#' Processes signatures on input
#' Removes genes that don't match a gene in the expression matrix
#' Drops signatures with less than `minSignatureGenes` matching genes
#' @param sigData list of signature objects
#' @param exprData gene expression matrix
#' @param minSignatureGenes minimum number of genes a signature must match
#' in the expression matrix in order to be retained
#' @param sig_gene_threshold Proportion of cells that a gene must be detected in (nonzero)
#' to be used in signature score calculations.
#' @importFrom Matrix rowSums
#' @return processedSigData list of signature objects
processSignatures <- function(sigData, exprData, minSignatureGenes, sig_gene_threshold){
expressionGenes <- rownames(exprData)
cell_threshold <- sig_gene_threshold * ncol(exprData)
gene_detects <- rowSums(exprData > 0)
valid_genes <- gene_detects >= cell_threshold
"\nUsing %i/%i genes detected in %.2f%% of cells for signature analysis.",
sum(valid_genes), nrow(exprData), sig_gene_threshold*100)
"See the `sig_gene_threshold` input to change this behavior.\n"
expressionGenes <- rownames(exprData)[valid_genes]
out <- lapply(sigData, function(sig){
validGenes <- names(sig@sigDict) %in% expressionGenes
sig@sigDict <- sig@sigDict[validGenes]
names(out) <- names(sigData)
validSigs <- vapply(out,
function(sig) length(sig@sigDict) >= minSignatureGenes,
out <- out[validSigs]
#' Initialize a new Signature object.
#' @param sigDict Named list of signs for each gene in the signature
#' @param name Name of the signature
#' @param source File from which this signature was read from
#' @param metaData Metadata pertinent to signature
#' @return Signature object
Signature <- function(sigDict, name, source, metaData="") {
if (missing(sigDict)) {
stop("Missing sigDict information.")
} else if (missing(name)) {
stop("Missing signature name.")
} else if (missing(source)) {
stop("Missing source file.")
.Object <- new("Signature", sigDict = sigDict, name = name,
source = source, metaData = metaData)
#' Create a user-defined gene signature
#' Typical usage of VISION involes providing a location to a ".gmt" signature
#' file from which VISION automatically creates Signature objects. However,
#' using the createGeneSignature method, users may programmatically define
#' signatures from within R.
#' @param name the name of the signature
#' @param sigData a named vector where the names correspond to genes in the
#' data and the values are either `1.0` for up-regulated (or positive) genes,
#' and `-1.0` for down-regulated (negtive) genes. For an unsigned signature
#' use 1.0 for all values.
#' @param metadata metadata that is relevent to the signature. [Default:NULL]
#' @export
#' @return a Signature object
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' sig1 <- createGeneSignature(
#' name = "CD8 Markers",
#' sigData = c(CD8A=1, CD8B=1, GZMK=1, GZMB=1,
#' GZMH=1, GZMA=1, GNLY=1, DUSP2=1,
#' EOMES=1, TBX21=1, PRMD1=1, PRF1=1,
#' IFNG=1)
#' )
#' cc_sigs <- "path/to/cell_cycle.gmt"
#' sigs <- c(sig1, cc_sigs)
#' vis <- Vision(data = expMat, signatures = sigs)
#' }
createGeneSignature <- function(name, sigData, metadata="") {
Signature(sigData, name, source = "user-defined", metaData = metadata)
#' Generate random signatures for a null distribution by permuting the data
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @param eData the data to use for the permutations
#' @param sigData list of signature objects
#' random signature sizes
#' @param num the number of signatures to generate
#' @return A list with two items:
#' randomSigs: a list of lists of Signature objects. Each sub-list represents
#' permutation signatures generated for a specific size/balance
#' sigAssignments: named factor vector assigning signatures to random background
#' groups
generatePermutationNull <- function(eData, sigData, num) {
exp_genes <- rownames(eData)
sigSize <- vapply(sigData, function(s) {
, 1)
sigSize <- log10(sigSize)
sigBalance <- vapply(sigData, function(s) {
