##' automatically split barplot or dotplot into several facets
##' @param by one of 'row' or 'column'
##' @param scales wether 'fixed' or 'free'
##' @param levels set facet levels
##' @return a ggplot object
##' @export
autofacet <- function(by = 'row', scales = "free", levels = NULL) {
structure(list(by = by,
scales = scales,
levels = levels),
class = "autofacet")
get_enrichplot_color <- function(n = 2) {
colors <- getOption("enrichplot.colours")
if (!is.null(colors)) return(colors)
if (n != 2 && n != 3) stop("'n' should be 2 or 3")
colors = c("#e06663", "#327eba")
if (n == 2) return(colors)
if (n == 3) return(c(colors[1], "white", colors[2]))
##' helper function to set color for enrichplot
##' @title set_enrichplot_color
##' @param colors user provided color vector
##' @param type one of 'color', 'colour' or 'fill'
##' @param name name of the color legend
##' @param .fun force to use user provided color scale function
##' @param reverse whether reverse the color scheme, default is TRUE as it is more significant for lower pvalue
##' @param ... additional parameter that passed to the color scale function
##' @return a color scale
##' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_fill_continuous
##' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_color_continuous
##' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_fill_gradientn
##' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_color_gradientn
##' @export
set_enrichplot_color <- function(colors = get_enrichplot_color(2),
type = "color", name = NULL, .fun = NULL, reverse=TRUE, ...) {
type <- match.arg(type, c("color", "colour", "fill"))
if (!reverse) colors = rev(colors)
n <- length(colors)
if (n < 2) {
stop("'colors' should be of length >= 2")
} else if (n == 2) {
params <- list(low = colors[1], high = colors[2])
fn_suffix <- "continuous"
} else if (n == 3) {
params <- list(low = colors[1], mid = colors[2], high = colors[3])
fn_suffix <- "gradient2"
} else {
params <- list(colors = colors)
fn_suffix <- "gradientn"
if (!is.null(.fun)) {
if (n == 3) {
# should determine parameter for user selected functions: 'gradient2' or 'gradientn'
fn_type <- which_scale_fun(.fun)
if (fn_type == "gradientn") {
params <- list(colors = colors)
} else {
params <- list(low = colors[1], mid = colors[2], high = colors[3])
} else {
fn <- sprintf("scale_%s_%s", type, fn_suffix)
.fun <- getFromNamespace(fn, "ggplot2")
params$guide <- guide_colorbar(reverse=reverse, order=1)
params$name <- name # no legend name setting by default as 'name = NULL'
params <- modifyList(params, list(...))
do.call(.fun, params)
which_scale_fun <- function(.fun) {
params <- args(.fun) |> as.list() |> names()
if ("colours" %in% params) {
if ("mid" %in% params) {
# maybe need to determine whether is continuous or discrete
##' @method as.data.frame compareClusterResult
##' @export
as.data.frame.compareClusterResult <- function(x, ...) {
as.data.frame(x@compareClusterResult, ...)
##' Prepare pie data for genes in cnetplot.
##' The function only works for compareClusterResult
##' @importFrom DOSE geneID
##' @importFrom rlang check_installed
##' @param y a data.frame converted from compareClusterResult
##' @return a data.frame
##' @noRd
prepare_pie_gene <- function(y) {
check_installed('tibble', 'for `prepare_pie_gene()`.')
gene_pie <- tibble::as_tibble(y[,c("Cluster", "Description", "geneID")])
gene_pie$geneID <- strsplit(gene_pie$geneID, '/')
gene_pie2 <- as.data.frame(tidyr::unnest(gene_pie, cols=geneID))
gene_pie2 <- unique(gene_pie2)
prepare_pie_data(gene_pie2, pie = "equal", type = "gene")
##' Prepare pie data for categories in cnetplot/emapplot.
