#' plotting the abundance of taxa via specified taxonomy class
#' @rdname mp_plot_abundance-methods
#' @param .data MPSE object or tbl_mpse object
#' @param .abundance the column name of abundance to be plotted.
#' @param .group the column name of group to be calculated and plotted,
#' default is NULL.
#' @param taxa.class name of taxonomy class, default is NULL, meaning the
#' Phylum class will be plotted.
#' @param topn integer the number of the top most abundant, default is 10.
#' @param relative logical whether calculate the relative abundance and plotted.
#' @param force logical whether calculate the relative abundance forcibly
#' when the abundance is not be rarefied, default is FALSE.
#' @param plot.group logical whether plotting the abundance of specified taxa.class
#' taxonomy with group not sample level, default is FALSE.
#' @param geom character which type plot, options is 'flowbar' 'bar' and 'heatmap', default is
#' 'flowbar'.
#' @param feature.dist character the method to calculate the distance between the features,
#' based on the '.abundance' of 'taxa.class', default is 'bray', options refer to
#' the 'distmethod' of [mp_cal_dist()] (except unifrac related).
#' @param feature.hclust character the agglomeration method for the features, default is
#' 'average', options are 'single', 'complete', 'average', 'ward.D', 'ward.D2', 'centroid'
#' 'median' and 'mcquitty'.
#' @param sample.dist character the method to calculate the distance between the samples
#' based on the '.abundance' of 'taxa.class', default is 'bray', options refer to the
#' 'distmethod' of [mp_cal_dist()] (except unifrac related).
#' @param sample.hclust character the agglomeration method for the samples, default is
#' 'average', options are 'single', 'complete', 'average', 'ward.D', 'ward.D2', 'centroid'
#' 'median' and 'mcquitty'.
#' @param .sec.group the column name of second group to be plotted with nested facet,
#' default is NULL, this argument will be deprecated in the next version.
#' @param rmun logical whether to group the unknown taxa to \code{Others} category,
#' such as "g__un_xxx", default is FALSE, meaning do not group them to \code{Others} category.
#' @param rm.zero logical whether to display the zero abundance, which only work with geom='heatmap'
#' default is TRUE.
#' @param order.by.feature character adjust the order of axis x, default is FALSE, if it is NULL or TRUE,
#' meaning the order of axis.x will be visualizing with the order of samples by highest abundance of features.
#' @param ... additional parameters, when the geom = "flowbar", it can specify the parameters of
#' 'geom_stratum' of 'ggalluvial', when the geom = 'bar', it can specify the parameters of
#' 'geom_bar' of 'ggplot2', when the geom = "heatmap", it can specify the parameter of
#' 'geom_tile' of 'ggplot2'.
#' @author Shuangbin Xu
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(mouse.time.mpse)
#' mouse.time.mpse %<>%
#' mp_rrarefy()
#' mouse.time.mpse
#' mouse.time.mpse %<>%
#' mp_cal_abundance(.abundance=RareAbundance, action="add") %>%
#' mp_cal_abundance(.abundance=RareAbundance, .group=time, action="add")
#' mouse.time.mpse
#' p1 <- mouse.time.mpse %>%
#' mp_plot_abundance(.abundance=RelRareAbundanceBySample,
#' .group=time,
#' taxa.class="Phylum",
#' topn=20)
#' p2 <- mouse.time.mpse %>%
#' mp_plot_abundance(.abundance = Abundance,
#' taxa.class = Phylum,
#' topn = 20,
#' relative = FALSE,
#' force = TRUE
#' )
#' p3 <- mouse.time.mpse %>%
#' mp_plot_abundance(.abundance = RareAbundance,
#' .group = time,
#' taxa.class = Phylum,
#' topn = 20,
#' relative = FALSE,
#' force = TRUE
#' )
#' p4 <- mouse.time.mpse %>%
#' mp_plot_abundance(.abundance = RareAbundance,
#' .group = time,
#' taxa.class = Phylum,
#' topn = 20,
#' relative = FALSE,
#' force = TRUE,
#' plot.group = TRUE
#' )
#' }
.abundance = NULL,
.group = NULL,
taxa.class = NULL,
topn = 10,
relative = TRUE,
force = FALSE,
plot.group = FALSE,
geom = "flowbar",
feature.dist = "bray",
feature.hclust = "average",
sample.dist = "bray",
sample.hclust = "average",
.sec.group = NULL,
rmun = FALSE,
rm.zero = TRUE,
order.by.feature = FALSE,
.internal_plot_abundance <- function(.data,
.group = NULL,
taxa.class = NULL,
topn = 10,
relative = TRUE,
force = FALSE,
plot.group = FALSE,
geom = "flowbar",
feature.dist = "bray",
feature.hclust = "average",
sample.dist = "bray",
sample.hclust = "average",
.sec.group = NULL,
rmun = FALSE,
rm.zero = TRUE,
order.by.feature = FALSE,
.abundance <- rlang::enquo(.abundance)
.group <- rlang::enquo(.group)
.sec.group <- rlang::enquo(.sec.group)
taxa.class <- rlang::enquo(taxa.class)
geom %<>% match.arg(c("flowbar", "bar", "heatmap"))
if (geom=="heatmap"){
plot.group = FALSE
if (rlang::quo_is_null(taxa.class) ||
(.data %>% mp_extract_tree() %>% is.null() %>% suppressMessages())){
taxa.class <- rlang::sym("OTU")
if (rlang::quo_is_missing(.abundance)){
.abundance <- rlang::sym("Abundance")
if (relative){
if (force){
abundance.nm <- paste0("Rel", rlang::as_name(.abundance), 'BySample')
abundance.nm <- "RelRareAbundanceBySample"
ylabs <- "Relative Abundance (%)"
if (force){
abundance.nm <- rlang::as_name(.abundance)
abundance.nm <- "RareAbundance"
ylabs <- abundance.nm
if (!rlang::quo_is_null(.group) && plot.group){
gp <- quo.vect_to_str.vect(.group)
prefixBy <- paste0("By", paste0(gp, collapse="And"))
if (!force && grepl('BySample$', abundance.nm)){
abundance.nm %<>% gsub('BySample', "", .)
axis.x <- rlang::as_name(gp[1])
prefixBy <- ""
axis.x <- "Sample"
abundance.nm <- paste0(abundance.nm, prefixBy)
if (!(!relative && grepl('^Rel', abundance.nm) && !plot.group)){
AbundBy <- abundance.nm %>% gsub("^Rel", "", .)
