## ##
## data last update: Mar 03, 2015 ##
## ##
##' accessing species statistics collecting from GEO database
##' @title getGEOspecies
##' @return data.frame
##' @author G Yu
##' @export
getGEOspecies <- function() {
gsminfo <- get_gsminfo()
species <- gsminfo$organism
res <- as.data.frame(table(species))
##' get genome version statistics collecting from GEO ChIPseq data
##' @title getGEOgenomeVersion
##' @return data.frame
##' @author G Yu
##' @export
getGEOgenomeVersion <- function() {
gsminfo <- get_gsminfo()
gv <- gsminfo[, c("organism",
genomeVersion <- gv$genomeVersion
res <- as.data.frame(table(genomeVersion))
gv <- unique(gv)
res <- merge(gv, res, by.x="genomeVersion", by.y="genomeVersion", all.y=TRUE)
res <- res[, c("organism", "genomeVersion", "Freq")]
##' get subset of GEO information by genome version keyword
##' @title getGEOInfo
##' @param genome genome version
##' @param simplify simplify result or not
##' @return data.frame
##' @author G Yu
##' @export
getGEOInfo <- function(genome, simplify =TRUE) {
gsminfo <- get_gsminfo()
genomeVersion <- NULL ## to satisfy codetools
res <- subset(gsminfo, subset = genomeVersion == genome)
if (simplify) {
res <- res[,c("series_id", "gsm", "organism", "title", "supplementary_file", "genomeVersion", "pubmed_id")]
##' download all BED files of a particular genome version
##' @title downloadGEObedFiles
##' @param genome genome version
##' @param destDir destination folder
##' @return NULL
##' @author G Yu
##' @export
downloadGEObedFiles <- function(genome, destDir=getwd()) {
info <- getGEOInfo(genome)
downloadGEO.internal(info, destDir)
##' download BED supplementary files of a list of GSM accession numbers
##' @title downloadGSMbedFiles
##' @param GSM GSM accession numbers
##' @param destDir destination folder
##' @return NULL
##' @author G Yu
##' @export
downloadGSMbedFiles <- function(GSM, destDir=getwd()) {
gsminfo <- get_gsminfo()
info <- gsminfo[gsminfo$gsm %in% GSM,]
downloadGEO.internal(info, destDir)
##' @importFrom utils download.file
downloadGEO.internal <- function(info, destDir) {
fnames <- as.character(info$supplementary_file)
destfiles <- sub(".*\\/", paste(destDir, "/", sep=""), fnames)
names(destfiles) <- NULL
for (i in seq_along(fnames)) {
if ( ! file.exists(destfiles[i]) )
error = function(e) message(fnames[i], ': file not found and skip'))
##' @importFrom utils data
## @importFrom GEOmetadb
## @importFrom RSQLite dbConnect
## @importFrom RSQLite dbGetQuery
prepareGSMInfo <- function() {
pkg <- "GEOmetadb"
require(pkg, character.only=TRUE)
getSQLiteFile <- eval(parse(text="getSQLiteFile"))
## get the latest version of sql file
is.dl <- tryCatch(getSQLiteFile(), error = function(e) NULL)
if (is.null(is.dl)) {
url <- 'http://starbuck1.s3.amazonaws.com/sradb/GEOmetadb.sqlite.gz'
HEAD <- eval(parse(text = "httr::HEAD"))
hh <- HEAD(url)
size <- hh$headers[["content-length"]]
cmd <- paste('wget -c', url)
while(file.info("GEOmetadb.sqlite.gz")$size < size) {
if (file.exists('GEOmetadb.sqlite') && file.exists('GEOmetadb.sqlite.gz')) {
system('gunzip GEOmetadb.sqlite.gz')
sqlpkg <- "RSQLite"
require(sqlpkg, character.only=TRUE)
dbConnect <- eval(parse(text="dbConnect"))
dbGetQuery <- eval(parse(text="dbGetQuery"))
SQLite <- eval(parse(text="SQLite"))
con <- dbConnect(SQLite(),GEOmetadbFile)
## dbListTables(con)
pkg <- "GEOquery"
require(pkg, character.only=TRUE)
getGEO <- eval(parse(text="getGEO"))
Meta <- eval(parse(text="Meta"))
## get all GPL IDs
## download soft using gpl = getGEO("GPLXXX")
## using Meta(gpl) find the technology match sequencing
## get all gsm IDs
## parse it
gpl <- dbGetQuery(con, 'select gpl, technology from gpl')
gpl <- gpl[gpl[,2] == "high-throughput sequencing",1]
gpl <- gpl[!is.na(gpl)]
