.internal_cal_all_pd_metric <- function(x, tree, weighted.abund = FALSE, seed = 123, ...){
tip.dis <- cal_treedist(tree)
params <- list(...)
if ("method" %in% names(params)){
HAED = .internal_cal_haed(x, tree, method = params$method)
HAED = .internal_cal_haed(x, tree)
res <- list(
NRI = withr::with_seed(seed, .internal_cal_nri(x, tip.dis, weighted.abund = weighted.abund, ...)),
NTI = withr::with_seed(seed, .internal_cal_nti(x, tip.dis, weighted.abund = weighted.abund, ...)),
PD = .internal_cal_pd(x, tree),
PAE = .internal_cal_pae(x, tree),
EAED = HAED / log(rowSums(x)),
IAC = .internal_cal_iac(x, tree)
res <- do.call(cbind, res)
return (res)
.internal_cal_pae <- function(x, tree, flag.zero = TRUE){
edge <- tree$edge
istip <- ! edge[,2] %in% edge[,1]
tips.edge.length <- tree$edge.length[istip]
x <- x[, match(tree$tip.label, colnames(x))]
xx <- x == 0
PD <- .internal_cal_pd(xx, tree)
TL.x <- .generate_tip.len(xx, tree, tips.edge.length, flag.zero = flag.zero)
sumabun.tip <- rowSums(TL.x * (x - 1))
meanabun.tip <- (rowSums(x)/colSums(apply(x, 1, function(i)i>0)) - 1) * rowSums(TL.x)
pae <- (PD + sumabun.tip)/(PD + meanabun.tip)
#pae <- as.data.frame(pae) %>% stats::setNames(nm='PAE')
return (pae)
.generate_tip.len <- function(x, tree, tips.edge.length, flag.zero = TRUE){
if (!all(is.logical(x))){
x <- x == 0
if (flag.zero && any(x)){
res <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(x)), function(i)
ape::drop.tip(tree, names(x[i,][x[i,]])) %>%
tidytree::as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::mutate(isTip=!.data$node %in% .data$parent) %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$isTip) %>%
dplyr::pull(.data$branch.length, name=.data$label)) %>%
res[is.na(res)] <- 0
tmp <- setdiff(colnames(x), colnames(res))
if (length(tmp) > 0){
tmp.x <- data.frame(matrix(0, ncol=length(tmp), nrow=nrow(x)))
colnames(tmp.x) <- tmp
res <- cbind(res, tmp.x)
res <- t((!t(x)) * tips.edge.length)
return(res[,match(tree$tip.label, colnames(res))])
.internal_cal_nri <- function(x, tree, weighted.abund = FALSE, bootnum = 999){
if (inherits(tree, 'phylo') || inherits(tree, 'treedata')){
tip.dis <- cal_treedist(tree)
tip.dis <- tree
mpd.obs <- .internal_mpd(x, tip.dis, weighted.abund = weighted.abund)
mpd.random <- replicate(bootnum, .internal_mpd(x, .make_random_label(tip.dis), weighted.abund = weighted.abund))
mpd.mean <- apply(mpd.random, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
mpd.sd <- apply(mpd.random, 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
nri <- - (mpd.obs - mpd.mean) / mpd.sd
.internal_mpd <- function(x, tree, weighted.abund = FALSE){
if (inherits(tree, 'phylo') || inherits(tree, 'treedata')){
tip.dis <- cal_treedist(tree)
tip.dis <- tree
res <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(x)), function(i){
sp <- names(x[i,][x[i,] != 0])
if (length(sp) > 0){
tmp.dis <- tip.dis[sp, sp]
if (weighted.abund){
abund <- x[i, sp, drop = FALSE]
weighted.abund <- t(as.matrix(abund)) %*% abund
res <- stats::weighted.mean(tmp.dis, weighted.abund)
res <- mean(tmp.dis[lower.tri(tmp.dis)])
res <- NA