AbundBy <- abundance.nm
internal.cal <- FALSE
if (!any(grepl(paste0("^", AbundBy), .data %>% mp_extract_feature() %>% colnames()))){
internal.cal <- TRUE
if (!rlang::quo_is_null(.group) && plot.group){
.data %<>% mp_cal_abundance(.abundance=!!.abundance, .group=!!.group, force=force, relative=relative)
gp <- quo.vect_to_str.vect(.group)
prefixBy <- paste0("By", paste0(gp, collapse = "And"))
if (relative){
if (force){
AbundBy <- paste0(rlang::as_name(.abundance), prefixBy)
AbundBy <- paste0("RareAbundance", prefixBy)
abundance.nm <- paste0('Rel', AbundBy)
if (force){
AbundBy <- paste0(rlang::as_name(.abundance), prefixBy)
AbundBy <- paste0("RareAbundance", prefixBy)
abundance.nm <- AbundBy
.data %<>% mp_cal_abundance(.abundance=!!.abundance, force=force, relative=relative)
if (relative){
if (force){
AbundBy <- paste0(rlang::as_name(.abundance), 'BySample')
AbundBy <- "RareAbundanceBySample"
abundance.nm <- paste0('Rel', AbundBy)
if (force){
AbundBy <- paste0(rlang::as_name(.abundance), 'BySample')
abundance.nm <- rlang::as_name(.abundance)
#if (rlang::as_name(.abundance) %in% c('Abundance', 'RareAbundance')){
# abundance.nm <-
AbundBy <- "RareAbundanceBySample"
abundance.nm <- "RareAbundance"
if (!plot.group && !internal.cal){
AbundBy %<>% gsub('BySample', "", .) %>% paste0('BySample')
flag_prefix1 <- grepl('BySample$', abundance.nm)
flag_prefix2 <- grepl("^Rel", abundance.nm)
abundance.nm %<>% gsub('BySample', "", .) %>% gsub('Rel', "", .)
if (flag_prefix1){
abundance.nm %<>% paste0('BySample')
if (flag_prefix2){
abundance.nm <- paste0('Rel', abundance.nm)
check_installed('forcats', "for `mp_plot_abundance()`.")
tbl <- .data %>%
mp_extract_abundance(taxa.class=!!taxa.class, topn = topn, rmun = rmun) %>%
tidyr::unnest(cols=AbundBy) %>%
dplyr::mutate(label=forcats::fct_rev(.data$label)) %>%
dplyr::rename(!!taxa.class:="label") %>%
if(geom %in% c("bar", 'flowbar')){
if (geom == "flowbar"){
check_installed("ggalluvial", "for `mp_plot_abundance()` with geom='flowbar'.")
p <- ggplot(data = tbl,
mapping = aes_string(
x = axis.x,
y = abundance.nm,
alluvium = rlang::as_name(taxa.class),
fill = rlang::as_name(taxa.class))
) +
ggalluvial::geom_flow(stat="alluvium", lode.guidance = "frontback", color = "darkgray", ...) +
ggalluvial::geom_stratum(stat="alluvium", ...)
}else if (geom == "bar"){
p <- ggplot(data = tbl,
mapping = aes_string(
x = axis.x,
y = abundance.nm,
fill = rlang::as_name(taxa.class)
) +
geom_bar(stat = 'identity', ...)
p <- p +
ggplot2::labs(x=NULL, y=ylabs) +
values = rev(get_cols(tbl %>% pull(!!taxa.class) %>% unique() %>% length())),
guide = guide_legend(reverse=TRUE)
if (!rlang::quo_is_null(.group)){
gp <- quo.vect_to_str.vect(.group)
if (!rlang::quo_is_null(.sec.group)){
warning_wrap("The .sec.group will be depcrecated, please use .group argument, which
supports multiple groups.")
gp2 <- quo.vect_to_str.vect(.sec.group)
if (!gp2 %in% gp){
gp <- append(gp, gp2, after=1)
if (plot.group && length(gp) >1 ){
gpformula <- as.formula(paste0(". ~ ", paste0(gp[-1], collapse="+")))
}else if (!plot.group){
gpformula <- as.formula(paste0(". ~ ", paste0(gp, collapse="+")))
gpformula <- NULL
gpformula <- NULL
if (!is.null(gpformula)){
check_installed("ggh4x", "for `mp_plot_abundance()` with geom='bar' or geom='flowbar' and .group was also provided.")
p <- p + ggh4x::facet_nested(gpformula, scales="free_x", space="free")
gb <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(p)
expand.value = max(gb$layout$panel_scales_y[[1]]$range$range) * 0.5 / 100
p <- p +
scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0, 0, expand.value)) +
if (is.null(order.by.feature) || isTRUE(order.by.feature)){
order.by.feature <- p$data %>%
split(.[[rlang::as_name(taxa.class)]]) %>%
lapply(function(x)sum(x[[abundance.nm]])) %>%
unlist() %>%
sort() %>%
rev() %>%
magrittr::extract(seq_len(2)) %>%
names() %>%
setdiff("Others") %>%
if (order.by.feature %in% (p$data %>% dplyr::pull(!!taxa.class) %>% levels())){
if (plot.group && !rlang::quo_is_null(.group)){
gp <- quo.vect_to_str.vect(.group)
if (length(gp) >= 1){
new.levels <- p$data[p$data[[rlang::as_name(taxa.class)]]==order.by.feature,] %>%
dplyr::arrange(dplyr::desc(!!rlang::sym(abundance.nm))) %>%
dplyr::pull(gp[[1]]) %>%
as.character() %>%
p$data %<>% dplyr::mutate(!!rlang::sym(axis.x):=factor(!!rlang::sym(axis.x), levels = new.levels))
sample.new.levels <- p$data[p$data[[rlang::as_name(taxa.class)]] == order.by.feature,] %>%
dplyr::arrange(dplyr::desc(!!rlang::sym(abundance.nm))) %>%
dplyr::pull(.data$Sample) %>%
as.character() %>%
p$data %<>% dplyr::mutate(!!rlang::sym(axis.x):=factor(!!rlang::sym(axis.x), levels = sample.new.levels))
}else if(geom=="heatmap"){
lab.sty <- list(xlab(NULL),ylab(NULL))
tbl %<>% dplyr::mutate_if(is.factor, as.character)
leg.tl <- abundance.nm %>% gsub("BySample", "", .)
p <- ggplot(data=tbl,
mapping = aes_string(
x = axis.x,
y = rlang::as_name(taxa.class),
fill = abundance.nm
if (rm.zero) {
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_tile(
data = td_filter(!!rlang::sym(abundance.nm)!=0),
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_tile(...)
p <- p +
theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=-45, hjust=0),
panel.border=element_rect(size=1, fill=NA)) +
ggplot2::scale_y_discrete(position="right") +
ggplot2::guides(fill=ggplot2::guide_colourbar(title=leg.tl)) +
tbl2 <- tbl %>%
as.tbl_mpse(.OTU = !!taxa.class,
.Sample = !!rlang::sym(axis.x),
.Abundance = !!rlang::sym(abundance.nm)
sample.dist <- mp_cal_dist(tbl2,
.abundance = !!rlang::sym("Abundance"),
distmethod = sample.dist,
action = "get"
feature.dist <- mp_cal_dist(tbl2,
.abundance = !!rlang::sym("Abundance"),
distmethod = feature.dist,
action = "get",
cal.feature.dist = TRUE
indexname <- leg.tl
sample.hc <- hclust(sample.dist, method = sample.hclust) %>% ape::as.phylo()
feature.hclust <- hclust(feature.dist, method = feature.hclust) %>% ape::as.phylo()
if (!rlang::quo_is_null(.group)){
gp <- quo.vect_to_str.vect(.group)
if (!rlang::quo_is_null(.sec.group)){
warning_wrap("The .sec.group will be depcrecated, please use .group argument, which
supports multiple groups.")
gp2 <- quo.vect_to_str.vect(.sec.group)
gp <- append(gp, gp2, after=1)
gp %<>% unique()
for (i in seq_len(length(gp))){
sampleda <- .data %>% mp_extract_sample()
f <- ggplot(data=sampleda, mapping = aes(x=!!rlang::sym("Sample"), y=gp[i], fill=!!rlang::sym(gp[i]))) +
#data = sampleda,
#mapping = aes(x=!!rlang::sym("Sample"), y=gp[i], fill=!!rlang::sym(gp[i]))
) +
ggplot2::scale_y_discrete(position="right", expand = c(0, 0), labels=gp[i]) +
) +
p %<>% insert_top(f, height = 0.04 + 0.0025 * (i - 1))
indexname <- c(indexname, gp)
p2 <- ggtree(feature.hclust, branch.length = "none", size = 0.8)
p3 <- ggtree(sample.hc, branch.length = "none", size = 0.8, layout = "dendrogram")
check_installed("aplot", "for `mp_plot_abundance()` with geom='heatmap'.")