##' The function only works for compareClusterResult
##' @param enrichDf a data.frame converted from compareClusterResult
##' @param pie proportion of clusters in the pie chart, one of 'equal' (default)
##' or 'Count'
##' @return a data.frame
##' @noRd
prepare_pie_category <- function(enrichDf, pie = "equal") {
pie <- match.arg(pie, c("equal", "count", "Count"))
if (pie == "count") pie <- "Count"
pie_data <- enrichDf[,c("Cluster", "Description", "Count")]
pie_data[,"Description"] <- as.character(pie_data[,"Description"])
prepare_pie_data(pie_data, pie = pie)
prepare_pie_data <- function(pie_data, pie = "equal",type = "category") {
if(type == "category"){
ID_unique <- unique(pie_data[,2])
} else {
ID_unique <- unique(pie_data[,3])
Cluster_unique <- unique(pie_data[,1])
ID_Cluster_mat <- matrix(0, nrow = length(ID_unique), ncol = length(Cluster_unique))
rownames(ID_Cluster_mat) <- ID_unique
colnames(ID_Cluster_mat) <- Cluster_unique
ID_Cluster_mat <- as.data.frame(ID_Cluster_mat, stringAsFactors = FALSE)
if(pie == "Count") {
for(i in seq_len(nrow(pie_data))) {
ID_Cluster_mat[pie_data[i,2],pie_data[i,1]] <- pie_data[i,3]
for(kk in seq_len(ncol(ID_Cluster_mat))) {
ID_Cluster_mat[,kk] <- as.numeric(ID_Cluster_mat[,kk])
for(i in seq_len(nrow(pie_data))) {
if(type == "category"){
ID_Cluster_mat[pie_data[i,2],pie_data[i,1]] <- 1
} else {
ID_Cluster_mat[pie_data[i,3],pie_data[i,1]] <- 1
##' create color palette for continuous data
##' @title color_palette
##' @param colors colors of length >=2
##' @return color vector
##' @importFrom rlang check_installed
##' @export
##' @examples
##' color_palette(c("red", "yellow", "green"))
##' @author guangchuang yu
color_palette <- function(colors) {
# has_package("grDevices")
check_installed('grDevices', 'for `color_palette()`.')
grDevices::colorRampPalette(colors)(n = 299)
enrichplot_point_shape <- ggfun:::enrichplot_point_shape
sig_palette <- color_palette(c("red", "yellow", "blue"))
heatmap_palette <- color_palette(c("red", "yellow", "green"))
overlap_ratio <- function(x, y) {
x <- unlist(x)
y <- unlist(y)
length(intersect(x, y))/length(unique(c(x,y)))
.cal_jc_similarity <- function(gsetlist, id = NULL, name=NULL){
if (is.null(id)) {
id <- names(gsetlist)
n <- length(id)
w <- matrix(NA, nrow=n, ncol=n)
if (is.null(name)) {
name <- id
colnames(w) <- rownames(w) <- name
for (i in seq_len(n-1)) {
for (j in (i+1):n) {
w[i,j] <- overlap_ratio(gsetlist[id[i]], gsetlist[id[j]])
w[lower.tri(w)] <- t(w)[lower.tri(t(w))]
diag(w) <- 1
fc_readable <- function(x, foldChange = NULL) {
if (is.null(foldChange))
if (x@readable && x@keytype != "SYMBOL") {
gid <- names(foldChange)
if (is(x, 'gseaResult')) {
ii <- gid %in% names(x@geneList)
} else {
ii <- gid %in% x@gene
gid[ii] <- x@gene2Symbol[gid[ii]]
names(foldChange) <- gid
# fc_palette <- function(fc) {
# if (all(fc > 0, na.rm=TRUE)) {
# palette <- color_palette(c("blue", "red"))
# } else if (all(fc < 0, na.rm=TRUE)) {
# palette <- color_palette(c("green", "blue"))
# } else {
## palette <- color_palette(c("darkgreen", "#0AFF34", "#B3B3B3", "#FF6347", "red"))
# }
# return(palette)
# }
update_n <- function(x, showCategory) {
if (!is.numeric(showCategory)) {
if (inherits(x, 'list')) {
showCategory <- showCategory[showCategory %in% names(x)]
} else {
showCategory <- intersect(showCategory, x$Description)
## geneSets <- geneInCategory(x) ## use core gene for gsea result
n <- showCategory
if (inherits(x, 'list')) {
nn <- length(x)
} else {
nn <- nrow(x)
if (nn < n) {
n <- nn
extract_geneSets <- function(x, n) {
n <- update_n(x, n)
if (inherits(x, 'list')) {
geneSets <- x
} else {
geneSets <- geneInCategory(x) ## use core gene for gsea result
y <- as.data.frame(x)
geneSets <- geneSets[y$ID]
names(geneSets) <- y$Description
if (is.numeric(n)) {
return(geneSets[n]) ## if n is a vector of Description
##' Internal plot function for plotting compareClusterResult
##' @title plotting-clusterProfile
##' @param clProf.reshape.df data frame of compareCluster result
##' @param x x variable
##' @param type one of dot and bar
##' @param by one of percentage and count
##' @param title graph title
##' @param font.size graph font size
