#' Calculate likelihood ratio test for the specific nested model
#' @import stats
#' @note Must be run after running an LRT-based analysis
#' @param obj the MpraObject containing the full and reduced
#' @export
#' @return results data frame
#' @examples
#' data <- simulateMPRA(tr = rep(2,5), da=c(rep(0,2), rep(1,3)),
#' nbatch=2, nbc=15)
#' obj <- MpraObject(dnaCounts = data$obs.dna,
#' rnaCounts = data$obs.rna,
#' colAnnot = data$annot)
#' obj <- estimateDepthFactors(obj, lib.factor = "batch", which.lib = "both")
#' obj <- analyzeComparative(obj, dnaDesign = ~ batch + barcode + condition,
#' rnaDesign = ~ condition, reducedDesign = ~ 1)
#' results <- testLrt(obj)
testLrt <- function(obj) {
if ("mode" %in% slotNames(obj) & (obj@mode == "scale")) {
if(length(obj@modelFits) == 0 | length(obj@modelFits.red) == 0) {
stop("An LRT analysis must be performed before computing the test")
message("Performing Likelihood Ratio Test...")
ll.full <- obj@modelFits$ll
ll.red <- obj@modelFits.red$ll
df.dna <- obj@modelFits$d.df
df.rna.full <- obj@modelFits$r.df + obj@modelFits$r.ctrl.df +
df.rna.red <- obj@modelFits.red$r.df + obj@modelFits.red$r.ctrl.df +
df.full <- df.dna + df.rna.full
df.red <- df.dna + df.rna.red
lrt <- 2*(ll.full - ll.red)
df <- df.full-df.red
pval <- pchisq(lrt, df=df, lower.tail=FALSE)
fdr <- p.adjust(pval, 'BH')
res <- data.frame(statistic=lrt, pval=pval, fdr=fdr, df.test=df,
df.dna=df.dna, df.rna.full=df.rna.full,
## if condition is single term, extract the coefficient as logFC
condition.name <- (colnames(obj@designs@rnaFull)
[!(colnames(obj@designs@rnaFull) %in%
if(length(condition.name) == 1) {
## single coefficient is the log Fold Change
res$logFC <- getModelParameters_RNA(obj)[,condition.name]
#' @rdname testLrt
#' @noRd
testLrt.scale <- function(obj) {
if(length(obj@modelFits) == 0 | length(obj@modelFits.red) == 0) {
stop("An LRT analysis must be performed before computing the test")
message("Performing Likelihood Ratio Test...")
ll.full <- obj@modelFits$ll
ll.red <- obj@modelFits.red$ll
df.rna.full <- obj@modelFits$r.df + obj@modelFits$r.ctrl.df +
df.rna.red <- obj@modelFits.red$r.df + obj@modelFits.red$r.ctrl.df +
df.full <- df.rna.full
df.red <- df.rna.red
lrt <- 2*(ll.full - ll.red)
df <- df.full-df.red
pval <- pchisq(lrt, df=df, lower.tail=FALSE)
fdr <- p.adjust(pval, 'BH')
res <- data.frame(statistic=lrt, pval=pval, fdr=fdr, df.test=df,
## if condition is single term, extract the coefficient as logFC
condition.name <- (colnames(obj@designs@rnaFull)
[!(colnames(obj@designs@rnaFull) %in%
if(length(condition.name) == 1) {
## single coefficient is the log Fold Change
res$logFC <- getModelParameters_RNA(obj)[,condition.name]
#' Calculate the significance of a factor in the regression model
#' @import stats
#' @param obj the MpraObject
#' @param factor the name of the factor to make the comparison on
#' @param contrast the character value of the factor to use as a contrast. See
#' details.
#' @export
#' @return a data.frame of the results
#' this include the test statistic, logFC, p-value and BH-corrected FDR.
#' @examples
#' data <- simulateMPRA(tr = rep(2,5), da=c(rep(0,2), rep(1,3)),
#' nbatch=2, nbc=15)
#' obj <- MpraObject(dnaCounts = data$obs.dna,
#' rnaCounts = data$obs.rna,
#' colAnnot = data$annot)
#' obj <- estimateDepthFactors(obj, lib.factor = "batch", which.lib = "both")
#' ## fit.se must be TRUE for coefficient based testing to work
#' obj <- analyzeComparative(obj, dnaDesign = ~ batch + barcode + condition,
#' rnaDesign = ~ condition, fit.se = TRUE)
#' results <- testCoefficient(obj, "condition", "contrast")
testCoefficient <- function(obj, factor, contrast) {
if(is.null(obj@modelFits$r.se)) {
stop("Model fitting did not include standard error estimation.\
Coefficient-based testing cannot be perfromed.")
if(!(factor %in% colnames(rnaAnnot(obj)))) {
stop("given factor: ", factor,
" is not included in object annotations")
ref <- levels(as.factor(rnaAnnot(obj)[,factor]))[1]
if (ref == contrast) {
stop("given contrast ", contrast,
" is the reference level of factor ", factor)
coef.id <- colnames(obj@designs@rnaFull) %in% paste0(factor, contrast)
if(!any(coef.id)) {
stop("no matching coefficient for given arguments")
message("Testing for significance: ", contrast, " vs. ", ref,
", in factor ", factor, "...")