p %<>% insert_left(p2, width = 0.1)
if (!rlang::quo_is_null(.group)){
p %<>% insert_top(p3, height = 0.1 + 0.01 * length(gp))
p %<>% insert_top(p3, height = 0.1)
p$index <- c(indexname, paste0("tree", seq_len(2)))
p %<>% add_class("aplot.heatmap")
return (p)
#' @rdname mp_plot_abundance-methods
#' @aliases mp_plot_abundance,MPSE
#' @export mp_plot_abundance
setMethod("mp_plot_abundance", signature(.data="MPSE"), .internal_plot_abundance)
#' @rdname mp_plot_abundance-methods
#' @aliases mp_plot_abundance,tbl_mpse
#' @export mp_plot_abundance
setMethod("mp_plot_abundance", signature(.data="tbl_mpse"), .internal_plot_abundance)
#' @rdname mp_plot_abundance-methods
#' @aliases mp_plot_abundance,grouped_df_mpse
#' @export mp_plot_abundance
setMethod("mp_plot_abundance", signature(.data="grouped_df_mpse"), .internal_plot_abundance)
#' Plotting the alpha diversity between samples or groups.
#' @rdname mp_plot_alpha-methods
#' @param .data MPSE or tbl_mpse object
#' @param .group the column name of sample group information
#' @param .alpha the column name of alpha index after run mp_cal_alpha or mp_cal_pd_metric.
#' @param test the name of the statistical test, default is 'wilcox.test'
#' @param comparisons A list of length-2 vectors. The entries in the vector are
#' either the names of 2 values on the x-axis or the 2 integers that
#' correspond to the index of the columns of interest, default is NULL, meaning
#' it will be calculated automatically with the names in the .group.
#' @param step_increase numeric vector with the increase in fraction of total
#' height for every additional comparison to minimize overlap, default is 0.05.
#' @param ... additional parameters, see also \code{\link[ggsignif]{geom_signif}}
#' @author Shuangbin Xu
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(mouse.time.mpse)
#' mpse <- mouse.time.mpse %>%
#' mp_rrarefy() %>%
#' mp_cal_alpha(.abundance=RareAbundance)
#' mpse
#' p <- mpse %>%
#' mp_plot_alpha(.group=time, .alpha=c(Observe, Shannon, Pielou))
#' p
#' }
.alpha=c("Observe", "Shannon"),
test = "wilcox.test",
comparisons = NULL,
step_increase = 0.05,
.internal_plot_alpha <- function(
.alpha = c("Observe", "Shannon"),
test = "wilcox.test",
comparisons = NULL,
step_increase = 0.05,
.group <- rlang::enquo(.group)
.alpha <- rlang::enquo(.alpha)
if (rlang::quo_is_missing(.group)){
.group <- NULL
#rlang::abort("The .group column name is required for the visualization of alpha diversity")
newlevels <- quo.vect_to_str.vect(.alpha)
if ("J" %in% newlevels){
warning_wrap("The 'J' exists in the .alpha parameter, it has been deprecated and it will not be supported
in the next released version, please use 'Pielou' to replace it.", call. = FALSE)
newlevels[newlevels == "J"] <- "Pielou"
tbl <- .data %>%
mp_extract_sample() %>%
dplyr::select(!!rlang::sym("Sample"), !!newlevels, !!.group) %>%
tidyr::pivot_longer(cols=-c(rlang::sym("Sample"), !!.group),
names_to="Measure", values_to="Alpha")
tbl$Measure <- factor(tbl$Measure, levels=newlevels)
if (!is.null(.group)){
gp <- quo.vect_to_str.vect(.group)
if (is.null(comparisons)){
comparisons <- tbl %>%
pull(!!rlang::sym(gp[1])) %>%
unique() %>%
utils::combn(2) %>%
apply(2, list) %>%
unlist(recursive = FALSE)
mapping <- aes_string(x = gp[1],
y = "Alpha",
fill = gp[1])
gp <- NULL
mapping <- aes_string(x = "Sample",
y = "Alpha"
p <- ggplot(data=tbl, mapping = mapping)
check_installed(c("gghalves", "ggsignif", "ggh4x"), "for `mp_plot_alpha()`.")
if (!is.null(gp)){
if (is.numeric(tbl[[gp[1]]])){
if (length(gp) > 1 ){
mapping <- modifyList(mapping, aes_string(color=gp[2]))
gp <- gp[-c(1, 2)]
mapping <- modifyList(mapping, aes_string(fill=NULL))
gp <- gp[-1]
p <- ggplot(data = tbl, mapping = mapping)
smoothparam <- modifyList(list(method="lm", se=TRUE), list(...))
p <- p +
p <- p +
do.call(ggplot2::geom_smooth, smoothparam)
p <- p +
gghalves::geom_half_violin(color=NA, side="l", trim=FALSE) +
gghalves::geom_half_point(side="r", shape=21, alpha=0.8) +
fill = NA,
size = 0.6,
width = 0.2,
outlier.shape = NA
) +
ggsignif::geom_signif(comparisons=comparisons, test=test, step_increase=step_increase, ...) +
ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values=get_cols(tbl %>% pull(!!rlang::sym(gp[1])) %>% unique() %>% length())) +
ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values=get_cols(tbl %>% pull(!!rlang::sym(gp[1])) %>% unique() %>% length()))
gp <- gp[-1]
if (length(gp) > 0){
gpformula <- as.formula(paste0("Measure ~ ", paste0(gp, collapse="+")))
p <- p + ggh4x::facet_nested(gpformula, scales="free", space="free_x")
p <- p + ggplot2::facet_wrap(facets=ggplot2::vars(!!rlang::sym("Measure")), scales="free_y", nrow=1)
p <- p +
ggplot2::geom_col() +
ggplot2::facet_wrap(facets=ggplot2::vars(!!rlang::sym("Measure")), scales="free_y")
p <- p +
labs(x=NULL, y="Alpha Index Value") +
strip.text.y = ggplot2::element_text(size = 12, face = "bold")
return (p)
#' @rdname mp_plot_alpha-methods
#' @aliases mp_plot_alpha,MPSE
#' @export mp_plot_alpha
setMethod("mp_plot_alpha", signature(.data="MPSE"), .internal_plot_alpha)
#' @rdname mp_plot_alpha-methods
#' @aliases mp_plot_alpha,tbl_mpse
#' @export mp_plot_alpha
setMethod("mp_plot_alpha", signature(.data="tbl_mpse"), .internal_plot_alpha)
#' @rdname mp_plot_alpha-methods
#' @aliases mp_plot_alpha,grouped_df_mpse
#' @export mp_plot_alpha
setMethod("mp_plot_alpha", signature(.data="grouped_df_mpse"), .internal_plot_alpha)
#' Plotting the different number of OTU between groups with Venn Diagram.
#' @rdname mp_plot_venn-methods
#' @param .data MPSE object or tbl_mpse object
#' @param .group the column names of group to be visualized
#' @param .venn the column names of result after run \code{mp_cal_venn}.
#' @param ... additional parameters, such as 'size', 'label_size', 'edge_size' etc,
#' see also 'ggVennDiagram'.