##' @param colorBy one of pvalue or p.adjust
##' @return ggplot object
##' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot
##' @importFrom ggplot2 aes
##' @importFrom ggplot2 aes_
##' @importFrom ggplot2 aes_string
##' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_bar
##' @importFrom ggplot2 coord_flip
##' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_point
##' @importFrom ggplot2 %+%
##' @importFrom ggplot2 theme
##' @importFrom ggplot2 xlab
##' @importFrom ggplot2 ylab
##' @importFrom ggplot2 theme_bw
##' @importFrom ggplot2 element_text
##' @importFrom ggplot2 ggtitle
##' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_color_continuous
##' @importFrom ggplot2 guide_colorbar
##' @importFrom DOSE theme_dose
##' @author Guangchuang Yu \url{https://yulab-smu.top}
plotting.clusterProfile <- function(clProf.reshape.df,
x = ~Cluster,
type = "dot",
colorBy = "p.adjust",
by = "geneRatio",
font.size=12) {
Description <- Percentage <- Count <- Cluster <- GeneRatio <- p.adjust <- pvalue <- NULL # to satisfy codetools
if (type == "bar") {
if (by == "percentage") {
p <- ggplot(clProf.reshape.df,
aes(x=Description, y = Percentage, fill=Cluster))
} else if (by == "count") {
p <- ggplot(clProf.reshape.df,
aes(x=Description, y = Count, fill=Cluster))
} else {
p <- p +
geom_bar() +
p <- p + xlab("") + ylab("") + ggtitle(title) +
##' Get the distance of the label
##' @param dimension one of 1 and 2
##' @param label_location label_location
##' @noRd
get_label_diss <- function(dimension, label_location) {
nn <- nrow(label_location)
label_dis <- matrix(NA, nrow = nn, ncol = nn)
colnames(label_dis) <- rownames(label_dis) <- label_location$label
for (i in seq_len(nn - 1)) {
for (j in (i + 1):nn) {
label_dis[i ,j] <- label_location[i, dimension] - label_location[j, dimension]
label_diss <- reshape2::melt(label_dis)
label_diss <- label_diss[label_diss[,1] != label_diss[,2], ]
label_diss <- label_diss[!is.na(label_diss[,3]), ]
label_diss[, 1] <- as.character(label_diss[, 1])
label_diss[, 2] <- as.character(label_diss[, 2])
# adjust_location <- function(label_location, x_adjust, y_adjust) {
# label_diss_x <- get_label_diss(1, label_location)
# label_diss_y <- get_label_diss(2, label_location)
# label_diss_large <- which(abs(label_diss_y[, 3]) < y_adjust) %>%
# intersect(which(label_diss_y[, 3] > 0)) %>%
# intersect(which(abs(label_diss_x[, 3]) < x_adjust))
# label_diss_small <- which(abs(label_diss_y[, 3]) < y_adjust) %>%
# intersect(which(label_diss_y[, 3] < 0)) %>%
# intersect(which(abs(label_diss_x[, 3]) < x_adjust))
# label_location[label_diss_y[label_diss_large, 1], 2] <- label_location[label_diss_y[label_diss_large, 2], 2] + y_adjust
# label_location[label_diss_y[label_diss_small, 1], 2] <- label_location[label_diss_y[label_diss_small, 2], 2] - y_adjust
# return(label_location)
# }
#' default_labeller
#' default labeling function that uses the
#' internal string wrapping function `yulab.utils::str_wrap`
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom yulab.utils str_wrap
default_labeller <- function(n) {
fun <- function(str){
str <- gsub("_", " ", str)
yulab.utils::str_wrap(str, n)
structure(fun, class = "labeller")
# from hadley wickham in "https://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Suppressing-output-e-g-from-cat-td859876.html"
#' Suppressing output
#' @param x some code
#' @noRd
quiet <- function(x) {
#' Get segment.size value for ggrepel
#' @param default default value of ggrepel.segment.size
#' @noRd
get_ggrepel_segsize <- function(default = 0.2) {
getOption("ggrepel.segment.size", default = default)
#' Get warning message of changing parameter name
#' @param parameter old parameter name
#' @param params_df data frame with three columns: "original", "listname", and "present"
#' @noRd
get_param_change_message <- function(parameter, params_df) {
paste0("Use '", params_df[parameter, "listname"],
" = list(", params_df[parameter, "present"],
" = your_value)' instead of '", params_df[parameter, "original"],
"'.\n The ", params_df[parameter, "original"],
" parameter will be removed in the next version.")
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