}) %>% unlist()
names(res) <- rownames(x)
.make_random_label <- function(x){
rownames(x) <- colnames(x) <- sample(rownames(x))
.internal_cal_nti <- function(x, tree, weighted.abund = FALSE, bootnum = 999){
if (inherits(tree, 'phylo') || inherits(tree, 'treedata')){
tip.dis <- cal_treedist(tree)
tip.dis <- tree
mntd.obs <- .internal_mntd(x, tip.dis, weighted.abund = weighted.abund)
mntd.random <- replicate(bootnum, .internal_mntd(x, .make_random_label(tip.dis), weighted.abund = weighted.abund))
mntd.mean <- apply(mntd.random, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
mntd.sd <- apply(mntd.random, 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
nti <- - (mntd.obs - mntd.mean) / mntd.sd
.internal_mntd <- function(x, tree, weighted.abund = FALSE){
if (inherits(tree, 'phylo') || inherits(tree, 'treedata')){
tip.dis <- cal_treedist(tree)
tip.dis <- tree
res <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(x)), function(i){
sp <- names(x[i,][x[i,] != 0])
if (length(sp) > 0){
tmp.dis <- tip.dis[sp, sp]
diag(tmp.dis) <- NA
tmp.mntd <- apply(tmp.dis, 1, min, na.rm = TRUE)
if (weighted.abund){
res <- stats::weighted.mean(tmp.mntd, x[i, sp])
res <- mean(tmp.mntd)
res <- NA
}) %>% unlist()
names(res) <- rownames(x)
cal_treedist <- function(tree){
if (inherits(tree, "phylo")){
treedist <- ape::cophenetic.phylo(tree)
}else if (inherits(tree, "treedata")){
treedist <- ape::cophenetic.phylo(tree@phylo)
stop("the tree should be phylo object or treedata object of tidytree")
return (treedist)
.internal_cal_haed <- function(x, tree, method='multi.abund', ...){
AED <- .internal_cal_aed(x = x, tree = tree)
PD <- .internal_cal_pd(x, tree)
if (method == 'multi.abund' || !all.equal(round(x), x)){
tmp <- AED * x / PD
res <- - rowSums(tmp * log(tmp), na.rm = TRUE)
tmp <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(x)), function(i){
rep(unname(as.matrix(AED[i,])), unname(as.vector(x[i, names(AED[i,])])))/PD[[i]]
res <- lapply(tmp, function(i)-sum(i * log(i))) %>% unlist() %>%
.internal_cal_eaed <- function(x, tree, method = 'multi.abund', ...){
Haed <- .internal_cal_haed(x, tree, method = method)
Eaed <- Haed/log(rowSums(x))
.internal_cal_iac <- function(x, tree){
tree <- .internal_drop_zero_tip(x, tree)
alldenom <- lapply(tree, .internal_denom) %>%
dplyr::bind_rows() %>%
data.frame(check.names=FALSE) %>%
x <- x[,match(colnames(alldenom), colnames(x))]
allnodes <- lapply(tree, treeio::Nnode) %>% unlist()
e <- rowSums(x, na.rm = TRUE) / alldenom
rowSums(abs(e - x), na.rm = TRUE) / allnodes
.internal_denom <- function(tree){
int.nodes <- .nodeId(tree, type='internal')
n.splits <- lapply(int.nodes, function(x)length(treeio::child(tree, x))) %>%
unlist() %>% stats::setNames(int.nodes)
res <- lapply(.nodeId(tree, type='tips'), treeio::ancestor, .data=tree) %>%
lapply(function(i)prod(n.splits[as.character(i)])) %>%
unlist() %>%
.internal_cal_aed <- function(x, tree, action='only', ...){
#x <- x + pseudonum
tree <- .internal_drop_zero_tip(x, tree)
tips2ancestor <- lapply(tree, .convert_tips2ancestors_sbp)
edge.len <- lapply(tree, .extract_edge)