#' @author Shuangbin Xu
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(mouse.time.mpse)
#' mpse <- mouse.time.mpse %>%
#' mp_rrarefy() %>%
#' mp_cal_venn(.abundance=RareAbundance, .group=time, action="add")
#' mpse
#' p <- mpse %>% mp_plot_venn(.group=time, .venn=vennOftime)
#' p
#' }
setGeneric("mp_plot_venn", function(.data, .group, .venn=NULL, ...) standardGeneric("mp_plot_venn"))
.internal_plot_venn <- function(.data, .group, .venn=NULL, ...){
.group <- rlang::enquo(.group)
.venn <- rlang::enquo(.venn)
if (rlang::quo_is_null(.venn)){
.venn <- rlang::sym(paste0("vennOf", rlang::as_name(.group)))
check_installed("ggVennDiagram", "for `mp_plot_venn()`.")
p <- .data %>%
mp_extract_sample() %>%
dplyr::select(!!.group, !!.venn) %>%
dplyr::distinct() %>%
pull(var=!!.venn, name=!!.group) %>%
ggVennDiagram::ggVennDiagram(., ...)
#' @rdname mp_plot_venn-methods
#' @aliases mp_plot_venn,MPSE
#' @export mp_plot_venn
setMethod("mp_plot_venn", signature(.data="MPSE"), .internal_plot_venn)
#' @rdname mp_plot_venn-methods
#' @aliases mp_plot_venn,tbl_mpse
#' @export mp_plot_venn
setMethod("mp_plot_venn", signature(.data="tbl_mpse"), .internal_plot_venn)
#' @rdname mp_plot_venn-methods
#' @aliases mp_plot_venn,grouped_df_mpse
#' @export mp_plot_venn
setMethod("mp_plot_venn", signature(.data="grouped_df_mpse"), .internal_plot_venn)
#' Plotting the different number of OTU between group via UpSet plot
#' @rdname mp_plot_upset-methods
#' @param .data MPSE obejct or tbl_mpse object
#' @param .group the column name of group
#' @param .upset the column name of result after run \code{mp_cal_upset}
#' @param ... additional parameters, see also 'scale_x_upset' of 'ggupset'.
#' @export
#' @author Shuangbin Xu
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(mouse.time.mpse)
#' mpse <- mouse.time.mpse %>%
#' mp_rrarefy(.abundance=Abundance) %>%
#' mp_cal_upset(.abundance=RareAbundance, .group=time)
#' mpse
#' p <- mpse %>% mp_plot_upset(.group=time, .upset=ggupsetOftime)
#' p
#' }
setGeneric("mp_plot_upset", function(.data, .group, .upset=NULL, ...) standardGeneric("mp_plot_upset"))
.internal_plot_upset <- function(.data, .group, .upset=NULL, ...){
.group <- rlang::enquo(.group)
.upset <- rlang::enquo(.upset)
if (rlang::quo_is_null(.upset)){
.upset <- rlang::sym(paste0("ggupsetOf", rlang::as_name(.group)))
check_installed('ggupset', 'for `mp_plot_upset()`.')
p <- .data %>%
mp_extract_feature() %>%
dplyr::select(!!rlang::sym("OTU"), !!.upset) %>%
dplyr::filter(vapply(!!.upset, length, numeric(1))>0) %>%
ggplot(mapping=aes(x=!!.upset)) +
geom_bar() +
ggupset::scale_x_upset(...) +
ggupset::theme_combmatrix(combmatrix.label.extra_spacing=30) +
return (p)
#' @rdname mp_plot_upset-methods
#' @aliases mp_plot_upset,MPSE
#' @export mp_plot_upset
setMethod("mp_plot_upset", signature(.data="MPSE"), .internal_plot_upset)
#' @rdname mp_plot_upset-methods
#' @aliases mp_plot_upset,tbl_mpse
#' @export mp_plot_upset
setMethod("mp_plot_upset", signature(.data="tbl_mpse"), .internal_plot_upset)
#' @rdname mp_plot_upset-methods
#' @aliases mp_plot_upset,grouped_df_mpse
#' @export mp_plot_upset
setMethod("mp_plot_upset", signature(.data="grouped_df_mpse"), .internal_plot_upset)
#' Rarefaction alpha index with MPSE
#' @rdname mp_plot_rarecurve-methods
#' @param .data MPSE object or tbl_mpse after it was performed \code{mp_cal_rarecurve} with \code{action='add'}
#' @param .rare the column names of
#' @param .alpha the names of alpha index, which should be one or more of Observe,
#' ACE, Chao1, default is Observe.
#' @param .group the column names of group, default is NULL, when it is provided, the
#' rarecurve lines will group and color with the \code{group}.
#' @param nrow integer Number of rows in \code{\link[ggplot2]{facet_wrap}}.
#' @param plot.group logical whether to combine the samples, default is FALSE,
#' when it is TRUE, the samples of same group will be represented by their group.
#' @param ... additional parameters, see also \code{\link[ggplot2]{geom_smooth}}.
#' @author Shuangbin Xu
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(mouse.time.mpse)
#' mpse <- mouse.time.mpse %>%
#' mp_rrarefy()
#' mpse
#' mpse %<>% mp_cal_rarecurve(.abundance=RareAbundance, chunks=100, action="add")
#' mpse
#' p1 <- mpse %>% mp_plot_rarecurve(.rare=RareAbundanceRarecurve, .alpha="Observe")
#' p2 <- mpse %>% mp_plot_rarecurve(.rare=RareAbundanceRarecurve, .alpha="Observe", .group=time)
#' p3 <- mpse %>% mp_plot_rarecurve(.rare=RareAbundanceRarecurve, .alpha="Observe", .group=time, plot.group=TRUE)
#' }
setGeneric("mp_plot_rarecurve", function(.data,
.alpha=c('Observe', 'Chao1', 'ACE'),
.group = NULL,
nrow = 1,
plot.group = FALSE,
.internal_plot_rarecurve <- function(.data, .rare, .alpha = c('Observe', 'Chao1', 'ACE'), .group=NULL, nrow=1, plot.group=FALSE, ...){
.rare <- rlang::enquo(.rare)
.alpha <- rlang::enquo(.alpha)
.group <- rlang::enquo(.group)
params <- list(...)
newlevels <- quo.vect_to_str.vect(.alpha)
tbl <- .data %>%
mp_extract_sample() %>%
dplyr::select(!!rlang::sym("Sample"), !!.rare) %>%
tidyr::unnest(!!.rare) %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$Alpha %in% newlevels)
tbl$Alpha <- factor(tbl$Alpha, newlevels)
if (!rlang::quo_is_null(.group)){
if (plot.group){
maps <- aes_string(x="readsNums",
if (!'se' %in% names(params)){
params$se = TRUE
maps <- aes_string(x="readsNums",
if (!'se' %in% names(params)){
params$se = FALSE
maps <- aes_(x=~readsNums,
if (! 'se' %in% names(params)){
params$se = FALSE
if ("alpha" %in% names(params)){
alpha <- params$alpha
params$alpha <- NULL
alpha <- 0.5
p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data=tbl, mapping=maps)
smoothlayer <- do.call(geom_smooth, c(method="lm", formula=y~log(x), alpha=alpha, params))
p <- p + smoothlayer + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0, 0, 0, 0.8), oob=scales::squish)
if (!rlang::quo_is_null(.group)){
p <- p + ggplot2::stat_summary(fun.data = 'mean_se', geom = "ribbon", alpha = alpha)
p <- p + facet_wrap(facets=ggplot2::vars(!!rlang::sym("Alpha")), scales="free_y", nrow=nrow)
return (p)
#' @rdname mp_plot_rarecurve-methods
#' @aliases mp_plot_rarecurve,MPSE
#' @export mp_plot_rarecurve
setMethod("mp_plot_rarecurve", signature(.data="MPSE"), .internal_plot_rarecurve)
#' @rdname mp_plot_rarecurve-methods
#' @aliases mp_plot_rarecurve,tbl_mpse
#' @export mp_plot_rarecurve
setMethod("mp_plot_rarecurve", signature(.data="tbl_mpse"), .internal_plot_rarecurve)
#' @rdname mp_plot_rarecurve-methods
#' @aliases mp_plot_rarecurve,grouped_tbl_mpse
#' @export mp_plot_rarecurve
setMethod("mp_plot_rarecurve", signature(.data="grouped_df_mpse"), .internal_plot_rarecurve)
#' Plotting the distance between the samples with heatmap or boxplot.
