##' @rdname ssplot
##' @exportMethod ssplot
setMethod("ssplot", signature(x = "enrichResult"),
function(x, showCategory = 30, ...) {
ssplot.enrichResult(x, showCategory = showCategory, ...)
##' @rdname ssplot
##' @exportMethod ssplot
setMethod("ssplot", signature(x = "gseaResult"),
function(x, showCategory = 30, ...) {
ssplot.enrichResult(x, showCategory = showCategory, ...)
##' @rdname ssplot
##' @exportMethod ssplot
setMethod("ssplot", signature(x = "compareClusterResult"),
function(x, showCategory = 30, ...) {
ssplot.compareClusterResult(x, showCategory = showCategory,
##' @rdname ssplot
##' @param drfun The function used for dimension reduction,
##' e.g. stats::cmdscale (the default), vegan::metaMDS, or ape::pcoa.
##' @param dr.params list, the parameters of tidydr::dr. one of 'category', 'group', 'all' and 'none'.
##' @param ... additional parameters
##' additional parameters can refer the following parameters.
##' \itemize{
## \item \code{coords} a data.frame with two columns: 'x' for X-axis coordinate and 'y' for Y-axis coordinate.
##' \item \code{color} Variable that used to color enriched terms, e.g. 'pvalue','p.adjust' or 'qvalue'.
##' the starting position of each text label.
##' \item \code{size_edge} Scale of line width.
##' \item \code{min_edge} The minimum similarity threshold for whether
##' two nodes are connected, should between 0 and 1, default value is 0.2.
## \item \code{cex_label_category} Scale of category node label size.
##' \item \code{size_category} Number indicating the amount by which plotting category
##' nodes should be scaled relative to the default.
## \item \code{shadowtext} a logical value, whether to use shadow font.
##' \item \code{label_style} style of group label, one of "shadowtext" and "ggforce".
## \item \code{repel whether} to correct the position of the label. Defaults to FALSE.
##' \item \code{group} Logical, if TRUE, the grouping legend will be displayed.
##' The default is FALSE.
## \item \code{cex_label_group} Numeric, scale of group labels size, the default value is 1.
##' \item \code{nWords} Numeric, the number of words in the cluster tags, the default value is 4.
##' \item \code{label_format} a numeric value sets wrap length, alternatively a
##' custom function to format axis labels.
##' \item \code{clusterFunction} function of Clustering method, such as stats::kmeans(the default),
##' cluster::clara, cluster::fanny or cluster::pam.
##' \item \code{nCluster} Numeric, the number of clusters,
##' the default value is square root of the number of nodes.
##' }
##' additional parameters can refer the emapplot function: \link{emapplot}.
ssplot.enrichResult <- function(x, showCategory = 30,
drfun = NULL,
dr.params = list(),
group = TRUE,
node_label = "group",
...) {
if (is.null(drfun)) {
drfun = stats::cmdscale
dr.params = list(eig = TRUE)
if (is.character(drfun)) {
drfun <- eval(parse(text=drfun))
drResult <- get_drResult(x = x, showCategory = showCategory,
drfun = drfun, dr.params = dr.params)
coords <- drResult$drdata[, c(1, 2)]
colnames(coords) <- c("x", "y")
rownames(coords) <- attr(drResult$data, "Labels")
p <- emapplot(x = x, showCategory = showCategory,
group = group,
node_label = node_label,
## Set axis label according to drfun
p <- adj_axis(p = p, drResult = drResult)
return(p + theme_classic())