positive <- sum(s@sigDict >= 0)
balance <- positive / length(s@sigDict)
}, 1)
sigBalance[sigBalance < 0.5] <- 1 - sigBalance[sigBalance < 0.5]
sigVars <- cbind(sigSize, sigBalance)
n_components <- 5 # TODO: choose number of components better
if (nrow(sigVars) <= n_components){
n_components <- nrow(sigVars)
centers <- sigVars
clusters <- as.factor(seq_len(nrow(sigVars)))
names(clusters) <- rownames(sigVars)
} else {
if (nrow(unique(sigVars)) <= n_components){
n_components <- nrow(unique(sigVars))
km <- kmeans(sigVars, n_components)
centers <- km$centers
levels <- as.character(seq(n_components))
clusters <- factor(km$cluster, levels = levels)
# Re-order the centers
row_i <- order(centers[, "sigSize"], centers[, "sigBalance"])
centers <- centers[row_i, , drop = FALSE]
levels(clusters) <- as.character(order(row_i))
rownames(centers) <- as.character(seq_len(n_components))
# undo the log scaling
centers[, "sigSize"] <- round(10 ** centers[, "sigSize"])
message("Creating ", nrow(centers),
" background signature groups with the following parameters:")
print(centers) # How do I do this with 'message'??
message(" signatures per group: ", num)
randomSigs <- list()
randomSigAssignments <- character()
for (cluster_i in rownames(centers)) {
size <- centers[cluster_i, "sigSize"]
balance <- centers[cluster_i, "sigBalance"]
for (j in 1:num) {
newSigGenes <- sample(exp_genes, min(size, length(exp_genes)))
upGenes <- floor(balance * size)
remainder <- (balance * size) %% 1
if (runif(1, 0, 1) < remainder){
upGenes <- upGenes + 1
newSigSigns <- c(rep(1, upGenes), rep(-1, size - upGenes))
names(newSigSigns) <- newSigGenes
newSig <- Signature(
newSigSigns, paste0("RANDOM_BG_", cluster_i, "_", j), "x")
randomSigs[[newSig@name]] <- newSig
randomSigAssignments[[newSig@name]] <- cluster_i
randomSigAssignments <- as.factor(randomSigAssignments)
randomSigs = randomSigs,
sigAssignments = clusters,
randomSigAssignments = randomSigAssignments
#' Evaluates the significance of each signature in each cluster
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @param weights output of computeKNNWeights
#' @param sigScoresData numeric matrix of signature scores
#' size is cells x signatures
#' @param metaData data.frame of meta-data for cells
#' @param randomSigData A list with two items:
#' randomSigs: a list of signature score matrices. Each list item
#' represents permutation signatures generated for a specific size/balance,
#' and is a numeric matrix of size cells X signatures
#' sigAssignments: named factor vector assigning signatures to random background
#' groups
#' @param normExpr NormData object used to generate random background sigs
#' @return list:
#' \itemize{
#' \item sigProbMatrix: the vector of consistency z-scores
#' \item pVals: pvalues for the scores
#' \item emp_pVals: pvalues for the scores
#' }
sigConsistencyScores <- function(weights, sigScoresData,
metaData, randomSigData,
normExpr) {
signatureNames <- c(colnames(sigScoresData), colnames(metaData))
svp_n <- sigsVsProjection_n(
sigScoresData, randomSigData, normExpr, weights)
svp_pcn <- sigsVsProjection_pcn(metaData, weights)
svp_pcf <- sigsVsProjection_pcf(metaData, weights)
consistency <- c(svp_n$consistency,
pvals <- c(svp_n$pvals,
consistency <- consistency[signatureNames]
pvals <- pvals[signatureNames]
# FDR-correct and log-transform p-values
if (length(pvals) > 1){
fdr <- p.adjust(pvals, method = "BH")
} else {
fdr <- numeric(0)
df <- data.frame(
C = consistency,
pValue = pvals,
FDR = fdr
#' Evaluates the significance of each protein
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @param weights output of computeKNNWeights
#' @param proteinData numeric matrix of protein abundance
#' size is cells x proteins
#' @return dataframe with columns "C", "pValue", and "FDR"
fbConsistencyScores <- function(weights, proteinData) {
proteinNames <- colnames(proteinData)
svp_pcn <- sigsVsProjection_pcn(proteinData, weights, computePval = FALSE)
consistency <- svp_pcn$consistency
pvals <- svp_pcn$pvals