#' @rdname mp_plot_dist-methods
#' @param .data the MPSE or tbl_mpse object after [mp_cal_dist()] is performed with action="add"
#' @param .distmethod the column names of distance of samples, it will generate after
#' [mp_cal_dist()] is performed.
#' @param .group the column names of group, default is NULL, when it is not provided
#' the heatmap of distance between samples will be returned. If it is provided and
#' \code{group.test} is TURE, the comparisons boxplot of distance between the group
#' will be returned, but when \code{group.test} is FALSE, the heatmap of distance between
#' samples with group information will be returned.
#' @param group.test logical default is FALSE, see the \code{.group} argument.
#' @param hclustmethod character the method of \code{\link[stats]{hclust}}, default is
#' 'average' (= UPGMA).
#' @param test the name of the statistical test, default is 'wilcox.test'
#' @param comparisons A list of length-2 vectors. The entries in the vector are
#' either the names of 2 values on the x-axis or the 2 integers that
#' correspond to the index of the columns of interest, default is NULL, meaning
#' it will be calculated automatically with the names in the .group.
#' @param step_increase numeric vector with the increase in fraction of total
#' height for every additional comparison to minimize overlap, default is 0.1.
#' @param ... additional parameters, see also \code{\link[ggsignif]{geom_signif}}
#' @seealso [mp_cal_dist()] and [mp_extract_dist()]
#' @author Shuangbin Xu
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(mouse.time.mpse)
#' mouse.time.mpse %<>% mp_decostand(.abundance=Abundance)
#' mouse.time.mpse
#' mouse.time.mpse %<>%
#' mp_cal_dist(.abundance=hellinger, distmethod="bray")
#' mouse.time.mpse
#' p1 <- mouse.time.mpse %>%
#' mp_plot_dist(.distmethod=bray)
#' p2 <- mouse.time.mpse %>%
#' mp_plot_dist(.distmethod=bray, .group=time, group.test=TRUE)
#' p3 <- mouse.time.mpse %>%
#' mp_plot_dist(.distmethod=bray, .group=time)
#' }
.group = NULL,
group.test = FALSE,
hclustmethod = "average",
test = "wilcox.test",
comparisons = NULL,
step_increase = 0.1,
.internal_plot_dist <- function(
.group = NULL,
group.test = FALSE,
hclustmethod = "average",
test = "wilcox.test",
comparisons = NULL,
step_increase = 0.1,
.distmethod <- rlang::enquo(.distmethod)
.group <- rlang::enquo(.group)
params <- list(...)
if (!rlang::quo_is_null(.group) && group.test){
tbl <- .data %>%
mp_extract_dist(distmethod=rlang::as_name(.distmethod), .group=!!.group)
if (is.null(comparisons)){
comparisons <- tbl %>%
pull("GroupsComparison") %>%
unique() %>%
utils::combn(2) %>%
apply(2, list) %>%
unlist(recursive = FALSE)
mapps <- aes_string(x="GroupsComparison", y=rlang::as_name(.distmethod), color="GroupsComparison")
dist.mat <- .data %>%
sample.hclust <- hclust(dist.mat, method=hclustmethod) %>% ape::as.phylo()
tbl <- dist.mat %>% as.matrix() %>%
tibble::as_tibble(rownames="Sample") %>%
mapps <- aes_string(x="Sample",
if (!rlang::quo_is_null(.group)){
sampleda <- .data %>%
mp_extract_sample() %>%
dplyr::select(!!rlang::sym("Sample"), !!.group)
gp <- quo.vect_to_str.vect(.group) %>% unique()
tbl %<>% dplyr::left_join(sampleda, by="Sample", suffix = c("", ".y"))
gh.layers <- list()
for (i in seq_len(length(gp))){
gh.layers[[i]] <- ggplot2::geom_tile(data=sampleda,
mapping=aes(x=!!rlang::sym("Sample"), y=gp[i], fill=!!rlang::sym(gp[i])))
#ggplot2::scale_y_discrete(position="right", expand = c(0, 0), labels=gp[i])
#gh.layers <- unlist(gh.layers, recursive=FALSE)
p <- ggplot(data=tbl, mapping=mapps)
xylabs <- labs(x=NULL, y=NULL)
if (!rlang::quo_is_null(.group) && group.test){
if ("color" %in% names(params)){
color <- params$color
params$color <- NULL
}else if( "colour" %in% names(params)){
color <- params$colour
params$color <- NULL
color <- "black"
p <- p +
signlayer <- do.call(geom_signif,
p <- p + signlayer +
mapping = aes_string(fill="GroupsComparison"),
position = ggplot2::position_jitter(seed=123),
shape = 21,
color = "black",
alpha = 0.8
) +
ggplot2::geom_boxplot(fill=NA) +
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point() + xylabs +
ggplot2::scale_color_viridis_c() +
ggplot2::scale_y_discrete(position="right") +
theme(axis.text = element_text(size=8),
axis.text.x=element_text(angle=-45, hjust = 0),
indexname <- c(p$labels$colour)
if (!rlang::quo_is_null(.group)){
for (i in seq_len(length(gh.layers))){
f <- ggplot() + gh.layers[i] + xylabs
f.left <- f +
ggplot2::coord_flip(expand= FALSE) +
theme(axis.text=element_blank(), axis.ticks=element_blank())
f.top <- f +
ggplot2::scale_y_discrete(position="right", expand = c(0, 0), labels=gp[i]) +
theme(axis.text.x=element_blank(), axis.ticks.x=element_blank())
p %<>% insert_top(f.top, height = 0.04 + 0.0025 * (i - 1))
p %<>% insert_left(f.left, width = 0.04 + 0.0025 * (i - 1))
indexname <- c(indexname, rep(gp, each = 2))
p2 <- ggtree(sample.hclust, branch.length="none", size=.8)
p <- p %>% insert_left(p2, width=0.12)
p <- p %>% insert_top(p2 + ggtree::layout_dendrogram(), height=0.12)
p$index <- c(indexname, paste0("tree", seq_len(2)))
p %<>% add_class("aplot.heatmap")
#' @rdname mp_plot_dist-methods
#' @aliases mp_plot_dist,MPSE
#' @export mp_plot_dist
setMethod("mp_plot_dist", signature(.data="MPSE"), .internal_plot_dist)
#' @rdname mp_plot_dist-methods
#' @aliases mp_plot_dist,tbl_mpse
#' @export mp_plot_dist
setMethod("mp_plot_dist", signature(.data="tbl_mpse"), .internal_plot_dist)
#' @rdname mp_plot_dist-methods
#' @aliases mp_plot_dist,grouped_df_mpse
#' @export mp_plot_dist
setMethod("mp_plot_dist", signature(.data="grouped_df_mpse"), .internal_plot_dist)
#' Plotting the result of PCA, PCoA, CCA, RDA, NDMS or DCA
#' @rdname mp_plot_ord-methods
#' @param .data MPSE or tbl_mpse object, it is required.