coef.id <- 1 + which(coef.id)
# valids <- !is.null(obj@modelFits$r.se)
valids <- apply(obj@modelFits$r.se, 1, function(x) !all(is.na(x)))
logFC <- se <- statistic <- pval <- fdr <- rep(NA, NROW(dnaCounts(obj)))
logFC[valids] <- obj@modelFits$r.coef[valids,coef.id]
se[valids] <- obj@modelFits$r.se[valids,coef.id]
statistic <- (logFC / se) ^ 2
pval <- pchisq(q = statistic, df = 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
fdr <- p.adjust(pval, 'BH')
res <- data.frame(logFC=logFC, statistic=statistic,
pval=pval, fdr=fdr,
row.names = rownames(dnaCounts(obj)))
#' test for significant activity (quantitative analysis) using various empirical
#' tests (see details)
#' @param obj the MpraObject, after running an analysis function
#' @param statistic if null [default], the intercept term is used as the score.
#' An alternate score can be provided by setting 'statistic'. Must be a numeric
#' vector.
#' @param useControls is TRUE and controls are available, use the controls to
#' establish the background model and compare against. This allows for more
#' accurate zscores as well as empircal p-values.
#' @param twoSided should the p-value be from a two-sided test (default: FALSE,
#' right-side test)
#' @param subset only test a subset of the enhancers in the object (logical,
#' indices or names). Default is NULL, then all the enhancers are included.
#' @export
#' @return a data.frame of empirical summary statistics based on the model's
#' estimate of slope, or the given statistic. These are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item statistic: the statistic (either the provided, or extracted from
#' the models)
#' \item zscore: Z-score of the statistic (number of standard devisations
#' from the mean). If controls are available, the score is based on their
#' distribution: so it's the number of control-sd from the control-mean
#' \item mad.score: a median-baed equivalent of the Z-score, with less
#' sensitivity to outlier values. If controls are provided, it's based
#' on their distribution.
#' \item pval.zscore: a p-value based on the normal approximation of the
#' Z-scores
#' \item pval.empirical: only available if negative controls are provided.
#' empirical P-value, using the control distribution as the null
#' }
#' @examples
#' data <- simulateMPRA(tr = rep(2,10), da=NULL, nbatch=2, nbc=15)
#' obj <- MpraObject(dnaCounts = data$obs.dna,
#' rnaCounts = data$obs.rna,
#' colAnnot = data$annot)
#' obj <- estimateDepthFactors(obj, lib.factor = "batch", which.lib = "both")
#' obj <- analyzeQuantification(obj, dnaDesign = ~ batch + barcode,
#' rnaDesign = ~1)
#' results <- testEmpirical(obj)
#' ## or test with a different statistic:
#' aggregated.ratio <- rowSums(data$obs.rna) / rowSums(data$obs.dna)
#' results <- testEmpirical(obj, aggregated.ratio)
testEmpirical <- function(obj, statistic=NULL, useControls=TRUE, twoSided=FALSE,
subset=NULL) {
if(is.null(statistic)) {
alpha <- getAlpha(obj)
statistic <- alpha$alpha
names(statistic) <- rownames(alpha)
if(!is.null(subset)) {
if(is.character(subset)) {
subset <- rownames(dnaCounts(obj)) %in% subset
if(is.logical(subset)) {
subset <- which(subset)
statistic <- statistic[subset]
res <- data.frame(statistic=statistic)
if(!any(controls(obj)) | !useControls) {
## No controls, use bottom of the distribution to establish the baseline
#estimate mode of distribution
dist.peak <- est.mode(statistic)
base <- statistic[statistic < dist.peak]
std.div <- sqrt(mean((base - dist.peak) ^ 2, na.rm = TRUE))
mad.score <- 1.4826 * median(abs(base - dist.peak), na.rm = TRUE)
res$zscore <- (statistic - dist.peak) / std.div
res$mad.score <- (statistic - dist.peak) / mad.score
} else {
ctrl.idx <- controls(obj)
if (!is.null(subset)) {
ctrl.idx <- ctrl.idx[subset]
ctrls <- statistic[ctrl.idx]
res$control <- FALSE
res$control[ctrl.idx] <- TRUE
res$zscore <- ((statistic - mean(ctrls, na.rm=TRUE)) /
sd(ctrls, na.rm=TRUE))
res$mad.score <- ((statistic - median(ctrls, na.rm=TRUE)) /
mad(ctrls, na.rm=TRUE))
res$pval.empirical <- 1 - ecdf(ctrls)(statistic)
if (twoSided) {
res$pval.mad <- 2 * pnorm(abs(res$mad.score), lower.tail = FALSE)
res$pval.zscore <- 2 * pnorm(abs(res$zscore), lower.tail = FALSE)
} else {
res$pval.mad <- pnorm(res$mad.score, lower.tail = FALSE)
res$pval.zscore <- pnorm(res$zscore, lower.tail = FALSE)
#' estimate mode of a sample
#' @param x the sample to estimate the mode of
#' @return the estimate mode of the sample distribution
#' @details the etimated mode is the center of the window that contains the most
#' observations. Window size is set to 2% of the range of values.
#' @noRd
est.mode <- function(x) {
cdf <- ecdf(x)
win.size <- (max(x) - min(x)) * 0.01
f <- cdf(x + win.size) - cdf(x - win.size)
m <- x[which.max(f)]
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