consistency <- consistency[proteinNames]
pvals <- pvals[proteinNames]
result <- data.frame(
C = consistency, pValue = pvals
result$FDR <- p.adjust(result$pValue, method = "BH")
#' Evaluates the significance of each numeric signature vs. a
#' single projections weights
#' @importFrom matrixStats colMedians
#' @importFrom pbmcapply pbmclapply
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @param sigScores numeric matrix of signature scores
#' size is cells x signatures
#' @param randomSigData A list with three items:
#' randomSigs: a list of signature score matrices. Each list item
#' represents permutation signatures generated for a specific size/balance,
#' and is a numeric matrix of size cells X signatures
#' sigAssignments: named factor vector assigning signatures to random background
#' groups
#' randomSigAssignments: named factor vector assigning signatures to random background
#' groups
#' obtained from calling generatePermutationNull
#' @param normExpr NormData object used to generate random background sigs
#' @param weights numeric matrix of dimension N_SAMPLES x N_SAMPLES
#' @param cells list of cell names. Subsets anlysis to provided cells.
#' If omitted, use all cells.
#' @return list:
#' \itemize{
#' \item consistency: consistency scores
#' \item pvals: pvalues
#' \item emppvals: empirical pvalues
#' }
sigsVsProjection_n <- function(sigScores, randomSigData,
normExpr, weights, cells = NULL){
if (length(sigScores) == 0){
return(list(consistency = numeric(), pvals = numeric(),
empvals = numeric()))
# Build a matrix of all non-meta signatures
sigScoreMatrix <- sigScores
if (!is.null(cells)){
sigScoreMatrix <- sigScoreMatrix[cells, , drop = FALSE]
if (!is.null(cells)) {
weights$indices <- weights$indices[cells, , drop = FALSE]
weights$weights <- weights$weights[cells, , drop = FALSE]
# Thread setup time is around .36 seconds
# Compute batches so that thread setup/teardown doesn't dominate runtime
per_batch <- 3.6 * 58000 / length(weights$indices) / .0032
per_batch <- max(min(per_batch, 2000), 10)
fgSigBatches <- batchify(seq_len(ncol(sigScoreMatrix)), per_batch, getOption("mc.cores", 2L))
gearyFG <- pbmclapply(fgSigBatches, function(ii) {
sigScoreMatrixGroup <- sigScoreMatrix[, ii, drop = FALSE]
sigScoreMatrixGroup <- matrixStats::colRanks(
sigScoreMatrixGroup, preserveShape = TRUE, ties.method = "average"
geary_c <- geary_sig_v_proj(sigScoreMatrixGroup, weights$indices, weights$weights)
}, mc.preschedule = FALSE)
gearyFG <- setNames(unlist(gearyFG), colnames(sigScoreMatrix))
randomSigs <- randomSigData$randomSigs
sigAssignments <- randomSigData$sigAssignments
randomSigAssignments <- randomSigData$randomSigAssignments
randomSigBatches <- batchify(randomSigs, per_batch, getOption("mc.cores", 2L))
gearyBG <- pbmclapply(randomSigBatches, function(randomSigSubset){
randomSigScores <- t(innerEvalSignatureBatchNorm(normExpr, randomSigSubset))
randomSigScores <- matrixStats::colRanks(
randomSigScores, preserveShape = TRUE, ties.method = "average"
geary_c <- geary_sig_v_proj(randomSigScores, weights$indices, weights$weights)
}, mc.preschedule = FALSE)
gearyBG <- setNames(unlist(gearyBG), names(randomSigs))
# Compute fg with bg
pvals <- lapply(levels(sigAssignments), function(level){
fgNames <- names(sigAssignments)[sigAssignments == level]
fg <- gearyFG[fgNames]
bgNames <- names(randomSigAssignments)[randomSigAssignments == level]
bg <- gearyBG[bgNames]
N <- length(bg)
empvals <- vapply(fg, function(x) {
comp <- sum(bg < x)
p <- (comp + 1) / (N + 1)
}, FUN.VALUE = 0.0)
pvals <- unlist(pvals)
return(list(consistency = 1 - gearyFG, pvals = pvals))
#' Evaluates the significance of each meta data numeric signature vs. a
#' single projections weights
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @importFrom pbmcapply pbmclapply
#' @param metaData data.frame of meta-data for cells
#' @param weights numeric matrix of dimension N_SAMPLES x N_SAMPLES
#' @param cells list of cell names. Subsets anlysis to provided cells.