#' @param .ord a name of ordination (required), options are PCA, PCoA, DCA, NMDS, RDA, CCA,
#' but the corresponding calculation methods (mp_cal_pca, mp_cal_pcoa, ...)
#' should be done with action="add" before it.
#' @param .dim integer which dimensions will be displayed, it should be a vector (length=2)
#' default is c(1, 2). if the length is one the default will also be displayed.
#' @param .group the column name of variable to be mapped to the color of points (fill character
#' of \code{geom_star}) or one specified color code, default is NULL, meaning \code{fill}=NA,
#' the points are hollow.
#' @param .starshape the column name of variable to be mapped to the shapes of points (starshape
#' character of \code{geom_star}) or one specified \code{starshape} of point of \code{ggstar},
#' default is NULL, meaning \code{starshape}=15 (circle point).
#' @param .size the column name of variable to be mapped to the size of points (size character of
#' \code{geom_star}) or one specified \code{size} of point of \code{ggstar}, default is NULL,
#' meaning the \code{size}=1.5, the size of points.
#' @param .alpha the column name of variable to be mapped to the transparency of points (alpha
#' character of \code{geom_star}) or one specified \code{alpha} of point of \code{ggstar}.
#' default is NULL, meaning the \code{alpha}=1, the transparency of points.
#' @param .color the column name of variable to be mapped to the color of line of points (color
#' character of \code{geom_star}) or one specified \code{starshape} of point of \code{ggstar},
#' default is NULL, meaning the \code{color} is 'black'.
#' @param starstroke numeric the width of edge of points, default is 0.5.
#' @param show.side logical whether display the side boxplot with the specified \code{.dim}
#' dimensions, default is TRUE.
#' @param show.adonis logical whether display the result of \code{mp_adonis} with \code{action='all'},
#' default is FALSE.
#' @param ellipse logical, whether to plot ellipses, default is FALSE. (.group or .color variables
#' according to the 'geom', the default geom is path, so .color can be mapped to the corresponding
#' variable).
#' @param show.sample logical, whether display the sample names of points, default is FALSE.
#' @param show.envfit logical, whether display the result after run [mp_envfit()], default is FALSE.
#' @param p.adjust a character method of p.adjust \code{\link[stats]{p.adjust}}, default is NULL,
#' options are 'fdr', 'bonferroni', 'BH' etc.
#' @param filter.envfit logical or numeric, whether to remove the no significant environment factor after
#' run [mp_envfit()], default is FALSE, meaning do not remove. If it is numeric, meaning the keep p.value
#' or the adjust p with \code{p.adjust} the factors smaller than the numeric, e.g when filter.envfit=0.05 or
#' (filter.envfit=TRUE), meaning the factors of p <= 0.05 will be displayed.
#' @param ... additional parameters, see also the \code{\link[ggplot2]{stat_ellipse}}.
#' @seealso [mp_cal_pca()], [mp_cal_pcoa], [mp_cal_nmds], [mp_cal_rda],
#' [mp_cal_cca], [mp_envfit()] and [mp_extract_internal_attr()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(vegan)
#' data(varespec, varechem)
#' mpse <- MPSE(assays=list(Abundance=t(varespec)), colData=varechem)
#' envformula <- paste("~", paste(colnames(varechem), collapse="+")) %>% as.formula
#' mpse %<>%
#' mp_cal_cca(.abundance=Abundance, .formula=envformula, action="add") %>%
#' mp_envfit(.ord=CCA, .env=colnames(varechem), permutations=9999, action="add")
#' mpse
#' p1 <- mpse %>% mp_plot_ord(.ord=CCA, .group=Al, .size=Mn)
#' p1
#' p2 <- mpse %>% mp_plot_ord(.ord=CCA, .group=Al, .size=Mn, show.sample=TRUE)
#' p2
#' p3 <- mpse %>% mp_plot_ord(.ord=CCA, .group="blue", .size=Mn, .alpha=0.8, show.sample=TRUE)
#' p3
#' p4 <- mpse %>% mp_plot_ord(.ord=CCA, .group=Al, .size=Mn, show.sample=TRUE, show.envfit=TRUE)
#' p4
#' }
setGeneric("mp_plot_ord", function(
.dim = c(1, 2),
.group = NULL,
.starshape = 15,
.size = 2,
.alpha = 1,
.color = "black",
starstroke = 0.5,
show.side = TRUE,
show.adonis = FALSE,
ellipse = FALSE,
show.sample = FALSE,
show.envfit = FALSE,
p.adjust = NULL,
filter.envfit = FALSE,
.internal_plot_ord <- function(
.dim = c(1, 2),
.group = NULL,
.starshape = 15,
.size = 2,
.alpha = 1,
.color = "black",
starstroke = 0.5,
show.side = TRUE,
show.adonis = FALSE,
ellipse = FALSE,
show.sample = FALSE,
show.envfit = FALSE,
p.adjust = NULL,
filter.envfit = FALSE,
.ord <- rlang::enquo(.ord)
if (rlang::quo_is_missing(.ord)){
intnms <- .data %>% attr("internal_attr") %>% names() %>% toupper()
.ord <- intersect(intnms, c("PCA", "PCOA", "NMDS", "RDA", "CCA", "DCA")) %>%
magrittr::extract(1) %>%
.ord %<>% rlang::as_name() %>%
gsub("\\s+", "", .) %>%
.group <- rlang::enquo(.group)
.starshape <- rlang::enquo(.starshape)
.size <- rlang::enquo(.size)
.alpha <- rlang::enquo(.alpha)
.color <- rlang::enquo(.color)
paramlist <- list(...)
.ord %<>% match.arg(c("PCA", "PCOA", "NMDS", "RDA", "CCA", "DCA"))
if (length(.dim)>2){
message("The length of .dim can not be larger than 2.")