#' @rdname ssplot
#' @param pie one of 'equal' or 'Count' to set the slice ratio of the pies
#' @importFrom ggplot2 theme_classic
#' @importFrom ggplot2 coord_equal
#' @importClassesFrom DOSE compareClusterResult
# @param cex_pie2axis It is used to adjust the relative size of the pie chart on the coordinate axis,
# the default value is 0.0125.
#' @importFrom stats setNames
ssplot.compareClusterResult <- function(x, showCategory = 30,
#split = NULL,
pie = "equal",
drfun = NULL,
#cex_pie2axis = 0.0125,
dr.params = list(),
group = TRUE,
node_label = "group", ...) {
if (is.null(drfun)) {
drfun = stats::cmdscale
dr.params = list(eig = TRUE)
if (is.character(drfun)) {
drfun <- eval(parse(text=drfun))
split = NULL
drResult <- get_drResult(x = x, showCategory = showCategory,
split = split, pie = pie, drfun = drfun, dr.params = dr.params)
coords <- drResult$drdata[, c(1, 2)]
colnames(coords) <- c("x", "y")
rownames(coords) <- attr(drResult$data, "Labels")
p <- emapplot(x, showCategory = showCategory,
coords = coords,
split = split, pie = pie,
#with_edge = with_edge,
#cex_pie2axis = cex_pie2axis,
group = group,
node_label = node_label, ...)
## Set axis label according to the method parameter
p <- adj_axis(p = p, drResult = drResult)
return(p + theme_classic())
##' Get a distance matrix
##' @param x enrichment result.
##' @param showCategory number of enriched terms to display.
##' @param split separate result by 'category' variable.
##' @param pie proportion of clusters in the pie chart.
##' @noRd
build_dist <- function(x, showCategory, split = NULL, pie = NULL) {
sim = get_pairwise_sim(x = x, showCategory = showCategory,
split = split, pie = pie)
## If the similarity between the two terms is 1,
## an error will be reported in some method, so fine-tuning.
sim[which(sim == 1)] <- 0.99999
for (i in seq_len(nrow(sim))) sim[i, i] <- 1
stats::as.dist(1- sim)
##' Get a similarity matrix
##' @param x enrichment result.
##' @param showCategory number of enriched terms to display.
##' @param split separate result by 'category' variable.
##' @param pie proportion of clusters in the pie chart.
##' @noRd
get_pairwise_sim <- function(x, showCategory, split = NULL, pie = NULL) {
# if (class(x) == "compareClusterResult") {
if (inherits(x, "compareClusterResult")) {
# y <- get_selected_category(showCategory, enrichResult, split)
y <- fortify(model = x, showCategory = showCategory,
includeAll = TRUE, split = split)
y$Cluster <- sub("\n.*", "", y$Cluster)
keep <- rownames(prepare_pie_category(y, pie=pie))
} else {
n <- update_n(x, showCategory)
if (is.numeric(n)) {
keep <- seq_len(n)
} else {
keep <- match(n, rownames(x@termsim))
if (length(keep) == 0) {
stop("no enriched term found...")
fill_termsim(x, keep)
##' Adjust axis label according to the dimension reduction method
##' @param p ggplot2 object
##' @param drs dimension reduction result
##' @noRd
adj_axis <- function(p, drResult) {
title = NULL
eigenvalue <- drResult$eigenvalue
if (!is.null(eigenvalue)) {
xlab = paste("Dimension1 (", format(100 * eigenvalue[1] / sum(eigenvalue), digits=4), "%)", sep = "")
ylab = paste("Dimension2 (", format(100 * eigenvalue[2] / sum(eigenvalue), digits=4), "%)", sep = "")
} else {
xlab = "Dimension1"
ylab = "Dimension2"
if (!is.null(drResult$stress)) {
title = paste("stress = ", drResult$stress, sep = "")
p <- p + labs(x = xlab, y = ylab, title = title)
##' Get the result of dimension reduction
##' @param x enrichment result.
##' @param showCategory number of enriched terms to display.
##' @param split separate result by 'category' variable.
##' @param pie proportion of clusters in the pie chart.
##' @param drfun The function used for dimension reduction.
##' @param dr.params list, the parameters of tidydr::dr.
##' @importFrom rlang check_installed
##' @noRd
get_drResult <- function(x, showCategory, split = NULL, pie = NULL, drfun, dr.params) {
distance_mat <- build_dist(x = x, showCategory = showCategory, split = split, pie = pie)
check_installed('tidydr', 'for `get_drResult()`, which is an internal function.')
drResult <- do.call(tidydr::dr, c(list(data = distance_mat, fun = drfun), dr.params))
wrongMessage <- paste("Wrong drfun parameter or unsupported",
"dimensionality reduction method;",
"set to default `drfun = 'stats::cmdscale'`")
if (is.null(drResult$drdata)) {
drResult <- tidydr::dr(distance_mat, stats::cmdscale, eig = TRUE)
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