## save the processedGSM vector that contain all the GSM that have been processed.
## next time when preparing GSMInfo, filter those have been processed before.
load(system.file("extdata/processedGSM.rda", package="ChIPseeker"))
processedGSM <- get("processedGSM")
newGSM <- c()
gpldir <- "GPL"
if (!file.exists(gpldir)) {
for (gid in gpl) {
gg <- tryCatch(getGEO(gid, destdir=gpldir), error=function(e) NULL)
if (is.null(gg)) {
gsm <- Meta(gg)$sample_id
gsm <- gsm[! (gsm %in% processedGSM) ]
if (length(gsm) == 0) {
newGSM <- c(newGSM, gsm)
sf <- batchGetGSMsuppFile(gsm)
if (!is.null(sf)) {
save(sf, file=paste(gid, "_sf.rda", sep=""))
processedGSM <- c(processedGSM, newGSM)
processedGSM <- unique(processedGSM)
save(processedGSM, file="../processedGSM.rda", compress="xz")
sfiles <- list.files(pattern="_sf.rda")
res <- data.frame(gsm=NULL, remoteFile=NULL)
for (ff in sfiles) {
if (!is.null(sf)) {
res <- rbind(res, sf)
colnames(res)[2] <- "supplementary_file"
GSMInfo <- lapply(unique(as.character(res$gsm)), function(i) {
dbGetQuery(con,paste("select gsm,series_id,gpl,organism_ch1,title,characteristics_ch1,source_name_ch1,extract_protocol_ch1,description,data_processing,submission_date ",
"from gsm where gsm='", i, "'", sep=""))
GSMInfo <- do.call("rbind", GSMInfo)
colnames(GSMInfo) <- sub("_ch1", "", colnames(GSMInfo))
gsminfo <- merge(GSMInfo, res, by.x="gsm", by.y="gsm")
tryCatch(utils::data("ucsc_release", package="ChIPseeker"))
ucsc_release <- get("ucsc_release")
genVer <- lapply(1:nrow(gsminfo), function(i)
gsminfo[i, "data_processing"],
gsminfo[i, "organism"],
gsminfo[i, "supplementary_file"])
gsminfo$genomeVersion <- unlist(genVer)
gse <- as.character(gsminfo$series_id)
pubmed <- lapply(gse, function(i) {
dbGetQuery(con,paste("select gse,pubmed_id ",
"from gse where gse='", i, "'", sep=""))
pm <- do.call(rbind, pubmed)
pm <- unique(pm)
gsminfo <- merge(gsminfo, pm, by.x="series_id", by.y="gse", all.x=TRUE)
## remove non-ASCII characters
for(i in 1:ncol(gsminfo)) {
gsminfo[,i] = iconv(gsminfo[,i], "latin1", "ASCII", sub="")
gsminfo2 <- gsminfo
utils::data("gsminfo", package="ChIPseeker")
gsminfo <- get("gsminfo")
gsminfo <- rbind(gsminfo, gsminfo2)
gsminfo <- unique(gsminfo)
save(gsminfo, file="../gsminfo.rda", compress="xz")
getGenomicVersion <- function(ucsc_release, data_processing, organism, supplementary_file) {
data_processing <- as.character(data_processing)
organism <- as.character(organism)
supplementary_file <- as.character(supplementary_file)
species <- NULL
gs <- subset(ucsc_release, subset = species == organism)
if (nrow(gs) == 0) return(NA)
genMatch <- unlist(sapply(gs$ucsc_version, grep, data_processing))
if (length(genMatch) == 0) {
genMatch <- unlist(sapply(gs$ucsc_version, grep, supplementary_file))
if (length(genMatch) == 0) {
genVer <- names(genMatch)
if (length(genVer) > 1) {
genVer <- genVer[1]
## getGSE_ENCODE <- function() {
## encode=readLines("http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/info/ENCODE.html")
## encode.chipseq <- encode[grep("ChIP-Seq", encode)]
## ## require(gsubfn)
## ## gse <- sapply(encode.chipseq, function(i) {
## ## res <- strapply(i, "(GSE\\d+)")
## ## unique(unlist(res))
## ## })
## gse <- sapply(encode.chipseq, gsub, pattern='.*(GSE\\d+).*', replacement='\\1')
## names(gse) <- NULL
## return(gse)
## }
## GSE2GSM <- function(GSE) {
## info <- getGEO(GSE, GSEMatrix=FALSE)
## metaInfo <- Meta(info)
## gsm <- metaInfo$sample_id
## return(gsm)
## }
##' @importFrom parallel mclapply
##' @importFrom parallel detectCores
batchGetGSMsuppFile <- function(gsm) {
suppfiles <- mclapply(seq_along(gsm), function(i) {
cat("processing ", gsm[i], "\t", i , " of ", length(gsm), "\n")
tryCatch(getGSMsuppFile(gsm[i]), error=function(e) NULL)
}, mc.cores=detectCores())
suppfiles <- suppfiles[!unlist(lapply(suppfiles, is.null))]
sf <- do.call("rbind", suppfiles)
getGSMsuppFile <- function(GSM) {
pkg <- "GEOquery"
require(pkg, character.only=TRUE)
getGEO <- eval(parse(text="getGEO"))
Meta <- eval(parse(text="Meta"))
if (!file.exists(destdir)) {
info <- getGEO(GSM, GSEMatrix=FALSE, destdir=destdir)
## http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/info/soft2.html
metaInfo <- Meta(info)
## suppmentary file names
fnames <- unlist(metaInfo[grep("supplementary", names(metaInfo))])
names(fnames) <- NULL
i <- c(grep("bed.gz", fnames), grep("Peak.gz", fnames), grep("bedGraph.gz", fnames))
if (length(i) == 0) {
message("No bed files found")
fnames <- fnames[i]
res <- data.frame(gsm=GSM, remoteFile = fnames)
get_gsminfo <- function() {
tryCatch(utils::data("gsminfo", package="ChIPseeker"))
gsminfo <- get("gsminfo")
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