}else if (length(.dim)==1){
.dim <- c(1, 2) + 1
.dim <- .dim + 1
sampleda <- .data %>% mp_extract_sample()
tbl <- .data %>%
mp_extract_internal_attr(name=!!rlang::sym(.ord)) %>%
suppressMessages() %>%
tidydr() %>%
dplyr::select(c(1, .dim)) %>%
dplyr::rename(Sample="sites") %>%
dplyr::inner_join(sampleda, by="Sample", suffix=c("", ".y"))
maps <- aes(x=!!rlang::sym(colnames(tbl)[2]),
params <- list(starstroke=starstroke)
if (!rlang::quo_is_null(.group)){
if (is.colors(.group)){
params <- c(fill=rlang::as_name(.group), params)
maps <- modifyList(maps, aes(fill=!!.group))
params <- c(fill=NA, params)
if (!rlang::quo_is_null(.color)){
if (is.colors(.color)){
params <- c(color=rlang::as_name(.color), params)
maps <- modifyList(maps, aes(color=!!.color))
params <- c(color="black", params)
if (!rlang::quo_is_null(.starshape)){
if (is.quo.numeric(.starshape) || is.starshape(.starshape)){
starshape <- ifelse(is.quo.numeric(.starshape),
is.quo.numeric(.starshape, check=FALSE),
params <- c(starshape=starshape, params)
maps <- modifyList(maps, aes(starshape=!!.starshape))
params <- c(starshape=15, params)
if (!rlang::quo_is_null(.size)){
if (is.quo.numeric(.size)){
params <- c(size = is.quo.numeric(.size, check=FALSE), params)
maps <- modifyList(maps, aes(size=!!.size))
params <- c(size = 1.5, params)
if (!rlang::quo_is_null(.alpha)){
if (is.quo.numeric(.alpha)){
params <- c(alpha = is.quo.numeric(.alpha, check=FALSE), params)
maps <- modifyList(maps, aes(alpha=!!.alpha))
params <- c(alpha = 1, params)
p <- ggplot(data=tbl, mapping=maps)
ggstar <- "ggstar"
require(ggstar, character.only=TRUE) %>% suppressMessages()
if ("fill" %in% names(maps)){
params <- c(params, color = "gray32")
point.layer <- do.call(geom_star, params)
p <- p +
ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept=0, color="grey20", linetype=2) +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept=0, color="grey20", linetype=2) +
point.layer +
theme_bw() +
labelparams <- list(mapping=aes_(label=~Sample), size=3, segment.size=0.25)
labelparams <- extract_params(labelparams,
c(ggrepel::GeomTextRepel$default_aes %>% names(),
ggrepel::geom_text_repel %>%
as.list() %>%
names() %>%
setdiff(., c("mapping", "data", "", "..."))
if (show.side){
if ("fill" %in% names(maps) && !is.discrete(tbl, maps, "fill")){
check_installed("ggside", "for `mp_plot_ord()` with show.side = TRUE.")
side.y <- do.call(ggside::geom_xsideboxplot,
list(mapping=aes(y=!!.group), color = "black", orientation = "y", show.legend = FALSE)) %>%
side.x <- do.call(ggside::geom_ysideboxplot,
list(mapping=aes(x=!!.group), color = "black",orientation = "x", show.legend = FALSE)) %>%
}else if ("color" %in% names(maps) && !is.discrete(tbl, maps, "color")){
side.y <- do.call(ggside::geom_xsideboxplot,
list(mapping=aes(y=!!.color), fill=NA, orientation="y", show.legend = FALSE)) %>%
side.x <- do.call(ggside::geom_ysideboxplot,
list(mapping=aes(x=!!.color), fill=NA, orientation="x", show.legend = FALSE)) %>%
}else if ("starshape" %in% names(maps) && !is.discrete(tbl, maps, "starshape")){
side.y <- do.call(ggside::geom_xsideboxplot,
list(mapping=aes(y=!!.starshape), orientation="y", show.legend = FALSE)) %>%
side.x <- do.call(ggside::geom_ysideboxplot,
list(mapping=aes(x=!!.starshape), orientation="x", show.legend = FALSE)) %>%
side.y <- NULL
side.x <- NULL
p <- suppressMessages(
p +
side.y +
ggside::scale_xsidey_discrete() +
side.x +
ggside::scale_ysidex_discrete(guide = ggplot2::guide_axis(angle=-45)) +
theme(ggside.panel.scale = 0.25)
if (show.sample){
check_installed("ggrepel", "for `mp_plot_ord()` with show.sample = TRUE.")
text.layer <- do.call(ggrepel::geom_text_repel, labelparams)
p <- p + text.layer
if (ellipse){
if (length(paramlist)>0){
ellipse.layer <- do.call(ggplot2::stat_ellipse, paramlist)
ellipse.layer <- ggplot2::stat_ellipse()
p <- p + ellipse.layer
if (show.envfit){
envfit.res <- check.envfit(x=.data, ord=.ord)
if (!is.null(envfit.res)){
tbl2 <- envfit.res %>% mp_fortify()
if (!is.null(p.adjust)){
tbl2 %<>%
dplyr::mutate(pvals=stats::p.adjust(.data$pvals, method=p.adjust))
tbl2 %<>%
dplyr::mutate(label =
.data$pvals <= 0.05 & .data$pvals > 0.01 ~ paste0(.data$label, " *"),
.data$pvals <= 0.01 & .data$pvals > 0.001 ~ paste0(.data$label, " **"),
.data$pvals <= 0.001 ~ paste0(.data$label, " ***"),
TRUE ~ .data$label
if (filter.envfit){
tbl2 %<>% dplyr::filter(.data$pvals <= 0.05)
}else if(is.numeric(filter.envfit)){
tbl2 %<>% dplyr::filter(.data$pvals <= filter.envfit)
if (nrow(tbl2)==0){
message("No signature environment factor was found!")
arrows.multi <- .internal.cal.arrows.multi(arrows=tbl2, data=tbl, dim=.dim)
tbl2[, .dim] <- arrows.multi * tbl2[, .dim]
nms <- colnames(tbl2)
maps2 <- aes(x=0, y=0,
maps3 <- aes(x=!!rlang::sym(nms[.dim[1]]),
p <- p +
data = tbl2,
mapping = maps2,
arrow=ggplot2::arrow(length = unit(0.02, "npc")),
inherit.aes = FALSE
labelparams <- modifyList(labelparams, list(data=tbl2, mapping=maps3, inherit.aes=FALSE))
lab.layer <- do.call(ggrepel::geom_text_repel, labelparams)
p <- p + lab.layer
message("Please check whether the 'mp_envfit' has been performed with action='add'!")
if (.ord %in% c("RDA", "CCA")){
biplot.da <- tbl %>% attr("biplot")
centroids.da <- tbl %>% attr("centroids")
if (!is.null(biplot.da) && !is.null(centroids.da)){
biplot.da %<>% dplyr::filter(!.data$biplot %in% centroids.da[,1])
if (!is.null(biplot.da) && nrow(biplot.da) > 0){
nms <- colnames(biplot.da)
arrows.multi <- .internal.cal.arrows.multi(arrows=biplot.da, data=tbl, dim=.dim)
biplot.da[, .dim] <- arrows.multi * biplot.da[, .dim]
maps2 <- aes(x = 0,
y = 0,
xend = !!rlang::sym(nms[.dim[1]]),
yend = !!rlang::sym(nms[.dim[2]]))
maps3 <- aes(x = !!rlang::sym(nms[.dim[1]]),
y = !!rlang::sym(nms[.dim[2]]),
label = !!rlang::sym(nms[1]))
biplot.layer <- ggplot2::geom_segment(data=biplot.da,
mapping = maps2,
arrow=ggplot2::arrow(length = unit(0.02, "npc")),
inherit.aes = FALSE)
labelparams <- modifyList(labelparams, list(data=biplot.da, mapping=maps3, inherit.aes=FALSE))
lab.layer <- do.call(ggrepel::geom_text_repel, labelparams)
p <- p + biplot.layer + lab.layer
if (!is.null(centroids.da) && nrow(centroids.da) > 0){
nms <- colnames(centroids.da)
maps3 <- aes(x = !!rlang::sym(nms[.dim[1]]),
y = !!rlang::sym(nms[.dim[2]]),
label = !!rlang::sym(nms[1])
labelparams <- modifyList(labelparams,
list(data = centroids.da,
mapping = maps3,
hjust = 0.5,
vjust = 0.5,
nudge_x = 0,
nudge_y = 0,
inherit.aes = FALSE))
lab.layer <- do.call(ggplot2::geom_text, labelparams)
p <- p + lab.layer
if (show.adonis){
check_installed("ggpp", "for `mp_plot_ord()` with show.adonis=TRUE.")
