data$col <- color
data_color <- helix_data
data <- expandHelix(data_color)
colorBy_length <- function(helix_data){
pal_lenght <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(name = "Paired", n = 12))
helix_data$col <- nrow(helix_data) %>% pal_lenght()
colorBy_value <- function(helix_data){
pal_value <- colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(name = "Blues", n = 4)))
helix_data$col <- nrow(helix_data) %>% pal_value()
##' @importFrom ggforce geom_arc
layer_helix <- function(helix_data, overlap = FALSE, seq_numbers = 0){
mapping_above <- aes_(x0 = ~x0,
y0 = ~(seq_numbers + 0.5),
r = ~r, start = ~1.5*pi,
end = ~2.5*pi)
mapping_below <- aes_(x0 = ~x0,
y0 = ~(-0.5),
r = ~r, start = ~pi/2,
end = ~1.5*pi)
if(seq_numbers > 0) {
mapping_below <- modifyList(mapping_below, aes_(y0 = ~0))
if(is.list(helix_data) & "col" %in% names(helix_data[[2]])) {
mapping_above <- modifyList(mapping_above, aes_(color = ~I(col)))
mapping_below <- modifyList(mapping_below, aes_(color = ~I(col)))
if(overlap) {
if(!is.list(helix_data)| length(helix_data) != 2){
stop("Overlapping structures must input a list with
2 helix data.
(eg: heilx_data = list(known = data1, predicted = data2)")
if(!names(helix_data) %in% c("known", "predicted") %>% all) {
stop("helix_data names must be 'known' and 'predicted'.
(eg: heilx_data = list(known = data1, predicted = data2)")
overlap_data <- overlap_helix(known = helix_data[["known"]],
predicted = helix_data[["predicted"]])
if (overlap_data[["above_justknown"]] %>% nrow == 0){
ly_up <- geom_arc(data = overlap_data[["above_both"]],
mapping = mapping_above)
ly_below <- geom_arc(data = overlap_data[["below"]],
mapping = mapping_below)
return(list(ly_up, ly_below))
}else {
ly_up <- geom_arc(data = overlap_data[["above_both"]],
mapping = mapping_above)
ly_up_justknown <-
geom_arc(data = overlap_data[["above_justknown"]],
mapping = mapping_above,
color = "black")
ly_below <- geom_arc(data = overlap_data[["below"]],
mapping = mapping_below)
return(list(ly_up, ly_up_justknown, ly_below))
}else {#overlap = FALSE
if(is.list(helix_data) & length(helix_data) == 2) {
if(!"col" %in% names(helix_data[["known"]])) {
mapping_below <- modifyList(mapping_below,
aes_(color = I("#8fce5e")))
ly_up <- geom_arc(data = helix_data[["known"]],
mapping = mapping_below)
ly_below <- geom_arc(data = helix_data[["predicted"]],
mapping = mapping_above)
return(list(ly_up, ly_below))
}else if(is.data.frame(helix_data)){
if("col" %in% names(helix_data)){
mapping_above <- modifyList(mapping_above,
aes_(color = ~I(col)))
ly_arc <- geom_arc(data = helix_data, mapping = mapping_above)
}else {
stop("Only a data frame or a list with 2 of helix data are allowed.
eg: heilx_data = data or
heilx_data = list(known = data1, predicted = data2)")
overlap_helix <- function(known, predicted){
if(!c("from", "to") %in% names(known) %>% all) {
stop("'known' must be a output from 'readSSfile()'")
if(!c("from", "to") %in% names(predicted) %>% all) {
stop("'predicted' must be a output from 'readSSfile()'")
known$heli <- paste0(known$from, "t",known$to)
predicted$heli <- paste0(predicted$from, "t", predicted$to)
below <- predicted[!predicted$heli %in% known$heli,] #predicted & not known
above_both <- predicted[predicted$heli %in% known$heli,] #predicted & known
above_justknown <- known[!known$heli %in% above_both$heli,] #unpredicted & known
return(list(below = below,
above_both = above_both,
above_justknown = above_justknown))
##' @importFrom ggplot2 theme_void
##' @importFrom ggplot2 element_text
##' @importFrom grid arrow
theme_helix <- function(){
scale_y_continuous(breaks = 0),
theme(panel.grid.major.y = element_line(size = 1, arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.3, 'cm'))),
panel.grid.major.x = element_line(color = "#eaeaea", size = 0.4),
axis.text.x = element_text())
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