#' If omitted, use all cells.
#' @param computePval bool whether to compute p-values. Set to FALSE to
#' save computation time for large numbers of numeric signatures. If set
#' to FALSE, all p-values are reported as 1.0
#' @return list:
#' \itemize{
#' \item consistency: consistency scores
#' \item pvals: pvalues
#' }
sigsVsProjection_pcn <- function(metaData, weights, cells = NULL, computePval = TRUE){
# Calculate significance for meta data numerical signatures
# This is done separately because there are likely to be many repeats
# (e.g. for a time coordinate)
if (!is.null(cells)) {
weights$indices <- weights$indices[cells, , drop = FALSE]
weights$weights <- weights$weights[cells, , drop = FALSE]
metaData <- metaData[cells, , drop = FALSE]
if (is.data.frame(metaData)){
numericMeta <- vapply(names(metaData),
function(metaName) {
is.numeric(metaData[, metaName])
numericMetaNames <- names(numericMeta)[numericMeta]
} else { # If it's a matrix, assume all numeric
numericMetaNames <- colnames(metaData)
if (length(numericMetaNames) == 0) {
return(list(consistency = c(), pvals = c()))
numericMetaRanks <- matrixStats::colRanks(
as.matrix(metaData[, numericMetaNames, drop = FALSE]),
preserveShape = TRUE, ties.method = "average"
colnames(numericMetaRanks) <- numericMetaNames
# Generate list of jobs
type <- character()
col <- numeric()
for (i in colnames(numericMetaRanks)) {
type <- c(type, "fg")
col <- c(col, i)
if (computePval){
type <- c(type, replicate(NUM_REPLICATES, "bg"))
col <- c(col, replicate(NUM_REPLICATES, i))
jobs <- data.frame(type = type, col = col, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Thread setup time is around .36 seconds
# Compute batches so that thread setup/teardown doesn't dominate runtime
per_batch <- 3.6 * 58000 / length(weights$indices) / .0032
per_batch <- max(min(per_batch, 2000), 10)
jbatches <- batchify(seq_len(nrow(jobs)), per_batch, getOption("mc.cores", 2L))
results <- pbmclapply(jbatches, function(jbatch) {
lapply(jbatch, function(i) {
type <- jobs[i, "type"]
col <- jobs[i, "col"]
sigScores <- numericMetaRanks[, col, drop = FALSE]
if (any(is.na(sigScores))){
if (all(sigScores == sigScores[1])) {
if (type == "bg"){
sigScores <- matrix(sample(sigScores), ncol = 1)
colnames(sigScores) <- colnames(numericMetaRanks)[col]
geary_c <- geary_sig_v_proj(
sigScores, weights$indices, weights$weights)
return(1 - geary_c)
}, mc.preschedule = FALSE)
jobs[["C"]] <- unlist(results)
results <- jobs[jobs$type == "fg", c("col", "C")]
rownames(results) <- results$col
results$pval <- 1.0
if (computePval) {
for (varname in rownames(results)) {
bg <- jobs[(jobs$col == varname) & (jobs$type == "bg"), ]
comp <- sum(bg$C >= results[varname, "C"])
pval <- (comp + 1) / (NUM_REPLICATES + 1)
results[varname, "pval"] <- pval
consistency <- setNames(results$C, rownames(results))
pvals <- setNames(results$pval, rownames(results))
return(list(consistency = consistency, pvals = pvals))
#' Evaluates the significance of each meta data factor signature vs. a
#' single projections weights
#' @importFrom stats chisq.test
#' @importFrom pbmcapply pbmclapply
#' @param metaData data.frame of meta-data for cells
#' @param weights numeric matrix of dimension N_SAMPLES x N_SAMPLES
#' @param cells list of cell names. Subsets anlysis to provided cells.