p <- .add_adonis_layer(plot = p, data=.data, show.side = show.side)
.add_adonis_layer <- function(plot, data, show.side){
adonis.res <- data %>% mp_extract_internal_attr(name='adonis')
if (is.null(adonis.res)){
"The {.cls {as.character(class(data))}} does not contain the result of {.arg adonis}. Please make sure ",
"the {.fn mp_adonis} had been run with {.arg action = 'add'}."
if (show.side){
vjust <- 'outward'
hjust <- 'outward'
vjust <- hjust <- 'inward'
label.tmp <- deparse(
italic("R")^2~"="~.(round(adonis.res$R2[[1]], 4)),
italic("p")~" ="~.(round(adonis.res$`Pr(>F)`[[1]], 4))
width.cutoff = 200
df.text <- data.frame(name = label.tmp, x = 1, y =1)
plot <- plot +
data = df.text,
mapping = aes(npcx = .data$x, npcy = .data$y, label = .data$name),
hjust = hjust,
vjust = vjust,
parse = TRUE
) +
ggplot2::coord_cartesian(clip = 'off')
#' @rdname mp_plot_ord-methods
#' @aliases mp_plot_ord,MPSE
#' @export mp_plot_ord
setMethod("mp_plot_ord", signature(.data="MPSE"), .internal_plot_ord)
#' @rdname mp_plot_ord-methods
#' @aliases mp_plot_ord,tbl_mpse
#' @export mp_plot_ord
setMethod("mp_plot_ord", signature(.data="tbl_mpse"), .internal_plot_ord)
#' @rdname mp_plot_ord-methods
#' @aliases mp_plot_ord,grouped_df_mpse
#' @export mp_plot_ord
setMethod("mp_plot_ord", signature(.data="grouped_df_mpse"), .internal_plot_ord)
#' @title adjust the color of heatmap of mp_plot_dist
#' @param .data the plot of heatmap of mp_plot_dist
#' @param x the scale or theme
#' @param aes_var character the variable (column) name of color or size.
#' @export
set_scale_theme <- function(.data, x, aes_var){
aes_var <- rlang::enquo(aes_var)
if (inherits(.data, "aplot.heatmap")){
index <- which(.data$index %in% rlang::as_name(aes_var))
if (length(index)==0){
for (i in index){
.data$plotlist[[i]] <- .data$plotlist[[i]] + x
# this is refer to the ggvegan
.internal.cal.arrows.multi <- function(arrows, data, dim, at = c(0, 0), fill = 0.75){
u <- c(range(data[, dim[1]], range(data[, dim[2]])))
u <- u - rep(at, each = 2)
r <- c(range(arrows[, dim[1]], na.rm = TRUE), range(arrows[, dim[2]],
na.rm = TRUE))
rev <- sign(diff(u))[-2]
if (rev[1] < 0)
u[1:2] <- u[2:1]
if (rev[2] < 0)
u[3:4] <- u[4:3]
u <- u/r
u <- u[is.finite(u) & u > 0]
fill * min(u)
quo.vect_to_str.vect <- function(quoexpr){
strvect <- rlang::quo_text(quoexpr) %>%
gsub("c\\(", "", .) %>%
gsub("\\)", "", .) %>%
base::strsplit(",") %>%
unlist() %>%
gsub("\\s+", "",.) %>%
gsub("\"", "", .) %>%
gsub("\'", "", .)
is.colors <- function(x) {
x <- rlang::as_name(x)
lapply(x, function(i) {
error = function(e) FALSE)
}) %>% unlist()
is.quo.numeric <- function(quoexpr, check=TRUE){
xx <- rlang::quo_text(quoexpr) %>%
gsub("\"", "", .) %>%
gsub("\'", "", .) %>%
as.numeric() %>%
if (check){
xx %<>% anyNA() %>%
is.starshape <- function(quoexpr){
x <- tryCatch(rlang::quo_text(quoexpr) %>%
error = function(e) FALSE
is.discrete <- function(data, mapping, aesname){
data %>% pull(!!mapping[[aesname]]) %>% is.numeric()
check.envfit <- function(x, ord){
if (!ord %in% c("NMDS", "CCA", "RDA", "DCA")){
message("The mp_envfit only accept the result of CCA, RDA, NMDS or DCA!")
nm <- paste0(ord, "_ENVFIT")
x <- tryCatch(x %>%
mp_extract_internal_attr(name=!!rlang::sym(nm)) %>%
error = function(e) NULL
return (x)
extract_params <- function(originparam, inputparam, defaultparam){
if (any(defaultparam %in% names(inputparam))){
args <- intersect(defaultparam, names(inputparam))
originparam <- modifyList(originparam, inputparam[names(inputparam) %in% args])
return (originparam)
starshapes <- getFromNamespace("starshape_table", "ggstar")
insert_top <- getFromNamespace("insert_top", "aplot")
insert_left <- getFromNamespace("insert_left", "aplot")
# #' set the theme of ggplot object with the STAMP style.
# #' @param colour character the color of theme stamp.
# #' @param axis character which grid of axis will be filled, default is 'y'.
# #' @param ... additional parameter, see also 'theme' of 'ggplot2'.
# #' @keywords internal
# theme_stamp <- function(colour=c('white', 'grey90'), axis = 'y', ...){
# params <- list(...)
# axis <- match.arg(axis, c('x', 'y'))
# if ('color' %in% names(params)){
# colour <- params$color
# params$color <- NULL
# }
# if (length(colour)!=2){
# message('The colour is not a vector contained two length.')
# #colour <- c('white', 'grey90')
# }
# structure(
# list(
# colour = colour,
# axis = axis,
# params = params
# ),
# class = 'theme_stamp'
# )
# }
# #' @method ggplot_add theme_stamp
# #' @importFrom ggplot2 element_line geom_tile
# ggplot_add.theme_stamp <- function(object, plot, object_name){
# gb <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(plot)
# axis <- paste0('panel_scales_', object$axis)
# df <- data.frame(AXIS=gb$layout[[axis]][[1]]$get_labels())
# len.ind <- length(object$colour)
# axis.num <- nrow(df)
# df$GROUP.GRID <- rep(object$colour, ceiling(axis.num/len.ind))[seq_len(axis.num)]
# if (object$axis == 'y'){
# grid.tile <- geom_tile(
# data = df,
# mapping = aes(x = 1,
# y = !!as.symbol("AXIS"),
# fill = I(!!as.symbol("GROUP.GRID")),
# height = 1,
# width=Inf
# ),
# inherit.aes = FALSE
# )
# }else{
# grid.tile <- geom_tile(
# data = df,
# mapping = aes(x = !!as.symbol("AXIS"),
# y = 1,
# fill = I(!!as.symbol("GROUP.GRID")),
# height = Inf,
# width = 1
# ),
# inherit.aes = FALSE
# )
# }
# plot <- plot + ggnewscale::new_scale_fill() + grid.tile
# plot$layers <- c(plot$layers[[length(plot$layers)]], plot$layers[-length(plot$layers)])
# axis.keep <- paste0('axis.line.', setdiff(c('x', 'y'), object$axis))
# default.theme <- list(element_blank(), element_line())
# names(default.theme) <- c('panel.background', axis.keep)
# if (axis.keep %in% names(object$params)){
# object$params <- c(object$params, default.theme[[-2]])
# }else{
# object$params <- c(object$params, default.theme)
# }
# th <- do.call("theme", object$params)
# plot <- plot + th
# return(plot)
# }
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