tips2ancestor <- mapply(function(x, y){x[,match(names(y), colnames(x))]},
tips2ancestor, edge.len, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
if (length(tree) != nrow(x)){
tips2ancestor <- rep(tips2ancestor, nrow(x))
edge.len <- rep(edge.len, nrow(x))
res <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(x)), function(i){
sp <- x[i, match(rownames(tips2ancestor[[i]]), colnames(x))]
xx <- sp * tips2ancestor[[i]]
AEDi <- tcrossprod(x=edge.len[[i]], y=prop.table(xx, margin=2))[1,]
AEDi <- AEDi / sp
#apply(AEDi, 2, function(i)i)
if (action == 'get'){
names(res) <- rownames(x)
res %<>%
dplyr::bind_rows() %>%
res[is.na(res)] <- 0
rownames(res) <- rownames(x)
tmp <- setdiff(colnames(x), colnames(res))
if (length(tmp)>0){
tmp.x <- data.frame(matrix(0, ncol=length(tmp), nrow=nrow(x)))
colnames(tmp.x) <- tmp
res <- cbind(res, tmp.x)
res <- res[,match(colnames(x), colnames(res))]
.convert_tips2ancestors_sbp <- function(tree, include.root = FALSE, type = 'all', include.self = TRUE){
all.nodes <- .nodeId(tree)
if (!include.root){
all.nodes <- setdiff(all.nodes, treeio::rootnode(tree))
tip.nodes <- .nodeId(tree, type = 'tips')
if(inherits(tree, "treedata")){
tiplabels <- tree@phylo$tip.label
tiplabels <- tree$tip.label
sbp <- lapply(tip.nodes,
.data = tree,
all.nodes = all.nodes,
type = type,
include.self = include.self
) %>%
stats::setNames(tip.nodes) %>%
do.call(rbind, .)
colnames(sbp) <- all.nodes
rownames(sbp) <- tiplabels
.internal_ancestor <- function(.data, .node, all.nodes, type = 'all', include.self=TRUE){
.internal_anc <- switch(type, all = treeio::ancestor, parent = treeio::parent)
x <- .internal_anc(.data=.data, .node=.node)
if (include.self){
x <- c(x, .node)
x <- all.nodes %in% x
return (x)
.extract_edge <- function(tree, type='all', include.root = FALSE){
if (inherits(tree, 'treedata')){
tree <- tree@phylo
node2edge <- tree$edge.length %>% stats::setNames(tree$edge[, 2])
if (include.root){
rootid <- treeio::rootnode(tree)
node2edge <- c(node2edge, tree$root.edge %>% stats::setNames(rootid))
node2edge <- node2edge[order(names(node2edge))]
if (type == 'all'){
nodes <- .nodeId(tree, type = type)
return(node2edge[match(nodes, names(node2edge))])
.nodeId <- function(tree, type='all'){
type <- match.arg(type, c('all', 'tips', 'internal'))
if (inherits(tree, 'treedata')){
tree <- tree@phylo
nodes <- unique(as.vector(tree$edge))
if (type == 'all'){
edge <- tree$edge
tips <- edge[!edge[,2] %in% edge[,1], 2]
if (type == 'tips'){
}else if(type == 'internal'){
return(setdiff(nodes, tips))
.internal_cal_pd <- function(x, tree){
if (inherits(tree, 'treedata')){
tree <- tree@phylo
tree <- .internal_drop_zero_tip(x, tree)
pd <- unlist(lapply(tree, function(i)sum(i$edge.length)))
if (length(pd)!=nrow(x)){
pd <- rep(pd, nrow(x))
names(pd) <- rownames(x)
.internal_drop_zero_tip <- function(x, tree){
if (!all(is.logical(x))){
x <- x == 0
if (any(x)){
tree <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(x)), function(i)
ape::drop.tip(tree, names(x[i,][x[i,]])))
tree <- list(tree)
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