#' If omitted, use all cells.
#' @return list:
#' \itemize{
#' \item consistency: consistency scores
#' \item pvals: pvalues
#' }
sigsVsProjection_pcf <- function(metaData, weights, cells = NULL){
# Calculate significance for meta data factor signatures
# This is done separately because there are likely to be many repeats
# (e.g. for a time coordinate)
# load weights into a sparse matrix
tnn <- t(weights$indices)
j <- as.numeric(tnn)
i <- as.numeric(col(tnn))
vals <- as.numeric(t(weights$weights))
dims <- c(nrow(weights$indices), nrow(weights$indices))
dimnames <- list(rownames(weights$indices), rownames(weights$indices))
weights <- sparseMatrix(i = i, j = j, x = vals,
dims = dims, dimnames = dimnames)
if (!is.null(cells)) {
weights <- weights[cells, cells]
metaData <- metaData[cells, , drop = FALSE]
N_SAMPLES <- nrow(weights)
factorMeta <- vapply(names(metaData),
function(metaName) {
is.factor(metaData[, metaName])
factorMeta <- names(factorMeta)[factorMeta]
results <- pbmclapply(factorMeta, function(metaName) {
scores <- metaData[[metaName]]
### build one hot matrix for factors
fValues <- droplevels(scores)
fLevels <- levels(fValues)
factList <- lapply(fLevels, function(fval) {
factorMatrixRow <- matrix(0L, nrow = N_SAMPLES, ncol = 1)
equal_ii <- fValues == fval
factorMatrixRow[equal_ii] <- 1
return(list(sum(equal_ii) / length(fValues), factorMatrixRow))
factorFreq <- lapply(factList, function(x) return(x[[1]]))
factorMatrix <- matrix(unlist(lapply(factList, function(x) return(x[[2]]))),
nrow = N_SAMPLES, ncol = length(fLevels))
if (1 %in% factorFreq) {
return(list(consistency = 0.0, pval = 1.0))
factorPredictions <- as.matrix(weights %*% factorMatrix)
labels <- apply(factorMatrix, 1, which.max)
contingency_rows <- lapply(seq(fLevels), function(k){
group <- factorPredictions[labels == k, , drop = FALSE]
contingency <- do.call(rbind, contingency_rows)
if (nrow(contingency) > 1){
# Drop cols where all 0
# Should only happen in very rare circumstances
# (since neighborhoods aren't symmetric)
good_cols <- colSums(contingency) > 0
contingency <- contingency[, good_cols]
chsqResults <- chisq.test(contingency)
if (is.na(chsqResults$p.value)){
c_score <- 0.0
pval <- 1.0
} else {
# for the c_score, compute the 1-V (cramers V)
n <- sum(contingency)
V <- sqrt(chsqResults$statistic / n /
min(nrow(contingency) - 1, ncol(contingency) - 1)
c_score <- V
pval <- chsqResults$p.value
} else {
c_score <- 0.0
pval <- 1.0
return(list(consistency = c_score, pval = pval))
names(results) <- factorMeta
consistency <- vapply(results, function(x) x$consistency,
FUN.VALUE = 0.0)
pvals <- vapply(results, function(x) x$pval,
FUN.VALUE = 0.0)
return(list(consistency = consistency, pvals = pvals))
#' Evaluates values vs coordinates using the Geary C
#' @param values numeric matrix of dimension N_SAMPLES x N_SIGNATURES
#' @param indices numeric matrix of dimension N_SAMPLES x N_NEIGHBORS
#' @param weights numeric matrix of dimension N_SAMPLES x N_NEIGHBORS
#' @return gearyC test statistic values for each signature. Numeric vector
#' of length N_SIGNATURES
geary_sig_v_proj <- function(values, indices, weights){
if (nrow(values) != nrow(indices)){
stop("`values` and `indices` must have same row count")
if (nrow(weights) != nrow(indices)){
stop("`weights` and `indices` must have same row count")
if (ncol(weights) != ncol(indices)){
stop("`weights` and `indices` must have same column count")
result <- geary_sparse_all(t(values), indices, weights)
names(result) <- colnames(values)
#' Clusters signatures according to the rank sum
#' @importFrom mclust Mclust
#' @importFrom mclust mclustBIC
#' @importFrom rsvd rsvd
#' @param sigMatrix matrix of signatures scores, NUM_SAMPLES x NUM_SIGNATURES
#' @param metaData data.frame of meta-data for cells
#' @param autocorrelation data.frame autocorrelation results
#' @param clusterMeta bool whether or not to cluster meta-data (used when pool=TRUE)
#' @return a list:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Computed: a list of clusters of computed signatures
#' \item Meta: a list of clusters of meta data signatures
#' }
clusterSignatures <- function(sigMatrix, metaData, autocorrelation, clusterMeta) {
significant <- autocorrelation$FDR < .05
# Additionally, threshold on the Geary's C' itself
large <- autocorrelation$C > 0.2
significant <- significant & large
names(significant) <- rownames(autocorrelation)
meta_n <- vapply(names(metaData), function(metaName) {
is.numeric(metaData[, metaName]) && !any(is.na(metaData[, metaName]))
meta_n <- metaData[, meta_n, drop = FALSE]
sigMatrix <- cbind(sigMatrix, meta_n)
comp_names <- colnames(sigMatrix)
signif_computed <- significant[comp_names]
keep_significant <- names(signif_computed)[signif_computed]
# Cluster computed signatures and precomputed signatures separately
computedSigMatrix <- sigMatrix[, keep_significant, drop = FALSE]
compcls <- list()
maxcls <- 1
if (ncol(computedSigMatrix) > 5) {
# z-normalize each signature vector before clustering
computedSigMatrix <- colNormalization(as.matrix(computedSigMatrix))
if (nrow(computedSigMatrix) > 5000) {
cSM_sub <- computedSigMatrix[sample(nrow(computedSigMatrix), 5000), ]
} else {
cSM_sub <- computedSigMatrix
r <- t(as.matrix(cSM_sub))
mbic <- mclustBIC(r, G=1:15, modelNames = "EII")
compkm <- Mclust(r, x = mbic)
compcls <- as.list(compkm$classification)
names(compcls) <- colnames(computedSigMatrix)
compcls <- compcls[order(unlist(compcls), decreasing = FALSE)]
maxcls <- max(unlist(compcls))
} else {
compcls <- as.list(rep(maxcls, ncol(computedSigMatrix)))
names(compcls) <- colnames(computedSigMatrix)
compcls[names(signif_computed)[!signif_computed]] <- maxcls + 1
# Cluster meta data signatures by grouping % signatures with their
# factors if they exist
metacls <- list()
if (!is.null(metaData) && ncol(metaData) > 0) {
metaSigsToCluster <- colnames(metaData)
metacls[metaSigsToCluster] <- 1
if (clusterMeta) {
pc_i <- 2
for (name in metaSigsToCluster) {
if (is.factor(metaData[[name]])) {
metacls[[name]] <- pc_i
sigLevels <- levels(metaData[[name]])
for (level in sigLevels) {
key <- paste(name, level, sep = "_")
if (key %in% names(metacls)) {
metacls[[key]] <- pc_i
pc_i <- pc_i + 1
return(list(Computed = compcls, Meta = metacls))
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